The-1 I eft THE MM North rsraltaa-falr r.Ur, ware la taeria lUi.r fai. erver WATCH IA ILL fees (. B..4 ! . r ) ' . e . Ulimt VOL CXIIL NO. M. - 51XTEEN PACES TODAY. V RALE1CII. N,G, FRIDAY, MORNING, MARCH 25, 1921. SIXTEEN PACES TOOAY. PRICE. FIVE CENTS meet . -. POWER OF BUTLER. CRUSHED WHEN HE 9 , MET WITH UNNEY Western Republicans In Abso lute Control of Greens boro Meeting UNNEY AND MOREHEAD WRITE PATRONAGE SLATE Z)af Tat Tnrned To Pleading of former Senator For Hand la Distribution of federal Jobs; Coalition Wita Dan- can Strength Without Anil Against Combination i HOW BKPrBLICANS WILL DISTRIBUTE PATRONAGE Fellawlag Is tke list of award Ml. la la Mrikall t Federal tabs by the ReaabUcaa Eseeatlv ('mailUe la Beanlea at Creaaaaare yesterdays Collector ef lalaraal Reveaae, Western Dlatrtrt Gilliam Grtasaax. JeaMaa, Leader Of 'American "Catholic Church. Die Collector af latere! Eaatara District. . Slier City. failed Stale District Attorney, Iwlm District Fraak A. Liaaey, Beea. lotted Slate District Attorney. Eaatara District Irvla B, Tocher. WkiteviUe. . I'alted Stataa Marshal .WiMrd District Brewalew Jackeea. Hee devneavlllei Jailed State MarakaL BaaUra District at W. Ward, Ralelgh. Prohibition Enforces Oatrer K. A. KaAleas, SaUabary. Sapcrvioar af lata an Tat Baa. C Sharp, Greoaehoro. Director a( Caaaaa C. E. Greene, -v BakerBvllle. . Collector af Fart at Wllaxlag Im Urt t Uaaey aad Mofcbcad ' fa asma. Member af lateretato Commerce Commlsaton .T. T. Hkka. recess. Bxeaded. a ! I i i an .in inl) ) Mill IIIG"; HAYS CONTINUES . TO DISCUSS PEACE HELPFUL HINTS ON L uiTiiMn iiinnmnl wuniiifinMfiuiiiD Former ' French Premier Will Consider Proposals Relative T& league Covenant WILL CONFER GENERALLY WITH AMERICAN LEADERS aawaHaaB IBrinfiBf ; Ko OoncreU fropo. aJ IVotn Rii OoTtramcat, It la Aanounoad, Bat Ready to Opaa Iaforaal Diioaaaioaf of ARitada of Btpablicaaa Toward Peace Settlement POSTAL AFFAIRS Cardinal Oibboai a V'Kar Apontolio for'Nerlk Carolina- akortly after kt araa Kte a huhnp iu IStiH.- tn tka hnlr W,it. at tkat tima thtr vara only 700 CatkolUar la hia trit Tiait to tka Htatr. tba tkra BUkop trarlad a Uau- aai nilea by karaebark, apaadiag auaj Bights ia tha lof ea'biai af aefroes, kit bad bring corn kuxka'on tha floor arkila food was srrrad at dining labia wits goards for rupa. s :. Cardinal Gfybons Dies In 87th Year After Prolonged Illness 'Primate of American Catholic Church Active In Church; Work To End SPENT SEVERAL YEARS ' OF LIFE IN THIS STATE By BEN DIXON MacNBILL. - (Staff Correspondent) ' tireeasboro, Uarck 24. Frank Linaef at if tha aaddla today. Motley Mora head rod atraddle behind hint) kUrios Uiillrr walked, and rhera was that Deaea la tka meetim af tha Republican boats Falsing of Leading American X2?Z3S& OathoUo Mourned By Prom. , Masiom Btrtler was somewhere aader- inent ladera -' foot, bareljr reeofnlanble m tha ana- ,- - 'tine eoBimandor ia nhlef af the tiaate ? tit. u.fc ; afth Graa Old Party ia. N.rtk BU"'- MiJ- S?-7?? OroHna. . Cardinal Gibbons, arekbishop of BaKl- Vainly did Butler ary ror harmony anara and aenio pMUte r tha Cttho tbat was the aort af harmoay h wasted, nrek n y,, VwMA BUtel died at RUSSIAN WORKERS IN SERIOUS PLIGHT Washlnfton. Marek M.-Wklla tka riait af Krna VlrlanL former French Kmkar and saefial .nrny to tha UaiUd tea, ia aaaauaeed ofllelnlly aa aas af eonrte.y' la I'matdeat Ilardinf, Dr. VUreel .Knrtht, his naeral ear re- I'tary, who afrired here today from Frtaea, ia setting forth tka aubjaet of kis miasioa stnted that it. V'iiaat was prepared id fl a reeeptire ear to any proposal' by the United States regard ing the neare settlement aa) tha Leagn of Nations. Tba former French premier will take ae sparMIe evertnree ia the di- reetioa ef-Anerksn partiaipatioa ia Earopaaa affairs, particularly aa affect ing Ueraaay. it waa stated, and an leas tha subject 1 initiated -by Freaideat larding or. the BUto Dapartoient, ha ia expected to retara to Fraaea after kar iag discharged the ofAeiaDg aaaoanrad parposa of. his iaissioa. He is expected here rtaadav or Monday. Pr. KnerSjt represented as included ia kL Vlvlanl's program not onlr aa axekaaga of-.felicltatinne witk President Harding bat sImi th meeting witk members of tba cabinet and Oongrees men. It was recalled that the former French Premier was not only personally acquainted with Neeretariea Haghea and Hooter but. that oa his tlsit to tha United Btatee ia aa bead of tha Freaeh miaalon ha had mat 8eaatar Lodge . and 'other Senators and Repre sentative! whose acqualntaace ha da si red to ras. ' Ia mphaeixiBg tkat VWiaai waa bringing so concrete propoaals to offer the United Stataa witk respect to iU re lations politically or flasaeially witk Fraaea and Europe. Dr. Kaeeht atatad that tha Franqh anroy waa aeeompaaied Lusty Postmaster General Fruitful In Suggestions But Can He Pcrform7 LOT OF TALKING OVER Alllll aaiatiiska aani a-aa. UVILitrUlUt KULti Only One Application Tor Aid Ia financing. Cotton Made To BeriTed Wax Flaaaoa Cor, poratioa; Louisiana Straw berry Growers Get ler mis sion To Make Wines CITIES OPTIMISTIC ON IIATE DECREASE DEB KESTRIP News sad Observer Rareaa, tM Diatriet Natioaal Bank Bldg. By EDWABD K. BtlTTO.N. (By Bpeclal Laaaed Wire.) Washington, Viarektt. Ctrcalara aad statements ef "How I am going to ran things" emsnntiag frean Poet martrr (iearral Will Usys are ef tba prolific variety three day. Aad to thaaa he adda a continuing aeriea ef talks' to pnefriffire eoiiloyee. Following an ki adrift to gnrersmeat ' as to how raniitiv tA eaail Ant AvrMiunnlMM i the "statemeat r Poet matter Oeaeral Hays to the preaa oa March O, which ram. tkroagk tka mall tkla aaora lga. Ia tkia ka aays poatal employees "are to work with me, not for me," tkat "the Poetoffiee Department is aa ia stitatioa for serrire and not aa iaatita Uoa for polities or for" profit." Hi porpoeea ha declares are: First, to make auch rertifieatioae aa ia all decency and fairness maat be made to aaeara a square deal; eeroadlr. to streagtkea and broaden the eiett aer ric at every point wherever possible to tha aad that merit may govern. Need Mere Taaa Flae Werda The publte will commend every thing that Mr. llays does ta give a first class servlea, but it remembers that ''fine words buttsr ao pars nine' and it ia going to wait and aee the Will Hays idea of strengtheaing aad broadealng the civil service aad kep ing polities oat of the depaVtmeat That tha Republicans are eekiag ways and means to east overboard tha ervil Service program -for first, aeeond aad third elaat postmasters ao aa ta bad Republicans aa auickly aa it ia poaaihle ia the jobs may be regarded as carta in, J TO SEEDAUGHERTY Imprisoned Socialist Leader Goes To Washington From Atlanta Penitentiary Washiagtaa, March Se.l'natteadrd and wtthoat the kaowledge ef the paMie, ' iCfre V. Iteha, imprieonad Bociaiist leader, same to Waakiag toa today frum tka Atiaato paaitaa tiary aad far three koara dlaraaaed kia wee k Attoraev General Daugliertr. Tha aaproeedeated trip ef Mr. Deb waa mad vita the approval of Pn-si dent Hanlitig aks we try rrquoted Mr. Dougherty ta review tka eeaa ef tke K '..ilUi i-n,fc r uad mike a recuuuiia tlf ju ( it. , " Tka, Attorney Ocaaral la aaaauaaing late tud.ty thai Ieba Ud vavited Wash ingtoa aad. waa oa kia way back to tke Atlanta peajUatlary aatd tkst wkUe there waa aa preeedeat for calling a priaoaer to Waahiagtoa wtthoat a guard it had bee a decided ia conference witk President Harding that Inasmuch . as Dwba had defended himaelf at his trial ka shoo M come here to aaswer la per ana sarh iaqairiea aa the goverameat desired to aak. Mr. Daogherty added that he believed kc knd the authority to place the priaoaer en hi honor end that k kad aaaamod faU respoaaibility. Delia. arrived ia Waahiagtoa early ia tka day, want to tka Department of Justice about t:S o'clock, conferred witk Mr. Dnugherty aad Ooy D. Ooff, as ia test to the Attorney . General from about 10:30 to 1:30 o'clock aad left Waehlagtea at :) o'clock a the re turn trip to priaoa. Hia movements from tke time ke left Atlanta yesterday ware kept strictly secret except to a few officials of the Department of Jaa tiea. Fo that reason aewspaper anea wha gathered late , ia the day for tha Attorney General's weekly conference, gaaped and refuaed for a aiiaate or two to believe their own ears whea U ley keard Mr. Daugkorty nay: "I doa't believe -1 have much aew for you, geatlemea, bat regarding Debs' viait I kava kad atatement prepared, the witk a brief eiplanatloa Mr. Dougherty gave ont tha following state- en t: s Ia eoaaeetioa with tha invastigatioa Third Day of HearinQ Feature By Verbal Scrimmaoe Be tween Two Commission ers and Mayor McNinch On Value of Tes timony WINSTON-SALEM CASE e . MARKED OFF BOARDS Ingestions Are That With WIL mington Hearing Disposed of Today and Loose Threads of Entire Hearing Caniht Up Knd of Xridence WID Be Beached Today i 1 w w s in asiar jwvai mtmj wj M 7a)SBcvj7j mm n. wsasas , a m. aa wnaiwsavai w a saa mw ass v v vasa aveaa ConditlOn Worse "Than That b? zPrU or advUora aad, although ,Ba u regarded aa a fine bit of Uf the Deb caaa aad after eonfereaee of Down-Trodden Peasant should be awarded enelt Johe aa are to be awarded by the aew Natioaal ad ministration. The' crowds was with the man ia tha saddle, sad would kava aona of Marioa Butler. Never goiag morning away -e auietly that ovea kia auree, a Boa Beeour aan, eouia-not no sura that it waa tha aad. Sb had see tha ehanga that betokened It but' it was alight almost iatpereentibl and five aona 01 aru, uir. "".iiv minate passed whU. ah leaned above quit ao far aa to actually, recommend iirhritiU forn. vratehina-. . any body for office, Batler'a favorable mention or aome two or. tare eastora - era waa enough to cnrdl their hopes. , It waa an off day for Mr. Butlsr. Baa last aad of Oak. - Heralded aa coming with a sprig of olive la on hand aad a prodigious club ia th other, Mr. Butler had nothing s snore warlike about kirn today thaa a plain whit rose oa a three-foot stem tkat waa gie hin bT Mr. JUaaey. He 'wafted the rose bark and forth en the ' sifndry occasions whea h aros to . apeak, bat evea that waa wilted and th alight, till form vratching. Then from the house where ke kad lived nn4v worked, i the ahadow of the Cathedral -of the Assumption , of the Faesoed Virgin Mary, - went forth tba news that he had died. , Hia grave will be a aicke la th crypt under th high altar of th Cathdral A slab of marble carved with In scription ia lotia ia th North wall of th Crypt will mark -hia resting place. Above that vault, Denma wnos eoatn wall lie tbe air archbishopi of Alsry Uad who preceded him, ia the sanctuary ofth Cathedral to which Cardinal dead long before th eommitte went GjbD0B parenta brpoght him as a baby " to be baptised, wbr he waa eonseerat- tha afternoon. Th xeoedingly red cd a Bishop, where hi was later eonae- roee worn by Linney waa atill fresh. en B ArehbUhop iaad Where, n It waa a grand outponriag of BepaV JnB, S0, ig8o,she waa Invested with th licanism.. Th whole executive commit- h-. , tha fiardiWalste. tee was there, plna a eeora of eeekers after kundry big Federal jobs, plus ( aome three hundred and forty-eight seekers after poatoffieea, plus Colonel Mmv AW, WVV T. 1 .UW 11 U.I . offi-seasoa pow-wow ever held by th minority ia North Carolina. ColoneTTke Meekini waa alleged to be garbed in .the mantle of th late B. C. Xranean, and There, too, stand-the throne of the Cardinal, and abovth throne, will bang th Cardtnal'e hat, symbol of Princedom in th .Catholic Hierarchy. There it willkang as long aa tha Cathe dral stand. .' ','' "" The death of the Cardinal in the midst of Ta-ol v Week . devotioaa at the Cathedral will aot affeet th aerviees It kad been reported that Stephen I camouflage to talk of merit aad ao with th Preaideat aad with his appro- Lausanne- waa auaeaea so saa miaaioa nolitiea beine? tha coal of a crowd that val. I had Deb eome here for th oar- French Journalist was u mt after tha of fieea with a fiaa i noaai ef aaakin carta La iaoairiea af representative o( I I tooth eoaib. Th eeuatry ia "f rasa I kiam. He haa re tamed to Atlanta, .1 W MttoT. J I Uiaanaiar at mraaaat aad it will have tol hava aaka hiam tai eafraia fraaa aaarine Stroenlllo, a JKaaslaa laCor'Teader, wh that should' the former arrived la the trailed State thie-week afrriad th eeas1sa ...., c -i rtnrormsl dissension . ?' ,. r. ... . , I 'ha new administration .Classes, Labor Leader Say, SS$ " i. ' - i. w . '" -'- Ifatia of whiek k Is New ..Tork, March , IC-fleerg B. , i- dipiomatU eircl jl. ! u.-., . , I new an wampera, presiaens as , u evmanca. ltUnMt of Bone - witk a.raBOBoi i4wor, waigni amdd be wadyte Noelve .?..u.Ha..uK.uIUv.uw of Preaideat Harding i ais Masry. quowa air. usa- ttanamiaaioa to th French government r" y, 7 , , 7 Thay would be 'studied by the Trench Bvssiaa labor against Bolshevism and OM1 . ... .00ted. , Aaolher full day af tbe gas hearing left tke oppooitloa to th eoattaanac of tamporary gaa rate ia Norm Oar Uaa sstl.fied thst maeb pmgree ass beea made aad confldeat that th Cor poration Commission will great relief. Th day saw th eoarpMiow of the, Wlaiton Salem case, th CharMto bear ing well nigh finished, the New Bora-, and Uoldsbnre rosea presented for the gaa companies, with the Indies tlon Jist the hoards will be Cleared today. 'Com ing juat before the bob recces a verbal scrimmar Involving Frank B McNinch, Commiaaioaers Pell aad Lee, was th feature ef th day, resulting ia the probable aboadoameflt by th eitie af their plea ta call aa expert from" Dan villa to testify la regsrd to gas prod- -tie ia general. Tilt Over Witness. The tilt started whea Mr. Maaly, ' concluding the ease for the people of ia. i . 1 I I . L . ' 1 1 Vf mama naiftm, aeavQ lav j-nviiraw wi. the Commlseon to introdur later am expert witaeea. City Manager Talvert, of Danville, who had beea expeetod at hi home from w trip West Wedaeaday aight, bat who had net arrived. Air. Maaly expressed the belief that the' witness could be gottea here during (ko week. Chairmaa W. T. Lee questioned th' efficacy of the proposed testimony, su gsating that it wouldn't do any good, since ths Commission already had a vast amoaat of information oa whiek to baaa ita Sndlnxa. ' Mr. McNinch wss oa hia feet Instantly. "rlnesktng for Charlotte alone, he said w don't want to be guilty of doing a vain thing. If we're going to bring a wltaesa here -who is already dla counted Mr. Lee interrupted with-th state' maat that he was misunderstood,- x platalng that Tolvart i taxed witk atreat work, elactria lighting, and also the gaa business, and that he waa merely aa aa aeas iiaasrw. -a, .a. aa Wa, aBka aamaran rta ax am I ar wan aaaa aaaaaa-w Bataaaat tFjaaa snana al nananaa aka mm a 1. at ana I at I French Pram- ZTZSl. ' " rTedSr ih'a "oVieof th. luirto. -- ' W h iTaa .... Skal-ain k.l. I, ta mall a.sils T.'' . .'. " '. . : ' " - v - aPT T of tha attitnd of u .m.w wtiirr-. u.. -r M.h. n ....u. mha. auen a way aa to p servjc- toward tke set-J KUaWiU. IT.a.e Poatmaaler I arftl are him to eiacaaa thla mattes mtl"!' 1 .. . ' . ' Germany he u-etn rw- ,v. -f ' k.M .vi ' . Vi !... .. u ta rtt-T aM af to b pat In the .ropoenla ZTd. Z, wondTrfVl record af af ficleacv ! neV oc Jurine ku ita herV- DebBr. ! " - r. McNiach. for personal I h a.. ...i. . I a.., vi. tata. trial eenrtl0 bnagtngon witness aerawn ia mcmosr or tin uoa promising that Btroomillo's arguments about tha distressing experiences of working men aad - peasants would b distributed throughout thla country fi th iniprmatioa ef Americas labor. ' Mr. Qompera. the Boasiam labor lead er said, authorised " kirn- to say "that the labor movement in tbe United State would net give countenance to Bolshevism, either ia this country oi Bosnia aad labor movement atood for th right, of th Bussiaa peo ple to exercise their function to de termine their form of government. Kepreaeats Labor Uaioaa. Stroomillo ia a member of th Board M. VivUnl'a return to Fraae and it might then . b mad incumbent anon him to retara again to th United ..,. v.. i..u, rn,..M ,),. th a,.,.. - i. t, :k, , ... win he be kentf be proposed -that th allies enter npoa with th United Statea for elearlng up of th latter'a relations aa a former associated -power with th allies. That the problem of American co operation with 'the allies in'th poae ssttlsmsnt ia which oa th part of France, M.. Vlviani will be brought to th forefront of consideration byvth Stat Department upon kia arrival waa indicated today by a responsible ofiv .v. t.t. mi u J ..a j vjr. a. a. u I oisoonaiea aw vse, uiciv pnu upmihvu - 1 mmA jury w wm inmim, wtv wa , , m. . . . . , approximaUly T000 letter aad poatal i her. The Deb eaae, aa I hav said I """. S wiweae eard aad 9.000 aaeks of maU daily,! before, stands alone. I could aot, otvT.V.t,. . ... . ' . ' with 7S per cent ef the msU emlng soar, go to him. What took place aad "x- expiaiaea was-waen o from government official. Merit tka information I kava acquired will be Com anally agrort te accept in ' reported la duo- time only to the - ;r" " TV, ' rT T vJZia.. ..a ,v. i. .itk I rngiaesr of Indiana Public Serrle any rMommendatioa that may be made K"mllo. C"'?? aeeo""-' whew tha iavastiaatioa ia eoaeladad. pevmisaioawiu, to aiaiemen ao Doba etm here without guard aad as I rotnraed to Atlanta. Colonel . Uuy i. Can Make Btrawherry Win Pernrlaafoa has been granted th ratacahar Strawberry growers to manu faetar win from atrawbrriea for non-bvrage purposes, with ao sngarlOoff, assistant to the attorney-general, to be Med to increase tha aleohone waa present during th inquiries. eoatonta, th win, to be used ror saere- .1.1 ,l;.-JI.MU..n, -.k. mmtA k.4 oi jTaue ox jueia n oraera th. mia,ion.of tha formw French I . 7. T. M.U waa accepted a. -diroetod te , TiT .T V !v ward the furtherance of th good re-1 latlona existing between tha two re. mental and medicinal purpose. Offi cials ar silent as to whether ar aot th principle would apply ia othr nana should there be a surplus ox oerrlea, it being aaid that th permission a to DKPAITUBB FBOM ATLANTA ' wab aaaovoEO ir sbckh;i Atlanta, Oa4 March ft Th depar ture from th Atlanta Federal Peni tentiary yesterday of Eugene V. Debs, strawberries being granted because of I Socialist leader who discussed his ease waa willing to let It go la for what it ia worth, giving th impression tkat ke thought it of. little, vslus. v "Now I want to ask one ouestioa, Mr. McNiaeh went oa with som degree of warmth, I would like - ts know whether or not Mr. Tolvert'a experience. 1 character and integrity la-aeh aa to give any weight to what ha haa to say! "What eaa he testify V put ia Judge Pell. If h hasn't examined tha plants - Doctor Ike Campbell waa ther telling ,v. rn.M.rt flniut Tridav uad. Holy just how h was going to behave when I gtnrdsy. and ,the dawa of Easter the oa kub me sunn prveeeauiga ifuui KaJ- .f Cardinal Ulbbon i W1U. UO in ' hi I own room ,-wh he died. -On will be moved there through. ', Tuesday and eople may see ough the aign bora to ita aich ia tha arypt. Faweral Arraaaonseata Made, At th funeral will gather the great- eat romnanr af churchmen aver asaem- bled in th United Statea. Ia the quire a seat ia th 7th Congress. I mA.. flanday aight, t " Uaaey ia Zntrewcheei. -' 1 to tte Cathedral, to Ji xa me morning uie aona anox Ba I out ths masses 6T Moni , wrangled and in the afternoon they met iWednesdsy, where his end decided who waa going to preside I ki e. tha 1..C tima. at the job-trough and who war going! maaa that will be his funeral to be allowed to. eat oat ef H. Ia the I of4 Thursday and from there ti be SBonung xnera waa uci ox sroam letting, aad ia th afternoon there waa a deal of execution, there waa devaa--tatioa of tha kopea of Marioa Butler to be able to control at least tke eaatera . . .... O.... . Tl. T 1 . 1 Sfr5.!3r r"rJ " lef Ulr.. and cablegram tkat mem r-TTa? bera of th Cardinal', houhold cent tVewaa ia aommaai. - all ever the world today were meaaage Tka West n.teA a aaliA .r. to 100 bishop, 14 archbthOp and aad the East plit aU to piece. Tk eoBtlea easignori aad pneota every. Kdmmwt m . yA sjaivessm wyiuu mrm uuvw i j a. a Butler, after ther kad aeaaed tha aitaavi Two cardinals mayome to Baltimore tioa, aad thea they all dived ia, hoping Cardinal CCpnaell, ftotn Boetoa, and .i. k.. k., k. ,v.i. nardinal ' Bearin. from Canada. Moa- jumping woald aot have proved ruUoas. signor Joha Bonxaao. apoatolie dele No lea than are ' candidates were fate at WaakiSgton. will pontificate at named for both th Eastern diatriet at torneyship and th Eaatera marahalakip aad th eemmittes went ahead aad vjiexea tna man wna - naa naea a tormiaad noon nrsviooalr. Tha defeat! all th arieata la tk dioeeae of Mary keeamearoat, - ' I Uad, whiek ineludo the Diatriet ef MaaUaai la Daawaa Claak. - Colombia. Thr waa talk that Meekiaa, aa tka I Bepreeentatives ef all the chnreh's wearer of tk maatlef Dnaeaa, Aad I order will be ther-th Abbot from got together with Butler, and that to-1 tha monaaterie ia robe f white, gether they would be abbs to get a I brown er black. loo in aa tbe distribution of . Urges j Arehbiahop . JGlenaonT of the ia the East, bat th gnats waa a bad arch dioeeae ef Bt. Louis, win preach gueaa. Meekiaa veered off whea they the funeral aermoa. ' It ia noteworthy got to submitting name, aad confusion that it waa Archbishop Glennoa . wh mouatod. . Oa th Other hand, whea preached the aerman at Cardiaal Oib- eaadidato from the West war being boas' goTdea jubile at the eathedrel lannched, there was bat an ef each. in October, 1911. , Th Eaatera aoatiaatieaa war a fol- New of th Cardiaal 'a death spread lew: Uaitod Stat Msrshal, W. throngk th city rapidly aad the moara- Ward, Baleigh; A. U MeCaskin, Fay-1 Ing waa city-wide. Practically all the ettevillej J. U Parker, 8mitkaeld; 0.eerta ia tk eity adjoaraod whea the Bill, Be a fort; United l4atea Dia-1 tolling jit th balk naaeaaoed the Car- kirk reouiem maat oa Thursday. Ths-tnaeral proeesstoa wui inemd tk ardiaala. th arehbishepa, the bisb pa, the apoatolie delegate and virtually (CsaSlaail oa Par Twex) to other countries for theTJUrpose of warning labor against Bolshevist prin equipped with statistics concerning th destruction of Bussia'a 'industries. transport and agriculture . under the Bolshevist regime,, he aaid h ia pie- pared to -show "that tha conditfona 'of tbe working man under th Bolshevist dictatorship' of the system of militari sation of "labor axe even wore than those of the peasants. Whil th great r part of the Bussiaa peasantry spread Over aa immense territory, is out of naea -of. th Bolshevist dictatorship and ia able at least to live it own life, th Buss inn working . class aa a whole is th immediate sufferer under th Bolshevist regime." Baaataa Proletariat Shrinks. Ae the result of th deatructioa ef industries," -said Mr. Stroomillo, "the Bosnian proletariat baa shrunk to one fifteenth of ita former sixe. , Freedom of tk union is abolished. Tha Unions ar . established and work . under . th control of th . Soviet authorities, aad eaa act only in the way proscribed by tbe Soviet aathontiee. Freedom of meeting and - of speech it abolished. It ia a crime ta etter a word against the Bolsheviki. Strikes are declared counter revolutionary acta. . Workmen who go ea strikes, ar punished witk a brutality nsheard of u western eooa trie. Btriksrs are aot only impriaon sd but deprived af their rations. Almoat n branches ef indastry ar under mar tial law. Worker cannot ekanx from on factory or occupation to another. They 'are forcibly aa lis ted in tha ao eniled 'labor armies' aad'' vrtim ft eompalaory. -. ;-. - "Th pitiful coaditioa to whiek Bol- shevism.has broaght Buasia'resnltod in th upheaval . against th Bolshsvist tyranny which we witneeaed reeentlr ia th vary heart of Bnsaia. ia SroBatadtv retrograd aad Moecow. - One more th Bolshevist tyrants hav sueceededin drowning in blood tha tha Baasian people against then. But th revolution against tha Bolahevfat power 1 not consned to ajonstodt. Petroa-rad aad 'Moeeow. aloao. It ia wprsad all ever Boaaia. .What we witaeea today aaly a -temporary . victory af Bol shevism ' ia th center of Bamia. Aa tk result, the . Bohvhevist regime may last a few moBtha koager, but its and is wU at hand. - . j Cratofal Ta Amartca. Tat'Bawiaa warkiar- class ah area tke-gratitad whiek all ta Baasiaa peo- the anrplua crop ia Loaiaiana, there I personally with. Attorney Qeaeral Charlotte, Baleigh, WUmingtan end today waa publics. '(CewUaaod Ob Pag Two) CONEY OFF ON WESTWARD FLIGHT TO CALIFORNIA beina- interest aa to what might be don I Dana-hertv in Wash in rt on in th ease of blackberries, blueberries, I shrouded in secrecy. and raspberries?"" rth perhapa aurplusl Ths fact that Debt, who is serving a crops of beets and possibly dandelions en year term on conviction of violat ing th Espionage act, naa leu in th rest kow can he criticise their opera tion la 'any Way that would do you any good I " . ' "If you believed that he could aot testify because he had not examined ' Jacksonville,. Fla, Kerch 84. Lieut. W. D. Coney left Pablo Beach a 1:40 o'clock ' thia -morning for Ban Diego, Cel., ia an effort to fly from the At lantic -to the Pacific sosst in on day with enly ' one chedaled- atop. The start was made with the am he drove from 8an Diego to Jarkaon end alft.rhecriM. With th proviso of equipment, heat, prison waa th aubjoet of rumor here I thea plaato, why did yon in conference m w m. f . ... a t. a a I BBrlwIa ax aVaTn an A m va a.anail l a, Alaan Mat. ana lea. warn water, light, sais ana parcel poex sav ings furniture when neeeenary to be included th lease on the present quart ers of th poatoffie at Spencer baa K... .... . . . s .A vmm ITada. .ka name eo.ditiona new poatoffie for NAVAL BALLOON M1SSNG Ct f . TT t..a . k..a 1.... w aFaaaaawBi I . nnrina; nope vae nwra hv. machine July 1, 1921, er from data of oceapaaey from the Spring Hop Oroeery uom witk us Monday, accord na th privilege of presenting him at a deferred timet'! demanded Mr. McNinch. ' . "I didn't know that he waa going to' be restricted ia.hi testimony f'V replied ' Judge Pell. v eg a a. a WITH FI YE MEN ABOABD JT IT d"" wTntV last nlaht. but not even his local at torney, Samual M. Castleton, knew any thing about it, according -to hie own atatement. army De ville recently, Four. ' Coney wet. confident ke would, arrive ia Baa Diego by twilight thia evsiflng. He expected to kind at Love Field, Dallas Tsxal, early in the forenoon for fuel and oil.,' Weather advice were to Havilaad Py oa the west side of Fine street. . , uaiy una vau ror am. From the War Finanea Corporation it is learned that thus far it haa kad sine ita reorganisation bat one call for aid ia financing cotton, with ao call from any bank, Carrier Pigeons Bring Hostage That Dirigible Slowly Sink. ing Into Water Panaaenla. Fin.. March 24. All effort it is anaersiooa in to locwts th United States Navy fleet the effect that.atroag head winde would Waaklngton by parti, in a Wtiot to lhMoom d flv. mea mlMing-eine it be . eneoantered.u which the filer aa- .tB tt. .WMhr left oa a practice flight Tueaday eight Bounced would planned speed dowa Kaoald he equal his east bound flight, howevez-ha shoald arriv ia Dallas ia a littl mora thaa aaven hours. . - v , him if ths Commissioi thinks it is an idle thing. Tour honors seem to' pro- judge wha w ar going to prove... - "If your xaminatlon ia going to be' general I can ae how yon may, be going, to get something out ef him,", ended Judge Pall. President Z. T. Taylor, of the South, era Public Utilities Company, entered th. . foe 'tha tint tima. - ? probably " bold hia P"ib, to ,,d, thB !I.0" e been nnavalling although searching Tl dont eihi K TN bring; a carload, ra M mila, .. tobacco ai.tuaUoa but inany other partSaV, today eeoured th Florid coast of witnesses, he declared. "If from a Is tlmrinnda on th r PoeeiW- At th aam tin. those Jae, Penaacola and Port St. Jo, practical atandpoint ke can how ae how- set Saal aaUfauv van WW A..LUaUl aaawaxaBa a. aknr IlHlaa alat. i M rfLl. oara. Am an ' nuwmvak At niain2 KaVffskV Barm GREEKS OPEN UP " TURKISH OFFENSIVE Constantinople. March Z4-'(j?r-the Awoclated Press.) An advance of abont 20-'rnileJ waa made by the "Creeks on both the Smyrna '. and Brusa fronts during the first day of their offensive against the Turks. The Turksywho are. fighting hard, declare they will not retreat on til every means pf defense ;,-have been vex hausted' i. ;! ,. .- -... -- The - offensive - which be gan after weeks of prepara tion is - proceeding under good weather . conditions The ' Greek line now runs some - twelve miles east . of Yenishehr - on " the Brusa front, and also about twelve mOes east of Uahak on the Smyrna, front. , . ; I !..M.ia mm ta ahnw very little da-1 m. v.ri i . m.l.e - y - .... ABO U.11UU. WW, 4 n lUUllil.uu r. vH'- I air to take advantage th iaeiutte art.tmt.r w. Wilkinson a pilot of th War Financ Corporation relet- jiti a machinist mate and three inr to exports. eaa ..oa ox cnapara- ,.a,. .. atedenta. Naval nfflciala tively Uttle value aalesa Maine men fcer ,,pre!l, Kntt fear for their mfety. show a greater inclination to ao Bost-i nf) jafonnatioB received from neat with it thaa ta just now being tt wty thta mprninf when howa. It ia in Position to render great service to both tk south aad tke west ta aiding tn agrieurnirai wn ests of tkos section and U is ready aad willing to serv.' , I.lttla Wast fee ithala . Commissioner ef -Education, P. P. Claxtoa haa just iemed .a statemeat tkat akowa ' that th peopl ef the United States spend mere for luxuries tare earriar, pigeons returned bearing messages. One said that tn nenooa w eaa operate oar plant better, we ar prepared to pay him good money for, th iaformatioa. Th colloquy ended witk' the with-', drawal by the tw CommiMioners- of their, objection aad witk th explana tion by Chairmaa Lee tkat kia ra- stark, rclativ to tk Carman report ' te tk Sect that it, would be received waa off St. Andrews Bay, Florida, drift-1 for -what it wa worthy waa th same ing toward th opea eea. Tka other, received a little later, said that all bal last kad beea throw a overboard end that th balloon waa thea at aa altl- j tad of 100 feet, slowly (inking. i A nsval dirigible and a amber of I comment k has aud ia reference t ' all auch' report. ' ' V ' ' "If aaybody ia insulted about' that, , , tka wkole room full ought to be." " . WlBstoa-Salem BeawBxaa. ; " ' . Th. ' hearing of ' fa Wins ton-Sal am - rat hearing was resumed . yesterday la a eiagl year then they have utlw discatched ia search of the mis.' morning at M o'clock witk H. M. for odacation ia the past W years. I . K-iia, lata, but no to a lata hour I Eaton, chief engineer of th Winston- tonight ksv been nnabl to locate th I we Lmpaay, aaa sevea otaer balloon or any of it crew. Th search M Being continued tonight and an carle boot ka been ordered te eea to aid ia the search. y "North Carolina a direct- federal - tax bill ef eiffi,667,3 af 1S0, ae say, "wa eeveral million dollar mere tha ita total exmBditara for edncatioa, higher aad lower, public and private. for the Z50 year. or ita exnnonce as ooloay aad etate, and to ha direct tax bill for 1920 shoald be edded ita pro- nortionste part of " th total tax af S323 0000." ThU statemeat go to show that , the recent Oeaeral Assembly was wise ia fa day aad Sea era tioa ia going forward ia ita appro priation for education. . t - Senator SimmoB has received aa in vitation te address tk convention of tk Nortk CMliaa Draiaag Aaeoeia' tioa whiek i to be bold at Elisabeth CENEaTXIXT, FAIK WKATBCK .' ' PREDICTED rOK BASTEB ... . Waaklagtaa, March itoTbe atbor kareaa aaalgha aaat a moa. aaaw of baa aed af cheer to th of th -Uaitod Stataa. The ..... roe Kaatoe Saa day th aatlsok I foe gsaorally fair weather with iach of associated concerns ia ether States, ea th ataad. . - ' - Th Winston-Salem company, accord-, ing to Mr. Eaton, wa organised in 1917 witfc 9300,000 common stock, 933,000 pre ferred stock, with asoBoa bonds et--standing af tha 9500,000 authorised. ' This stock waa issued upon tha forma tiea ef the present Wiaatoa-Selem Oa Company and th acquisition of th i plant from W. E. Mo.' Tk witaos was nnabl to say hew mack cash moaay west lata ta stock, hat admitted " tha 919,000 worth ef boada were given .' for $11000 worth ef stock. A total af 9300,009 k aaid was gives ia tk aequi- aitiea ef tke property by the pros sat ae (Caatiaaod ea Fag. TweJ CaaUaaad am Pag "TwQ Jl '. (Coatiaaod oa Peg te4 r