WATVULULL' . sr pr. reaewel Aee Sere H'ri etalretioa la erC.r t avvtd kMii a ! , TUE VKATULX --- sinew Friday I Saterday fair. Met axach eaaagw U Star. The News add Obs I 1 r VOUCX111.NO. 56." HOFV CHFFRFUI EVE OF DEPARTURE renin nu muni l Country Sobering Up After Pe- - riod-of Disconiemmenw Congressman Thinks SHELBY LAWYER GIVES PARTING OBSERVATIONS Expects Democrats To Rotors Ta Pawtr la 1914. HO T01U Hawspaper Correopondants ' Congressman John Small De nies Cnax'e of Belnf unai. dato For Tho SenaU Th New. and Obrr Borea. (0 District Natioaal Bank Bldg. T JOB U BAKE fBr Soaelal Leased Wira.) Washington, r.b. .-Th ' (rMM that lavltobly kd to follow STPrtod d.ring whieh the "sou-try ... Jra.k with discontent" hs begui, and bfo Hrding eompletM hi tern M President tne country '' " "'" - m lka maeterrui Wudrow Wilsoa." d flrd Clyde 4.U. J rout , a tola with national eapitol today. BtpiMHtttlrt Hoar will ratir fro" Congress Ureh uxtT T I of a little mora thao a year, having ie. to CWfto.ll out the aa expired term of Judg e Tatee Webb, but deelintez to Ior 7 Immediacy upon nl retir.rn.nt froia Congree Mr. Hoey will return to Shelby to reeume ta practice - n'. Partial- Obeervatlone t. v;. int.r.i.. with the North Car it.. ...fuBiitiU today. Mr. Hoey mad what may b called "parting ob- drvatiOBs" ob th. eve or ntent fro pnblie Ufa. during which be pud tribute to Praaid.at Wilsoa. and declared that tha reaetioa from "th petty Jealooaiea" which have inspire much of the abaee thai ha PWB heaped ea the PrealdeBt haa already beguaf that i b iBcredibly abort tim hit TiadieatioB will be oaplete and erir- whelmiBf." . ; ' . i .n - While the JUpablkaa fietory laat fan waa lneriUble, aaid. Mr. Hoey, it wa ... u.tUir far ha eredieta thai "ea im11 will be enffl' .n tha Daaioeratia party will .m lain Ita awa anin. "The' BepabUeaB party wo " wkalmiBJT victory Uat yaar," aaM Mr. 1 "It faa inevitable.' ThBr MMvpt'frw it. The eootry awaa ak with 4 eaUaflcd with BOthuig leaaTiatt , Ut doia ff aoBMthiag defoerat ria( BeMbiteaa nnuanea v mw threoch which to exhaaat - aaarlna- fliiw BaaHaa "aacB eleetioa the Boberiac aeaa haa biua, and the people are be tiBBiBt ta realiae what haa happened. Tha dawaiac of March wiU witneai the hefiaBiBff of aaotb.r admiaiatratioa ader tho abaolnto eoatrol of tho Be pablieaa party that party haTiar al ready had fall eoatrol of Coarreea for tho put two yeara. There ahaU be ao oxeaao for any faiinre to fulfill the promiaaa mado to the America people in the reftnt campaign. , n.a anbar thouaht of the eonntry already realizea the atupendoai blnader thia aatiea haa made in falllna; to MtfrV tha naaea treat and league of Kith from 'aa economic aad nrirueitil ataadpoUi All bBataeac haa felt the effect of a depreasioa which haa beea greatly aeeeatnated by tho po Bition ia which America .haa beea placed, ia that aha U atill ia a etate of war more thaa two yeara after the M.a mt tka armiatiee aad the C0- tiatina- of a veaee treaty, aad after her alliea havo Battled down ia a rather largo way ia the peaceful pnnraita of Paraira Marketa Cloaed Tho foreign markeU of oar recant aemy aatioaa hare beea cloaed to oat tA d tha onort tax which the .11;.. ana InnaaiBV ODOB OormBBy. addition to tho iademaity whieh aha will have to pay, will operate eeriooaly agalaat America, aad will handicap oar bnalaeaa. mea in aeauna; haadisap whieh will inore greatly vto tho' benefit of France and England. Thla ia another remit of the ahfttt- ighted. policy of tho BepabUeaB party in refaaiiig to ratify the peace treaty ltaaaaaa it waa tho work of Froaidoat ''WiladaT Tkr new admlaiTtTitfr-. m Uiar Ha peaeo poliey, ahali havo u HOUSE UUUX follow tho ideaa of Froaideat Wilaon or r n far afield aad encounter ondleoo dif ' ieultiee 1b Vorhiag .oat plan for the . adjaatmeat of oar war. leeponeiouKiea aad the oatabliahmoat of aome poaee tribaaaL Th petty jealoneiee of tke Praaident will aooa oeaao. It ia not ao pepalar now to aboae him aa it waa Uat .r. The renctioa in hia favor haa already bona, aad ia aa iaeredibly ahort time kia vindication will bo ooa ploto and ovorwhelmiag. . Daaaaaaaa Will CaOM Beek. . "Xvea before Bardlng ahaU oomploto hie term of fear yeara tkia ooaatry vnu bo aighiag for the nuaUrfal laaderahip of Weodrow Wilaoa, aad aeeribiag to him aomo of the praiae which hiatory will laviah a pen hue, aaa waien a grata fol natieav will ho. happy to accord -The Demaeratie party will coma Into fee wn ia 1924. . Oae term of Sepabli eaaima win be aafleient. Tboao who have reekoaod Pemoeratie efea to mean " loag rotiramaat have nadereatimated the looiipei alive powera of tte Demoeratie party. The prineiplea of Democracy aro atiC temortaL The party. aaa nrrira defeat. It , haa gTowa 1 aad - avrved, anffered aad aaerlfieed throagh the yeara. It la tho one laatramental ity tkreagk which tke people aaa be heard. It anode for the eaaee of the Maeaa. It iBtorptata their hopaa ia g a. ei anient. It traaalatee their ideaJe lata atatatea. It Brian the govorn Mat bamo ta tha people aad aukaa it averaga amaa, it ja tke oae yafatical party that aaa eatlivod all other ' jCaairaaia On rage Two) TWELVE PACES TODAY. Power Rate Contract Measure Reported Without Prejudice Roll Call Voto in Executive Seoaion Showg Twelve of Thir teen Members of Committee Equally Divided in Opinion; Matter ! Argued for Two Hour- by Counoel for Cotton Mill and Southern Power Company. -.The till to prohibit tho Oorporatiea CamatiaaW from fill eg rata for pab' He atUitiee that weald eeadiet aitb eiiatiag contract far faraithlag elea trieHy waa yeelerday reportad withoat prajBdiee by the Saute Committee ea tke Cerporatioa Commieaioa. A roll call vote, wkieh waa takea ia exeeativ aeealoa, ahewed twelve of the thlrteea member of the eemmittoo preeeat aad equally divided la their epiaioaa. Th eiecatlvo aeealoa wae preceded by a pablie heart ag aad the matter waa argued for more thaa two hoer by eoanael for th Soothers Pewar Com pany in eppoiitioa aad attoraaya rap reeeatiag a aamber of cotton milia holding eoBtraeta with that company la aopport of the bill. Both fercee agreed that tha proponed legialatioa ia the reault of a petitioa for aa inert la ratee aow pending before th Corporatioa Commimioa. aad that th petitioa will, ia all probability, be granted. Attorney for th power company aieei-ted that tho hilt repre tent nothing mora thaa th effort of litiganta to avert defeat at the haada of a proper tribunal, while reprneatativea of the cottoa milla declared that they ar appealiag Yrom the creature to keld legally raapouaible. Contract of Caod Faltk E. 8. Parker, of BurUagtoa, and W. S. O'B. RobiaaoB,. Jr, opened, tke argu ment by giving th bietory of th con trovarty from th viewpoint of th cot toa 'mill and th power eompaay, ra- peetlTCiy. Mr. Parher aeaerted that the cottoa milla entered into their coa tract with the power eompaay ia good faith aad ee rapped their former equip- me .t beeaaa they were offered earreat at aa attractive price. He declared that America Claims Equal Concern Regarding German Possessions Internationalization of Island -of Yap By Japan Offers Only Friendly Solution LEAGUE COUNCIL HOLDS SESSIONS IN SECRET Oeaeral Impression How That Question WiU Hava To Oo 'T, " ! rati. Feb. Zy4Br tho AaaoeUted Pre.) Th arey . of th proceed lag of th council of th League of Nation,- today provoked lively apecu- latioa aa to th effect ef the America note apoa tha different member. It beamAnowa wha th full text of the not waa mad pablie today that the (Tatted State, la addltioa to making roaorvatioaa with reapeet to th plan of rap. attributed to Japan, aa mandatory, claimed an eaual concern end inter- eat with tha ether vriaeipai allied aad aaaoeiatcd powera in th disposition of the ovrea poaaemlonc of Germany. ) Th theory haa been advanced mat tha onlV-ooaeibl friendly aoluUoa of tha qneatloa agaid brought to tha fore front -by th United Btatca would be for Japan to lay that ah did not In let apoa th mandaU for th lalaad of Tap and weuld be agreeable to the iateraatioaalixatioa f Tap nader Jap- aaeaa auDerviaioa. - Thu far tb Japanee. government haa aot committed iteelf, ana tne gea- r.l imnreaaion ia that tha whole mat ter mUft go to tne sapreme councu, the member of th council ar tne league baiag naabla is. ay vat to take a decided position on a question of . iatoraatienal policy vnttoat .ap proval of their government. Tha .4 reranr (re of DubUelty in con' mHm with tha -oroeccdiag ef the eooneil aneeeeded, today in hermetically Bloaina; both morning ana- anernoon lion. Very lltue icaaea oui wrii hlunthu aa ta detaila Of th 01- eoaaioaa aad no omeiai eommomqae wa Imtd.' The mere aaaouaomacat waa mad thi avwing thnt th eoan eU had continued to oonaidar th Poliah-Uthaaaiaa conflict. ' liaiwn BTATKa TAKES PIEM . STAND WITH KKCAfcP TO EjpJgW Washington, ran. Z.ia aja.r. mrtnniit ha token an ahequiToeal staad with regard to it Tights to a roieo ia the diapotitioa of th former overseas poesesaioa 01 ucrmaay. Secretary Colby ta hia note of laat Uonile ta the aouneil of the Magna Natiaaa mad oubll ' tonight at the State Department, anbmita that tha die- poaitioa of thoo poaacaawaa -ena-i ha nndertahea of offeetaatod" withoat the naaeat of th Cahed State. - - r.rilMM. ha rtataa that th United State aa on f "the principal alUod aad aaaoeiatcd powers," haa a oqnaj eoneern aad aa inseparable in tercet" with th other of tho powers ta ta tarriforiM takea froBB Qcrauay aaa "eonecdedly an equal voice ia their dm poaitioa.'' - w 1 IWlirlir that tk Amarieaa govern ment cannot regard itoalf. aa bouad by tha term aad proviaioaa of the maadaU given to Japan over tha Facia Island f Tap at th meeting of tho Vaga U Geneva laat December If, tho Secre tary of State request that the oonaeu "bavin abvioasly acted aadcr a miaap Brehemsioa of tho facta." In amamiag that th Uaited Bute had approved a Japan mandate over tho ialaad, ro opea tho question for "farther eonsid- rati an, which tha proper aettlemeat af It clearly reqoirea. '' " DiaeaaaiBg th aot today.'Stat De partment ooioiala declared that ia aetiag at ti time tt preent admJBUtraaoa had etrugtheaed tk poaitioa ef th aow admiaiatratioa, which come late erne hlareh a, .rather haa addiag aa embarrassment. - Th opinion also waa jCaatlaaad Oa Paga Two) " RALEIGH. N. C the Legialatar of Mil. which aiUaded U power of the CorporaUoa Commm aioa aever d reamed that the power would be need to abrogate eeatraeU aad that thia 0Bral Aaaamblv ahoald with draw the pwr that had beaa give la adverteatly y iU prodeaceao aad had aever baaa exereiaad. lfr. BoblaeoB eUted that the pew eompaay had alee catered lata tk eon. treete ia good faith aad had not aouf jt ta bo relieved from tkem BBtU the de elaloB ef the Worth Carolina Supreme Court la the eaae brought by the Pnblie Serviee Compaay ef Oreeaebor. ia which th court held that all rataa ef the power eompaay were aubjeet to review by tke CorporaUoa Commimioa aad that eoBtraeta would not hold a againat ralee fixed by the cemmiaaioa. lie declared that the power eompaay would bo aaUafied to fix all ef lu rataa by contract, but Uat the propoeed bill ia diaarimiaatory la that it ho Ida the power companion to the contract price ia reepeet to oxiating ontracta, but doe aot permit it to . make contract la the future. Allege Coareaalea of Defeat. Z. V. Taylor and E. T. Caaaler alae poke for the power eompaay. wkile Judge W. P. By n urn aad Judge J. Craw reaueat for lecihiatioa waa only a coa feaaioa ef defeat and thai if the power eomrjanr had aot 'oeeB able to ahow canelnaively to th CorporaUoa Com miaaion that the iaereaec Bought I "reaaonable aad Jnat'' (tat there would have beea aj oecaatoa for their op ponent to hav brought th matter be fore th General Aaeembly. Mr. Taylor Ualated that pnaaag at the bill would leave tha power company (Continue: oa Pago Two) Army Aviator Finishes Coast To Coast Flight Ja 24. Hours' .. . j"anf Jaekaoavin. PTa Tea. M. Zooping dowa aver JackaonrOle had th hotel, wher hia asother waa wakefully alum. beriag, at aa early hoar this: morning, Lieut William Devoc Coney, of the 91st Aero Saoadroa. TJ. & A, made wo elrelec around the city ao a to awakea hia family aad thea dashed off to Pablo Beach where, at T:27 a. m, h touched tho aand with 'tha wheels of his d Haviland officially ending th eoast-to- eoaat flight with a record of tt hours and 27 minutes aetu flying time. Ia tha first ear from th city waa hia mother Mrs. E.' F.. Coney, who had spent a night of aaeaae, praying for th success of hsr youngest aad favorite son. aad th firat words she uttered apoa meeting and embraciag him war: ''My wonderful Upon hi awakening after tea hour of refreshing sleep; Lieateaaat Coney waa immediately available to newspaper men aad recounted hie experiencee, all tk time claiming ho had- done nothing wonderful but giving the credit to tne plana that bore him. ' "The fact that the plane waa apoeially built for this flight." said Coney, "ac counts for the delay la Bronte, Texas, where I waa forced to alight aad change earbnratera. There were to many addl tioaal tank that I took considerable Urn to trees the trouble la th various gasoline lines. 2 was gasoline shortage that compelled my first stop. I thought that my tanks had rud dry bat found that It waa tha eloninar of tha lines. -Under my personal eaperviaioa the de Haviland that I selected for the flight was rebuilt by the mechanics of .m am Aera Mnuadron rarious suk aeatiana from officers of the OOtfitVb jng incorporated into th design and ha frnnt seat waa removed to giv me addithiMalspnwv "Ilnoa eomDleUon or tae new ma china. I had 74 rations of gas aad U gallon of lubricating oiL Thi capacity I iaaraaaed later to SM gaa and S3 hbrleatiac oiL Tiy first flight was froca oacrammio, wher my outfit la atationaa, so mu Franeiee and thea to,8aa Diego, where th take-off poiat waa to be. . I waa aieaa avenr ahsistaaea ia get- tin readr for th firat and moat dif ficult part af th flight. Naval officers from their, aviation baa at San Diego helped ia adjusting my eampaes to tte rariona deviatioaa aad I carried bo'h ry and army eompaasee oa tha flight "I was furnished 'tho aeoeaaary stimalanta. hot coffee, chocolate,' etc. ana xooa in air as vcwu aiaht. after a day ef had weather. It was ralaiag aad at first I thought that I waald haea ta Doetooa the xugnt when a hole ia tha clouds appeared aad divod lata it. . - . i "Within half hoar. X waa over th stains, traveling at a hundred-mil rata throagh a thick fog or bank f heavy clouds. I, narrowly aaeaped ool IMinr with ana' oaak af h Sans (I eonlda't tell wkiek) in Uc mist bat kept a any compass coarae, allowing 64 de gree for deviatioa aaaaed by btos winds, aatu oayoraaa. , Aboutr:30 a. ax. Taoday morning, my motor started miasiag aad I imated- mtery ttoaght that my gaaouaa aaaaa ha' m arr aa ttlaMd down to the first town. I alighted within a quarter mile ef Breate, Texas, from where I tele phoned to Love l ield, Dallas. A plan (Coat la ad am Pag three) ' 1 CONEY COMPLETES CONTINENTAL TRIP FRIDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 25. 1921. BLOW TO PROPERTY TAX FOR STATE USE 9 i am r- All Tax On Property Levied Di rectly or Indirectly By State Wiped Out of Finance Bill AD VALOREM ADVOCATES GIVE OVER IN COMMITTEE Appropriation! OommitUo Bit. tine With Tlnance Commit, too Reports Unofficially That Bndftt for Yaar WiU Amount To $6,836,934 ;Vj?ouhto Oivos Keaaong For Policy keeolrlag Tierlf into a committee a a whole, aad eittlag la exaeative aaa atoa, the entire memberahip ef the Houee of Bepreaeatotive weat aeotioa by. eeetioa through the laaaee act, amending here aad changing there, with th final reault that all tax on property directly or iadireetly levied by th State aad wiped out of th bill, aad North Carolina, for the firat time ia ita klitorr.- finda iteelf depending oa IB committee aa a whole atUI far from the Mth aectlon, which ia the last ene the 10 Dares ef the bill, but the m features, those of discarding ad valorem tax aad th rearrangement or tne fran chise and laconic schedule slightly had een aareed aooa without a dm aeating vote, aad whea the bill eomee up for its second reading, Ita passage will very likely be a periuaeiory rau fieatioa ef the committee a aetioa. The fore fighting for aa ad valorem Us aurreadered before the finance aoat- aiittaaa af tha House aad Be cat ye terday afternoon, when another revisal of th aehedul of privilege, franchise aad income Uxea aad the protmble reve nue from thee source mad K appar ent that th Stat could live within th income thaa derived. Th appropna fln. anmmitteM. aittina with th n aaae committee- reported unofficially that the total budget for the year amouat to MMpM. Daaahton Gives la Tke appropriations belt met tke rev ... tnana. and BepreecBtaUve Doagh- ton, Who, with sa abaadaac of Matioa. bad stood out for a property tax until ke could see where the State waa go ing to get suffieleat reveaue from other source, gave ia, and the oommitte eeWd for a tavW af the bill a. ahb u..4 anatav niaht.' Th aommitto ataliva I Pharr. Mcoaded by Mr. Ceoaar, to ro- mov th property tax, aad ommtt tM Steto to dpndao apoa, th income tahUeUg hat aigM wtth tte tnano set before tt aa a epein - Hon hoard Mr. ,Doughtea aaaoanoe .l. a. t... af tha fiaaae committee, aad hia oxplanatioaa af U. gvouads apoa whieh th . committee hlfted ita .ttUa. which seemed .immovable lh.. tha bill was first offered. flma af na hav been naable to see .h.M tha State could get aoagh moaiy from Income and privUeg tax to maintain a sound ananciai V'"V the 8tote," he weat oa, "but a reviaal of tho schedules, and decision not to deduct franchise taxes from the lncom taxes of eorporationaj ha placed a in a position to withdraw th property tax. The appropriationa commltte ha told as how muea money is m o""a -and I think wo eaa live withia our prospective revenue, at.t.'. B:xBandltare The following Uble of expendftaroq th. wi waa siren oy mr. aa th findings ol the appropriaUoa eommittos: ..... .. aJnMiiaaai aaa institu tional appropriates Pansina fund -Tr..',.,,..r.. -- tTIfifB Snnrnnrtationa for admiaistra-' -,r--r afi ,ian tioa. ate vwr Total 803807 Against thea appropriation thsr ia prospectiv income of $3,792,000 from franchise and thr taiee, aad a pros naetiT income of 2A2S)00 from ia somes, with material iaerea for th next yr. Por th two-year pens which nroTlelone are made aad for which appropriations are recommended, th toUi estimated axpeaditara stands t l.lS23J3. aad aaaiast this aa wH mated eeTcnne-fov the two-year period of IMZSJSi. The figures eoavuesa Mr. Doaahtoa. aad apparently the TTnnsa. x. ' The fight for the abaadoamoat ar ta ad valorem tax haa bee oae or ta .act intense f th ptessnt aeeaioa af th General Aasembry'Tim and agala tha rinane Committo hu ' f oaad It self oa th verg af daelariag for it, aad than finding itself sot quite oar whether it was th thing to do. Mon day morning th News and Obearvr announced acomteiy taai mere woaia bo no State property tax, eahy to hav tha statement beclouded by th latra dnetioa of th bill Tacoday night de claring for the tax, aad thia morning a return to tho Mosdsy . meraing groano. two meat as so vsanass. lfr. Dough tea ( ehairmaa af tho Hoae (Cwtlaaed On Pag Two) ' STANDING KOOM ONLT NOT ' teOTHEUOM.K TO BAKDIN6 - St. Augwatlaa, PU, Pea. lO-Tho fi. JL O. alga did nac dote rraaideat atoet Bardiag toalght whoa ha d. tormlaed e make what win prabably bw hm laat vrntt to tho thaatro baf ar laaagaratiaa. Aaempaaad by S. B. Chrmtlaa, kia aacratory, aad Dr. C E. Sawyer, km myafictoa, ha ahovad his wsy tas a eeowdsd ttttl S. Aaoaatla play bean aad atood fa saiaatcei shrr ia which aaa af th. feature was a take off af th frees) porch campaign. , J CABINET JOB BUT WITH GONDII Expects To Continue To Direct The Policies of European Relief. He States HARDING AGREES TO ACCEDE TO REQUEST Fornor Food Admiaistrator la aaa Statement Oatllninr Plana Por Reorjanixinr De partment of Commerce; President-Beet Says Cabinet Kay Bo Changed New Tor, Fab. liv HerWt Reaver lelaaaemed PreuUeoUeleet Bardlag toalght that1 he had ac eaptad the affer of the Cabinet pee ef SvcrcUry of Commarta, Ceerge Barr Baker, hia aanletaat, anaenacad tonight. ' Mr. Hearer, la a eUtoawat made -public by Mr. Baker, aaaeuaced that he would eoatlnae to direct the pelleiee of Earapaaa relief. Mr. Haover'e atotement fallowei TiaMMtM Harding tkle i Casnmer. Saa.tae Hartfef eatei . whata-baartedly Into the plan for ' aaballdlng the department, a a wmhe that I eawtlane to direct tk paUctaa ef th Earapeoa relief.' Earlier ta tk day Mr. Hoer stated k kad ubmlttd to tk Presided elect proposal for th general reconatrue tiaa of the departmeat and aa ealarge stent ef tte field. He also made H tint that as h had assumed heavy re pos sibilities in connection with raliif work, ko eould aot nbandon them by resigning, and felt that he should eon tin a to take the responsibility for its general direction. "If I take tke post," he said, St will be only because I believe that Previ eatleet Hardiag will etand behiid m ia making a real Department of Commerce. There ie aa enormous fle'd for a proper government bureau. It eaa bo made a department of th first Importance with the support of th ad ministration aad of Congress. . Unless this Is, don I am aot warraated in ahiftiag my responsibilities from relief work." "16 Special legislation ia nsnssary for tke moment,'' tk earlier statement added. "There most be, however, a taal location of. government ..bare, aad w must bring into the Depertia-mt. of Uommere oaraaaa - wown h there. 7aVDprtmat af Commerce Aaa materially assist ia the aooaomi tlamant af aar foraign, Mlatloas, must do. mere thaa aagag ia (ha ar exploitetioa; f oar good.'' , - -I hav a right,' it eoaUaued, "to k th public to give money, and thea abed all responsibility Of admiaiatering U at oae. Another difficulty is that I hao .nndertakoa th trusteeship of .iht aa tan nuhlla institutions af im portaae. Sevral have eaUrgedtteir activitiea at my Inspiration, and I a- . . . i i no nDanaosi taen nrianrwa ANNOUNCES THAT CHANGES MAT BE MADE Be. Augustins, FU, Fb. - (3y th AssoeUtea Pre,) Prldeat-alet Harding emphaalaed today that he was proeeediag warily about definite mitmmto ia regard to hia labia et ap pointmenU aad would keep himaelf free until the last minute to mak any change that aaexpeeted developmenU may suggest. Mr. Hardiag announced that eight of the tea tentative aoieeuoaa, lneiuuing that of Herbert C. Hoover for Secretary of Commerce, still wr susceptible of aaneellatioa if last minute eoasiaera tiona aecm to warrant it, Taar waa Bethiag ia kia deelaretioB, however, to mrust that ehaagea U.the sUto ar probable.- H aaeaa waaia rree nana. Th nearest approach to a doubtful aa. ha Indicated, waa that of Mr. RMMf. wha haa beea tentatively as- !gnd th portfolio of commerce. Mr. Hoover has attached certain qualifiea tiona to hia eatranc into th cabinet. development apparently anexpeeiei h.M. and a formal deeisioB will aot bo made aatil there ha beea deUbera- Taniaht Mr. Hardiag aaid a bad aot aeaivad tha latter ia whieh the former foodJlh1atratfitjrprtM ditien aMMry. for . hi aeeeptenM. He would make ao com meat whea ah owa th atatomeat Mr. Hooves Issued ia Nm Tan todar. aarinx ks would taka tt ommre portfolio only if he were permitted to reorganise hi department. A reorganisation ox au we denartmeata. however, i OB of the first steps planned by tha aow adminis tration, aad it waa aaderatood that th formal eoafirmatioa of Mr. Hoover's seleetioa would hinge atirely a th detaUed rcorgaaisatioa method he aow propo If hia pla fit U with that whiea MT. uaraiaa aimsaii aaa is mm, Mr. Hoover generally hi expected hr to go late th cabinet., riaa Uaaerai aaenanisaiiea. Ba far aa it haa beea formulated, Mr, Harding's plan aoatemplate a garal roergaaiaatioa eemmmsioa with aome a aotside th cabinet ia direct harg aad respeasibl to the Prcmdeat and CoBgnaa. It ia pointed oat that to gir aaa cabinet officiaJ a predominating vie ia aecwoaa laeiaeai ie tae wvra atlaht ttrav mbarraaiag aaa H M knew Uat th President elect kaa, ia fact, Bought to select a act af secrets rie whs. will aot be iealoa of prarogativ that the reo rranixatioa eemmiamoa aiiaht ata'at to transfer rroe aa depart' meet to another. At tk aa time Mr. Hardiag kaa xp eased many times his admiratioa fechtr. Hawvar ability aa aa orgaaiasr aad it hi aadsreteed that the form food admlaistrstor. is of these ho- aaa eoaaiaerea as a naasiblo bead af tt mmiaaia that ia ta naAartak th big raargnaiaatio. Fartttrmera, Mr. Haovar reavgnnixa- rCaatlaaed Pag Taraa) TWELVE PACES TODAY. FUTURE SECRETARY OF AMERICAN NAVY 0. 0. Bronder, of Goldsboro, served la tnd Company A of the U. S. Murines with Private Edwla Denby, ol Mionigaa whea th latter waa atationed at Paris t.i.mi h f niiH f tm ip nr. Ialaad. S. C during the war. Mr, ivavyotAftfaa'--a "buca unrwf it won't be very long aow before some several huadred officers la tha Marine corps will be telling how they "bossed" him around. JURY TAKES CASE I IN VARNER TRIAL Three Issues Submitted For Decision By Twelve Men In Greensboro Court Craeaahora, Feh. St-Ne verdict bad beea reached la Varaer ease at 1 o'clock toalght after kavlag de liberated a case far all beam. ' Jary retired ta night ai thla hour. Na verdict paealbls befare tamer rw, N lafarmatloB aa to how - members of jary stood waa to be had. Saecalation to fare cast mmtrlaL . . Grcf otboTp; Pe. ttTwo pechos Dyseunsei, euagv jogyu e cuii, m hunc iury. sonstitut developmenU i the Vsmer ens-her ia Federal court today. rollowiaf a nine minute charge by Judge came . uoya, in jury re tired t-4 'elck thi afternoon after sittlns- for alasieoaseeutiva esys. Mr. Ssdo. leading attorney for plaia tiff, delivered the ehief address of the day. He 'charged conspiracy, aaa as sured ths whole affair was ' impossible, Inconceivable and unreasonable." He waa oreeeded in hia remarks by J. McCrary, of Lexington, final speaker for tk defense. ' - CouBael for plaiatiff have endear ored to inject ' three fala issue into their argument," Mr. McCreary firat aueakar. declared. They are. he aaid: "That Varaer ahoald hav interviewed kia wife before she loft Lexington. "That Mr. Varaer ahoald not have is Stituted au Jt for 100.00Q against M Bary, charging him with alienation ef his wife sections. - ,, 'That th whol thing was' a eon- anlraee." t " Mr. IfrOrsrv declared that they were all thro collateral, and proceeded ia soms detail ia aa effort to ahow why thtrr war act pertinent to th tea involead. "Th issn i "hdeelred emphati cally, "did Mrs. Varaar commit adult- err with McBaryf Mr. Sapp declared that the ealy hope for the defense had was fa a hung jury. Ha than related occurrence of August 9, pointing out alleged weak place In testimony, tie irowsea apoa mo raea advanced that had h been Innocent aha would have immediately allowed men to search her houss. Any innocent woman would have protested just liks Mrs. Varaer did. he aaid. "It s a grsst schema to get tne althv nearo's (MeRsry) money," he said. "Th whol: affair is. Impossl ble." h dee Is red. ' ' ' "I doubt If any ess has ever beea tried ia the State f North Carolina that wiir affect the'jwhite peopl much aa thla varelia wfflnh speaker declared. " : ' Three Issues decided orna ' Derore arcumeBt begs a and whieh will b th dial of verdict loiiowt - - 1. Did th defendant (varneri sep rata 'himself from the plslntiff (Mr. Vsrner) aad fail to provide aer wnp aaeaatarT subsistence, according U- his mesn and condition in life, a alleged la tha enmnlsintt - S. Did plaintiff commit adultery; with B. , B. MeBary, . a auegea ta . tne an awerf .. " '!' - , ' Wh.i mm. If an, should b ' al towed had paid r eeeured to plaintiff far her reaaonabl saoaisteae irom Mt.ta af tha defendant t" ' . Ia km brief charge Judge Boyd told the Jury to aswr th first "yea." "He stated that th wbolr fight depedded aa aamber twa. ,Wlgh -'the ovldeaee. aoa diecretioa and render your verdict accordingly, a atatea. J . BASKETBALL TOUBNAMENT TO BEGIN IN ATLANTA TODAY, Atlanta, Ofc, Fb, t Tks .toaraa meat that will decide tk 19S1 basket ball ,ekampk)Bshlp of tte Souther la-tar-Collee-iat AthletU AseoclntioB will beria acre tomorrow with fifteen af tte atroagest rag teams catered. , The aathrig of Bouuera eoiiege athletM also will b marked by a meet ing f their repreeentativea ia tte 8. X Ah kj whs ar desirous af .formlag withia th aesoeia tioa a Soathara ea. feraac whieh it m olaanad wiU adopt tha as year ral bar aammar baseball for meaey and xnsaioa. other Mguia- tien f or coaferaac- member more stringeat thaa the f tt aaaociattea. -r I j,i '-V'vt- , - .' . . . ' " : '...'f - .. , , ; ', ' t. , . ' - - i .aN . I " If; i: 4A . , '. S' ' S B .. . g: PRlCEt FIVE CENTS: CLEMENT DIVORCE MEASURE PASSES ITS FINAL READING Vote Is Taken Following De feat of Amendment Of-.i. fered By Varser , , AFTER RATIFICATION BILL WILL BECOME LAW Varser Wants To Abolish De. sertion As around For Di vorce and Is Supported In Argument By Bnrfwyn and Oates; Introduction of Bills, Dwindles In Senate The Clement bill reduciag th ground for abaolute divorce ea aeeouat af de aertioai" yesterday paaaed ita final read ing ia th Beasts by vote ef SS to W, and was ordered enrolled for ratifica tion. Pinal vote oa th bill followed th defeat of a substitute offered by Sen ator Varser, abolishing desertion as a ground for absolute dlvere. Oppee- i nu oi tut um imhcm iwi www e - J kill el, - mIm af thaa offset ny tne lose or six reies. - Dltcussioa of th bill nd aubetKutd' waa largely repetition of th rgu ment of Wdaeedayv Seaator Varaer' agala .made an appeal1 for th restrict . tioa of divorces to Biblical grounds aad ' wss supported" by Senators' Burgwya aad Oate. .- Senator Wlnbora made th priaeipal speech la behalf of th bill. "Th pre-- ent divorce law a re man-made, for tho - -benefit of men, and it ia high tlm that i w should consider th just clalma of th womea of th State, declared the Senator from Hertford. "The woman , that baa means enough to go to aa ether State for her divorce or to hire detective to gig up evidence suffleieat to give her the desired relief doe aot aeed this reliefi but the wemea with- , out means to do cither of the thing need It and deserr it he declared. ' Vote Oa B1IL . The vote oa the bin follower , Aye Brews, Burgwia of New Haa-. over, Carlton, Cox, Delaaey, Dwar, Dunlap, Enria, Oallert, Hartsell, Joaea of Edgecombe. Kaaipe, XUnalsnd, Lam betk; Loag of amaae, MeCoia, Me Oougsn, Outlaw, Pattoa, Bamsey, lay nor, .Roblnsoa, .Sanu,. Stnbba. Bwvln, -Williams. Winborn and Woodson 44. Noes Btsaaflsld, . Bussfarsev, Burg- wya f Northampton, Byrd, CsrpeaUiv Cameron, Hamilton, Hsrgett, Job of Stokes, McCulloch, .MeKiane, Meadea. kail, Nsth, Oates, Bel8h,rdt, fleott, Taylor, Vsrser aad Walker 20. Absent Oriffia aad Loag of Ball. hfax-2. . The divorce bill was tk nly pablie matter takea up, discussion of It, trans action of . routine , butiaeas aad tha joint session to elect trustee of tk University consuming th ntir ss- . slon. Senator Cameron reported th Coa..' nor-Doughton-Bowie bit) from hi om. m it tee and had it mad a special order for last night. However:' ke later hfi , the tlms, transferred to this moralng and the night session waa abaadoifed, because of tha proas . of oommitte. meeting; sad the Senate adjourned at 1:35 aatil 10 o'clock this morning. ' .-, IteW'Bllla Dwindle. , Introduction of. bills dwindled yes' terday, the only two of a public aatnra, ' dealing with auditing of aeeouata ia political sub divisions of tk Steto. 'A bill introduced by Seaator Vsrser re- , quires tha State Auditor to audit and ' examine th bookr of all eounty effi- ecra ia all counties not having a whol-. tim eounty auditor. Senator Kiaaland latrodneeo: a bill requiring all cities. towns and road commissions aot aadar th control of county eommiaaianar t have their book audited by certified , public aeeountaate ia April of esch ' year and require publicstioa ef th rs--' salt of the audit, 'The bill applies only to instances wher th annual expen diture exceed th Interest en indebted-' by mora than $3,000. - AMERICA ASKED TO AID ' IN STOPPING bloodshed: Waahiagtoa, Pah. M, Tk fjnttad grerBmat waa aaked by. Paaama today to a tte gaad effiee U atold aay kleadshed i Centra - Aaterica grawlag eat af th alleged invaalaa f Paaaaaa aH by Ccata Blcaa troops, . Aetiag aa instnretiea from P real deat Parraa, Charge aAffairae Leferre f th Paaaaaa Legation, r lafarmad tha State Departstent that what first ad rice deaerlba aa a lafinx of pallUcal refagaee from Caeta Rica to Paaama was aetnally aa srated lavaatoa. Mr. Lefevr reaneeted that th United States In tercede with th Casta Eicaa Mha- " " iotet hra. ' ' . misssg racaired by Mrr t'(' . favr . frma hi govwraamat aad eaamaaleated to aadar Secretary ' f Steto Da via wa to th ffat that troop aetiag oa tnatractlaaa f raaa th Casta Blcaa aapttal at . ' J Ssia J kad occupied . territory barderlng aa tha Caa, Calfite aad -Calarada Etrera. . ' , : Aa armed aalBsioo, headed by.. Ceaeral Maaat Qa later, a aaae I bar af Preateeat Parraa caUaed, waa aaid to hav dlep etched froaa Paaaaaa to the threatened regie . by way of David, where eirillaal traopa ar bars asehUlaad. . Tha f thla eepeaittea. th raa to "regain srelawty ver th invaded V.M.L aKATS STATE COLLI 9 X. LxiagteB, Va, Pee. t. Virginia Mil itary Lvetitate tonight defeated the basketball team of North Caraliaa '-t aUega, 45 to SO. . '

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