tvn TUSTEATUIM Fair ad wamet aaa , Usuiay lecai aa4 -WATXUJ LA DLL a rear n. ri rs awfor aiiiiranaa in erOr t Orel MiMtftf iews.-ana- VOL CX11I.N0. 65. THiRTY-TWO PACES TODAY. RALEIGH N. C SUNDAY MORNING. MARG. 6, 1921. THIRTY-TWO PAGES TODAY. PRICE: SEVEN CENTS me DANIELS LEAVES OFFICE TO BECOME -PRIVATE-CUE Little 4 Formality pbserved In Transferring job to tcwm Denby, of Michigan : OUTGOING SECRETARY - RETURNS TO RALEIGH ... Only One Other Secretary of The .JXtrj Held Offloo Tor Two Tenui; Zdward t Brit, ton Will Acqia-B Inbomiaf -Secretary With Eopei; Lia. sey Doei Some. la-Mar : " Tfct ! Otomf Bur, 01 District KL Beak Bid. Br JOB L. BAKBB (By floeeial Jmeed Wir) Weshlngtoa, March 5. Jcaepku Dan v lela, formally relinquished Um eee of Secretary of theNsery to Edwi Deaby, of Michigan, thTa afternooa, d short ly tharasftar left th 8UU, War and Xavy building private nit-sen; after eight years ef p-blt service. ' Th transfer of the eecretaryship we ..a..--.--i.i s SWAPS SEAT IN PRESIDENTS V V: . CABINET FOR EDITORIAL CHAIR 1 Department appointment dark, who it a .notary public . tu. . present, us were Mr. Daaiels aed Mr Deaby cad the principal officers of the Jfavy ad Marine Corps, also newel other Department attache member ' of tha Michigan ongrioel delega tion Mid other poraoaal friend of to two eeretnries. Blda Washington Ceedbr Member Of the Marina Oorpa Mat 'two hsndaom baaketa of roee. oao for tha retiring and tba other for the la eon in f Secretary. Mr. Denby also re- eelred e,-hndom .bouquet from Bo toa frieada. Saeretary aad MraTDun ieU bade faraweU to Waahingtoa to- XtSJtoWrt of Cormecting Western to aay t6oat.ya. ; union Miami-Baroadoi une .. When he turned bis ome arer w u sneeesaor this afternoon, Seeratary Vun lela completed two fall terms u Seero tary of the Nsty ' But on re before la American history has a Secretary of . the Ktvj eerTed for eight- years, tbis Mnf OJdeoi Welles who aerred from 1861 U 1869. Howerer, Mr. Dm- i" iels haa the diatlnetloa of . haviar .aenred a . few days 'longer than , aay previone Boeretary, for , Mr. WalW actual time f aerrloe was I years, ii iiiontht, aid M day, while Mr. Ian iels has aenred his full eight years. : ', ; Brittoa Coatiaaea Oa job ' - .Another i a teres tint fact ia this oa neettoa is the number ef timee simUar . eosts smoac tbo allied powers .bars ,haacej basdt.- Since 1913. whoa Mr. Daniels .fceeams BeOTetary of tbo Xsry, Oreat Britain, haa had tlx rat Lords of Admiralty Franco haa had serea Mia Jeter of Marine, Italy haa had aeren HALT ORDERED Iff FIGHTING BETWEEN Y A R R I N G STATES i ...... . . , ' ' , . Secretary 'Charles Evans Hughes Dispatches Notes To Panama and Costa Rica PEACEFUL SOLUTION OF - DISPUTE IS SUGGESTED No Official Informtlo B oeiTod Tht Either of Little Republic Iattnda To Submit Question To League of Na. tiOBJi Hardlnr Keenly Za. tereited in Situation HARDING SPENDS BUSY DAY MAKING PLANS FOR FUTURE JOSEPHCS DA7TIILI Naval Jiufc To- Prevent Landinof.. Gable Abruptly; Halted ENTIRE CREW IS PLACED ' 'UNDER ARREST BY NAVY f-". ' I, I i. i i , Cable Ship Disregarded Sipiali Hoisted By SaT&l .Veaael , Foor MiTei Off Ooaat ' , MUmi, ' ri,t: itsrah 6WBy;. Th Associated ' Proaa-JWork" ef eon aeetittr tbo Weatera .TioaMiltlja-St badoea table begua araia today, . wai abrnptly . halted late this - afternoon when,' the United States sab-cbsser .154 appeared and opened fir on the cable ship Bobert C. Clowry.nnd placed the eatir crew nnder arrest. The entire action took place on the l: w . k..., Aa? im mmb. Minijter of th. Knry, and 1 Jjpan ha. SSL. Tbn M PROHIBITIONS ! BILL IS TABLE! - Monday ''Promises Tp Be :s u Bia Day of Senate"; '- . - Session , had three Miniitsr of th Nary. ' ' Edward E. Britton, priTate secretary . to the Seerettvry of th Navy, tendered hie Msignatioa: to the new See re tat y this afternoon, bat Mr, Denby asked ,' him to withhold it for few dsyi, and " Mr. Britton will eontinne to act in that , capacity for probtvbly a week or ten i : dava. TJanally the retiring Becretary'a . private secretary is retained fe day after bis chief goes out beesas of his , familiarity with files, office rontine, ste and Mr. Denby is obserring that . ., sajetoArT"; v ir. . : h Lianey Attend), Iaaagaratioa- . . ' l"rank Llnney, chairman of th North Carolina "Siato. committee, .do " elares that he ia more interested in . honest elections than in who shall sit nt the pie counter. JJnney , retarned to North Carolina tonight after attending th inaugural exercises. Before leav had 1 been-attached to the. end of -the cable when' it was laid from th three mil limit of th United States to Bar bados by the British eableabip Colonia, last summer.'..':, ''4;-1 .. ' Diarea-nres Naval Signals. Ths Bobert C, lowr, ari Spg Miaau today from JackaonTiUe, to uwt work on coVinccting the cable, and had tlieked np the luos end. when the euo- haaer "arrived on the aeon, v Signals hoiated by th naval vessel, it is sRiu, wm disregarded by the eableabip, after which a shot was sred by the euo- chaser across the.. bow of the dowry, which- nromptlT hove to. . Captain Smith, of the Clowry, was ordered to. desiit from the cable work and' both' yessals entered ths- pgrt of Miami ' this- afternoon. . wnsn tne Clowry tied up at 'th momicipal dock the entire crew was placed nnder ar- Ins Xinner went to see BenreaantaMv 1 rest, br 'local naval aatboritiea. ...Slemp, hirmiin g0IBBIij mil 4trjt -lni- teaight th rew f the Republican National committee. I was rcleaeo-i from srrnt by Lieutenant which ia investigating southern condi tions With' a view to fnrtharino' tha lit. tsraat of the Bepnblieaa party,- and U also considering tha matter of a reduc- tioa or southern representation i: Congress for failure to allow negroes Murray,; aid fos information for the seventh naval district. - Second Clank With Navy,' Today's clash between th navy and the Western Union Telegraph Company th second that baa oeeotted in to ote, Mr. Unney urged opon Blempl th effort of tfc' government o pro itnat the rederri election , laws ' be nmended so that the Federal govern. . ment take eognlianc. of election frauds.- , ' "Joat now, said lianey, before leav- tag tonight, -3 am abiefly intereeted in '' tb h?l.,.JHustJtha. , iouora government may prevent the mig oLBieetinna. xaat U mere in- vent th landing of .th Barbadoe cab) in Miami. An attempt to run the cable across ths channel- on th weat rn aid of the ncSt .vsy Jast summer was prerented by armed, loreet ox int nary, and- a aub-ebaser has been ta- tioned r here ever sine to prevent repetition of ; ths" calls" laymg opera. Aione, portant than patronage, to my saind. I nave arged Mr. Blerap to get aa amend. went to the Federal law ao that th President Wilson -instrneted the Nnvy Department to'prevee th landing of th nQami-Barbadoea csdi nere, na Federal court can tak eognixane of jst the time the BriUih eableshlp Colo a situatioa where a eitisea and a voter I nia was sent to Miami, to prevent , th u connted oat by any party. Brian Gets Bill Thiwaga. I win from tein brouiftit aahor. " Th Colonia tied an. end of th abM -. Bepseaeatativ Brinaon waa advised o a buoy on Miami Beach, outsids the today that President Wilaon ignd tn thre mil limit, and proceeded with March S tw pension bills which ha had th enbl laying operations on the high put through Congress. On grant a aea between that point' and Barbadoe. A. IT.. V If T:.A - . XTT - . , . . ... n 1 . uuuw w najii i nra aescroyar eeowipauea ue ueuwa aanty of 17,pt month for herself, and oa this trip but did not prevent jehe wm dxuki aaoiuoaai ail allowance for de pendent children. Hr hnsbaad died of diaeaa contracted ia service on . th .Mexican border in 1818. Th other pen. aion was for James D. Water ef Maya Till, in Jone county, a Spanish war ' veteran, ana Is for 93 per month.; laying of the eable on the high sesfc - - Injwaction ht Aslda...'' .-- . ,,-. laat week in th New Tork Federal court th injnnetioa against the West ern Union Telegraph company 'prevent ing th landing of -th abl, wal net aaide, and tbt- telegraph company was BepresentaUv Brinson today accept- "'"T l. LH or - I i.vit.ti t W.H..7.- .aaJl. aaeeeasful ,U wig a oonrt order rt- ed nn invitation to delire nn nddreas t ths Confederate memorial eureiae at Morehwd City May 10i At the z erciaea a monument will b nnveiled to Jamr Irving- Folford, a World War veterinary who lost his life verae. Yoang Falferd wa a member of th infantry, thirtieth division. Tribwt Ta Hahwt Martla. Twaa aay this word of tribnt t Hubert Martin for me, said Bcpreeea tative Ed Foa of North Carolina t the Jfew and Observer correspondent todays Marti wa a faithfal a man as ver lived, and I loved him lik a atraining th government from inter fering with th,work, according to aewi oia patches received acre, ' v Local naval authorities Jiav never had their previous orders to prevent th lanning of th cable revoked, it it understood, and it is said that todays action bv the sub-cbaser IS,, in pro- veating th landing f th eable waa ia aeeordaaeo with orders issad by Boe retary of th Navy hast summer. ' ' eweomb Carltoa, ' president of the Wetter Union Telegraph Company, in a 'visit t Miami several dsy ago, ia- Contianed a Fag Eleven) I ..Continued a Fag Eievea A bill having tha two-fold object of placing tha enforcement of th prohibi tion law of th Stat In th hand of iha Attorney General ' and bringing North Carolina law into conformity with tha; Federal, law , wa yesterday tabled by the Stat. A aimilar measure bad already beea laid to rest in the Hons, and when th bill was called Senator Bnrgwya promptly moved to iable, Insiatisg npon his motion deeptt the desir f corns Senators' to prolong the) funeral ceremonies by- debate. t AU other Important ntaasur war "laid ever until Monday, which, prom isee to no we Jmmt Dig an J ox is oca at session. Upon th lnaiatenc of Sen ator Stubb d fenator Bnrgwyn of Northampton, both: of whom are op pood to tbo senatorial 'apportionment bill passed by tha House, that measure wa not taken, up, butvwan mud a SDOcial order for Monday morning. Ac cording to CoL A, D. Watts of States villo, who has amed a deep study "of ths matter, th bill.' if passed, 'wilt cot th Repablieaa representation ia the Senate J from eleven to sa, oniess nix results sine 1900 are upset by. futur. elec tion. - . - Two ' other important measure . to com up Monday are the machinery act and tha vroDoaal for submission of a tnBttjiMti .amjiniiman tjladgin; the credit of th Stat to pay it eonaea indebtedness snd limiting nn indent edne to sv DOT ent of th total valu ation of Dtonerty. Th amendment has already loft in th House, but was in troduced in th upper branch yesterday by Senator Varser, who atated that be did o at tn request oi suon " lower body. . I Bin Hoar Bcasran. Nrlv' all of yesterday's session la- hmira which was broken only-by forty-tlvs rmlnuta, recess for lunch was taken op by eonvasration pi a. inrg? mm of locfil bills coming over from fit Hons. - Howerer, the Hons appor tionment bill, taking-en representative h tmm Tin ton and Iredeli"cmiTrrtBS and giving them to Forsyth and New Hanover, waa poaaed aa were tne iour general education Dili., . - . The Senate resolved itself into the committee of the whole for considera tion of the ' educational measure and Dr. E. C. Brooks, Stat Superintendent of Public Instruction, was called npen to net as clerk, and explainer in chief. He and Senator JWoodson, chairman of th eammltte . suoted the measures through .witnoatrnmendmenta.' The bills provide for" raising the funds tot the iasne to raise a 50000 building loan fuad. for the selection of -text books for elementary schools tad for certain aiinor amendmentaia,th school law, Th Senate reaffirmed it prinoipl ef applying Senatorial -couTtety even anto Republican in two ittstaaees. Repre sentative Neal had offered a bill ia the House for ths construction of a asw Courthouse in hi - county- . Senator Kanipe wanted to submit the proposi tion to the people nnd the Senate sus tained him jespita strenuous objections from Senator Gallon, who never misses sa opportunity to stand for a "Democrat (gainst a Republican, be eirrnmtaaea what they may. Senator Erwia was also. blocked in aa effort to hav th wishes of Oemoerat of Cherokee county that salaries not' b raised prevail arainaf the deaire f th Seastor 'aad Repreawntativ , -from . that county. Mo ion t reconsider were lodged is esch instance. ' -. ; I Washington, March 5. (By Ths As eoeiaUd Praw.) Cessation of hostilities betweea Costa Bica and Panama' ia da-maaded-ia Jdentic nnts which it .was learned tonight the But Department dispatched today to th govern ments of those two eountrle by Chsrle Evans Hughes, th new Secretary of Bute. This action waa the first of ths Hord ing administration in th realm of for eign affaire and waa asid to have been baaed oa the ground of broad expe- dieaey aa the dispute betweea the ten aal aoa. ' ; .; 'A graceful solution.' or ths dispute over th territory of CotB on the baffi of h Whit award ia understood to bar been ggsted. The note did not sug gest mediation .by tha United State's, but were understood to have conveyed the impreeaion that this eouatry stood ready to enforce, if necessary, a peace ful eolation. . - Exteaded Coaler Held. Dispatch of the aotes followed extend ed conferences between President Hard in;. Secretary Huehes. John W. Weeks and Edwin Denby, th new Secretaries f War and Nary. Mr. Hughes took up th subject of the dispute with Under Besides Dispatching First Dip lomatic Note, Inquires Into All Departments PRESIDENT SETS FAST . RECORD FOR ACTIVITY 1 11 " 1 - Oaovaiiee Situation ! In Con. frail, Coniideri Rtorgani. sation of Eepnblican PolitU cal Maohinerr. Dictate! Manj Let ten and With lire Hardin; Hold Blf Reception Washington. March 5. President Harding's first day in tha Whits House set a fast record of presidestlsl se- of experiences to which Chief Executives rdiaarily fall heir. Besides dhpatchiag his first diplo matic note, he found time to inquire Into the condition of every one of the government departments, ranvaas (he situation, in Congreaa, conaldsr ths re organisation of the National political saann, rwanniiWWT'l snn. imiVW ai . i avo ( stall a new Whlte House snaaeet, and attend the theatre. - T While. he was, at work aa order ha issued yestcrdsy, opening the White Rouse gates tor the public gave a aew touch of life to the executive oflieee and grounds. . For the first time in months, visitors flocked up in hundreds to the White Hsnss doors nnd into the receiving room of the President's office, presenting n picture in striking eon- NINE-YEAR-OLD BOY IN WILMINGTON ACTS HERO WllsalngUa. March le-Wb a .rabid 4sT attacked hi )wm small slassra srklle th cajUdrca were a taelr way heme frena ataeel at Bnrgaw, aeer here. Lea Carv, akeai the aeck.ead threw It. I the grwtad, aad alUMegh blltea la v plaeea, rafaaed to let g anlll help eaaaa, ad hi aiaUra aaespid Mharwted. The bey to d treat, meat aad to d4ag atcvly, aeeereV lag te reneet frees Bargaw teaight. JUDGE BOYD WILL PROBE VARNER CASE Four Members of Jury Alleged TO Have Asked Tnat Ver - diet Be Set, Aside Greensboro, March 5. There will b eomplet investigation of Ihs Varner ease, aad if alleged "improprieties'' oa the part of Jury are jiroved, orif aew evideaot is found, ths verdict wilt be set 'it buf if o improprieties ia con duct of jurjr 'are fonad and so new sub stantial testimony offered, the verdict will stand. Thi announcemint was mad -by Judge James E. Boyd in Federal court today, when attorneys for Mr. Pior- POWER BILL DIES JNIOIRBW BY-SipiOTE; Darden, of Halifax, Assures Its Defeat By Chanolna- Ballot ;'; DEpLINES TO ADOPT ' MINORITY REPORT ConititnUonal-LimitiUon for Oeneral Aiiemblj Iipirei at Midnight With Manj BiU Stlfl Pending; Houie Xatiilei Kdneational BUL Machinery Act, and finance Act The oldest member ef th Oeasral Assembly, Representative Darden, ef Halifax, secured defeat for the Power Contrart tfir wb- H went ;W"'ir7ror in the House yesterday afternoon by changing his bsllot from rays" to "a." The motion t adopt a minority report oa th bill failed to pass -by a 4to 81 vol. . . ' Proponent of the bill withheld any statement aa to whether motion would IwVefc-WsT?- VW 6SfcW rat -Irjf VeV "ttrV'tna (rbhsnsoirA f ' that. Mrs. Vstraer had been guilty of opinion In ths lobbies ef the Hons a. . a,l Ian. hf - I m J - Improper relations with Baxter MeBary and, therefcre, wa not entitled to re cover "reasonable aubi tenet" from her husband, H. B. Varner, prominent Lexington buainem ma aad publisher. O. U Sapp, attorney for lira. Vr ner, who offered motion that verdict be set aaid and new tnul ordered, read a letter alleged four mmbera favor th motion that the Icht ts'sot - orer. A careful canvass ef ths prebehh) voting strength wne mad by each aide, s.nd opponent ef tffh bill ar making " ready for a counter attack. Neither aide haa demobilised ita lob by, and attorneys for both th eotto I newtnnl ordered, read miltt aBa ,h, p,,,, tomptnl Br- itu, i?h. Wt'Jfted th eit3r' BP-tstivef both , !tb.t!J"i' rM"8 obbio of ths Hons last ' trast to th. ouietud. of .the elomng .,kig ,h.t verdict be act id. on th. VZL !? m'' r " f0." days of tbs Wilaon administration.. tk.t .I, i I during th aigh session, aad die- ground turn wna. aaiair oerause " !. ,l- k-j laa accepted by th Jury beeau. of fun"i0' ? ."J wrh'" slekne- in ... Juryman's family and Y Z Z'ZT. '"'.2"?' also beeauae they understood that a " """" , verdict must be reached. Th. names hua a score of member left given as signing th. letter were! T. E. Jor !i",m h expiration oK Hodgin, 1 H. Starmer. M. C. Reave and th otHHeuWimit-f -the acasion. days of tbs Wilaon administration. . Begins Work Early. Mr. Harding'a work day began r irty. Before V o'clock ' he was at his desk and -waa wadine- thmturh tha . hat.k Seeretary -Davis immediately sftsr his I 0f mail ,to come to his attention as laJnatfna IntA nffiaa and later SDentlPilU Riunli k.4. 1. ...... Jl ---- . 1 - jivui, w uniiBfuii.Dwriivrl at. u dtitcirbii . . - ..u.. . nesrly two noora with Mr, Harding at I tatlon he began a auecesaioa of confer-1 L. U. Langley. Judge Boyd ruled that "ot mor two-third ef th0 tne wnita xioase. imcn wna na aewiy installed, osoinet I mambera of th Jury eonld not impeach I "ouiwraaip wm o present tomorrow, - Secretary Weeks was called ia soon 1 officials, and kept to ' na - nnhrakan I tk.l. I A two-thirds of the vote east, nadav ehs after the conference began and pre- schedule of appointments with members A telegram was introduced in svi- rule of the House, ia required for re. " seated latest dispatehs from ths Canal of hia -official family and others until deace, which waa aaid. to hav been consideration, but proponent of th bill Zon as to th ituatlon. Mr. Denby 1:30, when he took nn hour for lunch signed by aa aunt of Mrs. V.raer, tat- declared that th rule eould be aftr. . diaeuesed th queetion later with th with members, of hi family. In the lag that ths iattsr was ia Salt Lake Tted if there was a majority la favei ' Proddent. ; Bepli from Panama and, I afternoon h and, Mrs, Harding held I City last summer and also in the'earFef-that 4rrrT--,v'-z--r'rv--r' -Costa Bit to tho aotea dUpatched aev. I their ' first reception ia, the East room, fall of 1M7. - , I Whh another of th major euaaaiots was also alleged la aa affidavit I behind it, th General Assembly aneai at- wwra a . . v I a .. ... ..... "" ara ens in last or th eonstmsteiia limitation f it sessioa with nearly M hundred publi bill waiting aa tht calendar ior action, aad rdjonrnmenl . ' finally, act for some tlms after midnight ""ednesday morning. The Approprla . lions, Finance and Jfaehlnery acta ti ' remain for final disposition Mondnj and Tussday. . - ,' ,,. - la Ceatlanea leasUa. days ngo by former Secretary Colby standing for mor than fwo hoars whil i received today at the State Do- guests,- invited snd uninvited, passsd a SMI -a. M TTh.-.A wan m(f I Ka tea L. - . r . '. ' It that. Mis Hildera Anderses, a tele phone operator Who testified ia the esse, had beea heard to say that h did not hav te work aa sbs wa in th pay. of Air. Varner. It wa si alleged that F. J. Thomas, one or the juror, had beea. heard to say lsat fall that Mrs. Varner waa guilty and another affidavit, signed by tw negro barbers ia Greensboro, do- oral we nartmant. That from Panama wa aaid I by in lin. t have expresssd a wUlingnss to ao-j Tonight th new President and first eept th offer of th good offiees of th Lady of th Land ehoae a mnakal com- united ciAiss m atumyuue w imw wp tren aawsg ine ineatrjeat attras th dispute, but th on from Costal tiens of th Capital. It wa their Int Biea wa described as nnaatiifactory. I piibli appearance ine th inautura- It waa reeivd entempornouiT With; tioa. MDort that that government still Wat - ' . Coafen Wlik lirUL ending troops into th disputed tsrri-1 The cabinet member with whom Mr. , J Um OHelal Inforaaatlen I n. Hntrhaa. him mmw SWnt.n. . a..,. I r -r-v It was said that th American ment had no official Information that I Panama and Costa Hie. With ,nmt e either Panama or Costa Biea intended I the other dopartmnt heada he merely to aubmit the dispute to the League of f talked over neaaral aandiUoaa 4 nrh. Nations as reported ia press dispatches I lems of organization, asking for infor from Central America and- Paris. To-1 mation about any problem that seemed day's action of the State Department, ! likely to become tronbl.snm.. Tha an.. Id. mm,m aJJ.J .. nVB aajrl t naXllft SMBtf . I J.A . 11... a m to .5: zr."mvNM workers strike o.i bm. President Harding nnd hi adviser for future attention .during hi. t.ik.l DM Dill Dnin lai mrnrJAial menaur to reorgaaia tn lax IE Hntrhaa Ma mmw ajnt.n. .1 iat.V. " I 'ra deputy marsnni v. x. jtoan I D""n n aimoat continuous seseios with whom h. dUofd the nof. U "U h ta tUr """ in r-terd.y th. Hons. paed th wcond Panama TSi L7wTe,,wl0fc -22. I their prassnc that Mrfc Vara er was rding of th Bv.nn. act a. am.aded by the Senate, passed the Machinery act on ita final reading, aad the bond iasue measure for State institution at th morning sitting, disposed of ths Power Contract bill in the afternoon. guilty. '.,,'.. , E. T. Cauler. (attorney for Mr. Tar- nen declared that-the defendant wanted I a full investigation, ao that th matter may be fineUy ieared up. and returned at night for soneideratioa were aaid te hav gives their approval 1 with tho man he had called to his official name. a commiaalonei of th tep already taken to protect 1 circle eeunMUor. , ' AnnrrtTimatalw 1 HAA TV, of rsranue, set for a special order ye. American interests in ths bon f h j -The Mmli rorgan '0."0or morning got crowded out euf tilities end ; indlcated t'mlss'""thf pnoUeam Mttoaal committee h discuss- two American warships now on their war south proved adequate to secom- plish that purpose a larger fores might follow them, . ' . ., President Harding has taken a keen personal interest in the situation and waa said to be anxious to see every thing possible don to restore peace. Because of hi recent visit te Panama and the Canal Zone, it -wan" said, h feela that h might ba in peculiar position to re-establish concord. " ed with Elmer Dover of Taeoma, Wash ington, former secretary of the com. mittee and now prominently mentioned for th post of chairman, which toon is to b vacated by Will H. Hays, th new Postmaster General. The conference gsv ris to much speculation in re gard to the poesibl part Mr. Harding will .take toward the choosing of the new chairman, but ther waa nothing to maieat tnat k naa mad a decision re- garding-tt . .. Suggeatioaa about th special, sessioa of Congress were heard by th Presi- 2,000 Union Worker! Oa A. B. ft A. Oat - Atlanta, March fi. With approxi mately 100 of th tfiOO snioa m- ploye of th Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic railroad out on a strike called at 11 o'clock today ia protest against lug the day and goes over until Mon day morning for further consideration. The moving pietur censorship bill, by agreement, went ' over until Monday night for final argument. - With these larger measures out of th way, the As aembly will hav the remainder ef th tim for th consideration ef th rest due of bill remaining, and clear th way for dissolution., Popular interest in th session yes- a reduction nt waa-aa. Jndc R. H Rib. fe, la th. Unltad State, dutrlct .our. j!21 mgaaa a mil eta . at nam, . UtKMANS WILL 51 AN U HI THFIR RFPI Y Til Af I IPS dent from Senator Lodg of Maasacha Instmctioni Sent To Toreiim Wyoming, Senate and Hous Bepublic their views on the date Congress should be called together and to inform th Minister Simoni In London - To Stand Tina Berlin, March I After confer- by - member ef the cabinet. Kekhstag leader and technical 4 wisers teaight. It la aathetitatlvely atated Instructions war sent te'Dr. Simon at Londoa, la which h wa ' told that th German government .weald net armitlan te exceed the connter-prepeeal ldy made, Chancellor Fahren bach Informed th reirliatag today that the "cabinet" U4.' T" propoie . "" Ifc terfere with Dr. Bimoae, the Cr. man foreign ertary, aad hi fallow . delegstes t th Leadea Ireparatloas anfereace. He de clared tb-cabinet was confident ? that th ferclgn seentary weald 'mak every r enTert te nwgetlat within the limits awt, f . The chancellor mad has aa. ' . aoeawemeat la the coarse ef , a eererally ermulated eta teas nt wpoa th reaeasatbUag of the Beith- "lit , necaTerace with the dime, tioa sppreved by th aWchatsg.' , n said, "Dr. flmeac -ra aataee. Ised te withheld bU lgnatre fiem aay ot ligations which th CrmJ aeople weald b aaabl to fulfill. Thee laat ructions hav aet beea and WlU net be changed. The cahU ot h ceafldeat Dr. Siasana wiB atills te the atsaeat every apse. taaity te . eenclad negetlatlea . Within the limit act- 1 Tav-ftf. One Cent On Gsaellae Littl Bock, Ark; sMarck B. A tax of one ernt par gallon a all gaeoline sold in th State ia provided. ia a bill passed today by the legislature. Tb money will he used eteluaivelF for road build ing and maintenance. . . ' .. Third , annual March. atcpTehaa. Running and harases race. Pinabnrst, Wedacsday. dT, ( ChltY Executive nbout th situation that will confront his tariff program at uhe special seasisn. It was aaid aftarwatd that no data would be act until there had beea farther conference, although it waa aaid a deeiaion -probably would lai 'today handed down aa order de e taring in effect that the wage re duction order of February 28 would bt ,ITlJlotcJUSre it' ought t have by law under ths fact which mar be established at ths hearing already act for March So." The judge's erder wa taken to mean that the question of wage redaction on the A." B and A., Is dependent on the outcome of hearing before him set for March M. Meanwhile report indicated that no train' were being operated o tn roaa, wnien serves many Aiauams is wee aia a aeeiaioa proDaoiy womu i . . - , b. reached In Urn to permit iasuanc " ?r1,'!w" batwf" Bwmin bam, Atlanta and Brun.wick. judge BiDiey declared no question ox jurisdiction had been raised before him ,nn.d.jhLtif,,jfiini,bx.,.,ttonniln, brotherhoods that the United State ailway labor board ha exclualv juris- ctloa had, not been presented to him for consideration. The order, of Feb ruary 28 putting into effect a wage re duction effective March-1 followed a practice common in ' administrative of the call next week. Holds Af ternoen Receptlea. rj- Harding' aft noon reeeptien hagan with pr -r ranged U-f bert of the Kepubliean National Com- mfltaevJiyhlfk haa Jecn -ta sctaion. Jiere, and developed into . function recalling th public receptions or br-gone a ministrations. - Many- personal friends had beea invited to call aad pass along 1-1- ..X . alntitt. . Z.m til eases aad doe not prejudice th rights East entrance took advantage of the op-1 " . , ' . ,j u. ..a .k. , I "facilitate it for all who desir to r":' 7: .Tv Tr. b heard." the order continued. OUf AsVamuu- w M4I Ui leNuriin. hi - , . m , Mrs. Harding.- t l in onciuion tne eours ero.rea vet. The Prcident J maacot, a Woodefl f Bo- receiver, to "take step, to Airedale pup, named "CasweU Laddie F5 v?"1 .." had rot nnder way the leader of the Hoy,", wna brought into- the oxutiif to eonfin. the offiees a a gift br Charles W.Wuetseh, " . - disenssion to ths point, but debated ef Toledo, Ohio. The dog nrrived in . wt nW .a, nothing but th aterits of th MB. th midst of the cabinet conference, " op Ithnt P'JT" : Graham of Orange led the attack for bat Mr. Harding had give order that "? by fo""f toeperaU th road (Ttrtarnillx o n u g TOte of the h wa to ae it as soon as it was e- further jeopardise thsir own Interest nj, oa tt bii eoring the pow. lirered. With many manifestation. "luTlrZ JZ, JVmZiZ, J"1L. " oompa-le. for their alleged efforts te pleasur he leeVhi new pet int hU"'1BI teir statu aa employes th I rM eoatraeta. ' Bowie of Ashe deelar offiee. where it mad itself at hmiorlM.d. . : . . : . ' ... led that it wa not fair to disenss that daring tb morning.' - t i ' T , TC tonigM, tt MtUt Mon the Later ' the President .brought -Cas-, i?""?"1 "" a. Hons w'th upholding of tho corn. U Laddie Boy" owt and-prondly wy 'T' T . I mittee which had by a decisive rot re tract . bill and crowded galleria ' and lobbies watched th battle that raged most of the afternoon with epreea tativ Martin leading th fight for th j nn4'JPhrri of Meeklwbargj-- and. .Bowie, of Aihe, th oppositioa to : it. The proponent ef the measure . were at time demonstrative, and broke . into cheer, but ' th opposition was grimly silent, watching every, move that wa made, but with no hint f th ' numerical strength that wa behind 'them. ." ' . v Deeat b Umlted. r Half an . hour was dissipated la . a .. wrangle over points'of order and sus pensipn of the rules limiting debate": before Plfarr and. Martin finally agreed that an hour would be allotted to each aide to b treed ar theleeidera-snw- fit to use it. Speaker Grier . held the watch on the speakers, and gnvalei them into alienee upon the second af eir tim in ijeaking. A point of ordtr raised by Grant, ef Davie, calling' attention to the fact that the question btfre th Hons waa hot the consideration ef the hill, but, sonslderation ef a motion to "re may it f rem th unfavorabl calendar and put r it npon ita passag wa sustained by th speaker, but the leader claimed' th right to discuss tvea that. After it u. H I befer the railway labor beard." and miw w ,.-.r J"r -1 . . . . . . . .. eorrespesdeaU gathered outside bia fontenamg -wss reaucuon mi office. . T wage nnder me tnaa no any notice -Yon m," k aaid laughingly, "I n " ,.V,,,0 going to hav' aer me nt least one ' n0" a suoo so maintain t.u.A wL wn.'t talk. I tram aerviee until a cheer up haa ported the bill unfavorably. Cewles of. Wilkes took tho angle that only tha question ef common honesty and th "integrity e4 contract and agreement wa. at stak and that the n...l A MKlv wll C Tania Mrrw. Upoa arriving at the the W'tight j shewn hew many employee nmaiaed I ntionm u the agreement. Hendricks took the position that th power eom paaie in th Stat had been held to be public service eerporationa, and that th matter ef fixing rate ought to be left te the Corpora tioa Ooramiscioa. ''Mat . - (Ceatiaued Oa Fsge Two) t ..a vr tr.ii.. .bmIus toe aerviee. it wm learnea nt ren- M IIUU... wuw ' -. - ww . -.. , ,kMa anI the Preidt shook iuudsrsrnl sffieee here. Iadieatioaa were that with th manager. They were eeeortad prnetieally aU shop employe, had quit oat taa hmi i oar aaaarea to in baadred employe in- the general of fice here, meetly (Jerks, had reaaainel a duty. to tb nreaid.Btml hex, draped with the American (flag, at the left ef the stag 1 (Ceatlnaed Oa Pag Two) '

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