Mid TUE WEATHER Fair ad mU la ttM Tkaas. day) rising tomserMsrc Fri day. - ' , WATUlLAtEL - yeur sas.r. ! raswal Bva Cay Seror axnlrstlva In or..? te avoid wul si sat sear . . erver ' VOLCVIH.NO.35. TWELVE PACES TODAY. f RALEIGH N. C THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 24, 1921. TWELVE PACES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Ofos ews. I' r. PRIVATE CONTROL "OF ROADS RESULTS IN UTTER FAILURE fuilroads Estimate Claims Against "Government- For First 6 Months at Approx imately $650,000,000 sHsnnsBBBBBBBBasiaMw COST GOVERNMENT ONLY . $715,000,000 TO RUN ROADS FOR 26 MONTHS Taxpayers Pay If early Aj Much To Operate Bailways Under . Private Control Tor Six Months Af They Did For 26 ' Months Under Governmental Operation; Strong Suspicion ; That Boade Have Done Lot of Padding and Hare Paid Enormous Profit! To Selling t Corporation!; Winilow Bill opena Treasury ror Anoiner Bald The News and Observer Bureau, am TVrl.; V.tlnn.l Rnnk Ttlde?. I --&.i'!V!rM - 'B,tCs 'L'Sm .V-.-S.-n Eseh-Cummin bill, known ai the trans portatioa act. of 1920. the country ii (rowing airk of thia legislation, another .; cU'ter of wWrh sa finUhca yetterasy whoa the H.nnte passed the winsiow bill, providing for partial payments oat f the Federal treasury to the railroads ea their eUlmi against the government fender the guarantee elause of that act. ' On ahort comparison of figure eon tain aa mack eloquence ai ia aome "' time found fn a whole library. The railroad estimate their claim against the gorernment tinder the guar anty section of the transportation act, eo re ring the frit six months of the roads operation after- their return to trlate eontrol. will amount to approxi mately 1650,000,000. trader 26 month of kovernment operation the Federal treasury cost waa 4713,000,000. Private Central A Failure. Ia a- sentence, it coat the, .taxpayer - Marly aa soueh for "the railroad com panies to operate the roads sis montos f last year a it eost tha taxpayers for the gorernment to operate them M month. And the government was oper ' sting th road much, of the time under war condition while tha war had bee - ever a year a. ml a half when tha rail roads, teak their .DroDerty bark. ..' -' . . Tha oad- were restored ia .'their - awnet March J. 1920. Tha Xseh-Cum- mins' bill was shoved through Cougwor HOOVER EXPECTED formally accenting the appolnt-M LEAGUE COUNCIL ATTENTION TO AMERICAN NOTE Strictest Privacy Attends Dis cussion and Only Brief Sum V mary Given Out REFERS SPECIFICALLY TO JApANESE MANDATE Calls Attention To Pact That United Statei Never Gave Consent To Hare Island of Tap Included In Territory Under Japan'! Control Be. came of Basis Por Cablei ORGANIZED LABOR CONDEMNS USE OF TIIETNIUNCTION Pari. Feb. 43. (By the Aaaociatid rrea). The American Bote respecting manilatca occupied the eouacil of the league of Nations throughout the day. The aota was discussed ia the itrictcst privacy aad the council decided thia evening to iaeuo only a brief summary for publication. The Bote deal speeiae ally with the mandate attributed to the emperor oft Japan over all former German Ialanda ia the Pseifle north of tha Equator, and ealla attention to the fact that the United Btates government Want Law Declaring Labor Organizations Are Not Co Partnerships In Law DECLARATION ISSUED OUTLINING PRINCIPLES Leaden of American federa tion of Labor Outline Plat form After All Day -Confer. ence In Washington; Em. ployeri Warned That Stand ards Mmt Be Maintained TO ENTER CABINET President-Elect Rests For In auguration After Settling Cabinet Appointments 8t Auguitine, ria, Feb. S3. (By tha Aasociated Press.) Although formal ae ccptanees still were to ba received fb night from three of tha men selected for membership ia President elect Hard ing'a cabinet, the feeling of those close to Mr. Harding was that the wbols ques tion was aa good a settled. Dvspite soms published reports about the attitude of Herbert C. Hoover, chosen for Secretary of Commerce, there wa no evidence of apprehension here regarding his final deciaioa. It is aa- derstood that he was felt out indirectly on the subject sometime ago and that nothing has reached the President-elect to indicate that his Dositioa haa ehanrcd. I IICI M W V WISH . w " - "I . ... a I " . Washington, Feb. S3. Enactment by Congress of a law declaring that labor organizations are not co-partnership snd "(hall not be, so treated In law or la equity" i demanded by organised labor in a declaration of principle adopted tonight by representative of National and international anions af filiated in the American Federation of Labor, A formal acceptance from James J. Davis, selected for the. Labor portfolio. I 1 1- . - . - , - 1 1 1 . rwi.v h uccicu uunir inq uwia Qenby. Ur. Harding'a choice for Ke ro tary of the navy is on his way here for a conference that la believed cer tainly to seal his appointment. Mr. Denby is to see the President-elect Fri day. A .Regarding none of these selections would the President-elect make any comment today and definite announce ments regarding them are not expected later unless there is soma npset in the cabinet slate. Exept for the two ap pointments already definitely an nounced, it is. regarded as unlikely that Mr. Harding will make known any of his cabinet selections officially . until inauguration, day. ' It alto is believed improbable that a definite announcement will ba made re garding tha ehoioa of George B. Chris-tian.-Jf.rt" be secretary to The" Presi dent. It is understood, however, that a positive decision has been reached on tha subject aad that Mr. Christian who haa been Mr. Harding's private secre tary: for the past six years, will go into the White House with his chief. . Another who probably win become a part of tha White House efflelal circle aa physician to tha Provident, at least lot time, ir X it. Bawyor, af Mariotr, who has accompanied ' Mr. Harding n practically ait of hi trips away f home siaco his nomination for lb I'r-i' deney. He is expected ta go to the Author, Preacher and Lawyer Take Off Gloves iiTDebate Bitter Gash Before Committee Hearing On Moving Picture Censorship Bill; Rev. Dr. Barber Prods Dixon For Leav ing Ministry For Moving Pictures; Dixon Brands Preach er's Statements As False, and Lawyer Meekins Pulls Dixon's Record On Him h Committees Give Censorahip Favorable Report With preacher - attacking author, author wading back at the proaeber, and then lawyer politician loosing the flood fate of invective upoa the author, Rector Milton ' A. Barber, Author Thomaa Diioa aad Lawyer Politician Ike Meeklaa staged ths bitterest de bat in the reeeat chronicle of the General Assembly when they appeared before the joint Eduratloa Committee yesterday afternoon to disruaa censor ship of motos pictures. After three hours of speeehmsklng aad counter apeeehmaking, the commit toe decided that censorship waa a proper thing, and voted to so rueona Mai to the General Assembly. Ths Senate's poll stood st T for aad 6 agaiaat a favorable report aad the House with a 14 to 10 record. The proponent of the bill gained the first phase of the battle, aad the measure now awaits ths second stage when it come' up on the floor. By all odd it stand to itael aa a hearing before a committee. People who have thought that the House eould hold only so maay folks revised their estimates when they survsyed the throng n ,. taken " t"e "'0M. , jthe Federation, presided, a lso' called or very importsnt be.r.ng In l . ' M-acrVafion Yap haa the matter of cable communications and that no power can limit or control 'itauae: ": The United State declares itself not bound by the term of the mandate and ask that the question be submitted" to a new investigation. -Members of the council consider it necessary to confer with their governments regarding the American note and, with thia in view, they forwarded the text today. It is, therefore, considered unlikely that any decision will be reached at thia session. It wss soggeited thia afternoon that the whole matter might be referred to the the "immediate restoration of exemp tion from or the reped of all antl combination and so-called conspiracy law." Condeaaa Use of Iajuactlon. Condemning the use of the Injunetioa under present law, the declaration as sorted that tha "only-immediate course through which labor eould find relief lie In a fiat refusal oa tha part of labor to recognise or abide by the term of injunction which seek to pro hibit the doing . of sets which the workers havs a lawful aad guaranteed supreme council, as ii is uccisrea inmii ----- , it was in realit that bodr which) at- "Labor realixas fully the consequences VvibntjMt n lon with other northern I of such a course," it ill added, "but Pacific "islands, to Japan, and this wa M" be defense of American freedom the principal point raised in Secretary ana or Amenesn institutions it is torn Colby note. I P"oa to saopr in is coarse, do in eon Further than thia.it i expected that I oequenees what they may. the council will merely acknowledge re-1 Organised labor U. the declaration eeipt of the note aad give aasuranea I sets forth .at length tha principle for that it will be dealt with through tha proper channels. OVERMAN SECURES ' by the Bepubllcan majority with see Ooa sruaraateelnr them aa adequate r tun for a period of tlx month whics l capital at Inauguration time, sat it it 1 may lnsurreu waa aecessary io wis wna i siaemwa iaax xne question ot ya aver tha period of readjustment. ' Tha I mailing there depends, largely on ii railroad admiaistration' deficit waa lows inclination and ha not ytt pees . . - . -, l-. j.a.u I mii aia . . . rat accumulated during th earlier I Today Mr. Harding spent evara period tt govatnment control and to-1 hours ia eamsioa at hi office working - ward tha termination of Federal eontrol on his inaugural address. Ha saw oaataatly better showings ware msde I eauera. rr. NEW CONTINENTAL TRIP tad there waa reason to believe that In s few more month, they would ba back ' an a paying basis, If tha government tad retained eontrol. But railroad magnate were howling that tha railroad administration was in efficient; if they wers only allowed to have tha road back, efficiency would De . developed and the service Improved. Tha road went back but in six months clalma estimated to approximated S0SV 000,000 wars piled up by tha government aad thai desplts tha fact that they were arranted aa , increase in rate both freight and pasaenger, Tresawry Opened fer Raid. Vent, in tha Window bill tha Treasury is opened for a raid. Th road say tney can't tell yet Jut how much), the gov. arament itwea them nnder ths guaranty elsuss af .ths Eseh-Cummin act, that it will requirs a long time J prepare their, full claims and in the meantime they must havs money. And so the Wiaslow bill waa jammed through Con gTa fof partial payments to ba made , oa these claims. Vadet this bill, the partial payments must b made. Mean while the read may eoatiaoe 4a pUa p their alaima. Opponents of tha Wlnslow bill took tha position that ths govsrn sent should - never have given any : guaraate ia.ths first plsce but since It sad wn C.TCJb 'JM. which it stands nnd calls upoa tha peo ple of th United Btates to rally with labor "to tha defense of. our imperiled American institution. "Employers ar warned in tha decla ration that labor not, only insists upon maintaining the present standards af wages and.worUaa conditions- but da clarea'it solemn purpose to sontino its strnggit to farther lmprov t;. standards." - ; soma' revising. To violence 'u sn- ly vocal, but it was unmistakably violesea. Bom History Cited. Dr. Barber set tha pace for tha hear ing whea be impugned the motive that led Thomas Dixon to leave tha Baptist mlaistry "for tha- Sold af mov. tag pictures where the pastures ars greener. Dr. Dixon returned la like measure, with somewhat added for in terest whea he denounced the Epiaeo pal minister's statement aa false, and then Lawyer Meekins, speaking last, pulled history oa Dr. Dixoa to prove that 36 years ago he had fought th same law that he waa now pointing out as a stronghold for society. The galleries and the lobbies divided their allegiance witn about equal favor. There was no applause whea l)r. Barber made' his attack apoa Dr. Dixoa, but when the author entered the fray the throng had shakes off its lethargy. Tha galleries rocked. Aad agala whea Merkin waa thundering again! th author of the "Leopard Hpots," ths gal lery drowned his monster vocal out bursts with a tidal wave of up roarious approval. There waa the aeon jockeying for po sition before the committee when the gavel called the eessioa to ordsr at i -o'clock, with the final agreement that Dr. anion a time token ap last week would be charred agaiast tha opponents spatav-ntsc. ana jrvteiiLjr roninr mflKURwFOIssittM WL. JJtoavtos the only ipeaker th objectors hsd to offer, and it waa determined to - let Meekina have tha last say. Women Hava Opening stead. Beaator McCoia was spokesman lor (Coatlaaod an Pag Two) SYRIAN TESTIFIES TO SECURE REGARDING SCHEME L Nawar Gives Details of Al leged Fraudulent Plan Work ed at Goldsboro JUDGE CONNOR BEGINS TRIAL OF SYRIAN CASES Nassar Testifies To Securing 911000 Worth of Msrchaa. diss and Telia of Agreamsnt With Well Joseph To Cans railur and Divide 8 took; Other Witnesses On Stand . J 1 Propose Six Year Building Program as Tribute to Graham Mrs. C. C. Hook. President State Federation, Makes Powerful Appeal COMMITTEES BOMBARDED WITH MANY ARGUMENTS Mrs. Moore'S Red Head and For Two Hours A. M. Scales WOMAN CANDIDATE FOR MAyflR HERE Scrapping Spirit Make Salis bury Race Look Lively Bill Authorizing Distribution of I LAWYERS TAKE UP DAY Koag tquipmcm i o Mates "Repprpo favoraniy Th Kewf an! Observer Buresu, . 00) District Natl. Bank Bldg. . Jf IE 1 BUEK. e i . tttw tlnai.l Iul Wira. Waahlnrton.. Feb. 23. The Senata Military.Affair Committee today far- RECORD FOR AIRPUNE .S burr, who he Just sot her home-town aanounciug her eaadi .... t.f hyot, sad who la now Tiait iiig at ths ham of Mrs. J. B. Cbsm barlals ia, Baligh. Mrs. Mosrs will ssntain thA DMMfitU twltBtrlsM ' ! IN GREENSBORO TRIAL April and is th nt woman ia North I Carolina to go into s race for mayor: Federal Court Jury Will Get a, Book, of Charlotte, having I 1. -li, J A. Am. m (Akn akaA VmVU UT1 aW HV 9 AH JIM tWI Mr hfct'i ia tk ring. a&4 now Tm a.. Ia.--. tl.lN .M.f.&Alull Marshals Foroea For Tvren, ty-MHUon-Dollar Proposal Tor two hours th joint appropria- Varner Case Soma Tim During' The Day iJLf Hsxalharst, N. T, Fa, tlv Pilot B. M. AUisos) dsaeasded st Haselharat eid at 4tM ' o'slock thia aftenswa with several poaehaa ' f snail- tram Sa rn.rfi : .vm uousr piano, uter wracked . in Nevada, at the aama Urn that "tw planes started West from Baxelharat ia a teat Nerod by th Postoffle Department la' ta MS or aaianiianisg a sw record for mall carrying machines. Victory on tha ainwltsnoaas traas-cMtincnUl fllghu therefor gaaa to the aaatwaH heand team, aa ea of . the plana leaving stasauarat wsa feuxed to aillght resurdsy near Dahola, Pa, sad tt War atoamew at Chlcasa. , j Pilot AIUsssi aaed tha aama slano ttat loft Baa Francise at 4:M o'clock yesterday morning..' The Unas caaaamad 1st raasfas; tkw ewntiMBt -wss U bears I mlan tea, baating by ntore - thsa tW hears th goal set fat tha roast to ths distribution of surplus motor equip. mnr held, bytht Wt Department to tne Btates ror nay in nignway wora. It'll astlmhted that there ar about lOfiOQ piece, of motor equipment, trucks, automobiles snd other motor unit, adjudged (urolus. and nnder th srasy bill- it passed tha House the War Department is directed to sen Greensboro, Feb. 23. Unless anfor- seen obstacles develop, tha easa of Mr. Florence C. varner against her hut- band, H. B. Varner, prominent business man and publisher af Lexington will likely go to the jury ihortly bafort noon Thursday or during tha early hour or tha afternoon session, of Fed eral Court. Four speeches were made today, with J. V. Bowers, E. E. jcaper and B. T. Cansler, counsel for th defense, sad T. C. Guthrie, counsel for ptatntiff, having daslinwd. Mr Moor rtriaes oa immediately a, a very delnits person whs mean whi aha says, sad whs is going to tak as fooUshnss ofTs anybody. Hod htaded, alert, ksss, with ovsrflowiag sens t kumor, sad a iparkla sad saap Is her sya, iht fvidently mean busi ness and it look to ba a safe bet that aba will give th other eaadidate is Salisbury s goodV stiff Irua for their monev ' . "I'm sot polltla. at an." Mr. Moor aid, with a twinkle,, ''Bi I may sot see th Promltsd land, but whoever goto H Jrill hgva to light for it with m yapping ai xnsir aeeia, x never wanteu Ellis Kssaar, en of th ton Syrian comprising th 4rt group of sixty da-, feadaat faeing4trial -In Federal Court oa charge of conspiracy and of aslag th United States mails for fraaduleav purposes, trstifled ea the witness stand yesterday afteraooa that approximately 1 18,000 worth of mercfandisa was Be en red by him from Northern basiaeea . houses as part of aa alleged frauds) lent aeheme. Naasar wa th drat sf the Syrian to go oa tha stand, aad nrn jnran .njuurnru .niii nia mors hsrjut'Brgun. " ,.., Kassar teetifled that he lUrted S merehandiaa business in Ooldabora la Mirrh of . 119 known as The leader,: and agreed with Nell Joseph, another ! Syrian, to establish credit with .North . era merchandise houses, secure a large stock of goods, eausa he business to fail aad thea divide the merehaadiw. Vader th agreement, Nsssar asserted, Joseph furnished money to establish credit and ad ran red Naasar expeaea ' money to go to New York, where ha aaid he purchased a large part of ths alleged 1,000 toek af goods. Naasar " further te titled that about tUfiOO worth of tha goods wss earried to threw . stores ia Ooldabora operated by Osorye Farfour A Bros, by Joseph and himself r ,. ht etating that Joseph was employed by tha Farfowra aa manager. Tha wit- ness sddsd that his business was aloaad out later under execution. Trial af Caaaa Beglnat - Trial of tha first groan of defendaata began yesterday morning after tha am paneling of tha Jury, several witnesses, including PostoAe Inspector La T. far bo rang., testifying before Naasar wa introduced by tha government aa a wit- aess in th afternoon. Gross -examination af Naasar will be eowUftued this morning sad th next witness will bs . a. T. Abond. '. ,,'c.'. . .Naasar proved sl good tritaesa, an ; swsring ! qaMxtions readily snd aslag fairly good English. Ha said ha was st Syrian and waa bora ia 18M at Meant Lebanon Whsa questioned, k BMertedt . , ha had knows a majority sf th ten defendaata ia th drat stood 'aiaca his ' childhood daya ia Syria. He went to Cairo, Egypt, when 18 yssrs old and worked aa a bookkeeper ia s bank. Be received eevea years' schooling is a Frenek aehooi la Syria. Naasar left Cairo with his father, A. Naasar. ia 1914, and want to Bogota, Colombia, remaia ing there sight mo s ths. Th two earns te New York aad proceeded directly h ureenvuie, n. v. .naaear want Into bly wars bonibarded with argumenta aad plea is behalf sf tk proposed six- year building program for ths State inatitntiona of higher eduestioa last night whan former Senator A. M. Sealea, of Oreenaboro. director of th Assoels tioa for tha Ftomotloa of Eduestioa ia .North Carolina, marshalled mothers and fathers, business msa aad poli ticians, college ' gradaatea and eelf mads aaeeessea before tha eommittees la a rapid Ir demonstration of what the people think. Of tha- score of speakers wha told too aommiiM. ox uo aeou. buriaes. at Oreenvills br himm.lf kni presaio. tha. Mr C, O. H. of Ckor-J 'JZ":iL.7. i. of tha State Federation I time! - --"-ir - - - - . .... i . , r. , - . vsmtins u uai ""?-5 2 2T!55i ??JZZliutt'uitott aids' gt it. L'i k . ,n!nn U,- ..j i..i. th. havta t :n4 a thrill ilsea l took em to tha Department of Agriculture I to X allocated to ths State highway dpartmnta for road purposes. The plan has beta eBdorsed-by nearly all tha Stats highway commissioners, and a th . sNivernmcnt - would get" but a noon session of ecurt. aa alrnlans trip am ths mountains" of Tha capacity of th court room wa. Ita s f .M t nl isf that, but ,in taxed tod. .Larg. nnmbar. sf lttJlJRS3&&L'JL lotto, nrasident of Women' Club, who summoned th memory of Edward Kidder Graham and swept th eommittee and the immense audience that attended tha hearing off their feet whea aha pictured him plead ing for tha program that wosld allow these Institution to function la aeeoitf anea with tha need of tha State. "Cant yea see Edward Kidder Gra ham hare pleading for thia thing f ah sried sad aa immense roll of applause I good school, snd for f rsss cooperation betwees th stays snd th eitisena. again women were ia attendance. Soma women may hava been on hand at tha trial of the Varner suit at everv session of on'rt small part of their real value if they einca tha trial began. Few sf them get wer disposed of ai a forced sale, it Is I , ehancs to ait down, but that doesn't Wm 1 1 a tli a ' irr..). wHTl th. I L-- .1 J i. n. . J HA amendment ' r - " Their attendance haa caused suits s lot WWlr doe Mrs. Moor te Hons conferee today agreed to tha f aomment. . mutnai sn"on ot tn t tt eraciaia una appronrUtion ef 450.000 to put' thai v.-..d u v.., a.'...- ...1 s loeal.1romi 4 club, Btfma fonr aAut Vntt.r ''Panlii-o" Wk tn I i.i.ia . a ' . ui I rear saa.uatwaa ortildeat of tha .rvic." i. th. KsV'BsaTwstsrs. .Th. 2SrSn ?tlAUVmlZ IPia. ef BalUlmry, su rasign.d Una m4 appar.nt approval. ; ... ansroDhation wa. written into th. sua. SMKS -I!J?V" UW bscaus. of ths asndieap .af a lack of I Sesster B. S. afoCoia snd Bepi dry WA bill as s Sonate amendment .ji, u bw aook. Mr Tarner ak sooperstlos..--, lUtlvs W. N. Everett, Chairmen of tha eenstor Overman was s.e of th. Sea- -.r S. hiT d ht "I W a. vomsa should b Senate' sad Hois. Appropriatloa aoav atseonfarses; being ranking minority I r,. , af tlmas. wain his "Fe erder that h may cooperate I m it tees, respectively, presided Jointly member ul ths AoDrODriations Commit-1 i..i. ki . -i-. 7. with ths woman's Olub. A live Woman ' I at the hearing ia tha JJouas last sight. f. h ? IHoa to in- W "ITIZ wept ov.r the house aad through the to. t mnnltr snd iuatlc.- in mnnicin-l galleries sntu tss eaairmaa cross ia , . .ail th. .n-al.tillt ... I With tbS SSVel. . fanuimast of lsw. for a aleaa eitv. and I "Cant we in On. moment of wild 1 invaowesHmy a nwuie u tarn less ea Edward . Kidder Orahaml" -aha saded sad ths Sugestioa thai tha proposed program ba adopted as s memorial! to tha maa who gav hla life ia the ser vice of the Univsrsity of North Cars- SHARP CONTENTION OVER ftrTd l POWERS1 F LABOR" BOARD! M ,k PPpmtios staying U, tej aitaw lay visible sn krii,l fto J J"m3f9Mft a wosdsfclsanted tooths eommittoaby -dXJfealas a,eoatrsct snd jf W W t;nVr.l-HPUn DUAfiUj .ic, HmM tonteTttt skdrn.if.;,fr -JTrfLT t f ul organlxatios her ialsigh," shsfwho directed th hearinr, Repress.ta t,tty argued, l-- - - ' i0 Overmaa and Simmona aad Bcd- lJIS 'S!SJ'JmM' v 1 tiva Everett -reliaeuishad the .chair la ever the power of the United 8tate railroad labor board aad tha provision of ths transportation net marked th. Bearing of employes of th Erie Bail- . should ba lived up to. But, . the government was aot obliged to make any settlement until it eould" ttl ia full; that tt. railroads should ba re em ired to bring ia their full claims sad .that they should ba paid, bat that they . ' shouldn't s paia sometsing bow ana havs ths privilege of beginning ia ad ditional claim .very time they could trump up something to charge to th. government. "' There ia. no time limit f in which ths railroads ars required to Vflle (hair claims snd th. roada may for tha sut tn run be disrsTinjr s ehsra which to 11. clai-i L7T 4ka sMWMSFWaanasaaif- ana -ts S)1ilai avTissM sarv. - I " . maany vvASMhs mmwv sansaaw b)wshhjs . .Ia W aseaths, with war-eoaditions - prs vailing mac IT af the time, the gor- rament opera ted ths roada at s analysis of testimony, shs bowed ketj head. CUcago, Tib. -8h.rp wntenUd. """vS SJT ! sPProachM d.llcsto Wsftss Hftf a tail matter for s soul. of wecksj The matter of making available 441.- uvu ten irora taa appropriation ror tne brd'lf y thTt " te aent'pro !fri Zl..Jff"1! .A !m; to improve th sppearaiJe of the gov- ploye charged vlolatioa sf tha set sad or decisions of th. labor board. Bepra seatative of ths read denied both. The ease resulted from aa erder, effective rebruary 1. redueiBt: aommoa labor wages and deducting one day's pay S week frant the salaries sf all employes CABCSO PLANS TO BAIL FOB KUBOPB LATE IN MASCH Nsw York. ' Feb. tX Dr. Antonio monthly toes of about tSSfiOOfiOO. The I Stella, one of the apecislUU attending moathly dedeit during the drat six mo a tha af their speratioa following their retara to private control was si' most fllOOOOO, despite another in crease ia rates. If the railroad ad ministration sad been granted thia ia- rrrase. it weald probably have operated th. roada at a profit, even If it had mads aa better aaewiag taaa tt did during th last months ef its eostrel steaaa riwaasiy rauuag. ' There is a very strong saspteioa that tba read haws been doing aoaa pad ding) that they havs beea making enormous expenditares for iraprovs- meats, with th. govsnsment paying tt. bill. it Enries Caruso, teaori whs. ia ill witt pleurisy, said , toaight that the tenor will sail lor Earops sboat tas ens af Marcs, if hi condition eoatiawse to improve- a trip to AUaatis City fcaa been planned during hia convaloaceaee. Mr. Oaroaa'a ecadittea was reported as improving steadily. KPENCIK WOMAN TO TAKE PART DOUCHTONXAJIPBEU. CONTENT. Salisbary. Fas. E3- The CamDbell- Doufttea aongreaaioaal aiection (atnst hcanag ia Bowaa eoaaty, which be- rna Moaday. will be acid before Mrs.! 1. D. Dorset, af Boenewr. asv-wommia- With a set return guaranteed, I sioaer of teatimoay, ass beJag duly SP- Saiy to be expected ttat they I pointed notary cabli. Aim. Dorsett a would epead 11 tha money they could I the wife af s pramiasnt Bepublieaa af for permanent improvamenta, for if I opeaeer. a aaogkter af the late Cob- ' - I gressaaaa itasey ana a sivter wf Prank iauaaa Ua rag rmtfj Mnaey. tut Jfepublicaa, tv" arnmcnt property snd alas .reduce the Br danger, bad to got back to the House for a separate Vfts. - TJader a new Eons rule say intendment put la by the .Senate aa S point of order mast go back to the Boas for a vote. since ths conferees wars suable- to a sept thia amendment today. v - The Senate am . saeested . Senator Ovarmaa'a amendment to tha aaaul AgrieulrnTsl Department bDt appr- prmtmg HBflm with which, to establish a forest experimest statloa' in western North Carolina. -Ii the House accents be amendment, tha experimaat ststios will be -seated at AahevUls. t ' - Poet masters saaoaaosd by ths Post- ofSas Department today a having seen eommissiened ' included , William;' H. Graybesl, at 8y, aad David Ct Howell. at Todd. boJs ar xoorth-elaas emeea. roatmastcrs saaoaaed as arwourted today incladcd Hark M. Shields, rre N. J. Carter, mined, at Homo, and Jcfetwoa D. ' Welch, -vies JTraaklia Aaauun, , . , , ... Convicted af Bsak Ks4ry. ' " lexington, Va- Feb. XX WilLiam Por ter, aad Charles Wilkes 'were eowvieted by a jury ia circuit court ksr today af nibbing th. bank of Glssrew. Taw lsrt November of nearly HOOuO ia Liberty boaa aad - smtnile-.' aad each teaead te 20 Tears ia.4hs .pcaitsstisry, 1 -,. KM March 3rd : It will be biaTarer and bat ter than f ver," Every mer chant will participate! - " tiva Everett reliaeuishad the -chair in Mxa, Moore ia one of the. most able 1 hoSor- of ' Miss' I Exwm ' Clement 'of and iuSuentia women ia Bowaa conn-1 Buncombe, the only womaa member of ty. : She ass tor many years seea ac-i tha General Assembly, tire la all sort ef civic sad eiub work. that time. i'rom Greenville the witness said as ' went to Lsmberton, where h. opened a merchandise shop eailed The Leader ia October ef 1018. H said that whUa: on a Tisit -to Ooldsbore he made ar rangements with Neil Joseph for tie later to rent s store: building for him,, and that' he mev.d uia butineae from' Lnmbartoa to Goldsboro in February, 1919, formally sseains 'tha atera i. March. '- - -::r,7L?";.;'t Ia reply to a Question by Ktrlt '' Attorney Aydlett, who' examined th witacaa, Naasar tated that he and 'Je- ' seph entered Into an tgreemeat whereby Joseph was to furnish. money to estab' Jilh eredit for- The Leader. Naasar as- aarted that the plan was to establlah - credit with all basiaeea houses he eould, go to New York and bay s larae stock of goods eases the business ia Golds- ' bets to fail, aad thea divide the foods between Joseph snd himself. Nasser 1 . further stated that credit was ' also ' to be established by maiT a far ss- "' poaaiblc.' .' . - . . a r - - Jaaeps Advaaesd Maaer- ' - Naasar testified- that from- tha time ' hs opened business :ia Golds bora to 'the time h went to New Jork .ia Jaly,' ' lBlB. JoaeDh had advaneed 44JW0 for " Naaaar's aa ia establishing credit Naasar stated that Joseph had alm tsr make mortgage- .a tts business snd : lb work. I Great delegations from many partalnix antes for a. total of tst SaflOft 1 President of the Clvi League, Seen-1 of the SUte, tha largest' coming from J security fir the; money advanced. Tha ' tary of the Bad. Cross during ths wsr, r Greensboro and AshevUle, probably, eae-time State "Begent of the D. A. BlaJong with local! advocates af the aad representative of her county in th. I twenty millloa dollar program, ftllad fctata Food Administration Conferane., I the Ball and crowded ths aisles. They shs haa a fins -record of service behind I listened intently, frequently interrupt' LM '-.-l.k ..'. t. L UJ k.l. I 1-'. !aL 1 . 1 aad her ssrapping spirit, make it look I of tho hearing.'"- . - . as if shs will lead the other Salisbury I :. The speskers included; besides Mrs. mayer-eaadidatos s merry song aad Hook, C. B. Wharton, of Oreenaboro; (ix notes wer Tnarle payable te Joseph - aner pcrioo ot lour, , are. sad six 1 months. -, 1Vlni, -ti i'i f.t Ths witnsaa, continuing hi testimoav. ' aaid that Joseph advanced moaey .for ' his trip to New York.;- where bs re-.' maiaed fifteen days purchasing as large . a stack sf merchandise ss he. seuld.j Nasaar aaid shipments began coming te . dance beore aha is dons witt them. I Former Sesster Dorms a Thompson, sf I Ooldsbomt Julv 7 and aoatinnisur as. j, save ss uoa-girea qualities uawtnausvuje; v. vr fjonagroa, ax nu-i riving aatu Oetober Z7, the- appraxv It me for this office, other thaj thesungtont Thomas f. Hark ma, sf Aahe-f nute total sf all goods received by sJjsw right ef aa American eltixea to assert herself," Mrs, Moors said la 00 ad onion. I am; aot knidag my predecessor. I 081 think wa aced te braneh out mere ia aity govsramsnt, sad ttat the- peo ple should get more rcpraaentatioa. Aad for that I am going-' to fight la my tracks liks a bob-estr ' " -- ' ilCKXTAKY DANIEUI, THINKS DENBY AN ABLE, mAJt Washiajrtoa, Feb. r38acrty Dan iels aaid today, that- Edwin Denby, who has seas ' selected; by Prssrideat-eloet Eardinf as r Bseretary of . ths :Navy, weald bring to ths port a wide expsri eass ia naval affairs that would be of great benefit- U the avy sac tse eoaatry.'-.'T--; : ,...';,! .';''"' ."I freeaestly same la aoauot wria Mr Denby- daring the wsr whea he erred ia the msrins eovps," Mr. Dan iels said. "I believe h will maka aa villei W. L.' Smalt sf Hixabeth Cityt t. i. Walls, ef Boeky Mount; John B. Peraaa, sf Charlattei Bv W. 8. Pegrsm, af Caston'; o. ii. Cuddle, el Baruagtea; J, S. Latham, ef Gracasbors; Mra. W. H. Swift ef Green bore; V. B. Jtsw- somb, af Wilasiagtoa; Prof. F. P. Bob good. Stsley Lynn, sf Snlbbury: Dr. Howard BondthaJer, of WUrtoaalem, sad B, B Williams, ef AshsvMle . .wsa. mt -t r.i.i. : , t ; Coming frem all parts sf .tkd State, the speaker fors tne otnmitte last night preeented'aseansae- that'tvh folks srs behind s geaesoaa prOvlsioa for higher ,edwiathn,' they expect ft Sad will applaud. - 'Bbssj sua arganika- tiams, including KlwaaiS Club, 'Botery Clubs, Chamber af . Oammeree were heard from and iueh mra as Dormaa Thompson aad 8taley .Lyna assured (hr committee' that ths role sf lbs peo- lilsccrte-7 sf taavisry.'i aXaatlased Oa r& Twel being 418,000.' Kssaar aaid that ha retarsed from New York, Joseph aad 1 Mik Maaaour, another Syriaa, cams to kia store sad ssked for meaey tar waiek Kaasar was sbligated to thain.., Kssaar hs prsrioosJy had soeand.a aotoy throogh Mensour for 4200 for .snakiag impiwvemeata to his store ana tar boost. , ing credit, sad that Joseph, gnaouatead 41,000 of the note. , I Naasar aaid thai Is told. them hs. did aot havs ths cash, aad that Joseph 1 aad Maaaoar naked for marehaadise 'ia aettlcmeat.- Kassar aaid xfcit hs deBy red sver v llfiQO .worth ef goed to Maaaoar for the. 44,000 abate af tha ' seta, sad paid Joseph also la merehaa- . disc. , Ktssar said that h Snd Joseph dolirared .the first lot af merchaad-M to. Geonr Ptrfoar's store- No. I Aarust 14, tha goods being valued at 41-. .Erom August 41 us til Octebr, jCasUlaaed Oa rsgs Trrl .

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