lie Nevs aitidl Olbserver T THE VTATUE9 Fait Selerdsy sse! Beedayl Sa r taper, renewal v Car before e.slratla la era.r U avoid aaiaeia milt r elarday, VOL. CXI1I. NO. 37. TEN PACES TODAY RALEIGH. N. C SATURDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 26. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS SOU I HERNERS GET KQ RECOGNITION , ;IH CABINET SLATE Definite Announcement of Ap . pointment of Wallace Leaves - Them Outside GOLDEN PROMISES OF HAYS GO GLIMMERING Oreat West, Too, Falls To Land Anybody Zxcept Herbert Hoorer and Plenty of Oppo. ition Already Forecasted . From Old Line Xepnblloane Aa Well As Hiram Johnson Pittsburg Banks Kick On Request Of Comptroller For Information Regarding Use Made Of Deposits John Skelton Williams Claims That Money of Depositors in National Banks Diverted From Proper Function of Supplying Legitimate Business in Order to Earn Fancy Rates From Speculators in New York; Pittsburgh Banker Makes Denial. HARDING THROWS INFLUENCE BEHIND The Newa Bad Obeerver Bureau, 03 Pittrk-t National Bank Bldg. Br JOB L. BAKER. (By Special Leased Wira) ' Washingtoi, Feb. 5. Announcement from Bt. Augustine thia afternoon of the appointment of Henry Walleee.Tif Iowa, ta the poat of Secretary f A"ri culture wa. wot a surprise, despite tha since f he MrnT "Vf'IBF tJWSWW8Kw. rr: tlo. Tha cabinet ia lo virtually priaa to earn fancy atee from tha need complete, tha poat of 8eeretary of Labor or recklessness of apMnlatora at a di Ma', onn. to which ... it U . , M latyi UjJ a uivhhm ... b basks are Wng expended in salaries to omeiale. It ia difficult to naderrtead why banker, who hav uaed auch money dlaereetly and with regard to the rigkta of their euatomera and ekareholdera, hould object to making thia ia forma tion public. . v .1 Washington. Fat. 23. The Pittsburg Clearing House Amot Utioa waa nerueed by Comptroller of tha lurreney wil liama today of having forbidden ita member baaka to furnish data naked for in tha national bank call issued yee- terday by tha comptroller. Berer.l Heme not heretofore glee, oa the fact of tha report. rcre requested i. current call, the comptroller explain ad. Theeo itema ha eaid, i.cluded a etatement aa to tha amount of money which waa being loaned oa bond and atock collateral ia New York City- a etatement ahowiag the aggregate amouat of aalariea paid to the executive officer of banke and tha number of auch oAV cere; and the amouat of aalariea paid all other employee of the bank and tha aumber of auch employee. 'The obvioua purpoec of laeloeioa of the eJauaea apparently found objection nble in Pittsburg," Mr. Williama esld ''waa to deTclop whether mosev or de- rtoaitor. ia national name ia oeing ai j rittebarg, Pr, Feb. S3.-When In. formed tonight that Comptroller of the Currency Williama had aceueed the Pi tuba rg Cletiag Bouee Aaeoeiation of baring forbiddea member banke to fur akak data la connection with yesterday's, baak call, John R. Maeeeue, preeident of the aaeoeiation, eaid tonight that the in formation naked by the comptroller wai being given. "At a meeting of tha aaooeiatina yea terday, aaid Mr. Meccano, "we decided, oa ad rice of counsel, that we were aot reqaired to publish in the newspapers tha salaries of baak officiate aa re quested by the comptroller. Thia in BIG NAVY PROG Rl Waahiagton, Feb. ti (By the Assoel ated Preee). The influence of Preal President-elect Writes .Prom! nent Senate Republican Urging Action PARTY LEADERS EXPECT PROMPT RESULTS NOW Democratle Leaders, However, - Expect Borah Resolntlon Tor Disarmament Conference To Oet Through Although Preil dent-elect Makes No Refer. enee To It but la aot Incorporated ia bank atate meat for publication, Wa belief we are right ia war Donation. Comptroller William. ststemerif waa eloeely followed by Introduction ia the Houae by Chainnaa Mf Fad Jen, of the behind the big anry program of the Senate Nar-tl affaire eoni'sittee majority and againat the etandjef the ITouae for decreased t appropriations for the aaral eatabliahment. Kent has not been made, and that na aoqneement muat, of eourae, be forth """ coming eery shortly,' beeaose inauga ration daT ia only week away. Hughee, Drover, Hayee, Daughtery, Wallaef, Weeka, Dnby, Mellon, Fall thee are tha men woo eompnee in ' cabinet, which it wa promiaed during campaign daya. would be a cabinet ef beet minda," of 'maeter miad.," area f "euper-m'nds." Witk two ecep tiona, nnd of course, they are Hughe .and Hoover, it ia hard to see where ay claim for greatness eaa be estab lished for this cabinet. With tha ei eeption of Hughes, and Hoover, it ia a h cabinet of every day politician, euca . is th eonaensu of Wa.hington - - Minion, and there are many ia Waah ington who re already predicting that It will not long hang together, and that thare wiu D eaaagea, yoeaiuiy am " Tear. ,J , .- Nobody believe hare thai Hogaat or Hoover eithor will remela ta tM eaah net for very long, .or doe anybody tt1 -in Washington beller that Hoover was really wanted i Ma eabl net, but was appointed simply beeauee - the Preeldent-eleet aad tha politicians who have, been tidviaing him fait that ' ' ome regard mnat be ka4 for public - veplnlen, and that there must b eoeae ' ' onKttliamf Btrurea in'tir wwnex. o ' 4ha when erltielama eomee-iadeed It il , already hers, and it ia aot eoaflaed to Democrat the anrwer eaa n maaei It is strong cabinet. Arent Hughe and Hoover big men I" They are, but citations, will hardly- go beyond; the tw H'. ' Senate Mar Flint Hoover. " And ao far aa Hoover ia concerned, there it criticism of feim already and there are rumor that probably are not baseless that a fight will be mad oa bin) when confirmation tim arrive. It will not be a aueeessful light, for the Itolicy of expediency which directed lis selection will dictate 1 his con BmatioB in the Senate. Juat th aame, . there ar a few Senators who do not like Hoover, and they are men who bav the,, habit of "speaking their . piece when speaking time comes. ..Hiram Johnson, 'of California, to . which state Bccver is aeeredlted, ia one of theea. Hiram isn't elimbing upon " lis feet and emitting any loud cheers over the Hughes selection, but he ' recognises Hughes as an able man and ia not of a mind to oppose hit con- ' irmation. But if reporta arc true, he doesn't feel that way about Hoover, ana it i being reported around Capitol bin' that ' Johnson -will have a few things to say whila th motion to eon 7 Arm Hoover is before th Senate. . , Then there is Beed, ef Missouri Of " course, "Beed claims to b a Democrat and what be ha to lay wont connt, Dot . he will nndcrabtodly have aomething to ' nay. And it ia reported that there will be other to whom Hoover 1 oo- - jeetionablc LaFolett ia aaid not to - like his' selection. Of eourae, LaFolett I discredited, bat he h sHU a member of th Senate, with th privilege ef th door, and ha know how to make th mQil.flJhAtriTilK f North Dakota, doeen t lik Hoover, 4 cither, (beeauae h think h i objee- ' tionabw to the farmera of thi country, - Of eourae, Gro'nna retire March 4th, tout will leivo behind him om influence ' even though he ia not in a positioa to wield it oa the Senate Boor. , j Penraew Againat Apnoiatmewt. -Aad there are ether. Fwaroc among them, a vary, influential perron In G. O. P. circle, too, i Mr. Penroee. "The asm rliey of expediency that . dictated Hoever appointment will ansa Penroj to acquiesce in' that ap- . iwintmcnt, but Penrose feel tnat Hoover tnt a Republic., and never ha been. That" hi chief objection, . . aside from the fact 4bat Hoover held office aader Mr. Wilson, which, in Mr. Penrose' opinion, ia enough to eternally . ama Mm e fsr as Mr. Pear m een eeraed. Anl there a re other to whom - Hoover la dittnteful. ehiafly beeaaa ef hi Identification with tha Wilson ad- sninlatratlon, but moot ef them will keep juiet.' - - - . r AH ef Mr. Harding's aclectioa will be confirmed, ef eonrae, but they arent - entkfaetorrt probably net even to Mr. Harding himoeli.' aa la the cae ei Hoover, bat the cabinet went held to gether for keag ays le Flay ceM nu. - Ordinarily, the Dostmaiter general ia the political man in .Ue, eabiaet, but that wont hi tme anderl Harding. Hays will he Postmaster General, aad tan proved that he ia an astute poli tician, bat Mr. Daogherty mack closer to Mr. Harding than Mr. Hays, and it w.'l be te Mr. Dougherty that Mr. Hard leg will look for counsel la thing ROAD MEASURE IS PASSED BY SENATE' VOTING 34 TO 7 Over 3 Hours of Oratory Fea ture of Night's Consid eration of Bill BURGWYN DELIVERS VIGOROUS ASSAULT Charges That People of State Do Not Want Bond Issue and That Road Bill Will Be Re. pndlated In Next Election; Assails Good Roads Lobby Also TWO-YEAR BUILDING PROGRAM RECOMMENDED OLDINGS After killing a proposed ameadmeat for a referendum to the people by a rote of 27 to 13, the Senate laet sight paesed the Connor Doughtoa-Bowle- Varser road bill oa ita second reading by the, overwhelming majority of 34 te 7, Senators recording aa paired brlagiag th total strength of . the op- but gothonty t requfre nalioitI banMT -.,, k,W. 1uMiZZt m TlTf td publish the aalajrie paid their offi eiala aad employe in their financial report. Representative MrFaddea alao issued a statement declaring publication of figure aa to asrlarice woald result ja "great harm, beeau it will atir- ap a I feeling between the employer and em ploye by pointing out, in th way of contrast, salaries paid.' nrnmin.nt Knt- tt.nuhli..- ..A I "Ttir irglSffltrV WW VaWatrsy ... , . A. . . . , I bar margin of ten minute, announce Nu.c.7 rc.c,.u in. peny reus f th vote belne made at 11:30 file la both Senate aad House. Party Lea thaa thirty minute of th time leader promptly predicted that Mr. rXirdinta letter would have1 potent in luenee In the forthcoming contest la the Senate over the naval appropria tion which wire increased 100,000XN) by th Bena'e Naval committee, aad la difference with th Hons In esse th1 appropriation bill passes the Senate with it augmented total- given to discussion ofthe bill proper was eonsamed by proponent of th bill, brief speeches by Senator Btubb and Outlaw being th only replies the attacks ef the opponents. The first hour of ths night session waa de voted to th further consideration of th committee amendment, all of which war adopted. Th only fight The fall eemmlttece ea epaec prtaCee ef lac General Assembly yeeterdsy derided definitely te re strict apereprlalloaa fee permaaeal Isaarevesneata t a two-year pre. gram. The bin carrying the appro prialteoe waa drswa Ul lest night by the twe ssb-cemmlttee and wlH be presented to th fall committee thle morning at o'clock aad will be latredseed today. While definite amounts fee the In divid ! instllullena bsvo net heea agreed apea. It at aadetstoed that the total ameaal te be recommend. d will be betwosa five and aa mllliea dellara, eieeedlag the roe. emmendallea ef the Badtet Cam sMm by abeet II,,. Th bill carrying appreerlatleB fsr malatenaac will net be Intro duced nntll nest week. However, the ameaal fee th various lastlla Mess have beea teatetlvely agreed apea. aid It le anderetewd that the total fer each year will eaeeed the weemaneadallen ef the Badcvt Ccesmlsslea by sheet SiN.tM. The Badget Commlaalen recemmewded It.teCTU fee Itll'aad t.i,7f fer int. "We have beea liberal la all the appreprlatlene fer mslnteaaaee, aad 1 feel .are the fries ef the various" Inetlletlees will be pleased," waa the eemmeat made at the close of yestordsy's meeting by Senator B. 8. MeCola, chairman ef the BWa ate eemmltte and a member of pertc ea tne cameren attu ror tne Inetallstlen of an elevator la the Capitol, aad the bill appropriating III. fee th ostobllshsseat ef a fro employment service. SELL H RAILROADS TO AID -TOST PROVINCES'- NO FURTHER WORD HOOVER GETS JOB, : ON AMERICAN NOTE HARDING 'STATES itarmament proposal of Senator Bona, ASZ k u. MArjbei League Council Wants Signa- President-elect Definitely Re- &JJ2 S T?.u ""S. tories To Disarmament Note moves All Doubts As To His FSlJir JJ!tt!Jt PI.. t -I . . vi. l . ,. I cam win BUlcauiueni nrmiiiu( ui " j .V i. , i ' T J, eoUeeUoa of the gaeollne tax by volun was sajd authoritatively .czpro him- rf u, whoItimtofi, 0p JL , JL Ia- "1B"no" "kM! pei.nU to th amendment receded P!? "V,bu'.d,I" P" witkon when nseured that though collected by ,Uv- Jle "duetion. wholecaler. th U. would apply only rZtrSZV" to g-olln. eonsu-d I. mZkUkZ .... " I iLmhi, Rurewva Marva1 hU vefaean To Ratify It Appointment Paris. Feb. 25. (By The Associated 1 ax. Angusuno, risu, reo. so. rormai Press.) The eouaetl of th League ef aotcetiea of Herbert C Hoove to be Nation, laying id tha subject of th 7. ' "l" "-on" 7. . , ... by President-elect Harding here todsy PolUh LithuanUn controversy, the J a, ,hninnUon of nn interesting American mandate note and the que- i.terebenge . which momentarily ever- wihh iiuuniiiu ui j-rvsiaenv vo emu I ..... . .. , . . tllLir :FU. U already spoke, two-hour rUrta :7.r:zv:'.. "w r h...i?w ... s.n.t. tk. .nnMn.ui. hin . ....-.... j The final "te on the biU wa aa fol- tloa now to aaUafy the league nasenv I shadowed ereny. other feature ef the formally, during the day. ia the Sea- ww.,. w... . ... '. m-- i. I .1,1.., .un.:T: , . , .... ..'.--4i u La euaennAMnnl Ayes BrassOsld, BOJngarnsr, Csm aiwlttaet-lot k, -ort ., bee. fund en' I NO AGREEMENT REACHED. The aeaneu wiu ass tmm pvw.i. 1 urcur Mtiatnctety ana tnat tne met- signed at St. Oe'rmaia at tha same time! dent could be-recorded as closed. H that th Aurtrian treaty waa signs. I em enosen th. eonvention.relatinr to control of I aoaa or e fjommeree. department traffia in arm and munitions, to I would prove a willing member ef the rntify thi convention, dccUring that I oBelal family of the eoming adminia rait ITaMaslL nTaainA. faKath. W Vlt OUiiUS run dULUICnSlMcKinne, Mendenhall, Naah, Oates, Outlaw, Psttoa, Bamsey, Bcinkardt, ts. nM.n.ta. a tumDorarr eommiailoaf Uddad Oat aa did aot wiwd tba eoa-1 L- .a. ... o,.... tv..v CI. .raire- jU,c01.B I0T1 wna ,"ai .5 . -. i. I Jul i. a n a. I iw- tv estw sjvumsw. awvui was MVIwawVII. FdVaealftlM flM tilt I KPtlWH f rchft tawital to consider a reduetloa in , nrmamsnm. u o-e iniu uowa oy nr. noover u however, that the jegisUtioa could be ij Zt Stokea 7 seilnrtV Griffin fforT ThU body will be composed of prorniv "rtipnUUcn,- and could not consider pasa U the House, would eitond Jm i -J v-StJ!-i? cat public men, together with teekai- the case aa diifereat from ether In itw Jk " with Burgwyn, of Northampton, Waakingtoa, Feb. 15. Th Senate I Bobinson, Bams, Seott, Stubbe, Strain, ansa committee railed te rcaea anl Taylor, Yarser, Walker and Woodson, agreement today oa the Midler bonus 134, dw, but KcpQbUean leader predicted Noes Blue, Byrd-, Cot, Dunlap, Bay. al .a At- it . a. 1 v 1 . am 1 w . . " eal reoorts nnd representaUvcc of labor I which proapeetiv appointee had dia- and of industries and none member pf cussdd definite policies with him before military and economic commissions, accepting. He aaid k aot only vp Bene Vivianl, former premier, of proved the 'departmental reorganixa- Franec, haa been asked to accept the tion plan submitted by Mr. Hoover as chairmanship of this commission. a eondition of acceptance, but had A recommendation by ua assemoiy round himself in "nerfeet neeord' of the League ef Nation that an er- with it. . ganixatien be let up , to verify military I Partisalar attention had bean attract (agalnat)-d. Absent Burgwtn, of New Hanover, next week. Though falling to agree on the bonns nn . . . m . . . . . .111 7Z,.J: w . kTii .V" Klnaland and Long, of Hallfag, ably today on the Waaon bill, another th. Mt. f.Mnfl measure lor the benefit of former ser vice men. This bill, which ha been passcsd by th House, would extend privileges of war risk insurance and compensation benefits. ' The bonus bill caused a long eontre- (Ceaitlsued Oa Fage Two) information auppnea uy na memoer, 1 td t0 th negotiation between the two veray today in the committee. Oppod aa nrovided for ta tne Magna 01 n-1 men 'because it has ham wall (i4t tha Kaana i waa but h tion,- cannot be carried out wjthontsn that Mr. Hoover was from the first Senator Smoot, Republican of Utah, amendment to th . covenant e th torm center ef the cabinet list and Thomaa, Democrat of Colorado, both League. Th council ha decided to Strong pressure for , hi appointment of whom ealled attention to" the de leave to a pcrmancat military eommia- was brous-ht ta bene from, nrimu nutj anaAitina f tha Tnunn. Rn. sion the task of investigating thia aub-hcr, and -adverse recommendations alio I a tor McCumber. Republican of North came, ia from many Republicans I Dakota, presented figures to show that throughout tha country. He was eon-1 essh bonus would entail n minimum sost spieuoua politically for hia support of of $l,800X)0iXX). The lnsr eased insur jcet further. The council is still guarding a a close .ocret ita deliberations ea the Ameri can note concerning maadatea. . On the vote for n referendum, Sen ators Brassfield, Carlton, Carpenter, Erwin, Belnhardt, Bobinson and Strain joined the foe ef the bill. Speeches against the bill were mad by Senators Burgwyn, of Northamp ton, Dunal and Winborne, all of them decrying the measure aa , inopportune and ai placing aa unjust burden on the people. . ' . - Senator Outlaw thought the matter toe serious a p imposition to be laughed out of court, nnd. wanted to vote at the conclusion of the speech ef tht Senator from Northampton. Senator Stubbe closed the debate by Representative Bowie Would Connect Northwest With The State BUILD NEW RAILROADS WITH STATE'S OLD FUND Committee Qirss 7aroratle Report To Measure; Hoase Afaia Kesolres Itself Into Committee To Consider Fi aanca Act After llBally TSSL inf Tick Eradication BiH PINANCR MsUsrBB FAMES BOl'8E ON SECOND BEADINC Wllheat change la. Heawe sitting ss a committee ef the whale, lest elcht agreed to report the finance set favernbly and shsrtly aftcew warde the bill passed Its ssesad reeding la the tower body, while the the calendar. egismkvw'' maiiwtai' er 1 30YD REFUSEHO Dl HARG E General Opinion Prevails That port of Wilmington Mistrial Will Result In The ' VarnerCase Redemption of the Loot Previneea ef North Carolina ia aimed at, epcelieally mentioned and provided for la a -ur offered ia the House yesterday by Beprcaentativs Tarn Bowie, Mthorising th Governor and Council of Stat te ' sell the State' interest la all ' rail rood aow partly owned by the com monwealth and invest the proceed la a projected aew railroad eoaaectlng the northwest section of the State with the Greeaebere, Feb. 2-Oa aceeaat ef the sari iUaess el the small child ef Jack Sterner, ef Greens here, eae ef the Jaryssea, the jury retired tonight shortly Safer S o'clock. sTeceasldsrstisei ef n preh able verdict wlU be resumed to meriew aaernlng In case the child la ' Imnreved. . ro, Feb. 26V The Jury In the Varner eaa at 1:16 o'clock thia after- Stretching across th mountain coun ties beyond the Blue Ridge, rich in every natural resource, eos nee ting with the Soutbera Railway at Mayaaead. Tenn., the proposed Wilkes, Aabe and . Tennessee Railroad, appvexiaiatohr SS mile ef roadway would connect the J Lost Provinces with North Carolina proper aad giro them an outlet not Only to the principal citiee of the Stat hu . aa far eaat aa the port ef Wilmington. Connection eatilished at Maynaead would open a route to the West Vir -glaia aoal lelda. 1 stallraesl Commlaeiea. Representative Bowie haa had the noon made a bid for diacharre. but Judge Boyd staved ef - th impending I naeaaure under consideration for several mistrial na eeci ta twelve me naca 1 wwi cumn w for further deliberation. nl Assembly yeatetd&y moraia Taa muat taka anra tfma. eantU. I brought with it ocaaiderabl Serpris. t ' ' . .. .. . . . . . . 1 rt !... .f - . L. m , gala Tn Judge, waea it rere-i waa. n, waa wra .uui w nun had atated that tha twelve a I aftorneoa, aad it was reported favor- could not agree ea the ease. "It la too Important to be east aside. It would be not only a calamity to parties In volved in lt but it would also be al moat a pubtie calamity to hav a mis trial in this case aad hav to go ever It again. "This matter ia submitted to yon upon facta of evidence and the court ia going to give yon tfme to arrive at a verdict." When cent back tha jurymen aeemed disgruntled but determined. The con sensus of opinion here is that a mis trial will be th result unless n ver dict is brought in tonight. Judge Boyd humorously remarked that he would hold them for twe weeks nnlesa they rendered a verdict. Indirectly come th report that nine jurymen ure for Mr. Varnar and three for Mr. - Varner. It ia authoritatively atated that should Varner lose his suit, he would1 committee aa a whol procedure la take an appeal. It is aot known what reeding th finsae net section by ee Mr. Varaer's Intention ur in rea-nrd I tion. Tile Hon. neased a snare , of . t loalng auit. ( measures on the calendar and advanced All 1 during the Doming and after- nenrly 100 others oast their second noon hours a large aimber of persons I reading to take their place en the ably. The bill authorise th for tion ef a railroad com mission, with au thority to direct the expenditure f the funds obtained from the sale ef the States holdings in ether railroads.' Pre rata distribution of the money ' thus obtained ia directed in th new -company to be formed in th El kin nnd' Alleghany and in th Stetesville Air Lin railroads. Connections to be -made at Winatoa-Sslent with th South ern Would continue the rente te Charles ton ever the Winttou-Salem South-, bound, and to Wilmington via Greens boro, Sanford and Fsyetteville. M. Bowie, long chief among the spokes men for th Lost Provinces, expect te leav no stone unturned In. Secur ing State aid for the project. Municipal Finance Act.' Mr. Bowie famished the enry diverg ence from the grinding buaiaeas ef working through the calendar aad the the League of Nation and for hia p- lance plan, Senator McCumber -estimated,! expressing his surprise that ether Sen- Fwer the courtroom eagerly await- roster to be cleared this morning. LEAGUE COUNCIL INCLUDES - AN AMERICAN ON COMMISSION Paris, Feb. 25. The permansnt com mission appointed by the council ef the League of Nations today to ex amine the annual report . on manda tories includes W, Cameron - Forbea, format American governor gsnsrai ef the Philippines. L: - Other non-mandatory powers repre sented , ia the commission include Swcdexw Mrs. Brugge Wicksslli Hol land, Jonkkeer Van Boos; Italy, prove I of. President Wilson nlea for would cost considerably more. Advo-lator cominc from ths asms section of ins election ez a uemocraue Uongress eates or the cash bonns, however, argued 1 the state a himself could entertain 191 .' . that the fund necessary nnder that I view ae widely divergent from thoec ioiaeiaent wiu bi announeenrent of I plan would not P payable ror twe year 0f hia own. He ridiculed the proposl thc Hoover selection. Mr. Hardier ner-land that by that time econemlca would tion that tha maaanra wnnM aaat Tkama. sonaUy confirmed for tte first tim that be effected which would felieve tbertic votes, asserting that as the. Be he .contemplated the appointment ef strain on th Trcasnry. pMblietms were voting for the bill there Henry Wallace, of Dee Moines. Iowa, as I Whila the committee was sonsldeiinal w.nM h. ...Lu ji...i.j n . ... ' I . I " VW.4 w amwn mb w auuw IIB nasnKB NMMVM I eertary er Agriculture. The eelec- the legilation s flood of telegrama from I Democrat to go. H closed with a high tion ; ef MnWaJlnce, who la aa editor I Americas Ilon. post all , over th I tribaU to RepresesUtlvs Donghton. 'I I f farm publications hss been gener- j country advocating th legislation reach hithcrte the President-elect haa deeliacd ' " Ai, u . . I Obia Btaa Lanaa Caataat. WpttuiJlaaalad Pnndrad. Ths mandatory powers represented are Oreat Britain, William O. Ormeeby Oorst Belgium, M. Oris; nnd France M. Bean. The Japaaese represenattiv has aot yet been named. ) , have atood ia the shsdow of that Gama liel or Kemoersey xor more than a eaarter bt a eentnry acid I am ore Dared to fllw him, 4h Castor de clared, Though declaring ho recognised hi ing th verdict but war doomed to I The mnnicinal finnnea net Ha disappointment. fiaals. It differs bnt little from the Mr. .Varner with several of hia conn-1 nraviainn. nf tha a et,a a.i.i eel spent several hours ta the court session, except that it raised the an today. Mrs. Ysrncr waa not to be seen, thorisod municipal tax rate from 00 PENNSYLVANIA DEMOCRAT So." ..5 th. "ue erXwtSbt" UNSEATED BX THE HOUSE fJ-8 fJ'' total vjuuatio. 2 of property to t per cent The bUI Liqvor Dealers and Brewer- rcaain Thursday aight amu vvsai osy mu mm vusj txmmtm mm Im NEPHEW SHOOTS UNCLE; unEjjJNCONscious BEAUF0RT FARMER SH0T AND KILLED BY WIFE eemittaT administration .win be talked W. Boaifant ef Keamora. Ohio, ia ever by Mjr. Hardin with Edwin the field ef 22 star barny.rd t, en. Sto, Bura- Denby. of Detroi. Mich, hie ehoiee ai.- I. ,. . th KmA"?."?''! .,-, ,1.. k-. T j. i - - . I wya isuncnau a venemeui niisen on tne Peetpi. of 890 potrts. sealed, with the acceptance by Mr. Denby. ef .the President-elect., formal invitation Into tte cabinet. ' fCeaHaaed en Fag Twe) Wilson. Feb. 2S-At Sera toga, tea miles east" of Wilson, en Thursday night, John 8. Moors, the 18-year-old son of W. B. Moore, shot his ancle, A. J. Moore, who baa remained aneen- adona ever sine. The young maw m in the WUeoa -JalL It is alleged that the wounded man want home drank and threatened to kill his wife. When hia. nephew- John Interfered, it is aaid. he pointed a botgna at him nnd threat ened his Ufa, Indianapolis, lad, Feb. 15. Co-opera Waahiagton, N. O, Feb. 23-C. & King, prominent farmer, was abet and hilled by hie wife at their home aix mile front. Bellhaven, near hare, late Ition between coal operator aad miner ItSta-Hw.""?! M. ""T P" " ButM ifpriees for Aeeerding to a statement; regarding oft bT esW production was the kilUag mad by Mrs. King to I ehsrged today by a Federal grand Jury Decerty SaerisT htarvim ef ' Beanfort indictment retnrnsd in eoert her. 'Two aad that the nechew I county. SUna had beea drlshlna-. and I hundred and twentr-eM defendants, to whipped ewt pistol aad shot hi as-1 when her reply his request ta bring eluding en hundred aad twenty-seven nailaat above .the heart and in th I hint some' liquor displeased him, hej eperaton and miners and. ninety-nine face. I. v letarted toward her wUh.a dnb In his I operator associations sr sesspaaiea, ' i. I hand. Bha drew a. mIm aha 4alA I were accused of coasoiracr ta violate tha A8BETTLLES " NEW WATER UN J the deruty. and ordered he husband I Sherman and trust law. The defendants . BOON READY FOB OPCRATION I te atop, hat when he ceatiancd eeaUagl Uv I Mieaeari, Hliaaia, Indiana, Kea Aehevffie. Feb. 23-Ashevfflc'a new I toward hex. she tred three time, ail I tacky, Okie aad Pennsylvsais. : $300JX)0 pip line from Bee Tree waa I tb bnUeto rtakinc sffect, Kia jrlagj Judge A. B. Aad arson, whs reeeived the sffletally tested out Jodsy for the first I a fsw miautea later, u - -i - - I Indictment net May for arraignment, time, nnd only ene email leek found. I Mr. and Mrs. AUag came to Beaufort I aad In meutog eepiaaes ror arrest ef the It i believed that thia eaa he remedied I county several year. . rem Okie-1 defesdanta, be fixed the bond ef each ia s few days aad ths pipe' line pot I horns, where he was said to have beea I at HOiXXX. Name ef ail defeadaatt es tate aae soring us next inr vieu. i eoaneere wtta tne nmsoa 101- raaca. I eep iwsjts were mane puouc oy uts- ' - I . . I inc aurnvj Jinyu. I ytrmm aWwthern AihUtls Cemfereaew I FeBes) Wrenthnr Meets Match. - I .prsmiaent operators taelading Thorn -Atlanta, Ga, F.h. 2X Formation ef I " Savannah, Ga Feb. tX-Wladek Brewster, Edward C Bearls, Jseb Seathern cenfercnee te awvern uih-lyaxho. Fellah wretUer, who ander-soa Deering, Phil Psnna nnd WUlism letie eestesta smear Ue lnrewr eeUercsl too srew Nick Duvieeeert. ef I J. Ksvananaw nnd high effleiale ef the and unrversities ef tte South was dia-1 Tsane, twice ia T3 minute tailed to I Csitod Mine Werksra Cnion, tnelndlng euneed at a meeting ef their represcn-1 uirew aae Texan even eae ia tnat ita president, John A larwia, aad Bee- Operators and Miners Indicted For Restricting: Production lis Uon was among the corporate ie- fendaaU. The Indictment cover specifically the laet three years la the coal industry, ChBTf ed With Bacldnf Tha . Ousted ICember Waahlngton. Fab. fi. Patrick Me Lane, of Seranton. Democratic renre- catattve from th Teath Pennsylvania district, was anseated by tha House 1st tonight ea ' charge of j violating -tha corrupt practice act end beea use - of election fund. Immediately after tak ing thia action the Ho adopted a re port by the ommitto on election de claring John B. Fnrr, Republieaa, also ef Bcraatoa, duly -elected aad entitled te MeLaae'a scat. The vote to pnt Me Lane out waa 11 to If 1. Charge by the eommittee that liquor dealer aad brewer ateod behind Me- morning. Tick BIO Finally Deed. . The SenUe tick bill came ever Inn th Hobs for aettoa, and Major Dat- -dea aroee nnd slew it-with Rule CL' which provide that th Hons may aot consider for T aeeoad tint any men. are npon which it ha previously acted. It had killed the tick bin,- aad tte chair sustained Major Dardsn point ef order, aad th biU lie dead ea the tana, in netti rer eradication at apparently dead for the scaaioa. r Two aepavate attempt were made, ene by Crisp aad the ether by Wsiton, of Onslow. Each introduced a bill ex-, eepling his county from the operation of the recently ratified State-wide stock law, and each face Rule SI wken'their tativee late today, but later it waa an-1 time at the music! pel esditermm here j retary Willism Oreen, were smong th aennced thai a aetiea haa beea taken, toci.!. , . Idsfcadaata, The NaUeaal Cor4 Ajee- aainw tarew tao neaee laio aa lawnaaiy i ujn. . i., w:.,.- i. in. , w.u . I hills eome ap en their aeeoad reading. HZ' .Vu"h. VtaTir oUtTa. Kepr-enUtiv, Itoa. i. gotag to puU the aad follow, aa investigation that has M earnpt prartices act aa beeauas of m4 ,bu, u, kSa a tt; ms asoaus mj jfe I "T"?T. , . . ths ammdmeata. Mr. Boa will Fsdaral , IISDartmeat ex dusuea. Ill I . annwiiiiin naat, ajomusiai, iwj .w. ti v.. j m harge I msds by ths indictment ttst gisis member ef the eommittee. deelar- th M at.tter mt tae hiltaTTd taav xiou Joint ionferynce. tte .in- ed th. ,M ... where bli.. era aaa operator agreea so oe partners u wweiw now nnau vrva.o i . . , in mining aad distributing eoah . aad I sad that MeLnas had beea pnt forward I Cloette'e Aitorwey la Caicaaw. that they would aid. eae another la I aa a caadidat aralnst rarr, beeauee tae I Chieaa. m. Feb. tXi Daniel P. plan t Increase wages, in cress price, I Utter had vcted in Ceagreea fer th I Caastdr. sttomer for Edward Cieetre. create a aaertsge ana evaerwiee omu proaioiuon nmencment ana xor reetne- tocsy eoarerre wita . mate production and dawribatien. Creation I ties ef tmmigratioa. lead attorneys fer ether Chicago Ameri- f actitien market prices sad tte prsv-1 I eaa Leaoe playere wh wUl g oa Vial eeatiea ef miners' strix s by eperetersi yyij StArUlNkS rOKUtL) March 14 charged witt eeMpiracy ia also waa charged hy the indictment.. I ..nOWM OIB DAPICIf TOiCT eanneetion with th allegsd throwing . alost af the nersona UdlCtea M laei-1 Willi vn . nn .v wwnv I f taa lain varU aailaa Me. Aaail vldaals in. the new. bill were ameag I ed aa defendant la the in. iMuat Mniu anaiatiaia ant ehar. I., ablatio, af taa Lave feed and I force which left Balboa Wadactday en I Snew Bin Child Dies Frees Be fad control net by aa alleged eosrpir-1 the return trit, from the Panama Canal I sUnston, Feb. 13 A sen-year-eld v a aartail nradoetiem aad farce karh I e ana anege were jorcea aewa perweea i aaarater or joeer. Jena sen. a aeate. la prieea. Trial ef that esse ha beea poet-1 Balboa aad Babia Honda, neeerdliig to I dead at 8aewHUl frees barn reemved nsnad Inweanitely, aad M wae aaid nn-1 radio report received t the Naval Air I wkea ker clothing waa ignited freea cfiUiany that it might Tea dropped Is I (Utiea ea North Iakad today, Ke I iteve. ' The child hived eeme hoars f ol tiew ef tha aew ahargaa, . ; Inetaraiara were giva, . lewing the aeeideat, anteria, iatV. Saa Diegl. Cal, Fab.' tSSesplanee ."Tlw TZ, ' til IA M STsea .at art. . B. At - A 1. I 1 11 " ant aunnn niwirfr aw aej u mm. uw AvrnKum naaar Mr. Caesidy any what attitade Ciaetto