The I fews 0bs TUS U ATUJt North larolUs Fair Bad aula ervet WATCH LABEL mm four wrr. Boad rwsl dare before plratloa In ert.r f avoid missis a aiagia eepr. . lasted osrss Moooay sad ptotakty TnUv. yoLociii. no. 60. TWELVE PACES TODAY. RALEIGU N. C, MONDAY MORNING. MARCH 21, 1921. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS CROWDS GATHER TO -WITNESS RETURN - OF THE PRESIDENT flardinrjs Center of Attraction For Sightseers In Washing ton These Days CLOSELY GUARDED BY SECRET SERVICE MEN Yonng Marlon Batler Proving Capable Flier la Naval Avia- tlon 8errlc; Charlotte Wo, man Candidate for National D. A. S. Office; Tonnf Root Tlt Has Naval Aide The Newt aad Obwmr Bureau, t District Nstioaal Bask Bldf, By KDWAXD X. BUTTON. (By Special Leased Wirt.) Waabington, Mirth 20. ftijhtaear niade regain' dT aveat on the White Houm lawn and driveway Ui moraine. Lone before aooa Iho crowd befsa to gather ta watch for return of Prosideat aad Mrs. Harding from Two New Assistant Secretaries Named IP V:X&fb ...... 1 5 .'..v ,'-;." "' v i :; - -. ;-,t r vri I HARDING VISITS WOUNDED SERVICE MEN IN HOSPITAL President Promises Disabled Veterans That Government Will Stand By Them HOSPITALITY OF WHITE HOUSE EXTENDED THEM Errand of Merc Combined With first Hand Study of Ad. ministrative Problem By the Chief Executive; Pays Trlb ute To Service Rendered By Women In the World War BEGIN EFFORTS TO AVOID STRIKE IN PACKING H E BOSTON MAYOR PUTS ON RAGS FOR NIGHT bbbbUbb! I Lft Eliot W4swrtk. of Boat as. itw AMUUut BnXmry of th TrOMury, Il will t im chart of forcig loans. Kif ht Lieut. Col. J. Mayhfw Wainwrifht, - . . a, a3 a S f - 1- - I M . Calvary Baptlat rhnrch whera they j '' 10"t aiwiani cwrcurj 01 . n a ana aervea on to worthlp thia moralnf. Half way j " Major wnnii w nyn. dowa iha awoaplag driveway from the Wait Houm maia antraara, rtfht ap to tat aatraact itaelf, tht crowd balked whUt thtrt wort othtr crowds fathered about the gateway to the grouadj aad along tht big iroa feaca. Tbert waa waviag aad bowing aa the Whilt Heatt automobila bringing boatt tht Pretldeat aad bit wife swept along the Hat of ighteetra, eloaa behind the limonaiae, being aa open ear tarrying four Wbitt House secret terries men, for the Preaidtat it area followed into ebarek aad guarded. The crowd that bad fathered melted away Just aa sooa as tht Hardingt had gottea withia doori i J At.. - . A L . .1. I break up after the eircat parade h passed. . Toaa Batler Making Maa. Tolke ia Washlnctoa bare beea "lookiac od" to a yoVng North Carolii imm ih. lut fmm ilava who bad beea doing soma itrietly butiaeu flying ever the district Enaiga Mario a Butler, of the Naval Soserve fores, soa of for mer Bona tor aad Mrs. Marioa Batler is tht vount maa. Ho ia a aaval avia tor aad did aery ice overseas ia the worm w k. m i w ..y - v iter Tseiag ireaioa xor jurc w cetved U sa aoroplaao accident, Ensiga jrausr waa givea aa v -k ths tea square miles 01 us imrm - of Columbia by the aeroplane method. aad fee -weal at , as wor wiii ' Flvlnar'iow abova tba sity ks baa . photogxapher With him to tat p lets res. walls as Dgnres mo wnun vj mm method tnat m mpioysa. xi m sua, that thera eta bs far more accurate bit of surveying doat thaa by a sar- rtying party on tht groaaa wun an ths paraphernalia of a civil sngineer surreylng party. Ths pictures mads by young Butler are clear and distinct buildings and locations being clearly ahowa, and the cost ia said to bo aboat ste-tcata taat or a grouaa wmjini oarrv. the work done being absolutely aecutata and mors quickly dona. The (value of this special photographing and Jiatanaa aaleulatina' work la war ahowa by the fact that in flvs aad balf minutes after pictures naa Doea taken ana developed in a asm room : n the aeroplane they were delivered aavtfral miles away at tbs naval air tt(na hr carrier Diareons earriod on tha aaroDlane. North Carolina ia providing one of tnt nuts eaaaiaaies xor iiwu ma Vkss-Presidsnt General ' of ths Daugh ten of the American Bevolution at the Continental Congress whlek meets here April 18 20, while there are but eight vacancies to 1111, and- other candidates expected to throw their bonnets into ths ring. The North Carolina candi date is Mrs. Benjamin D. Health, of Charlotte. N. C. Ths other announced candidates are: Mrs. Albert L. Calder, of Rhode Island: Mrs. Barak O. K. ChsnaulU of Kentucky; Mrs. Howard 1 Hodgkins, of the District of Colum bia) Mrs. Lyman E. Holdea, of Ver vnaati Vfrs. John TriiB Moss, of klisaonrT: Miss Althsa Beroell. of Vir ginla; Mrs. Singlstoa M. Ashenfelter, of .Kew Mexico, ana mrs. wnariea . XinthJeum, of Maryland. - -BasBoada Baaday Work. Ths Washington Evening Satr's Bun day edition carried specially display act 41a re latin r to new Navy orders is sued by BoereUry of the Navy Daniels aa found ia the rsviser naval reguia tions which became effective a abort time ago, tbs special ordsr being one that bars work on Sunday la us Aftvy, The artielo roads: . 'Cesaatioa from all sxeept absolute ly WA.V (ha flaKhath la enjoyed by all members of tha naval neraoanel by ths revised naval reguia tioa approved by former Secretary Daniels. and now ready for issue to the Service. It is understood that this par- tienlar order was writtea by Mr. Daniels. Tor every reason, physical as welf a spiritual, Buaday should bo a day of rest aad worship. Jo the rigorous naval service, with men away from home influences, root from tki ordinary duties makes for eoatantmant aad keahk while religioua services rivaa moral direction and moral stamina, tho order reads." CoL Theodore Booeevslt, assistant aaval secretary, ia now acting secre tary of tho Navy, Bears tary Jsaaby having left last sight to Join tk .est t Guaataunmo. Aa Assistant Beereiary of ths Navy be baa had saaignod to kit ofieo a aaval aid ia too psraon of Jiouteaaat Commander Leo P. Warrea, a a til lately of tho staff of Admiral Cooats, ekiet of ths emee of operation of the Nsvy. Binos about the ire of ths term of Assistant Secretary frank lin Boossvalt, back in MIS, there kas boon no naval aid in tko office of tks aasiataat aosretary; Kaialag aoy Far COUag. -Ths Waahiagtoa ' chapter sf ths Alnmaao Aasaeistioa of tho Xortk Csr Uaa Collego for Women la now actittiy (Coeitla d M rag TwaJ . . CAPITALIST GETS RELEASED AGAIN New York Millionaire Charged With Violation of the Liquor Laws Tampa. Fla-, March M. Chargea of coaaplracy to violate ths Vol. atea4 act will he yrtmcd agalaat Harry 8. Black, New York, millioa. sirs aad hia two negro employee before the Federal grand jary. United SUtoa attorney Herbert 8. PMIIlpa for tho Southern district of Florida aaid hero today. Accord, lag to Mr. Philliao. tho grsad Jary will asset la Miaul the last Moaday la April to take as tho case. Miami, Fla, March 20. Harry ' St. Francis Black, New York multi-millionaire, ro-arreated last night ia West Palm Beach under the State ' liquor lawa, en orders from Gov. Carey A. Hardee, was released today when Ed ward C Bomfh, president of the First National Bank, of vUiami, and Theo dore O. Hotuer, trustee of tht tamo bank; appeared aad wove their perse si bond of SLOOe for Blaek and 11.000 for tha negro porter employed on Blaek's private pullmaa ear. Black, who waa taken into custody early last Thursday morning after local I continued. "No one but a licensed phsr and federal authorities bad raided hia prlvato ear and seized 65 cases of liquor stored in it, was released Fri day by VJaited States Commissioner, LEAGUE PREPARED TO FIGHT IN N Several Plans Considered For Securing the Overruling of Palmer's Beer Decision Waahiagtoa March 20. Tho Anti- Saloon League it prepared to fight un til the opinion by former Attorney General Palmer holding that beer may Washington, March 20. President Harding combined aa errand of merry riU a flrst baad study of oae ef hit administrative problems today by spending more then two hours among tbt wounded toldiert at Walter iVed hospital. Accompanied by Mrt. Harding aad Dr. C. E. Sawyer, hia persons! physician, whom ha has charged with aa laveitiga- tioa of the geaeral problem of publie health aad social welfare, tho 1'resi- deat looked through the wtrde aad a tertainmeat rooms of the hospital greeting. seorst of the patients and ask ing them what could be done to make them more comfortable In a short talk from the front steiia of administration building he told assemblage ef patients and nurses tha hs wsnted to see a government policy mat snouKi xuiiy recognize wnai in soldiers of the' great war gave to the country, aad later at the Ked Cross hut bo made a tpeoch praising tha serriwa ef women in tho winning of tho war. Stadloa Vocatioaal Traiaiag. The question of proper hospital facili tiet aad medical attention for wounded toldiert is 'one which bat been much in Mr. Harding's mind tinea hit eleo tioa and during today's visit he asked about many details of hospital ad ministration. Among other things Gompers Promises Moral Sup port of American Federation To the Workers LEADERS OF PACKING UNIONS IN WASHINGTON Representatives of Packers and Their Employes Confer To. day With Secretary of Labor Daris; Conference Regarded Aa Important In Establishing Precedent John M. Graham. J. K. Mandley. the negro porter, testified at the hearing M preerrioea aa a medicine la over ruled, Wayne B. Wheeler geaeral counsel for the leguo announced to- .tudiedAlia voestionsl training system night in a formal statement. The Jot th, wounded," aad Mrs. Harding league, be added, has a number of brought away aa aouvenir of the plans to bo used as ths occasion ds- TOcational plant a hammered silver mSndS. I... maJa aa (a la. ll, m aswunuina proposiwoa IU k. Prita Joaanh Yurknn.lri oeer ean do toia at sooa rouniaias wita To all of the wounded men with all that it implies," Mr. Wheeler said WBom tner tai.. tho President and in rererenes to a recent sutement bv Mrfc Harding extended tbs hospitslity tts former Attorney General as to of- of th, white House suggesting that iee ox sis opinion. rnit ut state- tho,, rom Ohlo arrange to corns in " vicacer maa ever, peiors Iwulv uua ta call na lb,a ?'!PV: 7 "f Wale talk, from tho motpital steps. atr. wsseioj eeiare.- taat awow If n,, Harding 'roeaUed the example of bear may bs prescribed as a medicine) . tr. .( ka imA mw iruw ui b'"o- eaiw mm us i despite ths lots of both arms and ono vmn - ,v,-w..o B. aeopia. o always kept talking cheerfully of 2rV T .ii ' T P V I01 ft,tur -d of tb opportunities it w ( auu vua might bring, uruggisi ore open io inspection,- ne I p,. Trikato To Wsus. T nftam fja rnit matt " ssintl stiiawl If mscisvinsT xui me preacripiion. I'll r.ii.. . ...,!. A.t. - j,.t ... ft... t : v.u..-..... - -- --j i- I Look lorward always to the morrow, m.s r-Toaou w um. a. violates ,m sorry ths burden has come ao hard " " . i tovon. but vou hit La sure tha sov 1S .,((-..., naa.r will ka ImaLnilM f sals of beer at soda fountains. - hazard ia ths trade will be such that b!Jli?U1eed UqU0r bcart I!LnUb.le ?hlV"t .' ".TU JTtte He Cross hut tht Protident Il w a-au va. I declared tbo work of the women in the without Bhfck s knowledge. Although Black waa still under 1500 bond to npear ia Coeoanut Grove police court tomorrow, ho left Miami immedi ately after his kearing here. Yesterday Governor- Hardee tele graphed Sheriff Allon, of Dado county, asking information aa to tho disposi tion ef the eats and ia a later message informed the sheriff that Blacks re lease by federal authorities did not ex. onerate him under tbo Stata laws. The sheriff at once swore out warrants for Black and his porter, J. B. Mandley, and wired- the West Palm Beach an. thorities to hold ths millionaire. Black supplied a cash bond of 12,000 for him self and portent This bond will be re turned to hira today, being - automat kally cancelled by that- of ths Miami bankers. Black aad his ear returned to Miami this morning. .v. When Black appears in Coeoanut Grove police court he alto will face a charge of storing liquor in a shack asar here on Biscayas Bay, aata to bo owned oy aim. ia most places.' Mr. Wheeler made publie a telegram from Frank Blake, of Chicago, presi dent of the National Proprietary Asso ciation, saying that 'in common with war and ths aftermath of war ranked ta the greatest service ever rendered by tho sex to humanity. The greatest thing woman has done A . ... j iu auiury, ne saiu, was me luinn- tsXlugV S llW2UJiZ ! of tho drug trade." war for civilization. When I bring that tribute to you I know it it the tribute that has been in the hearts of ths men in ths armed forces who felt THREE POSTMASTERS IN ONE DAY IN ASH EVILLE that you ministered unto tbem aa only anglea of Uod Almighty could minister. ANOTHER MISSISSIPPI NEGRO LYNCHED BY MOB . Vmtairhon.; JTSfc- brother later, in the day, Atheville, March 20. Atheville had three postmasters in 12 hours Monday, it becoming known yesterday that the first telegram received here was ad dressed to "John W. Hill," ths name and "initials of San Hill's brother, Walter Hill. 8oon thereafter, however, the mistake was discovered hero that First Assistant Postmaster General C. Kooas had appointed Waltsr Hill postmaster instead of appointing Dan and ths error was corrected, with an order to Dan W. HiIL Although Walt Hill had ths official appointment as postmaster, his tp rJointment was short lived aad he did sot get ths satisfaction of taking over Haa Charred With Killing Negro Woman Taken Prom Jail and Hanged ' Dm- Hill stated- yesterday that he bad assumed charge of tho office and last ' night held ; what hs termed the flrst get-together meeting of tbo em ployea,' many of whom bo did not know Hattieaburg. Mist- March 20 Arthur I and many .of whom did not . know him, Jennings, negro, keld hers on a charge I Mr.- Gudger says hs will return to tks of killing a negro woman several days! practice of law, hia profession before ago, waa taken from tks county jail I ko ' was - appointed postmaster eight osrly today by a number ef armed men, I yefrt ago. wno overpowerea inn anerui, At daylight tks negro's body was fonnd banging in a tree near tha eity. At tho time Jennings was arrested, he fired several shots at una officers, and feeling against hint has-been bitter.. Jennings, after a pistol dual with two deputy sheriffs In which he waa woaad- owiea, was captured. here. last west and kad boca held in tha county Jail awaiting tht arrival of TaylorsviUo si ncere. . ' According to Deputy Jailor Herring a mob of about 15 men asms to tks jail about 1:30 o clock this morning, eerer- aa Jailor McasazM vmn guns, oroorea him to turn out tks jail lights and tak ing hia keys, proceeded -to. the. negro ilY tr I QUANTITY W COTTON rat for him. - : . They placed ' aim ia aa autosasbOs and ' quietly- proceeded . to tho spot, bars tbo negre s bod was found early KINSTON YOUTH DROWNS MN THE NEUSE RIVER Xiatton, March ax Ernest W.. Pats, Jr., -10 years old. was accidentally dnawaed ia ths Neust river near the Cat wall . street bridga .this afternoon. Tho lad waa playing a row boat aad loataia balance, failing into-tho-river. His body-was recovered bat tbo efforts of two physicians to resuscitate him were, to bo avail. - The funeral will be held Monday. .' Hia- Barents resids on Grainger sveaae, Mr. Pste being a lino- typo operator at a local newspaper of today. County Coroner Ballon empaanelles jury this afternoon and hi ooadoetiag aa tavsstarattoa. Freight Servtea Todas. Atlanta. Ga- March -egiaaing Monday tho local freight terries of the Athtata, Birmingham aid Atlantis Bail- road will bo extended, to all wotats of tbo system except tho small Wayrrott dif-iaioa, according to an aaaeuaoetnonl tonight by sflScisi sf the road, BT DXUVKBXD ON rCTUBBS. Waabington, March 10. Ths Isrgssl sjnaatity of eottoa deUverod in any one month- on . faturo ooatraeta staes ths laaugaratioa of the United States eot toa futures act waa in January when 102,300 bales were delivered in New Tork and New Orisons, ha Department of Agriculture aanoaaeed today. Daring- that month the department classed sad eertineated tAJSIS bales for delivery in. New York aad 19,386 balsa for de livery ia Now Orleans. - Ia addition .J0 bales were tlaaaii at New Tork aad 171 kales st New Cries as in ths preliminary tafrtnsi alaattacsUoa servics. . r r- STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF DRY LAWS IS DEMANDED Residents of Waughtown Call On Oovernor Morrison Not .To, Pardon Prisoners Winston Sslem, Mar. 20. Besolutlons asking for prison sentences for viols tors of ths prohibition laws and calling upon Governor Morrison to refuse to psrdoav men convicted of the offense were circulated , in tho Ave churches of Waughtown, a surburb, thit morn ing and were widely signed. They will be presented to Judge Webb of the Superior Court tomorrow morning. A lsw snd ordsr league is to bt organised at Waughtown to help tha officers en force the laws. Tho resolutions set forth that there kas beea aa increase ia the illegal ssls of iiquor, aad declares that it it a powerful force for tvtf in tho community. It pledges tho supbort of tbt citizens of Waughtown in helping to' stop the sals of .liquor, and urges superior and municipal court judges , to pass road stateness. It pledges signers not Jo sign petition asking for mercy or for pardon of people convicted of dealing-in whiskey. RETURNS TO UFE AFTER BEING PRONOUNCED DEAD , Cesar-a. March tv-(By Ths As sociated Pi) A east sf a man's , heart coaaeiag to hast for 14 hoars ' sad tbsn rasamiag work Is resorted frost Boras, where s p tor of that ' '.city, tho Bar. Mr, ' BaadeaaaHwr, aftor being offkdaJly declared dood eaddonly awoke.. - . , Tbo Bar. Mr. Bondoaharhtt; sjrod M and offering frost heart trouklo ' of song ataadtag, fell siasilim Fri- day. Hia awytsdaa lasaod a doath OsrtlBtnUo, nrraagsmta la w r made fee tho funeral aad Batata day's aistpssira nablhthod sale, gtss mt him. The pastor aweks af.' tor 14 bos fa, aararlsed to lad his tsdraam SUod with lowora, wreathe, dlsisnnliti roUttoaa aad frtaasVv Be said weakly i "My sail has mot o Waabington, March 20. Rrprewrnta tivee of the (re big packers and of their union employes tonight concluded preparations for tomorrow's conference with Secretary Davis, who at the direr tioa of President Harding and with the assistance of Secretaries Hoover and Wallace will attempt to mediate in the controversy arising from the decision of tho packers to rr dues wsgrs and titer working conditions. Dennis Lane, secretary of the Amal gamated Order of Meat Cutters and Butchers Workers of North America, and B. 8. Brennan, attorney for the or der, who will represent the employes in the conference arrived in V) ashing toa during the day and tonight con ferred with Baniuel Gompers and Frank Morrison, president and secretary, re tpeetively of the American Federation of Labor. President Gompers on entering into conference with Messrs Lane and Bren naa anoutieed that the employes would have the moral support of the Ameri can Federation of Labor in their at tempt, as labor leaders said, to compel ths packers to observe the working agreement concluded during tho war. Csafereneea Coasldeed Important The representatives of tht packers, Carl Meyer and James L. Cenjion, have been in Washington the past week snd have presented their side sf ths esse io Secretary Dsvia. Tho employes' del egatee will be accorded a similar hear ing by Secretary Davit tomorrow prior to the meeting in joint eessisn. Tho exact procedure to bo followed tomorrow has not been worked out to ftr at eould bt learned tonight. Secre tary Davis, it wot learned, had been pledged the assistance of Secretaries Wallace and Hoover, but whether the latter would sit ia tbs conference was ia doubt. . - ..-. Labor officials generally stacked eon sidoraMo inaattanco to tbo oatroms of US swaferenot for ths result, it wst said, might set a precedent for settle ment of sll of tho many controversies involving discontinuance or abrogatio of war time agreements at to wages aad working conditions. Proceedings of the conference and the results attained by Secretary Davii in Me aad the administration a flrst attempt at mediation in a labor die-f mil. will t. w.k.l ln..ltf .l.tiTC. I final circles. ' Gompera Makea Statement lht employes representatives were to meet with American Federation of Labor officials this afternoon but the return of Mr. Gompers from New York J -1 J . i a ; i . t uviaycu ma mcsunr unui lumgni. . ns- fore going into conference with Messrs. Lane and Brennan, Mr. Gompers said It goes without saying that the packing unions will have the moral sup port of the American f ederation Of La bor. The fact that their repretenta tires bring with them a vote thowing the almost unanimous support of their rank and file ie aa added reason for their counting upon our support." Mr. Uompera declined to indicate whether the Federation would go furth er than lend its moral support. Any further action, it wat told, vould re quire the vote of the executive eoun eil of the' federation which' could be taken by telerraDh. Mr. lane conveyed to President Gompera and Beeretary Morrison the decision or the organized employee in tbo meat packing industry. 'The one big point involved in the controversy, Mr. Lane said tonight, is tbt validity of our contract. Thit tbt real question and not the eight hour day or the attempted reduction of waget. , -. . .... -ISte, J j I - - -1 A - J J , -v" k ' jeA,I ; ' -;V i',4. s?--W J a - j k issLaan Beekiag to Irara Irst haad t a em ploy meat conditions snd how his eity it meeting them. Mayor Andrew J. Peters of Hoaton, spent a night in Wtyfaren ladf, where the city's hnmetess are sheltered aad frd. Krfcetually disguised the Mayor apeat the aiicht in a room with forty unfortunates and in ' ths morsing be piled is on the wood pile for several hours to eara bit breakfast. s CLOSER CO-ORDINATION WAY SERVICE HOLD PLEBISCiTE Tarnowitx, Upper' Silesia. March 20, (By the Associates. Press.) All prep arations, had beea completed whea the polio opened for tho plebiscite today throughout tpper Bilesla to dettressat whether tot region Men, in eoal, iron, line and lead, and'Oampnaing tpproxl mately 8,000 iqnart milea, henceforth ahall be under tho sovereignty of Ger many, or Poland. From distant parts of the world Germans and Poles, for- i mar residents or Hilesla s-nd entitled sJ3) cast their ballots, had journeyed in the hop! of aiding their retpeetivs eonntrics to win the region. . The plebiscite, it it estlmsted, In volved the pilgrimago, of 140,000 Ger mans.' The final results were expected to be delayed somewhat owing to the order of the inter allied plebiscite commis sion suspending telephonic and tele graphic communication with the outside world, with the exception of press dis patches, which, however, were subject to the approval of the Biletias suthor- ities. m-wSaKetr. Bar. Mr. B basher ight Br CLARA HAMON JOINS THE CHRISTIAN CHURCH Ardmoro, Okla., March 20. Clara Smith Hamon, acquitted here Thurs day of ksving murdered Jake L. Hamon, reputed millionaire and late Republican National committeeman from Oklahoma, tonight wat baptized -the First Christian church of Ard moro by Dr. Grsyton 8, Brooks, its pastor. Mrs. G. J. James of Lot Angelet, CaX, lister of Mr. Hamon, was baptized at tbt ssmo time. Tbs baptism followed ' the Sunday night terviee snd waa witnessed by her family, a number ef friesds and chunk members. Accompanied by ber . family, Mrs. Hataoa attended tks morning service aftor which tbs approached tho pastor and asked for baptism. After ker con fection and declaration Dr. Brooks aanoaneed that Mrs. Hsmon would bo baptized tonight. BLACK WEEK-END FOR ' IRISH CROWN FORCES : Dublin. March 20. A "Black Week end" has just been experienced by tbo Crown forces ia Ireland, according to official morta. Eleven members of the government forces were killed aad 11 wouadoa ia mrioos ambushes, want It is believed that thirteen of their as sailants were killed aad tea wounded. Ths reports do not toko into aeeoant toolated murders and outrages wwea aro eoatlaually reported. Captain Attakiasea, an Ulster bar rister who acted as Jndgo in a number of tweoat Dublin oomrt-martiala, waa at tacked st his kerne Saturday night by 1 three anted ansa. -He waa woaa IN UPPER SILESIA Take Vote To Decide Whether Country Shall Bo Ruled By Poland or Germany Berlin. March 2tv (By the As sociated Press.) N aerial dispatches from Kattowltz, Silesia, report that P,ollah hands crossed ths Slleslaa frontier Into Boseaberg sad became Involved In firsts with British troops st Gross l.tsstwlto. Several parsons oa both sides were serl sssly wouaded. the dispatches state. Tbs plebiscite la upper Silesia has boos carried oat every where la perfect order, according to aeml official ststemeat made hers. There Is ao coafirmation of reported sol lie lose with British troops. TWO PERSONS KNOWN TO BE DEAD FROM EXPLOSION Strict Government Supervision of Railroads Declared To Be Esssential Now PRESIDENT WARFIELD TO SUBMIT PLAN TODAY, National Association of Owners of Railroad Securities Goes On Record as Paroring In. tensive Eoonomical Methods In Administration To Prevent Government Ownership Washington, March 20. Coordiaatioa of tht facilities aad service of tho rail roads of the eountry under strict gov- . eiamsat tupervisloa it proposed by ths National Assoeistlos or Owners of rail road securities at a way out of tbo present transportation crisis. The plaa will be submitted tomorrow ' to Chairman Cumnilngs, of tho Senate Interstate Commerce committee and 8. Davies Warfleld, president of the Asso ciates announced today that repre sentatives of hit organiaation would appesr later before that committee Io urge its adoption. Mr. Warfleld sayt tht plaa will en sure annual savings of million! of dol lars, increase facilities and servirvsnd luwer railroad farrt and rates. Ht adds that Amarieia transnortatinn has out. grown the system under which it now cperatea and waraa that the rtilroa ls must recognise that only draftie measures oa their part "will tars them from being swallowed up ia tht do moralizatioa that government operation tad after-war readjustment hat brought upoa tbem." "Unlets intensive economical metbodt in railroad administrntion are adopted he continues, , "there is no alterattivs but government operation followed by . government ownership, although Iho country hat given overwhelming evi dence of being o ottl to it." Supplements Transportation Act. I Tht proposed plar ia supplemental to provisions of the transportation act permitting regional eont ilidatioa of physical prop.rties by tha Interstate Commerce Commission. Certain eon ' tolidationt of railroads art necessary, Mr. .Warfl-eld says, "but an emergency ' now exists and tha publie la entitled to mors immediate and lubttaatlal benefits thaa .n be derived from the great physical consolidations, of 'rail : road properties. Chicago, Mar. 20. Two persons are kaown to be dead d four others are missing as a result of the grato dust explosion which rocked South Chicago last mgbt and wrecked one of the world's largest grain elevators One body wat removed from the debrit few hours after the blast and the second wat 'found today. , Officials of the Armour Grain Com pany, which-operated tho elevator, ssi that it mign be several days before it could tie definitely known now maay met deatk ia tha disaster at their re cords containing list of men employed at the plant had been destroyed by the fire which followed tho explosion. Betides the two bodies recovered only four men remained unaccounted for tonight and it wnd believed that these may havt beea burled beneath the thouaande of tone of grain, released by the blast. All of tho vietimt were employed nt tht elevator. John C. McDonnell, chief of the firs prevention bureau, said that hit in- veatigation had convinced him that tho explosion waa due to epoatantout combustion which ignited inflammable mill dust, MORE STARTLING FACTS PROMISED THIS WEEK Maeoa, Ga., March 20. Assistant Die triet Attorney . Clem Powers declared today that tho government expects to prod ace testimony equally as starving at that given during tht past week ia tbo trial of S3 persons charged with conspiracy to. steal express shipments from ths United Hta tea government. W. A. Hughes, who baa beea on tho wit neat sUad for two days, will return to tho stand tomorrow morning. Tbo jury in tbo ease was permitted to take two .long walk today. They attended a local church, in a body, this nsonung aad plan to attend Batter services asxt Saaday. . SPECrXL TKKM OF COlUtT rayetteviie, March 20-Judgo H. P. Laos, of BeidavUls, has been appointed by Governor Moriaoa to hold a special term of Sapotior Coast hero from April 11 to IS for tho trial ef criminal oases. Tho holding of this special term waa rtcommended by Jadgs Frank A. Dnn ieis when tho lsst criminal t:rm wat htld hero ia January, in ardor to re lievo tbo eoagestioa of tho wotut dockr s. A number of intereotug cases that bars beea pending for soma tims will he triad at ths mesial torn, - ; , N Tlt proposed oo-ordlaatlon would be rongbt about through a National Mil " way service to bo organized by a a act of Congresf and which also would bt aa agency to purcha: can and other equipment to be furnlthtd to tht rail roads without profit.- Tht Interstate Commerce Commission ' would teles, flri of i't members w'io would constitute the service division ff tht National organisation. Tki , division . woul' have tupervlaion snd initiatory and regulatory powers to t-4 exercised through .the board of ths Hf tional railroad servica. The board would bo composed of 40 members, tubdivided into two divisions, flnanet and administrative and raihotd officials, of 20 members tach. Ftar Crone Ballway Boards. Subordinate to ths board would bs ' four group railway boards, one id oacb of the four rate territories into which the commission hat divided tho eouu try Eastern, Southern, Western and Mountain Pacific. Each boafd would consist of seven members, Ave to bs selected by the railroads of each groua - and two from' tht thippert located ia each group territory. Ths 20 railway, officials serving on thets four boards would Serve "as the railway offielsle -divitlon of tht national board. would bt ten committees, each selected from tht railroads of each group. These Committees would cover a large rtngt of invtttigation and report, including tho normal equipment requirements of oaek railroad) additional equipment to bs leased from the national railway serviet; standardization of equipment) useless expenditures . Incident to com petition; a study .of Joint oss of termi nals, ytrds and shop facilities; rur-" plus property not required in legits. mate transportation ; coat of earryingi purchase of fuel and tupglies; applica tion of a tttndard of efficiency in-rail- road operationi; working eoaditiona, wsgss snd tks like. The National Railway Servies 0br poration recently organized by ths As. sociatioa of Becurty Owners to furnish - toe ia tioa of Security Owners to furnish tional salt or lease, would bs super ceded by the national railway service with extended powers for financing aad leasing equipment Tho 20 trustees ef tho present service corporation would servt at ths Antnce and administrative diviaioa of tha actional board. . ' " Weald Lease Xqnlpment. Ths excess earnings created under ths trans porta tioa act would bo used ' ia eoaneetion with tks sale of trust certificate! of tho ' national railway . service to provide' for tbo pare hast of v freight .ears and oqaipmtnt for ths railroads ' under ths plaa proposed. Equipment would bt lotted by tha eerv -. its to tht roads to meet seasonal re quhvnfeats and thus used at different ' times en different railroads. . Tho taviags ia this method of ksad- . ling quipmest weald bo very groat,".. says Mr. Warfleld. Tho rental cost to the railroads would bo gradually cut down aad railroad rates eorrespoad- inrry lowered. Diseotsiag tho proposed refioaa eea- tolidatioas of the -earriort Mr.. War field eayt a troublesome question arises connection with tho possible son- diet sf this section of tho traasporto -tioa est with Stata laws. Hs points. ths dsngers sf injunctions by dis- tsntiac stockkolders aad says dissent- S ing states will likely challenge the at- ' thority of Congrsss to aatboriao a eoa solids tioa contrary to tbo atatutte (CoaUaaod on Pag TwoJ

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