I The News" 0b and Cased Tosadsy wMh rslaes aaew la aa1aeeot Vrfl day tVMf, prohsVly rsia. server -te. aaahankam aaaaaaaam AS-Aa-Aa an.aaaUiaaaxeeea.al UUSBr f VII mmnj wwaawa-, VJVJPJVi TWVWSI v daye bafora eiplraHee, la seder la avoid saisalng siae eeay , - li VOL CXIII, NO. 53. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C. TUESDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 22. 1921. TWELVE PACES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE, CENTS ij-HAROIOEBAIES-I ON PUniNG SKIDS I UNDER MR. MELLON n Revelations Made By the New Tone world cause Repub licans Lotsof Worry DAUGHERTY ABOUT ALL COUNTRY WILL STAND FOR Instead of Super-Statesmen Tor Cabinet Material, Presi dentelect Lines Up Choice Political Spirit! of Old Guard Orf anisation ; Secretary Dan iela To Oet Chair The Newi and Observer Bureau, 603 District National Bank Building. Br JOE U BAKER (By Hpecial Leased Wir Waihington, Feb. 21. With the an .nouneoropnt from 8t. Auguatina today .that., rroijcnt rlort Harding had leeted Harry M. Daugherty, of Ohio, Mi pro-convention campaign manager ML v iaJiifrn vwJ.io iha new eabi- Would Hold Public Service Corporations To Contracts Measure Will Be Introduced in General Assembly Today Declaring That Parties to Contracts Heretofore Entered Into For Furnishing and Consumption of Dec trie Power Shall Abide by Terms Agreed Upon. Cotton ail mea aad their eeuaoe repreeeatiag Uuntti opposing Ua Sonthera Power Coaipaay'a polities aow pending before the Corporation Com miasios for the abrogstlea ef eiietiag contracts aad aa iacreaae la rata for power service, supplemested by jsill mea aot lavolved ia thka action, Jaat aight determiaed to aek the Oeaeral Aiserably to require both partiee to eoe- traeta heretofore catered into for the furaishiag and the eoaaumptiou of elee- trle power to abide by the terms of the eon treats. The meeting la whieh the decision waa reached waa held ia the Chamber of Commere rooms and did aot adjourn until eleven clock. According to Mr. a W. TUlett, attorney of Charlotte aad prominently identified la the case which h assumed the proportions of the biggest rate fight of the kind that has ever bee a conducted before the Corpo ration Commisaioa, the attorney aad textile men present were aaaaisaoaa p their udvoeaey of the measure whieh will be presented to the General As- At'mbly todsy. TJs pnff aouree or r.n.iuorni.ie worry. Acrora- Ub, cr,,,.,;,,, ComauesioB, iuvolv- ing to B story ia The Waahirtfrtoa Star inf , colltrovery betweta any publi thi. afteriioon, information has come uUll-ty corporation aad ay pereoa, to Waahingtoa "telling of pressure . Ln.. t tha eeaa. being . brought to Usx aa -President-, weaee ir jvtro rf a fit, the aoa elect Harding not to appoint Mellon, u t Dr.TlOU,i T entered into voluatarilv but to choose for the poat A. B. Decker, of Minneapolis, president of Minneapolis Federal Bcierve Board District." The Star's story went on to say that behind the movement are seTeral Be publican political leaders, active in the lust campaign, who are fearful of the effect of the determined 'drive' being made againit Mr. Mellon la aome quar ten. Mr. Mellon has been assailed by a . leading Democratic newspaper on account of his financial interests." The newspaper referred to is the New Tork World. Mr. Mellon has also been assailed by the Anti-Salooa League because of his "former holding of large blocks of - liquor distillery stocks, bat which bar been trans ferred to others," according to the Btar. May Pat Sklda Under Baaker, by such public utility eorporatioa with suck person. Arm or eorporatioa. shall govera aad the rates aad terms of the sea tract shall be held by the commit aioa to be jaat aad reasonable, rending la Sooth Carolina. A similar measure baa paaard the lower House of the Legislature ia South Caroliaa, ia which Slate the Southern Power Company largely operates. Ia that State the eorporatioa om mission has as authority over the rates of hydro, aleetrie eoaeeraa. Aa effort made ia the last session of the South Caroliaa law body to gire the State the power of supervision was defeated, aad W. a. Leo, vice president of the Southern Power Company aad chirf eagiaeer, admitted oa the witness stand before the Corporation Commission of this State recently, tfaat he went to Soatk Caroliaa whea the bill waa pend ing aad fought its passage. It wai killed. At the eeasioa aow la progress, a aimilar bill ia pending with the pro viso embraced ia the proposed North Carolina art. The measure having passed the House is now awaiting Sen ate action. This bill, those engaged in 'the eon fetsnee last night declared, ought to to promote com 'mffliw--v rporjtiuns of this State shouii aot be required to stand by iheir eon tracts just aa others are required to do. The cottoa mills, they say, dismantled their ittiV power plants at the urgent praat.sn- h -mm service .orpora tioas, and eoatraeted for power aa eerdiag to certain terma and rates. Now, QUESTION RICH OF JUDGE UK JO HOLD POSITION Members of House Judiciary .Committee Convinced That Employment Wrong THOROUGH PROBE INTO MATTER TO BE MADE M'COIH WOULD ASK PRISON DIRECTORS FOR EXPLANATION f 4? WrV'frgU. entitled ,"Aa. act I pr any -aaa aXl mira. isVeiy w. ;'i Representative Welty Claims That Baseball Mag-nates Named Judge As Arbiter Be cause of Position As Federal Jndfe: Only One Defender Before the Committee service corporations of this Bute shoul (CrattaaW Oa Pago Twe) Harding s Confidence Remains Unshaken in Political Friend President-Elect Pays Tribute To His Campaign Manager As Splendid Man OPPOSITION CONFIRMS FAITH IN DAUGHERTY The World of this morning devotes Outlines Principles Guiding Him a first page story to Mr. Mellon under the headline "Harding debating akide , for .Mellon to ve Dougherty,"; jnd . admonishes the coantry to "get esdy U hear that Andrew Mellon, the seeoad , richest man M the JQpltsd. SUtea, baa, found that he ( In Selection of "fcepub. Uosn Cabinet" Bt.' Augustine, IT, "Feb. II. Presi dont elect Hardlnf , todays issnamii RECORD AS LAWYER AND AS POLITICIAN Examination of Daugherty's Acnievements Shows Him A9tute..Lpbbyist By PEANK U HOPKINS. :.. T1 r-r- jfew Tork World.) Aaaeuneement has been made that cannot well ar ranee his . affairs to take ever the job ef Beere-1 definitely kia deeiaioa to Sppelat Harry Ury of the Treasury." A eonple of if, Psugherty, of Ohio, to the Attorney i ia the Cabinet of President Warren O psragratbi H Uis World 1 story was GeneraUblw and st ths name time laid Hardiaf, Harry M. Daugherty of Co- ! aa AnieiklMatiAn aaf at Mil area nsAal I I a ... . . "..rril':r.VC"i'-r- bnildina- hfa cabinet. a. pw aiwraiy osnerau VL iuq ycopisj fab niruiaK Btwiuuai ms i ----- - - t. Th- w.M r him Prealdent-alect paid trlbato to Mr. .v. i. ..rf,. in.i.,in. ki.lDaugherty. who was bis campaign man' ownership of a great whiskey -eflrpora- " spleadid man who wiU make tion. which massed lh prohibition f" Attorney Ueneral, aad added In order that the publie mar Judgs for itself whether Mr. Daugherty ia fitted for this office, on of ths ehief func tions of which if ths enforcement of ths low against corporations and the ea xno pronioiuon - m ' - nro.in. the nnhlU r.in.t forces against him, bars anything to that .eppoMura naa sn.y strogxaenea r - - - do with the sudden Dreeariousness if is mu u u wma " . . t a. T - A If. s .a. aa..l a hi chance, bnt the coincidence or -c. - - , . . . - those revelation, with tb. criticiam of iVJ th.rVo ..V sonld ' i- fellow citizen, of the annointment of Harrv M. Daueh-1 quarters here aaying that as oas eoaidl - . . ... . ... . . .... .'v ,i :.i .i. 'TV. rernao to aerva under the cireum-1 -" " '" ji,i.tU. .wu.. - j stances. . . ; i . , i . i . t a I RTwtiftfnir nf tti ablnt wenerallr. tt 'na uininiRimkioa ra ouiv t -- : -y . I . r II 1 : JI.uJ . I. a A n.ia a .urtain .mnunt af rrltirmm. rlenntor air. imiuu"! urtiinu turn iiiw Harding cannot tell his friend Dough- eipie. were gniamg bis selections, in tn unit. iltinnt mhiaet nr him-1 nrsi quaiuy or am lueu cauuiew. aa self to the charge of political ingrati- aaid, was a eapaeity for efficient pnb- tude, for however checkered Daugh- ue service, wnue ins secona was an ertv's record may be. the fact remains ability to command popular support - . i it. a. , that he put Warren suolie Hie. ana is more uireciiy re-1 r 1 eniin. vs. .... . , I T. U . . B.a.kltM. SmUm I r--- - - - ' ponsioie I or nis nnai eieyauon - for hu, offie(ll to which fce nM u anybody else. But Mr. Menon -"JTJZ??rvi a period during whieh he waa BUCB Claim. 1 no irniuvurcicc. I . ' I n.p.Mv ar-hAitmA sitk K.;.. . 1K not even know mm nntu ne was orongni grwu .j - " I bviat ' before the Ohio Iiriil.tii re to Marion during.th. conference there." Ua, be sure that J It wiU be , a eabiaet Mj- JSZJ fkXi at ths bar. Find Caaaplcaoas Fsatsrea. Ia this inquiry are certain. features whieh stand oat eoaipieaouily. Be ginning with his exoneration - in 1892 by a legislative committee of the implied charge made ia a Columbus newspeper that be, as a member' of 'Waihington, Feb. 21. The right of a Federal judge to accept outside em ployment while serving on the bench waa aharply questioned by member of the Houae Judiciary committee to day in considering Impeaehment chargea against Judge Kenraaw Moun tain Landis. After Representative Welty, Demo ' ment of judge $42,300 a year contract as suprems arbiter ef orgauiced baseball, mem ber Insisted thai the committee ihould go thorotigfcty 1-nto the rase.- With this in' view, Chairman Volstead an nounced that the question would be taken np Wednesday. Left To, The Committee. It will be left entirely for the com mittee composed delusively of .law yers, to decide whether there is suffi cient ground to justify presentation of Introduces Resolution Calling For Statement On Building Delay Within 3 Days RESOLUTION IS REFERRED TO COMMITTEE FIRST Sharp Debate Follows Intro, duction of Measure Which Has Been Bubbling For Week; McCoin Wants To Know If Acts of Legislature Are To Be Ignored CONEY TO FLY ACROSS CONTINENT San Diego, Cal., Feb. 21. Lieut. William D. Coney, of the 91st Aero Squadron, left at 7 o'clock tonight from North Island aviation station in an attempt to fly to the" Atlantic com, within 24 hours. The only sched uled stop in his 2,700 mile flight is at Dallas, Texas. jswgggggxfwgaawgBBw - J.. I !MIIH SOOARE DEAL FOR DISABLED HEROES VAN ER OVERCOM E BY HIS EMOTIONS National Commander of the American Legion Speaks Three Times In Raleigh ADDRESSES LEGISLATURE ON NEEDS OF SERVICE MEN A joint resolution stating that "it now seem that on aceount of the wil ful refuaal of the directora of the Btate Penitentlury to obey the lawa of the fetnte of North Carolina, nine hun dred unfortunate aml dependent per eon. will be deprived of the eare and treatment that the General Aaaembly Intended they ahould have," and di recting the directora to mans eiplanv Lexington Man Denies Having Had Friendly Relations With Baxter McRary lanilis ISaw a ti ass nf lit si I tntAsIinrsi tiBsiiaarn w w Comes Here From Conference With Presidentelect Hard, inf With Feeling That Next President ts In Sympathy With Fight American Legion Is Waging A eqnare deal for the disabled ser vice men the forgotten heroes sf the World War was demaaded by Col. Frederick W. Oalbraith, Jr., National Contender of the American Legion, la three addreaaea ia the city yesterday. Col. Oalbraith denounced the negligence of the Federal government toward the disabled soldiers, aad aaid thai ths Legion would fight without erasing aa til theie mea got what they are a si jmi:acxv.Kn ,ao. paMl0. After a akarp debnte, the motion of Senator Uurgwin, of New liannver, "that this quasi bill of indictment be referred to the Committee on IVnal li atHiittoBO-' - for - ln-veaUgauo waa adopted. Senator Hartaell ipoke against the motion to refer, and a colloquy between him aad senator De Laney provoked another charge againat the directors of the prison. In response to the at aertioa of the Senator from Mecklen burg that the sum of siuo.mx) appro- Greeaiboro, Feb. II. H. B. Varaer, defendant In the euit of Mrs. Florence C. Varner, hia wife, for a "reasonable ruhaiitenee, wss so overcome ia Fed eral court today that he wa forced to halt his testimony Are times to allow his pent up emotions to subside. Mr. Varuer denied ever having friend ly relationa with Baiter MeKary, stating that he had never invited him to hit . ..... ' Tt. a ' . cause he considered him the leader of his rare ia North Carolina. Another deposition relative" to Me Bary'a health aad Ukea ia Baltimore xecently . by request of plaintiff was read, conauming almost an hour. Lpon cross eiamination Varner ststed emphatically that if he won auit againat Baxter McBary for 100,000, charged with aJienationa of his wife's affeetioas, he would devote every eeat with the ei- ception of his lawyer'a feea to some or phanage or hospital in the State or to priated by the 1919 Ueneral Aaaembly soma other worthy charity. He aaid he was insufficient, the Senator from Cab- wanted to punish Ule negro and that ths case to the Home of Represent tives. Should the House vote to lm-I retorted that the uma act nve It hi. ... tk. ... Jithnnt killia i, the Senate would sit aa the trial them the right to sell the Caledonia him. peach, the fact maw. .oy Ohio Legialntare, had been paid O. Harding into aad ttottW j-aat, grow ont of aataral K ToU for.Joh, Sherman a. Senntor, siore directly rs and proper political eoaaideratioa. . . .. Amt' Pollticlana Not Statosmea. of which ths whole count ry tarn be Tn h uma tuna. The World da- proud vote considerable apses to Mr. Dangh- As la ths case of Charles E. Hughea, Hv. whoa seleetioa f or Attory I whose appointment . as ScereUry uf ... .nnonnneit from 8t Stato was formally unnouneed Bator- Augustine today. For several days, day, Mr. Daugherty's seleetioa for the Ths World, ons of ths greatest "era- cabinet generally aaa oeea szpsena ssers" in. American aewapaperaom, among w . Bimmi. " I fn. w i. .a ..n. m. has been devoting attcntioa to ths roe- Is understood to have beea approached u ... ,..,. 7.., '-i.C t era or men? reponea yt nave mm .o-i. --v-v. -" presideat-slset Warren O. Hardine-. BavlBgs aad Trust Company, which failed swing ita depositors $1,235,000 they were subsequently paid 68 1-2 per seat or this amount j - hi warm mpoosal of ths cans of William Howard Taft ia Ohioj hia success ia winning - a commutation of sentence court. Three Bcpublieaa members of the committee, Bcpresentative Hasted, New York; Goody koonts, Weit Vir ginia and Boies, Iowa, openly express ed opposition to ths doubls servics of the Judge. Mr. Husted declared that acceptance of aueh a large outside salary waa "outrageou,"' but insisted the,, commit tee should have facts on which to draw sn indictment. Mr. Boise thought the judge might be foreed by publie opinioa to quit one job. 7 """ t Mr. Ooodykoonts said thai if Judrs Laadis1 eowt.rs -WTtTly proper, there was nothing to prevent ths meat packers sad other smploying a man oa ths bench to look aftor their interest while still acting aa judge. Why Lsadla Was Named. Asked to explain why Judge Land la had been picked by organised bus- ball to sit as arbiter, Mr. Welty pre sen ted a letter from Chicago which purported to quote one of the magnates a saying that Landis, as a private eitisen, meant nothing to baseball, but that Landis as a judge meant ev erything. Mr. Welty was emphatic in the assertion that this was th real basis for his appointment Boms committee member expressed the view that while the committee might aot vote to impeach, the charges would not be 'dismissed without pos- ib1s ensnr" or criticism. It also wls aaid that Mr. Welty 's bill making it unlawful for a Federal judge to ae- peept any pay except that allowed him by the, government, probably would be reported out with a recommendation for speedy enactment. This, they said, would cure the ''evil condition" men tioned by Mr. Welty. Only One Defender. The only defense of Judge Landis wm made bKBepresentativ Gallivao, Democrat, MossachutetU, not a mem ber of ths committee, who announced that he desired to be heard. Mr. Welty, Mr. Gal li van asserted, had failed to lubstantlate his charge Ths attorney general's opinion that Farm and use the proceed for the erec tion of a new prison "But I understand thnt they sold the farm for notes and not for cash,'' said Senator DeLainey. 'If they sold that farm at a time whea land wa worth more than it had ever been worth before without getting money or securities upon whieh they eould borrow money, it is the most un businesslike arrangement I have aver heard of and ia indefensible," declared oenator Hansen. Senator DeLaney, Burgwin nnd Burgwya thoaght that chasges in a rao lutioa aaing sue strong terms should not OS passed without reference to a mrnUte! Senator Nash wanted ths resolution passed with ths preamble strieien out, and Henator Bwaia wanted to vote it down immediately, declaring tnat as had airsady seen convinced that the General Aaaembly had erred by not appropriating sufficient fund witu which to carry out its mandate. Asks Why Lawa Are Ignored Senator McCoin thought the Senator from Tyrell had ait upon the 'milk ia ths coeoanut," and insisted that a between the General Assembly and the directora of the priaon there ihould be no queation a to ; whose judgment ehould control as to what constituted "sufficient funds. "I want it clearly understood that I am not making an attack upon any body, but I do think that we should know why ths laws passed by this Gen eral Assembly are calmly ignored," de nim. If I wia suit I wouldn't have sns dollar of hia dirty money. I'd go to the poor house first. I've got ns apology for mnking auit againit him aad I will fight it to the bitter end," he declared as hs broke dowa ia tears. Hs said hs had dons all ia hia power to keep the first story of ths affair and his picture out of ths paper, si this Incident was ths most humiliating thing that had ever occurred to him ia bis Ufa, at. WJMv SWjvjf jiif t . meeting of over 200 former servics mea from the city and all part of ths Stats. He spoke previously st a loach eon tendered him by the Balelgh Cham ber of Commerce aad at a joint seeeioa of the General Assembly. During his stay here he was entertained by Stats department officials of the legion aad by a number of leading citixea of ths city. He srrived st aooa from Florida, . where be had a conference with Presi- . dent-elect Harding, and.wa met at ths Union Station by a delegatioa of legioa official and local eitixen. Hop for relief for the disabled ser. vice mea under the neit administration was confidently expressed by the Na- th)aal Commander, who stated that the President-elect wa la sympathy with the flght ths Legioa wa waging. Col. , Galbraith quoted Senator Hardiag aa saying that h now understood ths problems of the disabled service man s hs had not understood it before, sad -was Indebted to ths American Legioa for bringing It to his attention. Col. Galbraith added that ths Prestdeat elect stated that one of ths ant set sf ths new Congress will be to provide Four letters were introduced dnrlna I generous sad adequate ears for ths dia- ths afternoon which wsrs received by Isblsd service mea, snd tht there would Mr. Tamer from his wife befors she de-1 bs no aiggsrdly poller, CoL Oalbraith " parted, for Utah. Perhaps ths meat I aaid that after explaining the aeetre ; .trihlng ens follows. I of ths AmerlesB Lsgisa that ths Bursas "Dear Oolsaeti I of War Bisk Injurs a ee, ths rshsbiU. I hsvs dseided to do you as you wish tatloa section of. Us federal Board er snd will try to ieava Thursday night Vocational Training aad ths United and will go to mamma's. Can I writs States Publie Health Service bs so. you snd will you snawer my letter f I ordlnsted under oas sfflcieat hesd, ths am hoping that you will yet bo eon- President-elect stated hs saw as sb- vineed that I am aot guilty of thl jeetioa to the plan aad that It would awful ehargs. I am innocent and you I have the support of ths new adminis tration. OatllBea Task of Lt stea ls outlining ths task. v before ths American Legioa ia his sddrsss la ths court house last Bight, Col. Galbraita said ths 8rt thing i to rehabilitate must believe Anna snd L There is terrible mistake somewhere. No one hss over been to see me ia your ab sence. You must not condemn me to s lifs of misery. I lov you devotedly and I cannot be hsppy sway from you, bs happy somewhers else. Keep that ia mind and doa put me out of your life. Mr. Smith has been to ana mw and aaid . ... - . . - i u.a BeMtor "0ln ance. He wss you intended starting divorce proceed Dont deprive ms of ons consolation of I ths forgotten heroes of ths World Wsr. seeing you before I go. It is not right,! "Wo all earns boms alter ras sign- vou must remember I hsvs beea as- las of the armiaties aaa all went aaea eused but not proven guilty. Wo could I into our business aad profsssions, Iss Judge. Lsndis wa within backed by the Senator from Cabarras, wno said that the Ueneral Assembly nad been in session for over forty days, and tnat common sense and com mon decency ihould have dictated that ths directors of the prison inform it of their decision to ignore the mandate of ita predecessor. Senator McCoin Anally arreed for the resolution to go to the committee, but anotner clash was precipitated between him and Senator McCulloch, chairman of the committee, as to ths date of the hearing. The chairman agreed to call a meeting "as soon aa the director can be notified and given time to get ncre. oenator ing at one. Let ms know if it is true. I will aot eontest, but. go slow, wsit a while at least. Just givev ms oas ray of bops. I never realised till aow what you are to me. I love you snd it will kill ms to givs you up. I sm al most erased with grief. I will try my beat to get off tomorrow. I eouldn t live with mamma without something to ing tho government departments to ear for ths sick. Ws sll went back except, the disabled service man ,and his con dition is not so good. Thsrs are 24,000 men and women in hospital aow, aad numerous others who need hospital at tention hsvs nowhere to get it. Up to this tims ths Federal government has not adopted a program of hospitali sation. Ths government has built a fs hospitsls, it is true, but they are aot the kind we need. Ths disabled ma a has beea deserted, but we don't-pro- go upon. Must I go to work or will pos that hs shsll remain deserted, la you provide for met pieass dsuy 105 hospitsls under government jpper- a while at least till I get my strength, vision there are about 12,500 men, snd I sm Jn .an awful condition. , I hive in 1,200 other hospital without govern eaten nothing sines Monday aight at meat 7 supervision, thsrs ars 11,800 supper and have slept only a little, others being farmed out for 10 much a Hsvs been swsks sines S o'clock this day. These are ia hospitsls that ars informally on tho subject aooa after lected lor eaoinet positions, -ins minni "j . 1 ri.i. .i tnt.- nr u v ..Ki:.k.J ...M hntllia.4 tha TWnartaint tit Jnatira ia aaid I . , 4 as nwiiu. mw um. --.SJ , - -.Tr " . I twentv years sso.' when, as Danirh v I mm, nnahail Iff. HavHIn. mil mm - tn indicate that if the. mea reported be selected for cabinet duty are ' A thossay tha Q. O. P. pram iss to gis the - country a cabinet of super-itatesmeu will lbs redeemed. Ths World Investl gator does aot And that such mea as Mellon, Daugherty and Will Mays are such is to inspire tha country with ths feeling that ths eabiaet wil be ons of - master mind. Oa ths outer hand, tne . inference is plain that it win be just a tsry ordiaary eabiaet s tilled for the v most part with mere politicians aad aot atatesmea. . Ths World's story, todsy dealr with Soma of Mr. Daugherty a legal eoaaes tions with insurance companies, setting forth la oas Place that tha next Attor aer Geaeral 4has among.. his other aried activities acted la matters re quirlng skill, ability and delicacy for - insurance Interests wniea aaa quesuow at issus with ths legal aatherities.' At , oas time Mr. Daugherty represented a o-ealled fraternal laauraaes company whieh had proceeding "started by ths Pmrtoffieo DsosrtmsBt with a view to rwvokins- its riaht to asa ths maila.' - Editorially, ths World said this merr- lags . -' "Mr. Harding auy bo oader a heavy obligatioa to Mr. Danghsrty for having asipea 10 jms aijai vw . whkw,- ' Mr. Dsagherty is aadsr aa obligation to ' accept a cabinet vositioa aad gravely embarrass hia grsteTul msaa, Jtr. jxaro ' lag. Tha appointment of Mr. Hughes causes as sarprtsa aaywaors. tbs ap poiatmsat of Harry M. Dauxherty will bo ths cause sf bitter dismay among Mr. Harding's- most devoted sdmirera. Why aoed Dsagherty accept r Daatels To Cot Chair. Negotia tioas of Us porehses of ths chair which Secretary of tho Navy ZwambJ has used during hia sight years L A-Ll . At AL. IP.Il.ai fMhAXSf tUmtim ;aiN. a, siaseet i,ia .ulUtion regarding wirtualiy all of Mr. 1- Jtebj lf Sril.. After the Chicago convention he bo- beenna IJeutn.. fi.,n, tn iom' executive campaign committee of Sve, aad siaes the (lection has tad with ths President-elect many timet, xa ths problems that were to face ths ac- mlaistratioa. Hs- eame here several days ago. aad has kept ia elooe touch with developments, holding daily con fersaees with Mr. Harding aad with important . callers, iaeludiag Hughes, with whom hs waa closeted Saturday, for mors thaa ' aa hour. Air. Daughsrtrs home is la Coinm- boa.' Ohio. nd h. ia a former aveai bor of tho Ohio Lsgmlittaro. Ha has beea assoeiatod wKa Mr. Hardiag la State politico 'for many years. ' Uaarawrty Cant asrsao. Tho ProsidsatslscS issued aa formal stassissat ia aaaoaneiag hia Choieo for tho Attorney Goasralakip aad did aot indicate whether a formal stoeptsaeo aad beea reeeived from Mr. Uaogherty. Tho letters aUtemeat follows No .aaa would raf aoa to servs a f riead aad his oowntry ' aadsr .ths elresuautaaeeav I aaa appsssiaUta -ef mea aaa aowor ana iaa rwswonainiii. tie.' -Begarding 'othsr , eabiaet "sppolnV skoats there wars aa apparoat dooalop- meato daring tha day, although It was ladieated that dseisiaaa might bo ex pected momentarily la regard to both tha oommorea - aad labor portfolios. Tho selection of a Sosrstaiy of the Navy, tho oaly other Cabiaot post ffl- aaiani umaikKted, probably will ot besosaa Lieutenaat Governor In Hs subsequently promoted his cam palga for Senator ia 1814, and finally pusned aim lata tbs Presidency, aad through It all has occupied a position I xriendiy counsellor snd advisor. To "WaUh AppolatmcBta." Aad Ths World wss laformed by a aaaa wao has long beea skilled in ' " I Ohio politics a man ho professes i hiswisasalf wa avul latw. L.tv usisa aaaa wawvitcaif avaaxraau VI. ITUtS tho ' Preeidaat-sleet aad- his cam paign . maaager that Daugherty's going lata ths Cabinet will be with a Tiow to keeping aa eys aa ths sp poiatmsata that tho President will ataks, loot Mr. Hardiag lot hU judg- meai so too moca warned by svm stay.. Boca a program would eoarss.saaoio usughsrty to go a loag way toward oxteading aatwaaOy uo psTsousi auehino that ho already built up ia Ohio. ' as .ehier taw officor of 'tho s try Mr. Danghsrty . would i hare to pass oa many importaat questioas. lasiuaiag taa justics of starting vartod , prooeeu tioas, iaa pointe.. of snatiaai aaa ami . law Uaa mar bs iavelved therein, sad tha legality of opera boas which may be aadertahea by ail sorts of interests which have their awn rather thaa tha eosatrv'a welfare at staka. - - - - - - McrTttM (Knnalit kaa tbs law was raaolntioa uif i, i. I morning. It has beea such a crushing I rood, bad and indifferent. read, without comment. portunity to bs heard, and that than blow for you to go to hotel, I never w have just found out ths waa no Bead in hnr n, mm k. inoagoi oi you oomg uca ming. s all ualesa it ihould be piaaed. It waa "ated on your faith ia me. Don't east finatlr raa-reed thnt tha I me off without seeing me. Colonel, 1 There ws much discussion after Mr. Husted naked whst would happen if every Federal, judge" should follow the example .. pf Judge Lsndis."Ths committee wss on the point of going directly into this when the suggestion was made that it was a snore Drone suhje sioa behind closed door. TWO MORE DAYS OF SNOW PREDICTED BY BUREAU Weather Forecaster Says Dis turbance Off North Caro. 7 Una Oanses It take place tonight. Text ef Reeolstiea The resolution in full follow: , """areas. There Is In North Saro Ima more than nine hundred ln..n. parentis- -w rO denied admission to the .state Hoapltal for the Insane on wcBUBi or lacx or room: " . n T.r I. Att-AA ' beg you to do one thing! mo tonight. , Love, con ditions. I had a survey made ia every department in the nation, and things -srs fsr from being whst they ought to Come to see I be. Do you know that over a year ago disabled servics mea la hospitals were nniM the American -Lesion because "Florence." It, had deserted them; men were eurs- today, taking the ataad about 11 :30 1 deserted them. But things hsvs changed o clock. Previous to his" testimony now.. The mea know that ths Amort- ist.iiri?H?2i' th ,r.u,t.ur,.5f Ufht character witnesses testified and ean Legioa is fighting ta . fulfill its lUA.mads suitable provisions for theK ... ... . . v n.i. . ,n it. i.. . 1 1 i uroniK, .i"! " - - --- receiving and carina: for at th.i, un fortunate persons by transferring the Bin i-eniianuarjr ouuain. in tn city of Raleigh to the Hospital In Raleigh; "And. Whereaa, the Legislature In structed the Directora of the State Priaon to prepare aultable quarter for, the prisoners and appropriated sufficient funda for a new Penitentiary atul lHt.ll.tMl th. nir,nM I. Washington, seD. two more day Btat renltentiarr to be prepared to of now wars said by ths weather bo- dellves-the old Fnitentiary butldlnsa resu tonight to be ia prospect for HJL '"XX ?.,Jr much ef the snow-covered asst. for Castaas. Jo - t, Asgastiao. rhv. lab. ZL Such de- valopmeste aa were appareat tosight seemed to asaka Herbert Hnarar a he. be taaily decided aatil tha aad af thai tor hot thaa wvar Wm far tha utn- The clear skies, whieh succeeded tbs mowfsll ef Saturday aight and Sunday in ths regioa aorth ef Tennessee anil North Caroliaa aad east. of Ohio, had become clouded tonight, the weather bureau reported, and ia a part of thst tarritaiV tha inn mil haA h.ann 1. boow was predicted lor tomorrow la tha Middle aad North Atl.atla ,.A New EngUnd States, and ths bureau 'i foroesster said he wse ressoaabry oar ef oms saow Wed seed ay. A duW tarbaaea. Rested tonight off ths North Caroliaa coast, was said ta be respeas- ibie for the prospective sugmsatatios ta the first real saow ef the winter in many parte sf the East As it passes ap ths Atlaatie . coast, tha iadi eatioaa were that it - would be suc ceeded by a storm now over Eastern Colorado which the bureau predicted would cause unsettled weather .la ths Sutea east of ths KuMawippI river Wednesday with saeor aad rsia la ths aorth aad rsia ia tha south seetieas. .' February Hsxnosa Base. Sl9 curs. Steeple chase, flat rases, fiaehant. before the 10th day of March J 111 "And, . Whereaa. the Lecislature, after making aultable provtaiona for Un eare and maintenance of all the Insane In the Btate. Chapter l of the Lawa of ltl was passed requlrlnc tho superintendents of the Insane hospitals to accept all Insane persons delivered to in cm on and after July l. mi "And. Whereas. It Is common knowl edge that the Directora ef the State Pealteatlarr have not made aultable provisions for the prisoners as In structed to do. aad have made ao elfort to torn the Penitentiary over to the hospital authorities, and by reaeon of their utter disregard to the datiea Im posed upoa tnem naaer section s. chapter (4S. Publie Laws of 111, tt has made It ImpesalOle for the Hoe- rttal enthorltlae to -receive and ear or the largo Bum her of nnfortonate Iweane. and theroeoawlntaodente oi the hospitala have reoaeaaed that the laws reoelrina the to acspt all Insane after July I. 111 b repealed er that tho time be extended for another twe years; 'aad. tvhrs It new seems tst en acceuat f 1ns vrilfnl refuaal of the Directors of the State Penitentiary to , obey the tawe of the seats af Nortk Carolina. Bias haw dred snfortuaate and depaadent lwaaae wereoas will so oeprvves or tae eare aad treatment that the General As sembly intended that they ahould have. timoro in behalf of the plaintiff rela tive to the health of McRary waa read by sttotneys representing the defend ant. Mr. Varner s testimony consumed S greater part of tho day. . Briefly Mr. Varner related the his tory of his married life, stating that hs hsd married Mrs. Varner December 20, 1900; thst they had lived together harmoniously sines; thst hs hsd always is fulfilled." Complains of Condition. Colonel Galbraith gave . several in stance of condition ia hospitals where former servics men sre. being treated, sAd said thst conditions ia many are unfit for a humaa being to be kept ia. "The greatest and richest country of harmoniously mceS ,h, WQrid has .0 place ?or its disabled trusted her and that they hsd alwsysl " . .i. h v. !.. j a aa t- . it , . . . , i aeruvs vi u wwm w . aiuou ewca vuj.i im kia vi urn, enuva- I takings. Ia answer to questioas asked him by his sttoraeys, hs sxplaiaed that he waa sditor of the Lexangtoa Dis patch aad hsd beea for about SS years; that Jie mads f request tripe aad that during first 10 years of his married life he nearly always took Mrs. Varaer with him; that dariag ths past 10 years Coloael Galbraith attributed the cause of present conditions to lack af a central kssd for tho agsaeios hav ing ehargs sf earing for tho disabled mea. The Bursa, of War Bisk Is- suraaee aad ths Publie Health Ser vice have at hut been put under saa , hesd, ha added, but oae secretary saa- shs hsd aot go., with him ea kia trips f P?" .nn, but seldom, giriag aa her sseusa that sraated him. Tha Board of Vocational sh would bo more comfortable st Tratalag, hs ststed. mast - npoHto k.t L labvaeA tka CoBATOBS. Ths trouble - Witt , thO DU matter ef road impro-omsato; that h roea af -War Bisk I-auraaea, CoJouel made aaaay spooehes aver, tho State ad vocatiag better reads; that hs attead- sd State sad National prose eoaves- tioas; that he always iaajstsd that his wife accompany him:. that dariag past 10 years Mrs. Varaer had aeeeeipaaied him two or Urea tlmeoj that hs always got - their tranapertatioa for reaaiag regular railroad aehedsls ad j that ah knew this; thst hs had sever aaade aa agreemeat with her ta stay at horns sad attend to his bosiaros while he waa away, and that whea shs was away as would sttesd to hers (seeing after the Galbrsitk addsd, is that it act de- eeBtralised aad that A service rasa must go ta Waahingtoa - to have hia ehvima adjusted.- 7'' .. We , want to hare these three bureaus pwt aadsr aaa head," ha ooa toaded. "Ws want . to get it fixed" so that all the agsaeioa wcrklag for the ' relief of the disabled servics man aaa fuaetioa under eao head, said get resutta. I aa eo eldest that ws will got this from the aext Coa gross. . "Our goreramoat baa. done , every thiag we asked except aaa thing a p- jCseittauid Oa Pago Twe) (Ceatiased Oa Paga TmiJ WaaSL. . . . . - A Wtdassdayv adv. fCiatlenl est rag Tma) iCoalaaod Oa Page TvaJt

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