..v ...... ; Jr NEWS AND onSERVER. RAITJCR N. C SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 13. I92f. MAD ill TO Hugh P. Latimer Named At Gef.arai atorotary of Twin , iCiti Y. M. C. A. Wlaale ""a U-Hefc T. lartiaec, V " keeerT1. bare few at-ala. ao Blaea. Aiv. by i an-tere iaar ed 'u preen k aeet eeeaaBbU aad ereat city (M(if eerae fw AM riapuy, will hnw4 Allea M. Craig M general aeeretarr M,' n,Ht'"" AaeoeieUea. Bla eleetioa u au mim ody by the board ef direc tort aad Mr. Utiaer will, eater upon hit ae dutiea Merc a II. With thia neeh'e ealee local market bee eeld MJ.i0 poaada af leaf to beeee. Bnperrleor Baoa eeya aalet wlH Ttati tee alary million Mark aben aeaeea eleere eerie in April. Tfiple aalai will he rednerd te 1o, 'begia aiaf blaaday. Tka lanreet poultry yardt la the Cereliaae art located a fe aiilea from tkia aity. W. A- Cook, oaair, aa eaee4 ted ay ttet l" ehlckcna are wt baiaf hatched at kia yard arery Ta-aday. One ieeaaator olla t0"0 egge. Mr. Cook lUrtcd ia boeineee 16 atoatbe age aad it kaa growa by leai akd boned. He baa thoueande ot few la. Tkere ware 141 birth aad death Winetoa-Salea Uet noath. Eight raeee af email were refortfd, but there were aa fatelitiea. lira. R. 8-, LiariHe, wiia of Ei ttmm rVianalaatnaer LIbtIII. died Jae Bight at bar bome.-auk Un.iAtl Olta "edrlda a. ivwtn., .. a.b Te Meet.-1 la Book Clnb will boob at the Wemaa'a 1 Tka Oil Pad rid Tuaaoav afieraooB Clak with hire. W. 8. Wileoa. LAWLESS OUTBREAK PUZZLES OFFICERS (Continued froai Page One.) a abort dletanee aortbweet of Btay Bill, wae biyned at tka aama lime, eatalllng a lone of cetera! thouaand del lire. N clue aa to the orlgia of any of the area or aa to the pereoaa believed ta bar been reepoaeible for them baa beat foaad ao far. On Tueeday following the bornlnjf enred at Park Plane, m W. .. Calon and atone. Proprttore. Tl PRRlHlllCn ROOM TO OKOT1.K.MAW. T.i.nk. ei-J. No. 1 Mew, 1 eaaMBBBBBBWaHaWBMaakaBeaB Mr. Bey'i 4weUlaf bowee Mr. Baa KUaehy bljedkeaade ware earrlad U tie eeara In aa rt U track the par- a. Tha Aoea ra Maable, baweeer, Bad a (Iaa a ay a here area ad the bui!aig. IKe-fean erbool U a twa-iaaeher aehai !tk na earallaerit af hearty 70 aapila. Tke balldlng aaa aretad bew e aare age ta take tba plaee m Luk m ii I aaooi aaoae. i uk.i '.m tiBnnld aa there aa etaee aeauaoia iiraeiura in mmn Abeail B.U90U inearaare wu earrlea ea t"e balldlag- aa Bad KepaUttea. f. v . u IU thrftueh New Light towaehip, aad It k generally ttat- ti that blofiadtng la genrrai ain k..k. Tku tnsnitifn kaa the reirata- tioa of being the woret eeclioa ia Wtkj eounty for bloallng. II M BBoereiew that ahea the raldlag party iaeadad the toaaahlp Thurailajr- hnadred at warning ahoU were Bred by reeioeaia fnr the nurooee of announcing the ap- proah of the ofllrare. It it aUa aadat- rtood that a tigaai eyeieej . yr.j..-, v. rti;n mine from hoaae to honae ap the river by tiring a eertaia auinlr af akota. Thia U taewgni h vm - -planatinn of the fart that at the eight atlll aitet raided the etHle and itlnr apparatuf had beB remored beforr Jhe arrtal of the offlfera. The towaahip hae beea the aeene of aineh rioleaee recently. 8eerl monUa . mmta allered ta hare beea killed by tkelr kuebanda, one af akaav taJifel . nirjiaru . Warren la alleged to haTe beea ahot by rVam Woodll.-f, former dfputr therlff, daring eome trouble that It tald to haa occurred at the boma of Mra. Battle Bavr near 8tny Hill. Woodllef la In the county jail pending lha ouUome of the injnriee anUlnd br Warren, aha ia in Hoi Hoapital at the ' time aad ia reported to be oa the road '" ""I t. wi.. ""' """ ..Aw n-w . AWetai ami aiiM n ai rmirvt wrr n w- g rnilea northeaat of Ktlaigh. All the Mil. hn.l een rirnoved. The ofllcere deatroTed nearly 1,000 gillone of bear aad SO galloat of elder. Overman Secures Promise To Think About Te South (Continued from Tag Oat ) mtfrnimm una in naa ia Dractieaily all ....... . ik. .ntrrv ta larealr aulLi i.j l V...lk ramllaa and aallera into uvu ia . v ... 1 - the atate are greatly iaeeBYealanoed. Tk. v. Virli nanar'a atarr farther aayt that aererai aaaoeiatieai of credit aien in eiaryHu iuiw tn theie aaeoBBta only In aerchanla t epay their aoeomaU only ia .hx-hi drawn an Natiaaal bankt or -.k... ia.tit.iiMa eHeaub whlek aalUe ..... . nk raruiiaa ahwAa aay be made at par- rk. .takmat la aaade that tba Na tloual aaanclatioa ot Credit Mea, aith a aeeiberehlp f aad aallated hranehea ta 1W ct.ee hat "tawa oe feated effarta to OBiienalaa par eollea Uoa af eheeka" aad that 'aew that a third bnMa h) laminaat, ui arra aen arfrcparinf to preeett their ar- goD.ente la fater of tba praa-at tyey" Thai" ... ... manaaea niaB." WaaU aWaUera Ttawa, n .1 tka Raathara tariff brealdeaa af yeeterday, what Attorary Ike Heuee waye aad meaat trnnrnlttee aoaeUne ia April te ''eetliae the tariff policy deelred by the fcatk,'' aceordmi to a etateneal atia today by Chair aiaa Ferdaey. . There ia ronaldrrable eoafaainn ia the tariff problem dcalred ly the Houlb .ki.k ..M like ta eletr ao." Chair naa Tordaey aild, "and the Heath baa any rongreainaa er the aaava poiii"-.. f.i.k j.i.i.rf a tariff Baiter anil tome of her icadera, taaetially la the Senate, are eioienuy oppoaea n y teUt Uflff ta Soutbera prodoata, or oa the predaett af aay etbar aanttoa. "There It anoxaer poiuicai arnuoi ... thought pacaliar W tba Jteatb wbiak fa eora a protectee Urlff ea prodntta originating la their rhrtrfct er eeftloa, Protect Chick from Diarrho YrMin chicka ire iuWect to diarrhoea. Protect them with . Chick DittrrhoM TableU ttpuMaMBaeaecaataamaaaniiT, . mmMtitm. teaulatina the aa. kttiaat aiaient am tela aV tbi rtutwiM eiAi-iaai aerw arei aaca, BwHa a Mtfet aawat Pwam ar.. i !"" www met paereiMe, ai a. rWtee w. a, teaata. tit a. tuaai aawi bat aaU free trade oa ell ether er flaw. -Buck teereaeauneaa ta af , Utag iaeeaeittee, af ewerar. -are IIHU larlurace il fra""'" a aaa ur.g bUi aad H baee th-a 4 m "bj aara- . u .-. a lajLtf aea aeu ai""Mw w " . rare Uat wlU beet aawat the ae-aaab, iatereeU af the aa:h wx.-. a ed atdiua r aacerlala-eg bthera tic". , -We reeegaUo the Kewtfcera Tariff aaeockatioa aa ta argantaatiea capable .( aaderalaading Hoalb.ra prubicun and af terrertly laterpretlag ri-athrra aaa o ay, ' to what It eoncludrd NOTICE flecliT Monday 14. through paaecn ger eerriee will be rt-aaUblUkad be tweca Bolelgh and Cbtrlattei laavlng Raleigh 7:40 a. at. arrlelng Charlotte J p. in.; leaving Charlotte) 6ilS a. arririug Kale if h p. m. Paaaanger t re iaa bow operated between Charlotte aad Htar are ahtad traiaa. Batweea Raleigh aad Star will be dieeeatiaard lame date. NORFOLK BOCTHEBN. J. r. iJaltoa. O. P. A. jkkaaaitanaenaW-lg . '-.'V.:L.u.sy: ... If Your Piano Needs Tuning Phone 341 And we will have an ex pert tuner to ttalL Darnell & Thomas W. S. THOMAS, Mgr. 118 FartteTM St. Raleigh, N. C Hamon Declared Woman Shot Him, Witneues siaie page One ) ( t.'untinue i - to be ia eonrt it-. It b Uque, Wlngo m l Klahar, Hargrae; c.r,ttA 1-rreling di.played to the Jnry k. i.i..itai.iiiMl aadercarairnta ami ,,,,,1 Mr Uaa oa had ora whea he ate ahot, had readerod her enable to iea.c . .a Jaha L. Jr.. 10 yrara noaiv. www f . - . , old, waa la bla. Beua aeat eppoeiUtha lef eaAaaL aad ' Jeaet' 0. CBrieB. af thanea, Mta, , Baavaa'e aweeaaal Ba rn aa Is teart U pretart hat ta- Uroaaa. The defehdaat today ed aaa- COUGHS AllO COLDS often tcnacioua, are a dLrain upon the vital forces. SCOTS D.1ULS10H trengthens the whole tystem and helps (hire out the pre dtapofing cause. AIM M AKEHS OP KhiqidS .a . aa. a V iimtarrvriAU XSILIHUIUCidllUn Z t its. I wmmmm Hotel Raleigh Qfeteria HIGH CLASS SERVICE AttrscU and appeals to apprtclativa popU. Strictlr worth while. e-Iatraaca tMreet Fraa McDwweU Slre-4 aad Ubky- Meal Hours: Morning-, 7 :S0 to 9 :30 Noon, 12:00 to 2:30 Evening, 6:00 to 8:00 Music. tweed aad far tat In tlave tailad,. kaateroea eeeae la Ut aaatiaaay er ebieetioBd of eawaaau eaa aa rr aeted her bat or the fleet time aad aaiad eaere at eaaa. Mke drtw hat attoraeyt te bar tide repeatedly duiakf the aiaalaatiaa at wliama wha weee detaaltaeT axpeeahoat they tald ha bad mule aad aaUeaa they aaid tba bad taken. t Let's . Ga See thia peek's PrUr, Ink for facta and figures about the South's 21 Money Crops 1926 value over three billion dollars. SOUTHERN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS 1 ASSOCIATION CHATTANOOGA. TEN!, ICECREAM IN THE DIET I .a- No. 1 The Balanced Ration v Getting fig! dowa to eiemeritsla, food TjaJoubtedTr b the nrwrtsni taetor ox yomjoaieoai wcviee jerj suo- i ' i t j t nt ? . .t." i of roar brain, bone, and fleih are Nature! telectioa thoruxV hbeauy onderatood, then, how jrnp.wrt u tfkt choice of food with thTifhriripeienttr1 There are certain food qualities csaential to proper euriah- . .iaa .''. .1 It A corracnr laiancea met win contan ineai au. m .M.I.maiii rawwwtwkia. Dm waM lmowr tkat Ira Gram. i KgtAazfj Siati is reaaooahat fjnantitj, wtH fo far toward ak. mc etat It wnll anJ for tria trttnn i rrial it ia fwaewwia nat tkh a3k and cacan, ptasiaiit'y llaTOftd and - af ak tk aaa a a.t . a f pepeied. Aad mix nature s owa Mimea act. n dtnipted to eerre as the soU tstioa of the jotnosad IaaetifciBaa ..'.' .' fr ar?? Art! ! -sua try of purity" j : TUaSt - ' - - - fl a aw a eaeet plmf. g el aS a-ade o aatea aVa kaakb ee. wdU-ning ai naa eai aaajaa, "Iaa eaaannt tad eanjM hk aa aaaW aaw tfaaeak t ; - ' - -IS If You Want to Know Wherein IteinldiqiiiKiir aBaaaaa-aJapaBaaBaa-aaanaaaaaaaBBB About the smoothest, nicest sounding bit of reading we know of today is the aVenige automobile advertisement studebaker ads are no excepUon Regardless Sgliloiial car. But how are you to know thbT, Z SSm advertfementst No! Ak the fellow who owns one. or read- WHAT SA 1 lor u w nc.no oj i Ask An Owner Raleigh, N. C, March 11, 1921. Cothraii' and McKlmmon, ' Raleigh, N. a Dear Sirs: iV You doubtless recall having sold me the first ol August of last year a Studebaker Big-Six. I have kept this car in constant use since my purchase i and I thought you would be plessed to know .that it has during these eight months given perfect Mu tton in every wsy. The driving is easy, the rid ng 'comfortable;, the motor a tower of strength i. tne speed: too much for a slow preacnex, . """y-" ft ia a ear of surprising economy. During the time I have o3nd theWi the upkeep h. been jbout 78 1 cents er tnonth. I am well pleased with my I5eS Jf car, and etpect to continue to drive I wisVfwVott continued success in your Ulness. -' Sincerely. - . Pastor Edenton Street M. E. Church, South Baleigh, N. C, March It, l$21.r ; Cothran h McKImmori Motor Co, Raleigh, N. C. DCarSirs: ... ... It is with pleasure that I advise you of the excel, lent results obtained, after nearly two years service, from one ef your Big Six Models.1 I can safely state that during the period I have owned the STUDE BAKER It has eost us less tHatr,$150.00 as to gen eral maintenance, and It is an especially easy car on tires, for l am on our original cord tires which came with the car, and which have rn nearly fourteen thouaand (14,000) miles.; ;.: ; The motor today is almost as quiet as a new ear, and I think I can safely state that after nearly two years of service we are averaging nearly thirteen (18) miles to the gallon of gasoline. ' . - I therefore heartily recommend the BIO SIX STUDEBAKER to any one anticipating the purchase ' Wishing you every success, I beg to remain, , Very tirnly yours, H.B. D ALTON. Raleigh," N. C, March 12, 1921. Cothran and McKimmon Motor Co. Raleigh. N. a Gentlemen! . ' : - : , 4 Replying to your inquiry, am aa w w . my Studebaker Special Six. which I have, driven for nea'rly a year; has given almost perfect satisfaction. In that time I have stfent only $3.45 it for re pairs and my only other expense has been for gas d i OIL I find k unusually economicaj to opera- would, not exchange it for any car costing within $600 of the Studebaker Raleigh. N. Cn March 12, 1921. Cothran & McKimmon Motor Co.. ' ; Raleigh, N. C. - , ' Gentlemen: . , . '' ' . I want to take this opportunity to write yeu a let ter telling you of the satisfaction and enjoyment the STUDEBAKER BABY SIX .aft'ords me. "To me, two of its chief appeals are speed and power and believe me it has both aplenty.-, Notwithstanding that I find the Studebaker the most economical car that rolls on four wheels. ' 1 i 1 usually get from sixteen to twenty-two miles en a gallon of gas. Tf la htehr tiac.uarr for ma tn add that I am a well Pleased Studebaker owner and that when I get another car it wUl be a Studebaker because there Isn't any other car in Its class for the money. I am, X0UTsmuyr M. I ... ' u'; Raleigh. N.C.. March 12, 1921. Cothran d McKimmon Motor Co, -- ' ' f Raleigh, N.C. . . . - wwimiff SIX for almost a ear and am delighted with its per-'e-'ti&te trades as if it enjoyed themV ' i . 'x . 1V mo" than fulfills alUhe cUims made for it by the Manufacturer.'- $. ' r . : , . Very sincerely yours, V ,-.'.' " - (MISS) ELLEN. N. DURHAM.' -. .'. , j$18 Hlllsbor Street ; Raleigh, N. C," March 12, 1921. Cothran ft McKimmon Mbtr Co. . - Rsleigh,N.C; V"vv;r.i. . . Dear Sirs: y ' v W -.-'. The Studebaker Special Six which I purchased oa April, 16, 1920, has givn entire satisfaction ttp to date, and has not been in shop for repairs of any kind. - - v.. -y -.xi; Am still using the original tires which have cov ered 9,200 miles and are good for some time yet. I can heartily endorse this car as entirelrtis factory and economical to operate.- --- -1 ?i.' r-i If. Demoiutriite Superior Quality of the Sta3cbakcrA,, IfEltlif an a ft . EaG.'COTIISAN r yv StudebaJcer Sales and Seine 414 South SalUbory Strejet n f Y , RALEIGH, N. C. j . M TliU Is Another Studebaker Year." " 6. - S ' ' V W. S. McKTMMQN ' r 1 t, -