The. News: aM Qtos tus nmwat Hmtm Csreilae Local -sasw are TSwdsy sad Wednesday, saSd sseiars. ' erver your pasee. Send rnawal e,vs list safer aaMrstlos la erdf I avoid Buums a slants eosr ; , VOLCXIH. NO. 74. SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C, TUESDAY MORNING. MARCH 15. 1921. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE. FIVE CENTS SAYS .0. CTGIVEN BROAD POWERS TO AVOID OVVWERSHIP Arguments In . Wisconsin Rate . Case Before The Supreme . Court Continue BRUCE SCOn RESUMES ARGUMENT FOR ROADS Declares Alternative of Got- ernment Wu To Giro Wow Powers To 8infl Ifency for SchabUittUor Railroads la .Public Interest ; Contend Tot Kifhts of The States Another S(ep Taken to , Settle Boundary Matter New Basis Of Negotiation Believed By State Department To Be Acceptable To Panama And Coeta Rica Outlined In New Note Dispatched To The Panama Government. Wsshingtoa, March 14. Bcouailag ts fay before ths Supreme Court his srgu sat la beksif ef the Barriers la tit Wiseoaaia rata eaae, Brace Beott, gen tral solicitor of the Chicago, Burlington ' a si Quiney railroad aeserted that broad powara were gives tba Iatantata 'Commerce Commission by Congress ds liberately to obviate tba necessity for gevsramsnt awaartbip. When Congress terminated federal control,' aatd Mr. Beott, "it found that tba eonditioa of tba railroads required maw legislation. Tba pnblia did not wiab government ownership and tba aJ Washington, liareb 14. (By tba As tociated Press.) A nsw baiia of nego- tiatloa believed by efflelajs of tba Stata Department ta bs acceptable to botb Piaaaa aad Costa Rie ia settlement of their boundary diapute was outlined ia a mote dispatched to Psaame today. Replying ta Panama's vigorous pro- tMt against Becrstary Hughes' am aonneement that tba arbitral award of Chief Justice White muat be put Into affect, ia ita entirety, tba lateet com mnnleatloa, while adhering to the pre vious declaration regarding the Paeific end of tba boundary, opeao tba door e f. mm is MORRISON'S CHOICE STATE PRISON HEAD amkaiie .ettiement br agreeing to! Governor's Recommendation win uo to New prison uoara Which Meets Today farther discuss the Atlantic ead. The aoae at considered by diplomat hero to have dealt a death blow to aay poeaibility that tS League of Natioaa might be railed oa to art ia the question by citing provisions of a treaty drawn ia lUfi whereby Tanama ' and Coata Rica agreed to aubmit disputes to the United HUM aa mediator. Thia treaty, alcana by the three powers, waa aoaoti ated by William Jennibg BrySu, then rleeretary of qtate, at a means of safe guarding American interests ia Paaama. Today aote waa interpreted aa mean ing that redefinition of the northern boundary line would be favored by the united Btatee. GUDGER OUSTED AS ra mm AsheviMe Postmaster Removed From Office By Telegraph Yesterday , Ashevill. March 14. Coming aa a elimai to the letter-writing battle which bai been waged between Poat- PRESIDENFFILLS THREE MORE JOBS J. Mayhew Wainwr.ght Named Assistant Secretary of War; Other Appointments Waihugton, March 14. Praaident Harding today tilled three mora im portant poata in bia adminiatratioa and GEORGE R. POU WILL SUCCEED M'CULtOCH Proposed Successor To J. B Oollie Baa Been Chief Clerk For Tour Tears; Collie, Got ernor Intimates, Will Be - Oiren Another Appointment Within Administration tentative waa to glvs new powers to a maater Uweu Uudger nnd nret Aunt aaked the Senate to again prolong iu aingla agency for tba rehabilitation of snt Poatmaater denemi J. C. Koons, apeeial aeaeioa to act oa further nomi- the -railroads ia tba public interest, tba fonwwu removed from office Aaons? tbeaa cowers was that sivsa tba this moraing by telegraph, and he Im- Iataratata Commerce OomaAiajoa for tba Drat time to preaerlba state rates ,..ia, ramora diserimisaUoa. ....x. . Tba Wiaeoaaia rata caae embodies aa appeal of tba railroad eomntiaaioa af that etate from aa injunction reatraia . ing it from interfering with the Burl- ingtoa's attempt to follow aa order of , the lateratate Commerce Commiaaioa aathorisiag iaereaaad rates, forty -two " states bars joined with jfissoniia. Mr. Eeott. ia bis announcement to day, declared, however, that 31 states bad obeyed tba order immediately wbila other states granted the -freight increase aloaej being restricted by fpecifle ' statntet to action on shat elaaa of tranaportation. ' , -' Other Argameata. John E. Benton, general aollcitor for tbo National Aasoeiatioa of Bailway and Utilities Commissioners, who was select ed - to ropraaent tba agencies of tba atatee cooperating with WiaeoBsln, fol - lowed Mr. Beott He deroted atnek of of bia argument to. revi blatortcai " precedent' which leaded to apsoia we ' contention that tba Internal aommareo of a state was wpreeely reeereed to that state's soperriaioa by ths oonatttutiom Fall reeognitlea of this fey Gongreej, he ' said, was shown many times ia the progress of. the Transportation Act through the House aad BeVate.; Mr. Benton asked that tha act "be ., bold ia violation of the Federal eonsU tutioa and that tha findings and order ' of the Interatate Commerce Commiaaioa bo held to bo illegal and void." ; Kecogaiied Aathority. The contention of the states' rep re in ed lately turned over the office to Dan W. Hill, who was appointed .by Mr. Koons as acting postmsster,. pending the settlemeSt aa to the regular ap pointment. Mr. Ondger did not profess surprise at being ousted from office, aa he aaid he bad expected it every day since the Republicans went into office. Tbo rebl cause of the removal, it ia understood, ia tbo charge by Koons that Oudger printed the offleial correspondence in the ease of Mies Katharine Rollins, who waa dismissed from, office on ehergas of alleged irregularity. Mr. Cadger bss had ths office for eight yoan, having been appointed by President Wilaoa on tho recommenda tion of tha lata Oongreasmaa Oudger. MsJ. W. W. Bollina, Republican, held office one year in ths 11 rat wilaoa ad ministration, or antil" tbo' commission ha bad expired and the Democrats isda ao attempt to oast mm. ti .muj k tj:ii ni M.i.2r r bs talked over the wattar with sr-4.pprrei.pp aunt of tha united fitatos Bteel Cor. E. P. McCuUoek, of Bladea aouaty, for four years chief clerk of the Huts Prison, la Governor Cameron Morrison's choice ss euperintradeBt of the Prison to succeed J. R. Collie, Governor Bics etl'a appointee. The reevmmendatioa of the Governor will go before The State Priaoa Board at ita meeting to day along with the recommendation for tha appointment of George R. Pon, ef Smithfield, as eueeessor to Mr. MeCal- loch. Governor Morrison ' yeeterday pro- feeaed to considerable difficulty in makinf tho selection for the head of tho State'a Prison. He 'expressed great friendship for the present euperinten deat and great respect for his ability and declared yeeterday afternoon when he made hia recommeadatioB public that he had la mind tho appointment of Mr. Collie to a place ia the admiaia tration for which he is well suited. Mr. "MrCulloch waa chief clerk of the State Priaoa daring the adminiatratioa of Governor Birkett and received many nations he expects" to aubmit tomor row. As Assistant Secretarr of War. tha Preeident named" J. Maybew Wain wright, of New York, who served in the worM war M a, iatiwal guard enl-i edorseaents for t-he higher office. Mr, oael on the ataff of the Twenty-seventh Pou, hia suoeeaaor as chief clerk ia the Division; Aaaiatant Secretary of the son of Congressman E. W. Pou, and is Treasurer in charge of foreign leans hsj chairman of the Democratic Executive designated Eliot Wadsworth. of Boa-1 Committee of Johnston county ton, a retired ' business man and Red Tha new state priaoa board will meet Crosa official. Euaene Mever. Jr.. of for the - Drat time today, When the New Yorlc,"Ws homirmTeTPaa: a diree-1 reoommeadatioaa of ths Governor as ter of tha War Finnnee Carnnrarlnn. a I Cordinc to custom will be confirmed, poat he bad held under the Wilson ad- Th9 " board contains only ons of the ministration. I former membera, this being w. ai. Baa All three of the nominations. Jona dera, of BmiUifield. The chairman with a batch of armv bromotiona. irrri I Jamea A. Leake, of Anson county, sue confirmed, by the (Senate without pro- eedin H' B- Vsrner, of Lexington. longed debate. Whether the names to .bo sent in st 1 . M I 1 wwv.avw - kwuv. win mciuue BOIVO- tioaa for. tho Shipping Board remained neertaia-4oni8ht, but there were indi cations that tho Preeident hoped to reach tome decision aooa in regard to several of tbo beard members. Daring DANIELS GIVEN ROUSING WELCOME IN CUMBERLAND Thousands Gather In Streets o Fayetteville To Greet For mer Secretary - ELABORATE PROGRAM OF ENTERTAINMENT GIVEN Olowisf Tribute Paid To for mer Secretary B7 Capt. Jas. ,D. McNeill; Speaks at T. M C. A. Luncheon, at Weloom inf xeroise aad at Xiwanif Dinner; Reviews Soldiers ths raee OIUo Fitrirerajd bnt it Js o known if bs want ao far aa to send ia petitions be circulated. Th trial, of Charles Latta and, Sol Slagls, charged with the murder of Lather Merrill several weeks -ago, started ia Superior Court today, and the nrst day was spent in taking evi dence, hav am betas- riil f I aominationa before it. Tba two Boml- Ths other -'members are E. B. Fieklen, of Pitt; A. U Bullock, of Robeson and Richard M. Chatham, of Barry. ALFREO L FRENCH 1$ CLAIMED BY DEATH Agricultural Leader Succumbs To Typhoid reran 'una. -X ), r BJ7 Draper. March- 34. Alfred IJewellya board, bot both denied afterward that ' wi.deI' t0Z " 5 bma! l they were under consideration, Wbea the Senate adjourned today H had acted favorably oa all bnt two poratioa, beta of whom have bees men-1 tioaed as poaaible - ehairmea of thai lives, and a special venire ef 200 men wax caviled from which the-jurv was selected. The. trial will probably last for a week. Aberdeen Angus cattle aad. prominent writer oa agricultural sabjeets, died last night at bis home near Draper of typhoid fever. Tha remains will be takea to BoidsvUIo and tha I uneral aer- vicea will be held at that place Tnea- o wiscoBam, oe a memoer 01 mo I . v fc t- . iao eonienuon or ine staler repre i OCPDCTS DV firklDV TA sentative that Congress hsd specifically I dttntlAKT UtNtST 10 VISIT ATLANTIC FLEET recognized ths sxclusive aathority of the state over its internal eommorey waa supported In a special brief filed "today. The Honsa interstate' commerce eom- ?.iSf.. k J?rjyp4 tbflJrJo,.tsMrtedf. - aubatituted ia a Benate measure pro vision thst "no ehangs or increase shall be made ia interstate rates, fsres or .1 !U .. . V -..4 Jl . . . . .1 .U approval of tha proper state legulsUng JJ Washington I SUPDOrted I . "w vuu, kubid Interstate Commerce Commission, and Charles C. Madison, of Kansas City, Mo., to be United States Attorney for the western district of Missouri. Both wera referred to committees after! ob jection to their immediate confirmation date for tho office of State Commis sioner of Agriculture oa tha Republi can ticket. Ho was president or the Carolina Aberdeen-Angus Breeders' Association," , v ice-president of the North Carolina Beef Breeders' Aaeo- i . m ,l. i.r . m a nrit1 a a mm sj l yvjaaa rv wioia aaaaxiicruaai w wuui iua,tivsj Secretary Will AlSO; Hake In. I had been made by Senators UPollotte, inican Bepublio Bewblieanv'dTsBtiirri;'' YeMwetrvefr The list of army of fieere, numbering about fS.000. whose nominations were Washington, March 14. Secretary of confirmed, corresponded the most part with that sent to the Benate at tha last session by President Wilaon, hs will witness tribunals." Thia proriaion was supported .7id7.nd wbr.Tr4ide7 ; Atu-tt. HOPE TO AVERT STRIKE JiaP nartlenlar maaanra an November lter he will go to Haiti and ths 1 ISJ DAPlf isjft IMHIIC that particular measure oa. November 19, 1919, bia message left no doubt as t hi , Interpretation of the intention ' of Congtsss to make -. complete rssto . ration of powerto the s'tstes. Nowhere In the discussion which led , to adoption ef tha transportation act la ita final form, the brief continued, ' Congress hadV, receded from its- ex- ANARCHIST CONFESSES Dominican Republic to inspect the Ma rines stationed on ths Islands, sad will return to Washington about April 6. Ths naval secretary will make toe trip South by rsjl to Kef West,, Fla., and front there he will go to tha fleet base st Guanatanamo on a destroyer. Hs will bo aeeoaapanied by Captain J, K. Robison, of navsl optrstions, and I packers and representatives vol. v. if. sorter, of tha Marine Corps. I employees today agreed to tributing editor of'fts Profressive mer. s , The deceased waa born in Wakeman, Ohio, November, 10, 1869, and came to North Carolina twenty years ago be cause of poor health, settling in Rock ingham county near the Virginia line. Hia boms was near Draper, but his IN PAPhflKiri IWnilCTDY boetofflee was st Cascade. Virginia. Mr. creBca im aurvivcat uv nia .iuwiti wuv By BEN DIXON MacNEILL. rayettevillo, March 14. Like the clansmen of old who eut down Birnam Wood aad carried It 0wa with them to battle sgainst the stronghold of Mac beth, tha Scotch of the Caps fear eonatry eut them down long leaf pine bra nolle today aad gathered tea thoue- aad strong ob the streets of Fayette vine. But there waa ao war err oa their lips as they waved their pins branches, aothing but shouts of wel come to Joeephaa Daniels, back to the lead of tbo long leaf pine. Coming all unwarned Into their city at aooa today, the former Secretary rode into the midst of a celebration that has not been rivaled hero alnee tho Scotch tamed ont In mass forma tioa sixty -five years ago to welcome James Dobbin whea he came home from four years service aa Secretary of the Navy. Captain James D. McNeill, maa ter of ceremonies who witnessed the former as a small boy, aaid so. At aay rate, the streets of the city bristled with, tha braoebee of piae treee and the throng yelled itself hoarse. Ths program, . in -so far as it waa aowa to Mr. uanieia, was notning more elaborate thaa aa address to be delivered at a campaign luncheon for the T. M. !r A., drive, -and a visit to Camp Bragg to witnaea ths firing of the big guns. Motor trouble delayed his arrival aad whea hs got here ho found (Ceatlnaed On Page Two) Former Secretary Speaks at Banquet In Behalf of Move ment For Y. M. C. A. SCHOOL BOY WALKS OFF WITH SPEAKING HONORS Cumberland Citisens Decide lLAKA HAMUN VV GOON STANDTODAY IN HER OWN BEHALF State Concludes Presentm. Evidence and Testimony For Defense Begins .That 'T" Is Bif Need and BUSINESS MANAGER FOR Provide $80,000 For Its HaUniu Al en TCCTld Construction: T. M. 0. A. Matter Principal Idea Be. fore Community i By BEN DIXON MacNEILL. rayetteville, Mbrrh H.-Fayetterillr consulted Itself about building a T. M C. A. tonight and at ths end of a two hoar conference held around the ban qnet table ef the Lafayette Hotel, with 00 of its leading eitlxeae there, snd a high school boy taking ths spesking bonors clean away from the former Secretary of the Navy, decided that a Y" la ths Caps Yeut metropolis' big rest need and provided some $30,000 to build it wUh The elsBsmea had beea working to ward tonight's decision for weeks pant and for ths but several days the com munity has talked little elae. Tonight the big drive got sway with a clear start and presently Fayetteville ia go ing to hsvs a thing that it has coveted since ths beginning of the war, an initial investment of half a hundred thousand in money and an unbounded public interest will bs made. Problems brought to them by the lo cation of Camp Bragg hers - have brought the idew of s "Y" to the fore- front of the community mind, snd the officers and men alike at the camp have Joined hands with the "God Blessed Maes'' with a common end in vie Tonigtjt th commanding officer nf the camp, Colonel Foy, and his staff ol cere. Majors Bowley, Gruber and Austin, sat across ths table from the (Contused ea Pag Two) BEGIN SEARCH FOR MISSING TAR HEEL E. R. Wilson, of Wilson Mills, Last Reported In Mexico; Other News Packers andBepresentatire. '"""I? .ITJrF. Of ErriplOYeS To Meet In I leu Lw Annie Crane and Cordelia M. I recently took jrrenen.. l Washington Marcb, 21 .r i p- ....... t. Chicago, Ilia., March 14. Both the of their meet - on His naval aids, Commander P. W. Poote, I March 21 ia Washington with Soere- msy slao accompany blm. - Itary of Labor Davis, who has offered IU rIL.L.IIiU ur UHIU his eoatempiated visit, Mr. Denby said I of averting a threatened strike in the he intended to familiarize limself. with I packing industry. TURN CAMP JOHNSON OVER TO STATE TROQPS Wsshingtoa, ' March 14- The tercet range and buildings connected with it at .Camp Johnson, near. Jacksonville, Fla. will bs tamed over to the Stats for use of State troops', it wis learned Madrid, March 14.-Psdro Mateo," a the administration work .flay Ihetan SS-yaar-old anarchist arrested today tins of the battle fleet. His visit to would be represented .by Jamea UTns wiU remain vested ia the govern-"7""rJ'""' ". " T on suspicion of having beea one of the Haiti and the Dominican Bepublie hss Condon and rCarl -Meyentbeir-BttoT- nent M murderers of Premier Dato, confessed no connection with recent efforts to ob neya, Whs are already in Washington, stood thst later ths land may bs given to theertoehoneu teia withdrawal' ef American, Marines Ths anion leaders aaid that rep, to tha 8tata.- judge. Hs stated thst bs wss an seen- from, tha Islands, he said, snd will be reeentetives had not been selected and The question of disposition of the pant of tha sids ear from which tha leas of-inspection only. The question I suggested that Secretary Davis request i remaining government-owned land and premier waa shot last Tuesday night I of withdrawal of ths marine has beea j the personal presence of J. Ogden Ar-1 buildings of Camp Johnson to slow an- uo uut as jjrea iw saocy auueo i tnorougniy settled Dy fam recent efforts l mour and outer Dig paesers at tneider aiseussion as ins war uvpaxt gave ths name of hia seeobapliee as I of two rear admirals who visited and I meeting. - - mant, but bo decision baa beea reached. Ramon Casanova, who is being sought I inspected aondiflvna there, Mr. Denbyl - Representatives ef the men objected I It ia expected that all of the build- to in e appearance oz,us two attor- ings, except tnose oa tne target range, by the police. Hs warned -the police to beware af Casanova, who, be aasert- ed,bnd a camera - filled with , at- ploeives. , ', CURRITUCK MAN SHOT ,'. SUNDAY NEAR BARC0 said. AMERICAN MINISTER . TO GREECE RETIRES . Atheaa, March lsv-KBy tha Associated Prsss)-Edward Capps, Amsrieaa aaia- neys for ths employees, dec la ring thatl eventually will be salvaged. the absence of tba principals would toad to delay proceedings. Packers de clared that' Mr. Condon and Mr. Meyer would have fall authority to represent All .of ths big packing plants were li I 1 imm a " ;mA fMM U ,t"", ; Elisabeth City, Marc. U.-S Crane yerJayT toAlng ve7 the iegluo. te ?X'nTd.r-S. Sly a'need houra. ,i ' . ' r is alleged to have tried to gain access -to ths boms ef Ben Poyner, nssr Baree. ia that eouary, about I e'eloek Sunday morning. : Thirty shot took effect in his arm and side, but phy sicians aay ha will recover. Crsns elaima bs only intended mabisg a f rieadly call at the Peyaer home. - FIND BODY OF YOUNG charge arrival of Mr. Capps successor. . universal regret ever tba retirement of Mr. Capps ia sxpreseed in Athens. I Greek royalist eireles hia resignation is interpreted ss the fnrU step toward rseognitioa of King ConstantiBe by the ew unite Btstee admiaiatratton. TO NAME ADMINISTRATOR . , FOR REYNOLDS' ESTATE at Princeton University, baa been in this eeaBtry oa a year's leave of ab- W0MAN -IN A GUNNYSACK l"- "d " u Probl iu retora ss winnis us aa uunn i owr. M Amerie- within a Bwnth. t . Ssltoa, Tanas; March J4.-Tna little ,.--;-fM WMmr . a ww am jawsua sjvmjst mm uv wemmm A I sxr- v a- - a. .M itm-e-t follovrUg the t-dinglT,! '-L Wiaat en -Salem. Marsh J4. Appliea- Mr. Capps, who U prof esaar of Greek I e shade iayairperior court to- late yesterday tty "two fishermen ef the . V - . fc. A i i i v : . i ii wonuB in a gnanysaek. tied with a rope aad floating in Little river. The body. Bade aad ia aa advanced stare ef decomposition, was floating ia shallow water, near the month ef creek. Rogers Is 20 miles southeast a: I!toB '.. ;! and 11, it waa aanoseed here tonight by ranttaodero J. I Jodaon of the Moterboat Club ef Aaieriea. - - - Aaaaal March harasss raee.' $125 parse, Steeplechase. Ptnehnrst to- saeffisWj advw morrow for appointmsat of an admin istrator for the estate ef the lata Walter R. Reynolds; Who left no wilt The estate is variously Valued from $500,000 to 1,000,000. Tadar the North Care- UBn law the property foes to ths broth ers and sisters ef the deceased, aad to the ehildira; of deceased brotbr and a deceased starter - t,:. PoUatr WreaSWr Taaware Stecber. New - Vork. Vlsrrk 14-8toaialaae Zbysxke, ef Poland, threw Joe Stecher. former world's catch - as catch can wrestling champion, here tonight ia tws j hoars, sixteen minutes and ten seconds! .with a trotch hold aad wrist lock. , 1 -IbRIL U SELECTED AS DATE FOB THE SPECIAL IESSI0K OP CONGRESS. Wswadagte. March lsAprO 11 waa selected today aa the. date fee the apodal asset en of the Sixty snth CongrisB, the arst to Be aader Pnaideat Hardlnga admlnis. traUea. The aBBasncemewt waa IV eetved with general BBtiefaetioa by Seamte ieadera, meet Of they preferred that date to April 4 beea was efvthe Sddltiewal week It gawa thean to smeri plaas) fee the caaalag sissiia. . Senator Ledge, ef the Bepablicaa leader. Betiaed ateaato ef the lsaidentn late today after' he aatd Padarassd. ef AJaaaaaa, salassltj leader, had rata read freaa the White Heoae. r -'. .-. The Prestdcat reeaested the teal ate to aaeet at 11 e'cleck lisnsuss. when he said he expected to submit a ef nssaiassa fee? Tmpeetsat i vacated byAthe swsignatiaaa ef Dssaacratta aoteea.. K waa said tonight that at aw die adjseirnmeat 1 neehahlr wwald ha raaea i Newa and Obeerver Bureau, - - fl03 District Jfatt Bsnk Bldg. By JOE L. BAKER. : fBy 8peeial Leased Wlrs. Wsshingtoa. March 14. Tha 1 Stal Department has started sn iaveatlgatioa to leora the whereabouts of . K. Wil aoa. soa of Mrs. J. A. Wilson, of Wil sob Mills, N. C, who has not been heard from since last September when he was ia Tiaupico, Mexico. Tonng Wilson was at that tims in the- em ploy f ths Mexican Gulf Oil Company, His mother heard from him frequently and regularly up until September and since thst tims no word from him hss come. She verote to Representative Edward W. Pou, who took ths matter up with the State Department, whieh bss cabled tha American consul at Tata pieo to make inquiry and report promptly. - TJoodwm Tfi Entwortn, or Dopna county, n the staff of tbo First Assist snt Postmsster General and in ehargs of postal service, left tonight for Pitts burgh, where hs is to mats an ad' dress tomorrow oa a now phass of pos tal service, a delivery service - for de partment stores. Mr. Ellsworth is to speak before tho International Retail Delivery Service, whieh Is holding convention at Pittsburgh this week. As nn experiment, the postal service ehargs of the delivery service of seven large stores in St. Psul Snd ths experim ent . worked so well thst sstaejtsaiB-snt or the service ob b per manent basis is being considered. Ia St. Paul the postal employes took over the delivery work that had required upwards ef 65 trucks and performed ths sains service with five trucks aad a number ef foot carriers. The St Paul merehsnts estimated that it cost them twelve to thirteen cents to ds LEADERS DISCUSS PLANS FOR TAR IFFl Decision Reached To Rush Anti-Dumping Legislation; . Another Meeting Today HAMON ALSO TESTIFIES VJTMtu, .f T.t. T.--Vll.. w. tional Committeeman From Oklahoma Gives Brief Testi mony On Stand Tor The State; Number of Minor Wit. nesses Heard Yesterday Ardmore, C-kle., March 14. Mrs. Jake L Hamon today testified briefly aa the concluding witness for the State in the ease of Clara Smith Hamea. charged with the murder of Jake I Hamon, former Republican aatloaal committeeman for Oklahoma. Nearly a acore of witnesses for the defense wore examined, and it waa announced the defendant herself would take the stead tomorrow. Mrs. Jake L. Hamon had beea ander a phyaician's care since Friday, whsa sbs waa unnerved by the presentation' ia evidence of the bloodstained under garments her husband had wora ea the night he waa ahot, and court also took an unusually long recess at boob today to enable her to regain her com posu re. Her testimony was brief snd related fc one or two oeeaaions ea which she visited Oklahoma, and of her meet ings with ber husband and Clark Smith Hamon there. Frank L. Ketch, business (nanaa-er for Hamon and now administrator of ths estate; "lestified at length at the jnorn- ing aesaion of court, relating conversa tions he had had with Hnmon after the shooting, ani) of steps tskea to in. duce Clara Smith Hamon to leave Oklahoma. Cave Defendant Money. Give Clara soma money and have her get away." Ketch quoted Hamon s aaying. He added that be gave the woman his personal check for W.0O0. later regaining that amount from ths Hamon estate. Ketch identified a contract signed Clara Smith" releasing Hamon from all claims, and be also identified two llnttflva aa liavlrttf Iimii wrttfjtn V tta defendant. Several of the sarly witnesses for the defense testified aa to 'the character of - KMMtt fUllia. tt JvtVar kn l flea Saturday for ths State 1 regarding rwashlagton, March 14. Anti-dump-1 tha trip of. .Clara Smith , Hamon te ing legislation . to protect American Industries freni European eorapetitioa wiU bt rush d through at ths special session ef Congress- under a decision reached at a conference today of Be- publieaa members of the1 Benate A nance and Hours wsys snd - means committees with Secretary of the Treasury Mellon. Whether tariff or Internal tax re vision shall bs sceordsd second place on the fiscal program was left for final determination at a conference whieh Chairman Penrose, of the Sen ate Committee, and Chairman Fordney, of the Houss Ways snd Means com mittee, plan to hold tomorrow with Preeident Harding. The final program. Senator Psnross ssid, probably will bs announced after this conference, Th maioritv of eommttttwf Members attending today s conference were sain to favor giving right of way to tariff revision legislation. Agreement, it waa aaid, waa unanimous against at tempting to enact any temporary stop gap tariff bill, ths feeling.being that sny tariff legislation enacted anouia uiseo, Texas, when she wss oa her way to Chihuahua, Mexico. Deputy Sheriff Ballew, ens ef the de fense witnesses, said hs had beea with Sheriff Bsrret at ths hospital ths dsy . before Hsmon died, aad' had heard : Hamon say fat did not ' want Clara ' prosecuted. Miss Ella Biaaioa described lights la ths hall and on ths street which ilium Inated Hamon's room at her hotel where Hamon was shot. Sbs said shs sinee had seen a man raiss a chair with the regular rooms lights out and his as- tkm was plainly visible by the stress snd bsll lights. Ketch s Testimony. m Ketch wss permitted to testify over . the objection of J. L. Hodge, assist ant county attorney, who announced liii lM.nM.t.iU.d..M. ..k as to indicate Ketch would be charged - as an accessory atter me isct ox m- mon s killing. After Ketch left the stand, 8. P. Freeling, Stats attorney fact that Ketch had testified rendered him immune. 'My wife will be hers ss soon as ths . I . . 11 . 1 T . . bs of a permsnent nature. 7? w w.'. The soldier bonus bill, a collateral Ketch quoted llamon as having said. issue, U to be A part of ths Republi- u sny aina or swry, tost can fiscal croeram. senator re n roue and Representative Fordney announced. At ths eloss of the meeting Mr. Pen rose credieted thst ths bill would be psssed at an early date. All of the Republican" Senators of ths finance committee and all except three of the Bepubilcaa members or tha Houaa wave and means committee LlJl -J 1. Ram. retary Mellon wss aeeompaniea oy staff of experts. the government tea eenta per package. The cost of delivery to the government was . aig sents perj: psekage, and therefore rea-llxed a profit of four cents ea each paeksare delivered. Jake Chiles and Colonel Hester, of AsheviHe, are hers te see officials of tha Public Health Service with refer ence to the Kenilworth Inn property at Aaheville, now being used as a aos- piil for service men. Ths government has a lease en the Kenilworth property, with the privilege of buying, and ths Aiheville gentlemen are here to about a final disposition of the prop erty. They win eaH tomorrow to see Dr. Lavender, who te in charge of that branch of the PubHs Health Berries work. Small To Make Speech. former Representative John H. Small left tonight for Albany, N. T, where he Is to deliver aa address Wednesday before the Great Lakes and Hudson Waterways Aasoeiation. Mr. Small is president ef the National Rivers and Harbors Congress and during his serv ice of B years in the Bonne wss a mem ber ef the Rivers sad Harbors Com mittee, serving no Its chairman for several years. "Waterways Aa A Na tienal Asset" will be Mr. Small's sub ject. Ths Albany convention win de vote its chief attention to ths proposal make the Bt Lawrence . Barrlnbls for eeesa-gofng sdeanvrrs to the Great Lakes, as thst grain sad other cargoes from ths West sad Middle West may be leaded st ktt points and be shipped. trans-eesaaie ports without being reloaded at the Atlantis coast. . RepreeeStstira Frisson's office has beea advised that Bee a fort has met ths requirements for village snail delivery, (Cewttn d Om Page, ranj Prior te tha conference Senator Wa son. of ln&nammt3&r:$bfatt membeirs or OiansjJics CommltteH Issued a statement declaring that Inter-1 aal tax legislaUon should precede rs vialoa of the -tuilti.-zM&ttag-liim.3h business world expects Immediate re lief "from the great burden or .taxa tion now imposed upon it. "We should at once repeal excess profit taxes and ths higher surtaxes and substitute for ' them moderate sale tax and at ths same tims clarify and simplify ths administrative features of ths law," Senator Watson added. Tha members ef ths two commit- tees ia agreeing to givs preference to aa anti-dumping bill also decided to at tempt ensetment of legislation provid ing for Amsrieaa valuation of imports. NEGRO IS TAKEN FROM OFFICERS AND LYNCHED Tampa.'" Pla- March ' 14. William Bowles, a negro, was lynched by a mob near Eagle Lake in Polk county this afternoon aft a rtwo deputy sheriffs had arrested ths black for making improper remarks -tea young white woman. As the officers were taking. ths negro to the county jail st Bartow they wore held up by a ,mob of armed mea, ever- powered and the aegro takea from them. 'The black was kaagsd to a tree asar the roadside . Ketch said that while Hamea first told him he shot himself accidentally, hs later admitted thst Clara Hamon fired tha bullet, but that he wanted tha matter hushca tip. Ketch testified that under Hamon's instruction, he drew $5,000 from his personal account, gave it to Clara Hamon snd told her to leave Ardmore and remain away. Hs said the woman atUl is in teraated. in several business ;., projects, both with ths Hamon estate, with him personally. - EL. '"'D'r7'Hardy,"ecaliel'to "lis stead"" Just before the noon recess, explained that the bullet which caused Hamea 'a -- death entered hia body at an angle. It was ths contention of ths defenss thst the bullet took such a course. . . t , Defendant Oat Early. Tha - defendant was in ths ' court room early. She was dressed 1b ths iiiue serge suit snd sailor hat she want on the opening day of bar trial. Mrs. Jaks U Hamon, ths widow, loaning on her son's arm, aad la fall mourning, came into tha court room a' moment before court opened. She took her accustomed seat directly opposite Clara Hamoa. Erret Dun lap, bus! a ess . associate of Hamon, the first witness sailed today,' told of a visit to Hamon in a sani tarium here two days after the shoot'' . ing. Dnnlap said Heroaa told him hs was lying oa his bed resting, when Clara' - earns te his room, .bid her left haad oa hieTiead aad that he "felt hsr right ea my shoulder whsn shs shot me. Mr. Dnnlap said hs had aot Baked the - ths eonnty attorney to dismiss ths esse, stating there wss "nothing to it," but ' said hs had aaked that a statatary charge filed at ths same time against Hamon aad Clara Hamoa he dismissed. '' Former Cashier Sanwadera Jessup, Oa, March 14. H. C Dickev- sogwha waa cashier ef the Odum BBsakiag Com pa ay, at Odum, , when he disappeared last October imased iately before the beak . was foreed to close its doers surprised his friends snd-effieials generally, whea he and deaty.saads hit appearance la Jessa-i this morning aad eurvesdered to the sheriff. ,Ee gave bead later la the day. I Kail Wages Red Bred. HoraelL N. T-. March 14. A redue-. Hon of spproximstely So per sent in , all working forces except train nnd SBgins srewa was ordered by the Xne railroad today. About 890 employes in ths Hornell region were suspended. '" The -eempasy also aaaoaaesd ita la- tention te cut wsgss April 10 to ts figure prevailing before the federal labor hoard awarded aa lneresss last Jair. --. ... :

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