. Tie' News and Observer WATCU UtLL mm fmmt MH Ml rwwewei ee e.e fcr riit ta a., te (Ml Bail) .'an Bap., tteeeh lmrmilrmit eaSwce.r .. partly Mr. asttd "-sevys VOL CXm. NO. 85. TV'ELVE PACES TODAY. RALElCil. N. C SATURDAY MORNING. MARCH ?6. 1921. TWELVE PACES TODAY. PRJCEj FIVE CENTS' MULE R PRESENTS IS GOMPUMBflS lO.'IGCOIIIIP VVieldcr of Olive Branch Finds , Himwlf "Disappointed and OisoustetT WILSON SUFFERS FROM ATTACK OF INDIGESTION FhrsiclaJii Harried Bam. monad To Minister To For. . mtr frttidgnt it Bono " THREATENS TO TELL MR, ? ' HARD NO ABOUT IT ALL v. a Condict of Liana aad Moro bead "Slmplj Shaa.ful.' gas . Sampaonlta la Stats. j . meat to Btwapapert in wtahinf ton ; Haapa utsouto Upon Tnslr Haada i Tka News sad OWrm Bereee, - SOS District stieaal Bask BJdg ., f Br EDWARD B. BRITTON. .(By Special Iad Wirt.) WsshUgies. March M.-Deelsrlsg thst bs wea'"dleppolBted aad disgust ed" sad that It u Inside secret tactiri ef "hog comblar" of tha Bepubliraa BUI committee that bad parcel l.d out lha Federal pi ia North Corollas Mat themsslves, former Senator Mar ioa Butiar woe back ia Washington to 4 it after beiaf at tba committee meet ins la Graaboro yesterday. Ht did mat mince wordi ia kia denunciation of tha taetira which bad knocked into smithereens any harmony buainese for whek be sad expressed kia willing Bess. "All tk.-y wanted was t tak all tka offices lo themselves daclarad Mr. But lor who tld of tho leadership at tha Meeting of tmall ring master" who wss "rrsdy to sest negro delegate over white, regardless ef the evidence for tha take of pie at tha Republican -National convention at Chicago." . Conduct Simply DWerrne fa I. Mr. Butler doclsres that secret tseties tare pUyrd by the 'hog-eembins" Be publiesns ia order to keep Many promt Beat atea away front the aieetiac by misstating iU purposes. "Their con duet" ke declared "wss.alroply disgrace ful I kaow of no performance by any committee, even in carpet-baa daya, whiek waa Biore disgraceful - And tba former Senator emphatically aaeerta D 1 .1 .. ttmAinm la In H. tftM of their conduct He haa thrown away the olive Branch which he offered and la going to use wun an mi ih to him stick. Asked what kind of a reception hi harmony prograo-received he. replied t "None whatever, from a majority at the committee" and eontiauaiU That majority ipnraed and apat up- ea every suggest ka jar. a harmony tmtiiu nfeder wkkh nes of the high est qualifications, repreaenti'g all ele tnent of tha party eboulU be-aeloeted to- repreaent- UiO-cavernmcuX iA thf im THirtant tmaitioD of hoaot and truat. Tttey Oto BO waai aarmony, aiear were tbey intereated in tne aueeea 1 1 the party. All they wanted waa to taie all -of the office for tbemaelvet, and that la exactly what they eonapired to WaabiacleB, March aX-reraier Pr Ut wilttt wat aaid toatgkt Vi he re eeriaf eat ia facta rily fr4 aa t attack of UdigMtiea which he eafferad akertly after ae.a today. Admiral Carj T. Orayaoa, the forwer Preaideara phy aUJan, aaid H probably weald he 'aa- ether day er two before Mr. Wikwa aoald he eaaaidered aa eaUrtly re earered- Mr. Wil-oav kaa beea eabieal te rrene iadiaeetiea for a aamboV ef yeare aad loday'a attack, aitkowfh withent waraui(. waa not wheUy aa experted. H ame aaid. Oaly mew ef kia family aad aerTanu were pre eat when the attack earred bat bar ried ealll btenght Dr. Bterliag Baffle, who previowily kad atteaded kim, lo the home ob "8" at red. Pr. Orayaoa arrived eooa after aad wltk Dr. Baffla applied the remedlaa tkat had proved aaoMoaful la prerioa attack a. Mr. WU eoa waa aaid te bare aalrkly roaponded te the treatmeat aad Dr. Baffla oa leariaa the Wilaoa home about f:30 'clock deecribed the patieal's eoadiUoa aa aatiafactory. Moat ef the afteraeoa araa apaat by the Preaideat ia bed, hie condition be iaf deecribed aa much almilar te that f the Bormal peraoa who had auirerea from each aa atUck. Lota ia the after boob be wae ap for a little while aad aeeaied to feel much better. Dr. Orayaoa aaid toaight that ha kad prescribed a diet for hie patient natil the effect -ef the attack completely wore off. It might be poaaible for the former Preaideat ta take his daily motor rid. tomorrow, ke aaid. bat it wae-not probable. ICA REFUSES ER TO RESUME TRADE iiitii niieeii iimi in 1 11 nuooitt n Ulf NOTHING SEEN OF MISSING BALLOON Squadrons of Airplanes. Fly- . a a aw I ing Boats ana uingimes Continue Search PeneacoU, PU., March 25. Con tinued eearch today by aqnadroas of airplane, flying boat, dirigible aad Fundamental Changes Must Be mtm m aawa .aw4 I Maae m tconomic ysiem Under Soviet Rule NOTE DISPATCHED BY SECRETARY -OF STAJE Hardlnf Cablaat Eolda Maatlnf To Dfaeuai Kota toad Afraaa On Daflnlta Policj In Una With That Adoptad Bj WLL ton Admlnlatration : Sacra- X$jj Hoorer Approre It RESTRICTIONS PUT JON WHITE HOUSE VISITING Waahlaei ataech X OhW. ' iiitia. tanajaea of reform paa. oeaaw aad a. .a aaemhera of ( greaa ad ehw who al aa a, favwra we dtapaa a4l at Ike , WhMo Boawe rnsot auhe thl ralla 01 MoBdar. Wedaoaday THday kHMtUf, If they hoe ta aee rreo Meo4 ardia,. Aaaeaaiinat that ntM he greaaed for oary tkr-w daya a worh waa made by w kHe ewoe BfaWlale lamlgbl la orrard wfcth a doctatM by the Prroideat that he waa grrtaa m mack Umm to the horde of vlaitace who hate Ibr-tagwd the eaevatl.e efBrOT aver eiare taagerattwa. The d.ataad M hta Uaaa haa ktta a groal that he haa aa aaewt of hie erealag at wwrh ea eocrespoadeatre aad othoe preaalaf kaalaaaa. DEBS RETURNS TO Waahingtoa, Varrk f3.-Tk Aaeri eaa go.erameat aotifled tka Sorirt aa tkoritice la Raatia today that roramp tioa ef trade betweea Ruaaia aad the Catted Bute eoald aot be eoaudcred a a til faadameatal ehaage had bcea ade la the eeoaomie ayatem aader lying the Roriet (regime. Safety af humaa life, guaraatee ef property righta, free labor aad obavr a ace of the aaartlty ef eoatraei were amoae the reauireaunia laid dowa ia brief not by Secretary Hughe a leatial if the door af commerce be tweea the two coaatriee are oace more to be opened. The eommaatcatioa added that "eoBTlaeing evidence of the consummation of euch change mnt be furaiahed before this, government eves' eared to diwasa 'the eabject. reaadatiea Per PradactlvHy. The reouiremeata the aot declared. lay at the foundation of Kuaeiaa prod- aethrity, . by which aloae the natiea Id hip te rebuild h.r foreign trade and make heraelf attractive eeom mically to the' nation with which ah deaired to exchange product. Tha communication was made publi at the SUte Department in the form el etatement by Secretary Hagbe wit a the notation that a copy of it had beea Beat to the American consul nt Rival. Ksthonin. to be haaded to Ut- vinoff, the Soviet representative there. The not was in reply to aa appeal recently addressed by the Soviet regim Preaideat. Harding aad wagress HIS PRISON CELL Socialist Leader BaCk From Visit To Attorney General In Washington Atlaata. Ca, March 3.-Eufa V. Deb retaraed ta the Atlaata federal peaiteatiary today to reenm th roatiaa of priaoa life agaia after hla rrio to Washiaftoa where k dlaruaard hi eaa with Attorney Oeaeral Daugkerty. . -The Borialist leader wka i serving tea-year term on conviction of vlolat iag th war lli'e ropioaag act wa smiling nnd cheerful a ko alighted from the trala and in th brief tim before he met the warden aad was whisked away to. th priaoa, he aswereV every queatioa aaked except tkoee about kis conference er kis chances for release. "I appreciated the confidence shown ia me by letting me go alone and on honor to Washington. (aid air, GFRMAN POLICE CAPTURE MSA T FIGHT Recapture Middle eGerman In dustrial Centers From The Communists VIOLEN RESUMPTION OF WORK AFTER RESTORING ORDER! FRIDAY IS UNLUCKY FOR GAS COMPANIES CONEY INJURED BV i SMASH INTO TREE Army Aviator Misses Chance To Excel Record For Trans- T Continental Flight Aalrars. aI Im , Marra m no I ray eiamiaatiun of Lieutenant W. I) Raoant Upriainf Tracad To BoL ahaviatio lafluancaa From .ia; Bitn.tioi StiB CoiL I T.tZX Z aidarad Danrarona But forcea of Law and Ordar Gradually Oattinf Control Berlin, March t3.(Dy the AuocUlcd Pre.) Advice received tonight from the diatnrhrd industrial areas ia mid die Germany state that ths police re raptured Ktslrbcn nnd Hvttatcdt from h rommnniata after violent flghting. Th Communnta ka. take pew sio of Urge nitrogen works in Leuna. nrnr Halle, nher thry are reported to hat. formed a Red army of tl,iKi. lieaders of the Communists nt Klale- tea, the advice ld, were overthrown nnd flrhtim in th Manafeld District ha. erased. ' Resumption of work in Eislebem, haa been made conditional by th police commander upon the restoration of or dcr. the return of property aad ta hirudins ever to the authorities .uf all ammunition. He promised that th who voluatarily eurrendered would aot ha nuniaked. The Communtat leadc have undertaken to th otmoit to fullill fties demsnds. sicisns atleaiBng him who atat that he hss oaty alout en chaac ia tea te roeovrr. lis Is still consrWos and cheerful, but hi physictaas any fever is developing. At' 10 43 a 'clock tonight Iloclera rharles CbamberUia aad J. H. I'llmaa, ia charge of the ease, leaned the fol lowing bulletin regarding the eoa dilion of Lieutenant Coney, as disrlo ed by their .lamination: 'Lieutenant 4 'ouey ia suffering from fracture of th third, fourth and flfth lumbar vertebrae. He is paralysed from the rhret down; temperature i3. W regard his eoadilioa at very serious. Tidewater Power Company of Wilmington Has Hard Grim ' , ing at Hands of City At- lomcj Ruaric HUGH MACRAE PUTS ..UP PLEA FOR CONCERN McNinch Oloaas Up Haaxinf For Charlotte Witk Moiioa To Diamiaa While Qretaiboro Rata Matter Ia Diapoaad of Briefly; Xalaifh Caaa To Ba Concluded Todaj Deb; "and I nioyd the trip. "Yes, I'm going back to be a good eoavict agaia," he stid smilingly, memant later la answer to a query a to whether be w goiag directly to the Drieoa. The Bneialist leader feel that th De partment of Justice ha been "fair and qnare with him so far, ao matter whs, tha final decision is."' according to Ramnel Caetletoa, attoracy for Debs do. A majority of the committee, nn Am h t..rhln of a nmall rina anasur, woo luuniu vhrkw . - ready to acat, negro delegate over der to get command ot tn patronnge jiie trough, formed a hog combine to di vide all of the office " among them aelpes. Of -course, the smaller auch - a-f - At. I ABI M in urn m COinoin, iui uiwr-r urn .S.i. lalaa wiswlil! A then hlfVrrfXslt i. to the exclusion of irioro competent men on the committee, to aay nothing of a large number of vastly more competent and deserving men all over th btata. Kept Meeting Bee ret. it ia now known that it tint tho pur pose of thi small hog -combine to keep the time and piece of this committee meeting a weeret By agreement anrong themselves, no notice of this meeting wat given to the press.' When it leaked out throogh aomebody up ia the moun tain that there waa ta be sneh a meet- insr. the the combine tried to mislead everybody possible by circulating a re port that patronage manors woum .mm be taken ap, on mat me oniy'Dusi- nesr wouia oa to accept v r. uua resignatioa and elect a new enairmaa. Indoed,fae combine, it J mow known, - ana aiso nnreea on. ivr hiw'.ow uu man. the Mttle boss man Friday, who belned with him the negro ' delegate business kt Chicago: bat when the combine learned that the dark delegate business ' at Chicago was known, they decided to hold Mr. Linaey oa tba b for the n resent: because they were evi dently afraid to risk the election of either the Honorable J. 3. Parker or tka Honorable A. A. Whitener. Beaides, th east wa demanding the ehsirman hip, if there was to be a change, and this combine was dsteymiaed that , the East should have , noth- ina? outside of the combine champion hip. It ia knows that many prominent men ia th party in various sections ef the State who wanted to be present wncn ms Iters ox puoiie-wmce were sua' sidcred were prevented from nttending hy th falsa aad misleading reports bout th purpose of tha meeting. While the - hnrmoay . progrsm was Tseing treated as contemptuously by this hog-eembine, tha large anmoer 41 rep resentative Republicans praseat .were giving their hearty and aaaaimaoa en dorsement to saea a program in xao in terest ef th party and ia tha interest af common fairs aad eoauaoa de eeecr I am Being aoat rather strong langaage, fiat I am- aot asing laagaag J 88 Strong mm u yimvwmm'm uDBiuua. I ant Botaaad bat I mm disappointed ad discasted. I thought I knew before the sine ef thoee who made ap that smsll hog eembine, bat I aeaeas that I had wot dreamed that they eoald stoop to sack littleaeas, prompted by auch small and selfish motive. Their conduct wa simply ehaanefaL I knew of ae performance, hy any oowimitre, even ia carpetbag days which was store diarrneefnl. . ' "Not only was the perform sac ff th casus it t geaerally eeadeaued by th Republican present, sat - seven an embers ef the sesnmitte wwro heard to say thariwch a arorst aneetia, - esgl boaU failed to diaeov.r aay trae Amt trad relatione between the M - hiB' Bufordi of the miing naval ballooa ia eomr Uaited Bratea aad Buaaut b restored iorslng and rods back. di. mand of Chi.f Qu.rt.nna.ter O. B. d PP '1'JutTto thlt -if v v Wilkinson, carrying four students which th. United States to -t Per,nnlly I think kis chance. Wre left th. naval air statioa hers Tuesd.y d. No tm made T (ood bat that i. o-ly my pereoaal opia- nicht and was last' reported over the '7 l? P"'P1 t0 ' ion aaid Cartleton when asked about ivht Oulf SO mile off Bt. Andrews Bay. Naval , official however, have aot grvea nt hope of reeewing the miesing men; fiuinileTBOTtnrirth "worl U wr- craft, the gie boatn aad a mb chatar today sig tagged ever a S00 mile radius of the- Gulf- wtih fit. Andrew Bay aa a starting .Tiat. The naval veeasm followed out asactly th saw tactic as were employed ia war state for huntiac submarines, th only tl ferenee being that thi tim they were seeking friends, aot foes. Flying Beau Bean nea. Circling; above and in constnat com muniention with the dirigible w detention to this country, Disease Baaalaa Trade. Frier to making a inaf deeisioa, the Bnssnra' fade naai itioar "wars discussed for aasrty tw hoars by President Harding aad his cabinet taking late eeownt a vasr eeUeeuoa ai anta oa Rusaiaa eowdltioas gathered by. the Rtmt aadfammeree deoartmeats. In a statement sfter the note hsd been amde publia Secretary Hoover declar ed the eoneluaioa reached "shows the aosnnlete arreemeat of the view ef the whale administration." Ualik previous official pronounoe the result ef th conference. . Mr. Deba ssad It plain te ' the Attorney QaiSAl. that le had aotbintt ' take back, aoChing to recant," ad.ied Ctl- ton. -and he was aot asked to.' . They discussed ths ess la a five- hear conference. I wish I wsr per mitted to sriv details ml what took Discs." . i: Dab left her Wednesday morning his departure shrouded in seereey on orders from Wsshington but thsrs was no especial effort to prevent his retora becoming known. . Warden Zerbst, who tinriv.. L - f I . . . , ' . . meats of the Americas governments -"" - attitude toward the Soviet regime, See- Wudiingtoa to meet the prum.er at the sister ship to, ths ill-rated u s, which Vu.. 7 note dealt solely with station, flew fro BocW taLIr.py, New af land aad sea ia vale search for Chief I WilkiaeoB and his comrades. Despite today. s disappointment, naval officials hav no intention ex surreaaer-1ns- hone, sad the search is being con- tinned tonight and will be carried on I again tomorrow, the eirele ever widen ing. The ballooa ia which the five men left Penaaeola at 8 o'clock oa tho evea- rAttlg THINKS IPRI8INC LARGELY aPURIOl'S ON Paris, March 3.4)(Hcial circlea here regard the eoinmouist npriaing in tier niaay as "spirrious" basing their judg nent on dwstches received ia tin eitv. Latest reoprts resetting official quar ters are to the effect (bat a large num bar of Bussian bolshevik! succeeded i entering Hamburg, bringing with, them larse supplies of money for propaganai purposes. The uprising there i ittri buted in most part to their influence F0RCX9 OP LAW AND ORDER GRADUALLY GETTING CONTROL London. .March 25. Although the situation Arising from the Communist outbreak in Germany i. stilt danger a us, tha communist srs being Hsreom by the forces or saw ana oroer, sec ova ing la report, from th different een tars, ssys s Csatral Nsw dispatch from Barlia today. There sss beea no repetttioa er tne disorder in Hamburg, where the police re master of the situation, th report add. Investigation of the reported com manist nttempt to blow up the satau ary in the Sieges Alice in Berlin is de elared to have revenlcd the eiistcnce of a widespread conspiracy of violence which was to have beea started today, Good Friday. Nothing is more Important to, the whole, commercial world than, the re- that when the . basket touched the wster the " descent would atop. It ia believed by balloon experts here, that j mmwm of productivity ia Buaaia. How ths srsft would keep the men above I . mHthna, . rnndamentnl ehann in I . . . . . i m At.. .i. I " w ... uraier xor aeveru uyv u. iuw their whole eeoaomie system, there will wnwuira wu. - i n. mm eoBseqaeauai trsas or - proane- - May Have Landed mm Beach. I tion aad no stoppage of eontfaaooe de- wirn mm ... aurwi wibb nlnr" ivi . i Kvmmammum at . . v ' n 1 1 I . lieve tfls uauiooa mtmj bwvv uvvw vsrriww -to th beach in some remote place from which the fliers have been enable to eammunieate or work their way te civ- a declined to a.ty what train he come in on nut arter ueos ar- i Dm ii - . . a j: .k. I rival ha made no effort to prevent l'eos . . . . n i I mnn mxmnm mjm MLitraiuL w ui m w- - V? '"yoM wh0 ered t0 ,,ue' "'"i .1 nI.l,.l.t .nwrament. It set fort IB hob sua. . t k. rmmmnmrn whv the I The two shook hands in hearty fash TT.it,! States eonaidera it poor business Ioa as Deba alighted from the train, to trade with Buaaia wader existing eon-1 Deba greeting the bead of the peniten ditions but mads no indictment against tUrjr with "I'm mighkw glad to see yon x) : . nniitiesl avwtem. I strain. - Mr. Warden. flwnn sswssBB jwaaaa. sat m m mm - w w . b It was twisted out. however, that! Immediately there was a pop-fir of there was nothing ia- ths note to re-1 questions from newnpaper men nnd the vers or1 modify ths communication to I warden apparently by design dropped Italy ia which the Wilaoa admin intra-1 to one aide asjd let tec prisoner mnse ing or Mareass was a majwu cuow ran nm-nmM. Bt the Uaited 8tatea to "Oh. I can't talk to you about that,'- era. most of whom are away craft Betide th mn and ballast, tw , intn Miitii!al neeotiatioBs with I Deba said to almost -a very oneetion re-1 Berlin or are ia seclusion here.' pigeons were carried. One of these re- TerBmeBt "based upon the negation I garding the conference in Washington I The majority and independent Socisl furned to ths air station at 9:30 o clock . -,:-,. nt honor and wood I anil the chances of a pardon aa a result iata and tha independent- labor union . -.1 I V& W.V.J V ....... I " - I ... Thursday morning wun a mrowgo faito-- . I of It continue their vigorous condemnation which had been started nearly St aeon gaeritsry Hoover's Tlews. I The entire trip was uneventful, Debs Lof the present communist revolt, wsra- before. The second pigeon retnrnad cwmtarv Hoover's statement follows: said, sad added that he enjoyed it end ing organised labor against giving the xnursaayi u" " " -y" r " I .Secretary Hughee statement er .tne felt fine. He was plainly enjoying tne communists moral or pnysieai support, beea IA hours on the way. - The last f nuitlB trada situation today shows the I novelty ef being outside the prison The gas and water works ia Halle message gave the position a HI miles -sapiet! agreement in the views of. walls. - srs tied up although the ether municipal off 8t Andrew- Bay with the drag ropo u whol, admiaistratioa. I Ifdtion pietor camera were grinding plant . voted against striking. Th in ths water and all supplies exhausted. 1 . mtmlXbt of trade the first thing- away aa he passed down the station and communists slso srs making an effort At thi lime, th wind was en shore to determined about Buaaia is if aad I for a time he would aot pause to permit to (but down the Ooethen power plant ana me oaiiooa wi ..uv . he tfceT ehaBfS tBeir eeonomie sys-1 speeisl pictures bntshe finally .yieldeit.l near Bitterdold, which supplies a large northward. I tern. If they eo change Its basis as to araeefnlly te the importnnitk end with f section of Berlin with eurrent. Technical It ia en the wording of this last ieeept ef private property,!, brief apology to the warden for his auxiliary troops are ia-readiness to message-that navsl omeials paae tneirl freedom ef tabor, provide for the NicUeW faced the bettery of cameras keep the public utilities in operation BERLIN EXPECTS POLICE TO SECURE CONTROL SOON Berlin, March 2. (By the Associatsd Press.) Belief waa expressed in gov ernment circles today that Unless the communists succeed in tying up mid Germany's industrial aress in a gen etal strike the government will oe sble .J - ..i.i. it.- : .( i .. W CUIO Willi IUD riu.iiy rVTlluB IM Eliileben, Munsfold, lretterstedt snd leuna. The. local communist organizations thus far have not been given open sup port by the National communist end- mm 8TILL HOPES' TO MAKE FLIGHT At' KOtMl CONTINENT Monroe, Iai., March S5. "I will make the flight from the Atlantic to the I'a rile yet if desth does not Vti'p me,' I.ientcnsnt William Deroe Coney, trans continental flier, who crashed to earth oa the Uose Lanier farm at T:30 o'clock thia morning, declared this afteraooa shortly before he waa eonveved by as tomobiie aad train to Nalches, hiiss, here be will be given treatment at a sanitarium. I wanted (o break my own world's record in my trip bars, to the I'aeilc nnd" my kVeoet regret in that I have failed," the. injured llier continued. "1 know that I would have estsbliabed a new record if I had aot beea beaten by nsture. It is pretty hard to over come the laws af gravity and to Bad out new things ia nature. I thought thst I waa learning some of ksr secrets when this sceident occurred. I would Th Tide Wster Power Company, ef Wilmington, with a gas rale ef tZ-U paring arvea per real eh He eeaaaeee aad preferred atoek aad Uy lag aaid a haadwme surplus rame ia for peiated grilling at the haads af City Attorney Robert Buark, ef Wilmingtea. before the Corporation Commiasioa yaaaerday ia th aeriee ef gna rale keariaga which are being held thia week te detarmiae whether .or aot the pablie a ti lit tee ia the mate are to maiataia their tem porary rates. The errambliag ef gaa, etreet sail way aad electric light aad powvr wrvie. all ia ea corporation, la divisible aad a pr really handsomely proltable, the offeriag of eaa value tioa for tax purpose aad aaether. doubts the first for a rate basic together witk evidence ef aa ia mease leakage double the normal were outstanding feature of the day se far aa this eon corn wna coaeeraed. Yesterday morning, Mayer MrKiach, of Charlotte, completed his sreee ex amiaatioa ef Mr. Marshall, ef the Hnuthera Public Utilities Compear ef Charlotte aad lodged a motioa te dis miss the Charlotte pet it ioa. Ia the afteraooa tha Oreenabore hearing was disposed of, and thia morning, begin ning at tea o'clock City Attorney Joka Hinsdale will offer additional testimony for ths people of Raleigh. Hagh MacRae Oswaa The Tide Water Power com pa ay ia the largest locally ewaed gaa-power-tract ioa company ia the South. Huarh MacRae, its preaideat, declared in have won oat if it had not been for those foga along the Miaaiasippl river, opening' the ease for his' company dnr ing the morning session. Ita Interests I hsd a fair flight until I struck the fog banks slong the river nnd then I lost my wny to some extent, and from the Mis.ia.ippi river until I hit the ground I was flying low. I wna pre paring to . make a landing because of engine troubl when I atruck a tie nd went dowa. I do not remember much about what occurred after . I struck the tree until I fouad myself in the- ansva of hlese Lataiar aad hi ar inextricably interwoven with tht interests ef the community, aad if the power company Buffered, the city Buf fered, be aaaiataiaed. rise ing a value ba the eombiaed pro perties of $3fiO0flO0, which he claimed waa the actual price ef the property, he eoggeeted that th Corporation Com asiaaioa ought te f ia a fair rate of art good-t ife, who conveyed me te their taur, sad allow, th eomeaay e charge uomoi I guess it is all ever." ays He'e Going Te Die. Lieutenant Coney early ia the day kept repeating over and over that ke wa going to die, but his physicians had cheered him up to some extent this nfternoon and he was inclined to take more philosophic view of the acci dent. His keenest disappointment is over his failure to act up a new record; the fact that he may die or be maimed rates that weald eaeare, aader effici ent managemsnt, each a retarn ea the iavested capital. m Although 1910 waa a good rear, aai tbe company made aad sold W asillioa feet of gas, ths profits of the corpora tion were almost aoa-exieteat, he un dertook to ahow. Cil was bought at aa average of H3 ceata pergalloa, aad coal delivered from the mines for sa over age of sej.7V per ton. The cost for life being secondary, according to I thousand feet of gas for maaafaetur- those who hare talked with him Drs. C. M. Darrell snd J. W. Winn, who attended tha young flier through out the day, were Jiot prepared to lay tonight as to whether he would live or die. "If he doea not die," said Dr. DarreU, I fear that he will be crip pled or paralyzed for life. Of course, there is hope, snd I would aot say defi nitely he will not' recover the uae of his limbs, but the chances srs sgninst him." Doctors DarreU and Winn late todsv issued the following report as to his condition : "Lieutenant Coney is paralyzed ia hii lower extremities. There is loss of sensation and motion in the lower ex tremities. His temperature is 102. ing alone was 1J2. Added te this cost . was distribution, taxes, etc. Mr. MscRae paid high tribute te his general manager, Raymoad Huat, aad atributed the relatively low cost ef manufacturing gas te the feet that Mr. Hunt had beea able te aegotiate ad- vantageoua eoatraeta for raw materials. He regnrded the management of hi properties aa very highly efficient, and thought thht this consideration ought to be taken by the Commiasioa. Somewhat gloomy wna Mr. MacJUe ia regard te the future of the gas business ' in Wilmington. Business depreaaioa -haa struck th town with th closing ef the shipyarda there, materials are go ing to be higher, and consumption of gaa lower. His estimate of the cost ef belief that tbe ballooa leaded where ea th deserted coast ef the outer Island. The balloon, apparently ty ef human- life, eta, there is hope of their recovery front the miseries ef famine there is hope of a elow re- had almost sufficient buoyancy to re-1 gjy j, production aad the upbuild mum in sue sir u . - . I ins- ef trade. ( Meat Beetere The government of tbe United States," aaya Secretary Hughes com mnnieatioa "views with deep sympathy aad grave eoaeern th plight ef thopeo- nla mr ". awat lauM IM aJol bw . much greater than il they reached the I try appropriate saeaae in promoting mainiaaa Because sae . rewi as nines i mrnnmr annorvwaitiaa thenar whieh barren without any place where, free .osssiOTee eaa be established apoa a water mit-ht gather. . The maialand, bads. It is manifest te this gov- ilizatioav. If tbey laaded ea the outside Island their hardships are likely te be however, while brokea and barren ia masy plaeea, hss masy fresh Jratee st reams where h ' fliers eontd quench their Uinta, redd eaa be obtained almost anywhere because ef the wealth ef ebsllneh aloag the entire e These eoaditioas .are .the basis ea which naval officials today believe that aaothsr Caaadiaa aaaoaete will be seated and the fiiere,wiU nhiauitely.be romae. - Te Cere Fee Weensded Bel alar Washing-tos, March tt Ceafidemee ef early improvement in facilities for the care ef wpuaecd aoldiera ef the. World War was ex p una id by edmiaie- tratwa efltejale today ae a result ef a caavaas ef the airuatiea saade at Airertioa ef Preaideat Harding. The eabieet is naderstaod te have been die- id at the Cabinet meeting where data was sabsnitted shewing that 11,900 additions - heepital , beea . weald he available .for the work ia the smanent that ia existing circa nuts nee tare is ae asaraase for the development ef trade, as the suppiiee .which Buaaia might aow be able te obtain weald he wholly inadequate Je meet her need end ae hsetiagajood eaa result ee leag as the pi usvns cauwm si pingniesive xmpover takment eoatiaae te operate. It is eajy ta tee productivity er Bassia that there is any hope for the Beaiaa people aad It is idle te expect reeamptioa. ef trade aatu the sseasms basee ef prednetioa are eecwrety eetabiishe. Chartw Agalaat Asheville, .March. ZX la Xioperior Court today.' the ease ef Otto Israel. former eonaty eossmiasioBer. and Clay Same, former eeuaty read iaarpeetor. werq ended whoa the State took m aoi- ta Israel s esss aad found Bams net guilty. " They were- charged-wo h b ese-it hetaa--sjleced that fhep did set orea eoBtraetevs ea the BaraardsTula road te starry eut agaia. (should the employes wall out he aad Debe alld Cnstleton went to the MAKINc tNulNtxKS UU prison, and passing by ths postofflcs the wsirdea i halted a few- minutes while Debs madecaother trip alone. This was late the poarnffiee ha mall some let ters. ' Half, aa hour nttr be was back ia tho prison- again. . When he doe lesve the peaitentlary for BACK TO THEIR JOBS New York, March 25.-Matin engt neais and oflieen on ucesn-irolna- tun along the Atlantic eoast, who went oa striks yesterday in protest agsinst wsg i"rrr . m redu.tion hsvs returned toork good, Debe expects to ge to Terre 5 -nBfii,i.tlDn h, th. Daoart- pending eoneiliatioa by tbe Depart ment of Labor. ; Thls message was sent to the Depart- meat tonight by Thomas B. Healey, rsirji PKi-si. Rwe.inia nr euairmsa or me Atlantic sna uuu OlNCilH Il PANAMA I w eoaxerence 91 wis juarine cngi W..I,U.. U.eeh es Pn.ia-.nt Beers Deaenciai aasoetatipa. - tie sis Haute. Ind aad spend some time with kia family, his attorney said, and wilM mans his future plsna then. pulse 100, respiration 26. Ijiou tenant ' wss $7Ji2 per ton for the coming year, increases ia wages to ui em ployes vf the company were aot going to be made if avoidable, he aaid. Robert Buark, city attorney for Wil mington, interrupted Mr. ilaeBae fre quently during the two hours ef hie oresenUtioa of th Tid Water Coney 1 conscious and cheerful but does aot talk much. fleade T.lecraaa to Fiance. ' The injured flier late this afteraooa seat a telegram to Miss Mary Morgan, Haa Diego, Lai., ah id to ba his fian The measage wat brief, simply stating, "my plane fell this morning aad my P" es. At one stage Mr. IfseSaa Porraa, ef Panama, hss called a speeisl seesioa of Congress for aext Mondsy to consider Panamss attitude toward the. demand made by 'the American government thst Fsusma aeeept as tt Sk Will. S Ik. K An nil ary betwwe. thst eeuntry wad Costa wera immematejy oispstcnca to en, ar- nformatioB was eontaiaed I r"1 scat a message to Secretary of Com meree Hoover, who brought the strike situation to the attention of -Che De partment of Labor thanking aim for his intercession. , , , . Orders for murine workers 'to return Rica. This information was contained la a dispatch "received today- by the State Department from the Americas legatsen at Panama City. receipt of a telegram from th director ef eoneiliatioa of the Departmeat ef Labor, offering conciliation and nrging that the engineers remain at work. Tk department,' it- was learned, imnsedi ately assigned a eoneiliatioa eommi- sieaer te tak charge ef the case, Mr. HssJey Said that awn engaged ea beats ef the Philadelphia aad Beading railroad hart opposed g reduetioa aad w.ll appeal their ease te the rail- BI8HOP KfLCO GOES TO HOSPITAL 'IN BALXTMORk. Baltimore: Md. March, tSV Bishop John C. Kilgo, ef the Methodist Episco pal eaarrtr, booth, a member ar the beard ef directors ef. the - Southern Railway- Comnaav. arrived la Bslti more today front hie hem ia Charlotte, I read labor board, ar n v v . . n. vj..4 si , ' . -. v. uivr mm w... mm j.. ww. . . . sr.ii ., . i w-. I ' unanie Te nae ivcrra. whera'h-H S'm im Hv.nl davT yBimlagham, Ala, Mare 5.-After v - - . . I esewe-maaaua, am swars. a v WeBsaunsf. vmt? raj . Aaaeher Caadidase fee Haye- ' lte.be U elayer ef J. L. Bourgouis, Ckarlotla. Waseh U Jassea O. Wal-1 age 73, aad 15 year old Leery Murphy. her today. aaa.asesd hhwaelf anndidate as rar-ae'attau today. Chief Deputy forr asaywr, making, the feurta: veadi- i Pred Me Don" aad hie equad f men re date ia -the Bel, ethers briar Mayer I rernee se .mrminjrnaja lor toaight. an Jeha Wilswa. Cant. W. E. Tsuata aad ueeeesral ia their atUasw te catch spine was seriously injured." After spending the day at tbe Mose LanieY farm, Lieutenant Coney was taken to Wiansboro thia afternoon at 8 o'clock. He waa in charge ef J. O. Parker, Doctors Darrell aad Wina ani others. At Winnsboro he waa trans ferred to a trtia for Natchex, where he was dus to arrive early tonight. Tears fsll from the young man's eves when he told Lanier and hi wife (food fye. "Xou have beea good to me," he said, "aad I shall never forget you." He7aIso thanked th phyiieiani nnd towns people for coming to see him snd giving him aid. Large qusBtities ef flowers were takes to the . Lanier farm by Crowville people shortly becer he was taken-.sway aad he was deeply touched by th .tribute. ' MRS. CONET LEAVES TO Bl ' AT BEDSIDE OP BOX Jacksonville, fla., March S&Mra. E. F. Coaey, aeempaaied by. an elder eon submitted newspaper clipping of a meeting held in Wilmington proteasing against the gas service, aad also criti cising Mr. Buark for aot taking more draatie stepe to remedy the situstioa. -'Do you think thst representative ef the intelligent jublie opinion of Wil mington T" Mr. Buark interrupted. "I de not, but it is tbe unintelligent opinion that ia always sfter us that we have te fight," replied Mr. MacRae with some heat. Mr. Rahrk on cross exsmiaatioa first devoted hit attention to aa attempt to bring out tbe exact nature ef the fi nancing by which, the Tidewater Power has beea built up, hie object being ta shew that tbe bulk ef the fieXWjOOO, ef eommoa stock, the majority ef which is held by Mr. Mac Bee had been liber ally sprinkled, aot te say watered. Mr. MaeBae parried by declariag it waa worth every dollar that it tepre-, seated, and Corporation Commhmien sr Lee - eat the proposition abort by statins; that it was the practice to tonight for' Natchex, Mist, to be ia nt. (endsnee at the bedside vof her son, laentenant w. u. Coney, ... Trans-Continental s viator who' received . serious injuries when kis machine eraihed near Crowville, Law; early today. i Mrs. -Coney had apparently recovered sufficiestly to mske the trip 'from the shock caused by tha news ef the ae- eideat and waa reassured Jutt before I w-ta. value instead ef capitalised values. , Mr. MaeBae wanted Mr. Baark to continue. ' He wants to get kt eut ef hie sys tem," aaid Mr. MaeBae, whe asked that the atorney be given free nags, hut the eemmiastoaers had visions ml ait- " ting there through the eumaaer aad d' , eided te gat down te mare caatrote leaving by advice f rem Natrhca that Lieutensst Coaey won 11 recover from hi injuries. Bead AtrpUae Te Aid Coa.y Washington. March tS. Aa airplane has been ordered-dispatched from Love rield, DsIIae, Texas, to Monroe, Louiei- where Leeut. W. D. Coney fell today en hie return traaa-eeBtinental flight, the army air service, was ad vised today by the eemmaadaBt at Love Field. The avWaaage did aot snake clear the parpeee, moere aaid, bat it was ee- enaaed that ' the ofBewr gois la the elans would take charge of U aitoar Mr. Buark got aa sdmiasion from Mr. HaeBae that he had refused to ellow esteiders a)e adsait - the book e ef the -seneern ia ISIS and had refneseVte aa swer certain questions antil erdered to do ee by the Corporatiaa Cousmiasasa, Mr. Buark sprang ktia tavstioa figurwa ef glOOcOO for .the Tidewater, earper atioa as eompared with the property varus ef $382,000,' ae ehewav by the Istewt report to the esnmmiasten. . -- It wae about tthvpoiat that Jadgw Pull hireme appreheaaive ah sat the tkiag aevee card ing sad. sugrested that Mr., Baark devote hie atteauoa te the (Ceatlneed wa fat TJ fetare, - - , ; . . their ewetracts. rraa rjewrrv. Uien, . -.. .:,.; ; iCaaUiaeod Pa Page Twe) V V . a I kim,.

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