t. rug wutuZ . ( W . ' JttX Tuesday Wadaesdsy efver VATOl LAtLL" a year paper. HHttl r Sr before . ! order . id mieslng a 'in epr . . . 'mm pertly Wod eeetiad -YDLLCXIILNOZ. -SIXTEEN.EAGELTQDAY1. . RALEIGH, N. G, TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 8. 1921. SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS 1 '. tm TV .'V " 1 V"- Obs i : 11 inie News it : .'A i r I I: MOREHEAD FIXES OLD GUARD SLATE FOR BEST.OFFICES National Committeeman From lfAr4k PamIIr Um4. In1 ' nviui vaiviuiaj naiiuo nt f 1 His Ust of Names t BUTLER NOT CONSULTED :AND HENCE HE'S PEEVED ' 1 ZUaei Prevented former Be. public an Senator From. At. J, tending Xaangnratjon and ilforehead ftidn't Bothtr To ,Se Him; Mast Look After ' j EditorXawyer Britt X The Nwe and Observer Bureea, 003 District NatioBal Bank'Bldg. By JOE TBAIIR. (Br Special Leased Wire.) Washlartoa. March 7. Tha Xartk Carolina political pi is aboat ready to L. ilia faithful. Tha irw uvmwvw mmirm - 1 . . iv-i-j i jrw.f I - pieeco hit oeen raoeieu vj iianuMmi I I. .. . , . i m -.mJJZ L Rur in nre,iJieard at tiaWaia.WBru'W,'C4r nVTIW " ' ' !tVW Im WT!. rr : v " mmw laalm roam., REVOLUTIONISTS , ATTACK PETROCRAD Helnlngors, Fin hand. Mar. 7. (By The Associated Press) The revolutionaries art bombarding Petrograd and Soviet, batteries at Sys terlek, Relvonnia, and Tar boka are bombarding Kron- stadt, says a dispatch from Viborg -received here. The fortress at Krasnojra Korko, the dispatch adds, is Earticipating in the fight, ut, owing to the fog it is hot known on which side. It is stated that General Koilovski. the Rebel leader, sent an oltimatum Friday ordering all Communists to leave Petrograd within three days, failing which the city would be bombarded. Stockholm. March 7. Trotzky, the Soviet war minister is commanding the Soviet forces fighting against the revolutionaries around Petrograd,' according to a message from - Helsingfors. The general bombardment continues, GENERAL WOOD TO . SU PHILIPPINE ISLANDS PROBLEM Former" Candidale For Presi cency Detailed For Mission at Request of Harding WILL BE RELIEVED OF ARMY. COMMAND SOCfl formally Entrusted With Mis. sioa at Conference , With President and The Secretary of War: Original Intention WascTo Bend General There As Oovernor General' Waahington, Marre T. Major General Leonard Wood haa beea detailed at tha requett of Preeideat Harding to g u tb Philippine talaada aad ataaa a atady of eoadlUona there ia the light ( Philippine aapirationa for independent. The aiiaalon araa formally tntrntted to General Wood at a eonfbrene today between ' him aad the Praidnt at which Secretary Weeka of the War Do trlrt L B. Tucker. Whiterille. United SUtee Attorney, Weatera V ' trlrt Frank Linaey, Bone. United Stnte Marahal, Eaatera Dlr trfrt J. D. rarker, fimithfleld. , Uititod Statea Marahal, .Weatern Die- . . t . 1 x T I J irri DTOwniow tfauaua, wounoiw f Till. ,- Collector ut Internal Be eno Gil lian Griaaom. f .Graaboro. Aeeordlnar to information gained to- -dar. thia list waa ntnde ap and ghri v the aporoTal of Committacman More- ' head wnil he waa ia Waahington for th Harding inaugural laat week, and Jwaa "handed In." Ia da time the . reepeetir appointments may be i pected to be mad.' i : No Farther Arraageaaata. Thie eeoia to be about aa far a the Tar Heel pie diapenaera hara been able to go aa yet. There ar ao many vBlaeea to be banded ont and men a myriad of kangry'pie hnntera that only the beat juba can be gten ttentionj for the tiaje being.- Ia due time, the poatmaaterahlp will M taaoa- np ana - the parcalinr proceea will continue. Ia ' thia connection it may be obaerred, bow. wr, that it aeema to be pretty well a Hie. that Vaa.HiU wUl get the Aane--vllle poatofflee, or at leaat can hav It if he wriabea, , and that VcKlnley Pritehard. of AaiewUe, eon of Judge Jeter Pritehard, Will get the appoint GOVERNOR SEEKS RETURN TO OLD BOARD SYSTEM Would Abolish Joint Directo rates, Building Commission v and State Architect SENATE PASSES BILLS AT NIGHT SESSION Matters Are Brought ' Before Oeneral Assembly By Oov ernor Morrison In Special Message Delivered Before Joint Session; Some. Opposi tion Develops ALLIED TROOPS ONCE MORE MARCHING INTO GERMANY; NEGOTIATIONS BROKEN OFF -V By recorded Tot of SI to It the Reaate laat night paaaed three bill em bodying roeomhieadatioB made to the Geaeral Aaaembly earlier la the day by Gorernor Cameron hforriaoa ia a ape eial meaanga. Oolleetirely the meaeure proride for a retnra to the old nya tern of indiridunl directorate of State Hoapitala, the diaaolutioa of the co- opera tire parehaalng department nnd bolrfioa ml the State Architect stadtis being bombarded of several torts, and the Kras noya Korka fortress is also firing, presumably against Krpnstadt, which is answer ing powerfully. HH GEORGE VV. TO PASSES II 'J DURHAM Li 1 the fcolrtioav of the BtaU Penalties To Be Visited Upon German v For Failure To Agree To Allies' Conditions London, March ,7. (By the Associated ' Press.) Application of the penalties upon Germany for non-fulfillment of her reparations requirements were announced to the Germans last Thursday by Mr. Lloyd George; They are: Occupation of the cities of Duisburg, Duesaeldorf and Ruhrort, in the German industrial, area beyond the Rhine, by troops of the Allies. " ' Imposition by each allied country; of such a tax upon German imports as it may deem fitting. The establishment of a customtfHtoundary under allied control along the Rhine. NO EXTRA SESSION BEFORE APRIL 4TH Prominent Capitalist and Phi anthroDist Had Been se riously III For Tear - Durham, Itarek T--Georfe Wanking- tow watta, Durham millionaire eapi- taliat and pbilanthropiat, died at hi home here thia moraing at 10 US o'clock following an Ulnae which dated from March, 1920, and ia the eourae or wniea be underwent erecal blood, trenafuiiona and operationa. Mr. Watto would . haT boom 70 ream old ia. AnguaL Hln Ufa waa a. riaoreua oh, aad an sient aa naairhint United Btathe Atewui v.- -ipjo ho wna-tmaarkablr - aey Xor weatera ciatnei. out.De- ewthftrl-aiid active for hli age. ' He Us fii.PWdf' tt! UJ4 Mareb, JBSO, wbieh apparently i-paJr far, ia noh Jihaly to . any great nod- j -BoraUo. Hi condition waa an - Sl&MW&t l' preC.C iatiy Vprod a Z a fw im In racall a, itatamant trrl '"" "F "t-"' State Chairmaa Llnney, made while he, - waa in Waahingtoa to c Mr. - Harding innnnrated. that he waa much more in- teretted ia aocing noma reform in. eloe tion lawi broogbt about than he waa ia atteaded the World Sunday School Con Tentioa. Upon .hie return hi health agaia'-bgBB deelin aad ia March he had a aerere eollapae, followed by bemorrhag of the atomaen. 'B atony poliiical patronage.. It waa about the time I aeh trouble wan pronounced incurable, ana rapidly aappea away ma -remain lag atrength. . ' Mr. Watt wat twice married, and ramrod By hi eeeoad wife, who waa Mi Sara Y. Xcker, of Syraeuae, N. x. He leave one child, a daughter by hi Bret wife. Mr. Joha Bprunt Hill.-ot that Mr. Xinney waa ao'intenaTy in- te rested la elect ioa reform that' hia . name waa being handed in with trthert, a tha pi elate. .- Bather Not CWaaatteaU : , It ii of farther intereat to obaerre that former Senator Marioa Butler, waa - . i urn wue, ..Aire, yonn oprani, aui, -oi not eonaulted ft the matter of pie fori Dnrham-There are three gramdehll v theTiorth Carolina patriot. Mr. Batter aa oeea eonnaea to ai naaningion , . horn with illaeaa for aareral day, and waa aot able to get out eren to o the Inaugural. Whil Mr. Butler wa thua - eonSned, tte other North arolina G. r O. P. leader were preparing and baS3 ing in their Wat. . It ia not aatu ' factory to Mr. Butler, at leaat not a a . whole. , He aaid today that the elate ho haa heard haa bean mada an and handed ia by MAV Moehead ia aUa- dren. George Wait Hill, age 19; Laura Vallna Hill, age 16, and France Hill, age 12. The deeaeed alio lea Tea brother, Jamea H. Watta, of Baltimore, and a aiatar, Mra. Charlra B. King, of Charlotte. , Fuaeral aerrieee win be held Wednes day afternoon at the home oa Duke itreet. Dr. Darid H. Seanlon, pastor of the Kret-Freebyteriaa ehnrch; Dr. W. W. Moore, of Union Seminary, Blah- factory ti him ia some instance nnd moad, Va, and Dr. K. B. loyburn, of . ia unaatiaraotory in, other that there are aoaie names thereon) he would aot -hae written ia had it beea left with k. hiow but declined to say which of these .asms he woold bar omitted, or why.,, Thia elate ian't guaranteed to b un breakable, aad there la yet time for it to be broken. But it ia today (late, d it will mot be apt to undergone ny change without th okek of Joha 'Mot ley Morehead; - It wjU-Suit one'wlng . 1L V, .l n ilL r S , a , . , oi u ngiu wiuuw u. u. dui u - in"l Mtiaf aetory whole : t - Mr. ' i atler and hi follower, and there i utsappmntmeat tbat -may lead " to Borne, Ga.,' a former pastor tf the Virst Preibrteriaa ehureh, will officiate. Interment will, take place at 'Maple wood oemetery. Other funeral arrange mants will be announced tomorrow. Mr Watt waa bora August 18, 1851, ia Cumberland, Md the son of Gerald 8. aad Aaaie E. Watta. , He was a grad uatetof the University' of Virginia and begaa hi baaiaea career ia hi father! tobaecof bnalne' at Baltlmora. later associated "himself with: the Dnkee la Dorhaa aad grew to be reomaaad; Ug, HaTW ia -the great Duka. tobacoo lateresta,. He waa also aseoeiated with the l rwia Cotton MUla, f Darhasa, . plaaaanraeaa. . Uf ourae. Demoerats hat ta aee tha haagry G. Ol X-lllZ2EZT fJZrtZZl haatera fall, out aad flht. bTt thal"01- "" ."'Aet!wn rirtor belong the broils.' mahs the Geaeral Gorernor of the Ielandi. Ia making the original offer of the Philippine goreraorahip to General Wood, ;Mr. Harding ia anderatood te hare beea moved primarily by a deaire ot Obtain fall Information about the detaila of Philippine conditiona. It ia believed that . General Wood himself maVds the suggestion that he could eon duet the inquirymoro effectively by retaining hia rank la the army thaa by leering it to accept a civil appointment aa Gorernor, Today' deeiaioa waa announced by Secretary Weeka, who leaned thie state ment it the Whit House after leaving the - conference room "The President I not unmindful of the change of policy recommended by hi predeeeaaor In dealing with th Philippine. 'H ia anxioua to oettl definitely our policy and haa aakd Gen ral Wood., beea use of hia extended ex perienee there, to go to he Island and npon soBQuiwi mm urn mmj muu vucai. ; It' waa aaid that the time of General Wood's departure and the length of hi Stay ia the Iaiaad had aot Nea axes. (Osutlaaed ' Pago Tw' ETHEL BARRJMORE NOT v ' UVING WITH HUSBAND Counsel Yor Tamous American Actress Confirms Report ' ' of SeparaUoa ; New York, March 7 Counael for Ethel Barrymhre. fnm on American e treaa, ( today conortnad report raai an had separated from her hatband, Bua- tell G. Colt. - - -:a Ia a rformal . announcement William Nelsoa Cromwell declared that a sepa ration ' agreement had beea executed by the Celts who nowhere tiring apart U sTOwrdanee,' wiu its terms, auaa Barrymore retains tha sole cuatody of their , throe children but proviaioa is mado for thsir father riaiting them. Ia eonfirmiiig . report of th ee- trangemeat th attoraey aaid eueh" ac tion aeemed wiae in order to "clear 'the atmosphere' of ramors. Miaa Barrymore- -the statement eoa tin aad, haa virtually recovered from the surgical operationa upon her Angers ad tonaila performed a Cincinnati aad in New York. . Several weeka age he abandoned a ' road tour ia De- elaeee" and entered a hospital ia Cin cinnati. ' ' . . She wat brought to this eity by her uncle, Joha Drew, aad "Tamota of do- mea tie trouble thea became more frequent.'- . s j" . "' . Toda Miaa Barrymore wa removed from her boapital room here to the hotel whero-Mr. Drew, resides. She im mediately will begia preparatiot to play opposite bet brother Joha ia S drama be produced in Mew, York eooa. . " ' MmdsMnCOhofesi " RESERVATION TO JAPAN'S MANDATE V " hvnrocclu Cttnitlo'avf TKt I nnanono:7aanese' acnger. The meaaoree providing for a eegre- rat ioa of the bo&rda T directors of the State RnapiUla for the Inaane and the I Waahington, March 8. Preaident I , WaaTiiagton,' March 7. ' (By The Caswell Training Bcaool and for tne dis- Harding announeea eny toaay " ioetea preaa.) JaDaa aeceDted department swept through without any be called aot before April 4 and might opposition, but Senatora MeCoia and be a week later. Tee announcement wna mane aner a At the Meadenhall lodged vlgoroua Nproteete against" abollahlng the BuUding- Com mhwioa and th Stat Architect Senator McCoin, who waa a member of the serect committee appointed to iarCstigate th Building Commioaien aad the State Architect aaaerted that the head of every State inatitutioa aa well as Joha Bprunt Hill, "the prosecu tor," testified at the hearings that ia their oolnlon th BuUding Commisaion aad tha Stat Architect abould be re tained and that the principle waa abeo lately sound. Among those he quoted were Dr. H. W. Chase, prealdent of the North .Carolina; Dr. w. White- Hotne dinner which Republican loaders of tha Senate and House at tended.. The conference lasted for four houra and the President aaid the legia latire program had beea dieeussod. The President aaid thia waa the be ginning Of a program of co-operation. Varioaa aubjecta were diaeuased, he added, in an attempt to ascertain th most important to be takes up by the next Congraaa. . Preeideat Sees Carreepoadeaia, After the egafoTcnce had brokea ap a Ad hi guest had departed, the Presi mandate for former German .oasea lona ia the Pacific north of the Eg.au tor, including tha isbvnd of Yap, with tha reeervation 'that Jspsnese eitixena ahould aot be anbjeeted "to a discrim inatory and diasdrantageoss . treat ment" ia other mandated territories. This waa diaeloaed ia tha eomple'e text of th njendate granted Japha.by the League of Nation whieh waa ob talned today at the 8tate Department The reservation stipulated . by Japaa wa aimilar to or advanced by the American government in refer!.' to Meaopotomia ia it recent note to the League of Natlona ia whieh execution also wa taken to th declaration ia the German Delegation Present Alternate Indemnity Plan ' Which Allied Council Re- fuses To Accept PREMIER LLOYD GEORGE DELIVERS JUDGMENT IN SPIRIT OF CALMNESS British Prime Minister Tore. . v closed Allied Ultimatum Ap. patently With Reluctance; feeling In Kngland One of Relief, Wot of Enthusiasm; Germans Wanted To Retain Upper Silesia and WorldT, '. Wide Freedom of German Trade; French Army Win . Form Balk of Forces For , ' The New March Into Ger many; Conference Breaks ' Up 'TWwWr..irar1waT-'. if-,. aj-as;e;'ywS,JUaji t..t.;jl iated PreaO Germany H1I appeal te the Laagas ft Natloaa agaiaet the aetloa of the Allies la Imposing peaaHlas for aoatafalSllmoat ef her reparations ehllgstleaa. Dr. Slmona la hU reply toMr. Lloyd George said t . Garataay Is aot a msaahar of the Lea gee of Notions bat ah haa . algped the pact of the league, aad I therefore annoeaeo la the name of ." the Gormea gorerameat ea appeal .t to Uo aaaembly of the Leegae of . -Natloaa hgniaat the Oaaettoa with which wo are saeaaeed.' - 4 TJniveraitr of n BMitirk. Briieldant of Btato Collea:: Dr. J. L Ponst oreaideat of the North pdper eorreapoadeata, abut 50 of whom vareuna uouege ior women, m imi. a" , , asaea nooox ueapeeiai session, President said j V dnt came out en the front portico of ?Z. "T a" ""'VT" ,B the White Hon. to talk to the aew "!!rirh-.? f""" tw" the it Albert Aadersoa, Superintendent of the SUto Hoapital at Baleigh. Waata Knpert Comaalaatea. He ins ia ted that the heed of these inatitutiona were teehaieal mea aad aot KmIM.m .n aka a nkfn Mia amonnt of moaey weald ha aared teNtho State rrara ior ue aeaa.on, 'vvwere I t .It .f It hanaia anaralkma bo aa. to determine which Wa the rial trJCted to aa otMrt eommisaioa. 8en-f basiaea for Congreai whether it "I can only saV to you that It will aot be 'earlier thaa April 4 aad night possibly be a week later. ' W AIM .4HmaaA latAlu i tryiag pre ator Maadsahail .poke along th emergeaejr tariff logislatloa or l!rJi linae, asssrtlar Ua7 the -adMatagaef ??2 '" ednlee. m& en. uoarmio-ovaa.-b of "f"" '' n lL madlleif eass ia - purchasing, i la Jo self abuadaat Jaatifleatioa for the ex- iatenao of the Conuniaaioa. , f , 8eneior varser made a brief reply to 'the Senator from Vance; stressing the fact that the fond of W,7,(J0 waa ap propriated, ta the institution, on th distinct -anderetanding that. the sis of future aDoroDriatioae ia to be eentinr gent oa the efficiency with which this amount I expended. He also- aaaerted that every member of the Building Commiaaioa, with the sol exeeptioa of ene member, James H. Bridgera, of Hendersoa, Secretary, hare either re sigaed or aaaoaaeed their Inability to eerve aadlhat a competent and efficient building commiaaioa could not be w- eared to rvo withoufpay. ' Be plead ed for the , authority to be vested, la the trustee 'of the institutions, upon whom th responsibility must rest aad who are meet in teres ted. Senator Lam beth made the point that ' the extra $1,000,000 granted ia a compromise, was aot givea for nay apeeiSe purposes aad that the trustee of each, inatitutioa ahould say for what purpose it is to go. Urge Kossedylag. Defects. ther conference after there haa been a canvass of tha committee ia charge of that legislation. It means that in- itead of going into a aessioa of Con- great without knowing whither we are going, we ar trying to eanraa th whole (ituation had arrir at a pro gram. ' SmIiU a VmmIIm ' Thi ia th beginning of the pro-11" f required for any nm nf tiuunilM K.tw. ).. Pm.1. I modification of it tormat dent and Congree. It ia aa early step Th eoaaell of the Leaga ia it re in th fulfillment of what I believe the I Mnl "P1 Ain'rieaa aoto eoa- the principal allied and associated powra.' -, A arnica Not a Party -- The TJaiUd States haa maintained that it waa never a party to th agret meat by whhih -Yap wa eonfexrad upoa Japaa and it haa alee inaiated upoa equal en jmercial oppoftnaitie fer all Nationals ia the nsaadated territories. Jayaa'a eon ten ties for equal oppor tunities ia understood to. apply par- tjcuuriy to te auaeated torrftorie the Equator- ia the Pacifis .... Beside the, mat of freedom ,,nlr to Vatioaahi of atatee member of th Laagu of Nation for th proaseutlon of tnair eslllng aa miaaionaries ia th auadatod territory, the text of the mandate ia tk opinion of officials, is of particular intereat to the United SUtee la thai it-apeelf ieally proride that the eonaeat of the eouieil of th best policy of conducting the govern-j ment, bringing - the fellow together and getting them acquainted with ether' new.-7 earning the awar cf Yap to Japan iwm tnat uis r as av question which would hare to be settled betweea the principal allied aad associated powers, Th Prealdont aaid -army and aaty ot th lamgue was oaly matter Had oaly beea diaeuased "very I umiitriifo.one. easually." Th failure of the appro priation win nad been referred to, he aaid, ia considering what the special sesaioa would hare to handle. Batifleatioa of the Colombiaa treaty waa mentioned, the President said, but hs indicated that there had been ne de eiaioa. This treaty,, by 'which ( the United States would pay 125,000100 to uoiombia for the partitioning of Th. 3aeJnnterel by -ylng I fc-fii rf'S A.t. I. k. .t.m M,,H nuauona eommit- Pail Power of Administration. Following the preamble and the defi nition of he boundaries of th mandate th text la as follow: . "Th mandatory . shall - hare full power of admlniatrattoa aad legialatioa orer the territory eubjoet to the present mandate es'aa integral portion of the empire cf Japan, and may apply the law of the Empire of Jsnaa to th territory subject to such local modifi eationa aa eircumataneeai may require. The mandatory ahall promote to the Oppoaition to the rs-anaetraent of thentnl0 the material ajid moral well-be- London, March 7. (By the Aseoeiated Presi.) Th aegotlatlona orer th Ger man indemnity were brokea today; ac- -. tloa cornea tomorrow with th march . of French, British and Belgian coldler Into Germany and th aeeupatioa of a '. large section of her richest maaufac taring country. . Even bow th allied troop arc oa the more, for a lata Berlin dupateh say that French troepe ' who will oeeupy Daesssldorf have ad vanced to withla six mil of that eity. " The allied ultimatum wa foreeloosd apparently with reluctance by the Brit- ' lab prim minister. The French do aot appear regret ral, while the Gsrmaaa left Laaeastsr Heusc, where the confer eness hara beea held, plainly expressed to take their trail for homo tomorrow. ' ' . Ptaosal Alternate Plan. Two long aittiag f the ofreaee : threshed out the final ' brk beiore ' Marahal Foeh aad Fislj. Marahal Wiisen wretc telegram ordering the corn, manderc at the front to eseeut the ' orders already circa to them. Dr. Simons, th Garman foreign secretary, . -presented aa alteraat plaa, whrby Germany agreed to pay the aaanitiss -for th first firs years demanded la the Paris plaa, and also th quivalent of the proposed IS per cent tax oa expert, ' but dung to the condition for th retenUo of Upper Silesia 'aad world wide freedom of German trade. Mr. Uoyd-George, delivering Judff.' mAa Crt , V . Ill r j ax m deplored the necessity of the decision while Dr.' Simons clung to the last to the contention that the Paxia demtfasb wr Imposiibls for Germany to f Willi. Th allies regarded th German eourae aa strategy for' delay, and tha latef F'aa a one whereby the whole treaty ' would have to be reconsidered and d- bated after fir yer, whea Germany - . Blight hold. a nan fainnliU Maifina Dr. eVnon finally asked for further , i Urn in which to consult the German cabinet. This wat denied. Freatck To Paraiah Tii,is. The French army will furalah . the . bulk of the forces for the new march into Germany. Great Britain's m. (Cm tinned ao Pege foveas ft'. Mast Look After BrHt? ' J.,. Britt, tke erstwhile Ashevfllc editor and oace Aaaiataat Poatmaater General,' utt ala be taken care ot. For the time being, Mr, Britfo ohjee- ceraa. He wa a director of the Sea board Air' Line Bairway. the Beimbli Iroa aad Steel Company amd) the Ylr gima-GnroIiaa Chemical Campaay. H waa a great church aad Suaday eehotol worker, and sns of the grsatest tircic the office ha o'nee held, Third Ae-1 philanthropist North Carolina ha pro , aistant Poatmaater General, bat hia ultimata objeetire ia aid .to : be the Judicial oataoweldJJjigaJi C Pntcaard mt .AhelTl. . ; Defer Date for Toar.. - f V .Xepreaeatative Baseom Slemp hardc- ferred flxiag the date for himeelf aad . associate mem bens of , the Bepablieaa NaUoaal committee ; to begia their 8oatherataair ' anta President Hard ' ing fixes the data for the extra eeo- imi of rjoagreaa. t Tnat ue rresidoat is expected to do at tha Whit Hons . diaasr aadcaafereace with leading . Bepablieaa - Seaator aad Beprsosnta tiros tonight The date la expected Ha ' be April 4, aad Mr.' Slemp said today that if that proved to be the date, he end hia associate eoaunittse weald trek Southward aboat March VK. - Hi. Slema aaid his- miaaiea waa t took orqr the Boath ae a field for the cultivaboa of the lateresta of. the Xe- publieaa party, aad to hold hearing! preliminary to makiag reeommeadatio to the aatioaal oommitte oa the pro posed rodaetiea ff representarioa of Southern states ia the national eaa ventiems of the XepnbUeea party. He deaied that aha paopoeal to redoes (CeoHewed Oa Pago Two) dused. Hs gave Durham toe aew Watt Hospital with building wsrth SO0.0OO, endowing it with a half millioa airir wjl largely tafangrafforts that th aew Presbyterian church waa hailt Hs waa actively engaged ia foV- lga mieaioa work aad persoaally op-. ported toa miaeioa ia.Koreav tws ia Cuba amd aa ia Africa, eaariag, aom year age, the permanent eupport of those miasioaa by proridlng aa endow .meat of aaveral handrod thouaaad dol- He wa a large eoatribntor to eollegea aad oehoolSL hia largeat beiag to Uatoa Semlaary, at Biehnrand, Va Daaidooa College, flora atacdoaald aad Agnes Seott colleges. Mr. Watta waa well loved by all wh haew him aad respected by.. Durham, people aa a maa . wheat that wossamloa of wealth had ha ao way affected. . Ha weed hia moaey for the good of ether. Hi going refrettcd by iaasmerabis rnenas. Georaoramerea Morriooa yester day eeat toe feUowiag telegram to Mra. George W. Watts:' "Doepry aympaihiaa wish you ta year fTee loss. The Stat has hast us sf its grwata-4 aad aobleat assw. H wa my friend aad I loved kirn." Summary dsfsat. ws meted out to the moving picture censorship bill la th -Sou ,Iact.-t aighiwh'cau theharr motioa to lay messare oa the tabl was arriod by a rota of 5 to SST A moment later. Murphy, of Bowaa, leader of1he opposition mad it . death ' permanent whea -. hia motioa to . reconsider wa ererwhelmed by a - torrent of , aegntirast votes, . The whew bat tle lasted leas thaa 10 minute. : . Thronged gallerie and a lobby crowd that overran the aiala almost to the TaSt 6f the SpeaHf staad ers lag for the bottle dee to break at alock. Matthew of Bertiav leader for -to, mesaurs, - has .. arranged hi apeakar. aad Murbkr had screed with Vim - about the divisioa f time. - The tg m ready aad the masosd specta tors wslting bresthleae for the riao of the cartaia. - . : - - l " Pharr Serlsis thaadarWH. Pharr claimed reeogaitioa aad dcclia- cd U yield to Matthews bat ths asaaor ahlp. leader told him anyhow Ut th de tail of time aad speaker, had beea fixed. Bat Mr. Pharr had something alas -oa ais mind. He talkad for moment aboat kow pressed wss the Hows fer time, aad like a Unndsrbolt, moved to table tke bin. ThOsPronoaoat ar ue out were tbaadsrstrucs. p reeeatative Doaghtoa' face meat white for the first time ia the session. Tha roU was caned, aad the fight waa over. Boa changed hia rota before the result was aaaoaaeed, bat aocing th oselows fight, wasted to knr back to the Side of the ceasor. Great pro tasted agaiaet H. bwt hi point wee aot sustained. Mr. P-e 'voted throe times, be easily remedied without abolishing Coiaamrted th.ti.ta met Saturdv wM be daly rga Goveraor Morriooa waa, hearUly la ""..""r o'Wcritr with the . favor a bill pe.diag in the Houae, ZTWSA '""l:?."0' " ..n ai. 1. "a ? tat"t Trlff Sltaatloa "Meddled." lavad ia prohibited and thai no Amtrieaa government's attitude toward Chairman Fordney of the House foreerl.bor ie permitted,, sxoepf for the new enterpafse. . - Way aad Meaaa committee, wa ssid wasatial pubU work and services, aad Gsasral feeling ia England appear Y to have lafi before the conference hi adeqnata rcmuaerntioa. to be one of reUef, without aathuaUam. pUna for tariff revision and the pro- Th uandatory hJ1 J at ths Tho prime minister explained the poei- pceal to re-CMet the Payae-Aldrich Uw J"",1 " "d mmunitioa- is eon- tloa in the House of Commons tonight mt-wlth-aom oppOdUoa' from Seaa- ,i'?wi,il, Peh, ia ;whWfctherawaaa-- tors present. - - i 1 iialogou te thoac laJdf dowa in tho eon- note of jubilation. The majority of - On member of th-Hoa saldrtt i0f conirotor, jne i tngias nowspspsr ksre takea the view .- 1.1 su wa inav jv, i uivi ue most important point involved imrarta W-eoavMitlea a cnies should ttaad together, "wv """-a -" i wmi u x renen preaa nai rroery voiced . it fecr that Lloyd George might desert . France. A'J reeognised ' that if M. unaaa returned to Pari bearing the lensorsliip Bill Is Defeated oao against menaorsh ip anX twiiae lot 1 legislatjv situatioa ia so far as it nf- ti.ll . TtmAm mmA Via wMa hat I ttkf.tMA- tariff vavlaiAa waa mmm I . th Marphy ctraUgy killed th rain of it. Th Hoaao ha eonaldsroil a avove to reeoasidor, aad voted it dwa The ccasorship fight hi aver. - '',v- Vote em-Csaaieahlaw Following ia aha veto ea th Pharr motioa to lay the ecnaorahlp bill ea the .tablet ', -.v'"-' Ayes Be IL Bellamy, Browa,. Bowia Bunch, Chrietopher, . Connor, Cougho aour, Cox, (Map, Dardaa, Fiihar, 'Ful ler, Gibhe, Grady, Graham, of Orania, Oraai;HaJr;Hamtttoat aadraua, Hca- dricka, HilL Johnston of Faadr. Lane. Lee, MeArthar, McBec, MeGkee, Mat thews of Mecklenbnrg, Melrin, Moore, Murphy, Nasi. Owea, Pans, Pharr, Shaw, Basin, Taylor of - Vance, , , Towmsoad,' Wolta, Wright aa Zeaag. - Total. 43. Noes Speak sr Grier, Aaatia. Barae of Hertford, Barae of Johnston. Black welder, Bolton, Bart. ClemeaL dins. uoMcaaa, ioxa, vougatoa, Everett, of Durham, Exxell, Foaataia, Gaston, Gst Uag'. Gday, Xiag. Lswrsaoe. Loach. MeGaire, 'MatUawe of Bertie, Monro, Morrieaa, Paraaa t Pwooa, - Propet, QuiekeL Boss,- Smith of Braaswiek. Smith of Pitt, Speaee, Walker, Ward, wtiiuw, WiHiamaoy- Total, SS.- " To following pelts were aaaoaaeed Morrisotto for, with Watto agaiastt Johnston of Cwrritack for. with Torn pletaa agaiast; Exam for, wits Bara- aili against; Esaley for. with Butt gniists Coffey for, with Byrd agaiast: Bryant tor, with Jeaee against ; Clark' fer, with Williams, agaiast:. Dawaoa w si Whit agauwti Liaacr for.K Xvesett . of Xichatond aaaiast: Baach for with Glover agaiast.; died" to -hi Blind thaa it waa before! the senfsraais. g rsf arrsd oo diffsr-J enees betweea Chairmaa Ferdnsy and Bepreoeatativ Longworth, of Ohio, .a member of the Way aad Mesa com mittee, over tariff rerisioa, but whether tnea were airad at th eoafereneo- waa not made clear. ., . Chairmaa Ford aey wna aaid te have nwaawa aa, eqnauaauoa tariB-piaa to protect American iadhetry, designed to place foreign good ea th America price ef similar Amerlesa goods. Freeidaat Harding mid iatoraaaoaal I affair had aot beea discussed aad some I ef the guest aaid spseifically that thsl adoption of toe Knox resolution to do-1 elare tha etata of war at aa ad-altel aaa set catsrea lata u aisenuion. DINNXK CONFKKBNCB AT WHITS HOCSI LASTS FOUB MOUBSl Washiagtoa.. March 7-Taa I diaasr I eoaforeace tonight betweea President I Harding aad, Bepublieta leader ia th I iioasa proved a leaguy I eaa. The dinner begaa at S e clock aad I throe hoar later the Preeldsat and hi I guests till wer Siiaeaaaing the legia- lativ program for th coming extra- ordiaary session of Congress aad thr i abieeta. It waa axaetlv midaisht iwkaa the! eonfsrsneo Inally broke apv Coagros-1 ional keadereatteading earid it was I igreed 'that Preeideat Harding would I knee a statement s ta ths eoafercaea. Aaaaal Msmh, Full Coarse Btaepk Chase.. Bennisg Basis. Piaeharst, to-1 monow Adv. "tCaaaaaed "Paga7-Twe":-- COSTA RICA WITHDRAWS TROOPS FROM TERRITORY ' Washington, . March T-Ordr have beea lataed by toe Costs , Klcaa , government, for Immediate withdrawal of Its force from tho dlepoted. . territory , , boyead tke advance by Ita fores ea toe PadSc of the Psaama-Qeata Klcaa ' booadarjv Dr. Octavto Boeeho, ' CaMa' Bcaa minister here, tonight laformed the State Department. '. a . Tho hnfermstioa, which was lm parted la a aoto handed to tha. State Departmeat by Dr. Becche, acting oa teatractloa from tho ' Casta Bica aerretary of state fop farelga affair, waa tatorprotod horo ' aa mooting oampletcrpvthe demands of th United States aa embodied, la 'a aoto dmpotched to the Cew '. trsl Americaa aspabrlca laat Sataaw . day by Secretary Haghea. Ne reply eo f ar ao oeeld ho ' :taarad tonlgM bad beea received . by the State Departmeat f root Paa "ama, te whom rWeretary Haghaa aewi a note Meatiest with that traasmltted to Ceata Bare. , . .In Ceata Kiroa gOorjiaMBt ra . ' Itf wrwtr.alwj hrdgod Itself te ew. eoect- th boaadary - Bxed he twoea Wa territory aad taaT of Paaasaa r Chtof Janata White ef the United State Sewrseae CsarV burdens of a eoaraarina ta fl.n,X hia premiership wa doomedL 4 : y t , PBJEMIUr CEORCB EXPLAINS ' - POSITION OF THB ALLIES I - London, March T. Prenriar Lloyd' ' rt i a 7 u-wrgw uv ais speeea aaaonctng that the Germsa proposal were aot accept- . able nidi .-.. eeme to thia aocuioa ia th interest f th peaee of the world, aad. despite ta xsei taat oar actioa i ItabI t a . good ' deal of : miaappreksnsioa ia - ear' ewa countries, w hara made Sa effort te sseurs better andersUndins and it la aot for lack ef effort aad dis eoeaioa that I her asw t aaneaac oa behalf ef tke hlliea thia failur to torn to aay thing like aa apprexiaute , anderstanaiag with Gormaay." . Explainiag why Jh attest prepsaal sf D Bimon were inadtojta, Mr, Lloyd George aaid it was saaeatiej ia tha interest, of too peace ef th world -that ther ahould bo a definite settle- meat of aatotaadiag qassUon betweea x th allies aad Germany. , Gormaay,' th the allies aad aeotrala erred it. That 1 aa appeal to osmmoa ash, t costiaaod. nt la perfectly true that the exportei failing to com to ta agree amat, made om suggestion shoaat trying to agree far fire years. put taat was aot a pisawbieb wa adopted by amy aeafsreaee ef satrs- t'-r aMaaaanas ' (Coattawsfi Oa Pag Tv.J .