. Tfiie News aiid IV X VTA Til tM Knft Cer-Uaa Fair Friday Ml . BaUaay. ae meek ehaaga U the torn khIiw, VATWLAUL , , W"PW HP"' SS Tewewet dare Safer -aspiration In eraef I avoid mlsslag fit soar. erver V0LCX1IL NO. 77. SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C. FRIDAY MORNING. MARCH 18. 1921. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE:, FIVE CENTS Ofe 7f ' nmiini mum nrr ; KtrUDLIliANo litl CHOICE MORSEL III - DRAVjNG BLEASE One Time South Carolina Gov ernor Flops Into GL 0. P. Rankt, Reportt State UNABLE TO ADVANCE IN THE DEMOCRATIC RANKS War name Corporation Be- fiss To Function la Aidinf of foreign Xx porta; Appoint. BBOXSTADT aUBBKXDCB TO orirr forces, sats retort. BeMagfara. March IT (By the A trim tod Pro.) Kroaatadl Baa eanaadeiod la the aailat larvae. This aanaj la a4 mj taa revola. Uaaary committee of Era Betas I which baa arrived la Flalaad, ae. waruM hy taa aatatora. afar a real lag from Ensolsdt. Ua rrralatiaatMa Maw aa Ua war. ships Petreoavloveh Bad Bakaateaal. Ceooral KaalavaaJ. leader af taa ravalatWakMa, has alae arrived la Flalaad. ONLY ONE BALLOT TO ACQUIT CLARA F HAMON 0 MURDER STOLE EXPRESS TO PAY POKER DEBTS nut of Ent-en Meyer To I Former Messenger Tells With Board Saisea Hopes That It May Prore of Great Help Taa Kaw aad Observer Bureau, OS Distrist Natioaal BaakBldg. By EDWARD E. BUTTON. (By Special Leased Wira.) WasMngtos, March 17. Bepublieaa- iam has drawa a choice morsel, accord - Utmost Composure How Rob beries Were Carried On Mecca, Oa, March IT. Many val oabla express shipateata alleged ta have beea atolaa by mesaeagers we j need ta pay poker debta eoatraeted (a games aa tba traiaa, W. A. HagLee, former messenger, informed Jury ia Caitad lag to report whlek torn ta Waabiaftoa States District court here tku after- from Bout leroitna. jneee reports ,., ta tba trial af nsafa tkaa SflaJ Kn.. r..n. ,w..t.4 ...didata Peroone ea ekargea af eoaspirdey ta for lb Uaited States SeaaU, aad for. "teal tba Uaited 8ute govera mar bot atuff, meteoric hot-blast artist,! bad anaouaeed that hereafter ba waa a Republican. T Tbara war report that Blaaaa waa to ba made District Attorney for tba Eastern dlatriet of Booth Carol iaa, bot it ii understood that ba denies this. But that there ii pla of tha prospective timony at the trial. kind which ia tha teaser that ii earryiag tha former vociferating Democratic governor aerou tha liaa into tba Ra poblieaa ramp ia hardly to ba doabtad. Denied further advancement by tba rmoeraey of Boath Carolina ba aeea that tha only hope for him aad po litical eonnectioa with a payroll ia a turn aver to the Be poblieaa party, eo over be goee. And there are Pemoerata la, and out of South Caroline--who apeed Cole It developad that Hofbea kaa baea aader fuard for aoae time aad that tba court kaa ordered that be ba eloaely guarded tbroagboat tha trial, baeanea of alleged tbreaU that bare been nude a pen kia life if ka gave damaging tea Hngkea aaid that ba had had eoaver- aationa with ail bat twe X tba defead- aata ia regard' to stealing expreaa ehip- meata. He talked rapidly aad cool'. revealing with tha a tin oat eompoenre the theft of thouauda af dollara worth of good. Oa one occasion Hughe aaid that C. B. Baker, a eondnetor, negotiated witk kim for the parchaaa of a bicycle and that tha wheel waa carried np and down tha roa 1 by C B. Brinaon, who BImb an bia wgv. and ara rlad to tarn waa oa aa opposite ran, failing to make kim ever to the Republicans, for ka kaa tha delivery to Baker en each trip. traia met mine aad ka stack his head , proven a liability aad not aa asset to tha Democracy. Tha protectionist Republican foreea in the Cong-rasa ara getting things ready to make a tight to put aver a high tariff bill, and incidentally this baa juat piled a big lot of extra work aa Eugene. T. Hartley, the Bta tea ills who ia one of the main aids to ia my door aad furiously yelled "Where' my bicycler "I mcaalled to kim to kaeo auiet" "Next day, tka witneaa continued, I met Baker and told- kim that ke played ball, that there waa a route agent oa my oar. 1 don't care,' ke noted Director of tha Census Sam 1 Sogers, Baker as saying, 1 want that bicycle.' beinff the chief statistician of the Cea.fr Dag lasgn over n. sus at nsmifaeturera. (.oall from J Ha declared Baker waa to furious Congress is for Mr. Hartley to furnish I that ba wonld not pay him mora than all tha lauree aad data, ea roaaetlaaa I easa. ia IBIS aad lDSo. as shown br fifufea;'Br-fce hj-now tigging dawn after tka atosiatiea. - ' Eismlaatioaa far Joke. Taa oepuDueaaa aava Doam aaie aa ksad tha country a let af bank Vboat reducing tha .aamber . af Federal rrwr to taa fan af bit, masingera required to aecouat for all shlp- asea, in aaadJU told af Ue ia- ta- ajaipmenta axtar that tuna aad the Impossibility of keeping ree ards beeauae of tba congestion. He amid ke atolo from tka fall of 1917 aa- ployes in Washington, tad their erica I til Angust, 1920, when ka waa arretted, of Democratic extra vtrsaee warn heard I Niaety-alua times out af a hundred, ka throughout tha land while tka election maid, k divided the abfpments with tha eampaiga'ef 1920 waa la progress. But defeadaate preaent now that the Republicans are oa tha Through shiptnsnta war easier to job they dad that it ia a different story take tkaa short haul segments, ha - that is to ba told, for the work of declared. the government must ba done, and it I Tba witness related how doors ba-f' - taken wbrkera to do it. Tha public I tweca tha exprene ears were thrown " 1 gets statements of tha discharge from open en trips. "That gave ns twa ears tha serriea of employes of varioua da-1 of shipmsata ,te look ever to aea if partments, out insrs is not so maen i mire waa aayiniBg uu we wan tea, publicity given to the fact that tha I ha explained. Civil Bervice eommisaioa is still busy I Thea wa often played poker to . on the job .of examining pmple.lo get I getharon tha.--tana. 1 played -fro- eligible for varioua lobe that opea no I Luaatly with i. u Johnson, c. r. He- . and must be filled. Bight now tha eom-1 htillan and C W. Pearca, three of the miIon has given noUca wat tMi atdfadsta.- . to ,be examinations during March aad "We did not talk much about ateal the flrst hslf of April for accounting ing while wa were playing, 'but when and statistical elerks in the Interstate I one of us went broke we had to get commerce .uommuaion at salaries rang- ( something ont af tha . shipments to sell Jury Returns Verdict of "Not . Guilty" After Being Out Only 40 Minutes MEMBERS OF THE HAMON . FAMILY NOT IN COURT Woman Charfed With Murder of Jake Hamon, Republican Politician and Millionaire Oil Man; Beceirei Verdict With Tears In Eyes Bnt Says She Is Very Happy REPUB LICANS TO INSIST ON TARIFF BILL THIS SESSION House Ways and Means Com mittee Standing Pat On Its Original Proposition ANTI-DUMPING ACT TO - BE INCLUDED IN ACT Abandon Idea of Passing Emergency Measure Bnt May Place Embargo On Importa tion of Wool and Other Pro. ducts On Free List; Commit. tee To Oontinne Its Labors Ardmore, Ok la, March 17. Clara Smith Hamon today was acquitted of a I charge of having murdered Jake.U Hamon, Republican National committee man and millionaire railroad snd oil promoter. The jury was givsn the ease at 4 :S0 p. . aad returaed to the eoartroom 40 minutes later. B. T. C. laiugh ridge, 73 Washington, March 17. Republican members of the House ways and means committee stood pat today on the pro position thst a permanent tariff bill should top the legislative program of the new session of Congress. This view was expreased at a eom siittee eonfersnes, which took up among other things the question of preparing and rushing through the Houne the year old foreman, ssid only one ballot aame anti-dumping bill parsed last set was taken, a secret one, confirmed by a rising vote. Clara Hamoa obtained the informa- tioa fully sevsn minutes before the verdict was rendered in open court snd sat, surrounded by members of her sideration. sion together with sa added American valuation mesaure. Tha latter may be incorporsted in the same bill, and ths committee sdopted a resolution re questing Treasury Department officials to framo a rough draft for its roo- famlly, half smiling, half afraid to be lieve the nods of assurance that were beat toward her. Jarv Renders Verdict Whea Judge Thomas W. Champion mounted the bench and received an af firmative respqnsato Jiia question; Gentlemen, have yon reached a ver dict t" her eyes followed the motions of tha bailiff aa he received the verdict from Mr. Laugh ridge and handed it to the clerk to read. -Clara Hamoa gasped audibly in the tensely silent courtroom, drooped for ward ia her seat, only to ba seized from behind by her younger brother ''Jlm mie," aqueezed violently and kissed. Tears came to her eyes and the other memberr of her family cried with her as aha crossed to the standing jurors and haltingly thanked them for their verdict. I am the happiest woman in , the world, she sbid. There wss no intimation from the White House as to whether .the Presi dent had approved the program agreed upon Monday at a conference of the ways aad means snd Renats finance committees. The President hsd ex pected to sse .western member ef . the. former committee who have been in sistent in demanding that the tariff be taken up sbead of revenue revision but the meeting wss postponed st his request and Chairman t'ordney ex plained that he hsd sent Mr. Hsrding s list BEASLEY LEAVES WELFARE OFFICE FOR PRIVATE LIFE Resignation Reluctantly Ac cepted By Commission In Greensboro WILL GO TO TEXAS TO ENTER PRIVATE WORK Has Served As Commissioner Since formation of Board of Charities and Pnblio Welfare In 1917; Organised Wei fare Work Authorised By Assembly of 1917 Roland T. Bessley, Commissioner ef Poblie Welfare sines tks formstioa ef State Board of Charities aad Public Welfare ta 1917, relinquished the plsee yesterdsy whea his resignation was sc cepted by the commission at a meetiag held in Greensboro. Mr. Beasley's resignation has been In the haads nf ths board sines March 7th, aad beeomee effective at once. He accepts a poeitioa with ths Internstionsl Pstroleum Cnm- peny, Keen rsluetance was expressed by ths bosrd in scquiescing to Mr. Beasley's desire to return to private life after three years of service to the Btste. Resolutions of appreciation of his serv ice! were pmM. Jit wai urged to re- consider his determination to give np the work, but he for some time past haa been determined to leave public, ufe. The commissioners hip ef Public Wei fare was created "by the General As sembly of 1917 to supervise the work of the department throughout the Btata, aad Mr. Beasley was ths unanimous choice of the hoard. He assumed the office October 1, 191?, and since then has devoted his entire time to the or .1 I -,t i . t U"HJU nip ,nur, mnw w in, wr- want to discuss the situation. Absndon Emergency Tariff. Meanwhile there were other move ments nnder way wblca would have the effect of giving interests demanding it an emergency tariff. There has been much discussion of the proposal by Senator Smoot, Republican, Utah, to put an embargo an wool, wMch was included in thd Fordney measure, passed by the She need a secret passage from the Senate and House and vetoed by Mr. court room to escape the crowds which I Wilson. Congressional and adminia- threatened to overwhelm her with eon- trative circles were said to be planning gTatnlatioaa. te put an embargo on ether products - -fanirtt hsr Diana for- the- future now en the free list. Allhouih thev were incomplete, saw and wembern of I ad beeaj advised of such, a movement. her counsel offUr attorneys" sal " Sha members of the wsys and menus eom is aaaaiderina- m timber ef business I suttee declared that tba question of pre- prepositions, accord ing to 'Walter Scott, P,rin" n1 "rgeney tariff General Assembly, Ne gafcesasr Cheoea No successor haa been chosen to fill the vacancy. For the present tha office will be in charge of Mrs. Clarence F. Johnson, who has been Mr. Beasley 's assistant for the past three years. Carey J. Hunter, of Raleigh, vie chair man' of tha board, ia chairman of the committee to select m successor to ths retiring commissioner. Mr. Bessley will spend the remaiadsr of the week in Raleigh, aad after the ef fort Worth, Texaa, one ef her coon eel. but what sha shall do In the im mediate future is undetermined. Her father, J. I Smith, ia seriously ill at El Pas6, Texaa, and it was said she might return there to be with him in the lset days of what is .termed aa illness which may ba fatal. M era Vera of Hamon Family Absent. None of the members of the family ksd been definitely abandoned. Agreementjraa reached at the meet ing today that the anti-dumpine- aal valuation bills should not delay con sideration ef a straight tariff bill for the reason that it did not fit the situs- 4l JeU a. A- AV . M 14. a WSVuW to. "!L!! aKltf committee had changed front on prior- " nmm " i 1 ,1 it. " . ity of tariff er revenue revision, Chair- turtf ne- "Ld "J?1 l t.hfc."5?: .J--1 j !.- i. :n i men. uu urvwcunwa w. - - Antonio,' Texas; where he -will be ajso- elated wifh hrft business iateresta. In his letter f resignation, addrcsssd to Chafrmaa W. A. Ulair, Mr. ueasiey sayst 1 hereby submit to the board, through you, my resignation aa Com missioner of Publie Welfare, aaid resignation to take effect at once. "For some time I have felt a grow ing desire to return to private life, but NEW PRESIDENT OF CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Dr. Z. M. Cavlaess, sm im.. . eigh physician, wke was elected presi dent ef the ReJeigh Chamber af Com merce at the as seal meeting last atght Dr. Caviaece haa bssa a member ef the organisation for nearly alee years, aad was a director daring ths past year. The new president ef the chamber came to the city from Zebaloa ia 1911. He is a native af Randolph county. Dr. Caviaees practised medieiee st Wske flsld beginning in 1903 nnd later moved to Zcbwton. Besides being a privets praetitlonsr. Dr. Caviaeao is tha Wake county physician, part owner of, the Caviaeas Prodars Co, ef Raleigh, aad a director la the Citlseaa beak aad ths Hank ef Zebuloa, both of Zebulon, PRESERVE RELIC OF ANDY JOHNSON DR.ZJ.CAVINESS IS ELECTED HEAD E BODY of mm Annual Meeting and House Warming of Raleigh Trade Organization Held JOSEPHUS DANIELS IS , dd up ni rnriirn Claad- Barbae la ElecUd First Vice-President, and V. St. Cloud, Second Vice-President; Beports of Officers and Departments Shows Much Activity Daring Past Tear Tks Bslelgk Ckamber ef Commerce, at lie annual meeting lsst bight, sleetel Dr. Z. M. Caviness, well known local pkysiciaa, president of tka srgaalsa-. tioa for tha coming year to succeed Howard White, welcomed Former Secre tary of the Nary Daniels koms sgsia aa tha guest ef honor and principal speaker, and held a house warming ia tha asw quarters on the third floor of the Gilmer Building. Over a hundred members attended. Besides asmisg Dr. Caviness as pres ident, the chamber elected Claude B. Barbee first vice-president and Virgil 8t. Cloud second vice nreaisent Tha names of Dr. Csviaess and Messrs. Barbse aad St. Cloud were submitted by a nominating committee composed or J. K. Broughton, O. C. Scarletta and John A. Pack, and tka nominees were unanimously elected. Mr. Park, on be half of the chamber, thea expressed deep spDreelstion for the service ran dered by Mr. White during the past Cts. nf Tormaceo Will Rirv TnT Ba pweeeted the retiring preai- DUIiamg USeO OY I ailUr eup, appropriately engraved. President For Shop lag from $100 to 12400 a year; Sup- to the winning; players so that wa could erintondent and Director, bureau of . liberies, $1,500 to $1,800 year; Lay inspectors, bureau of animal industry, $1,080 s year; veterinarian, bureau of animal industry, $1,900 a year. A poster for general distribution, with 'wanted for the eivil service com mission? in big black letters is now being sent eat broadcast to many po rtions to be filled, tha first paragraph da ths poster eaying: "The government always needs men lad women for employment ia ths get no.i money with which to eon tinue the game. On of the players would buy something from the one that went broke, if we could And something that he wanted. NO FEDERAL FARM LOAN BONDS BEFORE APRIL 15 ' Washington, March - 17. April IS is the earliest date sa whieh ths new Fed era! Farm Loan bonds can be ready eivil service. The civil fores U so large f" i"l"ev "''Ifl that great many vacancies are con stantly occurring." And the Bepubll r cans are finding out - that these va cancies must be Sued. A Washington! who has lean, ayes 'for the eSsnges in administration in tonight.-, The action ef Congress Juat before adjournment la extending the sail ssriod sf ths-bonds has new f sitated the preparafiomsriaw platet for engraving the boafla. - . talking witk me today said that while IhAKDINO OKDKR9 KBTTEW he waa seeing great Bombers sf -appH-t ; or CASH OF BUGKNB DIBS. aanm xor pouucai positions in naaa- .hriAiL that ha waa anva that Aim I WaabUgtOn, would march 17. President rr r" Tl" Hardin has asked Attorney General if there had bee special rate, for ths I '.!W' "i! Inauguration and if the railway rates TmTTZZ JZZT.YZ .ta. snd the cost of Uving la Washingtoa I j1-"," ""i f.!! V were not so high. That is helping to keep ths crowd sway" said he, "and - if some ef thoea fellows sow cooling their heels ia reception rooms doa't soon get government jobs they t will have to go te work Caa Mr. Meyer Stake) It Gat During the debate ia Oongreee aver - the lagismuoa to rectors ths War Fi nance Corporation functions, in ths desire te secure larger foreign mur der the espionage net ia Atlaata peni tentiary. of Jake L Hamoa was in tke court I "V, VT. JJi V.mlV Importnnt work. With the adjournment room ejacu the Jury returned Its ve,. chairman," is emphatic f' ntor, after Us empharJe diet. Mrs. Hamon. tke widow, and berin nrri " L T .v! tadoraement and continued support of 10-y.ar-old 3tH left when 5iB.!SifA...tt the welfar. work, that .tlm. ha. now I "v-u,waia am cava v nuvv as aatg, stiucu Ulilsla I . . ' "M w" " ,n.7;. V Member, aaid there was no sign of 7 tT II , T ii -I . weahewng and that BeprcsentoUvas -WaSr--iiM-in 9etrfjer, wers standing alons for revenue ""u,,"" " """ vytw4, icgisjatloa Brst of all. Clara Hamon, 30 inches sway. U ., Saya Wee Demaads Tariff. nm ones aunng ins entire trial R.nr.nt.f(v. v.. p.n,.Kit... 1.I.V I. 1 11 ... .1, .V. I . . ' - . '-..v "" muaj, am mo jorta ustota, a member of the eom- two women appear to become conscious mittee, declared the passage of the anU or eaen ower except on tne aaygtney dumping bill would not- satisfy the testified when each regarded the other West, aa most ef the farm products of cioseiy. mat section wers oa the free list. arrived. "I lay down the work with keen re grot that is eompenssted for only by ths knowledge kirbni'iaoTearpabTs hands will assume both its burden ana the joy of carrying it on. , , . 'TermiteToTisstiTrthr DOiTdTnd each member thereof, of my deep sp Tiraetation of the. suDPort and eon- flrienea that have been accorded me. If there has been the Slightest suggestion of discord it boa never coma to my ww.ww WO, a UB LHI ir.i iiat. I . . ... .... Tonight at ths home of Mrs. Jake "Ths man on the veree of b.nkrunt ears, and l believe tnat wnst one Decs IT.!... tf ... mmA w .ha k.' ,x ,.t. .7. .. L. sceomDlished under your wisaom una - - www i . w WUIDU1IUK LU LID 1,11. nil .Mill I - - been told of the verdict and that she would not be antil tomorrow because of her physical and mental condition. Jake I Jr, said that if his mother was given the information of the acquittal after such brief eonsideretioa by the jury it would "tend to throw her into a (Caa tinned aa Page ThreeJ "The Wert is up against it hard and (Continued sa Page Two.) DKXBT STANDS BT FAMOUS DRY ORDEB OP DANIELS Wsshiagtea, March 17.- Secretary Deaky will not reacted former. See. retary Daniels much dtscaassd rdar ahallshiag the win saess an beard neval vsesile. The Nsvol SecTetiry-Isrnsday that leaving Natloaal prohihltlea ant sf ssasiderattoa he waa heartily la accord with' Mr. Daalelo aa the abject aad thst he did act believe a "oaf peril's guard af nsval effl eers eealg be faaad who waald favor rsadndlat ths DaaUU ardor. RAISE OBJECTIVE mm MARK Fayetteville Already Past nFfOmand--StHhGoing strong on T directioa must be recognized as aa ira nortant chanter in North Carolina his tory, a lasting testimony to ths finest Impulses of humanity ana toe states manship ef our people. This great sys tem for the protection or tne neipiess and ths safeguarding of neglected ehildrea will ba retarded with satisfae tlon by North Carolinians everywhere ia ths years to come. EUGENE MEYER NAMED CORPORATION DIRECTOR ...Waahlnaton. March. . 17.-rZ O g as Meyer, Jk, of Tew Torh,, fodsy was elected managing aireetor Finance Corporation, FoyeUevUlc. March ITTwovTof campaigning aad nothing to eampalga S wuh myyvm Ml a. as. V. Wholesale Liquor Business Will Be Put To Death May 15 IT. Ths -whele- Waahisgtea, March ilrttTroduemrf A-erman far- Unr e-tabliahmaat, brethe, af whs had formerly held a port tioa aa the corpora tioa, took issue with Scers tary Eeastoa. It will ba remembered that Mr. Heaatea eppossd the loaning of publie moasy ta export eompeaiee. 1 Mr. Meyer, advocated it ia a Tigoroae paper and declared such ass sf trsaa ary resources waald " sarely increase foreign markets, partioularly for sottoa mm arhaaL - - ' . Now. Mr. Meyer kaa been appointed I noaaewmsnt today made tt clear thers ' .a taa baard alaar witk Mr. A. W. V. I would ha as farther exteaeioa af time Liaa, f North Carolina,' aad others. I ths eieeutiaa ef the seateaes waald u, Haaatoa ris-ht ar was hfr. I o munca a-n. aader aeataaee proaoaaeod today Prohi ration Csaaaaiaaieaaw Kramer. Altkeagk aa opiaiaa readered by At teraey General Pasmsr bast December said tke wfcslsaalar had as legal right to asatiaae la basis raw, internal reve aue aad prohihitisa effleiats decided to gnat soma tame ia whieh ha oeala aaload stocks withsat too heavy-meae- tary lasses. Bat Mr. Meysrt An who beUeve thst ths War Fiaaaee . Corpora ties ahoald oeatiaas snd look te see it enlarge markets, par tieuharty for South era cotton, will heps ta see ths workings saceesaful. "The ealy way ta restore prosperity te thr Seuth or a .meteors or st fCamtlaasd oa Pago TwoJf Mr. Kramer, however, opened tha way far the retail draggista to obtaia aaa ptisa for preeti Iptieaa, i anas. lag; ths baa oa withdrawals from beaded ware ksaata. For ssroral moatha each wars. hssssa desss have beea sleaed. ' The ardor today makes it aoocibio for ths retail owtgwt to direct with the headed Wholesale druggists win be tefcea care en later, Mr. Kramer indicated, by (mating them similar privileges. Dealings bctweea retail druggists aad ether parehassrs aad tks headed ware houses later will be United by res hoioaa, which officials declared would bs drastis aaeagh to satisfy the meet ardeat dry advocate. They maot be based, however, it was added, en Mr. Palmer's opinion. It is plan aed to put them ia affect about the time tha wholesale heases go out af exiatoaeo. Be far aa the wholesaler is aeaesrasd. Mr. a.rsmcr said, his oas task aow is to get rid of the stocks as head. He will act be alls wed to taersass hie area- oat holdings hat there are no strings ties., to him ia selling to druggists, either wholesale or rotad, befors May 15. Offleials aanoaheed aa Sgaros eea- earaiag tha ameuat of liquor held by tha. wholesalers, but aaid they believed the stacks largely wwaid bs disposed f before tks doors are closed taaH.l metnv when ka Mourned from tke Cor Doration last May, was re-elected oa i. i.lL.,. .v I, . . . I ha mntioB ef Anns W. McLean, who mvjr aauerea as lunen I ',, ' ... - . ... if eon at aooa today and found that they J"?4 the PosiUoa 'nterim. Mr had already raised- mora money thaaiM.cLeaa, however, remains as director ther set Dut after, aad thaw mnw.A of ths corporation. objective ap from $4000 to 100,000, and added another story to the prospective T. building. , With assay reports still outstaadlag, ua ruaa paasea U goal by fSJHl, aad with Highlander fervor the slsnsmsa sung a doxology aad set eat aaew. To- mvmmvmm. mmA Va.w m .L . M . Pts5ta;kr Paris, March lT.-By ths AmociaUd ia ae diapositioa te stop antil the Cape I Press.) Ths decisions of ths London i oar metropolis is s sen red at a building 1 reparations conference, ths occupation ecf n to . aone ia tas Wats. of raaidorf and ether German cities camTia Srorf'toua7 " MM The artlllarymea are ae maeh interested is penalties sa Osrmaay wsrs sp in ths eampaiga aa any maa ia Fay. proved by the chamber of deputies this enevuie, aao uey aave jraiaoa aad are I afternoon by a vote that was virtually .L??J -Aai-.e for ths ialUH. aad i n m.m .-. i. . - . - commanieia. in a vmv..j HI. ,IWWIH ,( The former Secretary of the-Nsw. who wss introduced by j. M. Broughton, made sn informal talk. Mnraul,, tila Nsshvflle, Tean March IT. A dilapt-1 pleasars in bsing at home srsla and dsted little bulldins nt Greenville, in thanking tke members of the chamber Eastern Teaaeeaee, upon the front of for thalr hearty welcome. Mr. Daniels, ., . k o.. .i... "a Jnhaaaa uri" th courc of his talk, rseom. whieh onco hung the sVa. A. Johnaon, mfuiti h efffUo of a Tailor," aad which waa tha place where memorial in Nash Square to ths Balaiarh Andrew Johnson, the man who succeeded men who served during the world war. Lincoln as Preeidsnt of the United J"1 v noltorlu- eonrerted atmimm. kaaaa hia baaiaaaa aaraar will opera BOUBO SHU Community f' TwTlT a. fU, Md rrsat pip. org., be be bought sad preserved kg the State installed iathe Auditorium as early as ef Tennessee. possible. r. Daniels also gavs some A bill waa passed today la ths Tsn- 'njTrytin'. .Personal recollections, and ui....l foOowiag hia talk hs was aeeordsd a flsavw irg kata.a iiiawaiiafj ,n, .mm s"11'! rlstne ViSfa af fhanV. chase af the bUding aad ite maiaten-l , sUporta For Tear Made. 1I V4- -.l-w, u mmml lu. M . ... . . ' mm m nuft a unra mmm naval MI leamrea or IBe maacina. adorned Tennessee histories fee yean, I were tks reading sf the reports of bat the Cemmeawealth haa beea slaw sol Prosideat Whits. Secretary M. a. Baa. take sups to preserve tke building. I maa, Mies Louise Wynne, assistant see- Tke little tailor skop stands at ths rstsry aad treasurer, and ef the differ corner of Stat Depot aad College I sst denartments. X. a. R.4Ma streets ia Us sleepy little town where! mtt ted tha annual renort .f tka Johnson, who waa bora ia Baleigh, N.I mereial department, B. & Busbse the -i emigraiea as us ox in. av( report or us Industrial departmsnt, served hia apprenticeship to a- tailor, Q. O. Searletto tke report of the tragfle Johasoa opened his Irst shop in Greene- aad transportation department. Mayor 7U. '.V,,h! "V "Y? u T- a B-'Maw We report of ths eivia to..M,,'.EUk,mkM8Cw4,,Ltaw7a"? ,0-.tt P"rt""'n d W. a Harris read the fell to teach her yonag husband to write wpon 0f the agriculture and good roads' and nndertake otker sdueatioaa pre- department All reports showed that iminsnes as .Johnson knew only kit the chamber did creditable work dur- letters when ke became bead of km a. yeaf j, line ftf ,u owa house having never attended school dfavor. . a day in his life. Following the address by former See- ' Johnsoa's political career begaa as nUiryi Mlyo, T. B.-Eldridg, made a tmm,MAmmtttl, H thai eereed. .,,rl toft laro'ttawrm.-'-aa mavor. waa elected ta tha lower honaa . . 7 r ... f the legialarnrs, th. sis BAZ.'mmmirS WS1 .a. . . ; -, -i -",,,, ci.t auuiionum woum uohiw b, tendered free for lit concerts- iooo SI''??": term United iT.B fre. of eh b h oigani States Senator, military governor of Uol. .2, . ?2Z. . Tennessee, waa elected as vies preei- ... -i.-. .n. uli ." l V j... . i rr.i.i o... a i... P,,M ef making the1 orchestra a President upon the death of Lincoln. His '" ,"wJ,on-. final political offla wss that as United States Senator from Tennessee. Tl l. : i . .uumuu, wane avveraor or lennes- i,i, j . , . toe, one. resumed hi, voctionri Imp).- "f fit ' rt of.r. menu. He had formed a strong friend "J IK?. tiSZZ JS Xl P,tav,.T"J.e.,kt" .r errtninatioi The business ssssioa thea Whiand'once Ta bhSiih SToi! a-.rad' a.4 thaw present were personal relations of Johnson and Pen- "." f?! ?" 8- P wsra extreme cordial. Pper U- JS T '"puTch Dr. Cavineea was then called en "for a speech." Ths new president expressed his appreciation of ths honor conferred (Continued Oa Pago Fear.) GEORGIA DECLINES TO RAISE TELEPHONE RATES served and cigars passed around. Should ba Clearing Hesse: Ia the course ef his addresrrSeere-, tary Josephns Daniels said: f Tha , Chamber of Commerce should be tha elesrino hsnaa tar all that l ti. n. .r.uk i m. n I , . . . ... .. Bailroaa Commisaioa today declined the banks ef so city could carry ea tke petitiea of Atlanta, Augusta, Maeoa business ia these days half so well if! aad fifteen eUer mnnidpalitiss that it they did not act in harmony asd o UaP--at.l--iaa ut!u jr"X ati-aTi ' m k gtnrfTiew-itr diwasioaT nUBr -lirjeord. They ara competitors for bust. French Deputies Approve Work hSE Of London Reparations Meeting S5 sSgr r " " omeoTS I Tha wata wuai ei ins I -j . jnr,. m ..rkaes.mr tha -a. I. la 1. JT" owe wmm v n I.. TOI. J ta..lwt oVsa afposn a mmm-trnmAmA .V ..!..!..!!. I X O "a-mwmwwm-mmmwwm.mw-mmmwj uvea faBlV f IP U . Uae ak nTX warn waaaaa lkr lnt an1 Wr.rmmm9 -aV X. A. taa.aa a. S. t- avS. . . M I UUMmm WaV AT ..-, AVIWt. rlMH"V Vm MM IMW OQUa- I Ul.Ua. - V.e fareftsaa. tar km MTMt- ieVaf 1- . I la.la. .-:.af ah. etha lisrtlft mm ats LnUhulsfced rspsrte act ; yst ta ths th.Vreramaafriatoatioa. with regard .wa!ilC,?t,1 !f!tU UrjU U sxeeutioa sf ths treaty ef Veimilles that the tttf theassad dollar mark has ,a a-mrin the disarmameat of Ger- soea pesac4 already. .Many sf the Way, took oceesioa to answer Germany's workers kara beea naaWs to attoad ths proUrt to ths League of Nations agsiast mid-day laaehosas aad make reaorta. I tka .nua - - a. tka ena-ad that bat word from them brings in- a ewe sf I it was a vielatioa sf the treaty. Bs large sabarriptioaa tha aro yet to be I aaiUA tk. attaatiaw af tha chamber added to the total. The eampaiga will I ta the f-rtt that at the same time this soatiaae a a til Setardsy aooa. Work aootost waa sent Germany had refwaed, en the building is expeetsd ts becia at oa tka a.a .f tha Naaiatioaa sa early date. I eommiasios, te execute the elaase af the crease to tke Southern Bell Telephone neat, but we have learned that eompo. aad Tslegraph Company. A similar tition te not Ueompatible with dreiaioa was made ia ths petition of essential co-operation. Every grocery- Moultrie aad nearby towns. Chair- man eomnetes for trade, bnt anlaas maa Candler and Commissioner Boifeu- Baloigh grows on a sound basis "there lllet dissented la both eases. .ill not come increase anourh in bust. nesa to maks eampetltione or business satisfactory. , Chamber te do Its best work' ksvs ail tha live business men ia bershlp. the sharing ia tke prosperity of the city. It is not a treaty calling for tke puymeat of twenty duty merely, it ia a privilhf for each billion gold marks. I to do his share toward tt greater . -Germsny," hs said, "has violated the growth sf ths Capital city. This is treaty ia three essential clauses die- particularly trus aow whaa iweessioa armament, reparations aad ths trial ef ia business ta soms lines makes energy . accused officers. Thus ths sanctions sad unity essential. . . ' as provided for ia tks treaty are ap- "No city has sack natural advantagee plicable aad Just, as ws hava applied as to givs it a great lead aver ether -them. ' cities. Givea equal opportaalty to work ' The allied commission af control, be sad fair pay, that city will , attract declared, waa working aader tha advise ths meat people which haa ths best of Marshals Wilson aad Fork and living conditio as, ths beet busisese ant might bs depeaded upoa ta satisfy ths look aad tke best social advaatsges. reqairemeata of M. Lsfevra as to. ths Why has Baleich grows aad prospered f disarmameat of Germany. I Because it gives what the people wast.' XL Lefsvre said that sines ha declared But Baleigh ought ta doable its popu ia a previous debate ia tha chamber I bitioB ia the aext census period. It is that Germany waa makiax a asw ma-1 an to tks Ckamber of Commerce to let ehiaa gua capable ef shooting tfteoa the world know sf Baleigk'e advan- - . knadred a miaata its existeacs hsd beea tegee. Ws eaaaot sacceod if wa da not proved. , The gua had tjeea foaad ia auka kaowa our advaatsges. Kooaigsberg. ha aeelarcd. along with a - Ta March IMS. while ia Paris I wst now typo of'sU-iach eaanon. proving j hvitcd te attend a baaqast givsa by that us t-ermaas were saakiag aow l ths Cwvelaad. Ohia. Cha-ibsr sf Com armament to replace that destroyed I ..rca which had seat a bia dslefatiea nnder allies coat re L Ha aaid that ma- cf its beat basin ess men te obtain trade terial had hooa asssovsrsd ia eaUars ef laniadtIy after tka Armistieo. That ths chnaadsa saweaal onadeM ta ataaa- taotara SyXw Ssid gaaa, - (Cootlaasd oa Pago, Twsv) .