ews stud Observer the trLirnat . Fair MaUy aad Tasaday, Ml tsoab oaaag la Uih"1" to fear paper. Beat renewal Ova it a re tafera plratloe la artier U e?i4 nMu aiagl copy . ! VOL CXII1.N0. 59. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. MONDAY MORNING. FEBRUARY 28. 1921. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS rTTri T; T IMITI'IKHi ,t n 4 THREE FIGHTS WILL CLAIM I RE DAYSJDFSESSION Appropriations, Censorship and Machinery Act Are Stilt Pendina BITTER ATTACK COMING . AGAINST APPROPRIATIONS "Tvrtj Caucus Tomorrow Night To Thrash Out Soma Sort of ' Zlectioa Law; Machinery Act To Answer Demands for Be. j ; peal Revaluation Act; Would Amend Censorship RALEIGH CHURCHES determined offensive against the meudations of tht Appropriations Committee, tha moving picture censor ahip bill, aad tha bi-ennlal machinery act, carrying with it some " to tha prevalent dissatisfaction with prop ery valuation! remaia to b disposed f la tha r.-ejnlng ill daya of the constitutional 00 allowed the Genera) Assembly for. Ha legislative business. Today will are 'the launching of the WrtW;-sdr. wuucbuubiu iiiiuw 1 campaign, ai em tiers or in cnriai are the working JaV aa 10 ina censor CONDEMN SLIDE AT MOVIE THEATER Two Congregations Resent Al leged Attack On Episcopal Rector CHRIST CHURCH BODY WOULD BOYCOTT PLACE First Baptists Endorse Leader. ship of Be. Milton A. Barber in Censorship rifht:: B. 0. Allen, Owner of Theater, Says Matter is the Besolt of Quarrel Oyer Ten Cents Japan Will Insist On Its Mandatory To Island Of Yap Japanese Base Mandatory On Final Decision of Supreme Allied Council in 1919; Great Interest in Nippon Over Protest of United Stales to Council of the League of Nations. attack Striking hard at an alleged upon the Bee. Miltoa A. Barber, rector of Chriat eh arch, by tha management of the Superb thntr in connection with the activity of the Eplaeopal rector in behalf of tha movingpleturt eenaorehlp bill now before tha Legis lature, the congregations of Chriat Church and of the First Be pint church yesterday adopted reeolutioaa heartily condemning the, Jtion taken, tovthe, Tohia, Feb. W. fcy the Associated Preaa.) Japan will iaslat upon its maa datory te tha lalaad of Tap, accord i eg ta authoritative Japaneaa opinion. The protect of the United States govern ent ta tha council of tha League of Natioaa haa aroused great iaterrat in Japan aa a new move on a matter which haa already been lengthily, but thua far anaueceaafuUy, discussed directly by the governmenta of Japaa aad tha tailed (States. Japanese) Claims, It la explained here that Japan bases her mandatory on tha final decision of tha supreme council in May, 11)19, which handed aver tha German, lalanda north of tha equator ta tha Japanese without mention of reservation. If President Wilson made oral reservations regarding Yap at previous deliberations of the council, it is declared that Japan waa not represented nnd has no official cog nisance of this. Japaa will take the stand that the mandatory means control of the eablea on the esme status aa Ueraany prior to the war. During tha war Japaa diverted the Tap end of the cable from Hhanghai to the Loo C'hoo (l.iu Kiu) Is lands between Japaa and Formoaa for administrative purpose. Therefore, cable communication from America to bliangbai by way of Uuam and Tap doea not eiiit. Saggeala New Cable. It la naderstood that Japan haa sug gested to the United States to lay a cable direct to Shanghai from Uuam aa a substitute for the Tap route. Among the ni;wapers, the Nichi Nichi takes the view that the United State la in no position to interfere because it haa not ratified tha peace treaty and has not entered the league. But, it adds, considering America's share in winning the war, it would be immoral not to consider the contentions of Amerlcn. bin bill at the present aeaaion, and 'Wednesday will brieg -tha Machinery cut. aa yet Unwritten, before the Bouse. Tha clan of the Association for Promotion of Education in North Caro lina for a 20,000,000 appropriation to cover a aix year building program nt tha varioua Stale institutions will be fferad on the floor of the two Homes of tha General Assembly in lien of tho committee bill earning aa appropria tloa of $3,790,000 to cover a program of two years. Scales Serves Notice. Ex-Senator A. M. Scale, of Greens boro. president of the Association an nouneed last night that the aubatitnte bill will be fathered in the House by Representative Walter Murpby and that it will be introduced la the Benate by Senator Elmer and Luntford Long, 1 JCaeh of the. three member mentioned " by Mr. Scales were out of the city last niirht. but tha announcement waa cent' tiled by Senator Walter Woodton, chalr- i man of the Senate Committee on 1 Education, who will also support the substitute bill. The committee bill which folio closely tha recommendations ' of tha Budget Commission and received alee nnanimoua support irons wo memoer " at tha Appropriations "tommltteea , of tht two Houses, waa introduced la the itenato Saturday night by Senator aw Coin, chairman of the Senate committee ' and a member of dbo Badge Com mis. alas. ' Tha measure will coma up aa its second reading ia the- Senate today ana the larger plan will be offered as a aubstltute. Tha substitute bill adhere to tha plan proposed by a number of eitisens at a public bearing aa tha 23rd, which attracted the largeat delegation of eiti- aens that haa visited the capital dar ing the present session of the Genera ' ausemoiy. , Committees Wilt PhM. P IWI . l.. 1. J ... V C . in two comnnivar unuvv ui tors McCoin aad Varaer and Represen tatives Everett, of Richmond, and campaign. Members or church congregation also pledged .them selves not to patronise thia theatre far ther, The resolution were the reealt of a slid exhibited at the Superb theatre last week, without definite personal reference, questioning, it la claimed, the fitness of a preacher whose daughter goea to Saturday night dances "half naked and cornea home Sunday mora log, -to act aa a censor of moving pie, tures. The whole thing ia the result of malice on account of n quarrel with a neighbor over tea cents, waa all that Mr. R. G. Allen, owner bf the Saperba, would any Inst night when asked about the matter, other than that he would issue a more lengthy statement later in the week. Breaks Ecclesiastical Precedent Sweeping aside ecclesiastical prece dent, the congregation of Chriat Church, following-the aerviee " yeatsrdiy " raotn- ing, turned the church into na indigna tion meeting house and unanimoosty adopted the condemnatory resolution pledging themselves not to further pat ronise the Superb Theater. Immediately after tha Sunday mr- Ing service Dr. KiehardJH. Lewis, senior warden, naked that tht tongi ' '. tioa remain in order ta give axn' .-s worn to.-th ladignstiatT faaswl hj itl" Insult Ta tha roeto. -V''A' T:- A resolution at eoademnati"rr thereupon offered by Mr. 8. H i Shepherd. Tha resolutioa had U drawn by a committee from tha Men Bible Class composed of Mr. 8. Brawn Shepherd, Mr. Frank Haywood. Mr. Charlea Farmer. Mr. Harry Howell, Mr. Harry Adama and Mr. Virgil St. Cloud. Ths additioa of the word "false" in the last elans ia the flnal section was added by amendment offered by Mr. W. B. Snovr, aaeonded by Colonel Bennehnn Cameron.. Tha text of tn resolution follow: "That, whereas our beloved rector has been very active in the fight for censorship that may remedy- the evil that haa coma ia tha State through the INGRESS STARTS DALTON WILLING AH HflMF STRriPH inJAMflM tfr iv-JNer wr'-r &tut shwt.-j .a .-kvaa..iTerm"w(i- m IEV ATTACK IDE WUMMS NOT TAKEN SERIOUSLY McFaddcn Denounces Comp trollers Call for Salaries Of Bank Officers RESOLUTION IN HOUSE WOULD STOP NEW CALL Hifh Government Offloial De. Clares Williams Jfoit Effi cient Man That Ever Held Office of Comptroller; Ifot Afraid of "Big Basinets" ; To Honor Small and Daniels OVER 40 KILLED IN DISASTROUS WRECK AT PORTER, INDIANA MaWtff Legislation Awaiting . Action Before Final Ad journment Friday News and Observer Bureau, 603 District National Bank BUI. By JOK U BAKER (By Special Leased Wire) Washington, Feb. 27. Representative U T. McFaddn, of Pennsylvania, chairmaa of the House banking nad currency committee, is out in another attack en Comptroller of the Currency I jona rikeitou Williams, oocaase er hia JlU, )tiMe M.HtWMt' hut PEI CONFERS with mm Discuss Plans for Military and Economic Pressure Against Germany London. Fh. 87. (Dy the Asaoclatad Press). On the virtual eve of the al lied conference with the Germans oa reparations aad disarmament questiona, the two principal allied military chiefs. Marshar Fock, of France, aad Field Marshal Sir Henry vTUson, the British chief of staff, spent the week-end by invitation with Mr. Lloyd George ami Premier Briand, of, France, in ther seclusion nt Chequers Court, the new country, home of the prime minister of England. The purpose of the consultation was Washington, Feb. 21. Congress enters tomorrow oa the home stretch drive toward adjournment Friday with whip and spur oa appropriation bills and a scramble for the tape oa the part of cores of other measures. Nifht ses aioaa are in order, with na all-night final aa aaual preceding Inauguration Pay. All of tha appropriation measures, except tha naval budget, arc expected to go through,- although only aevea of the fourteen regular money bills have been completed and just two have been signed so far by President Wilson. The chief cxeutive plana to be at tha Capi" tol tha forenoon of March for action on eleventh-hour measures. .Five af tha' appropriation measures, tha army, agriculture, aaadry civil, leg islative aad fortifications, ara ia eon- f err imc, but agreements ara expected. A I ; ;bt la expected over the army bill . to the Senate's increase of tlio i,ular army to 175,000 men as against 150,000 axed by the House. Be as Ohataclaa. t The qutioa af f raa -accda and- trf-atywir'wlta lUIlVCS Xiveruvt, HI icmunu. i - -- : . . Doughtoa will fight determinedly for J exhibition of Immoral fend indecent pic v. na. enmmistaTti uiu. uui ioxv tiuwatitiiK - - bill will attract a considerable follow ing ia each House. Avowed friends of tha substitute bill ara mora numerous ia the Senate that in tha House and tha substitute ia believed tu hare a bet tar chance, of paasag ia tha upper body. 1 - The principal effect of tha plan ap proved by tha Appropriations Com mittee is to reduce the program front aix year t two year. Tha Univeraity f North Carolina received tha largest ''Whereas In hia efforts b has neither exceeded the bound of propriety aor shown persona feeling aor animus, but waa prompted ly the highest motive aad "Whereas oa aeeouat of thia activity he haa been subjected - to a malicious attack through an exhibition oa the screen of the Superb Theatre, casting aerious reflection upon Si innocent young daughter; V IhmfAM K. ft Hulnil tha. ?uti iU4.a-d..r ,.td k-J but members of the Appropriation committees stated but night that th-y are convinced that tht vmfiOO appro priated will be ail that can be expended wisely ia two year, n. ais point to the fact that a large tncraaa na neea of the management of the Superb Theatre ia thia unwarranted attack pos aur beloved and much-respected rector and hia daughter a aaealicd for, cowardly, malicioua and false, aad that we, hereby pledge ourselves that msd. . tha figure recommended by V thi the Budget Commiaaioa for maintenaaee ' at tht Univeraity. . . SM Bills Pending. - - i tTpwards of 800 pWie, puhliaJoeal and print bill are awaiting: aispoal tioa at tht band of the Genaral A eembly, among1 which ara tha eleetioa law, judges retirement bill, toek law "tlxr 'ssreTti OTirtey tha odneational bill, r and the' Matthew pension bill allowing tha counties te supplement the state , ttenaioa funds. The Senate biU sat with it tha Saaaea act. : -1 ' - Attocetber. tha- General JLaaambry U coafrented with-anch a mass af work at win to all probability make adjourn anent Seat' Saturday night impossible, , deepite the hopes af a majority at th member that they might be able to theatre.' Baptist A I Condemn. At the Sunday night service at the First Baptist ehureh Mr. W. N. Jones offered the following resolution which waa immediately adopted by a aaaat- mous 'riaing votes ' - Whereas, Bev. Miltoa A. Barber, KfiOOfiM loan to Armcrr la d mith. stricken region of tha west are ring ' n tha asTiftullnraJ hill.: Tha Rnnata aad House ara deadlocked ou the sun dry bill over the 103,000,000 Muscle Shoal power amendment of the Ben ate and ever the 18,800,000 appropria boa for soldier hospitals. The Houaa probably will vote tomor row in an attempt to clear thia dead lock. Tho controversy aa to the legit lative bill now revolves largely about the ' provislona for purchase by tht treasury of $300,000,000 of farm loan boadt proposed by the Senate. Tha Houaa will vote Tuesday on the pro vision. - Little legislation except the appro priatioa bills ia expected to get through tha flnal jam. The rordney emergency tariff bill comet-up tomorrow In the Senate for flnal action with transmission to President Wilson ia prospect. It one measure ia a four-cornered fight for precedence in tie Senate. The other three bills behind which pressure I punned are: The war-time laws re peal resolution, tht toldiers bonus aad tht navy appropriation budget. Tht last it expected to bring a renewal af disarmament debate which promise to so delay aetioa at to thwart passage of the measure. Other Legislation. Other important billa which seem threatened with failure include the packers' control bill, tho maternity and infant aid measure, the budget bill, the aongraaaional reapportionment measure tha Calder coal regulation plan and tht tioo.yuoawo goad road appropriation Prediction were general tonight that tho soldier bonus also weald bo added to th list of failures. Bill to regiriate cold storage, to re organise tha patent office and to aa thorite co-operative marketing by farm era also ara fneonferenco with tht Evidenc. 'Against Youth Who Stole $772,000 in Bonds To Grand Jury Today Chicago, Feb. 27. The evidence in the ease of William Dalton, 1 years old, 5 employe of the association." a month bank clerk, who waa arrested Doubtless Comptroller Williams in Heyworth yesterday 48 hours after docan't mind thia new attach, la which he had .to.e. ,772,00 1. Liberty bond. fcato UjJ. e.U from tb Northern Trust Company hr.a , p(rt of the pttttnt administra- here, where he worked, will be placed tioa .haa had more attache leveled at trodueed ia the. House a resolution that no association shall, ia publishing any report requested, required or. called for by the Comptroller of th Currency after February 1, 1921, be required to iaelude la aueh publication any In formation aa to tne salary or com pensation of any director, officer or before the grand jury tomorrow, it waa announced tonight. Robert Crowe, state attorney, said effort would be made to bring abojt speedy punishment of the boy who found it a simple mstter to carry oui him than haa Comptroller Williams. Commenting on thia latest attack upoa the Comptroller, another high govern ment official aaid yesterday that the Comptroller waa being persecuted simply because he could not be con trolled. This official declared that v- w. . J k.t I. hl.tnrv nnl, I " rllVr. .m. -. Comptroller WlUiama waa the most 7 ii iT. v. V.7 k. " rZniMAA "pabl and the most efficient man that stable after he had beea recognised I .... ... . .... from 'pictures published in- new" papers- had over Mid ,th office of Comptroller ah 4i. la.iI. .w.nt nnm fnv avkl I wl vurreucy i mat ne waa UBsnciB. which had been cashed, were recovered. Lf"?tory f,1"?'" wp-tattvatj of M-.-i.il. rn. . ...tin. rbig busineaa' beeauae he would not knm. -i.h . .rMlnn.l tear vnnnlns I ""low himself to b controlled by them down hit chtek. He waa brought back held tho other hand that hia from Bloomingtoa Ill.early today. offle wa a publto trust, aad that be Bepeatedly he asked for hia mother, discharging hia, duties faithfully It nufl hia ,wn aiatAM r,Mififl&t mm a 1 mis whiii mm as "wiwi MB nuura ihiekea dinner and be discussed bit ? wink at certain questionalt.Braa- U mttomacrr'-t'':' ''? - tie whl!h, laTha pa.l,hd beea eaa-TT, ia trying to oeear a eentorShip- of tiie xhlbitioa of inunoral - and indaeeat picture in the snoving picture theatres is tha Gtato fjy'tfaw Legislatnrer and whereas ia his afforta in thia direction he baa neither exceeded tha boa n da of propriety nar shown an improper spirit as a minister or as a man aad waa prompted, aa w believe, only by tho highest anotivOai aad whereas aa ac- xaemoers u rntr nm ,w, "IJ,-. lu t.. . ... , tassion will very likely extend over to Taotday morning af next week, aad i va thea tbora will bea aadimaat f andiepesed at bills aa th calendar and slat tared, in committee. Drafl.JCUetton Law. Tha' atrsggle aa the appropriarlena, ainehiaanr aad ceasorship bill will a bitter tad perhaps long draws out, bat whatever fighting I to be doea aa tha elect iena law will bo doae tomorrow sight when joint eaaeaf tha ma jority party af 'th Hons aad Seaate . will aonvoao ia tha hall af th Hows ta-. dlseata the prop seed repeal af tha atato-wide primary, aad aaadry other measure having to da with tho eleetioa machinery ia th atat. , ; , ; ; t t . Committee work af tha present essr sioa is hugely aver, althoagh th past few dart have aeea an avalanche af Uy kav bean subjected to a very tat proper aad nana attack by aa ex hibition an a screen af a local theatre which is known ta th eommnaity and which, in aur opinion, shonld he aat asatMi aaw, thoraferc, ; 1 Be it resolved, that thia church here by express its condemnation af tha a a. warranted tod nnjutt .attack am Mr. Barber and hia family aad alto hereby copras ita approval af th soars f Mr. Barber la hia leadership af tha ea- tomeat af thia eommnaity far aeearint ar ceasorship af tha moving pietnr Dtnuuw in uua uiata. - - - j RALPH DE-PALM A SETS ' NEW AUTO SPEED RECORD Los Angales. CaX. FsK 17 Balch De IPatssa wea th fifty asBo final sat seas new legisjatioa offered. The Hows baa I bile race at th apecdway today ta tl aunute aad b seconds, aa average speed af one baadrad aad ss-vea aad beea forced ta resort to- a aaleadar committee to deal with tha aeora af bills that have beea offered siacav ast I three-tenths mOe aa hear, aaid to be Thursday with tha twoaeat that they g I a record for sutomebiie af 183 inches immediately a Don tha calendar. Be lire- displacement. . awatativa Parhaai ia chairmaa of that I Tommy MiRoa waa second; Soaea nariea, taira; Jimmy jaarpky, zourth: (Cot!aad aa Tags Thraw) . 'Ira Vail. tiJk, aad tit XL-icr, aixla. 1.c.Cbriate test includes urODOsala for impeachment 01 l ederal Judge Laadi and for -fares ligation af tho Bergdoll case, both af we seemingly -ars ieadsd xor the casualty list. - Committee Reports (Numerona committee report also are do this 'week, Ameag thea ar sea tlaaiona af tha House eoramittee'a war Maveetlgationa, th Shipping Board In quiry, aad th : Caldr reeanstraetioB stady. Tha Ksnyoa commit will meet tomorrow to frame report aa it ia- vearigauoaL last summer aaa zau tat poliUeal - campaign axpendiUirea. Far ther iaquiry will bo mad tomorrow bf taa Bonata aommitte lavestigaung al lied loans, bat legislation ia regarded as doabtfuL: . . : ... n ' r,y--: Bsaato veaiocrat will make aaother effort ta aocar eenfiraaatioa af tht many army premotioas recommended by Presidsat Wilson. Bepdblicaa leaders predicted that anther any af tha army premotioas nar any af tha thousands af postmasters aad ether civil nomlaav Uoa submitted will b afirmed. A I expected to be mad ia th Hawse, hewevar, to obtain the rank af lioatoaaat-sTaaaral I at . Major Ueaeral Enoch H. Crawdar. ' fba- Wkkersham Grigsby eleetioa sateat frata Aiaaka as to 1st settled thia week by th Hoaee, with iadiesUow poiatiag to the nateatiac of Dalegate Grigsby, a Dametr. - - Iaaagarsi areparationa aad roorgaai- aation aetivitiee lookiag to tha extra seseiaa. alee will aoma da far sttawtioa this weak. Bepab-eaai elected to Ue next Haas will castes tomorrow sight "I did wrong and I am willing :to take Idoned by dme big banker who had my medicine, he said. "I don't know I eongin ana secorea special ravort from lust why I did It. but for a week I had I'th Comptroller't office. beea handling hundreds of thousands of Defied "Big Baetaa," dollar in bonds and it wa to easy to It wa bee use Comptroller Willlami walk out with them that I just eould'nt Has refused to allow certain practices help it. of the past ta ba eoatinued under hi Th boy again denied that th ease of administration that the fight was begun Francis Carey, 19 year old Ottawa, Ills; oa him that ssaulted in tha refusal Of embaxzler, who waa treated leniently 4b Senate to confirm hie nomination by Judge Landis, had influenced him. for a second term when it was tent by "I never thought of that ease and it Pretident Wilson more than two years never eecured to mo that if I were ago. Despite tha refusal of the 8eaatr caugni i noma p treated leniently. I to acquiesce ia hia appointment Preei wat nervout and excited yeatorday and dot Wilson haa kept Mr. Williams ia of the reporter who quoted mo on that flee for two year through recess ap point mutt hart mesunderstood me. polntmenta, ehowing hia complete con- PLANNING TO DISPOSE TJ".! f1'0,1"' f nr ma tsaoa irwmn Under torn of the former ad minis- world war veteran, today wa plan. I ,k. Tm.., i..., . vr..i.: nlng what ho will do with th. fiSB.OOO hi. VortiZ .11 aln" Preai- eantura nt William Da linn niilnn, I i"C .7 - .r 1 ana bo special isvora nay Dean granted k,b a v v . W S"" W business " ""per, t,y iTesident WUaoo, hia aecretariea of tne treasury or Comptroller Williams. That is why Wall Street and "big JtTimJSaUlbttM' and ecenTtfjA pressure sufficient, to ehanae tho mind of Germany, should her government refuse the reparations terms of the alliea. While one aspect of the question ia a dramatic warning to Germany that the invasion of tome parts of her territory may follow a refusal of complianea on her pert, another it that the French government, which would have to sup ply moat of the troopi, desires to be ia a position to act suddenly should the moment requiring action arrive. The general' plan considered, of which many collateral features require exam ination, la understood to provide for a northward movemcat by Belgian troops, which would occupy Dortmund, while the French would re-occupy Frankfort and penetrate tha country beyond to a considerable depth, poaalbly as far as Munich, while a fleet would blockade tha port of Hamburg. The declared object of these movements would bo to enfort -th ..military . elauaea . of the treaty and secure tht disarmament of the Bavarian elnwobverwehr. Tho aetioa taken would that be based, not upoa the disputed economic de mandt, but apoa tha violated armament section of tho treaty. Ia these air eamstaaae. th alliea It la polatod oat, would not bare to wait until May 1, New York Central "Interstate Express" Crashes Into De- . railed Michigan Central Train at Junction Point MANY PERSONS INJURED AND TWO COACHES TORN TO BITS BY THE COLLISION Towerman Arrested Immedi ately After Wreck; Definite Oanse of Wreck Not Deter, mined; Rescue Crews Be. more Bodies and Give Aid To the Injured; Scene of Wreok Identical Spot Where Haf en-beck-Wallace Circus Train Was Smashed and Eighty . People Killed; Many Bodies Mangled Beyond Kecofni. tion; Wreck One of Worst in rorwr, inaf eto. Z7. Be tween thirty and forty persona were reported1 killed and . an unknown number, injured to day, when a westbound New York Central train crashed into a derailed eastbound Michigan Central train here, in which railroad officials said may be one of the I most disastrous wrecks in history. Michigan Central officials placed the number of dead at SO, while unofficial reports made the death list as high as fifty. - The towerman of the Michl- I gan Central was arrested im mediately after the wreck, official, an vino- triAV heliaved he had left a switch closed, causing the derailment of the eastbound train. Train Cat la Two. Tht Michigan Contra! train left Chi cago at :05 p. ja bound for Toronto, Caatdav It waa cut in half by the west- th village constable and the father of Paul Draper, afterr the latter had tried In vain to induce "Blev" Bolin, town m&rahal, to take the fleeing boy into custody. I "I'll bet $100 he ain't Dalton, Bolin declared at the tmie, but today he sor rowfully admitted hit error. Young Draper, who wa wounded overseas, is an amateur detective, hav ing taken a correspondence school course in tne art or eatening eriml business" generally are arrayed aaainat tha present administratis!, aad is why Comptroller Williams ia objectionable to the banking interests that hare made him th object of to many vieloue at tack. . . In hit statement oa Comptroller Wil liams latest call, Mr. McFadden (who may be recalled as th man whs. tried to tax the farm loan bank odt of ox nals. He intimated tonight that heji'tenee) aaid that th only purpoa to would give 1100 of hit reward to Ed win Dennis, hit 'buddy in France, who called, hi attention to Dalton. Both young Draper; and hia father war kept busy today posing for news paper photographers, who were aided by Mrs. Draper, th wife of tb con stable. - ... - Pa, pla your star on th oufaid be served in tho demand for salaries of bank officials to be made public was to 'satisfy tha desires and whim of the present acting comptroller. It will give to th banks competitor aa un due alvaatnge by exposing salaries paid w m uau uuiciai lamuy ana win en tourage competition : in Mcurlng ser vices of th men now associated with aetaaWa wblch-th- sHtef nraat I bound fljtr and both wagtaefi elnnged lafora. Bamttnyt bo -inatlt the fcnst ft a ambaakiaoat.' t:. f J, f . i ' ner ia . remrstiona aad after which I Both aglnemen of th Now Tork Germany, nader tb treaty, may argue Central train war killed. . The angi- her ease before tb reparation commit- near was Claud Johnson, of JEIkasrt, sion. By basing their ease apoa tho lad. Fiva bod lea war recovered Bear disarmament demaadt they could not tb debris of th two ngine,J , immediately under th authority of tht Fifteen bodies bad boon recovered trawty. tha anonsern of tha plan area. I within a few hour after tho wreck. argue. I tw tare uetMUaaad. Tha Germaa government haa been I it la believed that virtually all of tht notified that tha principal point on th I dead wore in two of tho Michigan Can rrogram will ba diaarmamant, tha pun-Ural coaches, which were demolished iahmeat af war criminals, aad ropara- whea th New Tork Central train hit it tioaa. Diaarmamant may be th first Th only dtad known on th New abject to be taken up, aad Major York Central train were the two 'cn General von Seech, the German chief of e-inemen. Tha anaineer of the Miehiawa staff, aad a member of tha official dele-1 Central ia miaeing. It was reported gation, it coming to London to answer I that ho leaped from hit cab when kt ue repmenuitioii iinuer " saw taa oncoming jNew xora Central Among tho form of economic pres-1 traln., erne wnlen might M applied to ter- Tha tracks of the two railroad In many, now nnder diaeuttioa, it tha aet-j teraect here at a sharp angle, being ting up of a new caitoma . frontier to I almost parallel. The Miehlnn r.ntr.1 aeparat occupied Germany from tb train was believed to hare started across remainder of th rapire. One of tb perplexities to tha conferee brought cut oy this proposition is th question nt to what attitude tht American gov eminent would take and what inatri tion would be sent to Major General Allen, who it both tho military com mander of tha American foreee on tht Ph'jie tad chief commissioner for eivu affairt ia tht district, tho intersection and then to have beea derailed. The towerman waa blamed by railroad offioiala for allowing tht Mietiigan Uentral train to attempt to crow ahead of the westbound train. A few persons living At this junction point immediately begaa work of ret-, cue, using lanterns ia their search for the dead and injured. Belief tralat arnvea rrom sticaigan City and Chi- - mv auuui so nour aiior ins wrecx, r.ri t"TU. nurse and doctor. Tha wit The alght German I " -"cniawn of your aaat so they will know you tht aatloaal banks, who might be sought art an officer of tht Jaw."' was her uk.ha "lh fP1.. Statoanki and timt inV"" owmimniea. geetion, .aad Draper lost no complying. DXNNIS TO CLAIM ALL , OF THI l2t,OH RIWAKD. Boomington,Fb. 7Wtmes C. Den- Mbv jsbanfianc. .jfeg, .a Irimber epmnsBT. waa gave a ride to William Daltoa, tho unicago bead thief, whea ho fled to Heyworth, today agagd attorneys, waa made forma claim on .the North era Trust Company for tho whole' af tha 136,000 toward, which was paid to Paul K. Draper, so of tha Heyworth eoastabl, who actually made tha ar rest. Draper ' baa - aaaoaaeed that - he would sir part of the reward .to Den nis, but baa not stated th amount. A a matter of fact, tht call doe not require that aalarle of individual! shall be mad public, but that th 'ag gregate salaries paid by a bank shall ba disclosed, just aa the bank art re quired by law ta make public all their oilier -iiaBimict at wen as their aa sett. Mr Williams made thi perfectly clear ta n etatement replyiac ta a eritfeism of tha call made by the Pitts- oarga Clearing souse , air, , wiiuai aids :J - " "The Comptroller of the Curreaey in hi report for 1920, recently submitted to Congresa, recommended that all-na tional bauka be required to furnish to their stoekholdera. an anal) w. infenaa. tion of tho aa la rise paid to their several executive affieer. Ia tha form which tho comptroller called for tho Informs- EXPRESS THEFT CASES UP IN FEDERAL COURT Uomt eW oalary paid to each " I officor was not required to b given, only Maeaal Ga-, Feb. 87 Sixty-four mca indicted by the Federal grand jary last October in . eonheetiea with alleged theft from tha Amerieaa Kailway Ex press Company will ba arraigned be fore Judge Beverly D. Evans la Ualtod Statot District Court tomorrow mora- iag. nM win bo catered by tha ao- auaed parsons, bat their triaia will not begin nntU March 14. -v . ... s , Soma of- tha beat-known lawyers af Georgia and Alabama have beea ca ge red aa eonaael for accused -perse as. From th evidence preaeatad Ja. tha red era I graad jury, theft from the Amerieaa Bailway Xxprae Company ia th Booth for th first sis months f im totaUed WlS,r224 to -vein. tha aggregato of executive officers aala riea-aad tha aggregato af ealarier paid to an ather omploye. . 3Betion 6ZU, Ualtod States revised statutes, expreesly requires every aa- tienal bank to submit to tho aoaptral ler not leas than fire timet a year a r port xhibiting in detail and nader ap propriate beads, all leeotieees and lia bilities, ia the form prescribed by tb eamptrolrerr - The statement - also re quire that th report, la tha earns form ia which it it nude to tb comptroller, shall ba published la a newspaper in th pTaef where each - association ia acta aliased. '. i..:. This office it not advised fat what 't.(Caatla4 t raw Taya) . Berlin. Feb. 17.- delegatet to tht conference with tha al liea in London, headed by Fe reign Min ister Simons and accompanied by a staff af aoma 87 secretariet aad tlerkt aad a party of aorta German new. spapormea, left Berlin naosteatattoaaly at noon today oa a a pectal train, onroato to England.- Chancellor Fehreabaeh and Dr. Simon both appeared to-be ia te-1 poeially "good tpirit,- unghing and lok- iag aa the photographers snapped th rareweu scsb. F8AXCX TO BE BXADY FOR ANY tVENTCALITY I Indiana City. ' List af tb Daad. Tha list Of idsatifled dead follow t -Clande Johnson, engineer of tha Ifew . York Central train, Elkhart, lad. Carl Delaad. fireman of the Km Tork Central train, Elkhart, Ind. Mr. Barney' Kramer.- Miehiaaa City. ... .....r. . .. .t - .. -. iii., t--.i . , ' ... . itoeeawald, high v school. teacher at Mihigan City. . . Ueek, travelinc salctman of i Chicago, ... : ,. . . Mra. Harry Kramer, Michigan City,' Paris, Fsb. S7-Ia aa editorial today 00 : th . subject of the Los don eonf er cbco with tho Germans, ' beginning aiarea 1, ue Temps decUrea lhat Prance, while fearless aver tb pottiblt y Woood a Page ThreO CHAMP CLARK REPORTED TO BE SERIOUSLY ILL At 10 aVJoek these bodie had' been recovered from the wreck tad railway ' officials were af the opinion that tha total death list might exceed forty-five. 1 Tweaty bodies were taken to Chee tartan, Jad- and four to Michigan City. Iad4n automabUea. - Thar were na physician here and first aid waa given tha injured only by passengere. s ' - - 1 t, Tm aMU tka mwrnuV U at im m Turn for the Worse in Condition I tot tpet where th Hagenboek-wiuoo sp ot the Veteran Democratio Leafder Reported Waablagtna. Ftb. 17a-BeBreseatativt Cham Clark, Democratic leader of tha Hons, van describe: aa seriously in ia a bulletin issued tonight by hi physi I circus trtia waa demolished and ' prozimatoly eighty persons killed oral y oar age. The circa traia was ranning aa tha Now York Central track aad th Michigan Central train trashed lata it. - -."' - Were la Waeefea Coach. AH af U. victims aa far aa known, cans after a aonenatioa. The eondi- except the two members ef tha Mew tiea 'of the formew-aeaker, who baa York Central aagiaa grew, ; war ae ba aick for several days, was aaid to enpants of th waadaa day coach aad -be not not a favarabla as yeslertsy. wr 1 mostly tatadaata of mined, r Mr. Clark who ia -anff arias' from a ladiaaa and Miehiaaa paiata. Sixteen aerie of cemplieatia rasaltiaf fram I af -tha bodie have beea ramorsd to aa attack af aleariaw- showed a dacidad I rWarlaa. InA. . imprevemeat yesterday, bat a tarn for , ; ? ' ' ' -. ta wan developed daring th night. I angia sa im. Hi pavsieian. Dr. Jeas Shoua. today! eerdlng ta raUway afficials, U die-' called Dr. Llewellyn H. Barker, f BalU-1 attar waa .etated by. tha faUar af th mora, aad Dr. Thomas A. Claytor.' sfleaglaaer or use aucugaa ccatrai traia Wahhiagton Into eeaawltation. Th bul-lt heed a block aignal at tha roaavr letia issued toaight by the three ahrsi-l where the Miehigan Central aad Kew eiana aaid: - . , . ITork Ceatrat t racks iatertect. Mr. Clark Is seriously ffl. "He haa I Tha black aianal automaticany mC a kad aa, acuta ia feet ion. Be now ba J daraUiag switch. Whea the Mxh rn Said ia th right plural cavity, an ir- iCeatrai traia failed ta heed tha aifnal ragular heart. Increase1 froaaonar afl : 1 raspiraUan ana aUiMoamrJa, jCaallaaad Oai faga Tre) ;