TXT : - fos rut: u Linus WATCH LABEL your pOr. ! vs Cats fr iifiiaa la Mo .I4 Mimki A elale eopr. , 8UHQ erver Parti elaad sad seats dart Wadasaday fair mlu V0L.OCIII. NO, 81. SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. TUESDAY MORNING, MARCH 22. 1921. SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. PRICE FIVE CENTS li 1 mm 10 RUSH Fl BILL THROUGH AT 1L SPEC! House Ways and Means Com- mtM votes To Revive .' .Emergency Tariff Bill PLAN MEETS APPROVAL 'OF PRESIDENT HARDING Xdentioal BDl Vetoed tj Tor. mer President Wilion To Be Placed Oa Program Am Tlrti Important Legislation; Per. maneat Tariff Measure To Com Up Later Wsshlaitos, March tl. Th Fardaay emrgvaey tariff bit, precisely a vetoed by former Proeideat Wilson, will b roshsd through Coaf rea aa th first .' importaat Isgtslatloa of tka rtra aee- aioa. Acceding to tka request af President Harding far peaeag of a measure de l tgad to help tha farmer, erying for protection acaiut fore is eompe tilioa, Bapublieaa msmbers af tka Hoaaa way aid msaas aeaiaiittM turn ' ad abeat today aad voted to rviv tka Pordaey bill ator griag almost aa- aaimeuslv a waek an aot to consider sny margeaey legialatioa ahead of i . parmaaaat tariff aad raraaaa revision. Senator Pearoae, Smoot, aad Me- Comber, conferee from tka Seaato ft naae committee, grd to tha aaw program, which, it wai explained, maata tka approval af tka President. Senator Pearee expressed tba belter uai tae rm.rr.Bpy newar. would be ..in th a haada af Mr. Harding with I a tea days aftar tka eoavening of tha special aaa aioa April 11. aid CwhUKM. Several members tif tka Hoaaa eom mittee. iaclndina- Chairman Fordney aad ' Bepremntative Longworth aad Umi, conferred with Senator Paaroaa, a ha haada tha Sonata finance committee aftar tha former committee bad reached it agreement. From thia eonfereaca earn, tha predict ion that tha measure . would be rushed through tn nous ' ler apeeial rala and through tha Senate, possibly uader limiutioa of de bate, aa enforced oy cloture. Tha aaw Fordney bill will be pre- aoatad with a aU months' limitation, but ita provisions will expire at an earlier data ihonld tha permanent bill b anaeted before exptratioa of tha sis months' period. . The Hoaaa wy aad mean, commit . tea at tha and of aa all . day wrangle apparently waa la tha ntmoet harmony. Calling la aewipnpet bl. at the do of th easioa, Chairmaa Fordaay aet - forth tka final program,, with awry body axpreesing approval. Other Lagtalatiaa.. ; -"-. , After diapoting of tha- emergency messure is tka fins few , days of tha extra aeaaioa, tha House will take up and paaa tha antf-dumping bin, which v.ill be followed by the. allied meaaura filing aa Am.ricaa valuation b gooda which moat pay ad valorem, doty. . ' Thea will eoma the permanent tariff, which Bepublieaa leaden hope will ba broad enoagh to aatiify all lniereata . aa npwara MONDAY SETS NEW MARCH WEATHER RECORD Haaday aet aaw teaatae fee March weather la Balatga, aM Ug to a atatoaaeat aaade laaa abjM ty U 1 Uimm, Btretor af tka weatker baraaa. Tka tkeev yesterday taarked M, kraahtag all reeerde for toaaaera tare fra Jaaaary 1 to Mareb II. lacaaatra, Ta tad aaytkla yeetarday'a autrk I atotlatlataas bag to dig aJI tka way back to Itti, It ywue aa. Oa March II, af tkat year, tka tkea. aumatar tth.a U, bat runt yaara have aaaa awthlag Una Ike ta aoal aaaal af werea wealket wklck wbmlaatod la tka g.aaral akaddlag f aaata yaatarday. Aaaardlag to Mr. Plana there kaa beea aaly aaa day la Ike II 'gay parted beglaalag Fekraary IT aad earning yaatarday la wklck tha avaraga tomperalare far tka day haa act ascaedad aaimai. Tka aele aa oaptlaa waa aa March 4, wkh fell aaa degree ehert. Tka a.eraaw far tka parted kaa beea It degreea a have aarmel aad. haa beea tka klad af waatkar which the kasha aay ahaald mrt arrrca la Uia lacai. My aatU the Irat waek la May. Bat tha arerag toeaaoratara yea. tarday waa Tl degreea, a fall II palate a hare tka mark af IS tkat la aet aaw a la tha baeke for March tU aad waa tha broad af weather ardlaarlly as parted ta tka mat day af May. Meweyer, there aiaat ba aa aad to all awed thlaga aad the parted eaded with tka reeerd eataaher yaatarday. Colder weather kaa ararailed la tha Heath aad Want - fa eererel daya aad Mr. .Paaaaa atatad laat alght that Kanl(k pea. pla will have to wall aoyerel wacko before getting aMre af tha same.'' RECORD TEMPERATURES ON FIRST DAY OF SPRING National Capital Lead Bast , With 89 Degrees j Cooler Weather Comiaf Attcrbiuy In Opposition To National Agreements Vkw-PrisaxWnt Of The Pennaylvaaia Declares Rulea Should Ba Negotkated Detwecn Official Of The Roade And Thar Own Employee: Vigorously Replies .To Questioninf By Frank Walsh: Summary Of Testimony. Chicago, Marak tU BricadUr Oaa- oral W. W. A turbary, rioe-praoidoat af tba Paaaaylraala Bailread, aad faratar ahalraaa af tka railway eaatatiree labor aeamlttaa. took a aaiphatia ataad aralaat aatioaal agraeaaata. which be termed Hprolllo af aUaaaderrUadiage," ia a kaa tad all day ereea eaamiaatiaa before tka Bailroad Labor Board today QoaaUoaiag by rraak r. Walab, aoaa aal for tha aatoaa, brought rigoreaa repliaa from ueaaral Atterbary, aad agaia tha witaaaa replied by erooa-aoee-tioalag hla interrogator. Charge thai tka anion leader did not really repre- aaat tha employee aad that aaueaaJ rala war aaad to proear employment for mora m.n aad extract maaey Cram tha railroad aa terhaiaaiiuee ' barlad aaroe tha table aa tba Oeaeral took tka ataad agminrt all rake af na tional applieatioB. Sam maty af Teaaiaaaay. Th giet of Oaaaral Attorbary to. timony today may bp aammariaad tkan Bale (hoald be aagotiatad betweaa afflaial of the road aad their awn eav ploy, acreaa tha eeaferenea table. ' like a gama at poker. The eight-hoar day eoald aot be aal' reraally applied to all employee, eepe tally train aerric man, baeaoaa tba Lard dida't build tba railroads tkat way." The aatabliahmant of th koorly baaia of ahop work kaa 4 octroyed tha aaergy aad Initiatlr af shop omployaa and abolition f piece work would be tka "moat dreadful thing tkat eoald happen to railroad employ. National rale eoncUtated s dog col lar aroaad th seek of th railroad, which would be f re to negotiate their own rale with their owa employee, "the minnto th board cat th dog col lar." Oeaeral Atterbary waa r.f.rrig to a eartooa from a labor paper repTeaeataag national Bgreemeate aa a collar oa a dog labelled ' Bailroada.'' and lad by "la bor." Two charge againet Baton oaTMale Washington, March tl. Toe begin ning of spring today brought to th Atlantic coast region of th TTnltad State th highest temperatar rer recorded for Mareh H. Waohinrton lead - nearly a doaea eitio ia tha coastal regioa with an offifiai temperate re of 89 aad a treet level temperatar a measured by gar- emment thermometer of 99.' Th aai- tnl ixried aad sweltered as ia mid- July. New Tork report M a racord Mareh Bl tompcrator of 60; Philadirphia, 88; Boatoa, 82; Hartford, Conn, 81; Fort land, Me., 78; Baltimore, 88; - BaMgh, 88, aad Norfolk, Vs., 80. TemDaraturea were reDortcd toalsht. howarer,' to be declining ce faster tha they went p, a toolwi baring ov.myread th entire aectio of th country east of th Missiasippi nd ex-1 mony against 63 peraon aeenaad of leading beyond thai rirr a arid.aead I eonspirac to ttaal azprwa ahipoMat by now , ia southwest Sanaa and I from th united State fOTernmont, W. fi Jczing weather ia th Tx paa- IA. Hughes, xpree kiesaeager, this af. Imndl. Jforehcad, Minn., tonight r- tornooa Oecurea tnat two war laid dowa by tka gaaaral la aliaaaji af Ua day a tostlaaay. B d Ured that aJtkoagh Ua aatioaal agraa Mat had tha abject af am ploy lag mar maa, h was "a batter friend af my m.a thaa aay af tha aniaa maa at tobl. Tha Seciaratlea broagbt from Mr. Walsh a guery whether Oeaeral Atterbary repraseatrd tka ectioa kaads af kia road. "No, bat ya da aot. Thoa aaaa are art repreaaatad here." tka Oeaeral re plied. Agalaat Set Balsa. Oaaaral Atterbary matatalatd threaghaattha day that aa aet af ruUa eoald be a erotic ud which weald bar a aatioaal applies tioa aad declared th ealy atia(atory way af agreeiag oa ralca wa by direct eoafereaeea be tweaa tka aflra, wk would apply tk raiaa, aad tk aaployea whom th.y wwald affect. Oeaeral Attorbary read a atatemaat earlier U th day which declared th Americas pr.pl. had reached ' tka part ing af th way. To mora aerioa qaeetioa oafont a today." ka said. "Oaa road leads to goraramcat ewaerahip, aatioaaliutio., Plamh Plaa-iaa aad ayadieaUam-the ether road to industrial psaee aad th eoauaoatioa af that ladirldual ialtia tire, aaergy aad respoaaibllity which is peculiarly American. Tha signboard aa aaa road hi "National Agreements;' oa the other road Nagotiate Directly With Tour Owa Employes.' . . Oeaaral Attorbary declared ha had aa Ight with ergaalsed labor as suck aad aaid tkat withla "raaaoaabU llmHs," It i a healthy spur to bring about fair condition.' Ha enumerated six point which ks aid th amploy ha a right to expect aad th employer should pre via.! A steady employ meat a poaal bli a good wgi tim for recreation i opportunity to el.rat. himself la th employment; a voice ia determining th rala aad regulations under which k works; tka right to b. or aot to bs, a aaioa maa. SAKS DEFEI.DAfJTS IHEAEEO LIFE Express , Messenger Huet Continues Testimony In Ex- : i oress Robbery Case ' MaaoB, O-, March 81. la his Sf D HATFIELD AND I! OTHERS OT GUILTY Darted only 18 degree abov aero. Ttie cool weather, ia th opinioa of Weather Bureaa officials, however, will not - endanger fruit trees, which had beea brought to ate blossoming or budding stag by tha abnormally warm weather of th last two week. ' In -all sections demandins Z?it"t lLfZnltg. GOVERNMENT TO TAKE II WlAt UV7H1SB IVIUVIIVW a-- big beea concluded , tX th last While th House is t work on th tariff th Senat finance committee will conaider revenn revision aaa printed hearing will b avaiUble to the way and mean committee, which will v. rit th bill. la thi way Mr. Ford- r?r . nredicted Contrreis would work i t high speed, in th hop of taming ti summer reeeu. ( PART IN WIRE MATTER for yo aad I'm going to kin " ' I'v a good miad to do it bow.- of th de fendants. Conductor W. T. Meek af Macoa and Baggage Kaa tar F. J. Morr, of Albany, Oa, had threatened t klB kirn. Hogbe said h net Captain Maeha a aa office building after sixty-four ia- dietmant had been .. returned agalaat them.- The conductor waa angry ha said, Sad ia response to hi "good evening" (hooted: -Tv beea looking yen. Government To Defend few . laads Aet In Railway Waf ; Hearing at Atlanta '.WO MEN KILLED IN ' SEAPLANE ACCIDENT Atlanta. Ga., Mivrch 21. Th Depart ment of Justice will take a hand in th Atlanta, Birmingham and Atlantic Hallway wag hearing la Federal Dis trict Court here tomorrow to defend the OMtHuoiiKty of th Nwlod Charged by th witness. Later am tha witness said that Bag- gtutcmaatM Morris net him aad aaid: "If youH keep your mouth ahut well get you oat, but If yoa doat wall kill you.1 Thi explain why Hughs ia being guarded, it waa later announc ed by Assistant District Attorawr E. Clem Powers. "Cello' Mach Money. That express maeaengar siimimm "collected'' aa much a $100 a trip waa act, it wa announced tonight by United States District Attorney Alexander. , That portion of the law providing twenty days' notic before reduction of wage was attacked aa unconstitu tional in a brief filed behalf f th BinuiBghajta Trust and fmyinga" Com pany, and Mr. Alexander announced West Palm Beach, Fla., March 21. Attemptisg landing from too low an altitude, Le BotherU of thi city,' md J.H.Fsrrinirton. of 8a ran SB Laka,N.Y ' wer kilted hare lata thi afternoon, . . 1 -i U .,k within 80 feet af tk water dud safety. I that Attorney General Dougherty had ' Bothert. who waa driving tk plane, I instructed him to ntr th case for . beam confused sad lost control oi th machine a it nard th arth, aoeordiag to those wb witnessed th aceldenL -' - Farrinstoa. who was acting a Both ert' instructor, realising tk danger, 1umiMd and was e ruined to oeain Bothert wa killed whea th plan track o it side. ' ' WANT BRYAN TO RUN FOR PRESIDENT IN 1924 - Miami, Flaf, March Sb-William Jen ning Bryan WM asked tonight by th Young Women' Christian Association af Miami to run for Pwidant in 1924. Mr. Bryan wa hirman af th aa aoeiation'a driv for fund which .ha just ndd and h had Just nnsiid ad dressing a gathering ot worxcr. "Wit htfaa women votlnc. X am eonfl dsnt I would be elected should I decide ta try," th Commoner replied. the purpose of upholding th act. Th hearing by which union lead er seek to have Jude S.H, Sibley rescind hi wag reduction order, which' precipitated a trlk March 8, wa started test week, but postponed until Tuesday afternoon. 1 Resumption ef local freight and pa. senger service throughout the A. B. and A. system, with the xeeption of . th Wsyeroes division, wa annouooed today by B; 1. Bugg, receiver. New men are being put to work dally, filling th piece of atrikera, it wa stated, aad full schedule war forecast soon. Colonel Burnt issued a statement to. wight declaring that th TJnited State Bailway labor Board at Chicago 'did not ak nor require th aptoearaae of any one representing th receiver" at th wage hearing it called for today. Colonel Bugg announced teat wk that ha would not attend- the .hearing aad he stated tonight that th board had imply instructed it aeeretary to notify" th raeaivrr regarding th hearinr. Th anion anBouBaad thaw had sent two representative. - - f "Ernest Fields, (who haa sever beea arrested) told me, ia th presence of a F. McMillan, said th witaea. "that on every run h hit tha company for ioo. o,-. . fjjaediawh ks nst mm from a trip with B. & McMlchael," eoatlaoed the witnee. Hold - me that McMiehael had, held everything on that trip ex cept th car.'' ' ; Judge Beverly J. Btan refased to sustain oa objection to th aasis district attorney' : method of calling th name of defeadanta to aseertaia what Hughe knew af trausaetion with them. '. . - - Hugh tint testifiWI agalaat Charley Johnson, S conductor, declaring that he old him Inner-tube, although . h wanted eater casing. He Identified a suit of cloth iag that had beea dyad, 'which he aaid ka aoid (OaatlBuad aa Paaw Twa.) SMALL BOYS THOUGHT TO HAVE FIRED SCHOOL Jebn Ifarshall Pnblio School at 'JTerfoik Bmrned; Arrests May Follow Six More Indictments Against Sixteen Men Tried For Mur f'yi.;! der of Felts ,-iVi,' -a -vij-y . . m c anamsMWBawaaT WitHameoa. W. T, March I W lies)' . Ohasf , m attrtnf. Bftees othWsMS f Matewaa, fouaif not guilty today MaaaoMoa with Ue death f Albert C. Fait, a private dtoetiv, last Mas'. Uft for thair hem town hi today, t'nlaaa thar ia a chang sf piaav kowsvar, they will be fra but a short tha. Jodca B. D. Bailey aa Boaneed daring the afternoon that th next case would , ba called April 12. Thar are stilt six indictments against th sixteea men freed by a jury thi morning, sat each in connection with th deaths of aU Baldwin-felt detee tie, who fell mortally woaadaA with WIGGLING POLICY INTERFERES WITH. G.0.P.W mm CAS RATE HEARINGS WILL BEGIN TODAY "Wiggle and Wobble" Ailment StiH Besetting Sin of Republicans AGAIN CHANGE PROGRAM AS TO TARIFF MEASURE BuUar Kot 061nf To Allow Morebead To Make Rim a Door Mat la Handiaf Out Mums From The Pie Conn. ter; Pow.wow at Oresas. ooro Tharsdaj Kw aad Obaerv.r Bureaa, SUI District Katl. Baak Bldg. By BOWABO K. BUTTON. (By Special Leased Wire.) Waahiagtoa, Mareh tl.-The Bepubli eaa aaa't get away from It. It ia still a case f "wiggle aad wobble" that be- eta that party. Aad it ia tha "wiggle aad wobble" at the White Houee tkat ia maaeiag up the majority party as It aeeka la tha waya and means committee to elear the deck (or action af aom hiad when Ceagreas re-aasemblea la April. Bat today th nebulous atmos phere at the White House eaeompasaed th acmmittM aad It la either to take a pestMoB la opposition to tha Be publi cs a rreaidaat a view or to lay dowa oa ita pravloos poaltioa. For while the Republicans an to eojnmltt. wore divided aa to whether a penBaneat tariff bill or th r.v.nu bill ahoald have tha right f way first thsr wb th eoaally strong view that there wa bo emergency ' tariff provided for at tha aeeaioa just expired there ahoald be nothing further don in th way of on emergency tariff. Bo with thia et purpoe bef or it, th way and mean ommittee, with th Bepubli eaa directing its affair, war prepar ing for either a revision of th tariff or a revenue bill. But today there came ward front, th Whit House and telephone .word from th President at that to go to .it la the preparation for an merg.ney tariff bill To tax. ear of th farmer ia tba osteniible object, bat when th bill 1 ready for th final vote it will b found that ita principal Taking eara of for th interest that dominate th Bepublieaa party, that taking ear of tk farmer ia only a little joker to ti ap tk far- mar vote with th lie publican party, But it is to be an if President Hard- lag a th Benublioan ef th way and meant will dictate th program to he feUowad. . And. there la a Bepublieaa. NORTH CAROLINA UTILITIES STILL LEADING RACB FOR 1NCRBASB IN OAS BATB8 Bar are thirty !lt af Ceterada, Caaaactical, lUlaalc, aad ladiaaa, la which gsa ratea war Increased rtlve la th saaatlw af Ja Aaawst, 111, at tha suM.tlma tha Carporatlaa Ccmmlaiaa aatharlaed aaaecgaary rata lawrsass la North Caratia dtwa. Tka rate Ukra from tha aaaae past kalian f the Amerlcaa Gsa Assactettaa that rc parted MarUi Carallaa la .The table shews Ik popalatiea aad Ue rate which aaa be readily ram pared to tka North Carallaa (- area appeariag at tha hattaat Caterad Springs. CL rA7t Fart Calllaa, Cat .... S.fM New Uadea, Caaa. ... U.US Narwalh, Caaa. IT.M7 Btemfard, Caaa. ... WUlemaalla, Caaa. BteaailBgtea, IIL .. Caatoa, IIL Craalte City, IIL .... Uaeala, IIL -. Mollae, IIL Maasaaath, IIL Paaa, IIL Qaiacy, III Racklard," IIL WaBkagaa, IIL Blaftea. lad. Crawferdsvtlle, lad.. Decalar, lad. Blkaart, lad. Fart Wayaa, lad. .. Freakier, lad. LaParte, lad. Lake no a. lad. Lagaaspart, lad. MartlaarUle, lad. . Mlohlgaa CMy, lad. New Alhaay, lad. . Neblcavill, lad. .. loath Bead, IIL ... O.MT 1141S xa.u IMJ H.T5T 1MU t,7M 1,111 4.1M Sl,7t U.Ul It.lM 41 l.ll 4,71 14477 M44t 114U ll.li S47 Sl,tlt 44S 1S.U7 tS4tl 4.7M TS4U 111 IM US 1M 14 14S L4S 14 141 IN 141 1.71 14S 1.4 141 1.4 1.TS 14S 1.71 14 14S 14S L.7I 14 14f 1.7 14 LTS 1.7S 14S Eleven Cities Are Involved In Question of Maintaining or Reducing Emergency Rates Authorized . In July COUNSEL FOR CITIES HOLD CONFERENCES-HERE Corporation Commission Will Not Admit I s timony of In. adeqnata Service Maintain, in That This Is Hot Kele. rant To Question of Kate. Making and Standard Tor Serrioe Is fixed Raleigh Darkest WlsatoaJtelem WUmiagtaa .. Rllaabeth City Col ashore .... WaahlBgtoa .. New Bern Oxford .. Hendereea Charlotte S8.S74 t $24 11,7 IS 1.14 4841 . I M M471 S4S 8J2S 84S 114 14S S.1M I4S 11,118 li S4H I.SS 4(7 84 4441S 11 LAUNCH ATTACK ON BOOZE BEVERAGES , , , . .'-:,( ' - Following conference between el for vsrloui municipalities ffeted by emergency gas rata authorised by th Corporttioa - CommlssioB in July 130, th Corporation Commiasion will h sked today to docreas thea rate to the level consistent with th daereaaed roat of material going into th manu facture ef gsa. A proposal ca tha part f municipal representative yesterday that th hear Ing ehduld to begla thi moraiag at tea o'clock before th eommiaaloa be continued natil Thursdsy in order to, permit the presence of om neeeseary witnesses waa declined by th Commis sion with th assurance, howaver, that' ample opportunity would b givea for such testimony before the end ef tk hearing which will probably continn for three day er mora. Service Data Tab. Bepreeentative of sitiee, kowvr, were considers bly takes aback by th sssursncs that th Commission will' not consider testimony devoted to th proof of poor servlc rendered byth various utilities concerned. Thi, it wa explained, wa oa th baaia at tha fact that th Commission ho already ea teblished a ataadard for gi aarvir in th State and ia prepared to enforc thi standard. The hearing that begm today, it vas mainlalnad is no fit oc casion to consider tuck matter fine th kind ot service It i claimed, ,doo aot g into th fixing of rate. . It 1 certain that representatives of number of cities war prepared I, present affidavit, aad witnsssc to. poor' scrvics. How thi will affect the eoa duet of th eas for th muakrpalitie, r ma ins to be Man. . DtiUtls Inratvad. Th utility companies Involved r Carolina Power aad light Co Gold borf Qui aad Foal Comany, New Bern Oaa aad Fuel Company, Booth srw Oaa and Improvemanh Campaay, 8utherv . t!" . ' JTvl!:7. , TZl I llaAVIn M!iniifi.ritrr 1ait PtiMI .UtUiti. Comtmay; tha.Wa.k 4HWiwi m MW animM'SJ a ww - u tfaj ray I T1W r SSaS HWdttaft W IU tfJM S - . k mi. Vautsidis-Mnmnkami inil mmA ibs. I . t - u.i.:xtTL W iJigto Go Coibpw, th Wirt0B-8a w- wm" uw-w"- "w-jr -s aaam , iiraiiiDBr . B ingnig tin i . m .. - . Whit House. -( I "w , aiaviioa . i ivinuiuvn I iem uas uoapany. Th eitle involved n L - wa v ; -n a . i . aaa Kyca m atetkar. I . LaW rrbHJUIaUlCMIS l"r" ana wrnmrn, uoiasnor, WkO the eateid indlcatioM or , ( . tiern, jsiicatMU city, Oxford. Hen. that Bepublieaa Hatioaal ComaUvtea- I wi. u, u X,mw. I orso, Charlotte, Wilmlsgton. Wash maa John M. Morehead i to hv M all I TTT".. t. Jlngton, Winston Klm. hi own way in th distribution of "pi- Dr8-.. " w" "orco o. Tb, eltlM , M pntg wbi,t. for Bevnblioan politician In North I Biuaoreom. aumaca Bavwon.nnieBw -1 smargeney incraaie allowed ia an or. Carolina, there are knowing oaa whelsuasd lry in the maaing of boot dr of th Commimion July 29. 1920 wink th other eye, nad atyt "Just I BavataaM.'. snnshnrs declared at . I creating rate ranging from 3.10 to keep your eye on 1 Former Benttor i . . . . . . i az.ov. Marion Butter. He is not o-1 Msv be atefamad. Ing to get left aad hM Mead ar go. l man-iis.rnrers aaa manuiaeiurmg , 8,tUng forth what appeared to th ing to b taken ear of in tk dietrl-1 ChomwU. Th nfrnc was called I Commission to b justillsbl for in- bution af pstromage, H i atill I , um tha arohihltioa law aad rem-1 eraased rate on th basis of th eon- - Flte during th street battle laat May. powsr to be eonteadad with in Bepab- . - ' - tt -anufacrure tBnt,0B th eommodities that go into Th trial eonsnmed dy." lieanWm and h 1 not going to lie VSLSSmm, alXl . ' a&tir of ga. ar. now on th f i?. ? drwndlej.ny n.f th.irblic.. aSETS" thrto tim. V. high at. J' to a lars group of miner steading at a window aufarid th court room and wa received with Bthuiam. Wive and relative f th. defend ant stood en th porch ot th eouary jail aad reeiTd thair kin with open arm a. Williamaon resident received th wardict nhrUy and thsr war demonstrations arid from aa outburst of cheers from th miners who -had stood vigil sine carry morning. Strike Started In 111 A coal miner strike ka been t progreea' i Mingo county coal field sine July, 1919. Organisers af th United Kin Workers' Union tough to unionise th district .both in Mingo county aad la Pik , county n ' th machine in North Carolina make a door mat out ef him. Thi qa action of th division of th ita. Af asannfaatnrara wha aaterad to I ?m "riBg wr, to Commimion ' tka mailtatna t-mm had IM. I llCrea t m . .cri.i.i. I "Under these aaadltlnn. li liii!tH.?'-!Btia Pharmaceutical manufae- Mmry to authoriw an immediate in- th Horth Carolina Bepubheaa . -,.-, ' "notout criminal." Several ' iB ntt neh inereas in rate ' exrsed th belief that a injustic has b subject to refund upon order of " . ..... I ,h rMMMlI.t 1. & A1 I . . A bca don trraaa n in oraer to tnia ki x""" " mveeu over with Com raim) loner Kramsr, the I gxtion and final hearing a rat less mnforeae invited him to attend to- than that now authorised is found to morrow's aaieion that he miifat learn 1 ressoname. their idua aad ptaas. omntitte to be herd at Greensboro on Thursday et thi week. "It i to b a pow-wow right and all th big chief of BeBublicanism ar to oe either u th meeting or in close touch with it Former Bens tor Butler 1 to bo then, and it I certain that he will hav a few thing to any. Bight now he is in Waahiagtoa bat he will bo in ureens boro whan th stste eommittc meets. It b known that Mr. Butler take no concern Thrrr . crlticUm of the THREE NEWSPAPER MPN . Volste ct, bat it did noi. go far. , I HAVP NARRi1UI PCPlDrr . iinmivii kwvni h Th position ef - manufacturer stated by their charnwaa, W. J. Wood Baytoaa, Fla March lv Thre .nown mil ar. eouK Tl.,.i waa that thaw Aaiii I J """"" . au line in diatributlon et position. !nf; A h.'. a. d.rUndLr with mmb" th visiting National Edi- ' r, for the.. Is a p.rty agree- '' .J.V'i.J Amoei.tion war unable to cob-. . !j , .v.i. I the proniD.tjon omcers. iney wsni w i ,i. ,v. v ... ia Dlstrsaa. Beaton. March 81y Wlrelaa i aire aoid to hav been eent out by ka ataamav WaaS Hall toAiw aaid that th ateomet South Pol had broken I MOB FAILS IN EFFORT down at sea and wa in neea oi un mediate aasistetiee. Tk position af th South Pol wa given a tatitnd 40 Jo North, loncitud 7848 West, which m about 800 mile ut at Nsw Terk. TO GET NEGRO PRISONER ttafaaas T Bavtaw Caaa ' - Washington, March tk-The Buprm Court refused today to review to onvietion in California ef Edward Anderson, ltortimr Downing aad 48 other a charge at soosplring to violate . the aslsctiv servie . aad pionag Act. Chart Waahinrton. - March UU po the , roverameat's motion, eosf easing gmr, th Supreme Court reveised aaayictijn , ef Charles W. Btceae, Frank I Pre-t-n, and William Hoato, in Nrw Fork , ttate under to EsTmags AcC Tkey ! war asrteaead to IS moans tnanriaoa usee each. 1 BanvOl. Ya- Mareh tlr-A mob ef masked men with ldg kammer and erew bars triad for two hears last night to break into th .Halifax . county jail at Houston to aeir Jo Commaa, negro, bald a a suspect ta connection with the killing f Willi Bickman. a white man. Failing to gain ces to th jail, th mob fired pistol volley into th win dow and dispersed. N a waa ia- A delegation of th attacker first demanded th key to th jail. Sheriff Bie re fused, and whil th mob was hammering at th dsors. h telephoned South Beaton for kelp. Th BouU Boa toa fir bell wa rang and a hundred tiaen wVr prse4 into acrviee aad rat to Howatoa by Mtomobil. Th mob had disparsed whea tkey ar rivd. Coleman waa rrmovad today. 1 Norfolk, Vov Mareh ttu- OmaB boy vaadaum i believed ' by tha police to hv been responsibl for the de struction of th John ManhaJl Public School building here Two youngster wer discovered ia the basement ef th school building by Charle Drayfua, who observed amok Issuing from that part of th building and went in to in vcwrigate. .., . t h Whaa Dreyfu wadartook to trample at th burning rag. aad paper, th boy ramoastratod with him, tenia g him to let it burn a they would not av to go Back to aehool. A statement to thi effect waa made ta tha pobee una afternoon by Dreyfus. Th fir wa discovered tea mlauto after the. pupils, nearly a thousand in Bflmber, had bMV dismissed for th day. Unry th teachers aad a .few be lated children were in the ponding wnen ta alarm af f re waa spread by Drej-fcs. All escaped to safety. The bnilrli i;:. valued at gaXJ.OOO, caxryiBg -7J,"09 insuranc, was completely gut by th ftame, snly th woB rs maiaing. The police av invcatlaaUng fke're nt ef iaeendiarssm aaat ajvaata aaa-r! follow. I postmaster, Kentucky side ef th border. Nearly meat that provide for their diatributlon year later th 8 ton Mountain Cool lea th bai of local Republican support, Corporation ngagd In Baldwin-1 but th big federal plum ar th Felt Detective Agency ta evict trikingl thing that interest him. He agrees miners- nmitl from th company tnat h m au rignt o giv xrana xaaney house in which they wer living. A I position a District Attorney ia th nj oi nnvBsa uemciiy MOM Dy I wir i wmui ' .ni.fi,,,.. Albert C Flt aarried ut th evie- taken ear ef. But h 1 insistent that t,ZT" w? w.irk unhampered and they want the I prohibition officer to feel that they can! b trusted to ebey th law, Mr. wood ruff Mid. H added that rntmntl exists beeaas th good and th bad I had been classed together ander the! tinue th trip whs th editor left her today for New Smyrna following injuries sustained yesterday when they earns near w arowaing at Paytoaa jfoaen. Th members, wha received badlr ' laecrnua arm aa th result or elinr- n- it ar vn s ...!- I ins w a oarnaciea Dier auDDorc Barn tion May 19, 1980, and after a dy Eatrn North Carolina Bepubliean. b I i"'""! J'th riZiFlto" M h Mfrnm.iKni Georg .11. . 1 . .t. M, nm linMin. Chaft wnUtft la I ' -- I D rTll- ! . . , mannfaeturer. that their trouble all I . .. " " iw( war founded oa the "person with I v-recx, mien., uoon-Journai ; Hi , fraurht with irnnnt hetwaew tha riven attention, holding that middle operative aad city officials, tha party! and western North Carolina, Bepubll- fi.i.h.4 H. work and prepared to d.- not George B. DolUv.r. Jr, and Jack C Hawed aa Tag Two.) CUflA HAM0N SMITH ' TO BE MOVIE ACTRESS 8ifna Contract To Produce Pie tnrea 7or Kext Two Tesls; . Xeoeption Ardanore, Okla, March signs, ana a m uow uias no vor. .... . . h, tx.t i having j two collector of 'Internal ir ' 7. - , revenue U the tate, en for th Wat- --rrJS t? - n, vn ,.m , thirsty maa and a crooked dru grist era district and en for th en stern di-1 triei, It i likely that h will- 1st hi ! SLSZ122 dcTVnrocUorboulf.'v. take place in Greensboro Thursday, aeaiiworua uaima. In Washington today wa Mr. Jske Chllss, f Ashsvill. who oam to press th claims and advantages of it.enii worth aa aaa af tha hoanltala for th -vr publi health ervl8. : In, company with it las medicinal value. But aom. of the druggist Into whoa hand that may com may not hav th earn sens of justice. And the person with the thirst cornea - in. That complete th IS SET FOR APRIL 10 S JlTKsS SUNDAY- tar Company." with kaadauortera all v. w..:i OkUhoma City, Okla, aad studi at . th loeatioa. chosen, A bo.rd of Urn Angcte. CaL, to produce pictures piyafcian ha been named by Beers- Chicago,) March 21. A campaign by for the next two ywra, h said la an tary of the Treasury Mellon to select th .Women's . Christian Temperance iBtenriew sr tonight , . . locutions for th hospital for oIdir Union for strict Sunday observance and Th PtCtOre Will DO Stvled Th , -a I.t. .Mi ! It- ta faik, ta imimval bv Viaa m ;.. x ... - - -. -iw vw v". -r" , I n" - - lb onuo aum rKiiirt, ic sue I a r..nii v.. . htals... a fiinm .,thn,l i "J1' ths prineipal releaae will b U,nee te be en ef th ploe selected, start April I. That week, the annouue. a modifie story at bar 'life, writtea uk Kanuga and Hot Spring have si- ment says, will b a week of prayer for uj nwu . 1 .iv.a .C .tk.. al,M, I (h, mimm, af tha camnaira. anil Hna. nm going tolcve torn part ant, , ..,. tlim ta now to be added day. , April 10. i desirued -as -AaU. a aaid, -bat leave eaeugh In to bj Uha Toxaway. Mr. Chiles sad Bcp-1 Tobacco Snadsy." when literature to b a warning to all yag girkk .I M UmuUv Weaver are te eee th board .cat out to W. C. T. U. branches, "W peopa; w wwa ana ( IS XOr I . -v:-! nr. 4 A .k.k a.aala .and anllaraa will Ka tt money aioa, either. - - , , Wedaeaday night ItepreeentatiV Wa- ditribnted. Larr signs, announcing A rece ttk a ia being neld for Clara r.r pUa, u taT tot Asheville, wher th program for the eampaign,.are to Hsmoa tonight t th First Christian 1 1.. l:n : ,m ... ka . w a- ' - church here, whr ah wa baptised I I. ai I l., tha wialatiana af Bnadav aa a - i Tba nasi aanaiaav la ma araaraa laav oi rvn. ua aiaancmoo, iwwi Th Oklohema MoHoa Fletur ' Cm. 1 4e(-, D the nrohibltioa fore ef that 400.000 persons nsw ar warking vm.7 wmm wr - -j.wuuuv vndrford at GrMasber hs I on Sunday la thia country, and restrte- aoous a jwr mm, - acw l Bra sr. ITS ! k.. . .a v. i. v.- vuk I linaa ana la ha aanclit aa mlflnr. laaa. nrcaideat. Completed arrajtremeata With I, v. .a a l ,.. antmhiltew. KaaahalL aiavia Kaa. rw . , . . 1 vasup AVitaj WA aa I BTy anoj uirauuvtv w mm ww w sag " emm axaavoa louay, aaa aaio. Arraagt. i , reduced to two. Word cam to tree and daaeiag n Bun day in the earn ZlZZJr' V "i '" Senator Overman today that Iaternal paiga. s productions aad a cash ad rase, wer In r- :. im,-. . v.j ail . male ia th contract. - l ,v. .. i , .. .... I Buaning aad Hamaa Usees. Steeple She aid ah was leaving for CaH-i ' I Chase aad Good cWialtie. Piaaharst. foraia tn a weak ar tea clay, . Caatiaaed mm Fmre TwaJ 1 Tomorrow Adv. Senter, of the Columbna, Misa Com - msreiai. Th Dolliver were caught by . an undertow and Senter ia an offort to rescue tfcara waa, also caught la the current. The trio made their way te a pier support, but could not pull them selve up to the pier. The editorrar visiting several Flor id cities snd town following their reeent convention- at Bt. Auguitia. MYSTERIOUS DEATH OF NORFOLK GROCER Norfolk, Va March Zl-Myitory: surroaad th death of Joseph Block, who waa found dying in hi grocery tor here today with a rope aroaad hi neck aad a bullet wound in bin ehsat snd anothsr In hi tempi. H died teveral hour later. .;- . . i Block was married ary a week aso. returning Friday from kin honeymoa trip.- -, ...- - : !' Th police ar working aa the theory that.h committed suicide. They be lieve he stood aa a box, tied oa sad . f th rope around hi neck, th ether to sa iron pipe, aad jumped off the box. The rope clipped, they believe. and h then sat aa th box aad shot . himself.. - i v ' . May Badac Wagaa, Savannah, Ga., Mareh tit-It is rumored kr that th Central of Georgia Bailway 1 considering tk mat ter f aaking far a wag reduction ef unskilled labor and that a meeting ef superintendent ia to be held Wad nee- day to consider the cu action. Con. a firmatiou f th report ha not yet bn ebteinad. hewever. j

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