lbs rut vtxxuut Perils etoay fwadaj Mtow4 t Beaday eigM nod fciaes.r, MtUiM4 van,' erver ea r a-, Beat rl irS (, )'. la . tid iHifiiBa r. . ; - tVOL CXIII. NO. 66- TORTY-TCO PACES TODAY. RALEJGR N. G. SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 27, 1921. THIRTY.TVVO PACES TODAY. PRICE: SEVEN CENTS. ? VICTORY MEDALS open school GOING BEGGING IN WASHINGTON NOV College as Memorm urnalispi at Lee c r Lexiartea. March f. The Bobert E. Ln School f jMfMlw to mm to be eetabliahed ai Weahlagton 4 Lee Uaiveraity ia memory at the great Souther geaerel whe aa preel- at ef- the laetitati la )K founded llIli;An Dive f Dmmi Da. the tm .hair aa that eabjeet U the ,1 itv mil iw ,,w hbtorr af Ua eeaatry. Tale aaaeaae- main unclaimed By i-ormer i - - made today y nr. H..ry CerV rOITIPri liamm aiiii, wrraiosas or naaaiagiaa OCrVlbCIUCII .lead ta. aria aa HlamaUa Lrta ,k. Ham Ik a.ri.a akbk ka aa, , i ARMY OFFICERS WILL h-md U. -ppo ,t . , ...b.r i nPCM DIIRI iriTY ORIVF eepapar editere la Ua project. f , . wi bii i wwwiwt . u received their premiee ta aid la k. . . ... Ita tdewmeat. 'Unable TO StOUrt BecmlU ta net gouerelry kuewu.- aaid Dr. V Vfcmur, Officer. Find Job; J Distributing. XentBtMl OX aise joeraallam a a Irtraed prefea 4 - nil Vu lrrienltaral De. M ahened r 0rt War nCUi maikable for!! lad kleirc of pkTtmtBt ! Warning TO I tke Bred effce timee by eetoblktklag ..J 1 at Laraiagtoai aw n7er ( eaciaerriag ia tta Soatk to rebaild UU aaTMlalW taflea, but ba U 18flB Tka Nawa art Obaarrar Bureau, ' 03 Diilrkt Natloaal Baak ,Bl'f. r BDWABD K. BR1TTOM (Br BpaeUl Lea Wlra) WualMvtM. Uarca . Oaa woulJ faa4a) Ua tit atkaW af Wjsatlaa la Ut ( kM. a htalrv . Tatf aaa4 ffr4 Su f r araalaraalM fr 4 aanriac i aarabla laaatag' far ar4 la Ua aUuriaI arafaaiiaa, aa4 iaaafaratad a wkiaf eaaaacllaa vllk rllaaipM4 arialasf BhtaL Uat ararr ataJral BtlfM larvack appra tkaaala ta art I aawtpapar vara aaaaa apaa fraduliua Uaraaskry alpa4 fat aa adilonal at BMaafrrlal raaaaioa. Natalac la all Oaaaral La raaarkabla kaMarr aa atara U laatraMa f kta far aaaiaf talaa a4 af kaj aala kaaataJaa af Ua Hat llaaal aaada af Ua Maata Uaa hia aa- lUa la Uaa fi4taf arhawl, al iaaraallaai aa a caapUmtBl to kai arkaal af Bfiaarnaa. 'It la prepoar4 Ikal Ua 4iUra af tka bVMtk. aa Unlr Iribala la kta aiaai a 17. ratoaaiaa (kaaral Lea ai U foaadrr ta Aamariea . af Joaraallaai aJ a profaaaiaa by r-aaUliliaklac aa4 aa doaiac tka aekaol oktrk M aiaeaa Uaaa4 aUr kia dealk. TROTZKY VORKS TO B GHAM ON STAND V .in.ktik that tka aiaa af tka AaUaa aanaditionaiY forta would J cUiat tka Victory KedaU whkk Cob aaaaa antkorised aa tpeeial dlitine PROVIDE BIG NAVY AT MURDER TRIAL ULTk" h do.. ..t appaV.o fro. tke Military Dictator By Control!- Defendant Tells Connected raearda. Out af about foar million aira -k. mm urrioa ia tka war wltk Oar- way tkara kara baca oaly 1,50000 .'U'wkom vadala kara beaa uati. ing Food Supply Forced Sail- on To Submission Story But Breaks Down Un der Cross-Examination I IraTiag aoaia taa tka Uaa4 BUUf. ' Tka War Drpartmeat la atakiaf a If eMr to loeato former aereioa ma er ' tkalr rvlatiTaa, ao aa to diitribata tka ' nadala and to at tkia foiac M af- teara, vka kara aaaa witkdrawa ai re Florcaee, B. C, kfartk M. Edmund B. Bigkam, defendant la oaa of the moat Beaaatioaa! eaare ever tried la tkia Btata. ia wkiek ka la charred wltk marder In eonaeetloa aith the death. af kia brother Smiley and foar ether Stockholm, March taV (By tka Aano iUioa aUU kald by eiated Preaa.) The daaaila af tka be- flnnlaf of tka malt ia KreaaUdt afalnat the BoUherik admiaiatratioa, and the airenmiUBcei forming a back- rreuad agaiaat which tkia epieode can I member, of kia family, want aa tha h. aea. and iadied kare beaa laaraed def" U .io': ..7 Z . i .. . k .nt ! w.v. I.. I FraeedlBC klm ea tha ataad at ua thTa. of tha fenlar by foJrafd by wV of Bi, Latru kl. wlfa and CoarrcU kara bUa detoilad. lo- aka d H.Uiaf forw, FiaUad. " T-tli tm h t.r, Loutaa. The w-nir eiii. . , " .Jl iAi.k..;ki teetimony af tka member, of tha B- amBTaan ax wa ----- ir .ic i - ...... . . tato dUtribuUoa of tha medala. I'ar thia RronaUdt had a tiideaey to d.eelop kam family, w kick kad beea axpoct FIVE MORE BODIES OF NEGROES FOUND ON GEORGIA FARM Other Stirtlino DitelOtures Promised In Alleged Jasper County Peonage Case ' NEGRO LEADS OFFICERS TO SCENE OF GRAVES Jotl WiniaBI, WhlU BfaJI, 9tld la Jafl Ob Varro'B AL lefwd Oonftnioa Tnat Ha XiUad T$r MtB t EHrao- tloa of WlUlBma; Vina Bodlaa Saoorarad Bj Offloara A(UaU, Oa, Marek W. Diaeloaaraa that will aarpaa, 4eTel.Dm.ata already mad. la tka altered Jaapar eawaty peaa n aaaaa were premiaed toalckt by aathorltiee follewiaf Ua diaearery today af tka bodiee af ncroe. buried wear tka kama af Joha - Williama, a premlacBt Jaaper rouaty farmer, and he reeeeery af tka body af another egra ia Ue T.U.w rirer. With theait badira oaearthed yeater- day aadVr tha direetioa of Clyde ktaa aiag, whe waa taken ta tka eeeae to nlJTlatiat. hi, tllcfed eoafeaaioa Uat ha k I killc ' fotir ef the nee roe. and NEW MEMBERS ARE RESTLESS BECAUSE OF DEIAY IN MEET Seven New Highway Commis- , tloners Want To Get Work Started FOLKS BACK HOME ARE EAGER FOR ROADS TanUtira Uadaratandlnf Baor- (aiiatioB Maatlsff Would Ba ilald Halt Tnaadaj; Oot araor Moniaoa HaJ Vot Tat OaHad Tha Sommlialoa To. fathar I? MAY AGAIN GO TO FRENCH CAPITAL aided ia the death af other, at the rfirMt'iaa af Wll'lam,. a total af aia. af talaeer member. hr. ia ti .u- . ,.;a , k... K . I meeli.f Tueeday. Thurad.y killed ha.a beea fcand by eSeiala. Nerro Acta Aa Caide. Under Ue protection ef a poaae of 13 mea and Ue fuidaJiee f Ue aegra, number ef mea aearebed for Ua bodiee today Bear Williama' home and Tallow rirer waila the Jickaoa Careat kaa laid held af aewly ap painted meudere ef the Bute Highway Commiaaiaa becauae af the fact that It ia apparent that the calling af the iallial meeting ef Ue .ntargad aom mlaaioa will be delayed beyead wait Taeaday. Tentotire andermtanding aa the part af Ua aew membership waa to the effect that March t would be the day wh.a the aaeea take oath. Maltltudee of thing, are hiing back at horn., and reaehinjr eat aa far aa Bal.igh Uat make the new member, ef Ue Commiaaioa deairou. of atartiag enmethiag, hat aa call ha, aa yet been leaned from Ue Ooeeraor'i office and aon. eaa likely be to bring tke meua for a la bow meatioaed aa a tenUtir. date for calling Ue aeaatoa. Goeeraor VIorrlsoa, it la aaid, had agreed to iuue tha rail f.r March 29 before he left the city tea daya ago for a Tiait ta Charlotte, but aa mot, haa beea made from there, ia ao far a, hia offlea ataff here kaowa, to call Ue B" 1 1 in mm i , ' 1 I ; 1 ' .. i . i k.4 " : pw i llLL-L II liiBT iat - i in a i i ii In j - an - naa-rm fa GAS RATE HEARING i COMES TO AN El: Uyrea T. Tlerrick, . former TTalted Rtatea Ambaaaador to Traaca aad eaa time Oareraor af Ohio, wka le alated fm tha naa, mt AMhaaaaitar la Faaea. Ua resigned aa Ambaaaador to frane. t beeoaie effeetiea April 1. CITIES CONFIDENT Representatives of Big' Flvi ueneve iniy Hivi Shown Reasons tor Decreasi RALEIGH Cmf ATTORNEY CONCLUDES HIS CASE Diraots Qaaitloat Toward Xal takllahmant of 7 act Tab! varwua f uwir avna itlgai OompAny nt Unnaoaaaarflj Haa7 Iharo of Oanarai Xx panaa Oa Oaa Dapartmaat Oaa rata keerlaga before Ua Kartk Oaiwliaa Corperatloa Commlmioa aad ad yaeterday moraing witk tta aemple tioa ot Ua axamlaation af P. A. Till, ery, manager, by City Attoraay Joka Blaedale, indth. Commlaaioaere aa awaeed tkat ,a deeieioa wilt ba re ported akortly Tka Cowrmleoioa kaa already ladle tad Uat Ua aVw rate. ' la IBli. "LlZ .k. ZLww kaa baia dirided Rrtt renublia within to aoraa today, draw aa area larger ia tt. Yellow rirer while the jackaoa nectlng. At the inetaaee of people who YttLmSEZ ;i baa of ie'd n. Url Ba wpwWm. ' U.der erowd of Utor. tha. had. marked eompa.y of tha N.tioaal Oa.rd ... k,T. 2 i.Ureat i. the media?, hh at- iato diatrieto aad ' "eara" rJUT AiZ iVfrh. wI preriotu aeealo.a af tha trmU k.ld aadar armd ready to go to Ue lti0. u directed to the matter from elarka aign.d to JJ: EE7ih!a ",'P 1 !! JSlJ Lt ZZ, The Wmund Bigham na a detaUed ae ia caea af oppadtloa. the L .ecu t.r. Offlee here Friday after- North "'VJadVirwha. mSZlS ?ll dEToLa m' U. atow of hi. .cUona from January to Williama i. held la tka Mltoa county by letur. H. U ..prated to ar- Es&ssi mwm ssssi wwj mmm modait. . P7 . Tr""- j Warrant, f.r three eon. tt Williama, bnt moat ef Uem kara beea adeiard to Deaartmeat I--- War-lag wlU IltLTloVeil. aa th.Vwt. Bot ta.Uy Jalioa, Huylar aad fariB. ware take. ,i the full meeting . the Commie. Tha Agricultural Dapartmaat today Tka rrrerameaV ia Mmeow4id aot la- '" -d "7 oat la raltt eo.nty yesterday at Ua aioa. Other projeeta Mug mora ar baaed wnwlng to buyer, of eloeer- erfera. BaJB'-kav ..w hS tf old aa a req.ert of Oorar-er liraeyTirad ware lea, directly' to da wiU roada kara limathv mlxtarea. aayiu that aa called Ua sailor, for it Uaa against It, tor GeMae a.klag hlai to kola aa a " , . ' , . . A L, 01..; s ... BT VJ alalTtJ eVajWaB BUI alVU VTfi WW wiuvaiw aaa I uvea iwu vrv via vsams aawm aw a aaa,wf awawaw- .1 .i .k. -.-A .i.turea whiek are I naaaral Deaikiae: Admiral Kolchak, I minute, ar just wait. widely adrertiaed by eert.ia.aee4 arm Oaneral Tadeaitek aad General Wraa- Wkaa ke deecrlbed the fading af his at what may appear attraetia prieea, gel, tka aati-BolaheTlh toadera. kad to brother'a body, Bigbam ahowed the flrrt often oontaia -ao Bttla red. alorer that ba fought aa land and it waa aeeea- alga of feeling, breaking into aobe aad s they are of little if any more T.lua snry to eatabliah a Belsherlk army, but la was aereral minatet before ha aauld k.l v. mA huh actoallr hoat net a aarr. ' Tat Trotakvy Berer forgot eoatiaaa. ' Tb witaaaa ataravbroke lata aearlv double, the market priaw of that I he had oaee bee la tk. Saaaiaa "ayl aobe when ba deaeribed, tha Badlag ef aaad l heaa mixture, wra bsuijj va- i uu u vuit awauvs iu. iiiviwi I trie pouira ok uiu sawr aw fered by tha buahal, with tha flaallfy- toalty to make tt Biiasiaa aary a. ing .totemeat that bwahel weight oaly strong and anpple a weapoa la hih kaada 4i pounds- . Tha Jpar$meBt aaya Uat as be kad I made tke army. ; jwhila tkia ae.4 la offered aa eloTer aad J it,I",ta tlnJ,l 'timothy with, tha elajm that Ua dlf- Tka1; SoTiet gorerameBt had a pra- if treat eeeds aeenr'U tha'trope pro- graai clear aad preelee that Ua Baltic - .i i whila I f raouentl aea, must . become aad remaia a -Baa- there U ot mora tkaa o? per cent I. inn lake-aad declared th. AUad U- Jasper eooaty, bat report, toaigkt from tera of aouraea ef raw material, indiri- Moateauma, Ga -wUted thu Ue Wll- doala would eliliat Ua iatereat of tke liaaw boy ware Uere, bat kad et beaa eemmlaaloa, eta, j ' nlaead aadar arrest. ' N v - The wrelimlBary Htm f.tho entire . Of tha bodiee recovered today tkra. I BUU ayatom ot roada, i.500 mUae long, were fooad la a paweura.aaar the 1VU kaa booa made- aaoer taa dlraetioa ai llama how, daring tha wwrwtof. .Ia Ua. Paga, tad tka Commlmioa ia ready u. .... 1 .Ltl li. k I tm npnjM lik tha fneiaialltlaa ttf cakv . . , I mm aKievawaj i r . " ' . . i u...i. tk MaWt ttmf rsmnkkH I law thaa area..- Tbi flrartiBBT aenan- inae m ihhbhi "wi j .t4 a.. n iv af tk. aan t tha mnmiaaloa haa nrenarad Williaina phKe, where twa mora bodiaa aiapa of the ayatom' by count lea, ia aa- wera diaiaterred. Tha Campbell farm eerdaaee with the law, aad win ba ready Big ham m; tka laaaelal affaire of Ua' family tell lag of loans ha kad made aad decjir iag ka aerer had reeelred aay .hare la hia father's aetata. -- The family owes a urn Bmu w I . him, he aaid, something like fMOO and ha kad girea tkam a aiortgago aor ta said to ba aider the maagmat f to forward Uem to U eou.ty eemmie Ue Williams'.. . ' I aioaera for pouting with! a a day after Tha alvtk hadw'Maoearad tad.v waa Ue eommlssloa orders it "doae. take, from Ue rirer aear Ua Waters' I o oily proepeetieo 'road building, it .10... p-..ot -k o n jjslYS hi!!!. -'&rk. rN&Thrj. . value ia Ua aroo. ' 'Persons who "buy mixed eeed are Warned to lie eareful to leaf the exact proportions of tha mixture offered and the quality of tha eeed eoatained, ether wiea Uey are Ukely to pajr e rbiUnt prleo for aeel that will lot cioduea tha eron Wanted.' , . T - To Hear Seathera VWwa. rrf!.",".': sw "1 rori ;; l d.p.rt..i . ..d p.tH. daya ago, weighted dowa wiU roeka. taw operatiea, ia marang tima aaui tide that any international agreement i , th( fwt of tha dwd tht property, regardiag Ua Alaada wwakl ba layaud I arhieh kad beea made to klm by the aileM aigaed by Bataia. s . 1 , f the famllx. . I,wat thla ded,he Daring Ue xadeaitek offenaira agaiaat I vi Ml,.i.i L, r,nrA tka dee Petrofrad ii W the Kroastadt aary h pUed u j,- , . 5a"JT":aT?wnJTe ' B -aroa.-oxarainatloi Bigh.m .wat th, timt had beea kflledit Ua WU '"'" " r " I asked why ha had tept tme aeea n n... ..... r.h,. ei .k.. hia poaaeasloa after it had been re- of u,. Department of Jaatioa makea a total of lino badiea accounted m . , . - xor. an Data. Probe Btartod la Pehraary, Belief was expressed tonight that all discipline. Trotaky started ita reorga- Tt waa annonaeed today by Chairman niaaUot direetiy .Bitca a orea- H, decUred thaf Monroe ,lud ft Uim junf , taTa,tig,tioB U"ln7 an.rfth.HotoW.y...d committee n r.; I W.. ,. Z , ." .m.i.f I l" " u "" wiUlsm. ia a Cousin or H&enn reraona, 1-1 t. ... WiJiMji. Anrii I vxariBt auminu to avm au uucnm loto hear repratentatlTet of tke BowtV M- ,M;H declared th, red art Tari iwoeiatioi pteaent their na ahonld By from warships aloag the i MaT tIS? legialation for tha B.mgmng jrWdeae, .t the Boriet Botitk. A meeting of ue aireotiBgi " --"i k.. e tKa M indnstriaa affiliated -with these dayt tha eAametletweea Trotsky tha Rnnthera Tariff aasoeiatio hat aad the aailora dated. Tha Bailors had nerer teen tha paper. ' Jot Jasper county, at present ander in "Didnt he toll yon to dettroythstl aletjnent fot ,Uege4 peoasge. It de Seed or it would break yoar neetj I eeloped "today Uat information shouted the eolicitor. t I beea flled with the United SUtee attor "No, he, didn't,T replied the witness, Be, Ber ,gain.t William, relatWe to pooktge charget, Ua entire Commission ' ia tailed 'to gether aad tha entire nine members take-hold of tha work r of supervision aid direction of Ue treat enterprise upon which tho General Assembly do termiaed. Commissioner Page haa beea unwilling to do other than general pre liminary work nntil tha full commie- reviewed Ua situation. Chief interest ia the meeting will center about the first isaae of Ua au thoriaed read building bond, aad Ua r.lo,.y k j-" i.ed to do neld kW7 Moadat katad diiplina. lored thrir freedom of jJ', to tio. -4U. privilege aJtta.i j.' M IZhViSTpnrpa of th. meeting to the mmm-M J!!. L' f! J W 8 o', ' aeeura deftnito commitments from Ua rrodueing, consuming, political com mercial and distributing intoreata of tho Boatk as to what ia tha deeira aa to tutiff faqnirementa by Southern agrt cultural, lireatoek, nannfaetoriBf and ' mining Industries. It ia announced that a aeries of meetings are to be beld in the South prior to Ue Washington conference for the pnrpoao- of develop ing BonUera aentimtn oi the tariff - question. " ' -, j lharrlll Taken Chare. Iientonant Colonel Clareaea O. Bher rill. United Statee-Anny, who kaa been made chief military aide to tho Presi dent and ' Biinerintendent of ' public Imlldinga and grounds, entered apenl Ills sBew ounea louay. awaa of North Carolina, beraat Newton, a son of tke lata Col. Miles a Sherrill. ; for many years State librarian of North Carolina,- makea hia appointment , a matter of interest amenf North Oaro , liafaia. . - ; vW, ' . Former President Wflaoi was ra rMrted today by hie physic Un. Bear Admiral Cary T. Grayson, aa being little weak es'tte result of tka aente U- t .ck af iadigeatioa ha had yeaterday, bat otherwise he kaa apparently re , rovared from tha Bttaek. . .1 Sawyer Pita Oa Vaifaraa . Brigadier General Chariot K. Sawyer, tha Preaideafa pkyaieiaa whose rank in tho army eomee by appointment of the Finally. Trotaky employed a weapoa reaoy to nia nana -aa rwaucea ins xooa tnppliee. Tka sailors thereupon had recourse "if he had I would have done tt."., The reply caused a roar of Uughter court-room and resulted . ia Memminger declaring a recest 'eloek tonight. .KT: k' .. le of the bonda. juniui Mia nvBra "uw vwlbwwh . p 1.4 fc. k. Mvatat.a oa tha Williama I"""" farm, waa brought back to. Atlanta to- W adl..d in U. ru,ton oi.ty d Conn cu ex duw. - - m .. r to requisitioning foodstuff.l FHR KENTUCKY UULUNtLUT J UNIUN KUAU tLtUIU5 Doubts are entertained at to whether to be unwilling to borrow money oa short term notes in anticipatioa of the The Commiaaioa, no part ia Uat phase of Ue problem, it being named merely to spend Ut money after it ia IRVING COW SLATED outside PttroB-rad which caused dis turbaneet which were, given tha' color of a counter revolution Tho sailors dre declared to have kad no idea " of overturning tho Moscow government LenUvUIe. Ky, March BO-Inrli TFraDFR RFS GNAT DN I" 8tu " Bhrewabery Cobb, better knoWn at Irvia JULT - - ta the present market at the aatkorlaed & Cobb, noted hnmorist aid lecturer, Digaatitfaction OB Tht Part of . I"! TU "L, T T" Ap.P"r,?1.t who aarVed hia native State with dis- ?""W"0"OB fT w y it to a queatlon of' borrowing Ue CONTINUE SEARCH TO FIND BALLOON The conclusion of Ue koartaga leavat repreeeataUvm af the Big livo elUea iavolved. Charlotto, Baleigh, WUstoa Salem, Darkamt aad Wilmiagtoa, eew-"' dent Uat Uey hare made a ahewiag ef declining coats of production aad distribution ef gaa nffleiant to com mence Ua commiaaioa ef Ue Bead for relief from gal rate, whiek all Ua eit iee agree ia eitoritoaate. The ruling ef Ue eemmlaaloa agaiaat Officials at Naval Air Station NnaU eervic. kit Ue represe.UUve. ef me etuee kara. Most or Uem came loaded with afldavita aad iomplaiato ia varioaa forma of poor service. - Mr. Hinadalet eroea sxam laa tioa ml brief. It was directed mainly at tka distribution ef tke - general expenac among Ue varioaa department, aea tending that Ue Oaa department beara aa aaaeoeesarily large altera of the burdea. He drew out Ue atatement Decline To Give Up Hope For Safety of Men Peasacela, Fla-, March W. Officials st Ue aaval air atalioa here deeliaed to give up have for the eafety of ChUf Quart.rmaater O. K. Wilkinson aad hta four eompaaloaa, whe have beea miaalng ''"o March K, whea they left th.t W23 of the general exveaee to jkea at ffau ha lua haa aUaaaa 9 all la a . . . " . ; , " oorn. oy taa gaa dlvlaioa aad Uere- LV ,rk!? whk'i, wl!l miht. : "! Mr- l""1" o explain why , T 7 a we eaae er ine rjoutaera ruolie Utit- dirWiblca, aeaplanea aad Eagtt boat I ,ti ampany of Charlotte, a mack Without aaeeeea. I im. aaaeera. aarv .19 .Ml "1 tU Falter ta Bad the ballooa or tha baa-1 ..... u .u i . .w. . ' U.Vt hr " " f -okt. Mr. TUleryw answer waa that be tioa that Ua ballooa either drifted .aaid t aa a.u. k. ..u . k. ashore oa some sain habited and an f re- bookt of fh, cht,. eamptny, but , queated shore or that Ua men and their p,e tke epiaJoa Uat U waa a dif- ballooa waa picked if by some tshiag fww ta book kep ing method., boot whi refrteed to paabafck to pert Whew Mr. BinaxUla kad oeactaded mwawtn Laam. . aa.k tan kauat. aakaB. -w war a ., . : i Z ", " jamet n. ran, coaami xsr ue care tinned aad efficiala aay they will aot (iM aw,t t4 Ugh Qompaay, toader. abaadoa bop tar tare weeW-ttwdarav , $t a qaertloBaalre for Utility Uojf-aMho aaaal ihin eia. eompaalea, faeetlonaly karactorialag The mleeine- mea ar Chief Ouartor- a . i.i t. t.ii. 3 matter G. B. Wilkiaaoa f Houston,,.... a.n.a u, Tnu u ki. . Sa?. ??Mf,.,M,,'imli?I' - i I timony, ko had lot anawcrad all tta V. fiIand;stollUle.;llljPrivatoF.U qaeetioie aad furlished all Ua infer- mraaaaaikmwav ' Vaama 11 Wavlwrm tal J fl I ... . mm.... .."irlr ' i M r mi. statea tint m gi'.a most true liam H. Treaary, Salem, Maes. Tha last I informatioa esDed for and Ua reet of urea are unites etatea manaaa. . Search for Ua mimlna- balloon lata wat directed by Commander Bobort W. Cab- aaiat )u person, aasUted by Lieut. Wll liam F. Beed. Jr. aerographer. lieu toaaat Beed haa takea part ia two ia. tarnation ballooa raeea aad wat wiled la at ta expert ,adviaer' to thai aavy it was available to auditort . .who kad examined the bookt ef tke Soompany for Ue city. v NO PROSPECTS IN SIC.HT FOR SETTLING STRIKE crew oa mapping ent plant for Ua Ust Federal Ooort Holdi It la With. oat Authority To Order; Mea Diaoharf ed race. .,.'- Lieutenant Bead .and Commander Cnbanita plotted every coarse the miss ing ballooa eoald possibly have taken, considering tha wind condition, wnien I , iu. n. z...k m rrkiii. prevailed aad pUnea and surface craft 0,, ef B .rly aettlemeat of Ua etrlke were directed to cover thee routes, wiin- 0f the anion employee of tho Atlanta, OBt result. I Rirminah.m sail AtlaniU ' Badio meaaagaa from the station hare I .i i... ... k ...iIT: were broadcasted to .11 ve.l. in Ue TKm kir ZZLW 'ZTZ? SIT replio have who served hia nstiv 8tata with dis- tiaetioa wa a colonel on the ataif ofl bat only wanted to be maatera oat theirjo,,,,. c Stanley, hat been re- uiana. v Th tension, meanwkile, waa growing and became atill .mora aevere . wiU Trotaky at U and of February cut food tuppliaa .to a minimum. Tha answer of U aailora wat to destroy tho rail way landing f aom Petrograd to Moeeowl ana to msren over ue so xowara uram- Thia moment waa mixed upon by anm-Boiahariki element and oarioat uprisings war arranged la fetrograd. Simaltaaeoaaly ratios were reduced to U minimum in Petrograd and else- wkero. - . - Used Bkam Paaartera. ' The aa-called "inteiligent' elemenl adopted a waiting attitade during- Ueaa events. It did not ear to Join the ao eajled eoonter rerorutiamariea, fearing that - If . Laaia . war overturned it weald me a - complete' anarchy, j The peasanta are aaainry against U Soviet adminiat ration . bat are jauspiciana ef any aew movement whiek Uey ar lot tare at tret hand will pretoat ttair iatereata. . . i nominated for a commission it kit for mer rank. ' Governor Morrow announces that whea Mr. Cobb arrive here April he will Citixeni and Other Bea. aona- Conjectured Monro,, March W. Tht tntir. road be, exiled back into service electorate of Union eounty, except W. and commissioned a colonel. ERWIN BERGDOLL WEARS ; OLIVE DRAB AT-HEARING Philadelphia Millionaire, Co .. ricted of Draft XTaaion, T Seeka Hia Beleaae K. Lemmoad, 'of Vance township, In ration today agreed to resign on matse aad their joint resignation wat flled witt Ue clerk of Ue. board of county eommiaioners to b acted apon at Ut next .meeting of Ue board -and to be eome effective Sato rday, April 18th 1921 No reason waa- given in he resignation which wat very brier. - It ia known that U' commlation considerably in debt having contracted aeeouuta for about tSOXXI ia exeett of uiioa aoiiar noaa issue aaa Kansat City, Mo- March 86. Eajd enffed to a military guard and dreaafdlth half ia the cllv drab he deeliaed to wear I tax money for two years past aad there flaring ins war, crwin nergaou, rnu- aaa beea some difference of opinion adetphi millionaire, convicted of draft aa to whether the' county' to legally evasion, appeared" today before Judge ijabie for Uia iadebtodaaea. Joha a Polioejt U te Federal District Dltsatiafaetlba oa the part of eltiaeat court fn Kanaia City, Kanaat, where beeauie of aapaid claim, clamoring for habeas corpus proceedings havofeeea la- additional road "work With' la faada to atitnted aeeklng hit TeJeaa from the I build er ' maintain any roada, and the military priaoa at Fort LaavenwOrfli.j jmpe nding election en the queatioa of lr-.i M.k : I, PraaJdent. amesred today for tho tret I ,' tank tor Trarakr t era ah Ua ria-l . .' -i.. . T. " whetter tho county shall eoaUaue Ue time la tha nniform of hia rank. The I ( la Ua OMntry. Ho kad, however, I m-ooaeintioa or tno Bearing pw,t road electorate plan er retqrn cameramen wer busy at one aad Uelrmt ef all to arwsk Kronatadt, for which I f" . ,t t oyoommlaaioBeg eontrol of rood doetor-gtneral was -anov no rewt waa the Third army, aad not UO Bwntt,l- -- -- ' -M ar auirtBaseu aa proomoi. , .:.J w M.ia am "ahaotinr I .. k.. . MMt ... I ine ia todsy a hearing the admiad-1 tribatarr caasaa af th reainatlfln. a ,t k-rt. It rata uubllcitT for uetaeat mmmimmt tka iaetraaw. Haw tka f. I bOity ef evidence to abow Bcrgdoll kad I The -electors resigning are W. C. jkaoto. . . " - Kfeaaiva dewaloprd to generally known, rceived Botie to report for military Heatt, it Urge, B. F. Parker, Lane Fallowing the .matter la which I TroUkVa flrat attack wa a failar,! Hrsk .' "i ' - ' ". . Creek to wnakipj N. N. Davia, Jaekaon; Benator Simmona haa heretofore Inter- bat he adapted ether method. By means eated himself, kia oeeretarr. Frank f thaa attack! k allowwd part f kia Eampton, today caned on Under 8ee troope to ran wear to th enemy and retary f 8tat Fletcher aad prewaatod whea light time earn ka naked hia Ua matter f th retorn to th main attack, daring which Ue - de- Acaoeitto Preabrteriaa Beformd Charrh I fender wer attacked from behind by rad eompeaaatiea for ita woe, af Ita rhureh property, being worth aral hundred thaaa4 dollar. Mr. Hamp ton waa given aaawrancet Uat Ue mat ter wat being lavestigated and aa carry rerrt to expected. , Term iioa hat be grawtod Vv th Federal Reserve Board to tt Amarisaa a-.j, catin4 ra rare Xt-1 . , . th AH Traia Part . Trxna. pwteia ea paatenger traia ef the la- taraatioaaa aad Great Northarm BaU rwad wore awrpeaded today wader rdera tosai4 ma Im read general efflee acre. Traia aadHera pcaded several dayt age. Whe Bergdell wat aeated ia the I G.' W. BmiU. New .'Salem i T. Ia Price. judge chambers Ue kandeuffs were Oacet Creek j - J. - C. ' ' Winehostor, r moved aaa, he Jistenea to Major Monroe: Sam Bedwia. Bandy Bidget Ckariew C Creeeoa, who had prosecuted Melatir, MarshvllI T. C. Eabankt, U eoart-martial eaa agaiaat kirn, tell I Bofordl W. K. Lemmoad did not attend that BergdoU kad told him that ha re- Uh meeting 'er sir Ut r resignation. eeive in urait aoue ana i nnew under, the present law Taeanete eeear- all the time yoa .were after me." Hag are BUed by 4he oeaaty eommto- . Ho waa aot placed oa Ue wilaeas sioaera and Ue electorate eaooaet Ue taa4. .When tke haa ring waterer, the road commiaaioa from among ita awn handcuffs were snapped bacENfa. his number. Ther to oome tonjeetare wriata, kia captor headed him aasm- abut whether Ue eemmlaeioaert will paign hat wtthewl the blaeeord, ef at antU ,afUr" tb election- of April tho dowghboy aad ke started hack to V as tka road electorate will be abol- miUtary pnaoa at Fort Lwavo- iahed if tt noeel vet to rotor . to worvt,... -..w'inaty money or letting , the road building stand idle for the time being. The Governor to understood to desire to dia tutt thit pkaae of the situstion wiU the full commissioB before any action (Coatlaaed On Paga Two) COOLER WEATHER FOR FIRST PART OF WEEK March a Weather the week beginning Washington, pradietiont for Monday ere: - Middle Atlantic' Bute t resettled withy bowers at beginning ef Ue week and again Tbaraday or Friday. Much cooler weather Brat half of week, nor mal temDerltur Uereafter. South Atlantic and East Gulf State Shower tht first part of week aad-agaia after 'Thnnday; eonaldarably - cooler weather the I ret JkaJf of the week. " Weaf Gulf Stateti Generally fairbU with showers Wednesday er Thnraday, much cooler trat pert of week witt frosts likely 1 Ut Interior. ; REFEREE NON SUITS THE JACKSON ELECTION CASE AaheviD. March M. Beferee D. MaHoaee. ef Murphy, ia Ua Jaekeoa eonnty election eonteeta, yesterday al lowed Ue motioa of aoa-tuit aa made by the reepondeat. Thia meaaa that the lotod mm befere Ue higher eoarta oa Ue questioi of whether the original p reel act returns ar prima facia evidence r election. " Tk e attracted mach atUatioa aad aame to aa oad last Taeaday whea tt refer heard tha motion for Ue noa-oait but rsemsid to eentider Ue matter. , i s Lae Bmatorea Crrew Taeattoa. Beaaoke, Va- March BS.-4 eompU- aac with order lasaed a wee ago, 1.70O employes ia U local tfcept ef tke Norfolk and Western railway were hi id off at oa today to ramaia Idle aatil gulf but ao favorable beta received. V.v.l nfllt.fa Itallev that avaa If the ballooa fell Into thetert would have remained nfWt for daya because it would bo practically impoaaible for all the hydrogen to escape. Failure to find the balloon lead, to th. hope that some fishing vessel or other craft without radio equipment haa picked ap the missing men.' It to pointed oat that Captain Harry Hawker finally apppaar od daya after he had beea given up at loot and aaval official, t here Delias that Chief Wilkinson and hia ' com oral Mart-room, after , Jndgea B. H. Sibley and Heary D. Clayton kad. rated that the- court was without authority to . direct th receiver to discharge nut employed to take- tha placet ef tfi atrlker. ' - ' Earlier ia the day eeaeilittory pro posals kad come from Ua etrikera whan tkeir represent ti vat stated tke men weald call off the strike .Immediately aad return to work at tke reduced tcale of wages, If Uey were permitted to re tarn ia a body and resume their for mer status and provided that' the Court radea will Anally make thair.nppearnnee H order aa audit of the company's at eome out of.Ue way point. - book. to determine if Uey were able. to pay Ue wage eealt it asms. . . MOBILE JOINS IN SEARCH - ; This "proposal waa rejected by Msrris FOB MIMING BALLOONIST. Brandon, of eouasel for tke railroad, Mobile, Ala March. W Mobile today I who declared Uat 900 mea had beea Joined, in Ue aearch for Ut naval bal- koitta from Peaaaool who are lost ia -tte gulf, when . Ue hoisting of wnrningt ef atrong wiada on Ue coast nerved to intensify the foaling of an enaiaem regardiag tka 'men. Tht .'oeal wiroltat atation aant mes sages to all ship wirtiln ita radius to keep a lookout -fir tke gaa bag, aad saaetere ef nil vescWgtung,oot of the harbor were requested to watch for Ue craft. K1AK.J k.. .k. m. mtmm 4k.- a.- . wyivw im nm mum .v.w, j employee . ..want, an atrike aad these , could not be dlaeharged to make room for tke retari ef tha eld man. - After tha anion men had withdrawn. plight. ef.-tt j kigumeat proceeded ea th qneetioi aa , to whetter Ue railroad to able '-to pay the eld aea) of wages. HARDING SENDS MESSAGE ' . ENDORSING IRISH REiEF; Washington March Ms Ia response Ji Bamort Uat two of Ua me kad beea Washington. Kara zWi response nii-kaa mm kv a .kin kaaiaa e ahhila 1 1 roqneet by gTOBP of Irish lead- . .. . I . . . .. . T. . . rv If... were current here dnriag th" aner-l" .rCTlu"D ruing neon, but effort on U pert of the ornt to www xora tonight meaaage Of . a in leu ttatie to get ta Uweh with I rvmpathy for the .Irish , relief move-, aaeb veseel were futile. Effort wiU I "t, to he read at a' relief meeting he kept np here for several hours, kow-1 wore ea April a. The - eem-, muBK-auoa wna inimmt to morgan J. O'Brien, chairman of th New York relief committee, and waa aa follow, : "I wish yoa the fullert meaaur ef saeeom not oily ia the great beaefit ever, while plan from Paneneola eon tinned tteir Bigkta aver tka golf, eouth of Pcnsaeola. B EDUCE BBEAD PBICES ' IN CITT O CLETEtXAND 1 performaaee at Ue Metropolit Opera aew ' r. a -a au a a I a-. a ,a t . a.. a (.icveiaaa, ubio, marc a an. a pouaa I uonaa Apru intra, out in every and kalf loaf of bread wiU coat tea I worthy effort to make a beeominaT eon- oeana and a poaad loaf eight oaata be- j tribution e the part of ear people to ginning Monday, dropt ef three cents em tke Urge leaf aad two tent ea Ue amall loaf, it waa aaaoaaeed by re tailers today following redaction by wholesalers af twa watt ea both loawet affective Monday. . IL . ..-.. - MB. AXD MBB. WrLaON BEND ' - f LOW IK TO WHITB HOCSI Waahragtoa. March BsWlekaded in Eattar gifta delivered . a . the -White Hoaae' today waa a maajmath baaket ail rosea aad epnaa? flower at by former rretidea aad Mm. Wilaoa. - It wat ad- drraaed to Prealdewt and Mr. Harding and waa tarred witt th cards of Mr. I - 'fd Mxa.-nUa. relieve diatrem among the women and ' children ta Ireland. The people' ef America novar will he deaf to Ue call for relief in behalf ef coffering hamaaity, and-the knowledge of dis tress in Ireland amah as quick aad deep appeal, to th more fertaant af ear -own mad where ea asaay f ear elti tent trace kinship to tt Emerald Isle."-' - Maratmn Named Oa OatanaM. Waahiagtoa. Mareh 9-Former Vice- Preaideat Theaua B Marshall, aad foe mer Beaa tor Nathan B. Scott, of West ' Virginia, wort appelated membert af the Liweota Memorial Com mitt t 4f by President BnreUng. - -