v. , x Observer wXrtatAtu tux wcATuut , i mm ews ? mm a year Mr. Iu4 r) it M ti'...a la eti.s Is a.etd sag A aad t(M TU lay I Friday feat. SlB.le . VOL.CXIII.NO.M.: SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. RALEJCH, N. C, THUHSOAV MORNING. MAUQI 24, 1921. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS wi i pumhihi api iii, iamMmmamm V mm mm 00F 'MAKES ALL ALLEGATIONS Prayi That iudoment of Court Stand and That Motion k ' - Dlsmiued . GOES INTO DETAIL ON POINTS JN COMPUINT Answer 8peJfleaIl7 Denies The Allerntione That Juror Thomaa Wu f arjlal To The IJefendant and That Deputy Marshal Diacuastd Case; D. aies Any Hew Evidence aiMiitwr, March . U. Attorsty for H. a. Vara or, prominent Lexiag toa beiaaaimaa, dy filed ia Feder dl aaart i ea.wer ta the eoaaplaist f lira, Florence C Vara-, hia wlie, reeeatty daalad a "reesoaante aabaia tenee" froai her knahaad whea a Jury foead b-r guilty of adultery with Baxter JaVRarv. arrro, alleging that aba did aot kN a (air and impartial Allegations ft forth ia lira. Varae, eemplaiat, which wma filed eeverar oar age, ax rally deated, aad the aaawar pray, that tba Judgment af the eonrt aUad aad that tae motion (or setting aaid Ua verdict af the jury aad for a bow trial be dlsaiaeed by Judge Boyd. Tba aaawar gpe iato tail regard ing th poiaU eevrd La Mr. Varur. emmnlaial aad pifidally daaiaa tta allegation that F. 4. thomaa waa par tial ta U defondaat. 'It alaa dsaiee Uat Dpty Marshall C. T. Roane, wb HI a charge of to jarora, aiaaassoo tha eaaa with them. Flat daaial ta nude tha allenUoa that Mr. Hildreth Aadenoa faaaWad nay from Mr. Vara far bar taatimoav.- Tha aaawar dealaa tha eUegatfoa "that aiaea tha trial af aaid aaaa aswly discovered evident "haa eemej ta tha haowledre of tha plaintiff which material ia har behalf aad which waa aot available to har for tha format trial." - ' . .Attached ta tha aaawar ara affidavit. from aeversl 'Juror' deny lag that they heard Deputy Marshal Boaa diaeuat tha aa aad thara ara alaa affidavit aa ta tha 'eharaetar af O. P. Diaaaraoa .and athera. Tha aaawar ta tha- aom plaiat followa: Tart af Aaawar . c 1 That tha raliaaa af tba Mart aiada doriuf th trial of taa aetiaa to "which slaiaaiff aaaicaad arrot ia tba . record ara made ia aceordaaea.wtti the " law aad ara aorroet aaa; that taa twr-t 4iet U aupported by aad ia aoaordaaea CARDINAL GIBBONS NEAR DEATH'S y TRADE RELATIONS if -tf; 'f M ! 1,1111 RUSSIA MAY BE RESUMED SOON Unlne Appeals For Confertnct For Ditctming Opening , Trade Channels MESSAGE FROM SOVIET LEADER BEING STUDIED Tit of' Appoal from Koaaiai Oorcramtnt, biaed Without Oommeot. Arraign oraar Praaident Wilaoa For Policy Ia DaaJlnf With Soriata; Of. fara To Sand Dalaation HARDING MACHINE FOLLOWING PATHS DEMOCRATS MADE with tha weight ef .the erMeBoe offered .- at Mia tvfaL r . . t That tha plalatif had a fair and k " iaiprtil trial and that tha Jury waa hnpartaU, aad aa aaaiai taa womi v ' iaflneneea war exerted aad broof ht ta 'iaar oa tha jury or that (aa rerdlet affaiaat ina piaiwiuz waa vivewu -' any ootalda iaflaaaeea, aad ha deaiea j . tha allegation, 'that tha verdict aa rea dered did aot aipreaa the real aenU ' ment of all the.' jorore;" and foathet naya that aaid vrdtet waa rendered by tha Jnry after tHey had eoaaidered aad doliberatad apoa tha evtdeae for aear ' ly two day and after aneh deliberation an4 eoaaideratioa . rendered their Ter- 'diea. " ' ' 3 Tha defendant deaiea tha allefa ' tio ''that alnea tha trial of aaid aaa vaewhr diaeorerad eyidanee haa oa to th knowledge f tha plaintiff whieh ia material ia her behalf ana wmen waa aot arailabla to har for the former ,.7 trial." . . That defendant admita that Juror F. J. Themaa awor that ha had aot lorm ! ad or enreaaed any opinion that plain' ' -tiff ahoald aot recover in thle action Aged Cardinal reported aritieally Ul at hla haaa at Baltimore, aad ia aot at rwcted to lire through another day. Threaahoat yeatarday tha Cardlaal'i eoaditiea waa preearioaa, aad ha lapard inU aaeoaaeioaaaeea eereral time. URGE REDUCTION COTTON CROP Waahiaftoa, hfareh O.Omd. ra tio a tr th Uaited 8Uta af the tu tioa of reaaailnc trade rolatioaa with the Buaaiaa 8orWt foverameal appear ed to be a paaaibility today, when the But brpartmeat aaaonared th' re ceipt af a nwaaage from Iaiae, the Buaaiaa leader, appealiag fur a eeafer eaee aad aaaoancing that h atood ready to aead aa official delegatloa to thla eouatry for the parpooe of aegocia tiag aa agaa.ai.at to that ead. (orergmeat offiriala were carefal aot ta commit themMlree aa to the eoure that may be taken, bat there were indiratlona that the cloaeat aerutiny had beea (iTea th reeeatly aegotUted Brituh-Knaaiaa trade agree mttit aad that already a aomewkat broader interpretation had been gtren New Government Carrying On What Wilson Administra tion Was Doing ONLY FEW THREATS OF CHANGES BY REPUBLICANS Oiril Barrio Syatant of Ap. poiatlaf To Office Jtay Ba Altarad; Poroifa Salationa Policy Hot Tat Clear; Hard. log Method of Appoiatlnf Bif Man Different, However CORPORATION COMMISSION IS : SHOWN HOW GAS RATES MAY BE REDUCED NOW FORTY CENTS N. C. COttOn COmmiSSiOn and Ua regulaUoaa that defined the Wil Bankers . Recommend To bacco Reduction Also admiaiatration'a policy In dealing with the Bolaberia gorerameat. The teat of tha Biawiaa appeal,-which ia propoaiag opening tradef relatimi betweea the two roaatriea, aaid 'for that pnrpoae th relatione between the tno Kniliri hare to he on the whole regalariied, waa iaaued without eom meat It waa addroeaed to the Uaited State Congreaa aad to President Hard ing and contained aa arraignment of ' ' 'kewa aad Obaerrer Bureau, . IDC Diatriot National Baak Building. By EDWAED B. BR1TTON. (By Special Leaaed Wire.) Waahingtea.- March Zlr-Deeialoa to recommend a redaction of 60 per cent iar'aettoa acreage for the preaeat year I Preaidaat Wilaoa for hia policy in deal wag readied at a conference here today I ing with Buaaia. The hope waa ax of the membera of the North Carolina premed Ahat the TJnited Bute would uottoa Commiaiaoa and a committee I not eontinu to follow "obdurately" the of banker from that Bute. After aa-l eourae taken by President Wilaoa, who. rle wing eemdiuena la tne regtoa raaraet, both ' foreign aad domeatie,, thl. aoa- ferae eoacladed that tha preeeBttar attached Baaaia aad : ''ahowed during plua woald be aufficient for a 'ytar'a hia whole admlniatratioa a growing demand, erea if a cottom were growa I hoetilr toward the Buaaiaa republic" thia year. -Production of a aormal crop aa tra. of th. preeent aurphie,. which those attending the eonferenea aaid waa th largeat oa record for thia dim Ta Send DeJentiOB With tba formal propoaal to aend ai official delegatioa here, tha aote eoa tained what . waa cenetrued aa a pro of year, woald fore th price down to I mia to exclude th United State from 3 or a eentt,-tt. Waa -predict. uta field of TCTOiuuonary -propaganda. Th aonlerenea agreed-aaaa uneoaly I Tbe. Soviet repablie, entirely -i-'iaorowa to urge fartneramerrbaat, baakerk and la th work of iatoraal ecoa " orMoa -11 a a M ak. amamrwAaa awvai. aWllHwam ara a'ammaaamSA llfaa i Js idutry ta auift. U brinrimx about I iota iti(L hai Mi tl tito&tiM of New aad Obaerrer Bureau, ens Diatrirt Natl. Bank Bldg. f EOWAID K. BRITtON. (By Bpreial Leaaed Wire) Waahingtoa, Uxrrh M.-To all wit- ward appearaacee, and e far aa the affair of the government are eoaceracd Ike Harding adainlitratiea ia for the prceeat at laat doing nothing but carry oa what the Wilaoa admiala- tration wa doing whea it went out or offla. What thoae "bwrnble Drmo- crata were doing wa all wrong arhile the poltfVal pot of before election daya ae bubbling aad boiling; but now that the Bepublicaaa are oa the inside look ing out they lad, that after all thet were aood thiaga beiag done by the DemoeraU. V The only threat of a change aa to what waa beiag doaa ia ia regard to the Civil Bervle ayatcm of appointing to otBoe, ABd while the , Republic a. are oa reaard aa favoring with a mighty whoop the Civil Service, methoda, they ara thinking ap waya aad meana by which to eecare a divorce from it in sofar aa flrat aad aeeoad aad third postmasters are concerned. "Whit ia a little dvu Bervie oetweea irtenas" whea there are "deeerving'' Republicans to be rewarded for ballot box energy' ia the feeling that ia in the air. And somehow, sometime and that very soon there will be a way out found for the mea who want to hail Will flay as chief of the payroll boys. . If the Civil Service 'trace ara kirked it wilt b th expected, aad only the ad vocate will be disgruntled. Aad thea, of course, there ia to be settled the modai operandi of how the treaty wjth Germany aad tha League of Nationa ara to be dealt. with whea it cornea to th time that deeiaioa mut be made. Th earning of . Premier Viviani from Franc ia wot looked for ward -to .with amlMga ted .plea sur by tha administration, for it may b that there will be aom slip ia th cog wheel which will eef BepablTeaB "against Re- More ProotThat Doetn't Prove The North Carolina Gaa AwociaUon comea back with another full page advertisement of protff that doean't ' prove. Not satisfied with preaenting- the Corporation Commin. aion a liat of 343 citiea with raUa above $2.00 the Aaaocia tion thia morning bring the total to 865 and printa it aa an answer to published statement that in 1259 cities, In .which gas rates were increased between July 1, 1917 and September 1920, aa reported by the American Gas Association, only 22 were given higher rates than- Baleigh. Durham, Winston-Salem and Wilmington, only 38 higher than Charlotte; only 16 higher than Elizabeth City or Washington; only six higher than Goldsboro, New Bern, Oxford or Henderson. This waa the period in which North Carolina Utilities reached thejr peak ratea. The revised tabulation adds no strength to their cauae. It brings a positive conviction that North Carolina citiea having led the way to rate ex cessea have been numbered with the 355 long enough. Here is the reaaon : J 190 have. a lower rate than Raleigh, Durham and Winston-Salem. 202 have a lower rate than Wilmington. 231 have a lower rate than Elizabeth City or Wash ington. 268 have a lower rate than Goldsboro and New Bern. 285 have a lower rate than Oxford ancf Henderson. 90 have a lower rate than Charlotte. AVERT STRIKE IN PACKING I IUSTRY Packers and Employesfcompro mise Differences Through Federal Mediation SIILLMM DIVORCE SUII INTO COURT Counsel For Bank President Chargesjnfant Is Son of An Indian Guide HEARING BRINGS OUT LOIR PRICES Commission Ratty Refused To Hear Testimony of Poor Service That Is Offered WINSTON-SALEM COMPANY HAS HARD DAY'S SLEDDING O. B: Eaton, of WlnironJalea, Volnnteers Attack Oa Harry German, of Indiana, Zxpert Employed By Cities To Make Surrey of Flanta Ia Itate; Carman Not Bare THINK GAB RATE 1M RALEIGH OUTRACKH7I New aad Observer Bar, l Diatrirt NetL Baah Bldg. Ry Rdward B. Brttteei Waahingtea. March U- roele ad Wehlagta wha hare heard af th IMS gas rate charted la Baleigh ark aetaaaded at the high prlea. which they term owtrms, a. Ia Waahingtea the rate haa Jan beea redaced free I1JS ta IMS a theaaaad cable feet, the towwr prlea 'af gaa still leering a flgwr that mahea a profit for the gaa aamaaay. Aad Washington haa aa waa area war ta ktl R leasee the arte. Tha feeling a that Raleigh aad all North Carolina eltiea aarrerlag from tha high prtcea charged far gaa ahoald ho given relief. White Plains, N. T, March Pa ternity of two children, Any Stillman, tne acreage reduction reeommenaea. xervening in ine internal auaira .i;i .-r ..." . . Th eeafereeee, agreeing that aimilar I America and "the AU-Baaaiaa central l'"lm A t !, which Preeidekt Harding it desperately dghting. - Alaa; Demacrattc Caaraa. Bat oataid f Civil Sarvie and ear foreign relations tha outstanding fact aoaditioa prevail ia the tobaee Indus-1 elecutire committee make herewith a try, alaa arged a redaction ef acreage I categorical declaration' to thia affeet.' ia th fpldea weed for tni year. I Conflrmatioa af latniaaa dedaratioa , Appolatod By Merrlaea. I of his renuaelation of . many the aloa waa appointed by Governor Mor- by tha State Department, haa been tne nepuDiiraaa are runamg ine riaoa under act of th General Aaaem-1 riven earefur atadr by. the goverameat p aioag tne eoume- ensnea oy tne ki. .iih . k.nV. I . ... kfl. u i. ii.i ki.n. Dtmocrata. - la the Treaaurr Ic part- era 'of North Carolina to make a general I parent about fas may hav' beea no- Uentiha iDomoeratie policy of funding snrvey of busiaeaa eondliions with re- thing mora thaa a mov eaud by th I tn wr l0"" "J. foreign governments, anoet to th agricultural artuaitoa. to lexiirencles of th situation, there waa i saw iae m non rsi nuies im cotton- commission waa peeifieally ap-1 manifest her a diapoaitioa to giv it I raising money, eoatiauee on their eonrse pointed to investigate cotton eoaditioaa graater credence. - I The opinion ef Attorney General Pal aad, to make ruch ateos, ia eonjunetion I , . Aa Ta Russia Cold . . mer ia regard to prohibition regula with cotton commissions appointed by Without formal nnnouneement hav- tioaa, aad giving the business intereata other Jf the cotton growing SUte, aa ing beea made, the" attitdde of tha a chant to get along etill prevail, would tend .to atabilic aotton eondi- Uaited State towards the importation Th ward from the Navy Department tiniiM Th' eommiaaioa ie'ecmpooed of of gold, aupposedly ef Buaaiaa origin, both from Secretary Denby, and from H. O. Everett of Durham chairman, A. ara indicated. There aow ia oa the way acting Secretary Roosevelt as given out W. McLean of LumbertoBj new a mem- t thia country a large quantity of gold ia hia speech at the launching of th bor of th War f inance Cornoratiea. I shinned from Stockholm and aaid to t Colorado reatordav ia that tha threa- aad L. i. Baker of Palmyra', while the I bear the mint maVk of tha Bwedlsh j year building program of former Secre banker committee is composed or u. I rovernment. It waa ezDlainod that theltarv Daniem ia all to the rood. Tha a McQueen, president of the.Murehi- United Statea would not esneern itself "okeh of Secretary Denby haa been oa National Bank of Wilmington; W. to the origin of the metaUaad that f given to that wise order of Secretary R. Drska. .Jr- wresldent' of th hfes. tha nartlaa ta whim It kail Tiaaa ms. I Ttaaial. h -rtiirk tha Ina maaa nt and he denie the aJlegatioa that juror eBantt National Bank of Baleigh, and signed would receive it at their owa naval ; officer waa throwa overboard, Thomaa "waa aot impattial or that he w Karaona, president of th Bank Hak, leaving th adjustment of nay and on hardly eipeeta that the eom- had formed and expressed tba Pio of Pee Dee. The joint committee after queetloa aa to Ha ownership to th pulsory education of yoangstor eoming before hia aaleetloa aa a Juror that tba diaeuaaing th aitnatioa for th greater court. Th position of tha government into the Navy, put into affect by ulnintifi waa guilty of the eharg of nart-ef '-tha-dav' issued a itatement k h msmi Mil inimm th. itatu bi.. rt.-:.i. ni v. j:. adhltery aa alleged by the defendant i wMe'h reads: ' v L TmltaS farllaak Kaaa.ta1 iha Tl ghf vlaaaimrl Tan tUav TmcoLa. wmmalt. tV. a. ZZL&'J: LSZTZ tl7; ..l'!?'"ia!?" I-'.ridg, Commerc. I " .v . " r.lI; "''" "f I wnwn tne lormer nam is ui ratios nom j ttm ltmra 0l nothing new that haa beea Th act result of tha aeeoad day of the gaa rat hearing before th Corpora tion Commission yesterday, ao far aa th Slat aitnatioa as a whol ia con cerned, was the subetaatlatiea ef th Srat day'a revelation af two-dollar re' duetioa la "the coat of gaa oal aad Sve . cent per gallon reduction ia th price) f ga ail. Gaa eompaay witaeear agreed that 1 reduetioa ia tha eoat of coal ia equlrslent to ten eenta red no tion ia tha eoat per thoaaaad feet aad , oaa sent reduetioa la th prie f ail' to thra and a half ata redactioa iai i Washingtoa, March 28 Prospects of aa immediate strike la th peeking in dustry were averted tonight through! aged 28 months, and Jay Leeds, three the medlatloa of Secretary of Labor I moatha older, la Questioned ia affidavit Davie. i I filed with Supreme Court Justice Compromise oa th part of the em-1 Mprachauser hee today after prelim I- ployea la accepting tae recently an- aary arguuienu by counsel in th 01 nouneed wage reduction and on the I vore suit brought by James A. Still part of "the fir big packer ia consent- man, president of ta National City' " prdaetioa eoat of 100 aabU feet i-. t.- - -.k - . i .. . -v. I n.'.k . i-x vi. ta. I of gaa, "s - a-aiuaw- v. mi. I ,pw morn VUl, in. iwrnrl 1 ...... .. - t-- j ..:rrT?rii-, . ... . .Itioaa-arewthsr bastaeaa aad other aria- ,bia. the ee-.st .tftor ' -""j ' ..TKa".-- poiatlnf toward groator oa-y. three daya f conference, in which 1 -,- 7. iinrvwi . .11 ..ltn repreeeauttvee ef tie attlea eppoa- .-a 1 a ill tne MBtiauaac er emerge ary gaa ch-rged -that Mr. Stillman had takes "as her lover aa Indian guide by whom she had aa infant eon." The child ia question ia J3ny Stillman. A geaeral Oeaial to thia charge waa made by the society woman's counsel,, who filed affidavit denying all of Mr. 8tillmn'a allegations. ' Setting up a ' "affirmative answer" to the banker's suit, counsel for the day aad overtime rate aa provided in wifa filed additional affidavite, which na Durh4a oppoaitioa. led by Col.' . . . 1 wanrga nll analfla. nil Pi lie rvTnnwi n a in ash thal. . tne war-time Aiscnuier rulings - , m" Sidney Chambera, completed the cross Extension for six montha, or until Xn-Jl If w - pnl WBa-7. G"' next September 15, of the arrangement .MM TaV nuJw to ha rna! f"" Carolina Power aad Ught .k.k. ; jn.. or...t ...11 ?f her child, Jay, alleged to hav beea Comnanv.' John Hinadala. Jr. eitr " - .imiwi I h.r. .,, - llA.b m.wA ..haa. .k.. I . " M 1J- .11 : . 1 I " " - v. na.va m " ...uvi i .(tnirM I uiu an 4ur.,.on. ui Hours, waTs. I fa said to be tha bank nre.Ment. Neither Mr. not Mr Stillman; were in eonrt during today 'a proceedings. Mr. Stillman i believed to be living at a elub in New York tvnd. Mrs. Still man with her two younger .children ia at Lake Wood, N. J. "Mra. Leeds' waa last reported to be in Havana. Next Developments. representatives of th packer aad em ployes, aad Secretaries Davia, Hoover I aad Wallace participated. The terms of th aettldment aa agreed to are ia brief aa followa: ' Reduction of wage amounting to I eight eenta an hoar for hourly irorkera I and to 12 1-2 per cent for piece worker. Beteatioa of the basie ' eight-hour I iag the eoatlauane er emerge acy gas rat authorised by th eommiaaioa ia August, erpresa th belie that th way is cleared for a reduetioa af at leaat I forty cento. Tor the individual citiea th day brought several development. Th pre teatanta against the petitioa ef th Caro lina Power and light Company for Bal- I eigh and Durham, got off the boards for tha time being, giving way to Winatoa- I Salem for direct and eroa examination. . ... . . ' --- . . . .. ...... a. iwri auuiing www was aaa oeen ,f..d.nt.arwUr .Ulth -rideac U y-r. i..rp.at.. Th. domorti '' nTpDC,f v' rjt Cl : waa in. ... . consumption b greatly -reduced oaae- COMMllNIST. OUTBREAK n,i. .h.., n. iTv . - . , Plaintiff ks Eetppped Th defendant further say that the plaintiff ia eetopped aow that th aaid r, J. Thomas was not a iai ana impar tial inror. for that tt '.appear ia th affidavit of C. W. Edward, filed by plaintiff, that ahortly af tor -the trial begaa and long before th eidene waa count of th ahfavorablreoadition ia tha horn marketa. The foreign demand ' ia reduced to approximately one-third a account, of th nnaettlM 'conditions UUMMUWiai UUIBIttArV I things about. BuLWiar he ha aot IN GERMANY SERIOUS fiVlJV"' there to be fewad any hint of a change TUrlia. Manth SS. cBv tha Anaoeiatad I i oar dialing - With . Sooth Americaa and nV.qu PreCommaairt w,rtm Mixd tha '- " foreign countries, whfch, la aormal Hy adjnintvtratio. buUdhtga ia Ham- J" J? rrt time, eon.um. about two-third, af th. bug todaythea occupied th. Blohm Jl't1 .Wid . a . . .kil aad Vmm ahlmawla and kniatrit tha ha beea heard -that ther ia to be ITTJBr aaaa taaiiat avaaa mrvm-v. w a rsnawria-antaa sag VLlw T aaaa RTlunnve wa. iita 1 era' I . all la th plaintiffV "nttorneya wer j eoadtioB, it is relUbly atatod that re- Red flag,. say s a deepateh from Ham- " reproof or reproof of Bay kind informed .af th saUegld wfaeta . that ...tiT snot cotton wa lower ra liver-1 burg. , , -:..-' 5-w Hfwta to Democracy f Jh way H ha. aaid Juror Thomaa had before th trial pool thaa la New Tart, taking into eon- Worker. Ja other ahipyard quit worm A. in xxaiii aaa oaa begaa formed and expressed aa opinion sideratioa th advene axchsng eoadi-1 and begaa ofganising- mas demoaetra; J itage, - . L;" aw. sarnlnst tha plaintiff aad aotwithtoa- tioB. . ' t J tioa., according to th dispatch. I iot outsule OT thea things PreWleat ina- thia inf ormatioa failed aad aeelee-1 f Rneeih Oa.Haad. r.'- t la Lelpaits, Dresden, .Bodewisel and ! uaraing ia aaowiag that ha ieaot fai led to call the matter to the.attontioa t "Those who hav studied th sub-1 ether cities da oentral .-Osrmany ths I kmlng the plaat ef President Wilaoa la . ' . . . . . I . .. . .1 m I . . I . . ; M - - . I . ... . . . ... I MM't "Kl" 1 a, .... ijiie varwu. aepartmeBta. ; ' Aa-1 Analntaaenta Th Wood row WUaon war waa ta let the aaaa of to varlowa dmartmaata make their wa choice ta tha "higher conditions, and adjustment, not speeifi eally provided for in the written agree ment. . I , ., Pressure by the! government wa. understood to hav been largely re sponsible for the attaining of the agreement. The controversy between th packer aad their employes waa, the first major labor difficulty to face" the new adminiatration and President Harding referred the matter to Secre tory Davis, who ' called Am Secretaries Hoover and Wallace to asaiat him. Statement, iaaued by the Dertieitrttt- ing partiee after the aigning of the agreement showed sem. divergence of opinion as to the real meaning of the settlement. Secretary Davis aaid, "it baa prevented a atrika of vry serious consequence.." Th. employes' dele gates, Denni. Lane and Redmond 8. Brennan, declared "the agreement ia a true to prepare for war.". Th packer' representatives, James G. Condon and Carl Meyer, declared "thia will enable th packer to complete plant alreid; announced to adjust between-, them solve, and their employes all matter, of mutual interest.' Joha Hinadala, Jr. city attoirey of Baleigh, secured permission . to present evidence later oa during tha hearing for Baleigh. The Waahingtoa' petitidn andproteat were removed fosa the floor of th commission for tha time being by agreement of th parties to submit th case for that particular town in writing before the commissioa. Tlllery Again Under Fire. When the hearing waa resumed yss- Tb next open court development in Crday morning, Mr. Tillery wa again on the stand for cross-examination 00a dueted by former Mayor Frank B. Me- Ninch, of Charlotte. Mr. MeNiaeh at- 1 taeked the reasonableness of. th tvd per cent depreciation account whieh th -Carolina ""Power and Light Company claim, is du. and .ought to show by the witness that ia reality th maintenance ' , of tha aaart. aad eanaot aew after the I Jaet most carefully ararvaaaimonsly of I Commaaista, directed their fforta readitioa ef aa adverse verdict eat ap the opiaion that with 'tha preeenk laek against eourt houses, city halla, publie tka asm aa a rrouna ror new vm .r konXf Bower not at aom. . auai oanas ana poiioe eaaqawnwra. - ,j that defeadaatTlo ot deny that 1.1 abroad, thr to eottor aough pa" hand Ibeenb exploded la th Leipsl-eoart U. T&omaa, oretner exwuror i.nii now 'to -suppiT ta actual aemnna lorigamae wn wonuf ui w-w u m- rrr, . .... v..., . :. . ..- .. t . tv. . saw sain jiiiipi ina wmiih si i jiwi wi uvrw wwm u. . n v,,i,a iw., m v.. - .w.w - - .-... Wa a.. during tha trial, bat says upea inf or-1 ,U wer raised during th year 1921 la I the lobby aad shattered the windows flop me under their directioa. Not ao matioa aad belief that U. u, , Tnoraaa 1 Amarica. At th present time th prie buildings la a rsdlus ot tws Dioeas. k I rreeMwat uaraing. u psssis down ths t ta tha hotel to see hia brother I a aotton- ia far below the eoat of ore-1 In Bodewiaeh tha eitr hall waa vir-1 word aa to the aeleetioa ta be made merely for tha parpooe of earrying to! duetioa. With , aaything like aormal tnally destroyed by a bomb which had at leeat eelt-appear to a maa np al bim soma rjeaa anaerwwar. a. wn 1 nroauctioa in iv.t js is uaeiy tnat. aot 1 oeoai eoneeauwi u mw B-aaami. in 1 . u iwn m aa-s BDOoutae. about bdiunesa aaw aome cake seat to only the weW crop mut ths old crop now as of dynamite against th city ad-1 as per. the ease, ef Brigadier General tha Jure by hi. rrfater; and further aays ea hand and nneonsumed will sell ministration buildings la Auerbaeh,! Doctor Sawyer, and Comptroller of th nm tafarmasioa aad belief that aaid G. for S or 8 eenta a noaad. ' There Is Freibera? and Dreadea resulted ia heavy Carreary Crisaisres. both af hfarioa. a Thomas aevo mentioned th s oa I nothing in th aitnatioa to Indicate any property loea aad the wounding severe-1 It ie Bet kaowa that he vea ealla into trial aa raarrwd to It in any raaaaap. I iacraaa ia oriea. . It aeem - that ' the ly OP at leaat three persons Utaeta I eon feme Tie Preaidaat Caalklra. tha . .1 UMaallM. ..ill , - - - - - - 4 1 aU4.W talaM. ' - a.Ki- bU V . l . belief that aaid G. C Thomas waa at cornea farmer aad .ether interested! A twenty -on year ld maawa ar-lwith tha nod ef apprevaL .interested ia th verdict rsenraed- la tha cotton aeetion i to reduce thai rested la Aacrbaeh with a sack ef dyaa-1 Former Seeratary to th fremdeat. That tB eereaoami. any upaa ia-1 acreage at least ou per eent aaaae-imite ta aia poaeessua. a. eompaaiaa jaaepa Y. Tumulty, a aaw owa to work farmatioB aad belief that the ailega-1 are fertiliaers aaed ha the redaced I who fired at a poueesnaa escaped, a 1 as a lawyer ia WasWagtoa, hia "ahlngle" ,ana ia aaid motioa that C T. Boaa, I aareaga at least SO per cent. -fmaa arrested aaid M wa from Daanglbeiag huaggrut laf. th Southern baild- 1 denaty marshal, waa hoatu to tM TTh ommitte aaaainsoaaly , agreed hat decline.. to talk further. - ling. , He haa .with him aa aa associate pUiatiC aad iatarwsted ta aeriaa Alto'arg tte baa tern, merchants, (arm-l Th eatrage r DeUeved tabe en-J ksre, Mr. Charles H. Baker, who will verdict rotors ed against, ner ana. - wa. 1 ara aaa all other totareatod la the eot-1 aeeted wita ta attempt i ta eommaa- exceedingly ertiv agaiaat th Interest 1 ton industry ta nnita la Bringtng Aontt lata to lore a gaacrai asm. . of th.aiaiatiff are aatrae aai are de-1 reduetioa bereia reeommeaded. : ' j . . .' . lnetUallw tka-4u aaaaiHAaa aad I UBS Ur WWII T,H.Amr s da tioaa anntr to thai ' w.-ixuia,. is umtii. aied. aad dafeadaat farther eaye ea lafermatioa aad belief that HM rt ' trae that aaid'C. T. Boaa npjaaaed the eviaioa that U pbtiatiff was nitty af the eharge against aiieged ia th defeadagt aaawar, aad farther denie d iaformataoa aad be lief that aaid Boeaaxtolked i th pree. eac ef the Jury agaiaat th phuatinT, (Cswfrawad Oa rage Fwar tobeeee ladaatry.' Bah Lake iDty, March 23. Uee af I the ward "llgnretu" n tha. Ubei af a Te Kxnai PadaatmMaa.. . . . . Itoeaae eeatoiaar.wm ba aalawfal ta Park. March X3. Emalxina af aaarfrlntah after- Jaaa a. amini;.. fa na 100 aadcasrabl Oarmaa residing ' In I epiaioa hy the attorney rraeraL Cr- Straaaboarg, has been derided -apea-try th awthoritiee there," it is declared ia a irpattn from that citr-to' the J'stit Pnriairn. . , " 1 tain9raads of tobaee whirh are adver tised ea the onataiaor "for pip or sigarette will hav to - as- a peeiat container for their good asld la Utah. be remembered by th Balelfh falka aa a protege ofthe late Tea .Penes, seat of fallow, whea a waa aeeratary ef the Deateeratie NaMoaal eommitte, a yeaag aaaa held ia warm .eiesea byJ U11 rsaM, wa m a Oaaal aad able yeaag man. naaliag a go raaaiaaT sues ie ew ivmnaj, gwauai aaa waot. aeVled. The Srm haa ale another member, Mr. Badolph Perkins, ferwierly the Bapahlieaa member ef Congress ftm the Sixth New Jersey district, - t , m . - (CaaUanmd Oa Paa ra4 -' th. case is expected to be made next Monday, at which time Justice Mor achauser announced, he would file afff da vita preaented by both aide today aad replies thereto, whirh must be sub mitted to him. before Saturday. . At the aunt time he will temporarll. ' fix all mony and counsel Zees for Mrs. Still man. raperi'ia tne eas will be s led Ifani provided for take, ear, la the !" ." mo iran-rerrea mRin ef depreeiatioa. Mr. Tillery to Putnam eounty, where th divorce .tataj .t without replacement ia action waa started. wbWe or ia part, the gaa making ma c'J.. ? th" daen brlnl Mr- ehinery, mains aad th Jurham buUd- 8iIlm.a,tnto eort to b questioned ing be aseles withia twenty years, about bis ,ineom. so that the eourt ti.;. ... 1. . .a ... . l.fc .1! V. I " - . "'IT'- 1 v . j V . " Br. McNiach directed at the . theory 17 were Buwrnautmuy uroppea ,wnea Ddef a-hjaj, th, lTa pr cent de ine ' aaaaera counsel aomittea wat Mr. praei,tioa fand ia asked for. oiuiraaa a Tiei inoome . aor lKfli rra 1 u. rrin... .i. i.ii .k.-.' 530 that he wa- willing to .1- mony' of th.'prevlou. day i. regard to .Uu,., ,u -v- th, approximate affeet of ail had coal ' 7 . . I price on ta eoat of production. , He Gay Stillmaa, whoa paternity hi I gave it as his opinion that a oaa cent r , I auaaClAaad hv tha hank- nr.aiif.t wa I . . ........ . . . .. I 'i lainerenca tne price x a gaiioa ot ACCiaen. VCCarrea near. OUO-1 ""rB nswnwr in, iio. a rea oeau-ioU wiu ft thre' aad a half formerly em- e,B oj-erenc to th 0t f Vrodue- PiE2l 8tim?a un"neri!ean'? a thedaaad eabie feet- of gas. while r ", """'""""Mth differene of 1 per. toa ia th eoat by the banker aa th ehild'a father. . .111 .t . nj..a AsheviUe. March tX Mrs. Charles I r- na ejiuimna ar reported to iuttta u tB M(t 0f producing, a thou Maaia waa lasUntlr kUled. Mr. M.I .,T" "l"" M,TtD' ! a." sand cubic feet of gaa. - Bheltoa ShtaUy injured aad Mra. Joha r" euo" WM follow. A, th. tBd ,f tt, -xaj-iMUoa ef Mr LOGGING CAR CRASHES NT0 HOME; TWO KILLED burst TneadsT: Two Others SUghtly Hurt Magah aad her eight-year old daughter lightly, hart about S Velock Taeaday morning, whea a logging") ear ef th Suae rest Lumber Company broke loose ftam aha train, anaa itnwn mAm aad crashed into th horn ef th victims' located near the track. The tragedy occurred about Id milee above . Sua- hrt. Th Injured psraoaa were rashed to Wayaegvill for medical ' atteation, where Mra. Sheltoa died shortly af tor wards. Mra. Magah and her daughter were ealy alightly hart aad were dis charged from th hospital. Germany refuses to - - f , -PAY BILLION MARKS Pari, March 23. (By th.-Associated I kirs. Press) Th areparattoaa eomirjasion has snnsidsred lb Gfrmaa ataWsMnt rrsarainr ta HB-mraini ox ta w OOOMXVOUO' gold marks today, the date fixed by the allie for payment, aad ia forwardiar a -roeamrnioaooa to the German awveramaat aerardiag te effi- eial aaaoaafcrmaavt. Thia eommaaiea- ttoa wiU be dsUvmred ia. Berlin temor- I Befereaee b reported to hav beea mad ia the banker', affidavit, to a tetter, alleged to have beea written to him by hi wife ia the epring of 1918, a fe month, prior to Guy . birth, in whicTL th asm of Beauvai. ia mea tloae4. -Thia letter, while not mea tion Ing any specific act ef infidelity! la Mid to form the basis for th banker's eharg. , Coaster Charge Made, . . Coaaael for the wife will aeek- to prove through affidavit already filed aad -the testimony or witnesses te heard htrr, that . Mr. Stillmaa aad Tranklia Harold Leeds, described the huabead of Mrs. Florence H. Leeds. are on pad th aaaa man aad that th child, Jay, i th result ef this anion. .Lead pied a faahieaable apart ment here during the war aad ap aa- til a lew day age had beea living ia a handsome villa at Miami, Fla. Coaaael ' for the iaaaeior told the eoart that hi 'divorce suit waa started beeanee it waa -Impassible otherwise do estshUsh tha allrgad tUagitimaey ef the child. Gay. Th pUiatiaT preeeated ht (Cjtlaasd aa rage TwJ Tillery, th eommiaaioa waa again beeet by argument for th introduction ef testimony showing th quality af acr vie. Th Commission, howersr stood firm oa it prsvious . poaitioB that standards of gas are aot aow iavolve. wttar ea, there waa iatimatioa heat ta Commiaaioa thar'tb same erdsr Bxiag' permaaeat rata may carry with tt defi aito regulatiead for th testiag ef gas quality and th. report ef that teat, Mr. hUxwell wasted to kaow if the ga. eompaaie. weald be wiling te pay for aa iaspeetor ehargeda with th1 dutie f keeping ga. ap to rtaadard.' The eonavaaiea ..were willing bat Mr. Mc- Nina and others objected thai th sup port f sik-S , inspection by gas eom paaiea would be dangcrou.' ore Abaat Tahiti, ' Tt was dariaghia passage ef words, ' which krok iato tha hearing that Com- iskaer A. J. Maxwell stated defiait-, ly that the CommiasWa weald aot aa-, -eept aa the vslaatioa ef the varioue . plaata for rat- making purpose, the reprodactiea valo aa af Aagust 1924. A aam bar af Taluatiaaa hav beea pre" (Csettaael aa Page Two.) V V

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