Olbs 9THTI1L and . WATUILAJUX - jrour naper. imai renewal Amfm bfre . iplratlo ( or4r to avoid HUM a Biagta o - erver Fair KMir' ' ' Bad I Ma4ay ; OLpaiI.N0.66. EIGHT PAGES TODAY RALEIGH. N. c; MONDAY MORNING, MARCH 7. 1921. EIGHT PAGES TODAY PRICE: FIVE CENTS ws 1 I: SMALL OUT AFTER MMO YEARS, JGRESSMAN PRESIDENT AND MRS. HARDING ENTER THE WHITE HOUSE v - AS CO! Representative of First North Carolina District Returns "-To Practice of Law IN RECEPTIVE MOOD FOR CONGRESSMAN-AT-LARGE Issues Statement Xffiewinf I Political Career as Lawmak er and Thank Bia OonstiUul ency for Opportunity To Sep. reseat Them; Eeppblicansl i Plaa Tour of the South kr,. i.S Ak TtMi.a "& , Id. iww vnw w.-w- '" . SOS District Natl. Bank Bldg. -" Br JOI L. BAKER. , (By Bpeelsl Leased Wire.) . WaahUfton, March 6 Jsha H. Small, -'wbs retired from Coagrcss bat Friday --" after eoBttanoBS service ef 23 years aa Bepreevatativa of thejlrat North Caro- '4. ' k -tlb ' ' fiv i r - - - a-, n -it-r fl auaamauaUaB -'1 i . . V . AIM: 4BBeW af few, a4 hi,vJ&i: , ft tiw M lgii ; rep flf aatwr "Knor.- trf IVanaylTania. . . ( r.' SECURING STRIKE VOTE ON RAILWAYS TI SUB-CHASERS TAIN WATCH s ami ia Waakingtoa, D. C. r Hta ant baa beta aaaoriated mW tb bUm CoaTaaaiaa-at-Larf, vhick Narta Carolina ia aipacfed kara ia tba Sixty -aifkla Cencraaa. it haa aJaa iMra larmtM that ba a-aaiaa4er far Scaatorial hoaort ia 184. at aatil today MiT 8mU atead faatly deeliaed to aay aaytkinf about kia plaaa. aaaertiac thai aatil kia Una of oflieo cipirod bo woald gi attsn tioa oary to kia lfialaiia datlea. Bnatora af kia poaaiblo eaadidaey for otflra aajaia ato put'aaido- by Mr. Small la today '1 atatement with tbo brief comment that "whether I ahall aeck pteforment afmia ainat await devalop aienta and tko attluda of mj poKtiral fratada." Mr. 86.11 'a atateaaaat fol- lowa: - BVnrie, Corara M Toaia. ?fow that riy oBeUl life u m-- " Iter of Coagreaa from tba FlrM North Carolina DUtrtet haa cloaad, ny Mnaa of jnodoaty wonld rather eooatraia ai to retiro Quietly to pnrata uro tma Kjreai rj. nrong wws welcome a?::jr To Returning Naval Secretary aaaBoaaaaawawaa Mr. and Mrs. Joaephua Daniels Given Great Ovation at Audi torium when i 5,000 People Gather to Welcome Them Back After Eight Years in Washinzton: Dr. J. M. Temple- ton, in Clever Speech, Catches the' Spirit of the Throng; Splendid Program, .With Music By New; Symphony Urchestra, Une ot Kare Interest and Pleasure tha rmand that aroae for an eneore. He saved it for tha end of the program. Tli en on behalf of the citizens of Bal cighColonul Albert L. Cox told Mr, na, ilrs. JJaoicli bow glad the people of the ei'y were to hare thorn back frer vgli yeara, of "with what interest ther kad followed their career in Wash ingt i duTing a period of ao great atreas, and with what pride they had witnesaed their triumphant eunnountim of the obstacle! that itood lp ,the way of arhieTetnent. ' j Particularly graceful was bia tribute to Mr. Ianielva4.'elarjag thai right well Whea barbecue aoaaoa rolls around out ia Bhomkatte, the luaeiona maloaa are ripeniag oat Oktner way, whea it la 'potanm and -'tater'-'srfltne out iwe dark eornexa of New yldght townshrpj and ia White Oak townahip, -where the tobacco worm dietb not, a welcome awaits tba retorning Seefetary of- the . mvniA (vi. Mraonilitr bdob Nary " to his BatiTe heath, Dr. J. M. tba public, bat I hae reeeiTod so many Templetoa .told Joaephua .DaaioU. yea- letters . ommoatiag upon . bit mire-1 -t"v - , ent aadViaquiriaf aa to my futaro aaJ fether to, weleoms" him home.;-- to make approp'rUta a brief atatemeBt.r But tbo oitiaearx- of Mbamkatte, of ' l .M m.. w.h. I Qarnar and Jts anTirona. ef fhaTtnrk iartoa aorreapoadsnts, all of wham re i ormars of tbo Earryeajia aa4 the olaaail had1 aha'ahowa to tba, w6rld whU Waa ' aiy fxiaada, aad to whoa I wih to UiMaa af waho J-oresU-ajad eat where aaf of womanhood Nvrth Carolina bad saake a sUeore zpnaaioa of thaaka the toUeco worm dietb let did aot to be proud af. - For Ue. Whole eity tor taeir aiaayoartesio la the ast. ait apoa aeaaoat to poor ont welcome, bo extended ' welcome hone to" theai "I waa -Srat sleeted- ia Noreaiber, They eamo to the Auditorium Art thou- both, a welcome to the' opportunitiei, . -ifioa .-a . ,,! nf acnlM bema ajiostror, packed to-tbe full its a-reat a share ia the work for ths common March 4, 1899, jutt St, years ago. With raaeKei ot space and turned .ths third food, and a ahare in the interest that are the exception of seVeral local positions, eommanity sing-into-eneh a welcome theirs by right of eitiienthip. aad bt aerrieo aa PHaldential sloetor emended a retura- . , nr. Tsapletea 8aaka. ,,. ia 1896V iis waa tba Srst sad. most taf indlTidusi in Baleigh. -, . Dr. Templetoa had been xhosea to important office to v which T had been Gap of Yrara Bridged; -apeak for ths people of the county, but eleetedJ entered upoa aiy duties fOlrd With speeebes of welcome, with songs, territory enough for him. with ambitioa and high ideals of aerV- his farorites and the favoritea Mra. He included the whole State, from Bat- ice; -I bare tried to aerr with. In-1 Daniels, who sat beside .him on. thel16'' " we omokies, before be settled duatry aad fidelity, sbut ths record is I ,tjOT nj (bared the konors with him. I Slowa t0 "J' "tething about the county, with stirring numbers by Raleigh's symphony orchestra that Balelgh didat know, it bad anliUt was beard to play, the , gap of eight yeara Uray . .waa bridged orer, ths Editor, and Mrs. Dan iels made' to -know -that they - anj ' at home again with their friend. 1 It was aot a noisy welcome, nor :waa there NTEREST CENTERS IN E IN REPLY German Delegation Will Meet Allied Council for Settle . merit of Reparations tendon, Mar. 6. (By the Associated Prcaa.) An unexpected and protracted meeting of the supreme council, for which the British prime minister end other allied representative bad to bo hastily resiled from country riaita, has followed the informal conference which MrT WoVd George snd Premier Briand had with Dr. Himons, .German aeeretary Saturday, and haa led to hopes that ths IN THESOUTHE AST No Immediate Walkout On Rail roads, in Sympathy With ,A. B. A A., Expected EMPLOYES IN ATLANTA MAKE EMPHATIC DENIAL JTo Effort Yet.Made To Move freight or Passenger Trains Oa Georgia Road and He. Mirer Bugg Announces None Win Be Attempted Until Mew Men Can Be Employed MaeOB, Qa., March . Is railroad Maioa circles it wss learaed bera today that a secret strike rots Is being taken by the different railroad cm Ha tbmagkoat the Boatheaei It will take the entire wwek possibly longer, to complete ths tote, it was said. Atiaaiie railroad, la eoaremplated. It la aaid, but the labor leadera desire to kaow bow the men stand for the pur pose or determining futara action ea the A. B. and A. Beporta here today iadicatod that there waa ao effort to move freight or pasaeager trains oa tba A. B. and A. sad it is reported ia labor circles that Beceirer Bugg win aot attempt to re eame operations aatil the employes de cide to rotara to work. -- PRISONER KILLS HIMSELF WITH JAILER'S PISTOL Ceaoord. March S William Wsl. lace, sold to bars aea la a draeaaa eaditloa, BrMaad a platal . to bla forehead today sad shot klaaealf to death. Tbo pistol fell from Jailer McCardt'aepccaet wfeea bo weal to WslUre s wall la the eaaaty Jail aad the prleenor tried to oerpeer bim. MeCardy did aot notice that Ike pistol was goae aatil later. Hearing several abota, Ike jailer . waited feeplag tkat Wallace weald Srs tba laat cartridge. Waea Ike ialUr Saally wen to the cell ke fosad tkt prisBBer dead, lis learaa a wife aad two cklldrea. Western Union Cable Ship is Berthed At Miami; Naval Boats Close By HOLDING QUORUM , CHIEF CONCERN OF:- REMAINING DAYS - Expiration .t f Constitutional Limit Allows Members '. Uberties EMPLOYES DENY STRIKE) VOTE IS BEING TAKEN. Atlanta, Ga, March . Declaring the strike of the Atlanta, Birmingham aad Atlantis railroad employee detrimental to ths pablie'a interasta tbs United 8tates Board of Mediatioa haa tendered its services o bring about aa agree ment betwrwa Becelrer B. L, Bugg and the strikiag employes. . Cemmiaaioner Chambaai aad Assistant-Commissioner KlutU will arriva ia this eity Monday to begin aegot iai ions, according to aa Germans might be prepared to submit ma. a MMMnaKlA nitnM.ti nrtlM,lavt as there has been great activity among tat tight bjr bTotfc" m.. j.i.-., .,.). ,1,. I Booa omeiaJs. day and many informal eonferenees with the allied experts. Ths Oermaas, however, seem still to bo awaiting, instructions ' f nom Berlin. Tbejr ,i were prepared , today . only to make eerUia auggastioaa regardiaa the method of payment, .which tha allies vote is being taken or aoatemplated by employes of other rosdsaad -the asser tion that tba strike would ba eonflned to .the A. 3. aad Aj ware aaade by hea as er xoar yauway anions. ; - la reply to tha atatement ox Ke- Misml, Da, March .-The United States submarine ehaeer S20 arrived here today to Mi the ft C. l.M which yesterday halte-d work ea the Western Vaioa Miaml-Barbsdos cable after it had (red a shot acmas the bow of the EMPLOY IT AS WEAPON AGAINST LEGISLATION Proponents ef-Power Kate Bill Undecided as To As king for Beconsideratioa Today; Cn. sorihip Measure Appears Doomed;-Senate and-House Deadlocked oa Pensions hero this morning from, the Key West 1 1 i a V . . 1 . naval oaav, nnaar traer ox inai com mandant of the naval district. Tonight the Bobert C. Clowry, the Weetera Union'a own ship, waa berthed at the municipal dock awaiting further instructions. The two chasers were standing by, 1 maintaining dose watch orer it. V The story of the Incident yesterday was related briefly today by the com manders ef ths two ships. "V sigaated the cable ahip, which was maneuvering abont in aeareh of ths buoy, to stop," aaid Enaign Wm. H. Klapproth, commander of tba aub ehaaer 1M. "Whea it paid ao attention wo fired a shot across the bow of the Clowry." Klapproth declared that be waa still nader ordera to prevent work of con necting the cable to the mainland here, but deelined to make further comment. Capt. H. M. Smith af tbs Bobert 0. Clowry refused to make an explana tion of the cable ahip's activities. "I hove to Immediately after the ehot was fired,' ho said,' "aad proceeded into Miami with ths naval veasel, aa It ordered ma to do." Ths cable, which was brought op hers last summer by the British, cable ship Colas ia. was left attached to a buoy when tha aoaLrovsray with tha govera mane arose aad prereated tba pletiott of ' soaaeetlonn. . It was "said made aad its appraisement must bs left to others. - "I may be permitted, however; W 2 aay that in. all public matters I bava strives to lead a eleaa life and to f ol low tha dictates of my integrity and ' best judgment. There can ba no finer asset for a public servant than to have earned hu self-respect. While many I Her waa glad to. have Tr. Daniels back I "where wo can see the smoke. from your chimney JEvsry step of you brilliant career nas Men watched with keenest interest by all of u," he continued. "At every bava 4oibtlcsa4iffere4 wit me at 1 aineere, whole-hearted welcome borne. c7or.Vo.da .t .v7rylrneV..t.:7ua w,,,lt V Pt. to b, tbs fin by every hearthstone, ws havJ w.tch.1 for a . aetUement ,of re. was there land k... k... ..j xniereat tor the present centers great demonstration. It wss just plain, own. Thu have - amhelllahad iL w ' the ;teoms jf the meeting yeeter- a 1 . .... v,-,..- -ti ia;ssHAaBas sTl... wsr Bjubjs to oonaider as a basis'for fj operaUoa ef trains! f l" wvnia do rasamea ss rapiaiy as new em-1 great woim w turn ployee eould bo recruited, tha araad eaws. Whoa work is resumed tt will offlcas declared they would la bo way! be aeeessary to grapple along the bot com. 01 ma oeeaa to piesr it. up. NAVY DEPAKTMENT GETS FULL BEPORT OP AFFAIR. . "Washington, March 8. The Navy De partment today received a full report oa the action yesterday of the com ma'ader of United States sub-chsssr 154 ia ordering a ahot to bo fired acroaa the bow of the Westers Union cable ahip Bobert 0. Clowry at Miami, Fla. The Bobert C. Clowry had x started work preparatory to leading the Weetera Uniona Miami-Barbadoes esbls which ths govsrnment bad forbidden. Secretary Denby after reading the re port- declined to diaeuaa the matter, dec taring any eomment would have to a decision. ' Among 'other suggestions it appears that . Dr. Simons propoaed a reduc tion of the twelve per eent export duty on German gooda to three or four per cent and a reduction ia ths term of 42 years for the payment of -annuities. All his suggestions, however, were con ditional upon Germany being allowed to retain upper Silesia. . Thia tha allies consider wholly unacceptable and ao informed .the German delegates toaight FINAL CONFERENCE MAY BE HELD IN LONDON TODAY : London, March 6. (By ths Associ ated Press.) The Germaft delegation will meet the allied .council tomorrow eon- repara- Interest for the present centers oppose tha movement and ths mea have beea warned against invading in any way ths property of tha company. It ia aaderstood, however, that the union men are reserving ths right to picket. A denial was mads by union chiefs that aa effort waa made to wreck train No. 4 of the A. B. and A. Bail- road Saturday.- fr.;n. - Ys-.i. ; j bTiT.. ."iiaay oerween nr. ctunons. tne uermaa times, yet if I caa entertain ths kope i ,d in kind Mr. Daniel, tk.nk.4 t.t. nkKi ...... '' Tbreign SeereUry and Frwnters Llord tba t iin retained the confidence of neighbors and pledged himself o take sway, we. bava held our own l George snd Briand and other Trenck xoy friends and constituents, I am in-1 on ths harneaa of work anuma- hia own I . o.t.. ' .. I ministers at lord Carson's house. It dsed fortunate, . r people Issd dowa jsrht years age whea w atflr&aX7(l'w " "Bdar,tod . Pr. Simons indicated ' N.rriM - DWppJ.t...t he went to be SecretarTpf the Navy women, and a lawTumb ofMTe "hat a 'f1? ? f - ... JJL. a for is Bam.tel..4 ! ,. U.Ji' ' number of Tory morrow to the allied uttunatum. ThU SMI PI BJ HIBDIU, Bras TOUJ m - -- r --- 1 uuuicrijr IHl-B. KC SIVS BIM IOBI Id- n, MnllJanJ JB,n.-.l In wrrmrpondcBea, hsv. ammmed tbat I ef tt. w d And after that, although vancem.nt, To will dowa to Ap7x feronw"! the alSee ViTttaostiE was nursing soma diaappointmsnt aad bsd aot been put dowe for a speech, snd to. Fuquay, and over to Wendell iTt Simon? "'ting entertained soma resentments. I wish I . vsueu, wnn n xew. oner sentences i sna eoaionagover to cur deep water I n.. t).;ut. t.; w;.-- j: .:..u. vs. t-.lthat mnrfWii hcju.a . K-.n.i- I enii.. .-j ..niu I Brltiaa frune Minister Went to w iwww w -'-j 1 -- --.V.v. wT --- -- jw w4 vvo ixie Tuiairea 1 rn.nMAH 41. . j 1 RECEIVER BUGG ANNOUNCES NEW MEN WILL BE SECURED. Atlanta, Ga March S. With approxi mately Sftoea auadrea employes oa strike : and with eery train standing Idle, B. I Bugg, receiver ,-of the At lanta, Birmingham aad' Atlantis rail- mentsaTbS. tol TflT W?' manaer to amnlor new men end ii Uttw depertment were BUMnkf aekMtnlaM mm. Squally reticent, sible. Ia Issuing this statement the OHers lssued by the Niwy Depart- receiver, who was formerly president "" dirwtioa of President Wil n ,1,. ji.a-tk. I son last summer to etnn landinv if a. -.. " ' ".- - ferenee. Why aboaJd I feel resentful or discontented f I bare enjoyed a long term of service, With tEe exception of my first nomiaatioa, end my recent dot - feat, 1 waa reaomiaated ipr each aue ' cessivs tens nbataatially without ep TKwition. - - Few- anticipated that nay Brat aemiaatioa Would result ia my elec tion, I A BMl!.. .f II . kindly welcome, r - i I towns while you were away. And we uh.ZlljT .7-1 I; "d nniona restreaenting for 1:80 as the hour oMfa be- tui men in Wake count. . VT. Z-.'a JZTf tbs railroad was held . . . . .. a.. , . . . . .1. . . , ,oo mw: lurr .rciutacu lu uunuua to m . . . r, . ' 1 ue parpose or ssrotion, their Bet TiA .v. -1-. i ' ih.rui. ..j ,- ininr, anu sir. uoya ueorre sum ,-"7,i"l" .T.e'00, w;.r.:iir.,u?.n,p",,,a WM- nioned a meeting of tbo Supreme vwvn sirees nn, nonr Derore.iney were I mci eaiica tnem. tneyl rnn.,n .vuk K.... 1 . at. f-Velock.;;, Packed IZFlZ'? J" ?t. o'clock this eve.Ug and continued for hours. Those attending included of ths road declared-that have tba employes of thsir nniea repre soBtativea over met the issus squarely or suggested tha possibility of negotiat ing a mora acceptable basis Mt reduc uon thaa that propoaed,' the brotherhoods the strikers oa the cable, by force, if necessary , have aot been rescinded so far as eould be learned today, thrown, opea .-.1 i. la: . . I aad what the- rfM. .w ... j I " ni. ini4JuuiK jinp yn;auillg " r I it. , " iniivn VI I tn0 rttoytiTm ZTZK . pTrnTmS "rd was rejected by a sabatontial major- ,roa, tn wer, tBr.M four tho! t them "".tfmw 6f them ,nd V BrUnd, , toueheu Berthelot, Tii. lif. ba. f"! ttr, IVfiEZJ: . Doumer, in Iditio. to repreje.U- i.r.'. iu tw. ..r-miiiiin uiw aiHiosii .-Amg mm ,.- -v . M"os or Italy, ceigium '-Ana Japan. - LZZJZZT?L?: 1 la ths boua. was taken, nnd :e b My. eoasQtoents kavo given nt i vm-l thm 'i . w.i-.j. I - ent-oa -the - nm n-ITL t-! , - i"i : . 1 ofpie..w.,w,drw JLtlSn.: Aa EicMIng HeBeynaoan Trip. West Palm Beachr Fla- March . A. B. Mr Mullen, flying ia an ssroolane wnmm 'I'tatwiMSk wr st ata kaia aw a a. .a , 1 -a, jssj wvaaaa sain IT a IUf VII SB UUUCY' HBiaBB ui4a sWH MttHi I an nam It 1 . fAsasl.il.a W" "'W VU1 UWU intj JJJHIlfJ QVII a.wa ass aaaai uii m uians aska..al. . f.Jl 1 at for tha conduct of tha strike. Ttar " meetina- waa ueewtlva. propeller waa 1 ina oniv asm are. Presided Sear by John T. Nance, an I engineer, the repreeentatives were, ad- PHILADELPH US DEFEATS PARKTON dressed by ofiteials of the international ' d Springs, March o-Th Philadel brotherhoods end soms of the local pbni high school defeated Psrktoa high workers of the A. B. A A. No formal Bchoot. W to 8, in a basketball game eetioa waa taksa and ao atatement was toe court at flora Macdonald sol derful-Tmportealtyr to serre. ddrtng KBKa ml. UAIB amavU sue. BU3uiajLaucna s a a. m 1 and I kone earned tha yesrmet of mn.y ' w M.M,?'M Mas: and. the enhenao.. 7Zh substantial cttiaeasHhUida of my die- . ryoubaek:, when' the, WnLa-lf" trict and erea InrydW Hpew ; wtAubVrn-Ganwa rta Steffi of being unhappy and daeoa- na Mrs. Danism earns ia nuletly Bagwells, ths Broightons. 'the Bryans. I nlIucipnus nigns nu Dm-. Haift plays from aUrt to finish clearly KILL BRITISH GENERAL IN FIGHT IN IRELAND toBted, I aava a profoaad feeUag of "Us ths audience waa standing to sing I the. Bands, Ue FerrelsA Powells aad bkckj gratituds to tbs people who have hba-1 "America,, and ade their' way to ths I Poeles will welcome ou v area aae neipea me.- abuts oaaeaveree: taxagw.. lacy wars nccompaniea ay uot-I - tait la tha. dark, corners ef Net c ie reprees aay reeling er eiauoa ia tae 1 eraor iornaom,-urrre -anas Angelea I gn -township when : .possum snd pass aa ts enrovaie a spini ax aumu-1 aiomson, us uoverner a aaugnter; his I wr ,ums rolls aronad again, aad la C Ity and serriea.,'. . , I aiatora. Mrs. Nuttsll aad 3&iU Ida Mor-I the elaasie shades ef Wake Tammt. m y . WHI Await DorefepmeBto;, risoa, sad Mias Cora'agley.a cousin I waeoma awaits youj out in White ,Oak, "Many bare Inquired abont my future I OI "anieia.- xos erowa paused ji mo woacee worm auth aot, wel plans aad have suggested Imy eaadidaey lu inlriBS eheeT moment, an.d I to01 rnits for yesj. Help as to lift thii ' for other poeitloBe. I have .worked ap eompierea tne aemonstrauon ATter tie to Ue last moaseat of my term and have song was doas. . , t- .' givea little thought to perwsaaV plana. Ha tamed to the sndienee with his - Whether I ahall soak prefermeat again familiar amilaBad-aekBwwIedswdtke mast await developmeata aad tba at- treating. No did Mrs. Daaiele seem titnde of amy potitieal frianda. XI haws different from "the woman ' who went '. aa puna and bars sever diseassad the "tk ths editor whea ho left Baleigb - Subject seriously wrt any -one. In J1- - v - .( any event I fails realise tba aeeeeaity The audience finished with its three - af iacnaslag my act earnings aad lay tongs, 'AmarWV was the first oaeaad Jag aside aoaaething for my family. It thaa "Come Tboa reoBt," aad "At tbs haa -- - t a-.BtteBtim that Uk Cross." Tbea tbs invocation br.Bev. goaaipert daring tba past year' have) Miltoa A., Barber, D. D, ' recti of I with a speaUneoas hBrst of cheering. aasertod tha I bad aeeamamtod wealth. I ansfs cftareh, and tla erowe settled 1 - Address m Tafermal I would ao menUonv this tnattar if it I ac lnta na aeat -to see What Bert ef I - IfNwaa not a set speech that the aia Bot lnvejre- aa impsnauoa or eav 1 ws is waj mm a sprnag np, 1 asmeeara. secretary made, bat more heaor. I have beea p rudest aad have I with tha mama of the Community 8ym- OX aa informal chat with bia Meads aadfavored to meet every . .Saawalal I pnoay arcnesrra. tk -f MttttjrflAM.fe.4 - rA4tiM.. " . r"lii mmKmm itw...i.w W" St1A,; 1:0 etoek.-Tha-nsnttw aidered so important tnat Baroa Haya-lroad as aader aormal eendrtions, stated shi had to be esed jnwms.. r ktiea7' jt- t 1 ipueaats win es required to pass satis During the dinnsr recess it Is under-1 factory examinations aad meet all re- stood there were further . eomairaica-1 quiremsnta of tha railroad. A number I Piye Hundred Hen Take Part when thf Supren CoubcU KbMwmbMjwfficiais, U Mid ud mbo of th trail I IB AmoUSll Of Mflitary C0n it wm MMrtad putt ut miiom 1 MAeeialM will m muaid danof th avnmfliAHBl wataTPSl ATtlv . iflssB KawBBtmaP I BTaaswaT. s m.mm a. iawav 1 m iourned. No - formal eonunnBlotioB "ZTm V.'Sl rT". w", . mar. o. Mrigadier general roy itf County Cork this great. commonwealth. ob to the blxh pUU that destiny had decreed for as? A thuader of aDnlasiaB mrfl eh apeaaer. The eoetor had caught ths spirit i ef ths Catherine?, and ther answered him with a tnmalt of sheers, aad Mr. Daaiela had to wait for It to die out before ha could begin to tell his neighbors bow glad hs was to be at homo sgnJB. j. . . i "Neighbors.- friends.' sbinmatM. he called' tham, aad they answered him both la his present waa issued tut the aorrespoadents were),:: " " '".V 7 "V I . eeiaauaeef or ths Kerry authorized to say that-the German dele-1 d -.. . i.j . ;S,j t r I " r V r"vrVJ :mrlZCJ . r. eof U every way to orderly naaieoavor to aoabanin. this eounrr. BmL bJUgatioa, bat-my act, savings bars . beea nt ligism. - "I ahall J seams the practice of lam ' This is my praftasiew aad the ealy aae ia which I feel aqnifped to auks enb staatial oarxdngs. I ahall aadea;ver to partkitiata ia tha prate with my firm ia Waahiagtoa. N, C I may alas state that I shall maintain, aa aflSea ia Washington, D. C, for tae vractica af ay -prefeaaiam aad will ba leeated la -Biitm 90, mlnmrf bsuldiag..XBMrage fCMt'aawd Cm rfe Tww) with whom ho has aot mingled muehi for some time. Ha-told theaa something! or-tns uuags that ha had aeea, of the great rveats that had happened la -which hs had soms part-He told them that iaapiratiea1 for Whatever ba aad ac complished bad tome from ths spirit ef hit ewa people, which he had eadesvor- imim 7,.,, mmm wcy gaveiBo played - ' j ' 1 r veica to tseir admiratioa ta the bunt I -It waa aet withoat wreaek of' the of applaasa that foUcrwed Ue ever J heart Uat I left f rieade af eight years, ' ' , " otrrI or-lbt my heart has sver beea here. Uj - - ir wrrmvwxrm arrtrart.l mmmm and I'r. ;ark was anwiLisg to stoet.: I . iCeetfnoed Os) Paga Twek'.. Tha Orehaatra "111 PaaatTe earieaity tnrhed almost in-i staatry late charmed attoatioa. Tkirtr-I five) pieces strong, aad with Fred Stark , OBBductiBg, Us arehestra swnag-iaro ths I miaor opeaiag xecasaree -of -the. Bay- mtma- vrrertara. zoaurui as u ia, I the sjrehestra wwa itself five theaaaad I a formal 1 autnonty s , msaa a reply kwfll, prceedura aad met tha employee ardar afterVo7m7oVr.l Comm w,i to -ths. aiumatuns. Th. .r ear- aad thrir national anio. leader, 'ia SS Ir-'tZ'S'Z S T" lam .bubbtobuobs nspKusx inw lermsi. j:sr,, . tt, ,i 1 - ...... . - -r At Bavment but the T aurreatioaa w.ral ' 7. jT- I Panted M m vert. gate the recent aheot- r ' ' . . - . 1 utur eminhsUaiB '-u uirt tiuifTvai , MiieMm t .ii incomplete tnat tbs allies ware vvrnw-ai. . the Hill s.rf sdis 10 eonsiaer mem as .a oasts xor -us., .u ,h. .nH,..l r tm.i, hiMl ra,. u.. a , w. v-j.-a ttrpTe-. cou.cn wiu -b-;u s?jr at 10:30 o clock tomorrow morning Ue I ii.j ui :tfc, 4nin L.i. V.,. l.i w.v . n , Gamasa beihr summoned to tmsr ai - -'-": - T . I -t yy-v ..,,." 1 . , Tlino nsnsai piuMwa. v . 1 1 aaoiner ameer aa two prrvsies were m--m . -M ,i.v - A 1. ..I kill mmm TknMI lt..l, , .1.. TWO CABINET' MEETINGS HtXD - li. ha heariaar before Ue labor board. I eatral news today. Tba eoavoy eoa- r ' ' -TO DISCUSS INSTRUCTION tha atatomeat eoBtinnaa. havs ths em-1 sisted af fire a ait, lorries aad Berlin;- March 6-It is semi-effleiallyl nloTaa a Ueir anioa repraseatatiyee annoancaa was anor aanag raeeirea a Isvsr met the lams squarely er sag report from Ue German delgatioB tolgostod tha possibility ef aegotiating a tbs reparations eonfereaes in Lieadoa I sura aeeeptablo basis of redaetioa thaa two eablast aaeettags wera-aeid Ban-1 that arsssBted. aotwitastaadiag tae day.- eBtweea theaa meetiags Uers was I fact that they bars never ewastioaed. 0 eonfeTenee-wita the sxperas. 'Aa a I hat have adsuttod freely Us sea tea armored car. .The first two ears of ' the convoy were blown up by a mine aad a fierce Sght, which lasted a hoar ensued. cording to- Ue dispatch Ejghl armored ears anaaaged to roach Kantark, from Jlhieh place reiaforeameats were aeat remit ef the deliberations infractions I Uoaa af Ue railroad af its inability I to tha scene of the i ambush. Ths attack- were aent to tha German delegation for to mac Ita opera tiag azpesaes by sm lag party escaped into us aula. ass ia Moadsy'sbegotiationa. . ImiUloa dollars per year." NOT A WHO, TURNS. OX TIB I A. B. At A. DURING DAT. Beawrta Blg .T Wiastoa-Salem, March , $. Wiastea- Ralraa is raaaiae? eUsr cities iat Ua United States a rlooe raea for diattaoJ ritsveraid, Oa- March Not a wheal ties ss Us world's rreatoet- leaf . I tamed ea Ue A, B. and A. railroad baero market This eity has sold 871 today, nor haa Uera beea aay effott 'te VAflOQ 'oanda . ting ar Una sesaonv'xesaaaa eperatioa. DnbUa, Mar. . Ths belief Is general here that the - ambush ia Cwabaaia Satarday hi -which General Gumming wss killed was prepared for Major Gen eral . BtrkkJaad, eommaader of the Crown ..forces , is) Muaster. General Stricklaad was supposed to ba returaiag to Cork yesterday from Trale-a, Two fevered days rsmaia ef Us . agreed spaa of life ef Ue 1921 aeasioa ef the General Assembly before ad- jourament will be taken some time 4 , sfter midnight tomorrow Bight, two ' ' dsys in which to pass finally opea some two hundred pieces of legislations ' Is- ' laJhe71propr pjirest dcadifr on uonreaerata ps- . sions, aad ths battls orer moving plo- '. . ' tore censorship set for tonight at ;, o'clock. M Keeping a quorum la the chambers will likely bs the moat difficult business . confronting both branches of Us As- ; sembly. The fate of most of tbs pead 4 f ing legislatioa was written ea tba walls , Saturday, but epnstitutlonar- restraiata ' aspired Saturday, algbt at midalght with Us passing of Ua SOU day of Ue " session,' aad members may soms aad ge . as Ucy will today aad tomorrow. Nor aeed they rote, unless it pleases thsm. But not a great amount of Toting is ' ... ' required for' tbs completion ef the work ia hsnd. Power BUI Uamittled. . ' Although Ue House has spoken its mind, admittedly not firmly spokea, but at that spoken, oa Us matter f power eoatraets, the - question - at the r forefront of such legislative mlads as remained ia the eity yesterday revolved around the probability of aa attempt' to seeurs a ra-eonsidmtloft of the Houss's unfavorable action of Satur day. Proponents of Ua bill mads no ' direct atatement that ouch waa 'their in tention, and decision will likely await v a survey af Us attending membership of tha House UU morning. v:. v . Chs auttas haa erarsllaaawsd-aI. other legislatfoa during ths Concluding days af Ua seaaioa.'. It has forced tha : mach : mooted revaluation act to Ua background, crowded censorship off ths : boards, and left ths Appropriations bill , aa Ue only item on the calendar that can claim any noticeable measure of - popular attention. , Tha apparent dead lock between - the House aad Beaato over the pension section is the only source of interest remaining even ia thnt." Censorship will likely die tonight be fore o'clock. With tbs attrition that it has uadergone daring Ue past 3-1 hours, thi roll call caa hardly muster more than T3 men, and tha withdrawal of a score of the opponents ef tbs measure 'wilt Ieava tba House without' '" quorum to stay la business .with. , These tactics were suggested aa A-pos- x sibls recourse tonight, mors for saving t ths membership the weariness ef long, debate than for avoiding a battle. The opposition' claims 'a 'substantial" " mh-" "- jority sgalnst ths bUL Many Members Leave. Eighty-three members of Ue, House and 32 members of the Senate answer ed the roll when the question- was put Friday as to how many were willing to stny and see Ue session through. Some of the S3, and some of tha 33 have al ready gone home, and others who didn't -sign up . are staying to see what they can sec. Just bow many membetatwlll . . anawer to their names today remains ' t somewhat problematical, but danger of -; not having a quorum available seems -: remote...- - v - Keeping them In ths chamber hi the ' question that must be considered. With " tha expiration of Us limit, all rules . . are off, sad they cannot be haled ia snd caused to vote. The Sergeaat-at-Arme can only invito, and .tba elerk.' . . isn only call (he. names. , Nobody caa mako ; them corns la and nobody caa ,. , , make them wote. It la aa'easy way, of hotdlnre 'whrpprW-lelft Uera are suggestions that such methods sre aot remotely in prospect, ; , , ' Beanto la Bardeaed. ... , I The burden of the remaining work ,- ' lies in Us Senate. - The Senatorial re-. districting bill is pending. Ue Ma- ; ehiaarf Act is pending,' the concur- i re nee inathe appropnatioaa bill is peaa- ' ing, tofeUer with a' vast motley ef ' bills, some of them weeka old, and some ' of - them with' Ua introductory stamp . still fresh oa them. No asw blUs will be offered, , savs by unaaimous eoa- seat. The Beaato may call ap Ue Con stitutional amaadmeat, but Ua House haa already denied tt, aad Uea deeliaed . ' to re-consider' ita dsnial.. It appears ".' permaaently hsleep. . .'. 1 . No more committee meetings will be. held. AH tha work Uat is doas will ba , dons oa the floor,; and that wiUeat , muebr-debate,' aaless Ue Seaate breaks ' into oratory aver Us Ssaatorial ap- portioameata. Coaaidefabls work was ' doas ia' Ue interests ef agree meat yes- 1 ' terday, and It is possibla Uat sailing -will , be" ernootVe'r" 'for Ue ail that was out overboerd dufiaa Ue week. aad. The. lawgivers "are homeeicA and busi- nesa will be business for two days... WUU Boa: Begin Tralng.' ; Waxahsehle, Texas, March I WU- - - Bam ("Kid") Gleasoa aad W ether . Chicaga'Whiu 801 plaryers arrived here -today smd will start Spring training immediately. - Ths sqaad ia made t mostly 'of pitchers aad catchers and ant of these Gleasoa hopes to pick atcu rebuild his team which waa badly disorganised as a result ' of the ! ball seandal. ' Another squad ef s -t to players is expected to srrirs I Tbursdar, C'.eaaon aa.l.