Me News MI Observer ryr a ' TVS UEATULt tela la oast, eae ot tela la mi iia Seedey! Wesasy fair, eeidef'le 004 wUm. VATCllAtLL yenr M two rn nve ears la Hw M single eeey Ove 4r Oafnra aiiranoa la Hw te Ovei itiiJ ypL. CXIII. NO. 31 ' TWENTY-EIGHT PACES TODAY RALEIGH. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 20. 1921. TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICEt SEVEN CENTS, PASSEUGER RATES IH STATE ORDERED TO BE INCREASED North Carolina: Directed To Have New Fares Made Ef fectlve on March 29 ATTORNEY GENERAL TO FIQHT ORDER IN COURT Jadf e J. f . M&anlof Joint Wit. -eonsia and Xljhteea Other States la Maklnf Appeal To Supreme Court to Determine Authority of Oommiasioa To Increase Stata Kates The News ud Observer Bureau, SOS District National Bank Bldf. ByUOl L. BAttR. (By 8pseial Leased Wlrefi) Weshlngton, Fob. 19.-Bailrods of North Carolina ware ordered by the Interstate Commerce Comalssioa today to laeroaM their passenger rates to tho level of thoss U effect la interstate . yutk 19. 1021. . A . ... .1.. atrjlarad a reduce .-...A...... . - " - - 1 , ' k Three Men Of The Hotfse Whose Names Will Be Perpetuated In New Road B 3 . - til" -r-: i i i Ptwto br Elllastea. MORE-SCRAPPING SS OVER IN CONGRE TARIFF MEASURE Representative Pou Directs thr Fight To Send Bill To Ways and Means Committee ILLINOIS CONGrTsSMAN LAM BASTS REPUBLICANS Confreasman Bainey Declare Tariff Will Btntflt Specula. tori Only; Old Guard Mem. bers Divided in Support and Hard Sledding for Fordney Bill in Prospect mmA a.i.i,... r r t. ... mi i .v. I others re a- UMUIhAlH V v...w Ths News aad Observer Bureau, 603 District Natl. Bank Bldf. By JOB L. BAKER. (By Special Leased Wirt.) Washington. Feb. 10. All of tlx North Carolina members of the Houm who were present votod egsinst thr Fordney so called emergency tariff bill thia afternoon. Representatives Kitehia and Godwin were tho absentees, tha others registering their protest egsinst passenger traveling within tha Btata ji raa aoara. uaiaa- wium iicmw -tloaa whora thay eonld hara obUlnad titkata. ... r, t a u..-l- Nortb-Caroliaa. kaa already ioiaod Wis eoaaia nloaf wUk 18 otkor Btataa la aa appeal to tha Buprcao court to deelda whtthtr or boi ui intarauia voai taarea Commiailoa kaj tha lanl an thority to aiaka in eh a ruling aa that -iaavad Uday. Tha Attorney Oanaral of Boutk Carolina aeaklnf aa tnjnao- ' tloa hi Fedaral eoart to present ua oaforoemaat of tha order ia that State bat ia view -ot tho pandlaf appeal la which North Carolina has joined, ae farther aetioa it expeeted t7 th legal '- authorities ia that Bute. Tha hearing before the Supreme eoart ia the. cue , ia eheduie for rabruary zs. CUIaaa Bate rrejadldal. '. J1 Making pabUa today ita deeieioa that the intraaute ratrt U force 'withla tha State "era-prejudicial aad aajuat, and . ahonld be removed by making Uereaaea ia said intrastate which shall correspond ; with the Ineresie heretofore made by - said respondents as ploreuta IB ln . terstste' passenger fares", .The eom mission directed that a . order ' iatered .' kk -'r "That the carriers be aad they are hereby 'notified and required ecaae "aad desist froat practicing tha aadna prendice, endue preference aad ad . vantage, aad . aajuat diaerimiBatioA, , fonnd ut. said report te exist ta the !. relatioa ef - UtersUte aad intrastate aaseager! fares aad. m in imam charge pax.passojiger and to JStabluh. ju ii : force knd maintain passenger fares and minimum charge per passenger ; tor .tha ' traunortatlon of ttae eagera ta " intrastate commerce ; withisr the Bute 'of Nerth Care Una which shall eseeed fare and mini- mam charge per passenger new ia force sad applicable ta tock transportation 'la amounts corresponding with the ia- ereaMS keretofore made by the said carriers and mow la effect Under tx narta Ti. referred ta in said roDort. ia ' oid carriers' passenger rires and mini mum cnarge per passenger transportation of passengers within Intensive Campaign Begun Against State Moonsliiners Special Detail of Twenty Offi cers Organized as Flying Squadron Here LEFT LAST NIGHT FOR . UNNAMED DESTINATION Win Strike Quickly and Move To Another Section of State To Renew Off entire; Expect To End .Liquor Making; score of federal Prohibition agents Under the command of Chief H." 0. ChiUoy left Baleigh eeeretly last sight for aa unaamed destination, and tthia averalng they. iU fp? '".'"Vt? apoa the nnsuspeetiag . moensauier . w soma section, of. the Bute , withla , a Bight's ioaraey ef the capital. It la the teglnhfhg ef aa latsnaive eampaJga to wipe eat the illicit mans feature of lianor la North Carolina. Special officers, twefrom each Bute la the Southern division, have been as-1 sembied in Baleigh during the past few days, aid tht campaign carefully mapped out Full arrangements havs bsea made, sad by tonight, it ia thought that the Drat reports will be coming in. Win Vary Attack. Points of attack will be widely seat MORE STARTLING TESTIMONY GIVEN Witnesses Testify That Mrs. Varner and Baxter McRary Visited Greensboro 17 American people and will really of benefit to the farmers, beause the grain, wool, etc, on which the duties are fixed by the bill and on which prices will rise if the bill becomes a law, is ia the hsnds of speedsters aaj hoarders who will derivs the only profit therefrom. Tho vote was en sending the bill to conference to thrash out differences between the House snd the Senate, tbs motion carrying by 100 to 132. Speaking against the bill, Beprrsaa. tative Henry Kaioey, of IllaVHa, a Dem ocratie member of the Ways and Means Committee, declared that in the ease of wool the government was through this bill preparing to make the wool consuming public pay the mea who have cornered six hundred million pounds of wool, most of which is stored St Boston, pay a subsidy of millions ef dollars. The bill proposes a tariff of 13 cents a pound ea gresss wool and 45 rente a pound on scoured wool. If this wool that ia stored is gresss wool, it will be the subsidy of tW,00000 to the men who have cornered the wool' sup ply, and If it is scoured wool, the sub sidy will be- 20Q.OOO,000, Mr. Bainey declared. The reason for this is that the wool stored is sufficient to fill de niands for twelve months.- The eraer fceaey lilt ie to be In effect onry tea months. During the life of the bill the will aot wed to Buy one INVESTIGATE- CO ST IMINAL OFCR T IN NORTH CAROLINA f The'Most'Adrolt Debater In House Long of Alamance Offers Reso lution in Senate To Name . Commission REPORT COURT NEEDS TO 1923 LEGISLATURE Would Ascertain Cost of Grim- inal Oourti in Entire State; Senate Stages Another Scrap Orer Tioki; House Holds Hicki Boad Meaiure for further Inreitifation A commission of eleven to Investi gate the cost of the criminal courts of the Htate and to determine the needs of the rerectiv counties sad the adequscy with which they bre now tilled ia proposed in a bill in roduced In tho Rennte yesterday by Senntor Long, of Atamsnre. - 4 The hill provides thst the commis sion shall consist ol tha ( hief Justice of the Supreme Court ; two Senators mot b I I'linriin ut mo vfriirmi ahvouiuij; i mj Ured. Today ths gsneral raids will be I'1"" Vm Ju" De,ow -"8Trs nrosecuted in ons county and tomorrow. P0?"? ti "djouung the street,' he ths agents may rest er they may go to some section remote rrora the scene Greensboro, Feb. 19. There waa an other dramatic moment ia Federal court here today during trial of Urs. Flor ence C. Varner s suit against her has band, II. B. Varner, Lexington business man. for "reasonable subsistence." when eeerfts W. Petty, of Lexington, testified that na saw jars, varner and Usjrter Me- Bary, 'enter sa' slleged house 'of bad repute in.-Greenjb during aumsser f iSt 1015. Court sdjoornsd shorttr attsr ".LV " . .?T "aZT' rI Z.C: ITr r. T?t I the bill has expired by the Uaulatioa Mrs. Varner snd McBary board traia f 7- YeT ha va to bnr anr further No. 3 at Lsxingtoa and watched them I iVZIL J".?w ntt nff in RtMiihAM ' U. c.ll . I B1 aw. iv " ) 1.,,.. fc. ilMhtail -will wwiS mwim then tlnno Tin. V. sa A I r --- v." ... " V i dollar Troin the license, aad. yet it is M"..!!.J he a-.rted. that a farm- was following her. also entered. Pettv ! SI vile Ts m o "b ,lep U becoming bankrupt, Tke aame IFZ "UP V!rBer argument appues to sugar, it was a Hit. 1j steps ahead. ,'Bhs went up-1 .h lid in reply to Question. "Whai did McBary oof" shown. Bepreeeatative Pea Speaks. For the opponents of the bill, Repre sentative Pou. .directed tha . .fight which i... i wu mflira me mm iw-r H I ni tm unaiBK of their lnitUl raids and InstituU a I i o "); steps, looked th, bm M .mended by the Senate, to o..... i. i. i ! eroeseu me-street ann tantm ... . " . . n hl"ww orcrwij, j :-j i . v.-iu . . i comercnce wunoui its rererence w we r . " will vsU their movements, and every "'. " " ""' enu ""out Ways snd Mesas Committee, Btato ef P"oa is being Uke. to forestall ' "'" '- r" S h?s .pieTh opining deT. ?f warnings that might be sent to the Pte stsars, where Mrs. u,, .,. . pc declared tl iii'itT jiaa gone, .Ul. .lekU tk. VI.llV VBHlfni W Milam Suv BMW w masalnml iwr it .iiRiinii easiu uvtwvva yvajBijsj mm i -the Btatg?f North Carolina and Poiater.'T::?!. f Honor m.kln. t. you see them agninf r i ft k- UT.-.iu Wastry ia North Carolina during the The earners are alss directed "to I , U ,k. v... .4n. I i aad desist from practicing th aa- went "No." past 12 months hss been of serious con- am you oof !T; .M?7l.Iti Prohibition forces, and tbs Ab"ut minute of two Inter I i .ui T A..! JfJ.A?r'..a mP1inh omiB' lB to PP'tf.1' Talf ed looked sbdut1 ru kM h.T. HrtOT here from every section you see anyooayi" intrastate passengers who board trains I . Q. fc. ,v. .v:. l "Not a oni. rjjV.. 'uX.TaWJ srenta to action. With only 42 mea to "Hear anything V hs was asked. ... wU . . w- - , h,- . i4nMv has hM, I cvervminff was nnrrala luh and maintain a charge ef lS eeatf ' ,tm,.,r 'nn.i !n ..-trai-j-- h. ' To eorroboraU Pttv-. .iiiT.-J gainst, pa.ger. ..traveling la Wtljhfir p Hcem - ""J-rl " " Itma M,a, I 1 . ft - - J w vvmuviiiNM Ihtring the past week, he appealee to I police lores, were placed on staitd. They The principal debate against the rule, Mr. Pou declared that it was unwise snd unfair to legislate oa such an important mess u re as the tariff bill without a chance for any deliberation. Dealing with such intportant legislation iu such a summary manner could not be justified, he declared, and the rule ought to be defeated and the bill, as so vitally amended' by the Senate, sent to the Ways and Means Committee where the amendments could be passed upon nd sent back to the House for careful and two Judges of the Superior Court sad four lawyers, to. be appointed by the Governor,- all of whom are to serve without pay The scops of the inquiry to he made by the proposed commission includes II of the criminal courts of ths State of every nsrurs end description, snd ths commission Is directed to report its findings to the next session of ths General Assembly. H4d Up Tkk BIIL Ths Long bill was ths only impor tant measure introduced in the Benate yesterday sad no bill of sny kind was passed, but a successful effort to gsin tims for compromise, negotiations with members of the House provoked the bitterest fight thst has yet been waged on the pestiferous subject of ths cattle tick. Ths three weeks' controversy over the qtatewide tick eradication bill waa supposedly tsrminsted on Thursday wnen tne measure passed its third reading by aa. overwhelming major ity. uowever, wnen ua committee on eagrossed bills reported yesterday that the bill had been properly engrossed sad was ready for tra.simis-.ion to the House, Senator ' Taylor, its sponsor, rose ie mere mu.uie Mil be held ia the Senate until Tuesdsv. Bensror iwiwwyy-or rtonnampton,' rsugnt the proposal ea the grouad that to botd a bill after it had' ease HOGHESFORfMY- IJlMFflRYflAPflllin: IUUIIL.UUI lUlIlUlllU -J FOR CABINET POST j Former Republican Candidate ; For Presidency Will Be J Secretary of State SELECTION OCCASIONS NOTHING OF SURPRISE " Proposed Appointment Knows Montha AfO Among Iriendt of Preaident-Eleet; Hew Pre mier Holda Conference With Hi Chief; No Ponnal State, ment aa To PoreifB Policies -rMs .tssIIUsrse, WAXTTB MUBPBT ' 1 Brilliant parliamentarian who took up the losing fight for ths Stste Wei fare work and piloted it .through hostile House to victory, aad ea last Friday saved the State-wide stock la from defeat at ths hsnds ef lie ene mies. Mr. Murphy served ia the Gen eral Assembly ia V7, "01, '03, D3, .'07, 13 aad IS, and was speaker of the House ia 117. He's from Balisbury. CLEAR BOILING OF CORRUPT CHARGES House Committee Exonerates Brother-in-Law of Presi dent of Any Guilt Washington, TeW. 19, Winding up Its eighteea mouths'. JavesU(rs,tiou of BUp ping Board operations, the select House sommKte, -headed by- 'Beprssenteti-re Walsh, . , issuod a formal ptatsutf at ?- passed aad I Say holding that B, W. Boiling, broths las urns limit oa motion to vaeon. I (.! p.ii. wu... ..a """ viapaea conirarr in ail ties, i .v . l , m , n .a matter woula b. i. .bsolnti 'J" .PUn, .y bribe, gift Tf-thr-gren16t - trlfch " bia been I or ratuity" as charged by- Tucker K. sdopted not to take action oa ui Kin. 1 Bands, a former WaahinKtoa banker. Of publis nature. Senator Psfti I in snnnmrtinn wifri finntrmt ttw fit priori nothtr proponent of th bill. a point of order against the motion, uwi. oeaaior uong. or Alamance, who ws presiding ia ths nbsanea f hmh ne xseutenMit Uovernor and the Pres- by ths board to the Downey Shipbulld ing Corporation. This wss the second statement issued by or oa behslf of the committee ident Pre Tempore, rnled wlrh Rn.n. I Honeratina1 mew whose names wars Taylor's contention thst the motion bronaht into the investliratlon. The ditf-Bot- eonfiict " with" thv ict ".1.1 i'.Tr riv,,r "lir5" . 7 . . I ursi,. miui puuiig whu pgw, T.- . . said the committee members did not of no quorum, but tha . a., believe thst Chsrlos M. Bchwab hsd rs- was able to find the requisite number ceived expense money from the gov of Senators. When the roll wu iu.i eminent while eervinc as director sen on the motion, the clerk's eount showed I eiai of tho emergency fleet Corpora the motion had carried bv vnt lal tien as had been chsraed bv an as- to 14. However, it developed that he, I countant who examined the books of ths had recorded Benator Dnnlsn. h ... Bethlehem Corporation. absent This necessitated another mil Today's statement came . after Mr. call, and in the meantime. Benatn Me. I boiling hsd reappeared before the eohi Coin had left ta catch a train. It seem. I mittes to reiterate his denial of Mr. ed that a tie would result, hut, Sands' charges and A. M. Fialier, a com Kinsland saved the day for the nronon. I mittee investigator, hsd testified that St Asgustins, Fie., Feb. lfi.-Ckarlee Evans Hughes, former governor ef New Turk, Justice ef the Supreme court aad ' ' Bepublieea nominee for tke presidency, was fonaslly desigasted by President elect Harding today as the Secretary ef State ef the coming sdmlnietretion. The announcement, embodying tke first bfleial word te come from the - President elect regarding selections falUn'-" .isvasv0 ion;-wu statemeat after a long conference be tweea the two mea oa the foreign preb leme thkt must be solved after Mars - ----- . - Nslthsr Mr. Harding nor ths pros- - .-' peetlve besd ef the State department ' added any forma comment There was bo element ef surprise ia the selection, for it hsd been knows for several wseke thst Mr. Hughse virtually was certain te be gives the place. He ia understood to havs been Mr. Hard- ring's choice from the first, despite strong pressure ea behalf ef ether aspirsnts. Ne Formal Statesaeata. lawmaking this announcement Mr. Harding declined to go into details ' shout ths subjects discussed with Mr. Hughss duriag their all-day conference, saying that one ef the policies ef hie V administration would be te let each d- partmeat head speak for himself. Mr. ' Hughes, ia his tura declared Be publis - X. statement on the problems ahead weald be expedient at this tims. X)f course,'' he added, I appraise it is a great privilege te be invited by Senator Harditag to serve in his sdmia iatratioa. And I regard it aa aa tmpera- tive obligation te accept , It generally was BBdsrstoeei aowever. that diplomatJe : appointmente to be made at the outset af the bow, admin , utratloa furnUhed ens of the topic' . talked ever and thst there wss coa- sidsratioa else of ths preliminary steps to be taksa toward aa assoeiatiea of satioas, la regard to appointments; tha discussion . was mora or lesa indefinite, it being' the policy -of the President elect to dslsy most ef th seleetioa for diplomatic poet until alter Manga ration. Althonth neither Mr. Harding ao Mr. Hughes would divulge the opinions expressed during their sonsultatioa, tha general impressioa ameng these close to ths president-elect is that the first diplomatic approaches te ether aatioas in regard to a pease assoeiatioa will bo cf m entirely informs! character. Hughes Wsll Equipped. stat eommeree withla th Stat and I j .u. ,. i. t.r-1 , w wpKim vai f""- '""i w", piacea on staffd. They l " The principst -- speeches were maae , I tli nil I'ht.e Rmma In HiuhmasiI I tMtlflarf. that -. .n . . i ., n i . ,-( . . AM n .... ki. imU, I -" - . . a wmi ui ivi9a I sKavinsc ma diii ut arpnwnuiuvn . wu W - wm.w .-" II!. .R. .M1, V.. HlkM 1. . . u..lWl,.. .VS. I..1J... 1 1 . . . . I . M . out tickets at station whers they eould kave obtained ttcketa." v . The carriers are also ordered la th matter of baggage to pat ia fores "aa allowance of baggage - per paasengar which will correspond with the allow . anee'Vper .passenger Bow maintained by th carriers 'la connection with in terstste eommeree. -, : ' - Lastlr. th order directs that tt 'skill - become effective oa ox before March 29, 1921, upoa aqtice- to the eommissloa aad tho general public by aot less than five days aoties. . "- ' - i; " r - - tMfferemeo Means Over MIHloeu ' Beviewlnf tho passeager faro eoa treversy la the State, going back to 1908. whea tho rate of two' aad ft half with the result that authority has been whea this incident is alleged to have Garrett of Tennessee and Bainey of given for the assembling of a special occurred, Petty came to them aad Illinois. Whils the steering committee force of-officers to .take the situation pointed the house out ' Both mea cracked its whip and got snough votes in nauu. nrenty mea e ue eiiy inn i ststea that at the- time It wasrkaowa I ito lifts to adopt the rule and send the igac, ana iney win, unless novasa i si a house of bad rODute and the biU direct .to conference, tho failure 'worst of mea er women Went there." to get a two-thirds vote wss significant ' Important- developments of- tho ease snd menns that there will be diflJculty to far thia wsek follow i . even ia tho House ia mustering the two Tuesday: Mrs. Varner testified, mala. 'hird mjpritynecessary to pass the all .11 . ... " . "Ik. .koll mmiI ; k.-k. A ;..nnrH 1 u uciswu' k opposition. I - Wednesday! Anna Miller, Begrees, Vsraer servaat.testifled for. Mrs. Var ner, making noor witnasm. VrmA r Siak, Varner's business manager, star elsewhere, stick Jby,th job bbUI, North Carolina has been la a measure freed 01 the liquor Industry. CItlseas CshoaeretiBg. v M-opetating.ot; iUB : In many parts of the State has bsea prom ised ths department "and a repetition of the achievements ef the Law aad Order League in .Cumberland county is expeeted ia many sections. Organized drives, with; several score participants may be instituted aad carried - out, as was the esse whea the citizens of lower Cumberland got together Bad combed (CssUa me Oa Page Two) he. shall send it back disapproved. The chance of a two-thirds majority ia th Senate is even more remote. Bepublicaas are Divide. Thst ths Republicans are divided among themselves oa the .tariff issue was indicated by the fact that several New England members, led by Bepre seatstive Tresdwsy, ,of Msssaehnsetts, a member or tns ways aad Means com mittee, defied ths whip of tho steering Mmmttt this aftanaoBi . and. voted year la passing an aot fixing, tho rate of-ths State, according to. prohibiUon I Hig 8ecretaTT Annonncea That I against ths bill. Tread way Bad Luce, at three cents a mile, except oa short-1 .?' .,0., I T4nn:il,u r. o: w saotker Masssehusetts Kcpubliean, Una roads ef less tkaa ten miles. tlwIJO" m w rH" out-i w wis wp m trai I spok against the bill.' Th threatened ..... - la, ,V. ..J.. th Director Geaeral potting tho three I f. WJBP fl " P, iB ",wejuL eeats a mile rate in effect in 191 aad L'M;r 1'2u0f J ""t ,at.tat.S?r the aetioa of tho Geaeral Assembly last 0ihf" '.f tk9r' CARUSO: STILL IMPROVES Hj$ PHYSICIANS- STATE Tims Sines TJlneaa commission oavsi I MWa r Fn ua "tested -EvideBco offered by respondents la- thr busiaeas wbsa it waa a legiti- .. . . . .... ... I an.t. 11....., I.hmm l.i.nn. awaHM. eneaisa max ix ins niessns inirasxatsi -r . -. . ; , i . i coanmuice w oiu sumer fare are continued for one year aad ture' was banished from tho State I "JT " e Earieo Caruso. Republican leader whom it subsequently desertion of New fnglaad Bepublieans appeared so serious thst tke steering committee had to call on the former zaiwe ere sssussn xor one year aaa l ---, -- I warM c. . . , nrjiuunu. . huui.u, tho intrastate travel during that year I "ter th plebiscite of 1909, and for the I., .vi a0" te"'f toar.j apparsatly diaercdited, Maaa, of Massaehnsetts, to T I auA B am. At. a. Ot.i. ta. aVaUaam skaaaak I WU Disl IA Ml fit frjl 1 TB wkaVa St. ... 1. - I . a . a w-1 ts ths aamo as .la tao 'Calendar year lP. y-w n mvm w ... "r. (-"ih-j iuae tne noor aaa warn ise new cng- 1919, tho direct loea of revenss to th Bieally fro f liquor. ; t .v.7- I Ji-!I1BS l",,l"If"f Beartj,ad Bepublieans that If they did aot .a, ai. 1 -a a . a .- I . Ratiaaataai. m ka aaaaka. a, M-illa I atUCk WBjch OaTOr thia Waak thvaaa. I a l .l. .v: .a i al.1. miuw 9Z saw aniewrwiu mpvaaenis I - -; - . , ... - - ,,a uu in, wi yn.imuva tm mim through Xallurs to- seen re tto SO poraceuy wora m us owe wmm asi - - , - . . bUL slmed to plseate too farmers, when eeat taereaeo ia those fares will ap I a1 iSflOO aa the ostlmatod weekly I Bppeare more cheerful and was I the biU had been la the-begianiag given proximate eiSsua. iiaaI oa the ouzpui ei wusaey ox vanows sons is 1 wx sou a. xooa. I tho spproral of the majority Of tbs psasenger travel during the first sitPaeeo as upwaros ox juuuw gaiioaa. i : 7-"" icwr, sis pay-1 Ways aad Heaas eommiUse they would months of 1920 the loss for six months Eery variety of liquor fat being made, I d'. Bi foaditloa was pre-j not bo able to muster solid party would approximate oSOO. It ia said Sfsats iad SB their, raids, tanging fJ"- tUfrtorily- Whh relapse ttreagth for tke tariff bills that aaay v maw raaip ibi ibbib ram sisBmsi inmai am 1 ss ssm uitv mr snv-vTiisB dismw tm ." tr ssn w w gvara r aai swara . bussb sbbisbv s - mm m bus la Aorta uarouaa lor 11 repro-1 tao vilest ox eoaeoetions oc aaeertaia I proamtBciag bus eoavai-1 xho debate between Bepublicaas at seats about 44 per sent ef their total I erigia. - - 'i lone time became almost bitter aad . The plants la operatioa range from wroooo Becretary, to- Westera Republicans from the farming I -l .... . . . , I a i . f mfmwm aal V . a.n t . .1 r aavan-ai copper anus ox a nign capacmr I ? auuvwisiw euvesseBi: I maiaa aerved nuvtare oa tne Maw to eraae makaskirts with nothing morel siaee-his rempso kud representatives frees the large usu pa wu cast aaa lew zees ex iron i m-m mr mim nsisc sappers-1 ssasntraetarina? a aft rt eta. mat ir thav I piping. Ofuaals kavs been unable te edby pillovrs aad asaiste by his ssrse I nrm not viiirag to gWa the farmer trace taa son re a af saanafsuetara af tke I "m. xie ase Dean nakinsi ta da I .Mtutu,. vu j-..ta ak . a state aad interstate passengers ea the bettor cmsa sf -asills which or being this all day, aad waa eery please whea mi xpeet aesietaaee trees tho Westera came traias with the aame service. The shipped into the State, but It 1 easily l Pkysic-aaa. gave their pexasisoa. xjmbiieaas la writing preteetfro tariff tatrastata psavaeager, paying tho lower -recognise that the moonshiners have . " ae of tho telcgrssaa which he hwa for tho New Eagles maanfae- fare, rideo ia the same ear and perhaps aeeess to Us very beet ef oqalpmeBt if reeeived today was change frees twera. the earns seat witk the interstate pas- they have the money to pay for it with. uziety to Joy over the aewa that Mr. Ckalrwua Wsrrea. Thslto CaoluL eeorsr who pars the higher fare." . Caruso Is bow oa the road to recovery." Tkosmaa D. Wama. af NmrI-. CommissiOBer -Toseph B. die-1 . rsomary karaesa race; flZJI Cams waa given solid foe sgsia at I .kairaua of the North rtrJi rw-T. passenger reveaae 1b th State, and for I the first sua moatks of 1939 about 61 oor osnt- - v OteustssJsiesioa la Allesre. All the responds. ta except tho Pied mont aad Nerthera carry both intra-1 (CMUawed o rags Two) I steeple chase and running re cos. Fins-1 his evening meaL Flowers eoabaae te I asm, we-aneaay-cr, arrive at kis spartmeaW - (CsbjUbbc Oa rr Two be had inquired into the matter and found that there was nothing irregular about transactions between Mr. Boiling snd Mr. Hands. 5 . Mr. i'isher said the transactions were i : . 1 . . .1 "j ucumi is tom rrora na to nye, and the tick ersdieators were given until Tuesday to convert the House., 8enaror Swain nlJ . question of pessoaal Drlvlletra to answer porely f a personal nature. Mr. Boll B statement in a weeklv Diner nuhlLheil I ing previously had testified that they in the district adjoining his own. In I h"d t0 do with paymsnt of funds due which the Senator from Tvrrell wis I him by Mr. Bands on a bouts eon railed' "ths elowa of the 1921 General strued for the latter some years ago. Assembly. I bceretary fayne, former ah airman , Leave of absence was yeaterdav srsnt- of the Shipping Board, was' before ths ed to Frank Xt Haekett P,m.;.i rio.a I committee . todar '. for more than aa 01 me senate, on account of ths desth our, reviewing eonaiuons as 11 loonci of His brother. - The Senate sdjourned ti''g'U- Bher4 lie became cJiairnian soon -a alia-T . - W V V 1 J a UUIU 1WO D E1DCI JUOfl. 1 -.WI u ,iuub,w " a v . -w day afternoon. ' . Isold he found the accounting system ta It waa a dull day ia the Houss vaster- btd - shape and dismissed several qi dsy until ths, .Avery county road bill ficials and abolished some" bOreSus in was brought up in ths course of the ths course of a general ehaklng-up of calendar, clearing, and then for b brief the organizations . .. ..- - . spell it looked as though thsrs might Mr. Psyas criticised . the Merchant be a scrap, snd possibly sensations. ' Marins bill, plan of a Shipping Board .Dissensions hare been brewing for of seven, members, saying tkat one weeks ever the Hicks bill. He offered a eneeutive should, hsndls the work. - He meaiurs early in the session, aad num-1 also attacked ' Congress 'for, proposing bars of kis people earns down to pro- abrogation of commercial, treaties test against it, and asked Representative preferential' rstes might be put, into Neat to draw aad present snotber. It effect .... m done, and the Boads . committee . The secretary also declared' that 'the passed the Heal bill. I government - could - not compete with "The. measure immedistely disappear-1 private chipping interests ia operating ed, and another was drswn, after other I merchant craft and reiterated-his Republican members hsd conferred with lief thst -if American passenger liners Mr, Hicks, embodying the provisions of fare to operate successfully in corope ti the Nel bill. Yssterdty Mr. Hicks, I toa with foreign liners,, they, must be witk Mr.' Nesl, aad. other members of permitted to cell, intoxicants sutsido the roed committee, snd Bepublieans who had labored with him .over thr wording of the substitute were absent tried to amend the measure by iaclud ing his original provisions. aMpubhesBS caught him, and Demo crats est by snd watched them ensnsre kiss. Mr. Hicks cWas bitter ia bis pre tests against the aetioa ef tke commit tee aad of the House. Oa suggestioa of Various atembers, all eonsiderstioa of the bill was put off uatil Tuesdsy mora. igt when it it expected thst dsve lop meats may be soenewhst sensational. - After that the House proceeded along the even tenor ef He way, passing morH than 100 roll call bills ea their second reeding and leaving tha calendar ia fairly gee shape.- Adjournment was takes uatil Monday afternoon at 1:49 o'clock whea a ioiat oseoiea will- as semble to hear tho leader of the Ameri cas Lrgioa make aw address. Many members are out of tn oity lor the week oa. the American three-mile line. STORM WARNINGS ' " - f ORDERED CP ALONG " " SOUTH ATLANTIC COAST; .. . - "... i V ' Washington, Feb. .It, Northwest Mens warning wss ' ordered BI from JacksoovMo, Fl., so Besw. fert, N. C, by. the Weather Bo reas ot I o'clock toolghC - A disturbance was .ever Alahaaaa, aoeordlsnj to repotta,' aad will mere , . ortbastward with , marked la . snail la iatoasity, -. .. : ' - rreeh east aa sisthsaet winds were Indicated. Tho forecast stated. - they win become strong lata toaigkt or Saaday moralwg... ..... r' Tho storm wRl be attowded by -"enow oad talo ta- middle Beetles ' eeat ef tke Mississippi ' rrvee aa rala la tke seotheaetera states Bs dsy aa by wlndo' and galoa aloeg the report said. No official diplomat: eorrospoadsae f is expeeted on tho subject aa - Be- formally accredited diplomatic mis- sions ars liksly to bo seat abroad until the attitude of other powers has been felt out quietly aad some basis for ne gotiations established. - Mr. Hughee will bring to tke ssere- Uryship of state a legal training of unuaual scope as wsil as a mind ayes pathetic to international agreement - for the maintenance of peace. During the treaty fight he advocated reserved ratification of tho Versailles league snd he proposed several reservations which were considered by the Senate - mtjority ia the preparation of its final program. Ib th midst of th National sam psiga last year, Mr. Harding held sa , ef kis longest eon foresees with th maa sow selected to sit at tho hood , of tho cabinet, and whea confers noes , of "best minds" began at Marion ia December, he was the first te be sss moned. It le understood that even , thsa Mr. Harding virtually had de cided -ea 4he oppiBtnent though J formal lnvitatloa was aot extended un til a later date. Strong Support For .Other Maa. - Strong support for ether available ... T men for the State ' portfolio developed during December aad Jsauary, ' oas of -tke most Insistent ; movements being ' for th selection of Elihu Boot, a for- . mer secretary. Since th first Of th year, however, there have beea repeat- ' ed indieaUons that Mr. Harding's miad was mads up oa the question, acid ho is known to have considered announce meat of the appointment early la Jan-,, usry. . ...,"' , The only queetion Mret Hughe was willing to answsr tonight in regard to tbs policies of his department relate to publicity, Aeked whether he In- tended to follow the precedent of the '" present . admialstratioa ' . ia holding - periodical conferences with newspaper , mea ho replied with aa emphatic af-, firmativs, adding that he wasted tk . give the fairest publicity to every department question that would permit discussion.. Although the conference win Mr. Hughes occupied virtually all of tho Piccldeat-electB atteotioa during the ' day ho had oeroral ether colic rs, la luding Chsirmaa Fordney of UO Houso ways oa means committee, wk came' to talk about tariff kscislatioa, . fcsd Manual Angela, a representative of the Cuban Hberat . party, who asked that the Amerleaa goversmest aid la -guaranteeing fair oleetieao ia Caks, Ob neither of these questions did Ms. Harding express any final opinion. - - V. M. L Beats Virginia. ' Jtoaaoks, Va, Feb. 19, Virginia M01- tary Institute's quint defeated the bee- -katball team of ths Cairertity of Yir- giaia Bero.toalght, tl to 13.