Observer Tll VTAWEM Fattly efeecy Thai-day ... witxri-a. , a y.r mm. 4 r-e.d lira Sats btrnre tapir-no la erstr to avoid atiMiag a Slag I OSf irae news sm Friday fate gad VOL CXIII. N9. SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. G. THURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 3, 1921. SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. PRICE FIVE CENTS 1 VISITORS FLOCK Grim Reaper st"kes pown siwart TO VASHIflGTOII TO 8 t'Ca' Crccr Draws To a Close iirriin mi iiniini i "j. -''. -I. c .m r "kd ; .i turn a . C'A ST V--TV TTisX pr-j-a -a - i ,a ran . -m . aw -v -am.; v-jv- - M CONGRESS GRIND New. Member, of Both Houses of Congress Conspicuous Among New Comers MAJOR BULWINKLE IN TAR HEEL VANGUARD Tour Hew Member of Con gress From North Carolina; Secretary To Senator Orer. man Oritically III; Interna tional Association of Machin ist Thank Sect'y Daniel s OUT SUPPLY BILLS BUT LITTLE ELSI Fight On Naval Bill Continues In Senate With Little Pros pects For Passage ABANDON HOPE FOR SOLDIER BONUS BILL Hope Abandoned For Passage of Packer Regulation Meat, nre; Appropriation For State Road Aid, Federal Budget 871 tern and Reapportion, ment Bill V'S(VfiBV- rfs. r'c' vr"';ii he New aad Observer Baraaa, District Nstlonal Bsak Bldg. Br JOE L BAKKR (By Special Uuxl Wirt) WaahiagleB, March I. Iaaugu ration aaaaaa ia bringing It usual large quota f visitors ia Washington. Th hotel ara filling ap, Ua corridor ef thf Capitol, tha othtr poblia building wara crowded with alghtaeora today and at all Ua place of latereet aboat tha Capital city, tha lnrlui of vljltore waa Botleetbl. nana nuniniw" ul ,Ma r" J ''jr-.-r -,' i;i- eight yaara ago, Brtbeleat there ara aomber of vliltore here from North Carolina, torn of them Bepubll eaaa anxioot to b lifted aa "preaent ad willing whoa the jobs ara to be paaaed around, while others are merely tha big tveat aa Friday. Naw Coaajraasiea Arrira. Coaspieoons among those who ara ap-Marina- at tha Capitol ara new mem ber! of tha two Homes of Congress. I One of tha members-elect ef the House from North Carolina waa listed among today's arrivals, the same being Major A. U Bnlwinkle, of Uastoua, wno os rriday will soreeed to the Ninth iis triet Mat from which Hob. Clyde B. Hoe will retire. Major Bulwinkle eame in this morning, located his office, engaged living quarter! at one of tne Washington, March t. Congreoe, wlthia s day and a half ef adjournment had cleared. It calendar tonight ef ten of the 13 annual supply measurra and leaders still were hopeful of getting two others the army and sundry civil through at the last minute. The fight on the navaiill was con tinued ia the Heaste arid indications were that it finally would take ita place with the great mass of bills which e re regarded as certain to die " Willi Jlhis Mnmu " . . mong the meaanrea for nmch ho j la (agre. Williams Fires Parting Shot At Senate Before Resigning President Wilson Declares "Gross Injustice" Done To Comp troller of Currency By Senate Banking Committee and Expresses Appreciation For Service Rendered By Him; Williams Charges Senators With Dodging Washington, Marri a John Bksltoa Williams retired toaight aa comptroller ef tha curreacji. la aaaepUag his aesig- aatiea "with deep and geauiae reluc tance," President Wilton wrote Mr Williams that hs bad been done a "gross injuetles" by the way la which the Benate banking committee had haa died the question of his reconflrnistioa J tun only believe, however,- eaM the President, "that time will diteloee the iajustice to everyl'ody and that the riiht verdict will be rendered by opin ion if not by one of the bouaes of Congress. 1 have had the pleasure nucn more than one oeeatlon of expressing to you the approval not only, but the admira tioa with which 1 have followed the administration of your office. Yon can carry away with you Into private life the satitfsction of hating performed the duties of Comptroller of the Cur- rency in a way which haa redounded not only to tht credit of this adminis tration, but to the benefit o( the Ansa clal interests of the country." Saya Senator Dodged. The President tchi writing in reply to a letter from Mr. Williams oa lcb ruary 28 tendering hi resignation, ef ftctive tonight,- and ia which he took a parting shot it some ef his critic Former Speaker Champ Clark, of Missouri, whose term of office would have expired tomorrow, died in Washington yaaterday afternoon at .3: 10 o'clock st of plc.nna.T- Death Closes Career Of Champ Clark After An Eventful Life Congress Barely Halted To Pay Tribute To Passing of Aged Member TAR HEEL CAPTAIN WANTS P.H01T! hotel. .Bd will romaln ovor to take DEATH OF GRANDCHILD the oath of office oa Friday, ne pians Qpnc CATUCPI V CDlDlT ta return to .North Carolina rriday bnUIL rAIMtnLT dflnl I I l. . - t until tima tl I ' "ii rWM to JM Vtpiroi w cvuuvat awsMtv, vvuv vsiuv visju kjuii jccr I V Th. hin t hk lo conference) u4 iaeof fegmgrww ot cold slofcvi Hj the meat and xoal industries, flUO.nou, 0U0 for State road aid, a Federal budget aystem, re-apportionment ia the House, re-organiiation of the Patent Office and many others regarded aa of less importance. . President Wilton has jigttfdL ai; the supply measures paased. These are the poetoffice, diplomatic. District of Columbia, rivers and harbors, pension nnd deficiency. Sent to him today were the legialative, Indian, and agrl culture bills General legislation awaiting the President's aignature ineludea the emeraency tariff hill, which reached tha White House this morning and wna referred for report to the Treasury Do partment: the immigration restriction bill, now before the Labor Department for report, and the resolution repeal ing most of tha special war-time lawa. The House todsy again refused to agree to the Senate amendment to the army appropriation bill fixing the army strength next year at 173,000, the vote for Mch hope la Congress. . The retiring comptroller J dodged-aad evaded House Democrat which will be called just prior to tha eonveaing of the extra aassioa of Coa gross for which Paasideni Hardias-. will issue B Ball soon after he is swera ia. Mstat BnJwinkla is ana o four asw mmnbaia Narth Carolina will have ia Near The Presidency, In Harness To The Last, TA I against the proposal being 240 to 81 VI Tk. kill . T,t k.,W n MnhmM Have Captains Placed Ahead of Lieutenants WashJngtoB, March . Death doted today the career" of Champ Clsvrk. of I MiaaoBri, for more tkB b qiurter of I the Houte after rrMay ln ,r I a .nt.r a toweriac fltrur ia aatienal a BsaaMr, , wh. W I rtal of .trfwrnrt. in the Robinson, is. tha Seventh District: -'Boater Lyen, whs succeed H. L. Ood wla, of the Sixth District, and H. S. ' Ward, aueeeesor to Joha-H. Small, ia l-lTrsi"UTarBira7JWarff and Hammer ara expected in prior to Friday boob, but Mr. Lyon will probably sot get up for the inauguration, and pos sibly aot before tha Democratic cau cus. Tha Betlriag CongreaasaeB, Of tha. retiring congressmen, Mr. Godwin haa formed a law partnership with a former western eongreiiman, aao will have officea her and at Dunn, N. C Mr. Bobinaon is grn back , horns where Jie says ha axpoeta to stay. Life ia tha Capital city a-, longer poe t esses any allurements fir Mr. Robin son who much prefers private. Ufa in tha Old North Bute. Tha eame ia true of Clyde Hoey, who "la quitting official Ufa after a service of but little mora then one year, and - will: tha latter parof.the week leave for Shelby to eramahpraet ol law. . Mr. Small retire Friday after a eon tinuous service of 22 years. He has net an ou need what hi plans for the future ara and said jtodsy that he had given aad woujd give no attention to private matters until after Friday ' aeon, whea ha "would go to work for Joha BmtlV Mr. Bntll'i family earn to Washington a few weeks ago, aad he . will remain with them here for at least S short while after hia retirement Another North Carolinian who i 1 abort to quit Washington ia O. & Fer Democratic party'. He died ia tha very shadow of the CspitoL Just" over tha way from the hotel where ho had lived many years, Hons and Senate seethed ia the closing hours of the Congress of which h was an honored member and leader. The stir of legislative battle waa with him to the end. He lived Bgain in memory, as his pulse flagged, d&ya of the eight year he wielded the Bpeaker'a gavel in the House. Those Borrowing at his bed side heard the old chieftain mutter ia hia last delirium: The question ia on adoption of the conference report. . . Congress Barely Balta. By msvndate mora binding than any written law, uongresa Darery salted in reverence to mark tha passing of the aged member. Knowing as the years had taught him to know the vital urgency of time in the closing daya of a Congress, the former Speaker mad known hi will from what ho knew was hi death bed. m wish was earned to both houses that no halt ia public business should bo made at hi death. Ia obedience to that behest, tha House, peopled with his personal friend of whatever party, halted a abort half hour in adjournment, then marched oa with ita crowded program. Ia that pressing work, Mr. Clark took active share up to little more than ten days ago, eouneiling hi party col league a Democratic leader antil a eold (track him down to beeomo a yietim to the inflraiitiea of hia seventy yesrs The News and Observer Bareav, 003 District National Bank Bldf. By JO L. "AKEB. (By Special Leased Wire- Washington, March The suit with Hobs managers instructed to in aiat en the House figure of 150,000. . Representative Anthony, Republican, at Hamas, ia charge of the measure, said ha waa confident aa agreement eonld be reached in time for tha Dill to- be passed before adjournment. Tha Hons nrreed to tha oonforeee' eenapromls of S21 JOO.000 for th army air aerviea iaitead of tha 10,800,000 H whieh Captain Terry A. Lyoa, North I originally voted. Tha Senate had pro- Carolinian, who seived throurh the posed SSJOOJXW. Of the total S3.900,- World War and waa then commissioned 1 000 would b available for new planes In tha regular army and ia now on duty and for experimental wort, in tha fade adnente naeral'i of flee. I Tha fata ef that soldier bond bill brought against th Secretary of War! apparently was decided today in the Tuesdav in a District f Columbia BenatO. senator ueuumoer, nepuou- eonrt, ia not only for himself, bat for can, of North Dakota, for th finance 100 other captains of th army, aaidj committee, mad formal request for, Jeasa I. Miller, Car.taia Lroa'i attor- anammou eon sent to bring up tM nev. this afteraooB. measure, but Senator Thomas, Demo "entitled to a verdict. "I have urged and pleaded ia vain," he said, "ditcusaioa in the open Senate or executive acssion of any objection to my confirmation. My information ia that Be sat or McLean of Connecticut, ehairmaa of the banking aad eurreacy committee, refused to report my eae becaass he promised a certaia partitaa politician, aot a msmber of th Beaate, that he would aot report it. "UafortuaaUly, I waa compelled to pot ia the record of the bearings aa incident seriouely involving the verac ity of tha man wkose favor Senstar MeLraa sought to obtain at the eoet uf justice sad fair dealings. I m ia formed, however, that the person to whom tbs premiss was mad rcceatly consented to release Senator McLean from the obligations referred to, but the Renstor refused to submit ths mat ter of my eeptrmatioa to a Beaate eoa talning a majority of hia owa party. Lacks Moral Calibre. "I am compelled to conclude that thia Senator lack both th moral aad mental calibre to uphold the duties aad dignities of his office, and that the consideration dus to those, aa well a th most sacred political aad per sonal purposes." Mr. Williams aaid the wide publica tion ef a atatemeat that the baaking commit tee reported against his- nomi nation waa "false," and that be would have "welcomed such a report if it bad resulted in securing for me a hear in before the Seaat THe retiring comptroller told the Preaident that his resignation "under the circumstances and befor expira tion of the time I might have oeeu pied th is office under my preeent tenure, and pending action by the res ASSEMBLY-SAWS VOOD-AIID SAYS LITTLE AT END House Went To Length of Lim iting Debate Yesterday To Ten Minutes MASS OF LEGISLATION REMAINING ON CALENDAR rower Contract and Censorship BIH Pass finals In Senate; House Completes Work Oft Road- Bill and Will ftatify It Todsy; Educational ProgTam Passed Withla th shadow of th expiration. or tae eonautuuoaM umn or 11a an ting, aad with C00 bill atlll ponding n ita caleadars, the Oeaeral Assembly sawed maeh wood aad talked spariagly yesterday, with he result af s record aamber of Mile passed for ' a day a work thta aeesloa. Th Hons even went to the length of ecaeadiqg ita,; rules Sad limited debate to tea mia- strs. - The Senate, after ea acting a at ass or for th Senate hsd ignomlnioualy. Mr. Williams alao wrote that siae "the expressed opposition" to his con firmation aad prolonged hearings bs fore two Senate banking committees virtually had put him. "by lmplicatios," He-TWIT Wit tUST nrSsTtTopresent "this very brief eompilatioa exiatingseontraci in the fixing of rwroa . for electric current furnished by pub lie uUlitie by a-vot of 25 to 17. aad than with a motion by Senator Win born for reeonsideratioB fadsig it for this moraine resolved itself into ' a ate oa my nomination,' required him I commltte of th whole Jor thn.eon- of th fact and of the reaeoni for my action." The Preaident, in replying, said h had read th Utter "with th greatest sympathy." HARDING LEAVES FOR INAUGURATION Marion People Bid President Elect Farewell and Present Parting Gift Mario a, O., March 2w-Spedd by s partlag, iostimoaial - of . affoetlon from tha people ef their home town, Prsss iient elect and Mr. Harding left, ot Waskingtoa tonight to take up tbi dotlea at tha White Hob. . . ' In th leav-taking ther were many colorful touches of regret and Mr. Harding' final word to hi friend and neighbor voiced a solemn realisa tion ofl th trial that will beset his pathway, But he added that he faced the journey confidently, with an un faltering faith in the sympathy of his fellow eitixens and lyovidenoe of Uod. The farewell met sags of th Fresi- OVERNQRTOSEND IN NOMINATIONS No Intimation From Executive Offices of Names But Gossip Prepares Slate Announcement, of th Governor' ap pointment to tha Higkway Commiaaloa formed tinder tha Doughtaa-Connor- Bowia road bill ratified ia th Hons last nigTit will bo fortheomint In s msssag to fh Beaate net later tha tomorrow morning, according ta ssai- offlcial iaformatloa mad avallebl yee terday. Tha aomlnatioBa roqulr th confirmation of th Senate. No iatimatioa haa beea forthcoming from tha executive emeet a to th per sonnsl of tha aommtsslon, but the gossip around th corridors of th eapi tol. weeded down from a mass of con flicting reports to a probablo certainty, ha definitely esUblisbed several mem a . -i... 1 : j M .1. . - htn ot y,, fortheomlng appointmentt. famous front porch oi k th. Gov.rnor baa be.. I. wnf.rene. over the matter for the past two daya. TV. annavan alBf mm .f nnA mmmtm, . . . ...I auv muumt . w.n.w mm .. w.ww. J www Captain Lyon eonstrues aa th real pur-1 Senator would carry hi opposition ' w..Hr-- ..j. W afternoon, waa as follows . .... i- ..j 1. " . nantk to tia nn tne measure wnn 1 ., Th. uir.VordTng to Mr. Miller, it crat, of Colorado, who filed a minority o " to wmpel promotion of officer, below report yeeterday oppoaing it, objected, we"tod ""hei'7 A Vxtend a formal th. grade 00,.. to wh.t lft'L ! MiWll po or in aw, ana in, is use up-l v. ui. .ia. tnk.j .t tK. ... , t ... a . I a-laaawtsnmtan AhafllisnAI San I IMTitrfir 1 VJ . - uina-anaii nave preceaenee u promo-n--"-Y .I. aemblaw of fa : major aneaa 01 ---- - Aim.A , t.r. lieutonanU of the first nnd second I wasnt in very gooo conaiuon, w- lh. griot.. U now poMibl. nnd.r the 1 n Tri of thV tt 1 AVLCVtumufir uvnuuva .uuvu...fc. m. . . - next Land departed tt -TiTOoclock reach th eapital at 1:30 tomorrow aiiernoon. Doabt Aboat Labor Portfolio. Contrary to expectations, the President-elect began hia trip to Washing ton with one cabinet selection still to be definitely announced. Yesterday he indicated that the remaining vacancy (a hia official familv. the Seeretarvshio from the list of tsptsins to majoritie, I OBSTACLES MULTIPLY FOB j of Labpy,, would be eloeed finally be- or inswnce, uh una w iis. 01 nrsvi NAVAL APPBOPKIATIO. hill, fore tonight. There was no autbonut lieutenants, then, f rem th list of vc-l w..hintna. March g-Obetaeles mal- ttva ainlanation for tha chanire in ond lieutenants. U-der th War De-J tiplied ,gajMt tha $iMfiOQ,000 naval plan, but th. impressioa gained w t- . . a.. ttj.. .1. ."iMeCumber uermiDon announcea der, which Captain Lyon'. uit itUtki, 'Loall."otre- m. sAw.J. yM . ,a U DCIlelHir 1UOIUS-1 UVU swuusu. rm I I'lvmvwvwe ssuoi r uw umutr a.wsam e biubw - - , . . .i 111 Mstj which comprise, eaptain. and r? and second liextenaata, and may bf-, " '"S . I.r.-t bnd on length of th. commimfoned ft. over the Sena , amendm.n to an u .f tk, nflian mHl, -k """"'J' -l-r--i rn..:- -. 1. ,.. - 1a10.ouu.uuo lor mo misua wrmmm immnH.A ..A th.t V.- lam J!.l mu-Tl. ouuku, rects, that promoticn (halt bo first broken. Dam at I tUl is an- First Diitrict-J. E. Hart, Democrat, cotton msnufaeturer and capitalist, Tar- boro. Second District E. Camaron, Ba publican, present member of the com- lJ",iseion, BUa Will I mkl. ni.i.,,lm.A Omm. ,MIIU J ..V. .V . M ...... Ml . vm y porters htve pat forward Hugh MaeBae, Democrat, who is nnderstood to have declined to accept. W. A. MeQirt, Dem ocrat, of Wilmington, is urged, ( are also J. W. Brooks and C. C. Chad- bourn, of Wilmington, both Bepubli cans. KenthiB Council, of Wansnish, is also in nomination. Fourth District John Sprunt Hill Democrat, banker. Durham. Fifth District W. C. Boren, Dem oerat. manufacturer, Greensboro. , Sixth District W. o. Le, Democrat, or Stewart W. Cramer, KepuDuean, Charlotte. Seventh District B. L. Doughton, Democrat, banker and lawyer, Sparta. Eighth Diatrict John C. MeBee, tto publican,' farmer, manufacturer aad partment order,, Captain Lyon holds,) budget today with adjournment of Con-1 ground that important development if a first or a seeond lieutenant haa .mm as hoars ewar nnd tha Senate held had intervened. been a officer longer another long night session at which Similarly, tb delay was interpreted than B eaptain, L may be Jumped over 1 advoeatea and ouronents of th. bill aa eastins- inereatina- doubt oa ths thr eantaina tn a mainrttv. If this I v. . ... . I -1 j T 1 r. .e t).....) mmmmm wm w. - - . i . . - - , . . " - 1 IWKHI .Ul mvmmmj . gohh, u- ..ihv, . ism tm w .mmmmj guaon, who ha boon engaged la tha drivinp; Uf .that reckoned nothing I order stsnds. Captain Lyon olds, hel Predictions vera widespread that th wania. to ait la th cabinet. A virtual practice ol Jaw Bar xor a year or mora, 1 " " pajt-rai -iuh-. wi aeam ana iw moor capuias wui oc re- tt niggle would continue right Bp vo but who has formed a partnerahip witr I mrew a snsaow over., every race la th I tardea nntu Z,Kl first aad seeond lion- th. final gavel next Friday. Opposition portfolio, was said by thos dose to J. S. M.iinUg and former Governor I chamber when Kepresentativo.Hqeker.l tenant who happen to have beea com-1 leaders declared the bill would die and Una PreM nt-aleet to hava been reach Biekett, sad will loeats in Greensboro. ' Js MiaaonrLdeleiratioa, aroeo to an-1 missioned of fteors fer n longer period, I several prominent aupporter. of the ed during th conference t "6t nonnca ji. ..vole a rnosea witn-esaotlc t anvo yampeo -evrtnw-neaaa to Tn t measirr contuma.uiner neia. nope 1 Aoguttins, but th friend -of-th other It wa h halting, brief eulogy he pro-1 rank ef major. - - jthat it might. yet be passed by thej aspirant have beeB persistent and a nonnced, bqt .1t.aOT.fxem ..niembert 1 0-Pantain .laron.aald that Wof bring-1 rknntwj-naKttrr jrpw MmmfaSOlimJnnmv lfmnnt thna I lag 1ha lflgti.-islina, ao had aawg ibei-enwiinnufe ' ' - r- Tnow"'amaW'Tgsl1ypoTOle: word to tell of th plsire th dead I mat six months exhausted every effort I The bill met numerous deiaya today, 1 Next to Mr. Davis, those who have to seear action to tao same and wita-leoma incident to w. approaen 01 ineivMB mnat nrominentlv in Mr. Hard in the War Department, bat had failed! die adjoarnmeat aad other from theln. -i.s u ...liable for th. Seere-I nmitiiaant far kn law ( mrtkimv WWtA SafJOOb and thia suit waa th. last resort. J oppoaitioa camp. Meeting at U o clock UrT.hiD ar Jame Duncan, of Manas uean ia beina- hreased. a Democrat will North Carolina Bepublioaae hero for today, the bUl waa laid aside for ve ehnietti ,n4 T, v. O'Connor, of New I be named for th Sixth, or Charlotte Mr Uannincr will ha tn'ZBalaisrh and Govamor Biekett will divid hi tim. ': between those itohm.-T- : Colonel J, lm.Mrnn.Mm.uLM. Salem, was afar, today to appear befor. ths Buprem. Court to b admitted to practice at that bar. B. was presented to tha eourt by Senator Overman. Bee- t I deeiaioa to BDDoint him'-to the Labor 1 1.-... n.k.M.iiu. A. U Kl.tler. Republican, . manufacturer, Morganton. Ninth DmUjLiv--J.. BtUelesUisr, Democrat. Asbeville, to be reappoisted for another 4erm following the ,-Md of hi term ia April. leader held In their affection and re-1 poet. Th. formal motion for a half! hour adjournment waa mad. by-Rep-1 I Sixth and Third district ia retroactive I If a Be publican is chosen from Wil mina-ton' district, and J.. W. Brocks. reeentativ Godwin Is to appear before I naentativ Moadell, Bepnbliean leader. that sonrt tomorrow xor th. earn, pur-1 siewraioa vtus si uim. th. iaangural and probably to b noaa. Among other Tar Heel observed at I old had he lived until nexf Monday, ths Capitol today wara T. W. Thomas, d nia years 01 seme, in tn. uon. of AshsvUlo, and Daniel Biehardaoa. ofl would nave enaed inoaj, 'ot h was Dovnr. . ' I defeated for r-s lection. - x- Beprwentativ. Brinaom, af ths Tkirf I In th subdued talk .a ths floor or North Carolina District, will ' leave I in eloak room while tha Bona. -Monad Saturday night for his horn. jatJfsw 1 1 koaor of hU momeefC friends, of Bern to remain daring th. weeks prior I year (tending acorn ed th. suggetioa to tha meetina- ef Conrret in axtra I that th. stoat heart of th. Missouri i session. Misa Elodi Webb, whs. is U bad bean shaken by poUtfal defeat Mr. Brinaonn offle. horn, wiU alao lev I tabs a aaa joreeeon joag la advanee, Batarday sight, going to Morehaad City I fey said. Mr. Clark would have been 71 years I on th. ground floor when time comes to-ivisit bar pareata for a few weeks, V-.. " . . . a A. 1 a a . ... anm-unacsuiy lib Charles H. MartiB. aeeretarr to Sta- ator Overman, is eritionlly .ill at his horns tn Clevelaad Park, a sutnrb af Waskingtoa, and slight hop. for hi r eovory is held oat by th. attending physician. Mr. Martin haa been in for a 00 pW Of weeks, bat improved to neh It was a mor, peraonal matter that bad broken hia spirit, they insisted-- tU. deaU a year ago. of his idolised three-year-old grandson : nnd ns aaks. Chaantf Clark Thomson. Sine, that blow, ; It - was- aaid.. Mr. I ' Bem, March IV With Bag fly- Clark's eolleaguss had noted a waning ling, airena. screaming, whistle tooting to pas oat th. pie laeJude' Joha M. Morehead. of Charlotte, National Com mitteemani Stat. Chairman Frank Linneyy J. J. Britt, J. B. Thomss and B. B. Tucker, of AshorilU. and 3. A. Long, of Kiehmond eoanty. ' Whil they took as part ia ths pro ceedings, Morehead aad Lianey and Britt for a abort time, aat in dnrfaig tha bearing by the Stomp eab-eammit- to of tho Bepnbliean National ton (Cesrtlntwd On Pagl Tww) - . . t, - - LAUNCH CONCRETE SHIP ;AT NEW BERN SHIPYARD in hours, giving way to oonferene reports Tork M wha kMW th, inMe itory e and other business and it was 6 'el Lf neent development affecting the ef hht keen iatereat ia pvblis affair aad a litu. droop to the bumIv. aheu Id ea axtsntthst h was at U Capitol last I r a familiar through ths years ia Batnrany, bat was abl. ta reauia there 1 ta eorrMora or tho Capitol.' oaly a ahort tim. Betnrniag home, he affered a relapse aad his ditia be came critical today. H ia a victim of n heart ailment. - & W. WiUiama,' a vreJl" knewn Bal l kia life work. Re bad plaanod retire- m length, nnd of 450 .ton capacity. The urh drurtist. waa bar today and esiled I meat to kia boms ia Bowline GinesJ ir aar on. mor vessel to be e Died In Thar waa one thing npoa which all war. agrood, thstsMr. Clark bad died and' th- crowd . cheering. "Concrete water . vtsstl No. ,t," tl. soeoad eon- ereto steamer to b laaoehed at th pttat.ef tha, New Fort tShipboiUtng Orporstion. took to th. 'water at t o'clock' thia aft era 00 a. Mia Ethel McBrida, at New Tork, acted as apoa aa he wished ta dm, ia th harness of or for tho craft. Th ship is 150 feet fCsmtfaraed ) Fag Two) ' I ... . - . . . . . .-.-- itiui ooxuix oauing xnexr ewairac. X asp .iCCtmtiaaod am Fag ElghL) I will U hsnaehed aa April eta. - '- Mfor. any wai worn was oegun on nt 1 Mwfoin. heller, howerer. that this senator roiadexter, puD- rj Teatnally may fall npoa a dark horse as it did in hia e Lection of Secretary of th. Navy. . Another appointment not yet aa- nounced is that of a secretary to the President. Th general anderataading ia that th place will ro to George B. Christian, Jr, wb. ha beea Mr. Hard ing' private secretary alnee k entered th. Senate aad woe aeeompaaien aim now ia that capacity. w In th. President-elect', party lso ar. bis father, Dr. George-T. Harding, I his -aitter, Mia. Abigail Barding and Dr. C E. Sawyer, whs has beea hi I pone ail physician aiaea th eampaignl began. As part ef the farewell eeremoaieel at the front porch, th. rneideat-clcet aad Mr. Harding were preeeated with . aut-M Blflflaa fekaarlna aa laaeriBtiAa . . t r . . . m . i . . . - - 1 " asanon, wf "S I thst Javoked a bloaomg aa Uea la th. mwm . 'r 1 day to eome. Ths moaamsnt was par- presssd by Prldat-e-et Harding to- Um4 th jmopl. of Marion and BiajM-tM mo wrm arc mm tfpsnart xsv WatklagtoB. The two men bad boon fjciaada for many -year, having be associated together both ta affairs at Washington nnd la their itmads ef the ahaataaqnn aircnita. - lieaa. Waahiagtoa, isharg ef th. b again declared that be would bold tho Sennto in eontiuaoo aossion til Fri day if necessary for a rote. . Numerous negotiations toward com promising th . controversy over tho SlOOOOiWO added to th. bill by the Seaat naval committee were bad dar ing the day. They appeared promising early, bat later the line tightened. Among th oveituie. was a proposal for elimiaatioB ef items ef the Ala meda, California Naval baa and ether aew Pacific eeest project, aad also for (Ctrttnaod On Page Two) y HARDING MOURNS DEATH OF HON. CHAMP CLARK district; And th other way around if a Republican is named from Char lotte, a. Democrat will be named from th Wilmington district, - HALF MILLION DOLLARS WORTH OF LIQUOR SEIZED Now tork, March Lienor valaed by Federal agoata at aaere tbaa ISM, was seised today If a mid an aa abandoned garngn la the Bronx, located a abort dietaae. from s police atatiea. ' The raiding party of seven tenad the eld garage guarded by a watch man baown only aa . "Mlkaa Armed with a dnbl.Burrld abet. gna. be refaesd the party adanlt taace aaUl a few pistol abets Ired to f rights, aim seat him dcarry. -Mike" later waa aataed, 7 )js- and rsliasii. Ne waa preeeated by Dr. Thessas H. M- Aiee, pastor ef Trinity Baptist anarch ftre la a speech praising th part th I aesning ahiat saeetttirs sad his wife had (CowtUwed Oa Fag Two) Bird a. - Color, o of . pahlle- arairarai asked.. Cerperatloa- Ceenool OVrioa If the dty has tho right to accept, fer the one ef bos. prtal. a port of the lie awixed ' apder the TeLsttai act, and 1 be dajtrt bated free. . tideratioa of the revtaue act. The eemmittee had reached th taenia tan CjCtiea without mats rial change at o clock, when th committee dissolved aad th Beaate took reeeaa nntu the Bight session. At thst tim, th Senate, after ro 7 peatlng it morning perform aee wits, routine legislation, waded through tha remainder of th. reveaat act as a com mittoe of the whole. Haviag added a aamber of minor amendment ef its own, th committee reported the bill to. ths Senate, which at U.M took the measure oa it first readiag.. Bead BUTa Finale. In th. Houte flanl reading was paaaed on the Dongh to a-Coaaor-Bowie moMur. sad by a rote of S3 Xr 10 it waa dispatched to the office ef the en rolling clerk. This morning. It will re . lira for ratification at the hands of the Speaker, ant the final chapter will bar been wrlttta ta ene of the meat nota ' mm. ..l.l..wi.nta m0 t. Cl.mmvmi Amm - tmm Uimm Am WtiSI ia will differ but immaterially from Us farm en tatrodnoliea la the . Boose three wesks sga. Among tk mass sf bilk pwaning their rsading ia tk Hoca wars tbs three emanating from the Department of Education sad fostered by-Bepreean-tativ. Matthews, ef Bertie, kaawa as the goaeral edoeatioa bill, the amend ment to ths school law and tbs test- - book eontreet bilL Lose than bnlf aa hour wm required for th. passage ef 1 th. three, aad today tkey will reach - the Senate for fiaal eemndsratien. The public calendar was not taken Bp gen erally at th morning aossion. BeprcMntatira Bowie, offering as, a substitute to his bill for selling the State' railroad holdings, a reeolntioa . naming a committee to mane a taer- - ough iaveitlgatioa of thr'propoeal aad report two years hence, raa again into th snag of partisan polities whea Cowles, of -Wilkes, wanted ft written '' llM, IU, m. . IUI( m MinuiWM w named en tke commission. 1 ""i'ZX.' Mr. Bowie charged Cowlen with as at- . tempt to kill th resolution, and as- ' sured him that he would tee personally -that there wa a Bepnblieaa placed a tha eommissioa. Cowles would hare none of the promise and insisted that hia amendment be considered. Mr. n. f . - . , 1. . , u without opposition. . , ' - Considerifble tim waa takaa p by . panicky members wbe feared for tkeir bill which still linger in committees. . They' insisted that they be taken from -committee aad placed en tke calendar for immediate psenag. A boat the " lobbies there is aa increased number ' .. of the folk from back homo, coming ap- st the last day to insist on behalf t of Tocal legislatioa .that hae dragged thus far. Th eloting day bid fair to goes." Escapee Amentl stents. .Coining p Jdlg.inJ Senate, the bill proposed by cotton mills arid other a ten of power by Von tract in th 8tat to restrict the Cor poration Commiasioa from Interference with existing contract in th fixing ef rate for electric ' power, went sturd ily through tarrsg of argument aad paaaed ita final reading by a rot. ef 25 to 17. ' - -. But the bill did not eeeap. amend ment without a hard fight. Senator Meadenhall (ought to tack en a pre vision thst would remove all , hydro electric eompaBiea from the jurisdiction ef th Corporation Commission but the ameadmeat waa lost after roll call vote, 24 to 11 Senator Winborne, wbe changed his rote By the main measure before the reeolt waa eanoaneed,, gswe aetiee ef motion . to - reconsider at the session thin morning, and maintained his pool tioa in spite ef proposal from Sen ator Long, ef Alamance, that be would withdraw bis own motion fer immediate reeonsideratioB. lodged ae a preliminary to e motion to table, if S aster Win born, would withdraw his notice and let th. bill proceed to the Hoese. Sea. ator Losurn motion was held eat ef order, though, aad the Senate bne ia pro poet more disenssioa thia morning. - t Mass Tiirs ajti. - - Se aster Stubhe added another peg la kia legialative beard when be Intro- t doeed tke third bill to hie credit ia tt years ef legialative experience. Th (Ceatiaaed ea Page TweJvea

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