NEW AND OBSERVER RALElCHrN.-G. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH, 1 5. 192 f. CYCLONE CAUSES U n.kultrltnn In I aasvllta and Utuar rOrK lOVVTlsnipi Are Unroofed Parana, Marta liIHaia- eaUal4 ai betweea tJtM a4 IIO.MiO wu doat la Caoef Fori aad LilU lewaaklp af WUl eoantv fleturdsr areataf at aawat aVoea by a eyeloal wind kick ewept throiifk that eertioa at a traaeadoue rala of ad. Oalr ua aoaaa, tkat naoceupUd, waa destroyed, tal toUeea baraa, (awl Uraa, smoke fceaeee aad ethar autbolldlnga ' ait l7 aad itrawa ever tha oun try aid far iUe, aaaordnif to th llory af eye witaaaa related today. Mo etock Iota waa reported aad but on paraoa waa allfhtlr Injured. a fir aa could be determined Uta tkii ifternoon. The ia lured mrwl waa one of tke aoaa of klra. finnli Hofrrll, of lee villa towaablp. It waa reported that oo of tka Borrell boy had. baaa blowa 00 yardi by tha tornado aad art down afala without aariooa Injury. C IL Adaaa. of Cedar fork towaahip, whoa bobs la lorated ea tha Hlllaborol rc ad between kUlalfh aad Iftrhant In what la kaowa aa tha Monnt Hrrmon Cburrk mijiiborhnod, aiood at tha win dow of hia dwelling- and aaw tha itorm mn dowa ansa ki property. Ha ataUd Uat tba blaat ease alaoat with at weraiaj. Tha day waa eloudy aad oaa w ad waa atirrinc, whan ha aotieed of to tha aouthweat a aloud apparently east ar aaoke, about tha siss of a throa or four tory buUdinf, approach in along a path about a kuadrad feat a width. la tha dlataae tka atorm did not appear to ba moving at any great rata of apaod, ha ssid. Wfcen tha blow did srrivs it awoopad dowa in a fraction of a ernd. Ur. Adaaa aaw tka nnoeropied houa on hi tenant firat pkkad bodily from It foundation aad hurtled through tk air for a kua drad Tard bafor it toucbed tha grouad aid ilirtened out into aplmtera. Soma part of tha koiu wera carried two mile away. Tba wind paawtd in lea tiae thaa a Alnute and waa fol lowed by a treneadqua downpour of rain. . la addition to kit twaaat kouaa, which wia a four-room, one atory eottaga, Mr. Adam a lot hi tobacco and faad barm, cow and horae Italia, ehrckaa kouae and cater outbuilding aa tha tenant fara, aad bia feed baraa, amoka kouae, garage aad all outbuilding! oa bin own plice with the eieeption of two to bacco barm aad a pick kouae. The pack koiiae waa carried out of ita foun dation!, but aot badly damaged. ' A eow belonging to Adami loat oaa kora ia the wind, but waa otherwiee unhurt. Tha item of tka ehimnay oa th Adami bouae was blowa dowa but tka koufe otherwiee undamaged. The garage wa blowa from over hia ma chine, but tka automobile waa undam y ed. Hid Moring'a kouae, In tha iime neigh borbood, waa kalf unroofed. Hia tobacco bora waa unroofed, bia amoke bauae term to piece and meat eoattered orer the flolda. Cbarlea Eatia Buffered tha loaa of all . outbuildingl Around a kouae occupied by a tenant. The kouae waa aot dam rged. Hia own tobacco barn waa alao unroofed and a ed barn torn dowa. Paaaing Into Leeirllle towaahip, the DAMAGE IN M atorm destroyed all the outbuilding around the home of Mra. Fannie Borrell, and tore away the front porch of the dwelling. One of the Worrell boy waa n picked up by tha wind and let down practically unhurt 400 yard away. Tba outbuilding! aroirnd tha home of Dr. Borrell were torn down but the kouaa waa not damaged. W. C. Adam bad two tobacco barna unroofed. a Other damage before the atorm reached tha Cedar fork lection and ' after it paaaed ii thought probable but ao accurate report are available, inm ' ' mi - Thousands Gather In Streets of Fayetteville To Greet For mer Secretary . ' (Continued from Page One.) the biggeet parade Fayettellle baa ,- ia year lined tip to greet kirn, a thou land automobile bidden under .aiaaee of long leaf pine and thoui anda of cheering people lined op along tha atreeta. ' Maaater Parade. Tka lumbering, aeaiitant ataff oftV ' ear 'a ear, ta which tk trip had been Hade from Ralelgk, awung into line behind military band of 60 piece aad tka parade woand ita way along , tha principal atreeta of tha city with tha maaeed automobile following. When) tke parade waa over Mr. Dan j law waa formally welcomed to Fay- attarllla. and, to Kortb Carolina in " brief ezereiao kald in the OSd Market Hoaae, wkro th iitituMon of North - Carolina waa ratified ia 1789 and where Jamae Pobbin waa welcomed bonia f35 " year ago. - Tkea tka pro-arranged program got . . aider way. Mr. paaiela apoke at a .. Kiwaaia luackeen, where he waa tba boaor gueat aad imaadiately afterward weat out ta Camp Bragg, accompanied by CoL B. C Foy, commanding offi ' ear, to wltaeaa tk firing of tke big gnaa aad as rarirw th troop of th ' camp. At :S0 b rturad ta tk lav I J V "Forcea-to-Vacate" OUR SALE CONTINUES Boy Knee Pants everv-dav Panta fnr Ther art many other ..fains throughout the WUsUagtaa aad faywtts Dotal, wsar tfc T. U. 0. Uuut waa sUr aad Mr. !! eaoke. Boa kualradi of iiUhu espaaU4 la prt7 la tht aaaip, tk eieaalia ku( ta Sret wkea elviUaa vara auew4 la witaaaa Ibe Snaf i Ua keevy artlUery. Capiaia MNeUI IUm, A raraJeitraat eerbaretor aVlav i M Daaiel arrival by tw kaa re. aad I all liaad up, iU Tl ear-old Oeplai hfNalll aetrld a akaraot waltiaf to ra- iT hla. Aa tka aar ewuaf lata lia tker waa a aa oat bur! of rbeerln- from th thouaaadi who lined Ik aid walks. Aaaard dUkt filled Ua a I ad af tha foraar Baeratarr. Ha had ai unwind vary qait iait, aad waa al tnfether uaprepared for th dtaonatra- Una that m mad la honor of hla retura to tha land of tha long leaf plna. Ltowa Hay trt aad back, dowa all tha other atreeta that rad lata froa tha old market, tha parMle went uatll Mr, Dasiele had aa all tha crowd that wilted t koine for Mi aoaiag. And than bark to tha market, Jo tka tot whara Jamea lkohbla atood 65 yaara agn aard where th eonatituttoa waa rat I (I i-d 131 year ago, and Captain Slr- Nalll, ipuklng for th rVotlUh clana men of Ilia t'ape ar and for the peo pi of th city' welcomed bim home. Trlkate U Daawla. "Ha haa writtan hia name high bora all tha other ditingulfad Anieri east who bar bald that hifh ottiec, tk filery arar young many tiae mayor told tba aaaml)od thouaanda, aad turning to tba foraer aaereUry, "Vou bar wora th maitl of tha dlatia guiahad Dobbin well aid Worthily. Hir, in tha naina of the peopl of the Papa Fear, la tha anna of tha people of th But, I wtlcom you horn." Aad then turning to th oiaaard thou aaadi who crowded elo abor th iUtl platform, "Come now, repeat th toaat with n for th grelteit Boer tary th Nary ever had.' Th vole of th throng wa rained in wall known "Hare'a to tha land of th Long Leaf J'ine," and Mr. Ianleli poke briefly of hia pride and joy in being back ia North Carolina agaia. Ha told of tha firit light of an Amer ican flag flying ibore the Kliine. until tods th m0lt baaaUM alght Uiat I kti ' Ter Ket ''But, my own people, the tight you, welcoming me nere, louche much mor profoundly."! After the brief addreaaei tha crow broke around tha itand, ttmgglljig for 1 eh in ce 1o 'graip the band that-bad tcered the nary througk eight yean of erlaii, and be wii born onto luncheon and Uter to Camp Bragg. At tha luncheon Mr. Daniel took Dorothea' Romano Cksptar 111. At tha Ceaeert. Dorothaa'a er fairly aparklad, "Oh. Aim," ah aald happily. "I bad a aoracoua lima! You anould hava hoard that vlollnlat. Ho waa roar, valoual Lone after th program waa aver an moat ararraoe'r aad gone the real rauala lvra atayd, clap glna Ilk TrytMng, until h cam ack again. And then. Ann, h playtd Qounae 'Ar Maria'. I wish iron could have kn ther. That hue Ihtajtre, wltb.)uat a few people acatUrad hr and lhr. th lit hla a) moat out aad that rouale! I'll naver forgat III And Jimmy ta won derfal to o with h loTca mualo. too. Afterward, w had tea at tha Barllngtat place and (hen drove home la hla reaatr. It waa wondtrfull" ' Wall. I'm glad you nJoyd It," I raid aralllaa. "and I ae you and Jimmy Kimball ar retting riant chummy, calling owe another by your f rat namea. But," I continued prac llcally. "weren't yoa a bit foellah to drlv hem In an open car In (hla wind? Tour fact will be all chapped tomorrow." Indd It won't," aald Dorothea eoeltlvely. "I uecd Magnolia Balm efor I went out today. It'a won. dtrful, I think. It' a liquid powder and lotion oomblnd which both powder your fee and kapa It aoft and amooth. My face never chapa nor frackl either." Magnolia Balm cornea In pink, whit, bruoeti and roaa-raa t tbo a Don I. To oaa gt it at moat aay drug at or or iiwi rrom tn Lyoa Mfg. CO. 141 ovuvn jriuo oi., srooaiyn, n. 'Jlmmr aald I had thi kniini complexion h aver aaw." Dorothea continued confidingly. "I didn't tall him about Magnolia Balm but I ear. Jtalnly waa glad I alwaya aa It." " WilUHmmy waah't far from right. Dorothea haa a truly lovaJy com. plealon and I ae I'm aot toe only on wh admire It! dv. (To ba continued) STOMACH UPSET? Ot at the Real Cause Take . Dr. Edwards' Olive Tablets ' That ' what thousand of atxxnach tufferen are doing now. Instead of taldnc tonka, or trying to patch up a poor difeatioa. they are attacking the rtai cause of the ailment dogged liver and diiordered bowel. Dr. Edward' CHiva Tablets arouse the Hver in a toothing, healing way. When the Hver and bowejs ar per forming their natural function, away" goes indigwation and ttomacb trouble, - Have you a bad taste, coated tonrue. poor amjetita. a laxv. dont- care fcefinir, no ambition or enagy. trotiDie wita undigested rods? lake OhvejTablett, the substitute calomel. Dr. Edwards' Olive Tableta are a purely vegetable compound mind with olive oil You will know them by their olive color. They do the work without fjln& cramps or pain. Take one or tmo at beddm tot midt rehet Eat what yoa bite. ISc and 300. rvvs-' attractive bar store. Corns!" EsaAaaga StraaSi for ki Utt a toaat glen by Mr. I.k bia ioag yaara aga at a laaqa4 Waakiugtoa I "Ta Nortk CaraUaa- ha bo not tha awlftet, tk giyeat and tk rkkaat, aba Kay yet ba huur4 aad aJrairwl for hrr cbeerful fac aad atarliag uualitl" II prearbod brtaf Miaai, aa k tJl4 it, oa tha tkiuaa aklrk North Carolina ha re tal a ad. aloag with tka arqulrcanut o! Ita rickea. Vlalt Caap Brail At tka camp tha party wiib4 th filing of tha great 153 kowiuera, aad tha UaJIng uf tha projectile on targrti thrra ailr away, tiaveral homlrrd paouU wr grouped around tk hill ararlooklng tha graea oaplareaeat. Itar Mr. taail atood with Colonr, fiw, who 1 by inherltaaea a Tar II aad watrbad tk acted 51 h. Tth and 1 artillery rrgimata pam In reriea Overhead airplaaaa eirtlad daring th Hilary aihlbitloa. Former Secretary Speaks at Banquet In Behalf of Move ment For Y. M. C. A. (Continued froa Pag One toaatmaanar aad entered with apirit i the program. fVbMl Boy Win Oat. Ther waa a deal of apeech making it to Occar Parsley, 10 year old liijch arbool lad, gramlaoa of Capt. Jamea 1) McNeill. apei.klng briefly and very red la the far over hia nrat atab at oratory, woa tha honor. Ha waa cheered aad Tory body who apoke after him aad he waa the tint oa th program told him to bia fa' that he bad aaad tbo beat apeech of them all. We iyttville boye want a 'Y,' be had told tha men gathered arooad the banquet board after telling them why they wanted it. "We havent got the money to bulU it. You men hare got it and if yoa wil build it for ui now we will eee to it that the boyi of the future get what'a comiag to them." After him came J. Wliaoa Pmith and other aaaoeiatioa official in th. Htate, brief addrvaa by Joeephu Daniela, ndL then a general aad very eathuai aatia informal diacuaaion, lataraporaed with aonga and re porta of tea ma that hare been out after tha money to build ltb. Cbarlea (1. Boaa a soa in-Uw of Htate Treararer Lacy, waa toaatmacter, and i tha nil who haa brought tha driv to ita prcaent atatua of achieve ment. Colonel Foy aad hia ataff. offlcera had delivered themeelvea of an army march Tng aong during the eonrae of the ban quet, aad with aueh fervor that the baaanetera made tham aland no and do it all orr again. . Mr. Iiniela waa Better Health when you say good-bye to coffee, ana welcome InstantPostum Tfiis delicious cereal beverage has a rich coffee-like flavor. . and is free fromaHhaTroM effects. Therv's a for Postum Postnm comu 'In twfxTna-IbsrtumCffreal fjnpadrage3) mada by boiling full 20 mlnatea Instant fttimt5nttos) ma3 the ctrp by th addition of hot vrateE Each day some new Treasure of Fashion; Ufla , some distinctive, exclusive Garment arriver w that endears Taylor's to a confident and tfP constantly aTrowirnr clientele. ) M W 1 1 VV itJ J N K I a little rua aver It all wha he got ap ta apoak aad dealarod If ha aould have forMa aock dulaga, ha would ha eetabliahad a naval taaa at Fayetteville a there eoald have beea aoea real imglag. "Tard" af lb Army. Tke former eecretary bad beea ia trodurvd to a eoaaiderable aggregatloa af audiearea, but h ramambera no juat like tka one ho- gut from I'karlea U. Jtoee, toaight Mr. Boa told about a eiga that be had aea aomawhere adrertlaing a wall kaowa vehicle. It waa a eomblaatioa of aalking machln aad clock, wnk s hand that moved from lde to aide while the talking machine aaid: "It take yea there and bring yoa back. Taming ta Mr. Danirle be aaid. "Hera ia tha 1'orJ of tha Amer lean Army." After aome faluiutiona, Mr. Danlela dtauaad th new policy that govrna tha army and th navy, that of ado rating Ita maa aad training them to b Letter citiaeaa. II declared that tha Y. M. C. A. ia an Integral part of thii machinery of education. He knew of no plica ia tba world that aurpaeeed r'ayetteviUe la ita enthualaama, and ita willingneaa aad energy ai a community to Jay hold of Its obtintinm. Kay ettevllle ta bleat ia tba enmiag of the ma at Camp brigg, he declared, and tha whole Htate will reap reward when these you tha from every rorner bf the aatioa go borne carrying with them the conception of the State that they have learaed here. I hive eome home from aa eight year vacation," he declared amilingly, to enlut with you la any eaie that la for the good of North Carolina. There are aome laritatloaa that I might feel Rur-oirnBk)od Iraporeruhed Rlchmoad, Ta. "Wbon I waa a I girt I bocauna all rua-dowa. my blood waa impover Isbad aad my cotnplax loa bwcama saUow. I also saf fared and eoav stlpation. I wasextrems ly aarroos and as asb rah Is on eoald be when Dr. PVarcw's Oold o Medical IHacovasry waa raooca TMndad to max I tok about four bot tles aad soma of tba 'Pleasant Pal lata' wit It. After taking thews medlalaaa I waa la batter boaJth and tart bottar thaa 1 had tar -aevoral year." MRS. C. N. OLIVTfR, SOS N. I7tb 8L All dragglsta aeU Medi cal DUcovary, liquid or tablet. Reason M TODAY i I A CoUoctJoa of BeautifsU I II that I aould aa my laeliaatlaa la ae eptiig, Vst a sail af tka tart that kaa broaghl wa her today is nfcl aa iavl tatioa it ta a eomavaad." Th aaea who ar going to rule lb world for the Bait fifty yean are tke mes who offered their live to aave It la tha great aar," h continued. "W meat aerva them, wa mast aafguard thorn, aad fur thla work, there ia ne InalituUoa like Ua V. M. C. A. It kaa aligned, but ant oaa tenth af tha credit that la doe it baa ever beea given. ' Htrwaea Nd f "A growing city like ryttevi!!e neda 'T,'" h declared. "Kd it for the young mea wke are coming to tba city from rural rommnnltiea aad who in time will be the mea who are the leading eitlsraa. For ouraelvci we u ut eafegusrd them. e mmt make them feel st home Is our sitiea d we muat direct them to the path In which they ought to go. Homebody la going to provide for them and If it ia wa wha do It aad It It Ii tha 'Y with which wa do it, be aaiured that the Girls! Girls!! Clear Your Skin With Cuticura TURN HAIR DARK WITH SAGE TEA c Mixed with Sulphur Darken to Naturally Nobody can Tell. It Tbs old-timS mixture of Sagu Tea and Sulphur for darkening rrsy. streaked and faded hair is rrsn a mother's re eipe, snd folks are agaia using it to keep their hair a food, svn eoior, which ia quite sesiible, aa we srs liv ing ia aa age when a youthful appear' aoee is of the rreatest sdvantsce. Nowadayi, though, ws don't bsvs tha troublesome task .of gathering tha saff aad tba atusay at horns. All drus? stores sell tbs resdy-to-oae prod act, improved by the addition of other Ingredients, ealled "Wyeth's Sage and Sulphur Compound." It ia very popular because nobody ean discover it has been applied. Bimpl, moisten your eomb or a ft brush with It and draw this through your hsir, taking ona email atrand at a time; by moralng the gray hair dlssppears, but what delights the ladles with Wyetb's Sags and Sulphur Compound, is that, besides beautifully dsrkenlna- ths hair after a few applies Hons, it also produces that soft lustra snd sppesrsnee of abundance which is so attractive. (Adv.; mm. mm MiiaiaiicMiKi i dm tmw mm A.JARGElPumbrpr aptnenU are XI ones. Senous displacements or radical changes have not yet taken-place. A tby part in a clock to gain or lose. II not attended to in time, the part may fall from its place and cause serious trouble. So it is with MwwMas's niltVhaCariftf 4-VawJ a f tVNTYi a!mn1i al1Ka Villf if ftllaAlauraawl nvuKU 9 tuavuW to continue, produce senous conditions. ,. When .the warning symptoms are first noted, Jake Lydia E. Pinkham s Vegetable Compound to relieve the present trouble some ailment, and to prevent the development ofserious trouble. rorthTrr,N.T-JWlienIsrassi TIatcbinscKaUL--I was about VN youmr jrirl I had a severe female la 13 years old when I developed trouble. 14bther ruts rinkham'a Yefretailc Oonrpoundand after takins; sewjral bottles I was Btranan4well "When mydangbter fot married she m feeung misen able and I recommended your medi cine. She is greatly improved in Health aad has a beautiful baby boy four months old. So yon see this from tha tion and yon may use it aa yoa sruth." Mrs. R. M. Guur await, M7 dth Ave, North Troy, X. T. Many PTDtA C.aiNKHAH HCOICINat CO reaalt la safe. "Tka kit af a maa a af a maaity I it faith" he aaid. "T-'i driae i a leet of tke eomaaatty'S faith ia li beykeod, ta Ita yoaag maakeod aal af it aiiuugn la 4 for ttem Solid Sore From Head to Foot With Eczema ram a anM am wot naalT wC Thaa ewfcat Mr. J N atari af Nana Cay. luaaoaa, aar aaawt km Ur. H a maw TW any that w kanw haa airiwtn wua DD.Ua miiiimtv wL He wa a autal ntalewka aaa awal boay. m4 m ymt ri S ha avar bad aarttua wnaa waa baa." Wy art try P U P taaUr and W enavwvw tMmt, m Ml rraaa tmmt ana lrae Ymtr momrr badi i m new. atl W art W MM. SkcSStandsXas. Try TUUXW lea. UD.UD.Jn). mnaMmMmBBsaam I THE RALEIGH ?i WASHINGTON, D. C. Situated in th Csmtr of EvarythUif , Midway I Batwaan Capitol and Whit Houao, Pennsylvania At. and 12th St. 1 ABSOLUTELY FIREPROOF "J 3 Headsaartera far all North Caralialaa Vleitlag Waahlagtaa H Booklet ssd Full Information Upon Requeat PRE-WAR Smoke Ml SDITATION "The Ciar of Perfect Satitfaction" Outstrips them all in popularity because it surpasses them all in quality I Victors 10c; FavoriUa, 2 for Leathers, Wood & Co. Distributor gtg " 1 Attn r They are Happv and Well You Should Be the Same fine clock maf become loose tviavj OUU s va vax wiiv m9sm p me Lvdia . a amaie wearriess. juymotnerioox me to a doctor and I doctored for Several months. I was too sick to do anything; was as thin as could be, and my complexion was yellow. Mother had used Lydi EJ'iniham's Vegetable Compound and it had helped her so much that she got some for me and before I had finished, the second bottle I was feeling fine and have been ever sinon." Mrs. J. JL Srwrajra, Ttt . tth fcfc, Eutclv Inaon, Kansas, -y.r - - , . . third arena ra asacli aWttari prov Um of LYKri, what aaghl as bs daaa.Aj be (tag . Tea earry with tha) f pcna.ty that il is raystrsviiUa Srivi leg I graap, . 1 Doctor TeQs Dcnv to StrcDfllhca EycsfIit By tk siasala a t Boa-Opt aaya taawaac a V S lima i a V- i S aaany anataiveaa, Snd afsidk fwaWf brought U anfiaanad, acting. rtehSBg, burning, work-atraJrtad. walary ayeav Raad tha daetor's fall aUbassorit aooa to appear ha tbia papar. BoavOpta la sold and rarvwametvUrl sasiaibaie bf Otxcgista. PRICES II 25c, and D Loss) ISo. poriuigical"- and cause the imi ssuvirvu - j . Gf'eftCaUDO'sro SI I'" M-H , - ' ' HASSa att ,, . - ,mm :i ; , jzzJ r