; ...-.,. . . , - , - -The News aM tUSKEATULt Ceeerally felt Ttan4f. erver yen paper, hHiil rive day before eaptretlea order te avoid aniesieg a ar ta to tartar Friday felt aad l.lTT-irra- --.-..aa VOL CXIII, NO. 48. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 17. 1921. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICEt FIVE CENTS' DEMOCRATS MEET IN CAPITAL TODAY FOR CONFERENCE . i ... Threatened Dissension Among Party Leaders Practically All Dissipated Now CHAIRMAN WHITE WILL CONTINUE TO FUNCTION Goes To Capitol HOI To Confer With Congressional Leaders and finds Outlook Satisfae. tory; 'Only Routine Matters Win Probably Be Considered At Meeting Ths News' mil Observer Bureau, OS District National Bank Bldg. By JOB L. BAKKB (By Special Leased Wire) Washington, J"b. 1. Thara U hardly a cloud diaeeralbl ea the horiaoa aa the evening af the meeting af the executive eommittae af the Democratic National committee, to b acid tomorrow at the Shoreham hotel ' A 1 J .Ll. .la la I..L. ... at. I k ii r in iiiib cjij j iwbi n w prime il I -..a-tng Ula eveusg That. Oia mcetlai j hk-h gar- aUxtmVer'et rrTtiTi Caruso Fighting Grim Battle With Death'Jn New York Hotel WorU-Famoua Tenor Suffers Hearf Attack F ollowins Pleu riay, And Little Hope Entertained for His Recovery Last Rites Administered, And Oxygen Used Io Keep Life From Passing. HOUSE AVALANCH New York, Feb. lo.Jfotieeable im provement la the aoadttloa af Eariae Caruee, Uaor, critically Ul la hie hotel apartmeat here, irae announced tonight la a bullctla tamed by Dr. Antonio Stella, oa af hie 'physician. "Carusos eoaditioa la vry much more favorable toalght than Ula morn ing Ue bulletin aaid. "Ula pa lea U better. Hie temperature la two degrees lower thaa tht moraing. We hare great 'hope for ate recovery, although ha ia still a very sick man. Part of hla improvmet la due to hie atrong constitution, hie aaeatal attitude aad the fart that hla wife haa beea eoa stantly at hie bedalda elnee laat alght." Stricken laet aight with a heart at tack following plcarlsy, the teaor tossed oa hb bed ia the Vaadsrbllt Hotel all day. large oxygen tanka ataad- ing la the aick room, the laat defeaaee from death. Doctor held aaxioae eoa- ultatioaa aad expraaacd belief that the erltie would come late . tonight, .The laet rites already hare been adminis tered. All day the lobby of the hotel pre sented aT atmosphere of tenee but sup- preeecd aaxiefy. AtenJante bearing sow appeare likely to prove largely of a routine character, at wulca no gea eral policy will Be attempted to be mid down- a. discussed aa)tiun .moxe doaa thaa to eoniider' routine party niattcrr. There are nineteen members of the executive committee, including the committee o IB re re, who are offleial , member and it ia predicted tonight ' that alt of them bat two will be precept. The two member it ia known will sot V . attend are: Bruce Kremer, of Montana, vlee-ehairmaa of the committee, aad Norma K. Mack, of New York. Both hare aeut proxies, that of Mr. Kremer being la the haade of Homer Cum m infra, of Connecticut, and that of Mr. Mack being in tbe hand of Mis Elixa- . bctk Marbury, New York National '' - committee woman. With Mr. Kremer i rroiT came a aliruiflcaat word, and that waa that it wa to be ued in rap-1 ' port of Chairman White. White Halda Conference. Chairman White waa on Capitol Hill eeWP tlon made famoaa by Caruso's mellow voice, played in muffled toneSalalthongh I the aick man wa far beyond the aouad r-oa the eighteenth floor, Dunag the day aeeeral of hi cloieat friead from the Metropoliua and Chi cage opera eompanlea, with keea oliri tude plainly written en their facea, vainly nought admlaalon to Cruo' ehambera. Althoagh Aatonio Hrottl and Wrico Bcngaamtllo were allowed to viait hi bedetd wfcea it, wm thought he might net rally, hie phyaleiaae turned back all caller whea their pa tient appeared to have pmucd the rrUU. The ealy exceptioa to thi rule wet made for Park Bcajamla, Jr., a brother of Mr. Caruao, who waa allowed to make two brief call during the day. Mr. Caruio haa not left her hu bandi bedaid (iace the flret terere col lapse laet aight. She peniatently re tueed to leave him a minute, deapiie ber lark of Bleep. It waa aaid late to day that aba waa beginning to (how the terrible emotional (train but the .am- aged to conceal It from her hunhand. The uaiveraal anxiety over Mr. Ca ruao' eoaditioa waa obvioua not uly from newipaper reader everywhere in the hole! lobby, on the atreeta. in tbe aubway but alao from deferential queetlpM from Italia lal.orera who E. PASSES ROAD BILL ON SECOND READING Affirmative Vote of 91 To 21 Sweeps Measure Through Against Opposition MOST AMENDMENTS VOTED DOWN WITH, REGULARITY Vote Oa Second Reading Is Taken At 10:30 O'Cloek After Members In Morning and Wight Sessions, Before Knthnsiastio Oalleries, Bad Debated Measure Earnestly .beWW Opera Houae ptveeed a continual atroim nf pereon aakiag the one queetloa: "la Ckruao U aliveT" COICTFUTRELLE IN LS NCO R T Jury Out Two Hours Before Returning Verdict. of Guilty of Attempt To Lynch Wileoa, Fob. 18. The trial of B. B Futrelle, alleged leader of the mob that itormed the rourthouae at .Goldaboro ea the aight of December' S, 1920, weat to the jury at S o'clock thia afternoon and in two hour to the minute a ver- todny, and during hi viait there held diet of "guilty with prayer for mercy" conference with aeveral of the Demi- wu retUrned. . , ,'i JeI "dlB ."I,,!;1.Y The flr.t poU of the jury wa. 10 to I omt of,' wham wiU have a conaptcuou. 'or eonrletlon, U (a nderatood, and it party role during ,the next two year I waa generaUy believed mlt rial, would rty a misority Mngreee. be ttt reeuli. Judge Calvert wIU et NEGRO BURNED IN GEORGIA COUNTY Seven Thousand Men Gather From Several Counties To Lynch Prisoner' Athena, Oa., Feb. 18. Seven thou- aad men, eompoiing a mob front Clarke, Oconee and adjoining eounti tonight atoimed the Clarke county jail, aeenred John Lee Eberhardt, negro, held for the murder of Mr. Walter E. Lee,' ii yetira e'ld. of Oconee eounty. ana burned him at the (take after tak ing him to the aeena of the erlme, (even mile eaat of thi city.. Eberhardt ia alleged te have killed Mr. Lee, the wife of Walter Z. Lee, employed! at the MalUaon Braided Cord CompMy. 1 double-barreled ahotgna waa need, both load entering the head and the back of the woman. The method employed by tbe mob ia Jiner at .vapiwa v-'- w ientenee anttf iert Friday ware 'la accord- with hia lawii which e 'Meaeat ef lattoraey W. W. are that thi ia not .the time any party I Pearee, leading eeuaael for U4 dafenae, poliey should b .laid do-wa; that the Na order that character witaeeeel from tauee tnal are to -bo tnvoiveo in me w , . i . .. r . i i : io44 mwA 1 "- -j ,,,, . .!.. .no. !,. I itv ta wav aomathinr in behalf of the! m - . . . t.i T .k. ..f . V... .Tl.'d Vam J b. . tiour year, inrgeiy vj reaaon .uii i .u mo uicuin. ..uiu - 1 done in Congresa. inercued from 2,000 to 95flQO aad he With the party out of power In the waa ordered te remain ia tho-cuitedy of ( executive derjartment of covernmeu: the abrns ot wuaoa eounty anui n .i i i l !, At i v I J- When acntenee ia pronounced eounael for Futrelle will aive notice of anpeal. Futrelle wa on trial for leading the' I climbed np the elevator ahaft of the mob that atonned the eoarthouie at I eon rt houae to the top floor where the Qoldiboro in aa endeavor te wreet from I jail ia located. There they ' But the tne law nve aegroea, wao were o oeiiorea in any oa a lock, which aeeured tried for murder. .The three other I on of the rear entrance ta the nrima. eampaigaa, benoe tbe view, in whiea wno are unoer mojciracm .or a iuauar waite other member of the mob kept Mr. White aaid the Congreasional lead- offeaae, C. H. "Bed Leingatoa, V. H.I the. eonnty offleial buay in front, the er were ta tnorougn aceora, mat tniai m.uuiuVvuu w .-miioren meitea tbe big brtee padlock and ia not the time to attemnt to law dowa be tried unlU the May term of Wileoa I entrance wa ttrrtj,A. Vhm ..m. any policy or map out any hard and Superior court. ' , . W . I who entered tha priaon went to the the leader who will be active "hnd who will be moat ia the publie eye will be i thoee Democrata charged with party P . leaderahlp ia the two houses of Con greae. The vote of Democrat, the ' apeechea of their leader, ete will go r far toward making the iarae of the next Congressional and Presidential ia aaid to be the moat modern la the State, eatabluhed a precedent unheard of In thi 8tate, A huge, modern blow torch waa need to gain eatranee after Sheriff Jackaoa resisted the mob to the laat. It i aaid that member of the mob ft plana to be adhered to, and that these, therefore, shouia not do u ensscd.' by the National committeemen at the executive meeting tomorrow, or of the fall committee at thi tune. Hence Chairman White' failure to aee the need of calling the full committee together. Only Routine (fatter. However, Thomaa Love, Texas Na- 'tional eommitteentaa, and Robert Wpolley. who, though not a member af "the ommittee,"aetoor-tar- Mr. -Love ta working up the petition calling upon Mr. White te call a meet ing. of the Na tional committee for March lit, are la The ease of the State againat Howard nerro'a ceil ant nv.rrJ... , and Will Bethea, eolored, for killing howered hlm 4owa rth, 9UrtUtt ih,t Jamea Buflia oa June 5. 1920. to new in ,nd m,a .i, lnt0 t. mu f'v" lor (JISTT men awutiair nntiH. With a micbtr (hout the mob vailed. ijyncn aim aerel" bat the rine- TW0 AT CARD TABLE !f!f ?heLt,"ro. ,B.;" mt0" Au.. taxa..MA ta4 tfatv I Mo o th Ocodm eounty line. Hun' " wa uiuuiuuiira M.9H in iinv in Masked bandits kill York. Business Man Killed ::r Jacksonvifle Hotel " Jacksonville. Fla., Feb.' 18. George Alexander Goodrich, 67, contractor of I the rear of the ear eontainlna the tie gro. Men by the score rn along at the tide of these machines, i One hour later the mob arrived at the cone of the crime. They' formed a tional committee ror atarta lit, are la Alexander Goodrich, 07, contractor of I elreI, ttoani th, rf.-.i,;,. .... Mr. White to appear before tbe exeea-1 tonight aad Walter H. Burden, 60, tiv committee tomorrow aad I wealthv retired buiiaeaa maa of New likely that eae or both will do o. But yorI tjUte, mortally wounded by two a xor any controversy oeuig uxeiy io maeked men who attempted te rob them develop, the idea to ecoated by party I u they aat arouad a card table ia the icoacrs srwriMj aau ma prw t parlor of a I1 tamtlyoteliMi diction eeem juatilied that thk meet-1 Unimm aiA ia. tnaivht. - ing tomorrow" wfll targely-m iteelf M A hit muf, -Jiy LZLmrr't.lu'lu1.- an . . d.j ... io v. I " ' w mw-airw aiea out. ' -v " T neTO ehamrf KaiIv. .II I... u. t--'. . . . . i Banes. - . i ' ' v. , The baadit made their eaeape la an I - ' "' :Tbi!ffl fiSfJ: MORE INFORMATION ON into a sort of open eonfercae at which reutiae matter will largely be ditenaaed. Among tbese, af eoara will probably be the matter of advising with the ehalrmaa about tbe manage ment of National headquarter, the work of going about . organising the rjsrtv in the variooa atatea aad poe- aibly the illiag ef executive poaitioaa. , Of the, there are three that are very ' important and all ef theaa have beea aaoceupied aiaee a few week follow lag the eloae ef the laat campaign. One to the office " of executive - eeeretary, formerly SUed by;W. B. HoUleter, ef Hiaaenrl, Another to eireetor - of Cnaaee, tbe efliee ' maa wader the treaaurer. This poeitioa waa formerly ' held by V. D. Jamtoaoa, ef Iowa, Tbe other ia the efflee af director ef pab lieity, formerly held by W. J. Ceehraat ef 8U booia aa waaaiagtoa. u at re- from the machine and . led to a spot hear where Mrs. Lee waa shot down. A stake wa immediately driven Into the ground. Small twig and pine wood wa throwaround it and Eharh.rt tptjfTfiptfj-'jjfijffi He. waa tied to the stake and the .torch anolled. th Lf AM0US NAVY FIST FIGHT .yard waa ope a. Suddenly two masked I , - v ; , mea Stepped quietly lata the room and! Bockaway.;W. TV, Feb. -16. Further covered the, party with revolvers, tell-111" a the quarrel between Lieuten ing them to make ae outcry aad to " Stephea A. Farrell and Walter haad aver thel Taruable. . - - I tT reached Mattice, m- n.4. i,M..i.f v. I Unt- ' after their adventnnm ballaaa, fair a Joka perpetrated by feUow gueete J J. .Canada, waa aonght from aad fcena te iewt with the twof mea. " " - BOLL CALL ON ROAP BILL. The roll call veto oa tbe paaeage f She Deogatea-Ceaaer-Bowio read bill ea Its eacaad reading foHawai Ayaa Mr. Saeaker, Aaatla, Barae f Jehaaua. Barahlll. Bell, Bellamy, Blackwelder, Boltea, Bowie, Bradley, Bryant, Bnach, Bart, Batt. Byrd, CarUtepher, Oarh, Oemeat, Cllaa, CeCea, Cooke, Cooper, CMgheaoar, Cewlea, Crlaa, Deea, Doaaell, Doagb- Clbba, Clofer. Coiaey, Cr.ly. tira. ham, ef Graham, Graham ef Orngv Graat. Hamilton, Headrlcka, Blcha, Hill, Balderby, Heaeycatt, Jeehlaa, Jahaaan ef Carrltack, Jeoea, Kea aedy, Lane, Lawrence, Loach, Ua ajy, Mr Baa, 'McArthar, McGatrev Martin, Matthew af Mechleabarg, Melvla, Meare, Merrtoette, Morrleew, Mamford. Marphy, Naal, Farhaaa, Faaa, Feraea. Pharr. Bldlaga, Bogera. Roaa, Temp Mea, Tacker, Uule, Walkar, Ward. Wbltaker, 'White. Walt. Wright, ToaagSl. Naaa Baraaa of Hertford. Ben nett, Brawn, Celemaa, Dardea, Feaatala, King, Ue. MeCee, Mat, thewa af Bertie, Owen, Breaat, Qalckel, Bhaw, Smith of Flit, Sbeaee, Taylor af Halifax, Tayler af Vaaee, William, aad WllllaaueaSL' Abeeat HalL Can. Umerick, Mea. roe. Smith ef Braaewlck, Swala. FalroaWohaaUn af reaSer rar Kb McSwala. agalaat. STUBBS PROPOSES GENERA L REVISION OF CON W ON Similar Bill Was Passed ..By General Assembly In 1917 But Not Carried Out UNSETTLED CONDITION ASSIGNED, AS REASON Aralanche of Late Session Bills features Day In Senate; Tick BID Passes Second Beading; Thomas Dixon In. rited To 'Address Owners! Assembly After Debate TARIFF BILL GETS BITTER ASSAULTS BEFORE ADOPTION IMPORT DUTIES CARRIED BY SENATE TARiFF BILL The tori Mil ae It paased Ue Seaala. carried Ike following Import datteai WbMt. 4S ceata par Bubal j Sax- SS rente ar fcaakali wheat Soar aad avmaliaa, IS par ceal ad valorem! earn aad malaa. It aeaU v bashel baano, t cwalk per paaadt aartatwaa, SS oente par baahels paanata or grand beaae. S canta pet aaad aataaa, raaU per bwakelf rice, I eeaU par paaad; ItaMaa, I crate per pawadi paoaet oil, IS cents per gallM cwttoa aeed, eaeaeaat - aad aay baaa alto, 1 eeala par gallaat cattle (except for breeding parpaaasV, SS per eeat ad valorem i eeeaa ever one yeer old. St par baas' ; aheap, aader oae year, 11 par head: freah aad franca meato, SI per eeat ad" valorem : laag eta pie eattaa (aae aad throe, elfhthe lachee), T eeala par peaad: eattaa manafactarea, T seats per peaad; aawaahed waal, II eeats par paoad: washed weal, 3a ceata per peaad j eceared weal. 41 ceata per pan ad. Bagar 1 rent pei peaad la addt. The oppoeitioa to the DougtitoB-Coa-aor-Bowie road bill mobilised ealy CI votes to match agalaat the SI ia tbe band! of the propone nta of tbe meaeur wheat th test waa made a 10 :8Q Jaxt aigbt. -Tba meaaara wa aaaacd ear-H secoad readiag aad will earn up for nal' ebnaaderatioS at the baad of the lower bona this morning at 11 e'eleebv ' ' ' ' " "-' With elock-likp- regularity STety amendment that wa offered to the . - KUV k. , w,n. (m, , a aap minor change by way of clarification, waa voted down under an overwhelm- ing choru of "noes," and the Dardea amendment submitting th matter ta a vote of the people ii June waa rejected by a recorded vote of 79 to 36. Several of the amendment offered th previoo night aad yesterday moraing were witn drawn. " ; . Early after the debate wa resumed yesterday morning, the opposition to the measure began to melt perceptibly, and by tbe re-convening of the acssioa last night at 8 o'clock it wa apparent that when the proponente of the mens are were disposed to call for th qnea- tion it would have aa overwhelming victory. Seven hour of debate bad taken all the fight out of the oppoai. tion. Only one erlou attempt to alter th provision of the measure waa made laat night, when Minority Leader Wil limns, after ridiculing the measure at some length, offered an amendment re ducing the authorized bond iaaue from 50,000,000 to $10,000,000. McBee, Graat and McGuire, all member of the minor ity delegation, turned npon him .with auch bitternes that practically th en tire Republican , membership of the House east ' affirmative vote for th bilL William, calling for divtoion af hi amendment, wa unable te , secure sufficient backing for a roll call. ' The Way af AmeaSmeata. The amendment to th meaaara were disposed ef as follow: By Owen i Writing into Ue bill a (Ceatlaaed aa FageTwe) i The avalanche of late feaaioa bills begaa to pour into the Senate yeaterday ad for th drat time (ince ar(y ia the eresloB, the day waa featured by utrodnetloa of new billa. Several of the even score ef bills throw Into the hopper were of geaeral interest, the moat important being the bill ealliag for a Constitutional Convention, offered by Senator Harry Stubba. Senator Stubba. who hae been la the piMtiMtXbaWbia . imfinipiS wua in neceaauy oi a reviaai or tne constitution aad theim practicability af attaining the end hrmgh aay method fctkar thaa a eaaveatiaa far a warn her of years. Bark la 1911, the Seaator from Martia begaa pressing the me ere aad la 1817 secured the aeeeesary two-thirda vote ia each bnach. ef th Geaeral Assembly. However, owing to the unsettled eoaditioa ef affair created by the war, the matter wa aot submitted to the people and aa con veatioa ha beea held since 1875. -Th bill offered yesterday eirovides that the question ef a convention shall be aubmitted to the voter la the aext geaeral election, and that if the matter to favorably paaaed upon, the eoavea tioa shall convene oa the first Wed nee- day after the drat Monday ia May, U23. Uader the terma af the bill, the convention would be composed of 120 delegates, divided among the eoaatie ia the aama proportioa aa members ef the preeeat 'Houae ef Bpraeataties, l i0-Zirf Al",?: Counsel For Husband Refuse convention to ta' be determined. Th To Cros-Ixamine Woman r,il",a-trb!.0,,l When She Finishes gates to the oaeatioa. The bfll further provide that the eaaveatiov of Ua or the Bee Republican Senator From New Hampshire Hammers Meas ure As Designed To , Fool the Farmer J -- NOBODY CAN DEFEND IT BECAUSE INDEFENSIBLE SENATOR MOSES STATES Loaded Down With Score of Amendments, the Fordney Tariff Measure Adopted By Senate By Vote of 43 To SO; Immediately Bushed To Con. ference With House Col- ' ferees; Senator Lodge Un able To Get Three Amend, ments Adopted Because of Melee Started By the Mew Hampshire Member; Sim. mons, Harrison and Others Join In Debate vi-aa,.'.-!'. Jil:..r.7,'i'JK!!':v.";.J"w Titliwwlet fresh milk. I eeala per gallon; . . fresh. . craam. . I ceata par gallon ; eeadeaeed ar preeerved milk, I canta - par paaad. and sagsr ar milk, I ceata par paoad. Mixed wrapper and Sllar tebacea if from two ar mare eeeatrlee (an. atemmad), SS.M per paaad) etammed, IJJO par paands hldea, IS per eeat ad valorem! applea, SS ceata per baahelt cherries, t eeaas par paaad J elives a eelatiaa, SS eeata per gallaai aat la eelattea, S ceata par paaad) allvaa la balk, SO eeata per gallea. MRS VARNER ENDS COURT TESTIMONY than a score of amendments, the Ford ney emergency tariff bill tonight passed, the Senate. The vote w 43 to 50 aad -til th measure waa Immediately eat te. conference. , Aetioa oa the bill, desigaed and rueh ed through the Houae a an aieged aid ta the farmer, came after a protracted aeseiea during which four ' Bepubtleaa Senator broke away from their party-' - (ligament and two of them, Edge, ef New Jersey, ad Moses, of New Hamp shire, bitterly assailed be measure aad its Bepubliesa supporter. Likewise. solidarity of the Democratic raak eeuld not be maintained, nine ef the minority member being recorded la favor of the bUl. The Tote ea Bell Call. The roll call follows:. Beoublieana fori Ball. Borah. Brando-. gee, Capper, Curtla, tlkins. Fall, France Frelinghuysen, Gooding, Grenna, Hale, : Johnson, (California), Joaea, (Washing ton), Kellogg, Kenyon, LaFolette, Lea- Lodge, Mccormick, Mcvumber, MeLeaa, McNsry, New, Penrose, Phlppa, Polndexter, Smoot. Spencer, Sterling, Sutherland, Tswascnd, Wadsworth, tad Willie. Total Bepnbllcaaa for at Crtcaibore. l"eb. 16. latabltohtna a iow .h.H ba-aewiMer-by nffVnel fcf defeaad ia'trtolj Taorata ft Aahurat, Gay, Hender- oeeremry or otaia, aaaii eieeiiaha ia aaak In imm .. ...kt. I-' V" :". . Z' - - , -- , lie owe officers aad aljoura after aat Jj2 7. i; 'T . i ,TfMl Ymotnv Ior " ' mare thaa thirty day U. only bad- T , , H iu'Uni' H' R J"11 , 4 ' tv aee te be transacted being the offering Varner, af Lexington, refused to cross Democrat against: Beckham, Disl, af amendmant to the Goastltatiea. ixamiae lira. Varaar whea Federal f.1eh, 9"'' H" HV.,!r 'm VLVMJ. re.oav.aed today. fif '"ovT V-".fia. Simrn' SlT-'Ti.T.r: Coneladln. her te.tlatony-begun late Sm th-fG.oraa,y-flmith(Soutb Caro-- the convent ioa' not to exceed aixtr yter7 afternaoa, Mr. Varner aaid hlna) Stanley, Swanaon, Thomaa, Tram of th. eoaveatioa aot to exceed alaty h fcH re0Iub, .nb.WeneeH mel. Underwoc, Walsh; (Maaaaehuaetti) "V . . ' I armlil ha aJI ftnrt -.. mm .k.uM K. I .i.l tr a hfiiii . J vr.i. Ta Create Baaklag Dapartmeat. "i7" I V i . . . . " . . I "'. Banater Elmer Loae. AUmaaea res- ""r "om. "V. aaeoaaaa estate cott. Total IMmoeraU agaiaax ko. ....... 4. k I lowwa, ana anuuTO, was oa- BdVotedly Gor.VviorL7.U 0 - v... for the eetablishment of a eeparat Umate reUtion. with department af State to be known aa the ? ' BTkUgDepartmeat. . .... - irrf:!, Uader the tenne ef the bill, the - . '.r i- w. k. . crant for 20 year of the Varner, Banking .Commisaloner, to be appelated 'oUo,wel tt P't ad waa oa the ..ffered by Senator by the Governor with the advice aad tfd. thlrty-Sve feeder, were killed, content af the Beaate for a term, ef i,u Vkl" V ",U"- . aa called' oi ...... . ha t.M, at will ""1"'U trwai ja. suhi acain, by tbe Governor. The officer i charged tow-f- Beginning with a ; eool aad Hut. .k. .11 i... u. wearied air, Anna Miller, answered Ba in to banks and bnllding and loan important question with comparative Nu change proffered. But it already but became rattled and confused had accented ao many chance from the .uw..v-, i . j.l a i. . ... r a ing exercised by the commiasioner " ou- j Insurance. It is provided that the I ,8J aaid ah had beea aervant for D..vi.. r.-.t.t.... .K.n n k.U Mt. ana Mrs. varnsr tor almost V) any other office or atock la any bank Jra and had lept in their house ia agreement with the Houae. ia the BUte during hi term of office. ingtoa irr.ua or ewra an tne sea-i The following Senators were ap He to granted a iaUry of $4,600 a year. "d floori BVUt McBary, mulatta, pointed aa the conference committee te Exoldler , VIM. . I " i anempi to iron out mo aiusrancva Senator J. K. Kaniie, of Mcpoweilk M-vf M Me; with the Houer"Penpe JitcCnmber, eounty. one ef the nine ex-service men ry nan som una ior aw v and Bmoot, Jtepubaeans, ana Simmons la Use Benate, Introduced a Dill to pro- a I sna wuiiamar iwaotnra. ts wprnra tide ex-aoldier aaaietaaea ia seeur- McBary were eloae frleade that bta-1 the committee will be able to atart work l.. .- Th. ,;ir muKm la Hrr wouia come iv sa aw aaa ancuu mlta . . .imiur committee irom toe " .- rr - -- I -,. . .a . a! .-J .t. I ' . . all eiUaen of tk Bute who served in " - "J I Mouse late tomorrow. . in toe form in- which the meaiure came from the House that the most ardent sup porters predicted trouble in getting ia th late war between April , 1B1T and Nov. 11, 1919, excluding only thoee who terred aa member of th Btudent un (CaaUaaed Oa Pag Two) Dr. Campbell Attacks Right . Of Service Men To Cast Ballots fcj-X-- tZ. ... I lio. by the board ef laqulry which reconvened at the aava air statioa hare todav. - - - r. Suddenly ene reache. over aad r.r.ncd at thV...T . k . v..4.. jn..m j I reeoavenee at the aaval Burden were ta hi cart. . ourdsa aad Goodrich then realised that it waa ao Asked to state what kaew about th vmincs toea reauxea hii n wn no i .j, v.. ... , , lose, and both leaped ta th.to 1. hto in en 1.7, hit The Uadit, ted with the Srwt mAUlJr me, emeuu report waa made te me. I Goodrich Ming hit three time, eae ef warded aa important that the Irst aad the abate peaetratiag hto heart.. Helt,ow nothing'! 4t except that which last named be Sited at once, ale the I died Instantly. . . .. ' l WM told to ma trr unMaM. -a J : . . a it ti. I a V.lt I . a . ' r-r r--. paaiuaailM a a , waw. - - -- - i cr. treatarat,' W. W. Marsh, who to a mam-1 ta the . abdomea. . After the aheotiag I ' A aer ef the eammittea, to aat going te I Ua bandlte faded aat f the doorway, I had abjeated te the way question were devote hie awa time ta the work of lyamped late their ear, the angina ef leaked by the Judge advocate aad loal carry aa the reaUae I whiea waa toft raaalng, aad made a I teehatoalTtiee bad teea . atraighteaed eat, Lteateaant ETloor teetiied Hintoa told Aim that ha and Fsrrall haS aa al. in that or raadiag tne uaaetedaes ail Tea hotel where the tragedy waa en acted b Just a Meek from police heed-jaartera. nearly S2O0JXW hanging evae a. a eult ef the Cox Booaeveit campaign. bat Ckatrmaa White to said te have thia matter ae well advanced that at Offer aa aerien traable, Baamtaatlaa Far fas affile. ' Aa examiaatioa te earara a list ef el itibWa from which te appoint a PV matter at Cary, ta Wake eaeaty, aat (Cawtfaeed ea rage Two) tereatioa. The only atCD ka then took. ivioer aaia. were to get the two officers together aad . restore frieadshlpv Be said he did aot consider the reported traable between them serious. Farrell' .counsel again objected ea the gronad that Kloor eoald aot testify Cat Wattenaa Cetearata Birthday. GaJveetoa.- Tex- Feb. IS CoL Henrr Wsttersea. veteraa aewrpaper editor. wtatering here, celebrated hla - Slst I aa ta what Hintoa told him, aa Farrell birthday today. - Aasbag frieada whelhsd aot beea preeeat when the eoaver- avo eajojnag (he day with Aim" ar satioa took placv Tie ebjectioa Wa Mr. and JTr. Edward M. Flexaer, ,ef I overruled, and. tke keariag waa ad- LouiariUe. Ey. . . ioarncd antil tomorrow. 8Uteville. Feb. !. The third Jay of the Campbell-Doughtoa eonteet was largely consumed with the examiaatioa of registrar. These were put ea tbe etaad by Dr. Campbell end testified that ea all the day required by law, they were at the place of regiatratioa aad treated all comers alike, regardlete af their poli tic ; that oa ether day. wbea they were not required to be at the place of reeiatratioa, they registered Demo crat aad Republican alike - whea re quested to do aa. Th evfdeaee leaded to show that ea taeee oar oaya ta reg iatrar sometimes went from place to nine for the parpoae af regiatering voter) that a a rule they did aot eeok eat Remit) lies ns for the parpoae af reg. toterint them, but went to the borne ef BepubUeaaa whea especiajiy request d te do ao. The. aet reault ef the evidence to that tbe registrars were more aealous ia banting np Democrat ta register thaa they were' Republican. All the evidence, however, ebowa . that' there waa a full Bepablieaa registration, and that every Bepablieaa wha'waated te rea-ister had a fall opportunity to ea e. Tbe aerprtoe ef the day came whea Dr. Campbell offered evidence tendlaw to ahew that a soldier had voted with out payment af pall Us." . ? x-Uereraor iilckett sailed the at- 4entien ef , Jr J.aBrtU, chief eaaaael far Dr. Campbell, to the fact that the board of eommiasioaer af JredeU eoua- ty had made aa order exempting all eoudiera and aailora ef the world war from the paymeat of poll tea for the year 1910, aad desired to kaow whetaer or aot, ia the face of such - an order, Mr. Britt aad hi client would Insist open the diafraaehtoement of these soldiers. Mr Britt replied that the constitution af North Carolina and the law required -, the paymeat of poll tax a a eoaditioa te voting, that th eoaa tr eommiasioaer had no right to make any sack order, sad that be aids hi elieat - proposed te etaad by th law and the constitation. Ex-Governor Bicker! replied that neither the law aor tne eenotitatioa re quired Mr. Britt or hie client ta ehal tongr the veto ef any eoldler for nan aayenoat ef poll tav aad that if they did ae It wearid not be beeaaee they were compelled te 4e W by lam, bat of their awa free will aad eheiee. Te tke amaaameat ef the (yetaadere, Mr. Britt aad hie elieat atiil inaieted that aaldiera who did aet pay their pell tax abeaJd be diafraachiaed aad would be ehal- waged tareugboaf the district. Teetunony renrdmgsnth elrestafloa ef last-aainate pre-elactiaa literstare ith the parpoae - of lallneaciag the voters, eeeapied ue greater part af the moraiag eessMa. Geremor Biekett offered vigoroas abjartiea, bat to a parpssa. aa Lawyer Britt fasiated that it should re iv even though taeve wee aoUiaoT ta show that tbe Dsmaerat had beea twaroaaibOa far tta aireajataeav v ' woald tolk about religion matter. Shel while the Senate waa fhroet cftea cooked for McBary after bia wife 0f the heated debate of the emergency died aad at the request ef Mr. Varaer, tariff, the Houae way ad mean com she aaid. - mltte waa concluding open hearing en f 4bt ,plLn?d -5V ,V-!"i !tc?'? retiaiba .ofjhe. jArmanent . towtWith had beea lifelong fcend(an4 UmtVin ih,twork'6ut of. the wayrbairmn addition to talking religion matter 'ord0T ,mu leave late tomorrow for ever with him they would dlacttaathelr t.othr conference with President-elect childhood day. Harding at S4. Augustlns. It i nnder- Aaked about th night of August 9, (toa) B wu tlK thr next chief execu whea McBary waa alleged to have beea ... . neflnlteextiremioa aa to bia fcand aader Varaer house about 1 y,, legislative program eat- o'clock, ah elated that ene, was there I i.mA Benublieaa leader aad aad witaeaeed moat ef the hapcainga-J whether he favored Immediate eonsidsr with ths exeeption ef alleged adingltlom BT Congress of tariff legtolatioa cf McBary. I rather thaa aetioa oa matter of tax- Another rnUreating feature or th 1 .nn. trial todav Wao the reading of the depo-I . rl rirur. Itioa of McBary, aow ill ia a hospital The speech by Senator Moee againat la Cincinnati. McBary denied having tht emergency bill wu filled with a ever beea intimate with Mrs. Varaer, MrjM ef (M(ti 0te at hi Bepablieaa but told of beiag ery .frieadly with Mi.-uei. . He declared that every . Mr. Varaer. I Senator know that the bill. If It aboald On the eight of August . 1W0. whea bacome a tow. woald avail nothing and it to aliened that McBary waa palled 1 1.. .k.u..Mj h. . Saaatar from aader the Varaer home aad which I h,t wu nnaciMtifle and designed to rasa Had ia McBary leaving Lexington I ,v. -.ti,M tk.a aid hia" aad Mr. Varaer inatituting euit for di-1 n. tr.nan.kfM lUutftV aiea BO. -voree againat. hi wife, the negro "id I eapportere af the bill for baa-' ak.a L . l.a. Ila Mafaflaa in ta. I . - . . ... i. . . wa mm a- i ing aRerei ae aereaee ior ra ptwvb- inctea be aaw a light U th kitchen I ..a u,.t an It twaamtehea of the Varner borne, aad, believing that M u,,, mad la favor of the? bill Aaaie Miller wa. ap, he -decided te jj,, sfty.,1- day It he bcoa ia Ue go aad aee her abeat the data aa the a,,,., .om-wioa.- aaymoat ef a aetet that be catered Nklia ... .....J it for H to in- 1 the yard aad went to the .back ef U I d,f.Mibi, . asserted Seaator Moee. ; Pretty eoaa, e aaid. ke bear I nv. B.bJican tarty eaaaot a be- ' faro the eeiatry with each a moasnra. ) It can ealy give ta Praaideat Wileoa, who waa ao theroagbly repadtoted ia ' ' November, aa apportaaity ta excoriate ' at.. t.K . .1. aaJ kJln..aa.J iar wpiuim. rv . - he will do at whea thia thing geta to him. "Why, tkto bill to lcpaided, ifa kli 1 I.. .alaa nJ i. k.. 4k. at the front doert that be heard hie aame aeed aad somethiag aaid abeat aearchiaf the how, aad rt beiag watched; that be became excited aad got aader the perch. He told af pend ing the eight la Jell, ef being tamed out Ua next morning, aad told to leave Lexington aad never retera.- Two eaar- aetet witnesses ths eeaty auditor at H baa the sever vntaease. tne awnty ananer at I rk-hata. . Ifa a eemblaatiea between ! Lexington and a Baptist mlnlater -tee-1 ,w. au. aaaiaa. tha aui hrrakaa. tha I tied that prior a A-gnet t, 1920, they nu, Ue sheep ran. aad the I tod heard aath tag deregatary of Mr.Iwkamt tmUm nad haw 1 aaa aappart it, I Varaer'e character, and ' that tt wa I . .. J . toad. ICaatlaaad Oa Page Twel j

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