The News and! Observer TUB WEAT11EK Lacal ' taiaa Wedaawsa sad ribably TaanoUy; cooler Tkmtmdtf. WATCH LABEL yaur pup. Bmi raaawaj Aft days Safer Iran In erdar te ael4 miimf a Milta copy SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEJGI I, N. WEDNESDAY- MORNING. MARCH 9.-1 921. SLXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: nVE CENTS r REPUBLICANS MAY POSTMASTER T OVEN GUOGER SOON litter "Demanding An Expla nation" Goes Forward To . Ashevllle Postmaster REMOVAL OF CLERK TO BE USED AS THE LEVER pevoorets Kefused To Permit Mill XoHins To Xesifa As itmp Clark; President ' Startles Washington Bj . Xaxninr His FhytieiaB To I Generalship Curtain Descends On Notable Session of General Assembly Fifty Million Dollar Road Bond Bill, Abolition of Property Tax and Furthering of Tax Reform; Senatorial Reappor tionment, Generoua Proviaiont for State Appropriations Feature Seaaion Which Largely Enact. Governor Morrison s First Legislative Program. J The ftws ui Observer Bureau, - 603 District National Bank Bldg. Cr?,. By JOB L. BAKER (By Special Leased Vrt) Waahlagtoa, Hare 8. Th proba MHjr I that tha Aahcville poetoffieo Will b eaa ef tha flrst among tha larger offices of tha country where tha Democratic insambeat will ba ousted. A latter "demanding an explanation haa tfl forward fmm tha Poatoffiea M Asbsvills whisk U probably tha , forerunner to a requeet for hi raaii hetioa. Thar'azpUsatioa tha Poetoffieo Da feertaent of which Will H. Bayi chairman of tha Republican Katioaal hoaunlttoe ia aow tha heed, ia demaad lag from Mr. Gndger ia why ha allowed certain official communications to w pobliahed ia tha aewapapera of Aahe villa. Tha official correspondence re- ' la tad to tha ran oral of Mis Kstheriae BolUns, stamp elark at that office, who area reeeatty discharged oa raoommaa Ratios of postoffles laaptetora whs visited the Ashsville offiaa. Tha of laial '. eorrespoudenee, ohowing tha aaaaa for tha young womaa't removal -. eorreepoadtnee of a aatort calculated ia ha Tary damaging to har character, - was published ia tha Aiherilla pa para. This fae haa baaa brought to tha at' taotioa of tha Poatofflea Department, which quickly wrota Mr. Gudger for aa explanation. Befaaed Parmlaaka to Berfga. It had baaa tha hope of Mias Bolliai' frieade that aha would ba allowed . xeciga, and poeaibly that couraa might lave baaa followed had not tha eorre- apoadeaea ia tha eaaa bean mada public But tha "fat ia ia tha. fire" now and - sot only ia H toe lata for Miaa. Bolliai ie be allowad to reeiga, but tha iafor auetiea la har eaaa, it ia aaderetood hare, haa baaa laid before the United v- States District Attorney, with we pocsi ' bUlty af eoart action being taken. Ia . tha meantime, Mr. Ondger haa beau making aaanuee and with the Bepubli eaa 'admiaittratioa naturally looking ' -" for opportunities to' get rid of Demo erats who are holding dealrable pollti . eat offleaa, it ii aot to be expected that the opportunity to bring charges againit Pottmaatar Ondger, get-rid of him and make room for a Bepoblicaa, will be overlooked. It waa aaid at the Poatoffleo De- partment today that Mr. Oudger'i coarse ia alowing the correspondence la tha ease of Miss Bollina to ba pub lished without official approval would " ba regarded aa "sufficient cause for the removal of any postmaster," and it certainly will be held aa sufficient causa far the removal of a Democrat, wits Bepnblicaaa eager for the lob. Friends and relative! of Mist Bollins, including L. L. Jenkins, late candidate lor Congress in the Tenth North Caro lina district, have been at the Poatoffiea Department agaia this week urging revocation of tha order for Misa Bol lias' removal, ao that she might be per m it ted to resign, bat it is understood that they were told by the assistant Postmaster General whom they inter' - 'Viewed that such a course was now im possible. In view of the fact that the eaaa bag been laid before the District Attorney s office. j Miss Bollins ia said to be with rela tives ia Virginia near Washington. t Simmons Sees Harding. Senator Simmons was a caller at the White House today, where he chatted with President Harding for a few minutes. The visit waa entirely of a personal ' nature, Senator Simmons merely calling to pay hie respects to tha nsw President before going home for ' a short rest. Senator Simmons "plninr-toieeve- for hi htime' -at New Bera tomorrpw jBigkt,and.iwiU..piob.-. ably remain there until the eva of the extra session, which President Hard ing will call for either April 4 or 11. : Senator Overman also plans to go I home for a brief stay, nnd will prob ably go down about the first of - the week. Bepreseatatives Weaver and Btedmaa are also arranging to spend part af tha congressional off seeaoa at home. Both these Congreasraea are ' - moring their offices in the House office building, Bcpreseatatire Wearer-from tha fourth to the fifth floor pad Major ' Stedman, who ia also oa the fourth ' floor, across the hall, going from aa Inner to aa enter room. . Both" earned through seniority mora desirable office than they y have vwnpied daring the . J an term, iney wui go noma aa aooa they hare attended to tha job af mov tnc ...-.. North Carolina friends win be inter J eeted ia tha citation from general ardors ' af the erven th divisioa, preaeated today to Capt. Cranston Williams. Captain ' Williams, formerly a Georgia newspaper man, in aow secretary to Vaited State oemaior urra ox ueern-ia, aaa ana . -aam.ber at friends In North Caratina , and particularly among North Caro- . liniaas ta Waihingtbn. Harding ftaitlea W. There waa eaaiidarable aarpriae ia Waehingtoa thia afteraaoa when R waa made kaowa that Preaideat Harding haa appointed hie family physician. Dr.- C B. Sawyer, af Marion, au personal phy- aiciaa at tha White Heaae, ad iU aak tha Soata tar I sail rat kia appatatmant to tha regalar army with the rank af . brigadier feneral. Tha surpria was -aot Working wearily toward the adjeara meat hoar, members of the General rAssembly last aiafet eonld nevertheless look back ea the work of the peat sixty ilaya and lad la it the satisfaetioa of having written lata the laws of the State their share of new legislation. Fifteen h sad red aad aixty-eevea bills passed across the reading clerk's deek daring the eiity foer .days af session. not quite eovering np records that have been eetebltahed ia former years, bat eomiag very mneh eloaer than tha gea oral expectation of the opening days of the session. A total of 107S aew lawe had paaeed thresh tha office of the ca rolling clerk beture the aaaembly waa gone, aad there are that many aew statutes bow oa the boohs. History ia generous measure waa ma"s ia the thousand bills that won the final aigaature of the presiding officers. Altogether is embraced the moot sweep ing enactments that have beea encom passed by a eeeaioa ia many years, in cluding large part of Governor Mor rison's legislative program. Ia tha words of the Old Tiger from Alleghany, "TM.mMt. notable reopr(J,.oX iiej Wm& -Wrw.?wir naif riea 'here." Aad Mr. Doughtoa served longer than nay member of the adjourning eeeaioa. Governor Morrison last aight expressed heea gratification with tha aueeeea of hie owa program during the first sss- eioa of bis administration and asserted that all measuree which he waa most interested in writing Into the law af the State were enacted. Bead piU Outstanding. Outstanding from the mats of legis lation ia the Doughton-Connor-Bewie road bill, providing fcr the construc tion of 8,000 milee of hardsurfaeed and other dependable types of roads, main taining them, and carrying with it a bond issue of fifty million dollars for construction. Added to this major road bill there are more than 100 localrosd and street improvement bills, with aggregate appro prialioa of upwards of tweaty-Sve muuoa gollars. The road appropriations aad autheriaatioae at the eeeaioa la 76,000,000. Had aot tha road bill beea oaf Solent to give laatiag dlotiaetloa to tha 1021 seesioa of tha Oaaeral i as sin sly, thsre Is tha aompletiea af tha tax reform inaugurated aader Governor Biekett three years ago. Aa equitable eegregatioa ef taxes. divorcing the State from any partial- patioa ia iaeomea derived from prop erty tax aad leaving all such rove aaea for local aea was tha purpose of the evolution ealmlaated la the session adjourning. Thia goal was attained la the Act to Baiae Beveaae, aad snade poslble through the ratifieatloa of the income tax amendment to the coast! tution at the last eleetioa, and a fur ther extending and perfecting ef tat inheritance tax lawn. Na Property Tea. For the first time since North Caro lina assembled a legialatnre la 1780, ao tax was levied oa property for State Tne Kcveaue act provides for ftrwarusTmbsWUSce etc' DRECTS CABINET MEMBERS TO FALL E QUICKLY Must Be No Kicking Because or Changes In Jurisdiction, Harding Tells Them TWO HOUR MEETING NOT PRODUCTIVE OF IDEAS No Withdrawal of American Troops From The Rhine Un der Consideration ; Presi dent Wants The Colombian Treaty Ratified: Cabinet Studies Oerman Situation Washington, Mar. S, Various aspects of the natloBa foreign relations, aa well as problems of administrative vr- ganlxatioa were considered by Preeident Harding and hi department heads to day at the first cabinet meeting of the new administration. Afterward defiaite announcement was made at tha War Department thnt in formulating its policy toward the now considering a withdrawal of us ALLIED SOLDIERS ENTER BIG GERMAN IND IAL CITY While Troops Advance On Foot, French and British Airplanes Fly Overhead MACHINE GUNS PLACED AT STRATEGIC POINTS jfo Opposition Manifested By Inhabitants and No TJntow. - ard Iaoident Occurs ; Anflo. Trench Torces Mass Around Dnesseldorf While, Belgians Cross Into City Doeeeeldorf, March I. (By the As aoeiated Press). French aad British airplaaes flsw ever Dueeseldorf thia afternoon while allied troop with ma chine guns were taking positions oa the tiridgea aad roads aad in the important factories. The inhabitant of the dty had not been prepared by the newe papers for the determination of 1 the allies to occupy additional German GERMANS LEAVE LONDON TO RETURN TO BERLIN l.ssdes. March eV By the Asso elated Prase. The German dl fetes) to the) reparatlenc Csagreee hers loft Lea, fee Bar Da at 1 e'eiwek this afleraaau and seeaud ataaaed to get away. Their deport, srs was without tactdtut, a nameer ef pereena, meetly Cermn resldcala ef Leetdea. havag heea at the eta lie to eee them atT. Dr. W.alta Imeas. Germaa Per claw Mlaavter, and head sf Ue detewatlaa, aad Major General Vea Seecht, German chief ef etaaT, stead beside tha train to he phacswraphed. Tha Germans will proceed from Oatead. Belgians, to Berlin, en a speelal son otep train. The train carrying the Ceraea ddeemtes frem lasa hed ea beard a aambor af British relief oeldlera preecedlng te tola the British fercea aa the) Bhlas. GOVERNOR NAMES BOARD HERS Appointment of Directors of Five Institutions Confirmed By Senate la accordance with a bill enacted into law upon his own recommendation, re- FINAL SESSION LEGISLATURE SEES NEW LAWS WRITTEN House and Senate Gavels Fall On Adjournment at 2 O'clock This Morning STRENGTHEN PRESENT LAW ON PICTURES State Building Commission and State Architect Are AboL lshed In Enactment of Lefis, lation Proposed By jGrorernor Cameron Morrison; Memo, rial For Jarris Established for ite revenue. And in furtherance or American troop of . occupation. It wns reiorms, a separate nevenuo learned at the aame time that as an ths tax Commission, with a revenue commie sionsr was formed to have geaeral supervision of the State and local tax work ia ths State. Two months ago when ths Genersl other stsp toward Pan-American, amity the President is preparing to aak that tha Senate ratify at once the long. pending treaty with Columbia. Development in regard to the Pan Assembly came into eeasion, paramount lama Costa Rica hostilities were less def ia the minds of many members wns ths I inlte, but it is understood ths cabinet dissatisfaction of thsir people at ths took cognizance of that altuatiou and workings of tne devaluation act. lasis- canvassed Istest official reports oa ths teat demands were made through a subject. Ths next step awaits receipt aotcn or more bills; for a horixontai of a reply from Panama to the Ameri- reauction la values. Two montns stesdy can note dispatched Saturday, work brought forth a bill that provides Harding Wants Ce-ordlnurJoa for a local adjustment of this vrx- In the realm of domestic questions, ation, and a horixontai reduction by counties, if found just No act i t lie (Continued sn Psge Nla.) KERENSKYSAIDTO COMMAND FORCES DETAILED TARIFF DATA FOR HARDING Former Premier of Russian Secretary Mellon and Congres- Provisional Government ui- sional Leaders Will Out- recting Revolutionaries Copenhacen, March - 8. Alexander Kereaaky, premier ef tha Baesiaa pro visional government which waa aver tuned by the Bolsheviki late ia 1917, is aaid ia advices received here to ba at Kroastadt, the Bussiaa fortress near Petrograd, reported ia revolutionary hands. cerensxy, u is aecmrea. is aireoung the revolutionary offensive against Petroffrsd. with that fortress as a baaa. major attention was directed toward perfection of the cabinet organization as a smoothly working machine. Mr. Harding is understood to have made co-operation among ths departments the key note of his preliminary Instructions to his secretaries, telling them he want ed ao hesitation and no jealousy about -whatever changes of jurisdiction might be decided on in the reorganisation scheme now being formulated. All ten of the department beada and Vice President Coolidgs invited In pur suance of a policy announced daring the campaign were present at tha meet ing. The session lasted more thaa knurs. anA at it anaalnBHin Attora- ney General Daugherty stay i d behind for. a short tal wun tne i reeiaanu There also was a Drier eonierencs oe- . Washington. March S. Detailed re-1 tween Mr. Harding - and . Secretary commendations us to tariff and internal Hughes of the State Department Wore revenue legislation wiir be submitted the otier cabinet m.mMra to President Hardin, within few days A er the meeting aU tha by aongresslonal leaders and Secretary ? I i,nHm,U??-0.!t Melloa of the Treasury Department. . . . .Ana . d- publican leaders to draft a program of fw we mte xxouw re.n w line Legislation ...4 , j i..;.i.i time 01 xuiure seaswus. w today la accordance with a plan of the eabinet wonld be called together action agreed upon last aight at the B FriyVM he,relt,l """t White House dinner. Republican mem- " i . ,l. u . . ;t.. I week, orobably oa Tuesdays. ivisp ui vso ajuiaaa.v aiaaau,em vuiuiiiv(v . a. will meet with Secretary Mellon and a The War riepartmea anaouacament .,. -f . t..i a.. ...,'..(. ..J I concerning withdrawal of American sn ni inPM m OoM f th. Hosu tppropris- troopi from tne nine was m REPORTED TO BB HOPELESS I t.m , . tmm i Seeretery Weeks who would aot discuss London, March 8. (By the Associated I jata f0r the conference is to be decided I the subject further thaa to aay that FOOD AND FUEL SITUATION Press). A wireless message from Moscow today says the food and fuel situation in Kronstadt ia hopeless aad that dissolution among the insurgents ia increasing hourly. The Conflict between the febels and those desiring to negotiate with Fin land for assistance is becoming more acuta, the message asserts, and de serters from the insurgents stats the latter have aot the least hope of being able to offer resistance. The leaders Tf the rebels are taking the eevereet measures to prevent the sailors deserting to the Soviet army from Kronstadt, according, to the me sage. FOBTBESS DIRECTING FIRE ALONG RAILROAD LINK London, March 8. The Krasaoya hmnna hw Mr. Moltnn nil flhairmaw I withdrawal WSS BOt BOW being eOBSld' Penroee of the Senate committee. . Ia reaching thia deeieioa la ra- A new emergency tariff bill for special gr& to its temporary poucy protection of agricultural interests ministration is unaomooa to nave waen mrnnUu in tiaa tha nrna-ram n ha into account all the elements Of the submitted to President Harding, Mr. preaen sitnatioa la Western Germany, Penrose said today. I wnere aiuea woopw bu,buu ."Agrieultural interesU, particularly enforce the terms of the Versailles ti.. w.. ... n.j.t, I traatv while the American forces re- thnt a tariff bill for their protection be I mainea oenma on ui unee orniauv tnken up at.pnee," Senator Penrose occupied by them aader the armistice added. "There is every disposition to agreement realize their necessities. Of course, Studying German Bltaattoa. revenna lmriilstion cannot hanaflt tha I Althouffh nothing deflnlta has aavei- taxpayer of current fiscal payments, but I oped in other ofliriiil quarters hsre to be ought to know at the earliest pos- Indicate tne permanent sible data what relief he caa expect of the new admiuiutratioa it ia kaowa and the investor should be able to know just where he stands." In the conference between the Re publicans of the two committees with Gotko fortress is directing its fire Secretary Mellon, it if planned to draft against the Moscow-Petrograd railway line, aays a dispatch to tha Central News from Helsingfors. FORTRESS WAS 3ELIED ON BT ' SOVIETS TO QUELL UPRISING Bisa. -March 8. Tha fortress of Krasaoya Oorko, wh ich is reported to I Sre eonvenes, aconite recommendations for a com plete program of fiscal reform for Presi dent Harding s consideration. Senator Penrose said that the ' drift af opinion" was toward - recommending that the : emergency agricultural tariff bill be given precedence when the aew Con- (Continued oa Page Throe) KILL SPANISH PREMIER AS HE LEAVES CHAMBER Eduardo Dato, Oonserrative of Conservatives Assassi. sated at Madrid tetory and were surprised this morn-JJ 'rKfr':f,Tf'y'l maortacBCrSato and Ue'nwrTra loaded with troops aad war materials. British tanks and cavalry landed to the north, aad French artillery aad en gineers landed to the south of the eity. The Anglo-Preach force massed around Dueeseldorf while Bslgiaa in fantry, which had concentrated yester day at Orcfsld crossed the bridge into the center of the eity. Ths allied quartermasters have naked the Mayor to givs them poeeeceioa of certain echoola, besides the barraehs aad railway station, which have not yet been occupied. Traffic with Obereaesel scroti the Bhine has stopped aad telephone com munication with tha town has beea Interrupted. OCCUPATIONCARRIED OUT WITH NO UNTOWARD INCIDENT French Military Headquarters, May snoe, Germany. March 8 (By The As sociated Press.) Occupation of the ad ditional Germaa territory which tha al lies aaa announced they would tnke pos session of as one of the penalties for Germany's failure to meet the. allied reparation demands waa carried out to- No untoward incident marksd-the east. ward move of the allied troops, ao fa aa reports np to a lata hour chowed. Tha eeeapatiaa of tha city of Duea- ssldorf, tha largest of the eltlee takaa utw, vj toe iiis,w wnapiassa sais morning, aad that of Paisbarg and Buh rort, comprising together tha chief port or the Buar coal aaa industrial region, thia afternoon. Tha entire movement waa affected ia a way to obviate, so Car as poasibls, a show of farce, but the French aad tha British Bhine flotillas were prepared for eventualities. Tha troops moved forward afoot and in camions and oa board Freaeh aad British river craft Tha Belgian troops entered Dueeseldorf by way of tha bridge aver tha Bhine. The French aad British proceeded by way of the Co logne bridgehead, marching along the east' bank of tha Bhiaa and entering Dueeseldorf from tha south and east Duisburg waa occupied by Freaeh and Belgian troops, while possesison of Buhrort waa takaa by tha allied Bhiaa flotilla. Ths haadquartori of Oaaeral Dagoutte, who. as commander ta chief of the French forces along tha Bhine, carried out tha orders from Marshal Foeh for the advances, ara situated at Nuess, oa the-wast bank of tha Bhine, opposite Dueeseldorf. At Dueeseldorf the inhabitants were warned ia a proclamation by tha mayor School to their former Independent basis. Governor Cameron Morrison last night named the boards of directors of those institutions and his appointments received the eondrmatioa of the Sen ate at its closing session. Ths appointments follow: State Hospital at Baleigh Joeeph O. Brown, WiAe, two yean; James H. Bridges, Vance, two years; Mrs. Mar shall P. Williams, Duplin, two years; Dr. Leslie B. Evans, Bertie, four years; Fslix Harvey, Lenoir, four years; W. H. Hprunt New Hanover, four years Walter L. Parsons, Biehmond, six years ; L. B. Varser, Robeson, six years; John F. Wiley, Durham, elx years. State Hospital at Goldsbora C. P. Ayeoek, Beaufort, two years; Claiborne H. Carr, Durham, two years; Dr. Joha Daniel Robinson, Duplin, two years; Nathan OUerrv. Wavne. four years: Dr. H. V. Horton, Forsyth, four years; H. C. McQueen, New Hanover, four years; F. ii. Mr&inne, Franklin, six years; W, H. Belk, Mecklenburg, six years; L H. Blue, Scotland, six years. State Hospital at Morgan ton C. K. Brooks, Henderson, two years; J. H. Giles, Burke, two years; Dr. G. 8. Klrby, McDowell, two years; Dr. J. M. Belk, Union, four yean; 0. 0. Oran- ford, Baadolph. four years; John M. Stotta Mecklsnburg. four rears Mles- nat Ulemcat, buncombe, six years; Sloan JnT. Robinson, Gaston, six years; A. M. Sealae, Guilford, six years. State School for Blind at Baleigh K. 8. Busbee, Wake, Q years; Dr. W. A. Rogers, Maeon, years; A. L. Mc Neill, Lea, 8 years; Charles W. Home, Johnston, 8 years. Caswell Training School at Kinston Charles Dewey, Wayne, 2 years; Mrs. 8. 0. Bitterson, Lenoir, I years; A. H. PoweU, Graaville, I years; Dr. M. B. Stephenson, Northampton, 4 years: James P. Bnnn, Nash, 4 years; W. P. Anderson, Wilson, 4 years; Dr. I. W. Fuisoa, Mecklenburg, 8 years; W. P. I Parsons, Aason, 8 years; J. L. McMil lan, Robeson, years. The eartala descended upon the sixty fourth session of ths General Assembly at I o'clock thia morning, two hoars after the beginning of its sixty fourth day. Ths sleepy spectators to the bien nial drams, aad most af the still sleep ier actors, hurried sway home, glad to be gone after two months of grinding detail of legialatioa. A few clerks re- morning flnale followed a day fall of legialativs hours sad thor oughly sprinkled with enactments af Statewide importance. Among them were the abolition of ths State Building Commies ion and the State architect, the dissolution of ths purchasing depart ment for State institutions, the re tura to the old system af independent directorates for State hoeplule, the- - submission of a constitutional amend ment to increase the salary of the members of the General Assembly from to 10, and the enactment of a bill to strengthen the law against the ex- -hlbition of obscene or immoral motion plctorcc The end was aot dramatis. Pssaioa had spent itself long before the hour of " disintegration, and for the remaining , moments, there were lova feasts, kindly giving of gifts, and many gracious words. Of sears that tha rigor of battle had inflicted there were none left It was a peaceful, pleasant flnish to the , tomedy -drama-tragedy that has occu pied, the boards for ths past 63 days. 4V Whea the agreed upon hour waa reached, the door of tha two chambers stood open, the Speaker of the House facing the President ef tha Senate, ia keeping with immemorial custom, sad together their gavels descended. The presiding officers declared tha Assembly , adjourned "sine iU." and tha members trooped toward the, loon aad. station. . ... ward where trains took; them Bp -aad earned mem away. i i . . Denied ths whole 'loaf,' censorship . took what part of the loaf it eonld get ' when the General Assembly in its final hours decreed punishment to any who exhibited any obscene or dearly im moral picture, poster, or such liks mat ter oa any screen sr bill board. Ia ef fect to leave censorship to the courts, and the public free to call pudicial at- . tentioa to infractions through affidavits. The bill had its beginning in the. Senate during the morning, coming from the hands of Senator Gallert It passed there, without change further thaa striking aut the, phrase "such affi davit shall ba prima lacls evidence of gallt." It landed ia the House last night at 8:30, and tha packed galleries REIGN OF LAWLESSNESS CAUSFS DEATH OF TWO got a little of tha show that was de niea mem wnen sirsigntoui eensorsnip Assassination of Two Men In Chicago Outcome of Recent - Political Fend Chicago, 111., March 8. A reign of lawlessness, declared to have been the outcome of a political feud, which has MtnwiM mi. a, tha. ntAat. flanaalv against taking a provocative attitude to- j populated warda ia. the eity for weeks ward the allied force. I tod tmlminaUd In tha aaalnatinn After tha occupation, of Dueeseldorf , , of Ald.rman Joha Powers' have joined the revolutionaries,' was relied oa by the Soviet govsramcat to quell the Kronstadt uprising. The 8oyietJiaiL threatened.toJblow .ap Kronstadt from Krnsnoya uorko if the rebels ia Kronstadt did not surrender. 4CenUne m Fa SeTeaJ ,,SeTeTs'ltopabHeaBf""4tosoiv,fgT rga (Senator Penrose to give first eoa sidoration to an agricultural tariff. It is. the present intentioa itfBepjiblida; leaders to limit and circumscribe its schedule more closely than ws4 done in ths Fordney BjII, which formsr Presi dent Wilson vetoed last week. 8ucK a bill, Senator Penrose said -could be passed "ia a very short time, if care fully drawn. Both Senate and House committees will begia work soon, probably next PRESENT UPRISING ONE OP SERIES DURING LAST I YEAB9 New York, March 8. The present anti-Bolshevist opriaing in Bussia is not a aw movement but one of a series of uprisings which occurred dur ing the past three year and remained I week, ear the ilscsl legislation for the hidden beneath tha veil of soviet I April session. While the House com censorship, 8ir Paul Dakes, former I mittee is drafting the flrst ' bill for British secret service agent in Baeeia, I introduction immediately upon eoavea deelared here today. ' Sir Paul, v. ho I ing ef tha Congress, Senator Penrose pent mere thaa twa years ia Bussia j said his committee would hold supple disguised as a Russian Workman is nowi mentary hearinga an "high spots" sie ia tha United States oa a visit. I eial subjects ia controversy, such as Aftmr ....t anrf aS im Mm I Sale Sail nthaV (an, Tka' .(.. among the Russian pet pie he volun- added that he had1 not beea "converted" tee red ta 18 to replace the HritMh I wui aaiee uxea theory aad was aot aaval and intelligence o (Beer who was I convinced that it was either pructie killed ia Petrograd aad carried oa his able or dealrable," but aaid that he and work in disgaise. He aid that ha s- sa ope a mind" aa tit subject aad waa Joyed the ewnaaeaee or arverat soviet I epen 10 eonvietioa. ageats. 1 Coneideration of revenue require Tas Srst a prising, -Be raid, aesarrad I meats or aaa government Senator Pea ia ISIS when two commissars were! rose aaid, would bring as soldiers' maraerea Dy wsramea. Aa a reprisal, I wamia srguianoa. Uanh m.-'mA L...J a...l . W, Ial aurch Ow Ikvcst Lrat ioB bv shot. ' I e laaisaa public eerrice commission. Throe aaara anriainn. Sir Pan! addodl I .xatersteta tommerec Commission, ii ecurred ' ia Il. the . flrst la I wpreaeatsUva af the attorney geaeral' March wbea twa haadrwd workatea "B,e aw lork Ceatral and were ardered ahot aad tha families- af "'w caatral railroads ia aa effort those) wha escaped were seized. A ee-M aeaetmlaa waat aaesed the wreck at aad aatbraak aarlu tha aUetiama .f I Pevtar on Febresry- XT. in which . 87 Jaly waa quelled, he fjoiated aot, "bylPerasM were hilled, was begaa today 1 'T7 swpenor- soun peama eioaeo iiauaaa ea rage ?arv - aoors. Madrid. March 8. Premier Dato was qssasslnstsd thia evening whll-v retnrnlnc frosa ths Chamber la a motor ear. Be was attacked by" everal ncrsons Who flred a ambr .1 J - Edasrds Date was raeogatoed aa one of ths most conservative ef tha eeaaervstlvee la Spain. Ha be came leader of the Llbersl-Csa-servstlve party, ths atraageat political groap la both tha Senate aad the House of Rreeeatativea, : after tha dtaappesvaaos af Cancrea. Never a friend af . the' werklng elaeaes aad opposed to all rffs, Dato accjalred tha height af hit repatatkm for sternness ta Aagnat, HIT, wbea be suppressed with tha utmost energy the workers' onevs. - meat ' Seaar Dato had held the seat la - Parliament for Victoria, capital ef -the Province ef Alva, ever eiaes his owtry late parllameat. Oa sev eral eccaaicM ho waa cpcker f the Heass. Besides haldlac Pvt fcllas la varlowa cshiaets he was ths arrms salasrter 'a aamber Umea. Altheagh apaarssitly ml yesrtle tomBarasseat, Date peaateased a will ef Iran sad aever dlscasssd a aabject with aay aaa eoee ha had ' mada ap hss salad oa It. . ; . Date's Byshpethica Uiwegheert tha war were ea the aide af tha allies. ' For, tha UaMed States ha la aaid never to have heal aay lava. . Be was Bwaarchtat t ths tips of haa Jager aad refaseel ta fee aider aay Idea ef a Spaatshr rMH. Bssjsatly there had heea able agltattoa far tha feranactoa of '. a coaJUtlew' P'msutt ra Spafaa tow VrepUca Date's eahlaat. . of two of Alderman political lieutenants. Paul lAbriola, a municipal aourt bailiff, waa the. flrst, victim. Hs was shot from ambush a block from his home just before aooa. He fell with nine bullets through his back. Harry Raymond, a cigar store owner, was killed two' hours later by two- men who had entered his store to buy cigars. Twoi bullets pierced his head and two others penetrated his lungs. zfota shootings took plocs la a sec tion "known as "death alley" in the nineteenth ward and wars, ascribed by between General Degontte issued a proclamation to its people ia which ha declared the occupation waa not a measure or notui Ity against ths population but ess in tended to compel tha government of Germany to carry out Its obligations. DUTCH GOVERNMENT IS WATCHING DEVELOPMENTS. Tha Hague. March eV(By Tha Asso ciated Press.) As much of Holland's commercial prosperity depends oa the Rhone district the Dates government is watching closely any affect the, allied occupation of lha region or the proposed customs collections will have oa Dutch trsde.' . .While losses may be incurred through a deereasa ia the Rhine trade, imtca om take tha view that nothing eaa pre vent Germany Bonding aa much mer ehan diss as she pleases direct late' Hoi load over the railroads, which ara x nee ted to handle it to their capacity. OTl. t.t.k BMMMnM MM,. , , . i v. i . . .vTIa. I explosives from soma mysterious sou res. niy r wu'iw " I n a.m. i.. - I put ea the ear tracks and. Or crackers i.tju THAW ts.eee TROOPS I ware declared to have abounded ia th risen in litht 1DTAH11. 1 waru siaee saonaa. vaa Um a fBv Tha Associated I "It waa a part of tha plot. sold paaa Laa thaa 25.000 trooaa were I Detective Bcmeat Joha -JJCiske. "Thsy I. earrrtas eat the occupation of I covered up their shots by filling the actional Germaa territory aader the ward with similar soonda. We knew Saehnana reached at Loadoa, effect ea a muraer waa eomiag. - . a a rfika Aataw Afltaa I - T?v'Jr?.rZl m. Ceranan Ambassador Leavas. nesro ;U,;r ;.;idei March 8By The A-oci , ;.r TvIT. m tk.t ha Garaana I atod Prose.) Dr. St Hammer, the Oer L' aUv"mr'v!!u.i U- a-rauwador to Grt Britain will was killed the. previous night Matthews of Bertie, was wound ap tight and . ready .: to speak on Monday night when the show waa called off by the abrupt move to table. He got re cognition last aight, and despite the buffet ings of a score of Interruptions, got his speech off in line fashion. Tha galleries cheered him until ths chamber resounded with their demonstration. He made a igood speech, carefully thought out aad delivered la a vary effective manner. Grant, of Davie, most caustic of the minority membership of the House, arose with a scalpel and went after the bill with a sweeping vengeance. - Hs wanted the bill tabled, and so moved. The House was aot with him. It wanted something done about pictures, although . it may not have considered them quite . as vicious as did Mr, Matthews when hs declared that they are' "the greatest evil in tbis State today." They voted ... down Grant's tabling motion 62 to 19. Undaunted, , the Davie member took . up the cudgels against the word "sse- ' tha "do lice to the' feud between the F)ait---aVtwar- d'Andrea who waa defeated by Powers I notion that any jury, composed mostly for aldsrnuvn but month. The eleetioa campaign was marked by great bitterness aad violence in eluding bombing ' of a political meet ing. Detective declared that child rea la the ward reeeatly ware provided with aaid hava aa basis for critlcmaa aa thia wronnd. It waa explained. Tha aeeupatloa was soanpieiea aow lutely without rnetloa, taa xoreigu office announced, aad the treopa had beea ordered to observe strict dieetpliae ! tha aew area, treat the popalatioa aMftaoaalv aad avMl aay .aaaaa zar troable, -,-r- - - : of denomhwtitjnsd adherents, could justly say to the world that, any one thing was sacrilegious. What is sac rilege to one is not sacrilege to another. and he denounced bitterly the effort to define it in law. He demanded its re moval, and ths proponents ef the bill accepted it As it stands, obscene and dearly immoral pictures are illegal, and any -showing- them ars subject to ia- dietment ea a midemeano charge. The courts define both. ... By a-rising vote, the House at the aight session passed the measure which came from the Senate last week estab lishing or memorial for the late Gov ernor Jarvio, ia tha form of a monthly payment of 1180 to the widow of Gov ernor Jarvis nsw living ia Greenville. Griee Speaks Child. Claiming ths fatherhood ef the bill R.Waia will 1a.m. inA. tnr Rarli. toaivht. it wa. I that created the State Building COM' aaaoaaead this ofteraooa. When aaked ahlaaioa, Spesker Gner took tha floor whather he would return, the Germaa ia the House, yesterday morn lag, to de savoy ahragged his shoalders and said that he felt the right to apeak hia he did aot kaow. Tha embassy here is awa child, aad together with aS ether remaining apea. wtth tha counsellor ia I members or ue iiouac, aa apaasea ui eaarga. , --lelll-te death. Jt waa repealed, ta aa- I COTdaaos vn in uovctboi-b wiaasa. nWretaff Deahy Catag ta Sea, I u , doing th Heuse icauteaecd 1H " nva BtxcrhTENT OF BXLCIAXS ORDERED TO BU.-vaM-AK. Washington, March a SeereUry I ks Senate's deforaaea to tha Govern or's Deaby twAsadr to ba a "sea-golsg" I azpieesd desire for ths repeal af tha Braastla.' March t. Preaaief Da Wiart T - -----. im u ereaiea """-a v-t-- : 7". ,L .v. n. k.. . ri..ia. I aaaoaaeea aeasF ae piaaaea go teiatea. tha State imrenaaina- eenartmeat. tw rerl-enl efTrnadiars was roUr Cwaataaama, Cuba, winter base of the .nd Mtored the several State tastita tnat a regimens e i frmmMatmrm "ih i a. . 4.. nl. .. i .a i.j;.m.i MTafvaW wwald J ! L-l "JT1 ila hs.- rw posaiMe aad to hocwaaa thorourttyl . Oaand br th debate that broke (Ceatiaaed Oa, Paga Twa) familiar with tha adouaiatratiea ef Utf Sects. . .(CeaUawed Oa Pag Twa)