iter; ' v T!aa Ft'r and ves . t ayi Thnredey iy e-i vuwi, " on your paper. Sead renew t 110 dy before xplmnon In order to avoid smuiu . single copy.. -. :S .... .A - . TWELVE PAGES TO0AY. RALDGH,Jt C. WEDNESDAY MORNING, MARCH 30. ; 19217 - 7 (TWELVE PES TODAY - VpiUCE: FIVE CENTS 7: 7 mmm(mtfmmmc mms i f UTERS IP IlffiS mm , V.T.;t rUusd Fcrci Kept Eusyj , Handling Avalanche of a Ofnce-SecKetr Mail.- f v. - SOUTHERN BANKERS TO ATTEND CONFERENCE T7ar . , Finance ' Corporation To I formulate XXeans of Pinano- Ing ' Exportation of. Cotton.; Bepublicans Expected To Air I ' ' Greensboro Proceedings In Washington This Week ' , , ,, -' :.- r ', The News uA Obniw Bureau, ' '- - era Watrtrt Nati; Baak Bldg. (By Special Leased VlraV WaahlBftoa, Marei 59-Tall' Jalt- nt tathar aolieitiBf 4aja eut dowa to thraa week aPaha WhiU Eooar, tha ' offiaa-aaakara rra aaiaf tka ail lJa- ereiiiM volam to ft tkair T befora PrMlilaat Hardin.. The lifhta ia the eseeutira offleaa bur lata into tha nlgfet aad aoma of thorn oariy into the mora ine houra in dolvlnx late thf ttaeka of uU that' oono for tho sow Preaideat, - white tho talopboaoa that hara plaoeo on tho deaka r- Boerotary C'nruiiaa nd.'EjioeaUTO Clark rprater fingb all thronjh tho day with oallt- -that are , hoard ia anxiooa voieoa.aakiaf for ea V faronmta M (ho White Hoase. - Jadood, ao treat became tha votaaao of jnail that thero are two ahifU of werkero oa it those ady. ana tne , jnxioua writert mnat sot bo worried if -repliea do not eoma at onoe. for it takea time to dlgeit ,tho lettera and roeoia- nandatioBa.that poor ia. And though it haakoea officially tivea oift that Mo-day tMni : Wg- 0.P,!,; hofcat hoped-for job, Par- fi.tent caller, who keep wana tht ahair. ;ras . - -J , , ia mm mipm., . 1 coara ot amermea eompoiod of eight i to eorno, for Nh,on tha oxtra eeislon of I aioaUiora. "Tho ijiow charter la almilar Conireaa eoaaaaoa oa April U tholto th eity nanager form charter ia risiUag Uat at tM wnitouonao ia cor- taia. to grow long. Ia addUioa to tha ofdee-aeekera at the White House,! '- oaeh. of the cabinet memberi are boeieg-1 ed by folki wanting to eonneet with I tho pay roll. . Bevablieaaa to CanlUl. B ia kndentood hero that thero will 4 bo a Bumber of Bepablieaaa from North ; Carolina ia Washington the latter part ii.. ir Mii 'tiiu -tki nn h.rehat4er are predicting a., majority of tweea tho Morehead-ioaaey 'Hog Com- a.. i .. A..., I liSTtS l-Z.Zk - xt. . - T.-i.. Ti.i..-j rw..... I fha mtmhlA Bntlsr-PrltahardDnBeaB 1 foreee oa tho other wUl beired. If pomlblo. a Bntiato org.niz.tio. ' . . . , crowd propo. te gwltho matter boforo Proaldent Hardxng. Thero ia toeo ao mrr Senator Butler, it ia aaid for ho I. fighting to keep hia hold oa affair, in North Caroliaa. Be port, that reaeh hero from North Carolina are th.t the Be- ' tiablieana of the Eaat arc behind Butler I Snd that' they declare that they reeeir- ; ed tho rawest kind of a deal from the Morehead'Iirtaey- combine. - It ia poa-1 sible that a peradaai fight all .long tha line, except aa to Bute Chairman. Lin- aer. will bo made bw tho Butler foreee. i.i t t. v. . i: I j - - - 1 'preeoodlag that will Be, pulled off. i afattoV baring to do with flnaneUl -w.i- 1- v-,. with mocT inured ! .tatc ot North Carolina oa a tiz and a j?-:? nams van anew wasa w mw irtwuta auej aeiai m 1 itaj 1 some eommimioa in addition to.thii and wheal tha matter of tax exemption ia North Carolina ia eoniidered, this uraally monnttBg to one per cent out- aide of eitlot and town, to about - one .ad a half ia cities and tow a. where the tax rate ia. high, ft can be aeea that 'the. Bote, are really aollinc on what mount, to 1 T l i to and 8 per cent Basis. it purchased by North Carolina iHTstor,thoe who aro interested In tho good roads program are fearful " that the high "interest rate bow prevail- a iag will interfere with the temporary notes authorised to bo issued by the ."General Assembly or road. - building purposes and will delay road construe-1 tioa. . , ". I 9 . , Bhlpmaa at Waaaiagtoa. Com mission of labor and Printing, I aj. jp, onipman, wno nap spent two days aa matters connected with lha mttisBal .'and stats omployaseat eorriea for North iinint, ten lor his Homo tonight. Mr. mouse possioie iney mignt nareiano Slripmaa ' had XJuite a lengthy confer- ed. The .only fact, which .erred to re eace today with tha bow Secretary of lieT tn onxiety ot ofHci.1. was the labor, James. A. Darin, and says that hs improbability that disaster could hsre found Secretary Darw vary much inter- orertakea -both 'planes simultaneously, ested in tho amnlonavat ! The theory was advanced, that rerhnus Director General vj. B. Densmero and AMisiaai uireetor Ueaeral wada . H. ... . . 1 1 Bkinior. Mr. Shioman eeta tha !... sion that tho present arrangements witk relation to the work in Nortk ' Carolina continued. ' Ta this, tha d. . m fnralah lb. eU,wj v. wTV" ri , I office at Jtaleisrh. whrch will clearing house for the .rate,, while it will furnish . equipment for he local offices. Mr Shipmsn, we serves a. federal director for North Carolina at the coat if 1 a year to tha government. leaaeuis ior inai,naraoer er the largest places ta the state. - Hs say that hi purpose i$ to seeora Mnidpal, eonnty.l tte and aational eo-operstioa oa the wwa. vnnemr uenersi juensmoro ex- preseed the highest approval ef the I work being - done in North Carolina I hopes to-have five to seves minerin. I under tao direeeioa of Mr. Shipmsn, and deelared that legiaUtioa en "the suhjet of employment enacted at the session of the Korth-Carolins General Assembly is excel lent the best that ass beea enacted by any 'state. . . jsaakere to Meet, - IderegaUons lea for home-teiigbt. ' The meeting held hers a few davsd Many ef the Horidiansl wore their Sgo by the North Caroliaa Cotton Com.! missioa and bonkers from the etaie I k . iCeatMaad oa Page TweJ 'i t VEEERABLE MINISTER' WHO DIED SUNDAY I -iKT. v a sura!. . tv Dr. Hufham'. fawii: will b keld this morning at 11 o'clock at th Bew- tut church in Scotland Neck of which he y the first pastor and which he served for men? veara. t New City Charter Apparently carried in Ejection Held . 7 Yesterday, ; ' Darham. Jfarek Sl-The laaaa. gertal font of goreramoat waa adoatod by tho citiaoaa of Darkaaa in mow ckartei oioctloa held koro today Official tabalatioaa tonight gave the maaaferlal form a majar. ity of Ml a-otae. There waa a total f UU retea eaat. ,4 y' nSeiSB top t tho municipal .lee- Tfc, qjku.. fof eity mMntgtt BBder tt, uthori ot . Dnthana, March 9Dorham today , feet ia tho eity of Norfolk, VirgiaU, land aim ineludca tho recalls Despite the eold weather proralllng here today, a lam rote wao east. Onlv one precinct ezpeeted to rotnrw a majority againit the now charter. What irotee may go againat the charter at that polling place will be ororeome by the rote in other parte of the eity, w a, douotoo. inenaa svl the bow " "" w "' ppta of the Sartor, howorer. .refuaed 'to .WtioB'had aarrted Uto hour "V."T .0" "r n .fnurt.Vh J .V ..JJSf "ha bu,inr me. met 1 Many jmm V -t O.mai aaaiiuw iVI aaoV pntpofl of .rganlning a eity elnb. Plan. Ueujnea, flm ,Bd dnM nxed ,Bd , the memberahip list eeleetcd from which I member, will be accepted. The two up per floor, ol a sew building to be eon .tructed at a prominent comer hero will bo leased for a period of Ave years. Tho elub will bo formally organised when 180 niember. hare beea obulned. BerVnty hare already aigned and the remainder needed to guarantee tho elub "Ul most likely be obtained today. A dining room or cafeteria in connection with the club will be one of the fenturea. i TT.;. v.:. t " 7 , Tgti W,ltVh.thrtft ,w i,mi ring. Telned at 2,000 from Mra. ' 'tlnV: court ' for lack of .uffieient nothing heard from MARINE CORPS FLYERS Two Plane For Virgin Islands Were Scheduled To Land at Fayettevflle - f ' Washinirton. March 89. The two Ma rine Corp. ariator. who left the Nam n Air Station here early this afternoon Ion the first leg of their flight, to the Virgin Island had not been heard from tonight ' either by Naval' officers or at points in the South. They had intended to make their ant .top at Fayetterille, N. C 310 mile "distant, but did not put in an appearance either there or' at Lengley Field, V... which hsd been eon- sidered aa as alteruatire stopping plaeej ih their plans. ' . 1 J iu omppearanee 01 in. armors was aomplete, notwithstanding inquiries " eor 01 Ponta wkere it was on been forced dowa ia an "ino- naa aeseenaea . . . .1 1 v. . . a . ... essist in repair work. , y, - KT? oraft.left htro at 1:0 p. m. r"o - nrs Doing- occupied By. liajor IThomaa C. Turner, . ohief , of Marine wn ariauon. ana xdeutcnant is. t.. Bradley, chief test pilot of tho" Navy Corr and ths second by Lieutenant U- H. Sanderson, ' pilot, snd unsry Bergeaat Charles W. Backer, DISTRICT MEEYING OF' ROTARY CLUBS CLOSES Birmingham. Ala ... March h the election of John . A. Turner, of Tatopa, PU, as .district -governor, the eighth - District tMUry .conrention closed' here tonight with a ball at the Country Club. . "- . , The . next convention elfv wUl Ke eeleetsd by elub presidents andsecre- taries at a futnre",meetiog. Havannnh Bd Columbus, G,' were the only two eitesd sn.invkstion fo the t meeting, which will be held a September. The Florida and Cuban Falm Beaches and Panamas' to Birming ham and the cold wave foreod" tha to spsnd most of their tint in the hotels. ' , . FAMEP iJATURAUST DIES SUDDENLY ON PASSEfiGER TRAIN lohn Burroughs ' Passes Away Near Kinasville. Ohio, at 7- The Aoe of 84; 7 BODYTAKEN TO HOME 77 v on banks of Hudson xriyate Funeral Along Simple .: Lines To Be Eeld Saturday;! '' . Body will Be Buried In Oat s ; skin IlOnntaims Bandar. An. niTeriary of His Birth,' If ear His Birthplace v . f4. . r- t . , 'oughlieepMev N. T4Urch 2. (By tho Associated j, Prem.JTh. body of foha Burroughs, Baturaliet of world renown who died suddenly tats morn ing oa a passenger train y near' Kings ville, Ohio, lies tonight in .his homo by the. banks of the , Hudsoa rirer, a few miles north of 'this eity. ' - There, - Wlrero ; Mj. Burroughs had lived sine. 1878, the body will remain) until Saturday afternoon when a pri vate fsneral along the simple. line ke desired will bo held. Che body will be taken to Boxbnry, ia the Cstakill Mouataina. and" buried Bandar. , tka The great naturalist and author of I nme outdoor book, had hoped to return to! Th older Williams fad Clyde Maa hia eoantry home Eiverby to die and " - befors death UBexportedly claimed hinn.l Were: . I v - "How far are we from . v m konMr- V it tke winter ,Mr. Harrnagks . had spent the winter in California and was returning.' About five weeks sgb be snderwent tn opera- tioa for a prosteraal ahecesa; Seriooa heart and kidney eomplicatloas set in and bo became ao weak he decided be must hurry home if his wish to die smid tb lordly hills and trees .by tho Hudson was to be realized. Fell 8ddenly Dead. DariBg a delay In a railway statioa. at Chicago yesterday he seemed nervous snd depressed, but as soon ss bis train started his spirits brightened, accord t hi. nw.i.;.. ..i hinn)..i Dr.XTtara Barrtu. She accompanied tho m . .. naturalist from, California and waa talk ing to him when' hs suddenly fell dead ia his Pullman ear 'Compartment at 1 o clock this moralng. Jiia mind was clear to tns sad, sue said, aad death came without warning, Mr. Burrough's grind daughter Urania Burroughs, and I(, Barraaf tpo aioeos were t taw-party e she- train, -i- At dusk this evening a berse eon- I reysd the body along the winding roads that lead through th. rugged hills whsre I the Utter', assistant to eld in the Jas Mr. Burroucbs devoted vears of studr I ne eountv inauirr. ' It wtl gtit sit OB- tO'-bird. and. tree. ' aad flowers. Bur-1 rounding his home, where the body waa placed, were the elmi and maplea ke .v.ou, .M.iv vTciuHu . id. irnu, ffHnw return northward early were heralding the spring time. , Csrriod Jfanneerlpts. Ia brief eases carried by the groat naturalist were unfinished manuscripts 01 two uroii. u. usu Dusim simwii 1 Rnd was said official, preseaiea ovi during the Winter gathering material dene, designed to shew eertala whites in ouuincra huiohii auu jwuns 1 dowa Botes for thes. words on outdoor subjects. Uutimately they will be ad ded to km long list of printed volumes. Messages from prominent men of state, 'litersturo snd science began" ar riving at the horn, before the remains had been brought there. .These mes sages were not made puMie by the rel stives snd friend, of the netumlist, woo said they wanted everything con' eerning .the funeral to bo unostenta tious snd simple like the lifs of Mr. Burroughs. His last public message was a trib ute to William Delia Howell, and was read at memorial services to the author a few weeks ago in New York. Howell, snd Mr. Burrongh. were acquaintance. through ensny years. The only immediate ' surviving rel tlves are hi. son, Julian; Burroughs, who lived with Sis father, and tares grand-children. EDISON EXPRESSES DEEP BEGEETi PBAI8K8 BURROUGHS. west urange, 3. i., March Z.-t-Xhom- ss A. Edison a member of .man party of intimate friend, .who had ae-. eompsnied John Burroughs oa his an nual caiiping trips In the last four rears. exrre.geoMe.a serrow todav snos I 1 - . . 1 T i . I learning; ui inm naiurais s ucaia. fl "To me he always appeared to bo one I of tho highest types yet evolved? in. the sdvance of men to a - higher stage. Other members of the camping party . were Henry Ford and Hudson Maxim.1 Ontheir camping trips, wood chopping contests were always a matter ol keen competition and in this sport Mr, Bur roughs, notwithstanding .. his gtr al ways acquitted htmsflf ereditably. NEGRO ARRESTED FOR . i AN ATTEMPTED ASSAULT T . I WouldJ) Tictim v Drives " Off NeT0' at Winston JSalem ; With Iron Pipe Kinstom-Salewi, March 29. Clint Pearson, Colored, was arrested at his home in Bideatowa at noon today on charge of attempted erimiaal assault on Mrs. Alonso Or Brandon ia base meat of her home ia Craftoa Heights, related by Mrs. BrSadpn, the negro up-1 t - .aw - tr i euue sna. -Dreienara re 1 Vent to snake .a kiirchase.-He made sdvanees snd put lis hands, ea her, whea .bo grabbed a piece of Iron aad I struck Pearson seviral blows. manaci 1 ngito drivs him off.; ; A " ; In-order to prevent anv distarba: -el,!,. thst might arie m result f the at- temptek)asanult.' Person-wss rushed to another county Jail. r- A mas. meeting of Porsyth farmers hss been called for-seat Baturday to enaaider whst action thev .hoald take in rrgard to land value, this county J ASKS FOR l!IIO EIGIiI DEATHS III GEORGIA Governor iorseyTakes a Hand In InvestiQation of Jasper ; WANTSSPECIALTERM t v' F OCMULGEE COUrTT I'Judj ParU Asked To Convent ; Co April 11 ,Tor grand Jury To Seek . Indictments Airainit V Plantation , Owner and ,lfefr Wno Told Officers of AnegedVCllinft ; ..v' ;vv . .... Atlanta, Oa, March M-Oovernor Dorsey reqaesUd Ute today thatJ Us three sons. of John S. Williams be Ib dieted; in eonneetion with the wholesale filling of aegu fsmf hands oa the William. pUnUtion in Jasper oonaty and at tho same tna-dispa tehee rrosn CovingtoBaimoaeed' that the jraad Jury thero was inquiring into, reports that tho three sons of the laatsr had beta iBstigstora of falsa reports of a negro "aprisiBg ia that section. Oaf white ataaMs being held 1b oonhsetioB with tha. inquiry, bat officials at Cbv e- nwgf efTa foremaa oa kil pUnUtioa, already are under indictments snarging u NewtoB Wnnty, where Man- nf,.U hev aarriixl threo 1 Sing mMu oinciam uey ' ewmra wm I Md drowned them, aad Cover I t. ....j ,t.h k. iai jv-i nor Dorsey stated tonight be had rik Judge John B. Hoteheson, of thst Judi elal circuit, to set the trial of the two at "a very early date." Judge Hutches sob and Solicitor General A. U. Brand left for AtlanU today to tonfer with the governor. , Vj After, a conference hero Ute today with BUts officials snd federal ugenta, tha latter beina- bronchi In because Af alleged peonage conditions which Man ning declared yosalted U tho killings, tha Governor, twouerted ' Judge At t B. Park, ol the judicial eireun m-wsoca i ... . . . .... . i Jt,PeT loeatea, xo eau ne grara jury April 11 to make a general inquiry Into condition, and to return indictment. .gainst Williams, his three sons and Maanfha'. ' -. - Diaxo jusoney imsnu iwanj.uuifci tor OoBrl Campbell, af the judicial einutt fas which Jansr sooaty w sttaa ted. aad ethos Btat efflrisla eoaferred wifk Oovernor Doner tb sfternoow snd later it was ' tsld,. the Oovcrtpr would send the Attorney General or til Arril 11. tho Oovorasr - said,' bo- I eanaa the varloue officials wanted, an til sthst time to get ready for presenting t avuienco so um grsna jui 7 I Cnrrenf resorts that negroes wsrs preparing to rise .gainst white resi- i dents in sections of Jasper sad Newton enantien were the subject of a grand I jurr ravestigatioB st Covington today h.A mnrnmi : tha renorta. DAMAGE TO FRUITS AND VEGETABLES NOT KNOWN Department of Afrioulture Awaiting Beports On Dam I- age By Gold WaTe Washiniton. March . Extent , of damages suffered by fruits aad vege tables last Bight aad today by the nM ! uMtinns of Missouri. Illi nois and Indiana, a. well as parts of Virginia. Western Maryland, fsnasyl- vania and Now Englaad had aot been determined by tho Department of Agri culture tonight. Beports were slow in coming in, ofBeial. said aad iaaddi tioa aa exact determinatioa of the dam age would have to wait upon a warm day when diseoloratlons on f rosea, f rait buds aad blossom! would appear. Meagre reports Indicated that there had been some damage to fruit trees ia blorsons ia Maryland aad Virginia Be cause of the preceding wsrm weather, which bad advanced blossom, snd ten def- vegetables beyond the usual de relopment for this time of rear. ofH .i.ty !J1..4.J iL . 1 .1.. X - .I.L1 LJ ciais iniucwieu snwi uis osnp mgns'iis eoasidersble, THOUSANDS VIEW BODY OF CARDINAL GIBBONS ' ft ii i .ai i i . Crowds Continue To Pass Through Cathedral; Funeral Jo Be Held Tnursday Baltimore, Md March 29. Crowds besieged the gate of the ' Cathedral Jjr ahortly- sfter 9 o-cloek j the morning nntil sfter S:80 e clock ta their desiretn get into the enince ' v view ibv douj vi rumi Gibbons. It is estimated that betweea 25,000 and 30,000 persons filed pest th catafalque betweea 11 a. m. and ! 11 d. m. Such continuous crowds were aaex pected. . It was knows thst .the kntee would not bo opened for -the general pjblie until after the reqdicn high mass, ceJebrsted tot the religious orders Lf u,, eity t i-,. had been flaished. as tl III 9 xs . Bs t-i ava ui 1.11 aims ss BI u, niicauT td 'ken their statioa . south of-ht in tha asaia antranea of the Ca. thedraL Folieo were on -guard out ,y , lt, jento and a special eiviltaa guard the inside. - . . - . . navannr Sitchia issued a nmetamn. liloa today calling uooa all eiUxest of State ta cease work Thuntdav morn- log, 10 a. m, tha hour of the funeral. and offer- a Braver ef rraUUde "for tJe example of Cardinal Gibbons life, of taanhf jlness for th. memory of hrm which will dwell with aaad for the reooso of the soul-ef aot belovtid friend." , . lELEPi'OaE RATE IEAR1I.G DEVELOPS MAZE OF FIGURES i si C- - ' ' " "i !- " ' Attorneys For-Citles Cross Ex- . amine VSTnticsses Tor South" 7;jE7ern Beq.Company " . i point Cut that larger EXCHANGES PROFITABLE Testimony Derelops 5 Informa. tion That tn 1 8 2 1 Company - Iarned 3.85 .Ptfr Cent On Arerafe Investment; Pay 4' 1.2, Per? Cent' On Gross BeTenue To A. T, T. Co. ; . V ; Canght It I maao of statistics aad a bewildering tusUUds of exhibits, st tameys' representing various cities la the Bute opposing the .Soothers Bell Telephones petition for aa increase of li pfr seat u rates ia the Bute, had to content themselves yesterdsy with high spot cross -exsmihstions. Vice President tundt, Was.; P. Sloan, consult lug engineer, Edward I Cox, supply contract auditor A. T. aad T. Co, were examined by Huat , -Chiplw f or the company and when the Corporation Commission receaeed'for tha night Vies Preaideat Hoxsey was oa tho stead. 'C. A. Hiae, for Greeasboro; Joha Hiaadale; for BWeigh, 3.,A. Bell, for Charlotte, aad Bobert Basrk, for Wil mington, plad - question, at tha wit- ' The second day of the bearing lea ven it reasonably clear that tho opposition will have to make out its case from the (esMmoiry of the petitioner, relying a poa ' the - sommisalon's knowledge of tbo downward trend of thing, to pro- pvlde a Just rate.' As a general proposi- Uon, this baa been truoX most sf the poblie utility hearinga before the Cor poration Commission. Attorneys est mate that thousands of dollars would be accessary to prepare for-a hearing in anything like tho detailed nsannsr in which the Bonthera Boll, moat elaborate of all petitioner for increases., kaa stacked an its testimony of figures and exhibits. i Larger Bxchaagoa Pay Deficit. Hack of the opposition ystsrdaw was directed at tho development of tho fnetthat the larger exchanges ia Nortk Carolina bear tha hardens of the an profitable smaller ones. Wm. F. Sloan testified thst telephone rates are higher ia the larger- exchangee because tha eervies is mora valuable. . All the way through, the officials have fouaht shv of jneaaaring sates in. accordance with seat ,ef service. The value of tho service, they-insist, should bo the basis sWsatsaf within tha limitation of reas- enaurn reiuraa apoa the investment. It was after a series of uertions devoted towsrd ta setabliskment of tns fact that as larger exchangee carry tha smaller ones; thst Mr. Hinea wanted to kaow if tha increase were allriWeA to we interest ox ino larger exchange, to cot out of the in tern and for the smaller ones to get iaf augsn urn nave Balk of Btatioaa. The Witness Under the' snnlnaKna of J. A. Bell, of Charlotte, eoadaeted wiin soms atmealtv. aooareBtlv en ae. Count of a Confusion nf terns. ! that eighty-seven per1 cent of the entire number of etationala Jforth Caroliaa ia distributed betwsen eis-bt eltix -''" cvsssuy oniy aa innnitesimally n so provide lor toe .mall exchange deficiencies. Thst four aad a' half ner ( im aannallr ea gross revenue to the A. T. mi. veapany came ia for soma more attention yesterday. J. A. Bell wasted to know if, since the A. T. aad T. Com pany OWSed all the Bell atoek. if an erviee rendered the assoeiated com. peaiee waa aot a service a) ieif. The witnest .greed that ft waa, in effect. He likewise screed that the frslu tho smsllsr exehsncea were beine p.n. etantly eahancckl by the support they get from returns from larger and more remunerative mtsimu . Favored Prices. Edwsrd U Cox. of Plainfield. N. J contract auditor for ths A. T. snd T. Company, charged with the review of purchase, from tho wester a Electri Company, oxnlained that tha Western Electric Company, virtually owned by insySuavsao-T. Company, ha favored price for material furnished the as sociated eompaaies and another price for independent companies. Vies President Hoxsey went back oa the stand late ia tho afternoon aad told the Commission thst ths Southern Bell has aot earned six per cent dividend since 117. Par ths yesr from Jul SI, WIS to July 31, 1919 when th sys tem was juder government -ownership ths goverameat made up the dividend, he said. y Th statement of average Investment aad revenue was introduced "by Mr. Hoxsey ss the first exhibit for his sec ond appearance 'on, tho stand. - j ... Not Earnings, According to his ststements, tho ayerags Investment Increased steadily from 3,2721&S to M4S0J81 for 1J0 in North Carolina while the, per cent er net earnings. 10 ine averuge Invest' ment dropped from S.QS ner I per eeijt ia whea kf haa 1 and'yCO to mio so z.ij in 41 a srne enrobed-Tin tkroush 1919 au nauiuoa to -bum ths cominnv provides, according to Ur.-Hoxsey a depreciation fund of five aad a half per sent.. A tth morning session John Hinsdsls ia ernes exnmin.tioa bud de-. Voloped that this depreciation fund. exclusive of maintenunee, had built up aa eight million dollar fund some of the esUblishment of exchanges.. Wesaded Officer sjmm: Kiaatoa, March f Arthur . Lamm. a LaOrsngs police man shot by a aegro thre several week. seo. has been dis charged from a hospital hero and will eatirely recover from his threo wounds, wnicn ior a ttm threatened to cause his death, Iamm'i peslUva identifi cation of Prod Pens, a Vsgro. a hia assaUant,- will result . ia Penns iir- raignmeat The negro is Being held here. He shot Una, the latter sHrges, when he started fa search him far m. sealed weapons. 4NJUREL FLIER APPEARS TO BE GROWING WEAKER Hope Stln Held Out For Boo. ery of Lieutenant W, D . - Coneja, HoweTer ." ' ,V , ; ; .4. Nstchci, Miss., March 19. A fur a ti.ra Ut the woks esrly txiay. Uouten- ,W. D. Coasy, who was ; injured, wnen nia . piano straca a tree) i n ley Korning near Crowvill,' rallied sightly later . In the. dJV bnt toaight hia physician, said that hs Was showing, less, vitality than has been evident previously. ,. -.v- , .'.,f,. AreordiBg to , hU i phy.fci.ns- any ehang. in his condition wiU bo grauil, .nd while the odds are ir atly .-'art him, they have Tot glvsavp hope, of saving hia life.'. V. ' r '. i, V Major N. B. CUggett; ol the Tourth Aviation corps, who arrived hers last night to superintend tbo care of th injured flier, said tonight he? would remain here sntil there, wss a definite change ia the rendition sf the liinten unt, after which he will visit the seen of the U mt an investigstios and arrange for tho salv.ging of th. wrecked planer which still-Jic where it fell on th farm ef Moss LenLr, near viwwviii, AT FAYETTEVILLE Cumberland Seat Votes Solidly . ror tcajooQ for Im-.-. proved Scho6ls ; e-t ' Payetevills, ltareh 29-Oae' of the greatest wictorie for education in the history., of FayetcviHe was won today waa a- bead bwu of a quarter of saillioa dolUrs for" improved -J public school facilities waa carried by- a vote of lOO oat Of a registration of IU9. uniy urea vote were east against ths bonds.; .. A Urge number Of men and women worked for the bond bans from 7 o'clock this morning until tha closing or the polls at suadowDj the' Women of th Parent Teachers Association and the men of the Klwani. Club beln especially active in -getting out the tOtC. ... . i v.. ,V rj ; There was a negro steoa . of about 200 and this vote waa east sol idly for ths boads except for a few registrants who dould not reach the polls oa aocount of sickness. One ef the three votes .gainst the bond issue was east oy a man who cannot read er write, has firs children of school sge hi swna as properly. The program of imnrovement eontem plated by the school board, at. Cross Creek township sails for fire ' new aehool haildings, made necesaary try series .eongeet low resulting--from the isrgeiy. increasea school ausndSuee. These Include o new high 'school sn Burgess 'street sad : new building, at ths Donaldson school os) Esymoant snd at ths Porsoa street- school, as well as twa additional buildings for aegro pu pils on la-ange and UUleepie street. this win msks a toUl of tea scaoel buildings in th. eity .ystem. - - SEARCH FOR MISSING AIRMEN TAKES J. EW TURN Beports of .Strange Cries In v Swamp Puts Searching Par. ties On New. Trail Pcniac6H7 Pla, March 9. tfearch for Chief Quartermaster O. B. Wilkia son and. four companion missing in naval balloon sinee March 28, received new impetus this afternoon whea message to the Naval' Air Statioa herel from Apalschleols, Pbu said that Strang, cries hid been heard in s swamp soms miles from that place. Urdere were sent to ths seaplane stationed at Panama City Pla to taks op the search ia tbo vicinity of Apabv ebicola and they left this afternoon to maae a thorough sweep of th vicinity. The big naval dirigible C-7 will leave early tomorrow to Join ia the sesreh of the Franklin eountx swamp. umeiaia ar divided la the Br opinion aa to whether the balloon eduld have regained sufficient altitude to reach Apalaehleola Bay after having been as low as 100 feet the afternoon of March a (tatoa is us last, carrier pigeon message. This message added that all supplies wrs gone. Apalarhieola . is about fifty miles in aa air-line from 8t. Andrew and is about 00 mile, from 'ths place' where the balloon is .apposed to have been whea th last message waa dispatched. Another Report. Pensacola, Fb.March 29. Fishermen nailing to the bank outside of Apsis chieola Bay last Wedsesdsy sight heard shouting ia th vicinity of Uak Vinr ico, tea miles from Apalsebiools, aa tnes passed thst neighborhood accord ing lo a report to th naval air station 1st today. -' Orders were . immediately dispatched ta the sub-sir base established st Fan ama City for ons of ths planes here to make .a thorough search-- of Lnke . Wimieo. - Ne Trace ef Men. Pensacola, Fla., March 29. Lieut. 0. C. Cannon, pilot of the dirigible C-7, reported tonight that he had -circled over the swamp on both sides ef the St. Andrew. Bay' and Apalaehleola Onnulln the v neighborhood of Lake Wiraico without finding hy trace of tbo lost naval balloon snd Its five occu pants. He left the ha tiger' here this morning befors th report from Pan eras City in regard to the shooting heard by fishermen had been received, but his patrol covered the territory re ferred to by them. Lieut. Cannon will leave tomorrow morning on - another patflot..the some territory. BAYS ACTUAL BROKEN HEART -- PHYB10LOCICAL POSSIBILITY '- London, Mnrrh ' 29. Actnal - broken heart 4lL,e' pliyilological polliUty, s cording to Dr. J. Strickland Ooodnll, nn eminent heart specialist, in a lecture here. He said rupture of the ,hesrt fibers might result from emotion, more often from joy than grief v , L Big .teeple chase snd flat race,' $12 purse eaoh, Pinshurst today-adv, - . - CABINET TAKES UP! SERIOUS PR0BLLT.1S : FACING RAILROADS' Plan Formulation of a Definite Prooram For Railway ' , -:Rejiablli(atior.,; HARDING TO CONSULT "i i TRANSPORTATION EXPERTS Discussion at Cabinet Meetinc :) of f Preliminary and Incisfre .'. Character; President and Adrisers Btuoh n Concerned Orer Bumblings' of Diisatis ai Vi .1 vr. . j '. S " 1 1 - , Washington March csV -A. eempre- heniive stady f America railway eoa dition. wss begua by the admlalatre tiea today With a 'vlew to formulatloa ef a definite progtntnfor railway' w-. habUitation. -?-t V g j ' . For more that, as, . hoar President Harding dlseussod the problem witk his esblnet and later it wst anaosased that , he woulu calf in td eon.uhstios 1 within -ths next few daya ths ckairmei ef the " two goveramsut sg1181 avinf cloeest .. contact with transportstton' problem ths Intorstats' Commereo Commisslea . and tM Railway Labor Board. , Confer ences with Mil wsje msaagers sad em ployee are expected to follow ia time -to permit action at the eoming specisl -session of Congress. - i ,. ,', Diseussios at ths caSlnct meeting wss only for a preliminary ahi iadeew slvo: -character, . but thero -were ladw eation that th chief, executive and hie official advisers were much concerned ever, information which so far haa some lato their possession." Since it took up the rein, of authority, the .dmlals-. trstioa hss heard rumblings ef dissatlf faetioa from maay sonrees, th roads complaining of inadequate iaeome,' the employes protesting against intpsndlng. wags reductions, shippers asking for a reduction of freight rntes, and ia aomel eases the general publio appealing' foe. bettor service. . ', -. . 4 Mich Dlasatlsfsctles. :' All pf these point, of dissatisfaction? are to be examined ia tha edmlnlstra. tion inquiry, with ths general relation1 to a healthy transportation, industry to ' the nation's commercial life. Iven th tariff question, -which is to famish the', principal topis of eonsiderstion for the ' next session of Oongrsss, is considered by edmlnlstrnti6a official t be closely interwoven with transportation, policies, , Ainsewin some . Instances present int. . port duties work to the serious dlssd ventage ef Amerlcsa prodoeers by per mltting foreign : product to, feseh American centers at a tower eost th.a '., railway-born domesti good ef the ssme character. ' ' , ; . , , Meet Swriees roator.. '' The moat serious feature ef the .ita ation, however, aa it haa been pletarsd to ofBclals, is ths appar ent inability of the carriers themselves ts mske both ' ends meet aad. at tha . same time keen service up to standard. A number of high railway officials havs called oa Ms) Harding aines his alee tioa and hav told him tbatt unless eome 1 way to increased earnings war found 1 tha whole transportation system of ths : nation' faced paralysis.' Bueh a posit bllity, the' railway mea have insisted eould only b . viewed ae a Dubli ealam- tty-'., '., ..-.,-..lS.ri It is anderstoedj that although few definite remedial programs have bee .uggested in thes conferences, most -of those who hav presented the earn rs sids of tho problem have advised gains t say general increase ia freight . rates, A further material rate increase - ia the present condition of the nation's . industry, Mr. Harding: has beea told,. might result in eueh a enrt.ilm.nt of truffle as to reduce earaiags rather than increase them. .-' . , v ', Oppose Wage Redaetloaa. , : On their .id, ths railway employee hsve vigorously proteateeV against wage reduetlone aa aa fceonomy oxpedient, de claring thst living costs require that , w.gee schedule, remain nnehangsd. AU slong the possibility ef a general rail- way strike hao 'mads both railway . executive. ' aad- government -sgeneio think twice whenever a wag cuf hat been suggested... '. ... Added to this, and contributing ma terially to the present' nassttled eoa- dition of the industry, has been the confusion and inconvenience' of restor. ing ths -road, from a w.rtime to a peace -time basis and ef unscrambling tha .' various properties after a long period ef operation a on system under govern ment control. ,. ' - It remsins a questioa whether - the road, will .ak Congress for direct final - eial relief in addition to that provided . under the Transportation Act to eom penaate them for deterioration of their property while it was in government hand. Such a proposal would bo cer tain to develop bitter opposition in "' seme cjusrters, adding another compli cation to a situation that ia si pected to develop some very knotty problems be fore the .dministrntion and 'Congress havs found s solution. . BODY OF STANTONSBURG ' WAR HEROUIP TO REST Stensouahdrg, March x29Tho re main, of Private Willie WaUton, of Company D.llBth Infantry 30th Divis. ion. .one of th Heroes - who bronsht fibie to North arolina la helping break the fiiadenburg line and who was kill ed ia actios ia tha memorable attack on Sunday, September, S9, 1911, .were .. interred in the family burial ground ' near hero Sunday. ..The body arrived ." Saturday. ' . :;' Pitting funeral service were bold ia Water Branch Free Will Baptist Church by ths Rev.' 9.mie! Lane, pes- tor af th local' Methodist Chareh, wh ' waa a chaplain wlth-the 13th Infantry during 'the World War. , Former aero -vice mea acted tae pall-bearers at the 1 fuaeeaUs wUich waa attended by a large aiuBbef. ef friends asd.flsfayssA