11 V" The News sunid Observer , ' few, - - -TUE WEATlia Palf sad warsoet Wednesday Taasaday. tosrsaatag rlnadw WATCatAtEL : en yesr paper. Ssad rsnswel days earore aspiration 1 order te avoid WmIu e, alna'e Copy VOL. QCIII. NO. 4i. TWELVE PACES TObAY. RALEIGH, N. C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 16, 1921. .TWELVE PACES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS 11 f PUBLICANS OPEN ANOTHER FIGHT ON WILSON'S RECORD COURT OF PRESIDENTS NEW HOME i j Resolution Adopted Calling For Itemized Statement ot War Fund Payments DEMOCRATS ASSAIL IT AS EFFORT TO DEFAME Republican Leaden Deny Ef fort. To Discredit Chief Ext. entire; Congressman ' Byrne Defends Achievements of President; 'Peanut Politics Sty 8. 0. Member ' Washington, Teb. 15. After heated debate the House late today adopted resolution calling upon President Wll OB for ilemiofd etatemeat showing disbursements and allotments of ths 150,000,000 war fund ruted by Con gress. The reeolution, whieh waa adopted. 111 lo 79, waa attacked by Demoerata who charged tilt It waa put forward at . tin. in defame and malign Presi- i lures bjr the Amtriun peace eommwioi 4 at Pario fanned, tbe flame oa tha Dem- I esratis side, and tnjraad the dsbate Into f strictly partiaaa channels. , , Good Defends Cm4 Intentions. ' Chairwan Good, of tha appropriations Ieommitti who reported tha resolution, ," introduced by Bepreeeutative Gould, , Republican, New York, declared that If ' ' any injustice had beB dona ths'Presi- . dent, the Demoersts were reapoBsibla, - by attempting to ereate the impreaaion that "there, wai aomethlng erooked in .' the money ipending," when the resolu i tioa itself did not intimate that there had beca anything improper. Mr. Good declined to offer an amendment calling open the various gorernment departments for aa accounting, which - was tic method adopted. Democrats tatad, in asking for an accounting of : Spanish-American war fundi in Presi .' dent McKinley's dsy. i .' After the chairman had made a prs liminary statement as to what had beea hewn by partial reports of expend!' tures, Representative Byrna, Democrat, V .' Tennessee, declared that while ha had lie objection to adoption of the resolu lion, ho thought the information should . be sought from departments to which tha money had beea. allotted. Tha President, he said, had nothing to do with the actual spending, that more tbna fwrflftht of the fund had been ae counted for. and that it was merely an attempt to n ate it appear he waa un willing to present the record. --The American people will never for get the great achievements of Wood row Wilson, said Mr. Byrns, 'and his name will Ull the brightest pagea of history after his detractors are dead and for gotten." Representative Rogers, Republican, Massachusetts, attacked reported sxpen ditures of the peace commission at the Hotel Crillon in Paria, calling attention jrpeeiflealy.to an item of 0125,000 for damage to the hotel property. Be said ha did not know if chandeliers -were in the damaged list or at what hour of the morning they might have been broken. - ' Representatives Byrnes, South Caro lina, and Dewalt, Pennsylvania, Dem oerats, bitterly assailed tha resolution, ' Mr. Byrnes insisting - that Congress alter the Bpamsn -American war "did not attempt to insult Melnlev . Mr. Byrnes said he did not believe there was a man small enough to question the nonesty ot the president, "or no peanut politician amall enough to question the amount paid for his faod." " - ....-,. t I ra J t" jf t I rnnnrrri tttr ci f t a J f - - . ' ' I I - f 4 - I I! I IL St mm A view of tha rear of Preaideat Wilsoa'a new residrace at S340 S street. Northwest, Waahiagton, D. C, which the Preeidcat and Urs. VTilaoa will oeeifpy after March 4. The beautiful court affords aa excellent spot for the Preaideat to enjoy sun baths and to get exercise. hi j ill,! iv.j iiiti mmBw.wt wv.ei t,-n, -nrmn inn a iipis UL'tn wi iun ri,-ir.riiini iir 1111 11 11 Huumcn rnuo i.wimuiumumiV) VICTIM REPORTED TARIFF ARGUMEN "KILL IT," SLOGAN SENATE SESSION; BOWIE IS BEATEN Republicans Made Proposal To Democrats Not To Challenge Voters In the Iredell Election Senate Refuses To Accept Con ference Report Embodying Caucus Action M'COIN ASSAILS DELAY ON NEW STATE PRISON Declare! It I Ho Leu Tbu Crime That State Prison Which Could Accommodate 1,S00 Craiy People Should Be Used Ai Prieon For Hun. dred Conricte "Kill It!' waa the slogan sdopted ia the Beeate yesterday. Two maasuraa were defeated outright, and action was delayed oa three others by - sending them to committees. By a vote of K to 0 the Bouse refused to accept the conference report embodying the ae tioa of .the Democratic caucus oa the bill to abolish the office of tre.iaurer ia Ashe county. The Senate also refused, hy a vote of z3 to fl, to pass the Bargwya till for the electioa of the Dr. Campbell's Star Witness Givee Details Of Agreement Submitted By Old Guard Leade Jn Which Democrats Acquiesced; Says Norwood DeSetor-Politician Profited In Vote By Agreement. fttateevill. Feb. 14 U C. Wagner, Srotuioeat Kepuuliraa leader ia Ira ell county, etar witness for l)r. Camp bell ia his afort to unseat Congreat aaa Doughton, put a erimp into the doctor-politician's efforts to discredit tha Democratic majority, ia the Eighth district today. Wagaar aaid that la the early part ef 192U, the leaders of the Republieaa party la Iredell county held a confer ence sad -after much discussion eon eluded to submit a proposition to the Democrats that no voter in Iredetl coun ty should be deprived of the right to vote er should be challenged on ae eouat ef the failure to pay poll tax. The witness further stated tht the Republirsa conference sent a committee to wait upon Democratic party managers and submit the proposition. This proposition was readily ac quiesced ia by the Democrats, he eaid and the wit ocas stated that the agree ment so entered into wss kept ia good faith by all tarties, both Republicans sad Democrats. The witness farther stated that Campbrll waa advised of this agree ment in Iredell eouaty prior to the election and ia the opinion of the wit aess. Dr. Campbell actually gained votes by this agreement. Today wkea Dr. Cawphell Parted to offer testimony that some of the voters in Iredell hsd not paid their poll tat Ex-Uovernor Birkett interpoaed aa oh jeetioa to the teatimony saving that to attempt to .disfranchise voters in Ire dell count v who acted upoa the solemn agreement ia the utmost good faith was Inconceivable and a damnable out rage oa the eitiaenship of Iredell eoua ty. At the cad ef the second day's hear ing ia the Doughton Campbell congres sional contest. Dr. Campbell had suc ceeded in showing some irregularities of a minor character but had not de veloped any evidence showing thst il legal votes were cast Ths hesring ia moving aloag at a slow pace aad from the large number of HOUSE AE URNS, WITHOUT ACTION ON ROAD MEASUR E Five Amendments Are Still Left Pending When Body Quits WILL RESUME BATTLE THIS MORNING AT 11 Party Lines Smashed In Con. sideratlon of Bill; Republi. cans More Than Making Up For Defection in Democrat, io. Ranks; Opposition Not As Strong As Expected Combining their strength with sn eer tain supporters of the road bill, the opposition to the Doughton-Connor- Bowie road measure won ouf when Representative Doughton waa about to ' force a teat vote last night after three hours of achate, aad by a vote of 63 - to M, the Bouse adjouaed without action. ' Five ameadmeate to the measure. ranging fro nithe- Darilen proposal to Increased Efforts Taken In Senior Senator Takes Cue New York To Prevent Spread of the Disease SECRETARY OF NAVY AND ' ( MRS. DANIELS (ENTERTAIN Farewell Dinner Tendered the Members of North -Carolina Congressional Delegation . , Ths News and Observer Bnreaa 603 District National Bank Bldg. ' (By Leaaed Wire) WamtfteMPeD."-1 notable social eventa of the Wilson ad- ministration took place at the home of Beeretary or toe Wavy and. Mrs. Jose ' phus Daaisl4WB Wyoming avenue this ' evening. It took the form of a sort of farewell dinner to members .of the Worth Carolina congressional delesa , tion tendered by tha Secretary and Mrs. -.. Daniels, sites which tha home was . thrown open for a reception for ell of the members of the Korth Carolina Boeiety. The latter ia one of the largest of the State societies In Washington, . aaa is u eaumatea that probably five ' hundred Tar Heels, who are temporari ly in Washing-toa aalled at the Daniels home tonight. Onsets at the dinner, in addition to embers of the Morth Carolina delega tion were Assistants Secretary of the Treasury ana Mrs. Angus W. UeLeaa; Mrs. A. W. Bag ley, mother, and Miaaea , Bella aad Ethel, sisters ef Mrs. Daniels. ' rot us eeeaaion, the Daaiela home was, of course, handsomely decorated, : aaa mere was mane and dancing. The famous Marine hand eereaaded on the second floor during the evening while ntusW for the dancing was played try ue navy yara Band.' Secretary aad Mrs. Daniels were as sisted in receiving their fellow North Carolinians by Officers of the Washing, ton North Carolina Society, of which E. . Britton is president. The viee- presidents arei M. M. Mosely, CoL Terry Lyon, J.Lee Boat. Mrs. D. T. Hartley aad CoL Alexander Williams, Ths secretary -treasurer -it - Xugeno Hartley. . , : Swlgert Cup Beea. Other Banning aad Baraess Baeea. Pineharst Todav S:io-Adv. New Tork, Feb. 1& A third death from typhus reported to city health de partment officials today, caused In creased efforts on the part of both city and State authorities to prevent epread of the disease, brought here by im- migraata from infected regions jf Europe. While Health Commissioner Cope- land enlarged his force to insure in spection of all .immigrants arriving hero, either on boats directly frost Europe of by steamshipa or trains from other American porta, , Dr. Lelaad E. Gofer, health officer of the Port of New Tork, hastened his plans for de lousing and cleansing, nil arriving tm- migranta. At the aameitime, Commit.! From Reductiog Made In Charges for Sugar .The News and Observer Bureau, Cj'i District National Bank Building, By JOE U BAKER. (By Special Leased Wire.) Washington. Feb. li Tsking his cue from senator Smoot s amendment to the Fordney emergency tariff bill reducing iae auiy on sugar irora inree cents so oas cent n pound, Senstor Simmons, ranking Democrat on the Donate finance committee, riddled the so-called emerg ency .tariff bill this afternoon with the strongest speech he has yet msde on that suhieet. The Tar Heel Senator congratulated the people of the country that the Re publieaa majority ia the Senate had after being, bombarded from the Demo- sioner of Immigration Wsllls went to?douh, v.iB j,-a e'-sHka WaahinvtAV fn. . ..... ''vlk I - .. . . . .. . . ... ' - w-..-vw i nui naen noma, aaeided that is will labor Department sfflriala. at the port cjnarahtiae station pre parations were made to turn it over to Federal control by the State officials in charge. The change, it was said, would make available n larger staff of physicians snd inspectors. In this eon neetion, State health officials denied reports that n twelve day -detention period on incoming ships had beea ordered. Dr. Copeland today notified railroad officials st Boston aad other porta to inform nun when immigrants who dis embarked at those points prepare to start for New York m order that in spectors may meet them here and examine them. exact front the people, ia the) interest of ths best sad cans auger growers a toll ef only 6100,000,000 aaaually in stead of 1300,000,000, as would hsve bees done had they adhered to their plan of imposing a duty of three cents a pound. I am n bit puzzled, said Senstor Simmons, to understand whv ths ma jority in this chamber, if the amend ment of the Senator from Utah reflects the sentiment of ths majority, have changed about this question, hsve abaa doned their proposal ia ths committee to add three cents a pound to the pro tection accorded sugar, snd are now ready to content themselves with only one cent additional. I think this smend ment had tha. unanimous- vote of the Ellia Island, snaintained under iuris-l -4 l- i- .l. u aimon ox ins uniiea ointeo immigra-1 mittee. uon service, is not responsible for the I in tha flrst discussions of this bill, uvtrrmtuBMua im quarantine ox snips I m. thnub w.. Hfnl1 hv wBujiuui uianaae, or iuc the Drorwnents of ths committee amend cleansing of vermin-infested passengers and baggage, Supt P. A. Baker, of bills Island explained today. These duties, he added, were those of the port health officers, which in all ports of the United States except New oTrk, are under the United States PubTi Health Service. "Wo are charged with many things." Mr. Baker said, some of which we are not responsible for." Immigration officers, Mr. Baker said. are not permitted to visit incoming ships or to hsve contact with pas sengers until they are cleared by 'the health officers. First and second-class ment. It waa defended and insisted upon by the Senator from Louisiana. After that amendment had been bom barded in the Senate and it had been shown tBat if it - was adopted sugsr would cost ths people of this country heresfter, as long as this proposed meas ure remained in force, about $300,000,. 000 a year more than it now costs them, we are suddenly sdvised that the Louis iana sugar producers and the Senators on the other side of this chamber are ready to content themselves with in creasing -ths price, of this essential of life $100,000,000 a yenr. 'I refer U that simply for ths pur passengers are examined oa board sh.p r0M 0f showing how recklessly if I snd steerage passengers, .due j to their mar QM thst tonn-the committee great numbers, are sent to Ellis Islaad whieh fr,mea thl bm id np(m the where they are maintained at the ehip's ..... u ..i k- i..r.rM ht. IVfUkBB Hltiil mU.M.I I . ' ... bill, framed in this sort of n wsy, with- allillatre" 5Te I ent."- consideration, without due ro d incased or vermin-infested immigrants . , . ... ... I, ,fc- i. ..a from coming in contact with other." er- rivala housed at Ellis Island. EXONERATED OF BLAME gard to the interests of the people end the serious effects that these rates may J.haTn,nioaJU - - r -M.Hliil.f, tha - D.hnla of tti Is 9- n uia m . i rr-- run eMlXINU UAItltT country that the Hepnbllesa party has HHaaKa X I It mil en annmessM ani9 Jaekmrfr SHI if itnr itta Ashsrille, Feh. li JV. 'Beilly, for-1 rnssion. has decided that it will exaet mar service man and house detective i cf ' the people in the interest Of . the fut Uil Kngrcn Hotel, aa exonerate I aasja and beet sugar producers of this today by a coroner a jury-oa charges I country only aa aditional tXOOflOOfiOO Of kilUag George Cathey. in the lobby la year instesd of an aditional 6300,000, of the hotetJast night. 'The jury found 1 000 per year so was its original purpose that he shot ia aelf defense.- Cathey end intent. The people of --this country had' registered at 'ths hotel, and was sre very much to be eongratulited upoa ordered out whan V created m disturb- that fact," ' X ' aaee. JBe reseated and started an ar- -CaUlsg attention to , ths fact- that gomaat. Senator Smoot's. latest amendment to It appears that Beillv beat Cather to I the committee amandmnnt leaves out Sis gun and shot Cathey three times, I us limitation upon ins operation ox wi the bullets entering m space within, one inea or each other. BIO PIIB DESTROYS TWO LARCI STORES IN KIN8TON Klsnnsm, Feh. kX-rtro "ee nde. tcrmiaeM origin wirtaaUy awesn away the stereo and stack of H. fltadtam and Adlor Brothara, dry gwada snstw chants, here tasslght wtth- aattmsasd seas of users than hundred tbeaw eMIara, paxtially. cwrered by - The fire wan diet peered at : bat It was was a Bin nwarty naidaigM that ft was completely aaec esmtrot. The aUanuon aremen fought vaOantr te Bare the neJIdlncs and at 16:2S wheel It 1 e,a aa If Ihalr eTotts) ware le he of bo avail earned near attenUoa BeiactBaBr es the ssrrinc os prepecty anrrenadlng ttse two atara hwiMlaga, which are fee the f the tartff which was contained Inxthe com mittee -amendment, - Senator ' Simmons said i "Under the original amendment, when Cuban sugar reached eight cents a-peuBdthea this additional duty was ro he suspended,' Bat thst is' net true of the umeudmeBt of the Senator from Urns, I believe, he does not provide for the suspension . eX tin. duty, however kige ue prate ez uuoea sugar may rise. -I de not nay that ia a Joker. ,1 do not nay that this ia the change ia ths situation which hss caused ths Louisiana Ssnators- ea readily to acquiesce in ths redaeti en of 66 t-i per cent In the pro tection that they had demanded, and thought they wore about to scenic; hat I do any that kt Is very algniaeant, that if it was thought neeeaaary to im pose a praviaiea aaa pending ths opera tion .of these lncroaocd duties when Cuban sugar reached cents a pound, under the original propeaitiea, that pre-1 Thrfen should bo eliminated la this rre pesition. The BcBator from Utah prohsbly can explain that. I have 000' myrtoicd some what hy tt." J people. v Without dens4e, votes were svmaea oa two resolutions coming over from the House, the resolution requiring the tax eemsniesiea to supply information as to reductions that havs been made in assessments of corporations being referred to ths Committee on Finsnee, sad ths -resolution inviting Thomas Dixon to address & joint session of ths QeaersA Assembly Thursday at noon being sent to the Committee on Tropo sitions snd Orisvsnees. The Utter res elation occasioned the birgest isngh that hss broken out in ths Senate dur Ing the session. McColn Assslls CoveraorS Pisa Though ae definite setion was taken oa the matter, ths biggest storm of the session gathered sround ths MeCoiu resolution to postpone the effective dste of ths law requiring insans ary lumt to reeelvs all persons making ap plication from July 1, 1921, to July I 1923. While defending his resolution nn the ground of aeeessity, 8enstor MeCoin answered opposition by assert log that it was a complete "mystery' to him why nothing hss been dons ia pursuaaee to the legislation passed two years ago providing that the state prison should ne made avaiisbis for tbo-etsto Hospital for ths Insans. Ths Senator from vanse went fur. tber end declared thst "It Is no less ths a a crime that the state prison whieh could ' accommodate 1,200 erary peonls should be used ae e prison for 100 prisoners." Ths Senstor thought he hod n solbtion for ths "mystery," and attributed the inaetioa to "sub ordinate- officials, who- sit in wsrm of fices snd enjoy the comforts of the present stats prison." No direct allusion was msds to Gov ernor Morrison s proposal that ths plan to remove the state prison be bbsndoned, bat a clear-eut sentiment in fsvor of making immediate provl sion to accommodate the insane per sons aow ia ths jails of ths sevsrsl counties wss developed.- Senator Bartsell started the discus sion by ssserting thai he eeuld not support ths McOoin bill u am in favor of sending aa archi tset to the state prison tomorrow and beginning work on getting some plaee ready for ths inssne people of ths State, and I will not support any plan to dilly-dally with this proposition for two years longer," declared the Senator from Cabarrus. Taking the floor again to support ths motion of Senator Nash that ths bill be re-referred to ths Com mittee on Insane Asylums, Senator Hartsell sxpressed n desire to be heard ofore the committee, whereupon Sens tor Brassfisld promised full hearing to sir parties interested. Senator Burgwyn of - Northampton asked Senator MeCoin if he did not think that the appropriation of a mli on dollars iaafeonds would be prefer able to fifty millions in rosds. 1 do, but ths Budget Commission hss pointed out how this work' esa be dons for 6350,000 by utilising the state prison,- replied -the Senator from Vsnes. . In reply to 'anofhsr eiuestion from Senator- Burgwyn, ; Senator MeCoin Final Slate and Discusses War Debt With Banker St. Augustine, FJs, Feb. 15. Presi- (lent elect Harding today finally review ed hit cabinet decisions with his cam paign manager and prospective Post master Gsnerit.vWill H. Hart, and re ceived from a member of President Wil son's pesce delegstion unqualified sursnces that no agreement for can cellation of the allied war debt, was mads at Versailles. Ths conference with Mr. Hays, gen- wiruessee io oe examined it appeare thst it will be sometime before the work I stated that Dr. lie Iredell eouaty la eomploled. . t J ,,B, I I H U W-V si H''l ' lftt--ss::li. , pip,' iii rnw wvimr J urvatss TO ' r Jane, to minor changes in the phrase- , ! ology were pending before the House, aad Representative Doughton, sure -ef -' ' his position, was fightusg 'sgainst tha ppoeittoa - iVr an adjemrnment. The battle which broke over ths long heralded road bill carrying a fifty mil lion dollar bond issue will be continued this morning at 11 o'clock, and ths in- - diestions sre thst ths General Assembly has set itself to the bitterest fight that - t - hss been waged, in many, sessions. Cn- I oked for opposition sprang up last BARLEYCORN Confers With Will Hays On Prohibition Enforcement Meas- r A 11. 1 a I ure May Lead To Ad Testi ficandum Proceedings Ths proposed prohibition enforce ment measure, whieh will probably go before the Legislature with the com bined backing ef the various prohibi tioa ageacies aad Governor Cameron Morrison, will comprise the remodelled Cooks bill, lodging eaforeement powers ia the hands of ths Attorney-General of the State. Governor Morrison has frequently erslly Interpreted as eonelusivs evidence maintained that hs could do more ia that ths Republieaa national chairman the way of enforcement of the liquor is to oecoma a snemoer oi w. naming s uws or the Bute with five lawyers and official family, ia undersood to frnve Joha Dee nroeoedins- than vsm f oovered evsry feature of tha cabinet 1 rural police. In n conference with situatioa as well as various questions ot Meads ef prohibition. Govs nor Mer policy. Ths two ware together for sot-I rlaoa sUted am -siows-aad- In the re- oral hnurl and nHbangh no formal an nonncemeat followed, the President elect said their talk omitted none of the problems facing ths next admiaia trsuon. Details On Peace Parley. formed measure that will bo offered ia committee by Bepseesutatire Cooke as a substitute for his own measure these views will be embodied. Authority for the dispensing of liquor by drug stores will be elimi '(Cowtlaaod nn Page TVol TRIED TO GET BOOTLEG - LIQUOR ON MAYFLOWER Washlagtoa, Feb. H. IaveatL. gstlpn of aa alleged plat to blow up the Presidential yacht t May newer eontiuaed tonight hat the la. V est iga tens secret asrrlce ngoBta aad ' Waahiagtea police worn nn. dersteod to have Bract ieallr reach. ed tte conelBslon ttst the onn. posed homh was too more deedly than the average ran of noelen- . whiskey. . , ' -Aa enlisted man of the -navy wee still held In custody at the anew K yard, bet the belief sweated to ho' prevalent at patioe heads. Barters that heat charge Involving nn aU tempt to gnt lienor aboard the Mayfiower would ho preferred against hint' rather than charges that he had eeaandrod to blew np the Presidential yacht, The"" snna" nodor arrest, srhaeo' name wan withheld, wan nald to . have told a boatewala'a tnato ea the Msyfiowor that It wee Id moan ' meaty for him If ha nspnpnod to ' ho sa duty at a eortaia hoar and permit a "friend to take a nock. ngo saonrd the craft. The hoots. 4 wsia s mate rspastod to Captain the yacht, aad Use snan rested. IkaUUty of ossTios accnts to and the "homh hen ham pored ywstlfstt , Details of what happened at V ersailles I B.td from tha auhatlnL hill. T. tk. U regard to ennecllatioa of the ten I mijB jt wju m,ilUiB the revenue billion dollar war debt were given to I f... turns of tha oM hill afinni.tin. a9t Mr. Harding by Thomas W. Lsmont, a aa an Item nn tha Kill n Mt. c. member or too morgan uannng ra i violation of the whiskey nrohibiiion and a fiscal atUchs of the peace com- j,w. exccPt manufrstturing. whieh wiU mission. In e ststement aftsr his eon- ,,, , tax of j;' Thi, montft miat lerenee wun tne i-resiaoni-vn;, i tbe proceeds from the ssls of noa- flat denial of recent stories ox a mys- sieated property used in violation of terioua aneemens to wip u i tha law. mii m ih w. tu.. off the books, and said, as aaa aosuren nrT Mcppt M per Mnt( whjch wl R0 ths President-elect his administration y,, 0ia,e making the arrest or the would DC as iree ana gnu.. seixures. Ths BUtee part wUl be used f St I . !! ? i. t. AiiAotlAB I . ... in tlin with the ouestioB U r. Lmont's statement . 'attracted naiilenlar attention becsuse of his la timate knowledes of the Versailles nerotiations and because his firm is tha nrlncinal fiscal asent in this eoun irr for the debtor Powers. Mr. Hard inn is understood to havs discussed with him his own proposal for con verting the debts into negotiable paper, to maintain a State enforcement sys tem. " The, enforcement powers will be lodged in the Attorney-General with authority to employ "attoraeys, coa stables snd inspectors, and it ia be lieved that the returns from the en forcement will be more than sufficient to make tha. department self support' ins. but aa annronriation of 020.000 but nsither would comment siterwaru i will be to put the work on its feet. on that festurs of the discussion. Mr. I While the measure itself is being tamost did sav. however, that he found drawn to meet the views of Governor ths visws of the Jfresident-eiect sane Morrison and to accommodate varied and reassuring. I desires of those interested in law en To Continue Consultstloas. I foreement, the Governor has not yet Tomorrow Mr. Hsrding will eontinus I endorsed the measure itself. Under sight, but the proponents of tha .meas ure were confident thst the situation would bo 'well ia hand whan the House eoBvenes this morning. Matthews of Bertie, Barnes of Hert ford sad Qulrkel of Lincoln appeared oa the floor to Tight the bill, the for mer throwing dowa the gauatlet of out and oat opposition, Barnes for amend. . ments that would tie up the bond issue sad Quiekel for ehangee that would ef fect the entire system offered construe tioa in tho State. Doughton. Connor. Bowie, Everett, Murphy and Wright ' among the Democrats and MeBeqior the minority led the fight for ths bill. rive minutes before the Young motion to ndjourn waa put and. carried 1 by a narrow margin, the House had overwhelmed a move by Matthaws to continue the diecnasioa until today. Doughton had relented from an nppar satly adamant determination to sail the qusstioa to allow Matthews to discuss ths bill. Mr. poughtoa turaed sway for e moment and Mr.'.Matthsws offered a motion to adjourn. Apparently ths House wss staying for ths night through, snd Bsrnss was for withdrawing one of his amend ments, and Browa of Pitt was at ths tune wonting to put off the whole business of discussion snd vettnn until todsy, when Young of Buncombe broke id with a motion to adjoura. The ehair ruled against the affirmative, and -on divisioa tho ruling was ehsaged by nsrrow aiargia. ' . - Ths ending of the third hour of tho session had brought ths entire mem- Uernhip to . a fretful frame of -miadj his consultation with Mr. Bays and ex pects also to see Harry M. Dougherty, his nrs-e rsntlon campaign manager, who ia understood to be tinted for At torney General. Several ether promm- the provisions of the lew ths Attorney General might dispatch special attor aeys and inspectors into a certain county and by mesas of ad testifieaa dum proceedings throw out a dragnet ..I .rt lxadera are to be here later I that would clean up the entire County, J I . l ... . 1 J .u.. 1- .. in thS Week. I 'DU 'S 1,19 ominuu tui nii mi v Announcement wss made today thst the Governor much more forcefully sr.. p..u..i..lt and Mrs. Harding then . ths establishment of a State or a -nM knH a reception tomorrow night oounty eonstabular force. wV.nffi aom.10"'" hoUXl FAYETTEYILLE WflMAN IS fline. her arrival from Washington lUIIRnm CICTY TUniKANn Vrf f.nr ha attempted no .nocinll !Sm ....- ... a.; ; duties sad hss remained In her suite I jnrw Decides She's Entitled To natine. - The statement of Mr. Lamont, -who earns hers at Mr. Harding'! invitation, follows r "I fnimd that Pretident-eleet tiara U wished tnnsh me- about certain nhmn of the international financial aituation which had come under my ob serration during my attendance at the psash conference at Paris in 19 is. i found, too, thrt Senstor Hsrding has himself beea givin. ery serious thought to ths same situation, snd I That For Alleged Aliena tion of Affections Fsvetteville. Feb. 15. Fifty thousand dollars da DlSges were awarder by n Su perior eounty jury here this afternoon to Mr. Daisy Watsoa Smith for ths stienstion of her husbands affections by Mrs. Theresa Werner, of Atlanta, Ga. Mrs. Werner's husband, J. U Wer ner, residing ia another State, waa made ., . """I"""' " " may say at once in u.. . I sward Mrs. Smith 630.000 as eompensa- saas and reassuring, us oegsn ytion for her slleged suffering aad for disclaiming any ability as a financier,! .lun.tinn and for th .ee-tioa af but I must say tnst msny or nis sug-i her BUib,B,i n( $20100 punitive dam ge-tlons were very practical aou .. u the-result of careful, cool aad friendly I Un yr,ntr formerly lived in Fay snslysis. - letterille, coming here from Pittsburgh, In mr turn 1 Was SOlt to assure ins i ..a ... raUHona With J. HaatDtoB Preaideat-eleet that there is absolutely I Bmitk. husband of the plaintiff, formed no truth la tne statement ocing cob- the basis ef ths suit, which waa for atnathr repeated to- the effect that St250j000. Ths trial benan Moadar aad tha peace conference in Paria there was! ths ease went to the jury shortly after some secret understanding oetweca B0OB today. Tbe sum awarded Mrs. Preaideat Wilson aad his advisors on I gmitb is probably tho largest amount the one head and the Preach and I (Ter gives as damagea hy a jury in this British representatives ss tne omer, i eouaty. , ha nct that tho allied tadebtod-1 " f. ha TTaitad States SkSUld IB I S-JU.IlaB MAI .TilUli XV -tu.1. ae i. nart bo eaBceUed. LEAVE ASHIYILLE HOSPITAL. vilu . - . . . maneTiiie. k cu. laisnsH n. sw s-t i. a.l fair to aav that from 1 ton. or jcaieigft, a patient at inrroiiv start to finish ef the peace conference I Sanatorium, has iBctitated aabeaa corpus President Wilson end his v advisors, I proeeedisgs here before Judge P. A. Me- without exception, opposed etgorooaiy t ciroy a nspmor wwm -rris a aad fi aally aay such suggestioa of can- lellaUea. To repeat, taerc waa no cesa-mjtmeat,-eiprtsstd er implied, near or remote, moral er otherwise, as to ths (Cawtlaasd Oa Page Two) ' ! Uherty. W. C Addicks, of Baleigh, is repreoeating the patient. It ia claimed that flortoa waa seat to tho Institution as aa inebriate aad now claims' that he is sober and well. The matter will he 'heard Wedaeeday moraine;. and the debate wss taking aa acrimoni ous tura. Mr. Matthews was resentful ." of ths implacable insistence of tho Old Tiger that the thing be put to n test, and for tha first time declared without xeservntion that he was against the ' " bill, and that he intended to wane hot. tie upon it, that he regarded it aa toe loosely drawn for safety, aad that it contain sd too many possibilities for 1 grose irregularities and craft. Until hs called for the question as ths proponent of tho bill, Mr. Dough ton had taken no part ia the discus sion, contenting himself to sit by end watch ths tide of debate as it dowsd aad sbbed. Bowie and MeBee had made the only set speeches, aad both had won an admirable measure of ap- ' " ' plause. Barnes, of Hertford, had -t - ' spoken at aome length and with some bitterness about 'mortgaging tho State for 250 million dollars without the con sent of the people," but on ths whole the trend of the Bouse was apparently for favorable action oa tho bill and the rejection of all amendments, Psrty Lisas Smashed " Party lines went te pieces ia . ths conoideratiitin-f : --tl1,'"hpnMinhn2r--; more tbaa making up for deflections ia ths Democratic ranks. Opposition, " ' " centering around Matthews, of -Bertie, and Barnes, of Hertford, .appeared very much leaa formidable than waa anticipated, by the leaders for the fight for adoption, aad with lhe gangs of (I . battle well defined, little or aO aanfe'...'1- . iety ia entertained as to ths dual out-'. coma of tho fight that has been waged -for the measure. .. Debate opened soon after the re convening of the sessioa at 8 e clock aad continued deep into tho night. A packed gallery, a jammed lobby aad even the aisles ef tho chamber filled with chair to accommodate ths over flow from the npper broach of the Gen- ' era! Assembly witnessed the opening. battle. Sentimeat that foaad exprecj sioa in the. cheering of the speakers . preponderantly in favor of the biU aa it it written. Bowks Opens Debate. . Bowie of Ashe opened . the debate with what old timers in the General Assembly declare waa tho best speech of his career in public life. .Add renting himself mainly to the explanation of the measure, its provisions aad alms. drew sach a picture of the possi bilities af iadastrial ' sxpaaatoa . aa brought round after ronnd of applause from the a-ollories and the fioor. The oppoaition, with set questioners,' under? . took to stem tho tide ef his speech, hut snreeded bedlyv The members from asne picture xne transportation aa the haadmaiden oi eirilixatioa, destined to work eat the tarrstioa of the Stats, briagiag tto re motest corners next doe te tto great . (OastlaBod ea Pagn Two,