1 1 - - fi: 1 VmmnUi T. fool -'M Mead 1JI VOL. CXH1, NO. 58." TAR HEELS 4JHABLE Statute Passed By N. C Legis lature Ties Up Washing ton Business CAPITAL BANKS REFUSE TO HONOR THE CHECKS Xrn CongTmn and Other Oitlxon la Hija Plaoti find ThmlT In Qnandary B. cam of Latest Bnlinf ; Over nan In Pig-htinf Cloth B earn of Home Action The New. sad Observer Bure. OS District- Natioanl Bask Bid. Br Jom u IAW (By Bpeil Leased Wirt.) Waahiagtoa, Ttb. M.-A a wjult of th. actio, of tt. WMklHtoi nh yeterdsy, cheek, oa Norttf taro tii State bank. ar. aot being hoBored il ti---i.i.... v .i1 -Tar Heela in nwiai-! - . . " . taMiatcaiaaeo. The matter -?me harply tb'r ' teatloa today whe oomo of tho Norm Caroliaa members of tin House pre Matodkecka oa North Carolina State baas to tho Briit-at-Armi of tho Booao as A war tied that ho could ot ewh them. Whea they oaked why, tho Berjeantat armi ohowed them tho followiair letter whteh ho reeolTc4fro tho Fraatlia National Bank, of Waak- . .wVaaTo beea adiWl by th Fed ral Beaerre baak of BUAawnd that they are unable to collect cheek, drawa ea SUte bank, of North Carolina owini to certain law recently enacted by tho lefiolature of that State entitled Aa Act o promote aolreney of BUte Banka.' Since tho Uw waa, paend, tko BUU bank, hare filed aa Injunction eainit he Federal Reaerro Bank to preeat their returnthf any cheek, which' they refuaed to pay. . . "Tho' aiatter li otr la tho eotirt ana UntU iuch time aa a wtUement ha. beem reached, wo will bo forced to re iuoe all cheek, drawa oa State bank. f North Carolina. Thi, koWeer, doe. mot affect ehocka drawa oa Natinnal bankfc- . v. Find Choeka Wortkleaa. Bo far aa preaent parpoaei are eoa eraed, ckeck. on North Carolina bank. Jr. wdrthlea. k.ro in Waeuingto- lor deposit, all, U ooawo, koaauao of the i 2ht orer tAo matur of txehaage, the State bank.efjiUia- :U pay ohoek. without collecting oxehango, and the National banka refuaing to accept Tt.. w ..Murine Clearfnr Bouao ' adopted reoohitioa offectiw. Fobraary If, prodding that wembei baak. ia Wa&oa.-iM aeocpt rUtea on ikoM bank, rofualng to remit at paf only "for collection, the depoeita act to bo credited until tho check haa beea fully paid by ike payee bank. . - Tko actioa waa precipitate by re ceipt of notice by a Waahingtoa bank yeetorday that oeveral cheek, draws oa North Carolina bank which bad beea depoeitcd 1 tho Waahingtoa bank A aent by it to tho Federal BeaerTO Bank f eolleetion bad been returned, ot honored. Since tho North Carolina bank, oa which tho item, were drawa bare refused to remit at par, tho Bek aioad bank had tho cheek. peronally preeented at two place., bat tke bank declined to pay. them l eah, aad thaa the lnjuction wao procured re nt raining tho Federal Beaerra Bank from returning tho choeka aa dUhonor- -adi tTnleu thi. injunction ia diaaolTOd, the Federal Beaerre bank cannot re turn the itom althoogh tho amount baa beea . charged againrt tho local bank which cached the check.. .. Baltimore Banka Refaee DeaoaiU. ' ' iph. n.Himnra banka have rone otcb farther, the clearing bono, there baTiag decided tha memoer pnnaa - rinn.it item! drawa oa State ,bank wkleh kara refuaed to remit at : Pru.mm.nlin an tbo floor of tho Senate today ea the report made to tho l th. lril aundnr bill eon- fereca that tho Senate conferee bad not lnited oa the Wimingtc Publle Building appropriatioa being agreeiM by the Hons eoafcrees, beaatoruver. i.laTJ tkt. ?an outre a had. anetratod agalart hU Stat." ' The tmtk waa. Senator Overmaa wail that there wa. a diaagroomoBt over the Hem, aad It wa. recomme.ded that It b Mat back to tho Howe for rocoa - A venort waa made to tha Houee but tho report was adopted be fore the error wa dieeovered. , Sena tor Overman aaid bo aakod the ehar- aiaa of tao nouae iwew .. u. .wa,. Thia .lb chairman 5Ubed ' ' TO SECURE FUNDS -FROM STATE BANKS . to do, M S foqulrod. aaaalmoas te vo'rt to call tho report op again, aad two member of tho Houae objeetod. Por thia, Senator Overmaa said, "They decern to bo eeverely denounced. ' Tho Benator kaa boo aaaared by Cbalrmaa Good, of the Homo appropri atioa eommitteo that bo would be glad to ooaaider Ibbitem la a deneieaey biU toTeme up i.' April, aad tte Benater believes $ho aHaatioa eaa be aaved U that way..- ' '"- ' ""-j. ' '.. , The amendment did act make a di rect appropriatioa, at least art a aow appropriatioa, bat aimply made avail .bSTi Ulaaea of about WfiOO froai th original appropriatioa to buy Uad adjoining tbo aito of Wilmlngtoa'a aow atom heuee to aalargo tha govera amnt property aad permit tte tearing dewa of old baUdinga that ar regarded a a tr daafcr. , - : - Both tho North Caroliaa Sewatee re activ U tho lirht fee tho Hoato previiioa of tho fortifieatioa blU diwet Ug tho Secretary of War to tar over to 4b atatoa fo aa la highway aon etractiB 1230 earplua tractor, wkich -rai adopted today. ' Slmmoaa Take I7p CadfeL genater Over man as member of the appropriation eommitteo, made tte (Caatlaaa am Face Twa) . The N nNiTV-FJCHT PACES Republic Of Panama Ready To Make War Against Costa Rica fWknt of Uttfc Nation Sign Proclamation for Hostilitie. But Hold. It in Abeyance; Receive Aaaurance. That Entire Country I With Him. But Lack of Arm. Ptetnt. lninnountaUc Difficulty Unle United State. Will Help. L . . M . Tka lMirirt-1 Pr.)--Hotllltiee btw Paaam .. ctAl h?d (KutCthTfur. J of d.v.iePi, taf - .'.ST en Vce.Me.Cead ColbU I-sdis. Co "'bld. ia Pana-a have ant a wir.Ua. meeesga to Bogota sU . ,J?rZL to Mraiak th witk arm. far U. parpo. of .alrting sgalart Costo "Tkw alao oak the CoUmbta govnmBt wkat actioa It la willing to take -,ii.7 totaet pYaamiaga.iCosU Rica, which U a member of tha recently JlTv J"7BUln. Th. .tkor bar. ar. Gu.U.aU. HUrador aad Boadaraa. It waa leaned officially thl. after aooa that Proaideat Beliaario Perm, ka. .igaed a proeUmaUea declar ing war agalart Coata Blea, bat U hold ing it temporarily la abeyaaee. The rrtkio. nt, aaruied that tho oatiro eona tiy ia behiad aim, contemplate, taking ever dkutorial power, fof tho defeaae of tho republic, relying npoa the Na tional aaatmbly to eoatm kl. actioa. The preaeat laleaUoa of the Proiideat U to eoavoko a .pecial aeeaioa of tke awembly ea Tueeday for the purpoie ef ratifying the deelaretloa of war aad the Prealdent. dleUtorial power. A avMoiaa- order waa iamed ul. afteraooa by Euaebio Morale., eecretary riiibi While nothing haa aeea jearaao re garding the atatu. of hoatilltla. la Coto diet net near tho Paeifle frontier, where CoeU Biea foreee oa bfoaday occupied territory held by Panama, It wa. learned autheatleatly thl. aaoralng that bar- rlodly gathered anorg.i" I0"" h.ia aent from Panama la tho direc tion of Boca. Del Toro, whence come report, that the Coeta Jtieaa garriaona aeron the boundary are beiag rela- t0t!St and ...ition. with which to equip tho Panamaa foreee whleh the goTorament eoatlaue. to orgaaiae till ia proving aa inaurmounUblo difll eulty. Every available rifle hae beea leeui-d to tho volnateer fore, aad National police who haco beea aeat for- ward to Coto ana isoeai w ioiv. k.i;. atmaalv--bel ia ofBeiai cir cle that the United BUte. govorameat n ia duty bowad ta-furaiaa ta raa maa force, wltb Beeeeeery .rme, .lace . BY ST0RE10QTERS Former Greenville ; Man Dies From Wounds Inflicted By w Unknown PersoTit WMbiagtoa, N.'0;vlP4b; ia.A. tbo result of bU tnjaria,aaf pU lorn of blood, ' Wa ! .anwho la sovoral places, aad wound. Inflicted apo other parts of hi. body, Bi Q. Worthtagtoa, local merebaat, died at the Fowle Me morial hoapital tonight at f o'clock aS th result of a brutal attempt at murder early thia morning. Tho identity of tho men who assaulted, him 1. aBknowa. Bobbery is believed to have beea tbo motive of tho atUck. Bloodhounds were oa tbo seeao this atoning bat were anablo to take ap'tjio trail doe to tho larg number of persons who bad vialtod tbo etort.,1 - " Faernd By Toang Boy. Tbo first one to laara of the aasault was a yoang boy who arrived at the .tore about o'clock thi. atoning to bring blr. Wortbiagtoa bia breakfast. The boy tried t go ia tho front door but found it barred. ' Bo could heaf someone moanUg Inside the buUdlng. Going aroaad to tbo .ide-door bo gained entrane an fouad tba maa lylag oa tha floor, aneonseions. and bid head la a pool of blood. Closer to 'the front window waa mora blood. . Tho body, whoa found, waa behiad one of the counters. It believed that Mr. Wortbiagtoa bad beea kaoekod dowa soar tho window aad that tho robber, had the dragged bis body aero, the floor ia order to .prevent paeeers by from seeing it. . toe Wa aaacBoa. - - wsjr-iliiar f-side that the wot after money. Th cash tMa W 1sea broke iato and wat fcir .peael this moraing. Mr. orttttgloa olept la S .msll room t aw tha atera. The robber, want ever n thoroughly. Clotblag , 4 wa. foaad atmara ahmit aaJ a eulteaeo bad beea brokea pa;Hw'' mek "OBeyt"tt thiva ftbtalnad 'a aaknow. I " After ha vine foaad Worthlngtoa, th. boy ran autaide a told the new. The poliee were aotdfied bamodiatoly. They llnspeeU tho premiae bat aotaing could bo foan to r WJiooa ae; who tbo saoa wro. . Ia tho meantime, Warthinrtoa waa takca-t th FowU U,rArt,l HaanltaL , blr. Wortblngtoa eame bare from GreeavUle. He Laa beea la banaoa. bora for aoma time bat rereatly moved to bia preaent toeaUoa. Hla wire aaa oeveral ekildrea are living ia rroa- viUo. - . ' , vats nvaawMKLMINGLT FOB KBPKAJ, OF FBOFITS" TAX WM.n. Fab. L-Chambre of eemmoreo ever the oauatry voted If Tl to 4 ta fseor ff repeal f th. azeeoa proflta tax, tha Uattod States raaBhavf Cammare aaBoaacod to- Aw i .klu aahlie loonlta of ro- eent vafereadam. Coupled with the trees preflta repeal wot wwat aa em phati aegatrvo ea a aaggeatioa that Tmauv loMaa da t tho repeal be uaa as "Bainrr freea tax. 1' mibm tha ante beia 671 to favor aad lXH agaiaat - , . . , Cbleat Wblto las la Tratalag Waxahathw, Texae, Feb. -Tb rat oaatiBireat at th Chieagw WhIU Box baseball dub arrived bar today far opring training. V tala Comiskey aad William Gleaaea are ia charge. The remaiader ef tbo team at aa bore Tuesday. . ... . MERCHANT KILLED i 4 - I . , 'It ewsaic! TODAY RALE1CH. N. C tho eoaatry diaarmed aft.r completion of the Panama canal treaty and ha. eiaoo been ia a defraaeleaa condition. Tbo dual aature of tha obligation, of both republic, under the treaty l ad vaaeed a. aa additional argument, espe cially la the belief generally held that r.. niM i. aoantina- etoa the .up- t tha Meaatlr formed anion of Central Amerieaa republic The Panaman goTorament 1. arglng npoa tha Canal Zone authoritlee and the United Btatee legatioa here the adeto abUlty of recommending that tte United State. War Department iaaue the aeec aary war materiala aad ha. oxpreMed .nnri..M that rach recommendation will be forwarded to Waihingtoa. The Mrioaenem ti tho .ItaaUoa offlcal. of SUte Tjepartment bega toaign. eoneiu eritloa of step, to take In ease It .hould bo necessary to attempt to'avert war be tweea Panama and CoeU Bic a. Offleial eonflrmaUoa that President Porra. of Panama had gone so far as to si( a a declaration of war wa. yet lacking, and frem Coeta Bin no In formation had been received, aotwlth rtaading aa iaqulry to the Amerieaa wbat measure, will be adopted had aot been determined tonight and will sot be, It wae aaid, until all the facto are officially communicated to the department It wa. admitted, however, that deepiU tho awkward predleameat preeeated la tho laying out of any eouraa apoa the STpt a change of ..ii..,i..a ..ma daeiaive action will b aoeeaeary If toa two countries abouldJ engage In hoatumeo. BONDS, POLICE SAY Chicago Youth Who Got Away With $772,000 Worth of f 5 undsrls Captured ' BtoomjBgtoa, BU.Fcb. J.-WniUm Dalton, -l-yeald bailk lrk, who stole tmflOO worth of liberty Bond, ia Chicago Thursday n amount which th police say is tho largest bond thsft o. record-was caught 1 Pf00"! at Heyworth, UL. fA't. the boada, eieopt on for S500 that he used for expenses, wore recovered in a small leather bag that be had tomcd Uto a eoraer whUo b played, aa aoa ehalaatly as If it contained old clothe.. Tho boy told that taking tho record amount of bond, was a aimple matter, bat that escape waa aot a easy. Be was take for ride by. an eotomobil iat. Jame. Dennia, whlla trudging along the road to Heyworth heading la the general direetloa of "tho couth," but with ao d.fintto plan, for escape. Dalton wa. held tonight awaiting the arrival of bank officials from th North on Trust Company of Chicago, whleh ho robbed. These officials intimated be fore they left Chicago that oa account of tho boy, extreme youth they would bo inclined to forgive him aad to giro kWn annthav ehanea. - Tho lad tonight told bow be tried to ovado the officer, of the law by traveling in automobilee, oa foot, elec tric and steam trains- and on busses, bat was captured largely through wide publication of bin picture la Chieage newspaper, which reached this district He waa recognized by the eon ef Coaatablo Jack Draper, who m.do the arrest and who probably will receive tbo 126,000 reward offeeea for the feny's arrest and recovery of the bonds. Dil lon waefrst apeetedjBf bclng.Jht bond- tbieby-Jtennil-with-whom he rode Into. Heyworth. TJennis reported his suspicion to Pool Draper, boa of th constable. r - -r - " " Dalton carried tbo bond, la a llttl. satchel wbereiab.j!d ,ecretd them whea he walked out of tbo bank Than day for luneh, throughout hi. flight un til he reached Heyworth. There bia fondness for .booting pool and bOIlard. caused bin to oeek a game with a etrsnrer. and whHe the two knocked tko ball, around, tho satchel, with It. fortune, was left in a corner where anyone might have picked it ap and walked away bad he know of its eonteata. Whea Constable Draper appeared aad called tho youth by name, ho admitted aw nnuv. - Tha lad said he took the bond, aa tbo spur of the moment, and waa "sort at the bank" because they bad aot pro moted him as rapidly as ,b. desired. "1 road hew Judge madia aaa mu.im bankers were partWto lame la the ease ef the OttawaT lil- boy named Cary, wh stols nearly- 20000." mid Dalton.. The Judge Skid they should have paid Cary more, aad hla case seemed to St me. I saw tha chance to take th bonds, aad decided oa the spur af th moment to try to get away with them. It dooaat pay. however, aad I'm sorry. I'm sorry eepeeially for my mother aad sisters. I doat kaow what I aaa go now. ... DaHoa broke down and cried whea peaking of hi mother, wbo m a widow. "I doat kaew what fl wanted to -do with th bianey," bo sajd. T Jot took a aotloa to go off, aal X aad aa eaay awM ia at mamm Miv moaey aad I took it I did not hre any parUeaUr notioa of wkere I wa 4 goi. dot wast ed to grt to the SAol a, either to maa or Georgia, whtVe I tbowght there weald be lae ehatca M Xouad." . .-; ' . ' ..-.! i-i. RECORD THER OF SUNDAY MORNING. FEftRUAftY 27, l921.yENTyE!CHT PACES TODAY , L SUIT IN FEDERAL F Jury Finds Plaintiff Guilty of Improper Relations With Baxter McRary RETURN VERDICT AFTER BEING OUT 42 HOURS Mr. Varner Annonnea Inten tion of Oontinnin; Prosecu tion of Negro; Wife Oollap ei, Acoordinf To Now Prom , Hoapital; Jury Took Seren Ballot, It Is Understood . - .. Greenaboro, Feb. MFlndlng bin. Florence C. Varner guilty of Improper relatione with Baxter XleBary, a aegro, a federal court Jury after 4S hour, de liberation at 10:10 o'clock thia morning, returned a erdU:t denying her a 'rea onabje .ubiiitcnce" from her huthand, H. B. Varner, prominent lmngioa ory aMa.viUay sent word to Judge James E. Boyd that a verdict had beea reached. Tea minute, later in jury men filed into :ne Jury box la the fed oral court room and told the Jldgo they had agreed. "What Is your verdiet, gentlemen. Judge Boyd ssksd. "W have founl Mr. Varner guilty of eommltting adultery with Baxter McRary," Foremaa Summers declared. Whereupon Judge Boyd read the 1 sues submitted to the Jury to be n .wered and lncoiporated thcreia the decision of the Jury. Three Isauee Decided. The issues decided oa by the jury were ae follow, i 1. Did the defendant (Varaer) sepa rate himself from the plaintiff (M". VSfBer- ad fail 'to provid. her with the aeeeasary .ubslstcnc. .eeordlng to bib mean, and conditioh In life, a. al leged in the complaint! , Answer! Tea. J. Did the plaintiff commit adultery with B. B. MeBary aa alleged la tho answer! Answer: Tea. a nrk. -k.u aav. ahould bo al- lowed aad paid or oeeure to -i.i-.tw . a Vr veaaonabl tho sub- ttotence from tbs st(of tba d-foa muad H. D. varnerr aad sueeeoafnl aontestant la th .trial, bwed th. following sUt.eatt . . t it fa over. . It Is a malts ot rrlef to me, bat I want to so Ju tL'don. d' C int.. to prout. that mulatto (McBsry) to tfc .ad. X aptrreelato the fact that I bay got a fair trial aero. I waawor Yf v.TH.r left en a noon trala.for Mrafvarner, who ha. been patient . a . f A mmniteiriUaal tOt feU week., wa. prortrated at the now of 7JJi and 1a seriously Ul, accord. ing to attendanU. - Mra. Varner SaSTei Cellaaee. For .evbral day. ah. hs beea ox- tremely ncrvou. and Z verdict she colUpsed. it wa. wld. www. mtraflAV. O. U. 5PP walked into the room and WeU. the dury has deciaea again.. - VaVner gae way, according to MniUr lB sttondaats. In hr Denaii, "" that be had little to say. . . A. to whether aa appeal will be takea bo doe. aot koow and will not nntll Mrs. Varner ha. eumcleutly recovered to tolk of the cm. - U H. Stormer, a member ef tho Jury, whose child l. critically all, wa. al "wcd to go horns last .Ight to see the U Told tafant. th. Jury roUrUg for the night He wturned to the jury headquarter, ahortly after mid likt .n r.maiaed With them untU th-erdie-was pronounced ttm -Saora. ing. The ahUd waaported aa anlm. provedthls morsingJttonoaat It L.i.-iati-that .ymptoma-af paaivw- - - meningitis bad appeared, v . P. l Summers, Foremaa of tt Jury waa reticent la diseuselag th ea. after tho verdict war filed thU morning. Whea-aueationed. . about . the ease. bi. first reply wa.t "I have aSrved oa maay Juries covering a long period il BW ..a a... ) called upoa to decide ataay serious nad important essra, bt this has rlvailea anyxaing u mj r. Prav Far Caldaaca. Before filing from the room ia wbiek they had beea confined f ot a grj"' part of tho time aiaea 4 o'clock Tkor. day afternoon, tho 13 men knelt an tt. entire Jury, with bowed bead listened to aa impassioned plea by one of th .amber for God to look apoa their work aud pronounce it well doae. Mem ber, of tho jury deelared.taat ao more powerful ploa had ever ascended te heave thaa the aeot ap froat the jnry room oa tho third floor af the Federal building hero this morning. Tbo Jury led by the foreman, P. M. Summers, f AlUatahaw, filed lata th - ort . room - and la newr t tko quosUoaof th elorkt "Have om reached a vareUet, - Mr. 1W maa IB voice vnv-a foremaa real the finding, ef tbo body an tho entire U moa gava' their aosoBt to thia a beiag a trao ata torn eat af their fiBdUga. Tho Jury received tho 'thank of Judge Boy, presiding end waa dia sbar. 't 7 Bear Tbo Jary Stood. Bevoa ballot were east before the Jary were able to agree oa a yerdiet, twa ballets wet take Thursday, oa Friday sad tho fearth oa th monlag araeeding tho final deeiaiea. . , Tho first ballot wa secretly takea j(Coatiaa4 Oa Fag IS VARNER OSES COURT FOR iS 'I Obs EDWIN DENBY GETS NAVY PORTFOLIO, HARDING STATES Theodore Roosevelt, Son of The Former President, Becomes His Assistant PRESIDENT ELECT TO GO TO MARION TONIGHT On of Pint Act of Secretary. nainata Ia Sending of Telegram To Secretary Dan iel Thanking- Him Por Kind Beferenc: Modest In Expressing- Opinion St Auiuetiao, Fit. Feb. S.-Edwln Denby, fuaner'. mate la Bampeoa'i fleet aad aargeant of marine. In the world war, formally aecepted the portfolio of Nary la the aeit Cabinet today with a Diode to malBtafa theaTl Heating maehiaa "at the hifheet peak pf power. readv for battle, at auy BOtiee.1 .dfm- ." 1 V'.-i unuvr to the present naval building program ...til murh tima a. th. nationa may he brought into a definite . agreement for the reduction of armameata. Contlf nation of tho capital eonstrnc. tlon program for the present was an nounced formally ae aa administration policy by Presidentelect Harding at the earn time that ho had made known definitely the final designation of Mr. Denby aa Secretary ef the Navy aad of Mr. Roosevelt as assi.Unt secretary. He already has eomunlcatod hi wuhee to leader la Congress. Laavaa Toalaht for Marian His conference with Mr. Denby ended Mr. Harding', work here, and he leave tomorrow night for Marlon, where hi. neighbor, will give him a farewell celebration oa Tuesday. He expects to reach Washington Thursday, th day before Jaaugiiratioa. - The definite confirmation of ,Mr. Deaby'a aeleetioav-wblebhaa beea knew aaofflelally here for several days, fol lowed a long conference in whleh bo laid before tho President-elect his opinion of 1 what tba next adminUtra tioa should do with it. navy and ma rina eorpa. Afterward bo would art disc us detailed policies, eayiag frank ly that b felt he had biaeh to lean a boat tbo greater ega la tha national machUto.of so defemsa, but that be antaroaehad bm reasoaeihllltlos oa- fidoatly. with a traiaed soldiara devo tioa to dnty. I- Altkoagh he sutt' into th , Cabraet ubv-wv as M.v pa auiw na.w brieiMtiaa, Mr. Danby bring to lb secretaryship aa aaasust back grauad of naval oxperienca. Beside having beea aa enlisted maa ia war time ia both tha navy aad the marine corp., bo ha. served . as a member of tha Hon. Naval Committee, ba. gained through close eonUct a knowledge of condition beyond tbo insular posses sions I tke Paeifle, where more than oaee tho Waahingtoa government ha cast a questioning eye. Select! Caaaa aa Sarpria" " A lawyer by professloa, he aow hold, tha title of probation officer of th. criminal court ia Detroit, Mich. fl. declared bis eeleetio bad oomo as a complete surprise to him, but h emerged into th limlight of national affair, .miling genially and comporting himself ss confidently at -though be had beea a Cabinet member aD bia life. In declining to apeak of apeclfie naval polieiee, Mr. Denby reminded hi questioner, in a matter-of-fact way, that he never bad beea ia eloeo eon Uct with tho larger policial of the de partment, aad ao might find himself a stranger to soma of the important que tlon of policy. But he added that aa absence of preconceived opinions might not bo entirely a detriment. I may aay ia general term, h continued, "that my conception ef the duty of secretary Is to act a sa adviser to tbo President, th Cabinet and Congress, and. more important (till, to maintain whatever navy Con grew gives a. at th highest peak of power, ready for battle at auy notice." Ia reepoaoe to question about th naval policies of the prevent, adminlt tratioa th 8eertary-ta-be only- emilsd and Shook bis head. H did tak eee 1wBv;hewvOT,--toen- fto6ep!val6rlhe aatTwaFTuiing of Saarotory. DaBieU, addiag tht'a beli.ved moat of the officer of th navy aow recognized tho wisdom of th famous order. . . " High Xegard Far Daaiaht . For Mr. DanisU personally be t prsssid highest regard, aad eaa af hi first acta aa Secretary-designate was to sea a telegram to tbo present Navy Department head thsnking him for past, eourteile. Passing ap aa invita tion to dictate th msng to oa ef tbo st.nographcra at Mr. Hardiaga headquarters, he went te a telegraph etaad ia the hotel lobby below aad cribbed . eat th following U load poaeili . ; "Have road with groat pleasure year kind, references to me In. tho tm Pleas accept my cordis thank. I shall see ye la W.ahiagtoa within a day ar twa. I hop. The mooting will not be the first bo th e retiring Secretary an hi Duriag - th World War, whea Mr. Denby waa serving at the agt of 4 s a Maria sergeaat, he broke a strict regulation sad went direct to Mr. Daniel la an effort to.smootb t eoss of the trouble of tbo moa earv tog with bias. - t" The Secretary might- have .eeH aaartiald mo," said Mr. Daaby. afto raUtiag tbs story today. bt b didat d it - " Coaaas mt Flshtlag gcack. " ' Most ef the preapectir Seeietary service ' with the Mariaaa was to the mora) department, thoagb be was cat bread for a brief period as observer a was aader fire sa th Americas great ia Fnae. Before tbo war wa ba ba rieen gram pnvai -see- V a-aam-ai fCaariaaad oa rag - erver TWO AVIATORS KILLED BY HITTING AIR POCKET Bockawey. N. T Feb. 1 Aa air ecket eacMBlered at aa alUtoda ml see foot, whkfc threw tkatr oao. feaa.lato UUpl' oeat H eraahlni to the froaad befete M W.M ka braafkt aader eoatrel aaaia. la ballaeed to have beea ra apaaalbla far the death of Un. toaaet Hara4d T. fWereea, U. a N, aad Chief MacalaM'a Mat Bateae Uadaay, while maklaf a recline tet arer the aaal air eUtlaa beta thia aftoraaea. Uaaaajr'a baata la la San Fraacmea. Ltoateaaat Btavaaa aa at wife lira at the air atottea. Bla paraaU' name le la Maaat Vara a, N. T. While maklaf what .aehtabara da. arrihad aa a elmplo tarn dlrertlr avar a baater aaar the altar, tha atachlae aadealy wal lato a Ull aala. Ueateaaal Steraaa appar. ally waa aaahle to atralchtea ant tba araplaaa awlaa to the akart ele vation, aad M plania to earth, barely mteelaf Ito banter. ON MR BILL Senate Committee Confirms Favorable Report: House versed previous Matthew -MeCoU-Vsrssr ceasorshlp bill yestcjday aftraooa whea the meaa are came baek before them by re-refex. ne. Th Senate committee did some amending before it did any confirming, but the Hons eommitteo was restive, and without .ay effort to doctor the bill reported it oat Bnfavorably by a 1 to 10 vote. .... But tho unfavorable aetloa ia tha Houae committee will not servo to keep s. tti aff tha floor.' A minority re port signed by Chairman Matthew, and alas other member ef the committee DIVE RSE ACTION xiU-Ljjj ,ttBt it up, and tho special order for Ita eoasideratioa Wednesday aooa still sUada oa tho csseadar. aaa dob ate will ooaaider oa Tuesday. A brief clash ia ths Hons yesterday moraing resulted la th bill being at back to committee, ba by a margia i only five vote. PropoBeate of th bill wore a little discouraged at ths how of strength made by the opposi tioa, tbo rote standing at O to 48. Complalat was general that aeltbor tm tumta aa the House committee bad had oppartnalty to hesr the bill diaensaed, and many bad beea aaable to got lata tba chamber oa tba days wka . tbara ' was spoakiag. far sad i.lt it. bin. bfatthowa. who ia load taw tha flank in tbo House, vroteatot agaiast to nsava, a did alaa Bepra- aaatatl UoUCHBSB. TBO lanar wanm the Hoahe to kill it If the member, wore going te kill tt, aad not te prolong th. diacusstoB.' ' , No cpeecbes .were made before tbs Homb committee. Represents tiv Nsal read ths bill, and moesd forthwith to report advamly.. BepreeenUtiv Uw nn aUrtad encasing agaiast th mctto. but sails for tbo quostioa in tempted him. Tbo eommlttoe roll was called, ' after BopreseBtatlv. Monroe bad stated that bo hoped the bill would pass. Th. vote atood at U to ia. , ' geaat Meeting Secret Altar a boor1, discussion la xecu- tlvo sessioa, the Senata eommitteo yes- tardav auDroved saadry amonament and ordered favorable report ea the bill aa amended by s vote of 11 to B. Th eommitteo nle agreed to nek th Seaat to make tho bill a special order for Tuesday moning. ... . AU of tbo amendmenUvauopted by th eommitteo war accepted by the proponent ef tho measure, but it I generally conaidered that th practic ability of tho measure ha. been dlmln shed by th. committee', action. Th. ommltteogrwtly increased the duties of th two men and oao woman who ar. to eom prise tho Board of Censors by requiring that all pic.ire exhibited la the 8tate must b eensored by th Board, la person, and by also depriving tho Board of tho privilege of employing inspector, to visit the various tbeine ia th State- 1 Tho only ether material amendments adopted atrik out tho requirement that th censorship shall, taks place la tba city ef Baleighad exempt films bowing current event, sow item and advertisement from the provlsioss f, tho-bilt It Is -provided, however, that anyihtbitorsbowlng an axemp. tod film that ia ariUgiou, obscene or clearly immoral" shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. Although bo city 1 snbrtitutsd-for aleigh-Ta tho bocHob dealing with tt headquarter, of the proposed - Board, the ameadment wu adopted la deference to tho eontentioa that tho censorship shoald properly tab pls- la Charlotte a all ef the film osebange U the ty r located at that poiat. t. . Tbo closest vote takea la committee waa oa a propoeed ameadment to ia dado aewspaper advertiscBisato ia the seop of tho bill, the ameadment being rejected by a vote of eight -to sore. OH1G MAN WINS HORSESHOB F1TCHING CHAMFiowaaHr 8t Ptorbarg, Fbv, Feb. X4V-Charles Bobbitt, of U.easter, Ohio, ia tha aw horoesho pitching champtoa of tbe Caited SUte. Bobbitt Wa tho title la- the. final game . of tba Natioaal toanamont held here thia afternoon, winning from BbaaaeB its last, i Keaaoro. Ohio, 60-9S. . Baaifaat waa to fin place with s lead ef six poiat. - . : 1 ' ; Bobbitt had piled ap a sow oi a poiat ia II gajass play wit n aoaatrr best. Boaifaat . leaded ia ecaad phse with 1430. ; ' Robert J. Haraia, ax Mssiag, s. made la third meaoy., - Battloahlp Teawoaaae Leave Nary Tar Nrw.Tork, Feb. TATh aeuiaaajp Ttnacssce. n of tbo bugert addittoas to Uaele Sam, aavy, left th navy yard sera today for btr aeeoad spaed trial a? tha YirriBM eapea. ' Oa tba first trial trip bat October eh af her gca erator breb owa aad for bo to rotor to port, ; - 1 RI7riUl.'U- ; aw- paper, - ( Ura hsfnra, " la -4r I eld i. Slagi easy i PRICE, CENTS 1 1. TWO YEAR BUSLDI.JG PROGRAM REQUIRES NEARLY SIX MILLION Appropriations Bill Covering . Permanent Improvements " Is Submitted BUDGET COMMISSION FOLLOWED IN MAIN . Stat Hospital Por Insane Oat Additional $850,000 In Lien of Stat Prison Build ing and Appropriation Mad- To 'Coyer Oonyerslon Into Hospital Building "A two year building program for State lastitutlons, oaly three quarters of a mlllioa dollar, mere ambitious . thaa that suggested by the budget com miasloa waa submitted to tho Beaato hut alght from the .ppropriattoa. eommitteo a the result ef the eommit- tee hearing aad d.UborallOBa overthe .tiw .;-,U'':Ltiii!.M. ' ii head The widest departur from th reeom- msndatioa af tha budget .commutes . . cam ia the sppropristroB for th auto r Hospital, aecessiUted by reasoa of tho - repeal of the act aathoritlng the traar. far ef tho State Prison building to tbo SUte Hospital. The State Hospital, ih,.t tha measure, is to get 1350,000 to construct and equip building to take . care of 673 patient, la lien of tbs 1300,000 authorised for use ia the con version of the State rnaoa tats a bob- pita! ia additioa to th amount reeom , meaded by the budget eommlsrion. Th State Hospital for th Insan at , Goldsboro; the State School for tho Deaf at Morgantoa. th. State School for tho Blind at Balelgh, ths Ualverslty ef North Carolina, tho East Carolina Tsaehsr Training school at Greenville, alt' receive tb ideatleal-pToportlca ef ,: th fund reeommeaded by the budget -eommissioa. The same I tru of th aegro normal schools and tbo -Negro Reformatory for oBys. Othet lartitar tions gst slight bureaaes. Impravemont Aparaprlati. Th. permaaent improv.moat appro prla tions for the several Institutions earfted U th bill as agaiast ths azafaat raeommeaded by tho bdg ommlMloa follow I . ' Btat Hospital for tt Insan, Mor gantoa, 1b0.Q00 against HOODOO. - - , , But Hoapital for the Insane, Golds- . boto, WOOJO SgalBSt-' W0O). ' - But Hotpltol for th Insan, Rslelfb, . t7Bfl0Q against $778,000.- . . N. a School for tbo Dosf. Morgantoa, $20,000 against $20,000. - ' . -, N.' C. School for the Bliaoy Balelgh, $2301)00 agalart. $S,000. N. a Tubermlosis Sanstorium, gas torlum, $330,000 agalart $300,000. Stat Horn and ' Industrial Scheel for Girl aad Woman, Samaritan, $13, 000 against $150,000. 8 tone wall Jacksoa Tralatag shJ, Contord, $140,000 agaiast $100,000. . Caswell Training school, Kiastea, $240100 sgaiait, $230,000. - --. . Unlvrity of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, $WO,000 .gainst W$M- Btat College of Agriculture aad la- gineering, Balrigh, $550,900 agaUrt $500,000. N. O. College for Women, Greensboro, $575,000 agalnrt $540)00, East Carolina Teacher Training school, , GrecBvllle, 125,000 agaiast $325,000. Cullogee aormal and Industrial . school, Cullowhee aad AppalachUn Training school, Boone, $200,000 against $200,000. SUte Normal School for Negroes, , . Elisabeth City, Colored Normal school, Fayetteville, and Slater Colored Nor. nil school. Winston-Salem, $400,000 . agalart $400,000. Negro Reformatory for Beys, $25,000 agalart $25.000. Total, 95,13 flOO again. swa,uw. Tha bill aoDroDtiatee to Institutions for which no recommendation wa mod by tho budget eommissioa a. follow: N. U. urthopaeaia nopiwi, ZT eomoUte Agricultural DcpartmCBf building, $73,900. , --,AMA- . Cnafiderate Soldiera JHoW$30,000t . Negro A. aad T. College, $115)00,-t Mataro r. rresoeea ponuu. ! bm&i authorlxed "will be' Ire ri per cent, forty-year, non-taxable bond. I. Juanminationa of UXH) and $500, ia ' . th determination of the Suts TreiUury, aot to be ooia oeiow par. , . Tha bill soecifles thst tbs building eommissioa ahall have tho dlrectioa of. . the building to be bum, aiterea- eg repair, and direcU tnat puna an .(tlnaa ba ore oared a epoMiiy. ' a possible by th But architect, th eoatracto to be let by oompetiUvp bid- . ding. ' ' " t. tha avant af inability to sail aay or all of tho bond, authorised, tho SUte : Treasurer is empowered aad directed, by and wltb tho consent of the Governor . aad Council af SUte, to borrow for period aot to exceed two yean "at th ; it rata af lata rest btaiaable fnck an ma a may ' b required to meet th , ppropriatioB mad ia tae sec, o - seeding la aay year tee aggregate araeaat of bond, authorised for that year. ' ' . . PROMINENT MERCHANT- DIES AT XENANSVILLb . w m.. rh. I. W. B. cooper die at hi. rwldesc her btrt Ight . . after a abort Ulnes which developed into pneumeala. Ho 1eros a widow, whs before her marriage ws bliss Faa- ale Mocra, an a smaa mm, n.ry Moor Cooper, aad oao bvotaer, u. Couper. of KeaaaMill. tbc un.aa.u tot a long tim th. leading aier- -chant of thia pUeo, wher dt F and aiaintaiBO a mrg " buaUess from which bo retired a few 7esrs ago. He waa a prmmt and . Inflects member of - Jteaaaerille Beptirt Cnsr-h, sad b cam from oao ef the 1 families f tho oeuaty.

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