, Till t jL.17 ,'.-.? ; . Unsettled weather f rlday end Saturday, probably nkewerS little tkui1i tcaaperatara. on jronr paper. ad t i flva ds before ay,,,,, , , la erd.r to avoid mium a singis eopr. . ...Mr" - liN( JOL CXIII.NO.98. SIXTEEN PACES TODAYS tATEilf GEORGIA-. "? IIEWCWi I)F ( PLANTER TO REST SSgs 0MR Mi ' it mm mniv tc-- .... w a m m mm - at a a, aw masmmwnanwia - --a a. i " v j lain ji ii I jnin juai luuni Williams Declares Hi. Inno cence of Charge of Killing - Eleven Negroes i CLOSING ARGUMENTS TO ! BE HEARD THIS MORNING plantation Owner, On Trial For t Death of One of Negro Farm f Hands ; - Point. To ' Negro i ! farm Boss As On Having 'Frobablt MotiTo" foJCffl. ) : inffij Attempt At Alibi JCovington, On. April T. The fate of : (obi 8. Williams, accused of tho murder it eleven negro firm hands, will rest withy jury tomorrow.-'la even, die wssionate -tones, the' Jasper county bianter, testifying in an own behalf, ;t RALETCH'K FRIDAY ,MORHlNaAPlllL8; I92l:" SIXTEEN PACES .TODAY. ' - PRICE. FIVE CEfJTD Taeaatry." Mr. Daagherty said. aneuia uu mum t i in 4ir sad bow way", aad that these waa ...a ... ... .f .. " ""7 as uiagu practices I ., w- '" a. ' ' should aot eloaa- their ayes- Hia II NeW YOrK COnQrCSSman COITieS itt.ZtL7lZ ;:io;;Batv,nvAavocacy of TJi - - ; nenry Lincoln Johnson f tktm wka akaaU BMaa their 1 1 DTDIIDI irU rtttirvl'naVi- hu uulivhii unnuiunic way to a. DECLINES TO FILE II W A IT DATA Southern Power Co. Withholds Information Promised At Hearing The! Southern Power Oamaaay baa uenriiteiy reniaea to eubtnit rwortU oi FROM NORTH CAROLINA Objection of Negro Leaders To Trask Linney Cuts' No lot and Name Goes To President This Week Probably; Colonel Meekina Claims His Appoint ment Purely Personal . The Newe and Obw'nrer Bnreaa, 1 - 603 Ditrirt Nation! Bank Bdg. BJ KUWAaUI E. BUTTON WOULD CENTRALIZE FEDERAL: AGEftCIES tWade Delivers -Broadside . , i . - ... . k . , , .. .. r , - . , r , , At Texasi Petroleum - Concerii Is Company With Which Roland Beailey. FoTmcr Commis sioner Of ; Public - Welfare, i Made Connection Recently vjcmng campaign apparently oenexai in ocate; in '.......iv. i . w l v - . uibiivc vcjjarunciH IHUCI . warning,; 4 : j, . (By Special Uaaed Wire) Washington, April 7. aiee now to tho Bat in idvoeify-of havta a nwro oday deelarod hi .boluW laaomut," tie aem.nu m.H.'.fi ffJ. ttoWeamry-prewniably bf r the eharro' of murder and when ... Z "e"r''"?e0,B John"". 4H.rt adinrid l.t tnd.T ti. trl.l wul" v.rouna vr auon la I ieaa national, eommittei negro Bepab' . committeeman of Gear. htA been eoaeluded ozeept for tho two I cordanee witk promisee ' made at the ia one. Martin C. Ansorfo, of New Lin.hr imiMiiti !.. i.xAa.'m I tlmk ha iwAitlnn fnt mm 1. 1 Vork city. Thia New Tork BennbliaB power ffatoa waa beinc heard before' the ff 2?l DMB lnt? .VJ"7?M' " ?f Williams will bo either eonieted of Conwra'tion Commii. i. lnre ? i !"!. and hel Cha nnrilsr ar nan nr tha f m I .k :i .1. auTFnt di a TOeirernm r -- --- v aiwin;r ivii luv UUIIW1UVB .19 laf i . . ,, - - . khoee death heU epeeifieally on trial, peittioaed increaae hare oeenred the 1 iPr"d Harding- to fire the br he will bo acquitted, for attorney! record! of tha South Carolina Commie- klboh the protert of white women kav. both aidea argued ttia afternoon ,ion which ihow that in the place of '"P10 ' office againat aerving that there xsould be no "half -way tt- .n allesed. valuation of 41 million !. ."B?er And there are 22 young Biete;" Hd the defendant himaelf told lari, aet forth in the petition, as figured wnlte women Trom Hew York whose khe jury in no many words, that the on the basia of the North Carolina Tnlu- ! t the protest against killinin wr marilr. A vmrAirt nt i.. .......j ..i...t! . n I serving under a nesrro. knnrder might be accompanied by properties held by the Soathera Power I .. ABMr aas made his protest against recommendation for mercy,- carrying ComoanT in South Carolina Ii Imi I ,M protest of the white women to lifr imprisonment. - ; than Sto million dollars. ' resident Harding and also , to Mrs. Clyde Manning, .negro farm boss for Claiming a total "assessed tslue'of I r'ii wWto Speel, chairman of the fourteen years on me miuama puce, approximately g78KXJ,000 for combined I -- - miuun woiu commii 4.ose eonfesaion implicated tho plant' properties in tho two states, tho tax I to 'w',9" th protest of the white i, was pointed to by Williams as the records of North and South Carolina I Tme "" sent, and the influence of toiaa baring a "probable motive" for disclose Drorvertv valued t or Uxatioa at I Ber oTganirauoa asked to prevent an the killings. - Charles C King, pleading somewhat leae than 20 million dollars, intolerable eonditioa arising for for Williams aeanittaL told the iurv I arenrdinr tn tha tlirnrmi l ih h.A. those who must work for their livina-. khat Manning, ignorant of tho penalty I of Judge J. Crawford Biggs, chief attor-1 Aaaorgo says that recognition on the lor moiuw, had become alarmed atrney for that ODDoeition to tho increased I Protest would be s viohition of the Be- the Federal investigation and that the rates. ' public platform and the constitution, kvidenee indicsted he was tie only With the assurance aet down In the Hb thlnk it just tho thing fptshlte person who had a motive for tho kill' record, of tho rata bearing held in Kirl take orders from nrgroeST that Ings. January, voiced by both W. & Leo and Both tng -intolerable" to i ar. rung asaerrea ue aeienso ex-1 C V. Marsfiall. assistant secretary and ""- ui mis. near ram xrom his protest: "'Women Frank far r'kanL.. . "The petition opposing the aoooint tent solely because of color la (the throe negToaa Wera killed, and as- Carolina. Judae Biecs mada no effort I backward 80 years and in violation of Bertea tne stale had orrered no legal to hurry the matter until last week. "P1" ana letter of the constitution.1 kprrobomtioR of the testimony of a Lest Monday, in reply to a letter'1 declares. He says the service of ronfessed ac contour aa reauired bv l from Judir Bio-n. attnrnv, fr thai colored troona in. tha WfM w. mm law. , - ' A , . power company, advised Jades Bur gal o appointment of a eolored citiaen u Maaniag Ineanabls. that the power company hadj reached I to each a position aaBegiatrar af the - ,.', nwwvivj I v w wmwwmuw n. itmgtini Mim IUS1T I - j , V W VA wuvi in Ml mi nil Id n general, pointed to osrtain testimony viaabla to sabmit tho South CaroHnai oi me Am ericas' people for the gallantry sis eorroiwratioa and said ths law hft records, and deflnitaly declined la trans-1 and bravery') af tha aolnnul uMU It to the jury te make final decision mit them. Judge Biggs imaediataly But what the wKto women da not kn that question. Ha termed Manning took up the matter with the South recognize as logic is what has serving Incapable of planning and carrying out Carolina Commission. The reply was in tho army, or gallantry of any kind tt crimes "under tha eyes of Wil- received late yeeterday. ' got to do with the question 'of white aiamS and his family,"' aad named Wil- BeloJ is given the value set forth girls taking orders from a negro. Thev - - v ,imii I iu ma cuupwi ittvihuh xur ucinwni mwv wwunc xor yOngresSman UDShSW Manning alao will bs pat on trial far rates, snd the value of its South Cam-1 of Georaria. DeiMncrat. .n..V a.. Ihe murders, it was annonneed today, I Una property on the tax books in that I them, and are wondering if there will mi eaaci umo to oe aemaea. inter, ana slate: i ne any 'Jtepublican from nnyj f the bis attorney, . Marvin Underwood, Wateree Power Comrany, $13,781250 1 States who will hava tha aajd he would not enter a plea of in petition; tax value. $868,010. (the manhood to raise his vnlca in thu iiiy. I ureal rans i-ower company, ia, Denaix. And U must be remembered "Clyde Manning sbavll not escape." 313,300 in petition; tax valus. M.- that slirnina their nrntaat .... B.i;.u. n. l D a i. TaK b " ., ' wvwivm wvuviwi i'i"u ,u i oi i'QnirDl OTCr infllB P WnnM wrging conviction of Williams. "I Wateree Eleetrie Company, $5,800,- from States .Nnrth. ..a jconld not under the law permit bim to 500; tax value, $o3,04O. South, Republicans ssd Democrats scape.' .. . CaUwba Power Company, $383,680 in alike, that it is ths anneal of .Kit. Uallltlll mA taallfla fA tha t4a I K.tirinn - I A- ... w - i i v ..- , .gnD. ii 1 1 man IA aIIM.W .1 ,thst by Williams' orders tt.o negroes Southern Power Company, $3,123,326 1 protection from suffering ths humllia- V.., wati,kta4 aww with v,wVa anil I in natltinn - tav vatna SHtlfl 0111 I a -a - 1 . . P .. ..... .... . . . r -, . , i a conoiuon wrucn wey declare thrown tvlive into rivers or knocked in I ' ' ' ' wmM ka intni...hi. . the head and bnried where they fell, RINGLEADER OF MOB Blair Maa-iaa- at rr.i ... land Williams, Ukmg the stand todsy. mi lain Rllll TY BY MIRY I had a talk tod.-.t with e.indiHaf." n. I WWI1 UWIbl I W I V 1 1 I ;;. Ti , vuiu.,.nuvWi AAirrnii Aevenne rsisir pecwa to rely largely on Williams' treasurer of the corporation, that the Palihi," which he said Williams hbd I petitioning company woufd be glad to I katabTuhed "as far possible" by de-1 have incornorated ia the record the L vriUi;ie ho it1 he was a! lome the niffht I value set on thair nronartiea ia Rnnth r" Triefly recited all he said he knew of I iV?e,a0""d.P Santanearl In Vinrinia Court To no' ot our Dave Blalr of North C.ro. i rcnun ana ixarry j-rice, inroe arownea I una, p! the suns night in Newton county. He . is on trial for murder of Peterson snd -"1ie did not go Into tho other ease, . Defendaat Calas. The defendant accused by the 'state Tear In Jail and Pay Pine of $500 rotege of Benublieaa Natlnnal CommitteVman , Morehead but Bnhart W. Blair, formerly of Virginia, now of miron, mien, and I Bad that the Vlr ginia Ulair is an alumnus of the Unl Inchburg, Va., Anril 7.-ohn Drap- Veraifcr of North Carnlin. Ha f "Georgia's most atrocious murders," I cr, charged with being ringleader of in the world war as private, captain baa watched the proceedings calmly 1 the mob that stormed do Halifax Jail I -ml major, has a long record of service' TTTOUgnout tne triad, even smiling ones morning ox marcn 21, wnere 41m with tho Internal ravanna tnr,.. ..j "- or twice, and today be was as cool as Coleinrfn, negro, was held in connection I has a letter of strong commendation any oi toe speciaiors wno paexea tne wuo ine muraer ci nuiiam juexman, irom ixmiel V. Uoper, once th( Demo courtroom almost to fuffoeation to a white mnn, March CO, was found I cratie commissioner of internal revenue, boar his story. guilty of assimlt by a jury in the Hall- Mr. Bluir apeakin. of his d&vs at , These were the 11 rat criminal charges fax circuit court late, today and his Chapel Hill made inquiry abotu former I any kind ever filed against him, he punishment was fixed at ons year in I university friends, among these Judge declared, ia bis 64 years of life, and jail and a fine of $500. I Crawford Biggs, Buck" Snow, Perrin void proudly, it seemed, that his four Jona Martin, attorney for Draper, rtusoee, John Andrews, Bob Grey and grown sons -were smong ths first to asked that the verdict be set aside as I '"Bed Boek" Bryant. He was a member answer the country's call to war. He contrary to the law and the evidence. f ,h class of 1806. admitted he might have been tech- and Judge W. C. Barksdala set batur- But let us not forget Dave Blair, for aieally guilty of vconace as he had day mornins for hearina' arruraent. I Dave s backers hold that he is still in v worked negroes who owed him money.) Twelve others are charged with being tB( running, and that be is going soma He sad so informed Federal investiga- members of the mob and their trial 1 ran aye it as a fact that there is jo tors when they Ant came to the farm. 1 ia xoected to txJkm nlaea at tha naxt 1 doubt but that Beoubliean foreaa la bo added, and also had declared he term of tie Halifax eireuit court. North Carolina are. pressing the admin-N always naid and fed tha neirraair. rnmmnnwr.llh Attnma Jamaa O I latrsuon to appoint him cflmmiMiniiKr t These agents replied that the negroes Easley expressed himself as satisfied I ' lnternJ revenue, andit is. unddr oa ait place were among the "best fed with the verdict of simple assault. I """ "'"o mat tne appointment of a and clothed" they had seen, ha de- Joe Francisco and Pete MeCormaek, onuniasioner has oi yet been decided clared. indicted with the others. as beine- mam. nPn- Bepublieaa National Committee- If. he, were technically guilty of bers of the mob, turned state's evidence, f1" ,ohn M. Morehead came to Wash- peoBsge,' "most Georgia farmers also testifying that Draper organised the iDtr" today and will remain till Sat Commission - Recommends 'the Creation of Veterans. Serv i ; ; ice Administration NEW PROGRAM SOLUTION " BELIEF WORK TROUBLES Bureau of War Bilk Insurance, ReiVabilitation Division ' and Part of Publib Health Serr. ice Would' Be ' Placed Under Director Oeneral Kespoitsible To President WsAlngtoa, April 7fcVven arieclfic reoommeadatioas, ehief among them the ereatioa of tbo Veterans' Service Ad ministration to take entire Charge of government ; relief work among ex soldiers and to bs headed by a diree tor general reeponiible directly to the President, were contained in the report submitted today to President Harding" by his special commission investigating tha care of veterans of ths world war. Charles G.' Dawes, of Chicago, chair man of the commission, told the Presi- de as he handed him the report that he believed' the recommendations were sound sad that they would prove A satisfactory solution of the troublesyx- isiing in tho present administration of soldier relief work. , Early action by -resident uaNing oa tbo report is ex pected. ' Beeommeadation number one provides for the new agency, ind gives it juris diction over the Bureau of War Bisk Insurance, the rehabilitation division of the Federal Board for Vocational Education and such part of the Public Health Service as may be necessary to ears properly for disabled veterans. It also asks that a director general assume charge of the new agency with full authority to obtain nece-stary facili ties when those) already available prove : Jl n-i; .a - uiaucquaie. ms provision woum per mit the leasa or. purchase of hospital buildings whenever the demand ex ceeds the supply. '. ' Cite laeeasisteneiea. Care Is suggested in the framing of new legislation cresting the admiais- tratioa to avoid present inconsistencies of law affecting the three ' existing bureaus. Particular request ia made that no statutory limitations be placed oa tne sirecter general as te tha aus bar and salanas af his employee. number thro asys that pending ths enactment of new laws. Secretary Mel Ion. f ths treasury, shall issue orders te ibs aeaoa aa us ruous jaeaita and War Bisk bureans, authorising the 1st tor bursas ta take charge, of tha public health activities and personnel engaged ia providing aiediesl ears for the voter ana. The effect would be to cenaoli date' these bureaus under one bead ay executive order without waiting for Congress to aet ar risk delay from that cause. - ' Need More Hospitals. Ths next recommendation orevides for an immediate extension snd utilisa tion of all government hospital faeili ties, with such mobilisation of eivilisn mediesl servea as msy prove praetl cable. Aa Immediate and continuous hos pital building program is saked in ths fifth recommendation, which augaests mat oeeretary aisuon's committee re cently appointed to report on sites for new hospitals, be directed to report eon earning the type end locations of the required buildings. It adds ahat ap propriations should be made available by the Congress which convenes next Monday. Tho sixth calls for exertion of human izing influences to impress the sick snd wounded with ths fact that ths nstion entirely concerned in their welfare snd rehabilitation. The last aaka immediate use of the $18,600,000 appropriated by .the last Congress for new hospitals' were,'' he added. mob. ( Other witnesses furnished cor- "A ! mh.' Put dowh as -I am absolutely innocent," he told roborativo evidence, wtile several wit- !?a,i,,tr th wi boost Dave for the Declaring that the Iateraatloaal Petroleum Company is trying te do business la North Carolina In open aai flagrant violation of the law, all. the mora reprehensible because of the fact that two North Carolinians are officers b the company, Btacey W.-Wads; North Carolina Insurant Commissioner yes terday issued a statement of wsrning against the stock selling activities of tne concern. The two North Carolina officers are Boland r. Beatley, former -commis sioner of public wlfar4i .this State. and E. C. Williams. Vila president of tne company. The Inanraaee ' Commissioner found evidences ofwholesala dissemi- nation of literature of this sompaay ja North Cafeliaa making a particular ippwr aa us strength of its North Carolina eonnvf.-ons. riewded With Matter. t The stateraent af the Insurance Coat mieaioaer reads; "North CaroVina is being flooded with advertising amtter bearing tha name of the International Petroleum Company of Texas, Baa Aateaio, Tex. It is per sussive snd optimhrtie in tone. It tells stories af vest fortunes msds in oil and quotes the stock of snccrsefiil com panies, cites their enormous dividends, aad paiats rosy pictures of a future made happy and ears-free by aa invest ment of a few dollars in their stock. It is the same old line of bunk that has relieved suekers and easy-marks of their money through all the ages and would aot be particularly dangerous ia North Carolina but for two facta, both of them artfully set out: First, that Mr. Kola ad T. Beasley, late Commissioner of Public Welfare of the State of North Carolina, is now working for ths International. The company says it sflords them peculiar pleasure te announce that Mr. Boland F. Beasley, lately Commissioner of Public Welfare of the State, of North Carolina, has been added to the stall,. Ths an nouncement goes oa to state that Mr. Beasley came to Texas, investigated their proposition thoroughly, etc., be fore accepting a position with them snd thnt ho haa unbounded faith ia the company. ' - Anatkar A art a carolialaa. Beeaad, the announcement, goes oa to state thst 'Mr. E. C. Williams, vice president' of the company, who gained bis larormatioa at first hand by actual experience, ia another North Carolinian, The international, therefore, feels is some degree a personal relationship to tne pobite or the Old North State.' I J l VW l.lVfIUB rBncuiag- bis w . ..... w . n , , .no (BiuniBfi vommiaaioner eoavineed that many thousands of let ters . carrying this nronaaanda ' have some' Into -the' State during ths past wcsK. .vopirs oi tness letters have reached the Ineu ranee Department from school teachers, ministers, social work era, newspaper men, real estate deal era, lawyers and others. The letters vary slightly ia form. Mr. Williams, who says that he practiced law tot twenty years ia North Carolina, takes care or his Srsthrea of the legal nro fesnioa. " ,'- 'The International is aot licensed to do business ia North Carolina gnd no contract which ths company may make wwHiuuni rBionvwii" in any mure im north Caroliaa. Until the company submits a roll spd complete state meat to hi arlce aad. Is properly la vestigatcd as required by the law of the State. Mr. Wade earnestly rerru'ests all eitUens of ths State to tot this stock, 'and all similar stock, severely aloes. The company is seeking to do business fa North Carolina ia open and flagrant violation of ths law aad ths fact that two North Carolinians ars officers of the company, serves to make the company's criminal operations all tne more reprehensible. Promisee Cask Dividend. "The company promises a cash-divi dend of i per cent in April, but ita financial statement, dated March 17, iret, contains notning substantial upon which to bass such a promise. " "The Insa ranee Department regrets the necessity of makiog this state ment, especially since the company ap pears to be very proud of its "personal relationship to ths public of the Old north State," but it has no choice in the matter, sines ths eompany ia try. ing to do business in North Carolina ia violation of ths law. If ths propoai tioa were oa the level and the com pany's praspeeta all that Messrs. Beas ley and Williams claim for it, thsy would not be arraid to show their haad and submit to aa investigsHoa at ths hands of Ue officials of their home state.- OUR MEN ACQUITTED OF MURDER OF JAP Jury At Norfolk Beturns Ver. diet After Being- Out Twenty-four Hours Norfolk, Va- April T. Four men charged with murder ia connection with the killing of two Japenese sesmen oa board the steamship Kaisho Maru last Christmas Eve were sequitted by a jury tonight They hsd been out twenty four hours before they reacted a ver The mss wera tried under aa indict ment whieh cbarawd them with the death of a Japanese who was killed es the ship aad buried at sea. A second indictment, charging them with the G0LDSB0R0 WANTS TO HELP HOSPITAL Josephus Daniels Guest At Ban quet Given By Citizens To Boost Institution tne jury la conclusion, as he reverted nesses testified to substantiate the ; ta the murder charge. defense plea of an alibi... Draper him- aiata - self testified this morning, denying the Ths State had rested earlier in the charges snd giving ia detail his moves . day with introduction of Bena Man- during the afternoon and late svsning . aaaKiai aa.!. at sTtl-aJ . If 1 J a, . . ... ..... " vijua mauuiug-, aua or ine attack on tb jail. eat. ; an) t "V w a w . I w ouaty,4in an effort to corroborate TRINITY PROFESSOR TO ttn2SZTT?LtaZJXZ2 PREACH AT ROCKY UmHJlMmArkB.KMUAiim. Manning0 aad Cbsrlis Chisholm the I . .. - . .. . na M. Smith, but stayed over today, night they were last seea alive, as KOCV Mount, April T. Announce-1 P'nn"Mr to leave tor his homo tonight. Manning had declared. Sheriff John- made ia a letter received this I H",( h,t hs was aot hero after a :a u 1 H f.M.i .u. I moraine hv ahureh of flciala N frdn. I positiort he wss named by tha "Bonnh- bodics found in Newton county and! Pre,idina lder. N. H. D. Wilson, of IS?8" 8UU Mmmitteo at iu CMensboro later confessed and told where the theWasnrhgtoa district ttat Bey. r" oeuaraa rw tjoiee others eould be found. The aearo's Jm Cannon, IH, son of Bishop Can-1 Phibitioa enforcement offieer, but wnr,l. ... iwaa .nt t.. l.n.i..in. Btja and now associate nrofessor af now 6001(1 "e nerp thinking of thst : .1. .l.-m :J ' Rihlinal Mtaratora .t Tnit pn.. I when he wss hsving a talk with Com - . , . .. ' .Ik.. ii. I mitteemaa Morehead today.' for More- , niuiams waa mo- only wiiaeas ror ". f . . . J iw"w fcl ni n. u..ki.. t-Vu r the defense, ar.na.rin a. tha .i.nA of the First Methodist church and will It' -,! Meeklns, Kohlwis, J. F. worn. which, nnder Georgia law, "rit, ia thejsity Saturday ta conduct f EuJLh ntV !n ZlZ.t prer.ated cro-a-ixaminatio.. The fact both service. Sunoay. . J ? tty,' lh, that as other defeaM teatimoay was Tie local ctarea has bee. without a ?otcl fodnv tttt X hfd -ntha ?5 tmtAA wiiii L. 1 oaalor for tha cast several weak, ainaa M.otcl dny- B't they .had nothing to ii "YV.JZxZL iCim. I fr.r 1 r. K. iw. 1. r.' .. . r were asked to talk nm. on the, ' attnrneys Mr. Kiaa lowed in order by Mr. Wria-hf fas tha elder and Bev. H. E. Bps nee. of Trie . .... . - . , llT college, whe supplied the local pui a : AVll.av- mm ( ae WV I IU aVU) OUUUay. position, and ss hs is strong for Dsve df?.0 f"1"," died "i ho 11 is aaauredthat hs will givs him the big boost. And another of the Republicans who nave an eye on r ederal pie, and two bartdr aach reathing for it, is here to dsy, B. A. Kohloss, of Salisbury. .Mr. Kohloss cams primarily to be' present last night at the wedding of his son, www .,wiuii. waa iiactm 1 f - -i M-4- w i ni Vfnaklna !.r 4rr hia hnma tnni.k time of srgumeats snd four I miaiatry snd returned to his horns ia I h, it 7... .... " 7SZ.L ' spoke today. ' - Arkanaaa. During- the interim the pnl- vi. tlw- " Z.-X " ZZr iZ.Zl ADOaed for the defensa, fal. pit has beca supplied by tha preeidinc T i aiit'n DrvDcriT Eunonua. ' ien Property eustodiaa. I got a chance for a word with Coll (CaatiaaecT pa Page Twa!) ' pital here, is still pending, snd will be tried, common wealth's --attorney an, Bounced. Data for opening of the sec ond trial use not been aet. The men are charged with killing the Japanese in a fight that resulted after they bosrded the steamship posing as officers with the intention of seizing liquor which members or ths crew are alleged) to hava bad. West Darkens Cltlsea Dies. Dunham. April 7. John Stanley Rir, bee, aged 67 years, resident af West Darham for the past several years, died lasr, nignt at a:l o clock at Watts Hos pital following aa operation Saturday, Surviving the deceased ars his see. ond wife, Mrs. Ida Kigsbeej twT sons, J. E. Bibagee, of West Durham, and J. J. Bigsbee, of Carrborot two daus-h- rers, airs, wyaa Blackwood, or Chapel Hill, aad Mrs. A. I Fisher, of Win ston-Salem; three brethens, U.P.. Bigs bee, of Chapel Hill; W. A. Bigsbee, of uarrnoro, ana . i. jtigsDse. of Char lotto, and one aister, Mrs. Emma Bigs bee, of Bigsbee. . - . ' Ths decessed was bora ia Chatham county, resided for several years ia Oraaga eeuBty, and moved ta Wast Durham several years, ago. v' - - Goldsborj, April 7. Josephus" Daniels of Baleigh, former Secretary of the Navy, was the principal speaker and guest of honor here tonight at the eiti sens' banquet given in ths interest of the Goldsboro hospital whieh proved to be one of the most elaborate em munily social events over held here. featured ly aa elegant service of good things to eat,' good music, and short but entertaining speeches. Copt. Nathan OHerry, chairman of a committee af business men of the city, who are solicitous for the needs and sustenance of the hospital, presided as toast master in a happy manner, follow ing a beautiful sad touching prayer by Rev. G. T. Adams, pastor of St. Paul's Methodist church. Hospital's Wortfty Rerard. Besides Mr. Daniels, other sneakers of ths eveoing were Judge W. B. Allen, Geo. C. Boyall, A. P. Edgertoa, Charles Dewey, who gave a brief history of the hoepital, what it haa aeeompliahed in the past, whst it is doing- at present and what it should do in the" fifture. While it cannot wholly be clavsed as charitable institution in the sense of bestowing benefactions upon the in digent, its record is largely one of good deeds snd has carried consolation snd comfort to many a saddened heart and darkened home, and cheered nnd en cou raged many a worthy person in the light against adverse circumstances. Therefore, the large social gathering of emsens tonight wss purely in the natura . of a get together community nrrair lor tho chief purpose of arous ing a more genersl interest in com muaity uplift and pride in and soliei tude for -this worthy Institution, which is chiefly maintained snd operated inrougn popular subscriptions by Golds boro citixens. ' The banquet was served at the Golds- boro Womsn's Club and wss ia ehsra-e of the club women, who were attired in Bed Cross costumes. Tlie musical program waa ia eharge or tns following young women: wee damee' Murray Borden, T. B. Jenkins, I. 11. iJinell, Ulbbs snd Misses Mil dred Edmnndsnn and Lorenda Hooks. The recitations by Miss Lucy Johnson', of the Odd Fellows home here, caused much merriment smong the guests and was one of the outstanding festures of tha evening's entertsinment. While here today Mr. Daniels was the guest st the home of his brother, Judge P. A. Dsniels, the home also of his venerable mother, Mrs. Msry C. Daniels. Mr. Daniels' Address. Mr. Daniela ia his address to the Goldsboro people spoke la part as fol lows: I It is the easiest thing in the world to tell somebody else how to invest his money to secure big dividends. I not now spesking of the employment of money in farms or factories or mer chandise or banks. To be sure, wise use of money in the material foun dations upon which our civilisation rests is fundamental. Chambers ef commerce snd newspapers sre estb lished to tell where money eaa'De placed to bring the largest return by co-operation and through corporations. Always, hows ver, ths individual Insight or judgment will control a ma a who BENCH WARRANTS IN STANLY COOR T Judge Ferguson Takes Strenu ous Measures To Enforce the Prohibition Law Albemarle, April T. Somewhat of a sensation was created ia Albemarle to day when Judge G. & Ferguson, who is holding a Stanly county term of Super ior Court issued bench warrants fori J. & Sapp, J. B. Hammond, and H. T. Sawyer all of Bsdia and J. W. Good man of near Albemarle, upon motion of Solicitor Walter U. Brock which no- tion was based oa the evidence of W. J Adams testifying in court ss to sources from which he had obtained intoxi cants. The charges against these men, is is unasrsiooa, is ror selling extracts and patent medicines eontalnina- suffi cient alcohol to intoxicate persona who partake of same. J. S. Sapp is a merchant of Rail in nnd is also chairman of the Bepublieaa Executive Committee of Stanly while J. W. Goodman is a traveling natant medicine salesman. It is understood that bills are now before the ersnd inry againat these parties and it Is not known whether the eases win bs tried at this term of court in the event true bills are found. Another matter of interest is the fact that the grand jury has found true bills of indictment for false pretense against toe Albemarle lee and Fuel Company on the grounds that this eompany haa been giving their customers short weight For some time there haa been rumors that people were protesting that this eompany waa giving short weight but only this week did ths matter comb to ths attention of the grand jury. BRITISH PREMIER LEAVES WAY OPEN TO SETTLE STRIKE Eleventh Hour Announcement Gives 'Hope That ".Crisis . Will Be Averted GOVERNMENT TO MEET LABOR REPRESENTATIVES Lloyd George Announces WilL ingness of Government, To Participate In Conference To Discuss Question of Pumping' Before Taking Up the Other Matters London, April T.-(By Tba Associated Press. Another day of toast alterna tions ef hope aad fear ended with ana of the Prime Minister's characteristic cisvenia nour interventions, bringing ' renewed prospects that ths grave l dustrlal crisis will be averted. Hs sa nonnced ia the House of Commons to-' sight the willingness of tha government ' te participate ia a conference to dis cuss tho question of pumping before other matters wera considered. . .1 Informal conferences . a o a 1 1 a a A throughout tha evening, moderates like nr. Asquitn, Lord Kobert Cecil, Arthur , Henderson and John Bo hart ftlyaaa working hard in an endeavor to indue, the miners to relent on tha question ef pumping snd it wss supposed that the whole question was turning on this slender hope. , . ' i Unas pacted Tara Premier Lloyd Geons had boaa ah. sent daring the latter hours of tha ds beta aa ths sitastion, but returned to the House unexpectedly at 11 o'clock snd informed the members that tha , government had agreed ta a ' aouraa. whieh it is believed practically certain ths miners will accept the ealliag of a sonfetsnce of owners aad miners ta discuss with tho government the dlffiV eulty relative ta pumping ths mine before touching upon tha question as wages and other matters Involved ia the demaAls af ths men. , Want steps exactly had led up to thul ehanga of front are nakaown as yeU" Arthur HeadsrsoB, who rose-to reply' to tha Premier, wss dearly, non plussed. -He bad, ha said, to express regret- taatM ths Premier had. aot given notice eff sue! an important statemaat. aa M. i Thomas, secretary af tho National tram of Bailwaymen, to whoso swggtstioa it! wa apaarently due, and other leaders i had gana horns. . v 1 As be hsd axnlalnaA aa.lia ' thai I Miners' Fsdsratioa. Would", hava ferred to opea tha soafavaaaa aHthaaai' seaditioBs aa aithsr aids, but ha hs not had aa opportunity to consult the federation sines th afternoos; there, for, ka could aot assume responsibility is tho mstter. Ha than-arM tha aala' safe line wonld bs for ths Premier tsf -put his statemaat into a lattav (a tk. officials for consideration. - I-abor Heads Stand fat The organisations eomnoainr tha tvUlat alliance held no further meetings) they sre apparently holding hands until to morrow. Ths Board of Trads issued aa official rsport of todsy's negotiations for tha enlightenment of tha uikii. - The report sets forth tha argumsats ef both sides and concluding with a atraam repudiation of ths accusatioa that tha ' government is engaged ia a genera at tork on wages, ssysf Huea. a eharge is ss monstrous sa is unfounded. Ths rovernmant a.f community alike are desirous thst tha best wages should bs naiit ta m I.. duiitry that such industry can afford." Ths council of the Independent labor Party called upon ita members to sup. port tha miners by every moans ia their Dowsrr declaring ths crisis wss dus ta sn attempt on ths part of nrn,i. eapitaham to establish the right of an. limited plnnder nnd degrade the Stan' dsrd of living, whieh must bo resisted mu eoots." ASHBURNER TO ADDRESS ROCKY MOUNT CHAMBER Rocky Mount, April 7.-rChsrlee E. Ashburner, city maaager of Norfolk, bss accepted sn iavitstion from Pres.. dent John J Wells, of the local chamber of rsmmerre, to address the quarterly meeting of the membership of the com mercial organization some time tha lat Dan Blalock charged with the murder . Pn or lni month. Mr. Ashburner of Pearl Thompson, of Norwood, was arraigned in court this afternoon and most of the afternoon wss taken up in tho selection of a jury. There are a largs number of witnesses both for the State snd the defendant and it is ex pected that the remainder of the week will be consumed by the trial of this ease, Bin lock's snd Thompson ens con nected with prominent families of tha eonntytand a grent denl of interest is being manifested in the trial of this ease. - DISTRICT MASONIC MEET AT xG0LDSB0R0 SHORTLY Goldsboro, April 7. On April 81st. there will be a district Masonic conven tion of the Sixth district consisting of counties of Wayne, Menoir and Greene. Representatives from 14 lodges sre ex pected to attend. Grand Master J. Bai ley Owen and Grand Secretary W. W. Willson will nttend. After the rea-u- lar meeting, which wit! convene at 2:30 m., a banquet will be aiven to the delegates at 0:30. In the evening there will bs a puhlio meeting at the court house st 8:30 o'clock. WHISKEY STILL RESEMBLES GAsf ILLING STATION Winston-Salem, April 7. Local offi cers located a blockade whiskey outfit yeeterday afternoon patterned aeme what1 after a gas filling station. It wna located out oa tha Lexington road, in an old field near tbo , road. It consisted oi a run ou gsnon Barrel which was has suare-eatpd Thnv..l.w an.it oa . -'j ...-I ii o, aB a. , data that will suit him and chamber of commerce officials state that hia sugges tion will in all probability be accepted. Mr. Asliburner, who ia regarded aa having made a great success of the city manager form of government in tha' Virginia city, is being brought to tha eity because of the live interest la tha city managership form of government occssioned by ths recent decision of the bosrd of aldermen to place the pro- , pnaed government change before tha eitiiens of the eity for rejection or ap proval at the regular May election, HARPER NOMINATED FOR MAYOR IN KINSTON RACE Kinsron, April 7. Carrying every , wsrd, Mills M. Happer waa nominated- " for mayor by Kinstoa Democrats today in s hot run eff primary with, mayor Joseph Dnwson. Three other eandi. . dates wera eliminated in the regular , primary Tuesday. The contest today waa so close that Happer carried twa Wsrds by only ona majority, his Bin jority in ths city was 112. His nomi nation is equivalent to election month. BEGIN, WORK ON SPENCER ' ' GRADED SCHOOL BUILDING, Spencer,. April 71. The firstv brick; . was laid Monday for the foundation of the new high school building now; being erected in East Spencer st a cost of $43,600. Tho town officials and 1 school board ars pushisg tha work snd it is expected tha eeatractoa, will tara (Ceatjnsed aa Page TweJ buried in ths ground with the bung pro-1 the new building aver for use when truliog just above tha soil level. A used I school opens in Sentambar. Tha miM eaVtwsy led near tha spot and there was ing snd equipment will be seeop t vvwvBce oi eouauisjuDit patronage - none in this partcn the South. ; , .