The : News aiii Observer ' rus WEAWEn Fair Snd oeeler Soeaan Mm. dag cleedri moderate vert. NC WlBS. WATCH LABEL , a resv aaewr, Sead rvaaesl Bva ear before sislrstloa la orCer te .avoid aueelag a eiaglo copy , -, , 7- V0LCX11L NO. 72. -THIRTY-FOUR - PACES TODAY. - RALEIGH, N. C. SUNDAY MORNING. MAR6H'!3. 1921. THIRTY-FOUR PAGES TODAY. PRICE: SEVEN CENTS OVERMAN-SECURES . PROMISE 10 THINK "ABOUT THE SOBTH . Harding To Give "Serious Corv . sideratlon" For Representa- x tfve from Southeast WILL CALL SENATOR IN . . , ' IF SHOULD THINK WISE Junior Senator: Presents Heme of Maxwell for Inter. state Commerce Commjs. ion; Withdraws Objection to Confirmation of Potter and ;Zsch HAMON DECLARED HI . V The News and Observer Bares, 604 District National Beak Bldg. By JOB L. BAIII (Br Bpetial I'aatd Wir.) ' Washington, March U. During - half hour interview at tba White House thi moraine, Senator Overmaa j presented tha seme' of A. J. Maxwell, lama's trial afra today. W. B. Nicholas, i ' ' ' C k. Lnrtti Cm rmJ i .a Clin. ! knil.x aaaneUta nt R.mna'a M. LN SHOT WITNESSES JM1E Preacher Testifies That Dying Man Told Him It Was 'Frame Up By Others POLITICS INTRODUCED INTO OKLAHOMA TRIAL Republican National Commit. teaman Told Political Friend v While Djinf 'Talk Direct To Warren Hrdiifj"; Told Kin. L later He Had Paid Off Worn. an Three Times lawless outbreak: puzzles officers Church, Two Schools, -and Two Dwellings Burned In Newlight IS IT RETALIATION FOR DISTILLERY RAIDS? Burnings Follow Visit To Town. ship By County and Federal Officers Whose Comlnf . Is Apparently Advertised To Blockaders By System of Sifnals In neighborhood Admor. OkU, March ll.-Additioeal testimony Uet Jakt L. Hamon, Okla homa, Republican aal local committee a, had declared oa his death bad that be bad beea abot by Clara Smith Hajaea aa be lay aa tha bad ia hie hotel roam, waa Introduced at the wo I 1 abairmaa or ue ortB t arena vorp- JIaiAa,OMipiila-, to President Hard-i . ---r--i , .- - T - a .'"ix. - 1 - - .v - --"Ta wwt at -aKrw-w iiaawt' ! , waeaaelee aa Ue iBterrtate Commerce ' eeSamimioa. ' Following bil return to the Capitol, Beaator Orarmaa said be bad a very pleaaant visit with the President, that the latter appeared impressed with the Suggestion that the section included la the Southeastern tariff territory ought to be repreeented . oa . the Interstate . Commerce commission, aad pre tb Beaator to understand that be wouid ire serious eesslderatiea to tba rof geetlon, arid if be decided to allot oa ef the two remaining places to the BouUeast, to call Beaator Overman ia tot aaother conference before nuking aa appointment- - While Presenting Mr. Maxwell aa a ansa thoroughly equipped for the im . portent datioa ef L C. C. eommiaaioner Beaator Orarmaa made it clear that what be ia moat eoaeeraed about ia that tba South shall hart representa tion oa the aommiauoa. , .Patter AnaelBtatent Confirmed. Because of Ue President' attitude, Beaator Overawe aad other Bowthera : Baaaton made ao abjoetioa today when a baaiqne aaaorute or tiamoa a, eor who eoadurtod Haaoaa rnaeral reaa, quated Hamoa b aayiag that Clara Hawon bad told bia the affair waa a ''frame ap by othrra aad tht aha wit aorry for what aba bad done. for the Brat time in the trial, whlra started two daya aco, politico, which rained Hamoa national reaowa, waa t oncked oa whoa one of the wlta atatod he bad beea told by Hamoa to '"take direct to Warrea Harding" -the matter of appoiatmeat to office of ier oral of Hamoa frieada, la which Ha moa atill eipreaaed deep interert eren while dying. "fnmt.Vm By Otbera.' - Wie told me tbia waa frame op by otbera aad that ahe waa aorry," Rev. T K Trvin naator of the Preabr terlan church nt lawton. who delWeredl Mr. Hamoa a funeral oration, teatifled the dying man told him. "Three time I bad paid her off, but tbia m the but time." The matter of the alleged "frame ap" waa hot touched oa further by either Btato or defeaat eonneel, and Dr. Irwia did aet got to -oomplcte tha J0t church, two ackool baildioga aad two nnoeeapled dwelliaga were red need to aahee ia few Ught towaahlp follow rag Taida made Moa dry end Thareday by federal aad oonaty offleera. Tha eoaaeaaua of opinio la that that aee Moa ia that the etrncturea were burned by blofkadera and booUeggen aa meaauro of retaliation or warning. Sheriff Harriosa bai bogna aa laree tigation of tha matter aad during the next few daya will make a determined effort to aeeertaia the ideatitr of the a motion to eonflrm tha appoiatmeat I atatomant be bad otfrted Wauaa of aa or Mara w. rotter, or. new xork, to I uterrnptioa cy eaienee aoaneoi. t - r t'.v The elergymaa did aot bare direct informatioa from Hamea that the young woman, former wife of a nephew, bad ahot him, aara. Not ao, hawerer, with W. B. Kknolat, fanaar chief of aliee of OUaaoato. City. Okla- aad bnainea aad politteal elate ef MrT Haatoa. . Dytac Stat tea oat. Ut WUholaa waa Ue aoeond throora wheat the Btato aad eostM iBtrwdue aa ajjegad dying ototoaient from Mr. Hamoa and his teetimonj, lika that of Kellr M. lUaah. a "kla k.. rttmy taanrMM maw oa TaatordaJ'. t tk. .ffaet that ha bae beea tolJi the Senate eppoaed erUrmatioa of the I by Hamoa he know be was dying, ana that Clara Bout tiamoa eao aim. -"BUI, ahe got ma," NWouj quoted Hamoa aa ha ring aaid, aad continued that the wounded man had eaaartod be waa tying dowa xof a reat oa the bod . hi. mnm. which adJoiaed that , of the eonuniaaloa waa before' the Senate, aad Mr. Potter was eoaflrmed. How erer, the, appoiatmeat ef former Bep reeentatiTe ech to the Comatnaloa ia ntil being bold up. Eaeh'a aomiaatioa being objected to by Beaato lFoi lette, ia wLoee Btato the) aomiaoe Urea. Beaator. ImTelletto eppAaed the laeb Cuaamiaga tranapertatioa act, e whioh the Commiaaiea aomiaoe waa oae of the eathore aad beeaoae ef the wide difference it., their ideaa ea tranaporto tisa auttera, Mr. taFDQatto i aspeeted Aa do all i hie power he prereatech f eoailraatida,' . : ' . Moat of the Demoeraia who were ia' baraing of the achool bouaea, oae of Fertilizer Merchants In Town of Yttke Forest Receive Warnings ARE DIRECTED TO RETURN STUFF WHENCE IT CAME Farmers Waft Ptrohtied Mate. rial Receire Identical Warn, lnf While UnooBflrmoxl Ba. mors Beach Baleifh That Tohacoo Plant Beds Are de stroyed la northern Wake Fire mercantile eetablkhtnenu at Wake roreot hare roeoired warn in fi to aoaa reruiuor purchaeod by them beak to the maatrfaetarera or tike the eon aequeacea." Notice! were poo ted on their building a few dayi ago, aigaed by The Farmer' Friend.," aad bare ao far beea ignored. Two cuetomera who purehaaed fertiliaer from on arm received similar warnings ea the atrht following th purchases and rwtnraed the fertiliaer to the dealer. No acta of violence in thia cnanectioa bare beea PACKERS AGREE TO ATTEND MEETING TO DISCOSS WAGES Send Telegram To Secretary of Labor Iter All Day Discus sion In Chicago srrcDTcn ciicrccTinu TO SEND REPRESENTATIVES - - ' Union Leaders Had Already Ao. oepted Proposition and 8nf fest March 18 As Date For Joint Conference; Offer of Mediation Made In Effort To Avoid Calling Strike Chicago, March 13. After aa all day diaenaaioa by heads ef the packing ndustry, a telegram kent to Janes . Davis, Becretarr of Lror, at Wash ington, accepting his suggestion that they sead two represeatative to con fer with bim aad two repreeentativee of the employee regarding the present aituatioa in the mduitry REICHSTAG VOTES TO APPROVE STAND TAKEN BY GERMANY HARDING TO SEND HARVEY TO LONDON Holds Up Adjournment of Spe cial Session of Senate To Get Him Confirmed Waahiagten, Mar. IS. Plaas of Sen ate leaders to oad - the special aeeaioa today war overthrewa by a combina tion of further delay nt th White House aad Capitol affecting important appointments en which the administra tions wants artioa before adjournment Failure of President Harding to aend his aom teat ions for tba Shipping Board ia understood to hav been the principal barrier to bringing the aee- sioa to a clone, it waa iadieatod that nomination ' Ttotnaa O. Marvin, if i Haatoa, to th tariff commission. . B- Cirded a of tha "higheu proteetioa to" ia the country,- the Vemocratie Beaator opposed hi appointment ' to the tariff commission oa th ground that he waa a lobbyist Marvia has I the defeadnat. whoa Cava Hamoa came 'besa nerving a eeeretaay of th Horn to him; placed bar left hand jib am Market ilub of Boston, protectionists head end Sred a bullet into hfarbody. rganiaation, ad np chiefly of a told how Hamon had aaid he threw ' Maaaaehutett textil men, whoa pro- hi left arm to hnoek aaid th Sre- jkKtloaiat idea ar for a high tariff. - arm, but too lato, thea leaped to hi Marvia Strong rvetocttoeJat. feet, knocked the tiny automatic piatol At th time President Wilson mad from th womana hand, ea Hie knee hi fsmons eharga that aa inaidious I searched for it ia th darkness oa the lohhw wa oxartins Its inflnaaea at tha I Am, nwaveved it. Disced it ia his eapitol end aa investigutioa wan orde I pocket aad then walked to the i anitor ed, Uenator Ltveraua waa made eitair-1 ium where Be aiea nv onya wuir, which waa la uae, Superintendent of School John C. Loekhart yesterday went to th New Light section to make aa laveatigatioa. Mr. Loekhart aaid that the J. L. Hears' school near Stony Hill, the old Stony Hill school house mil away and the West Grove Baptist Church northwest of Stony Hill were burned daring th early hours of Fri day morning. Mr. Loekhart mid real deata la th vicinity stated th three stueturea were consumed by th flames practically at th aama time. Mr. Lock hart mid all waa quiet ia th Stony Hill sectioa and there appeared to be a exeitomeat or feeling aa a result of the free, which appereaUy were of incen diary origin. Fallows Uaaer stales. Oa Mondar Prohibition Agent Ranee aad Biebardeoa aad Deputy Sheriff W D. Edwards, of Wake Forest, went into th New Light sectioa and destroyed on still site, although th itlll had beea removed. That atrht. an unoccupied two-story, dwelling houee at Stony Hill, about one mile from None river, wa baraed. Th structure wa th property of Mr. Loo Bay, of Baleigh. An old frame structure across th river wa baraed oa the ham night, it .being the aroporty of Mr. JJinni Harrison Prohibition Agent jcteaardsou ana Shore, aad Chief of Polio W. W. Bob- bttt end Deputy Sheriff Edward, of Wak Foreel went viato 'New light Thareday aad destroyed eigfct atill site ad eaetared eae atili.- Itovwa ml the 1 sUJla wr removed before the raiders reenaed the lite. However, a aambwr of fermantor were fouad, aad abeet tflOO gallons of ber-.wre deatreyee. . Ii operator war yoapturod. waring . the raid. ""!.-' ' - '-'.. - Friday morning following th raid th L. 3. Bear' chol r Stooy Hill was burned, causing damage eetimstsd at. 18,000. The eld Stony HiU school hous, at Stony' Hill, about a mile from th Sears' school, wa alio reduced, to ashes. This structure bad for several year beea tb voting praoinet ia th town hip. Th West Grove Baptist Chares, CUaaod on raga Tare) SPRINGFIELD READY TO COPE WITH DISTURBANCE raDona to nr. ne e ui u u thi ark em . . 4 . . 1 - , w iutw, - j wmm satur(Ai uaa rour mesuge rcceivea. mil oe far. The aoticee were posted oa the busi Bees houses Tuesday, wr type writ tea ana war aaonymoua. They were ap parently written by n person or person with some degree of education, as th .spelling and punctuation were praeti rally correct One copy of the notice read aa follows: WARNING BEWABE. "This guano is too high priced to us. Take it back from whence it cam or tak th consequence, (signed) "The Farmer's Friends. Copies of the warning ware posted oa buildings of W. C. Brewer and Co. W. W. Holding, Wilaoa and Daniels, Wake -Forest Supply Company, and the Wake Mercantile Company. Mr. Joha M. Brewer, of W. C. Brewer and Co., stated that hi firm waa the only oa of th nv that kss received shipment of fertiliser so fsr. He mi th copy of toe notice was posted oa th fertiliser warehouse, air. Brewer sddiag that fertiliser waa sold to aom Ht H U customers and that ea th night following th jutehase identical typewrittea warning! we) re posted oa th place of residence , or majority of th customer. Mr. Brewer mid two of the customers returned fertiliser purehaaed by them as a consequence of th aoticee. No sale of fertiliaer bar beea mad by, any of tb ether Wake Forest Arms, Xbes warnings have beea Ignored by tb morwaatils eoneerna, aad ae violent act a a. eon asqueaee bare bean reported. ' naat Beela mssaeors. r TJaeOn A rmtedL report ef destraetioa ef . . -i ... tobacco plant a M wo nor to era aeo tiea ef Wake eouaty hav besa roeeiv ed. Oa report that e aamber ef plnt bsas iB the eeetioa aieag ins BouarlH J'oad frm Baleigh to Neuse were reeeaUv destroysd by unMentinea parti, while aaother wa to the effect that similar aeetruetioa or piaa aeas occurred: in part ef wake Trt towa ibis and ia the Mcttea oetweea vrsa- dell aad Zebulea. ' , No eaoae for tb destruction .or th nlaat bed has beea advanced other tbaa that the occurrence ar local mea sures to preveat planting ef tobaee ANOTHER TANKER SLIPS FROM WILMINGTON WATS -man of the Investigating committee. That Senator aaid today hatMarma waa ealld before . the committee aad admitted that he wa here, to lobby gaiaat th Underwood -8 iramona tariff law aad for high proteetioa rate la the Interest of the. Masaachusetta mana ' f ssturers. A dispatch - froavr Boston that morning nay that "Mr. Marvia is on ol th strongest protectionists ia K. ...... .-J .1.- u AaWa To Leavw City. The former police chief testifled he wa ia Mr. Hamoa' offlc th following morning whea Clara Hamoa enterea ana it greed apoa demand of Frank Ketch, lusines manager for Mr. Hamoa tbei and bow administrator or nis enaw, that ahe leave Ardmore quickly. "Clara I bar never butted into your affaire before; but I am now. Ho more the country," sad that the "majority disgrace for the Hamoa family,- tcn tJ tna --nJ a... ,m I Mtm nnoteA Ketch a aarlag aaid. "Why. ista, ae that Mr. Marvin' eeleetioa Ibr you talk as if I did it." he aloTClar . . . m m est ww . a M rx m. ? Wa A M m 1 1 the tariff commiasioB ia a mast popular I repuoa. s ui n smwu - 1 toll wan ao.' . " f. Demoert oppornd Mr. Marvin, not Oa arom-eiamlnation, Mr. Nicholas nly beeaue they regarded him aa I denied h had eeea-brume aad mark lobbyut, but because they UUk tha i ea Clara Hamoa' face aad hand at Tariff rnii,iii k. . .j- I that time. Tha jOjeletiae.haj inaicstca mea who will .tudy tariff quctione Pea that om lfll from aa unbiased point f view Badl""-.8? - mass recontmea nations oasea oa e ' eeieatiH study, ' rather, than ef mea who go ea th eommiasioa with th " plain . euipoee.o sky-rocketing duties to th very highest point they can get tkem. - -.. 1 . - , - I Crgee Framottoa For Bowley. After leaving the White Howae tha morning, Senator Orermaa, tailed apoa Secretary of War Week to urge arer notioa lot Colonel Bowloytommander hilled him was fred wbU he was ia th act ef striking her with a chair. 'Other witnesse this morning els were questioned rJoeely ea that point aad deaied tna ar iae aao aaaaa bora marrh from a physical combat. Through Mr. Nichols it was brought out that Clara Hamoa demanded $5,000 fman Ketch with which to -leave 'Ard more aad that the busines . manager arreed to get it for her. Nwbolaa at . Camp Bragg. -Colonel Bowley I eaotod Cur. m having amd skeHamoa BoaUnatioa to be a brigadier geaeral . wss sent to the Senate by Preaident 'Wilson, bat th Senate withheld eoa . . flrmatioa. Secretary 'Week assured beaator Orermaa that " CoL Cowley's BoaunatioB foe prometioa woald be re : awd and it at eoar will be eon ' Srmed this thma. . This ' wiU Drobahlv 'meaa that, Colonel Bowley will eoa Uaa , to com-Aad Camp Bragg ia- ' deSai4sly.v - ' - - J rrosnoQow xor B. j raisoa, a Korta Carolinian waa nerved aa a brig- aoiar aanag is waria war eae told her h might hav that amoaat. .. Bona Te Secrecy Defense counsel a fa ha beea strict la bringing statement' from each ef Ue (bar Btate witnesses whe ewere to knowledge of the manner of the ahoot ing, that they had kept it a deep eeeret. each witaes tssuryiag ae aad. beea bound to eecroey by Hamoa (rem hi death-bed. Everett W. 8IBa. a ehaaffear ef Dal- lae, Texas, testified he had drives Clara Hamoa from Dal la to Cuee, Teens, where she boarded a trsia fee El Paso maneee ue tairoett rvmme ateae m reatte Chibaahaa City, Mexiee, -f wav mtmw mnwm ur CTHIW IW v. -V. .MnaJ tm Mat aa ala. tt&3F te-ut-vit. Mrs tww pistols partly row sea led la 'her lap. He aaid Chare Hamea told him ah had shot. a man, hoped he 4ied,tead that aha ami amkad WkathaaL a. M ar aao wanwwey sonuii eommrrtee - . i- . . . to National Assotiatkm ef credit la 1?" to.ko Credit Mam Make Ptwiawt. i ieeerdiag te e story la eae- ef tie leading trade aad flnaaeml papers ia New York City thia merarag, Ue beak - ing aad eanwaey executive eomautte aiea aa Iaaue4 a statement protest isg against iweeat lerisiatioa la North, Carolina which prohibit notaries publht from protesting oa -payment . checks, irtfta, etc, whea each ne a parses t ia i t to the refBaal ef the beak oa which the check a drawn ta amy at. a Mr. s result ef which th aer eoUettioa (Caatiaeee' ea Fag Three)" with to kin iim. Salli mid b told her an eld eae. a rust, aad dirt thea weald help make th wound wetse." . No afternoon aeaarioa warn held, end th Btato win eoacrado Be introd actios ertotrmay Monday. , , " W1w rsaM Te Ateend - - Mrs. Hamoa, the widow, wa anabl (Cewtinwed Oa Fare Tww " Ho Further Trouble Expected Oarolina BWpjardB -Oomplote In Ohio City, , Where) Eace Present Program But ex. mot inrestenea 1 1 pect new wew SprtagSeld, March 1J. The (trU I Wilmingtoe, Merck IS. Th Uaroluu of Springfield were deserted tonight I Steel Shipyard today Uu ached iU BU aad civU and military authorities! vessel the San Leon, aa oil tanker, for a British firm, ox ww tons, maung the eeeond ef this class of ship which agreed that the racial disturbance which ha kept this city la a turmoil line last Monday, culminating ia the hooting of a policeman ..last " night; ware aeequngly at ea cad. If there-arc ao disturbances during th eight it la Mid to be probable that Btato - an thoritie will begia withdrawiag troop early sen week. Hearts David Jones, piaeea la com plete charge of the aituatioa, aad with eight companies, of national guardsmen aa hi aides, tonight bad barred all tref. a from city weeta. uspaded street car- eerrie) eloeed stores, theaters, end all public gathering pine and ordered all citizens to remain in their home ef tor six p. m. As measures to enforce the order of the sheriff, guardsmen patrol ed the street on foot end in ermy I pucks with maehins gun. . 1 ; r. . - - . i , ABOiner preeauHonaiy meaaoirw laaon by th authorities waa the expedition bringing to Justice ef James White, 17 year eld negro and confessed assailant f Patrolman Joseph? Ityan, whoa hs hot three times last night la tne open ing phse .ef the , disorder.. Captured shortly before boob today by a posse 1-of farmers following a running pistol battle, White was brought to this city. takes before Judge Beiger in Juvenile tha yard has launched since th Em err eney Fleet Obrporetlon finished with its sis steel freight carriers, each of hieh waa 9500 tons. .Mrs. William Llayd Kitchell sponsored the vessel aad Included with her la the launching narrr. all from New York, ware Mr. aad Mrs. Hsrbert I. Csrr, Vr. aad Mrs. George Cogill, Mr. sad Mrs. Hugh White, Mr. end Mrs. Walter Q. Bmith. CoL and Mrs. C. W. Wiekershsm. large avmbor ef people" eaer the tanker Uuaehsd into the water ef the .Cape Fear river. The taaker will fly the British flag end upon being mad ready for sea willoepert for eeaae Meaieen port for e cargo ef eil. , " The future ef the steel ehipyard here is uheertain but it i believed that if order' are forthcoming steel voce will be eoatlnued though the kuaehlng today eemplctes the present program. PREPARING TO CLOSE ; DOWN BIG .PAPER JIILLS eaBaaWaWaaWaeB - rf Asheville. 'March ' ltv Prspsrstiens re aader way for the elosiag dowa early next week ef the great Champion mi - n Ultl. r... . ... 1. 1!' u.TJfL. " - " I Ue Booth. Follewisg the depression lllllOmS piaa n MHIJ IV wrIU I , . .V. VI- . ill. i - 3 av - M -1 .1 ial I au mi vw " aaiuaiaa wrarwi ue anovuaa - I .. k.. glsd tu follrw your suggestion." A statement give out at the same time that the telegram waa made public, aaid: "We assume that the justios aad necessity of witre ruts will not be nt issue.. Noy eaa there justly be sn issue on the matter of boors." - ,- Secretary Davis offer of persoBal mediation in an effort to evert a threat ened strike in the industry also was accepted by the union leaders, Dennie Lane, of the Amalgamated Meat Cutters and Butcher Workmen of North Amer ica, sending a telegram to tha head of the Federal ljilor LVrtsrtipebt in which he suggested that a joint conference of packers, employee nsd representative of the Labor Department be held in Washington March 18. . The statement issued by the pachera make ao mention of the wartime arbi tration agreement which waa can celled by them en February 26 aad says re garding the recently announced reduc tions of wage and readjustment ef working hours that "except tbVouxh such measure as we have adopted, the possibility of industrial difficulties that might eloee our planta would star us ia th face." . . inducing aom of the men he want' to accapt, aad both ha aad the leader in congress are anxious to have the ap pointments made aad con Armed before Jhe senate quiU. Whil it waited for the Shipping rjoara nominations th Senate heard also, mat Mr. Harding might ask U to paaa judgment before adjournment on tha aomiaatiea otoloael George Har vey, the New Tork editor, to be ambas sador to Great Britain. Selection of Colonel Harvey ia understood to have beea definitely decided en, and although, atr. . naraing was aot reay to trans mit th nomination today, the Republi can manager ia th Senate received ad vance information of such positive char acter that they conducted a poll of the Foreiga Belatioa committee on the qaeation of eenflrmatioa. 8 till another cause for prolongine- the special senates wee provided by Senator Larollette, Bepublieaa, Wiacoaain, who objected to immediate eonaideratioa of Foreign Minister Simons Makes I Ak-. . I .ai .a Lcnginy explanation 01 Allied Reparations ' Demands DEMANDS FULFILLMENT OF VERSAILLES TREATY SO FAR AS POSSIBLE Crowded House Heirs Stete. xnent of Oerman Delegate To London Conference, Who Dilates at Length Concern ing' Extraordinary Difficult' . To Make Definite Proposals; rrencn uenerai uraers ia. armament of 1,300 Security Police (a German City, After Hefusal To Salute Allied Offi cers; They LearePor.Kssew . . ... mi -. . r , .. tv. ... - -.1 . . j .- - t . . Press) . Approval of the German gov erament's attitude toward the silled1 reparatioB demands wa voted by th Baiebitag today after Foreiga Miaister 8imon mad a lengthy explaaatioa ef his work at the Londoa conference. Thar war a parttma debate ever the resdhition of approval, which was moved by the eoalitloa parties, but it waa Saally adopted by a rot ef SOS to 29. The Nationslieta and majority Socialists voted with th govsramsnt bloc. A eotamunlet rseolutioa demanding th Immediate establishment ef dlplo- . I in. a .. n , inane niuiuiw wiia OQTIWi JSUBSia wa decisively defeated. . , - Vk. k.M.a J - J A. . . -wa uvvun o eear isri Simon' state mant. ia which ha 41. latod oa the eniraardinarv JiAnltv deflnitc proposals ander the uncertainty .aceraing upper Bileaia aad the coa- rule, th' nomination, m.t from .th. h th. ft.!. I Vropol., White Houe yesterday, had to be put iJ, 0em" ontr-propomle , ever ..til Moaday, J. . m"? . P0"'"' .1.. 2lL-- . s . bli owe personal resDonaihllltv-. f ita slste of emuatelated aomiaatioa, rtt U" f" ",BOm8nU voting coaSrmatioa ef e number cent betot the London conference, la earlier in the week and ef aereral S8toM,f ee',, " tt Wee that, . tut i Mr. Herdlag .ebmittodTtoday. "f-e alllce . had tore , np the Mark Pwttar f New Terk, whose nesnl- PT tbrfor Void for Ger- k..i.' .L t.mi.i. manjr. wsaJsll wmn i L ,V!"rL","t Jbo' Cemmlseion was matte the senate along Hd repay Wrong with wroag. 'ClS l!fJM,;?,J ttwh that if Mr. Ksch, wae eae ef thoec "i r"td with laaghter eae " LrlT. .. ij lT ,v . . eeedrmcd. 'Among the selection sub-Mdr,, bnt Dr. Simon eoatlnued I mitted by the President daring the dsy 'ur tsenqaey tbtra stiU remain ful- had favorably acted oa by the Senate Sllment of the treaty se far ae that Were: WUliam W. Busband, of Vermoat, ie possrbleut no farther." to be eommiasioaer-geaeral ef Immt- He thea proceeded to edvocste the gration ; Harry H. Billany, ef Dele- seeking of a middle path to the eoua- ware, te be fourth assutaat Poat-maeter ter proposals a a different bails, general, aad CaH Mapee ef Michigan, "But,' be added, "it the moment we to be eolhuter ef the bureau ef internal are given such a chip ia th face we ' revenue. cannot oner our band end aay, we will Word that th Presideat might ask for be friadV That hi impossible. If we early aetioa oa Ue aomiaatioa of renew negotiation w must point eat r Colonel Harvey earns as a surprise, the that the basis is altered both n-reho- reneral expectation here having been kfieajly aad actually by th Ibibo. that all diplomatic appoiatment would sitioa of penalties.' be put ever until the ssssiia) teas m tot DEPARTMENT ISSUES NO . -. - STATEMENT DUKINS DAT. Washington.- March) U-The formal replierof th packers and of the em ploye ia thst industry to Secretary ievnr reiegram eaanng mediatiet ia the wag swduetieB eenasoriss were net receive a tonight secretary Tb secretary raid, however, that he would sot a eat, for the conferences aa sooa aa th replies consenting to th discussion had beea offlciallv re ceived aad edded that Secretary of Com merce Hoover sad. Secretary of Agri culture Wallace whom hs consulted be fore preffenag hie personal medjatioa would be, asked to toko part in them. Theiayidviee Would be valued; he said, as both of those departments arc vital lv eoaeeraed with condition ia thapack- FAILURE TO GET LICENSE UAUitS TOUSHEt 5 ARREST mbl next month. Joha W. Paris, I FRENCH GENERAL ORDERS tha ratirrnr ambassadorb Loadoa, is 1 State IBSnxanoe Commissioner I oa his way home, however, ana it wa Construes Co-operatiro Con cern As Corporation . WUliaautoa, March IS. J. Frank Fouah, secretary sad manager ef the Peanut Growers Exchange, of Suffolk, Va, was errestcd st Plymouth, N. C, todsy ea A warrant sworn out by. the North Carolina Insurance Commit- tioner for. sailing stock without a North' iadieatod that Mr. Hardiag had about decidedit would be uawis to leave the poet scant until congress reassemble. disabmjJg or the pouci Duesseldorf. March IS Tl. ),. s. eUted Press. Inability ef the German secany police omccrs te comncl nri- The belief toniaht wss thst thai V "u "-r aaea ' ZTmi; ally kaewa that White had been cap tured. Todfy psssr quietly with no ward IneidanTts. Chief laterest was area sod by military preparation and elomv which U ie aadsrstood has Just beea made, woald shut dowa- sjl de partmeats, threwiag out' of empToravewt 100 mea, thi action feeing taken. It Is stated, owing to' a mek ef orders from th arrest of Whir, but ht as time was t-sjsished mill, et BamUton,lOhlo, there anvthina- but traaauUitr.- - w. ; w , -"- - - s-t ni w 1 ivwm muifm FORECAST COLD WEATHER OR THE SOUTHERN STATES Washington, March "11 Weather predictions fee the week beginaiag htewday arei '. Middle AUaatic States. Cold aad aaaottlad weather with rata er esew . part eg the district the Are half ef the week. South Atlantic aad teat Gulf -Stasee. CeaeUled weatawr. fn quiet ralae aad temperature hiliw nee Bui, with freete In Ue laterier. THREE DROPS OF CHESflCAL - - BrfOUGH TO, KILL PERSOlf New Terk, Marca lly The enema. skisi cat warfare ssirhii llaatd nsleew ae strung era wUV Iklfl any M toecaea, at beeam day. - ev i. FaOtaaj like rein frem Bched -to airpleaen the UssM weald kin ererythlarg ia the aircraft path, eeeerdlag te a high, otectal -ef the IN . oeuvi. sonigns waa ia n,i rv- , .- Harvey nominBUoB7elong with toveral g"??j ontt? selections for the Shipping Board, prob- ri'" ' ""t Jc ably would be ready to sead to th P" f Duesseldorf and eoa mnatc earlr next wck. - ." ? the ehy before ' ewioca loaigBt. A. B. & A. RUNS FIRST ' r.teteI.nch'nZr' TRAIN TO C0RDELE, GA. been Sned three thousand marks. General Degoutt aad General Gaucher. Crolln. licehtr. Fousb. garc bond- tSXZttX&& Swm bVedorf, w. .TrrinV S F-ch for hi ppearane before th Be-1 raa it Srat traia from Atlanta to I headquarter todav whan the fla. (order' court ef Plymouth Moaday, I CordeleGa- todav nine th wag strike I offieer asked to it permitted to ami. begin mat Saturday ana anBouBcea uui i ph dus in r rencn general deeliaed employee had return so to work at asoa- m aeeepi Taa apology. texamV aad Douglas, Ga and that the Meaatime the recalcitrant private place ef the striking telegrapher had stood lounging in " th eommsndant't . already been nlled or woald be shortly, waiting room. Th Trench major had . The Cordel traia Jejeheduled to re- addressed him la Gennaa: tura here tomorrow aad a rou ad trip Tb must aaJut ma. The police- win be hisdr Sunday1- between i- sua replied, "I won't, ''-and did not mingbam aad LsnsviUe, Ala., roaa em-1 n similar mcmeni, yesterday wee set- i cials said $ -Vr Nd by the apology of two officer sadl No official advice from the united I nir promise to enforce the saluting of State Ballway Labor Board had been I French oflJcers by th polie. . uenerai xMgoutte, waea - ae left the March 14, at M a. av For th past two weeks, Mr. Fouah and three field cgonto, have beea in Martin end Washington ; eenalic se ta ring sigam to lb growers eostraet hich has beea ifaed it it claimed, by early four thmad grfwer in Vir ginia snd" 7?6rth Cafdlinl.- AecordrHg to th terms, ef th contract, the grower pay aa orgaaiaaioa foe et $10 at ths time of elgning the.eentreet and then agree to nay the balanc off dollar dueea eae har f- common stock as soon us the growers represent ing more tbaa nrry per cent ef the peanut grown In the two states have aigaed the ceatred ' Aeeerdiag tor Mr. Fouaht, the ergani- mtlon 1 a Boa-proflt,' eevsperative ai sotiatioa cad the eae ahVr - of stock that the grower coaditioaally ggreea te take wfhea he -ign . the contract ie merely hc basis tor membership inlb reewed by B. L. Bugg, ateaiver, er by uaioa chieft regarding th call for a conference March 1. and officials ef both aides withheld comment pending direct word from th board on the con-vaMaea- which waa told of in press dis- patebea. TJnloa chiefs, hewever. had previously .issued a statomeat enpress iag determination to fight Ue wage re duction tevthe ena, Biruyw stns zor memoersnip urra , nnnirnr lCCTi axchaage, The.esatraet he maintain! LAKE. PROJECT Mfctl I modeled after the California pUal for ee-eperative sjsoeiatioa sad is vir tually th came aa the contract now being preetedto eettea sad tobaee grower of the South for their signa ture. ; : .- . . WITH WIDE APPROVAL coafercBec with Geaeral Gaucher, ox- hi' prosed aatisfsction with th situatioa in th occupied areas, where he aaid Ue French had showa tb Germaa they war doing their - auty kindly, - but firmly. Over all th ereaa, he- added, , ' Ue situatioa "was very quiet ead peace- fuL . .. . i - -- Scarcely had General Degoutt' or der for disbandmeat ef Ue security po Bee been issued before truck- loaded wiU Ue police ead piled, high with baggage begaa rnmbliag toward Ue , outskirts. It had been expected Ucy ' would be marched cut la a body and formally disbanded, perhaps being el- jury Acquits two me, COURT. REBUKES JURYMEN i Cnrrttaek. Kamb. U-Aftar be. rag east fee newtr three hew re dar ing which ttaae they nt their din. nor the tare In the case sear star Ss. Clair Uwark aad Jeha lVWIrker with the merater ef P d Canep. iwtarned a verdict net gw'Hy tkb afteraim et StlS p. . The verdict si amid to aeaae as a pala ral (mrprie tor the eeert, Jadaw At leetb arnreaalag hie dlaapptsiel ta sajangast talis. 1 never earn a plalaar aae fer the auto ta my .' are," he said, address the reran. "It aeeuas to he a had day fee Cn. rttaek.' Second Asaual Marek "Hi Flat race, Steeps y edneedayAd v. . cbee. . fiaabarst. a. Mi mhat ever Ue Pisa for Us construction ef a great lake which will I jowad to return te their homes in th extend frem Asheville to Bremre, a tr. The indications were,' however, ampped oat here, Uis wA at "eatings that ths majority of them would be presided ever by Cel. Joseph Hyde Pritt M ef Dueeetlderf before Ue time limit are peering in here-daily. The lake by Oeaeral Degoutta. WUthia tw hour after the order was ' issued, the streets were virtually deserted by Ue police ia their green aaiferms and few soldiers were in evidence, except Ue nausi Beatrice. ,; The security police appeared la the best of spirit and waved goodbye te frieada, It 1 understood the 'blne trame police "will be counted ea by the, salutary to malatala order as there t ne preeeat ratentioa te snbsrrtete ii ether body for tb disbanded polie fovea. - Before nightfall most f U seecrity police were proceeding toward , Eaeea by aseter tracks aader aapplemestal nsatrnctioaa te vacate net ealy-Doee- selderf bet all thj. newly eeeupiod area. Oae truck lead, carrying fa as, aeta. mati piatol aad bayeneta, waa greeted with. here by crowds ia Ue siree' ,j ;. ' ' - ' director wiU meet March SS te get the autter actually started aad it 1 be lieved erase deSalte actiea will be taken f-aeat week ia ' beginning the work mapped . out. . . .' , . - - - - SAYS HOLDING UP LIQUOR v IS AW UNFRIENDLY ACT? Victoria!- B. C March LtSepert that Bqaev twemigaed te nerUera Brit ish Coram Mhas hi bedag held at Ue Amchan f rentier by American authori ties wUl he, ia vevtirated ahd if feaad tree," pretested to Ottawa as aa ea frieadly act, Atteraey General Farrie aid today.- The attorney general eaJd bad reeeived pretests frem many ta th nerU ef the heldiag up ad liauan,