NEWS AND OBSERVER.- RALEIGH; N. C. . WEDNESDAY MORNING, APRIL 131921 Washington, April 12. Ths complete text cf President Harding's (ddrest to Congress follow! 5 ' ' 1 Jdembers of th Coogreui " Ion hav been called in xtreordl nary aessioB to give yoar consideration t Nstlonal .problems far toe pressing to.- be- toaf. aeglwted.-; w fixe our tacks ot , legislation and kdmlnutratioa Mid eonjitioas M difflealt M our nnruwt hu ever. eoBtemplatod. Under ouf, political system ths people Of the United States bevs.ebargcd.the new Ooagrsss and tk M adminiatre Joa with th solutlonth readjust ments, recoastruetioa, 4 wtonttim whisk mart follaw in the nhe of War. It may regretted that w were so . illy prepared for. War'a aftermath, ee -little reedy to retura to th weye ef pea, but wo ar aot to bo dteeour cod. Indeed, wo must bo tho Mora firmly raooiTOd to asuena our wort With hijrk hope, and lavito vry fac tor' la our citiseaship to joia ia tha ' effort -to find nf normal, oaward. war Sgeua . Tho American people have apprauad tho .aituation. Bad with that tolorance end ' patience which go with under otaadutg they wtU give to bi tho la- ' xiueace of deliberate public opinion walk iltimateljr become tha odiet of ay-, popular govsrnmsnt. They aro measuring some of tho atera nr-tca-Siticev sad will Joia In tho give-and-take which la so oiaontial to firm rs establishment, ' -rirat ia mind moat tto oolatioa of our - problsms at bom, evsn though soms : phaaoa of thorn are inseparably linked with our foreiga relation. The u rest procedure in ovary goernment ia to But ita owa hoaao ia ordar. Z know of no mora preuicf prdb tea at home than to reetrlet oar na tional ozpanditBroa within tho limits of of national income, and at tha same time measurably lift tho burdona of &r taxation from tho ahonldari of tho lorlcaa pooplo. t Ono amBBot bo anmindf ol that eeono "Jay ia a much-employed cry, most fro ' queatly otroaoed ia pr election ap peals, but it la oart to mako It aa out standing and ever-Impelling purpose ia jboth legislation and admlniatratloB. JThe unrestrained tendency to haadleaa Wpeadlture aad tho attending growth of pnblla indebtedaeee, extending from Orwdoral authority to that of state tad haanlaipality and including tho amall. Lot political subdivision, oonatltuto tho emoei dangerous phaio of government jtoday. Tho nation eanaot raatraia a Jropt ia ita owa aotWitloa, but it can be teomplar ia a waolaeome rovaraal. J Tha ataggarlaa; load f - war . debt lanat be eared for ia orderly funding Jkmd gradual liqukUUon. We ahall baa fan tho oolutloa and aid effectively la lifting tho iM bnrdaaa if wo atrika irooolotoly- at eipeaditure. It la far more aaUr aald than, dona. . In tho fovel bl war oar expenditure! wore eo little kiiootloBedt tho omergency, waa ao inv teelling, appropriation wna ao unimped ed that wo little noted taUllona and Bonatod the treaaury iuoihanatiblo. It rill atrengthen oqr reaolutlon If we irer keep in mind that a "oontinoatiea nf each a oouroo meant inevitable dia ' aatea. Oar eumnt orptadltaroe are runn ing at the rato of a.iproiimately fivo nilllona a year, and tha burden la ua oarablo. There aro two agenriea to Ibo am ployed ia eorroetloni Ono ia frigid reeietanoe ia appropriation and tha other la tho ntmoat economy in admialatration. ' Let aa have both. I have already charged deportment hoada with thia aeeeaalty. I am aura Congreaa will agree; and both Oongrcta and tha admlaiatratloa may eafoly ?ount oa tho anpport ot all right liadod eitiaena, became the burden la, xheire. Thd preaaure for oxnenditue, lawelling tho flow la one locality while draining another, ia aura to defeat the impoaitloa ot Juit bur dent, and the tho effect of our eJUaenahlp protecting 'kntlay will bo wholeiome and ht'lpful. I wiah It might find lu reflex In eco nomy aad thrift among the people theageelvea, becauae therein llva qblrk ar recovery aad ndded aeonrity for the future. Woald Bevlao Internal Tav Lao Tho oatimatea of reeeipU and oz teoaditBrea and the etatementa a to ; tha condition of the treaaury which th Secretary of the Treaaury ia pre pared to preaent to you will indicate what revenuea muit bo provided in ardor to carry on the govurnmvnl'i baelneae aad meet ita current require menta and fixed debt charge t. Unleaa there aro atriklng cute In tha Impor tant '; fielda of expenditure, receipt from internal taxea cannot aafoly be Bormittad to fall below M.000,000,000 la tha fiacal yenra 1923 aad 1923. Tbli would mean total internal tax collec tion! of bout one billion leta thaa In 10 and one-half billion lata than ia im. . - - Tha moat aubetantial relief from the v lax bardena muit come for the nreeent from tho adjuetment of internal taxea had. tho reviatoa or repeal of thnee I wane pran taxea which have become unproductive aro ao artificial and burdemome to defeat their owa parpoee. A Broropt and thorougt.going reviaion of tha Internal tax laa with due regard to the protection of tho revenuea, li ia, my Judgment, a reqaiaite to the revivxJ of boaiaeaa activity is tliU omatry. It la aarneatly nor. ' there fore, thatthe Congreea will be able to enact without delay a reviaioa of -the revonae lawi mid aneb emergency tar ill meaiurea aa are aereeaary to pro toet American trade and indue try. It ia of leaa-concern v' other inter mat taxatioa or tariff rcviaioa ahall eome firrt thaa ,haa baoa popularly Imagined, boeanaa wo mnat do both, hot the practical eoureo for earlleat eeompliahmoBt will readily auggett Itaelt to tho Oongrcaa. We are com mitted to tho repeal of the exceii-pro, flta tax and the abolition of Inequitiei and wnjuitifiabla Cxaaperationa in tHr proaoBt oyiremv ' The oonatry doea not expect and w"ll ot approve ahifting of burdsaa. It la more interacted la wiping - out the eeoaaity for lmpoitng them and ollml' anting eoafuaioa aad la tha collection. loetiOB. - t Becemmoada Aa Batertviicy Tariff Tha argeaey for aa inataat tariff en actment, omergeacy ia character aad na deratood by our people that it If for . tha , mergeney -onlr cannot be tee macti emphaaibed. X believe ia tho pro tection of Amerieaa lnduatry aad it la nr pnrpoae to prosper America -firaL Tho privilege! of tha American market t othe foreign producer art offered too cheaply today and tho affect oa much of our owa productivity la tha deetmo tioa of our eelf-reliaae, which ia .the foundation of tho independence and cwd fortune of enr people. Moreover, V ANT n WXS1TION AS RAVKt: Hrv rrue. , . tit, Aurora. : it Oat who raJnec Amerieaa proa parity aad malnUiacd Amerieaa eteadarda of wag and living eaa have Bo.aympatby4Uoa for a long time to aama, and tha with tho proposal that eaay tatry aad tha flood of import will cheapen ear eoeta of liviaa. II ia mora librly deetroy- oor capacity to buy. Today Amerieaa agriculture m . meaaeed, aod ita prodacta aro down to pro-war nor mala, yet we aro endangering our fun damental ladoatry through' the high coat of transportation from farm to market and through tha influx of foreign farm product!, became w offer, eeeeatially unprotected, the , beet market ia the world. It would be batter to err ia protecting ear baile food Induitry thaa paralyse oar . farm activities la the world itrurale for metered axehangoa. The matarer revliioa of our tariff law ehoald be baaed oa the policy of protectioa, reaiating that aelllahaeaa which turna .to greed, but over con cerned with (hat productivity at homo nhi h la tho aource of all abiding good fortune. It ia agreed that w cannot eell anleae wa buy, but ability to aell ia -baaed oa home development aad tha -foatcrtng of homo markete. There la little oentliaont rn the trade of th world. Trade eaa and ought to be honorable, but it knowa ao aympathy. Whil the delegatea of th natione at war were debating peace term at Paria, aad while we later debated our part ia completing the peace, commer cial ageata of other aatlona were open ing their liaea and eetablianing tlieir outpoiU, with a' forward look to tk morrow's trade. It waa wholly proper and kaa been advantageous to them. Tardy aa wo are, it will be aafer to hold our owa markeU secure, and build thereon for our trade with the world. The National Budget Byataaa. A very important matter ia the eitnbllahment of the government'a buai- aeee oa a Jmsinesa baaia. There waa toleration of the eaay goiog, nniyi tcmntie method of handling our flaeal affairs, whoa indirect taxation held the public unmindful of the rcderai burden. Bu there ia knowledge of the hurh cost of aovernment today, aad htgh'eoat of living la inseparably linked with high coat of government. There can be no complete correction of th high living ooat until government'a cost Is notably reduced. Let me moot heartily commend the enactment of leglilation providing for the national budget system. Congreaa haa already recorded ita belief ia th budget. It will be a very great aatls faction to know ot ita early enactment, so that it may be employed la aatob Uahlng th economic and buaineaa methods so essential to th minimum of expenditure. I have said to th people w meant to have leas ot goverament ia builaeea a well aa more . buaiaess la government. It i well to have It understood that buataeea has a right to punue iu nor mal, legitimate and rignteoue way un impeded, and it ought hav bo call to meet government competition where all riak is born by the public treaaury. ThcV s no challenge to honert and lawful buelaca eueoess. But govern ment approval ot fortunate, untrnnv moled buslneaa does not mean toleration of stralnt of trade or ot maintained prtare by annntnral methoda. It la well to hdNg legitimate business nnderstadd that a just government, mindful of th Intereau of all the people, haa a right to expect th co-operation ot that legiti mate builnea in lumping out nm jraetkee which add to unreet aad in- ipire restrictive lcglalatlon. Anxious aa we are to restore ui onwnja now oi bueineM, it la fair to combine assur ance and warning la one attcrane. H. C L. Still Meed Studying. One condition in the bualtteaa world may well receive your inquiry. Defla tion haa been ia progreaa but haa failed to reach the mark where It can be pro claimed to tho great maae of conaumera. Reduced cost of basis production naa hum raoarded but hish cost of living Haa not yielded in like proportion. Vor example, tha prices oa grain and liv stock have been oenaiea, out uie con of bread and meat ia sot adoquately reflected therein. It ia to be expected that non pertabnble ataplea will be elow in yielding to lowered price, iw tuv maintained retail eoaU in perishable fooda cannot bo justifled. I have naked the Federal Trade torn- miaaloa for a report of iu observations, and it attributes, in the main, the fail ure to adjust conaumera' cost to basis production eoeU to the exchange oi in formation by "opcn-prle associations," which operate, evldontly, witutn tne lw. to the very great advantage or their member and equal diandvnntnge to the consuming public Without th spirit of hoitliity or haate la accusation of profiteering, some suitable Inquiry bv Congress might speed the price ro adjuatment to normal relationship, with hslpfulness to both producer and eon aunier. A meaauring rod of fair prleea will aatify the country and give us a bustneos revival to end all depreealon and unemployment. The Problem of the Rallroada. The great interest of both the pro ducer aad eoneumer indeed, au our in dustrial and commercial life, from agrl- rultnra to finance In ins problem or transportation will And its reflex In your concern to nid re-eateUliahment, to re store efficiency, snd bring transporta tion cost into a hc-lpful relationship rather than continue it aa a hindrance to reaumcd aetivitiea. It ia little to be wondered that ill- considered legislation, the war strata, government operation in hcedleaaneaa of coot, and the conflicting program , or the, lack of them, for restoration have brought about a most aimcuii situation, made doubly difficult by the low tide of business. All are ao intimately re lated that no improvement will b per manent until the rnilwsys are oper ated efficiently at a ooat withia that which th traffic eaa bear. If we cam have it understood that Conors haa no aanction for govern ment ownerahip, that Coagrea doea not levy taxea upon the people to cover deficit la a service which should bs self sustaining, there will be an aaowed foundation on which to rebuild. FTciffht-earryittg charge hav mount ed hia-har and hither until commerce is halted and production discouraged. Railway ratee and eeeu of operation must b reduced. Co agrees may well laveetigat aad let the public understand wherela oar system and tha Federal regulations are licking ia helpfulness or hindering in restrlctioBB. Th remaining obstacles which are tha Inheritance ot eapitaliatie exploltatloa must be removed, aad labor must joia management ia under standing that the public which pay is th public t b served, aad aimpl justice is th right aad will continue to be th right of all th people. Urtea Brwad Highway Pollclea. Transportation over the highway la littler lets Important, but th problem relate to aoaatrastioa and development. aad deserve your Bust earnest atten tion, because we are laying a fooada- cratka U vary difficult to viauaiixt ia ita groat poeaibllitie.. . Th Federal government eaa plac no inhibition oa the expenditure ia the several state bat, siaea Congre haa mbarked upoa a policy of aaaisting tb states ia bighwny improvement wisely, I believe, it eaa assert a wholly be coming influence la shaping policy. With the principle Of Federal particl patioa acceptably established, probably never to be abandoned, it is important to exert Federal influence ia develop ing comprehensive plana looking to th promotion of com mere, and apply our expenditure la the surest way to gtar. ante a public return for money ex pended. . J know of aothlng mor-. ahoeklng than tb millions of public funds wasted la improved highway, wasted because there 1 bo policy of mainte nance. There I -nothing th Congreaa eaa le more effectively to snd this shocking wait thaa condition all Federal aid oa provisions for mainte nance. Merchant Marine Weeds. Linked with rail aad highway la the problem of water traasportatloa in land, coastwise, and traua-oeeanie. It ia not possible, oa this occasion to sug gest to Congress the additional legis lation needful to meet tb aspiration of our people for a merchant marina, la th emergency of war w have son struetsd a tonnage equaling oar largest expectations. It war coat mart b die couated to th actual valusa of peace, and th larg difference charged to' the war emergency, and th pressing task is to turn our assets In tonnage to aa agency of commerce. It ia not necessary to say It to Don- greae, but I hav thought thl to o a befitting eeeaeioa to give BOtlc that the United State mean to establish and maintain a great merchant marine. Qur dlffereaece of opinloa a to a policy of upbuilding hav been removed by the ontatandiagg fact of oar having builded. . . . Manifestly if our law rovernlng Amerieaa aetivitiea oa th caa arc such aa to give-advantage to thoses who compete wita us lor tn carrying of our owa eargoee and those which ought Batu rally to come la Amer iraa bottom through trad exchanges, then the spirit of Amerieaa fair play will aaaert itaelf to give Amerieaa ear rlor their equality cf opportunity. Thia republic eaa uever . real! re Us righteous aspiration ia commerce, eaa aever be worthy the tradltiona ot th arly day of the expanding republic until the mllllona of tea of shipping which w bow possss are co-ordinated With our inland transportation and our shipping haa goverament' encourage ment, aot government operation, ia tarrying our cargoes aadsr our. flag, over regularly operated route, to every market in the world agreeable to Amer ican exchange. ... Cable Present Problem. It is proper to invite your attention to the importance of th question ot rsdio communication and cable. To meet strategic commercial aad politleial aeede, active encouragement ahould be given to tho extension of American owned and operated cable aad radio service. . . .. Private monopolies tend- las? to crevent the development of needed facilities should b . prohibited. Government owned facilities, wherever possible without unduly Interfering with private enterprise , or govern ment need, ahould be made a 1 1 hie for general ua. Particularly deelrable is tha provlsloa f ample cable and radio services at reasonable rate for the transmission of preen, nvattar, so that the Amerieaa reader may receive a wide range of news, aad the foreign reader receive full aeeouuta of .Ameri eaa aetivitiea. The daily proa of all countrioa may well be put la pbltloa to contribute to intcrnatloaal under tending by the publication of Interest ing foreign news. Practical experience demonstrate tn need for effective regulatioa of both dome tie and international radio opera tion if thia newer meana of inter-communication ia to b fully utlfcd. . . . munieation ia to be fully utilised. . . . Aviation ia inseparable from either the army or the navy, and the government must, ia th interest of national de fense, encourage ita development lor military sod civil purpose. ... Should Regulate Air Navigation. Th national advlaory committee foe aeronautics, ia a apeeial report on thia subject, ha recommended the eatab llahment of a bureau of aeronautic In the Department of Commerce for th Federal regulation of air navigation, which recommendatloa ought to hav legialativ approval. I recommend the enactment of leg islation establishing a bureau of aero aautila th Navy Department to cen tralise the control of naval activities ia aeronautics, and removing the re striction en the pereonnsl detailed to aviation In the navy. The army air servie should be Ma tin ued aa a co-ordinate complement ot the army, and lte exietlng organisation utiliaed In co-operation with other agencle of th government in th ee tabllahment of national tranacootiaent al air way and in eo-opcrntlon with the state in th establishment of local air drome and landing fleldl. Meat Car for Beddiera The Amerieaa people expect Oon grcaa unfailingly to vole th grati tude of th Republic In a gearou and practical way to lte defenders ia the World War wh need the supporting arm of the government, Our very im mediate concern 1 for th crippled oldlert and these -deeply needing the helping hand of govaramcat. Con scious of the gsnsrou inteat of Con gress, and tha public concern for the crippled and dependent, I InVlted th service of a volunteer committee to In quire into the administration of th bureau of War Kiak Iasuraaee, th Fad sral Board for Vocational Training aad other agencle of goverament ia ear ing for the ex-soldier, sailor, and ma- rlaaa of the World War. . ' ... . .A ..1 i our cummiuee naa ikuuiw.m... v I convey th reeommendatlone to you with eordlkl approval, that all govera ment axeneka looking t th welfare of th ex-eervleo mea ahould be placed under one directing head, ao that th welfare of theae disabled eavlor of our civiiiaatioa and freedom may hav the mnat efficient direction. The Immediate extenrion aad utilisa tion of th aovernment' hospital fadU- tioa in army and aavy will bring relief to th acute eoBdition mosr compiama of. and tha hospital building program may ' be worked out to meet th aeed likely to be argent at tn urn or pos sible aompmtlon. - - N Th whole program requires th most thoughtful ntfentioa of Congreaa, for wa aro embarking on th performance oi gaoraa bil7ntion whiah lavolve i II T in i i iy ii ii tha ipeaditur t billion la U half eeatury beforras f Department of Pahll Wdfarev Daring tb recent political, aaavaaa tb proposal wa mad that depart meat of publk , welter . should , be created). ' - . ' ' ' i ': 1 In th roalma f odueatioa,. public' health, aaaltatioa; condition of work er la industry, child welfare, proper amaaraaat aad recreation, th Umina tiod of aoeial viae, and many other subject,- th govramBt ha already un dertaken a considerable tang f aetivi tiea. I assume -th maternity '.bill al ready stroagly .approved, Will be aa aeted promptly, thus adding to our maalfestatioa of human Interest. But these nadertaklag hav beca acattored through many department and bureaus without co-ordination aad with much overlapping of function whjeh fritter energies aad magnifies th tost.. . , To bring the various activities to gether1 ia a alngle department,' where th Whole field could be surveyed, and where thelt interrelationship could be properly appraised would met for la creased ffeetiveaoaa, economy, aad in telligence of direction. , Tber need b ao .foa of aadne ecn trallaaioa or of creating a Federal bureaucracy to dominate affair' better to b lf( in etato control. . Wanld itady Lyachlag PNhloaa. . Somewhat related to the forcgoiag human problem I th race question. Congre ought to wipe the stain of barbaric lynching from th banner of a free) aad orderly, representative democracy. W face the fact that many million of people f African deaeeut are numbered among our population aad that la number pt Btate they con stitute a vary larg proportion of th total population. It is unnecessary to recount th difficulties Incident to this condition, nor to emphasize the fact that It I a eoBdition which cannot be removed. Ther ha been suggestion, howver, that some ot It difficulties might b ameliorated by a human and enlightened consideration ot it, a study ot ita many aspects, and to effort to formulate, if not a policy, at least a national attitude ot mind calculated to bring about th most satisfactory pos sible adjustment of relations between th race, aad of each race to th na tional life. On proposal is th crea tion of a commission embracing repre sentatives of both races, to study aad report on th ntlr subject. Th pro posal haa real merit. Z am convinced that In mutual tolerance, uaderstandlngj cnanty, recognition or ine mieraepena one of th race, and th maintenance of tha rights of eitlxenahlp lies th road to righteous adjustment. It is needless to call yoar attention to th unfinished buslnssS inherited from th preceding Congress. Tb ap propriation bills for afmy and navy wig hav your early consideration. Must Mot Disarm Alone. Nolther branch of th government eaa ba mindful ot th call for reduced expenditure for these departments of our National defenae. The govern ment is ia accord with the wish to elimi nate tho burdens of heavy armament The United States ever wlU bs in har mony with such a movement toward the higher attainmente of peace. But w shall not ontirely discard our agencies for defense until there is removed the aeed to defend. We ar ready to co operate) with other nation to approxi mate disarmament, but merest pru. dence forbids that we disarm alone. Tha naval program which had ita be ginning in what eeemcd the highest as sunn of peace eaa carry ao threat after tha latest proof of our national unselfishness. Tho reasonable limita tion of personnel may be combined with economic of administration to lift th burden ot sesiv outlay. Tb War Department is reducing the personnel of the army from the maxi mum provided by law ia June 1920, to tha minimum directed by Congress la a subsequent enactment. When further reduction I eompatlble with National security, it may well hav th sanctloa of Congreaa so that a system of voluntary military training may offer to our young manhood the advantage of phyiical development, discipline, and commitment to service and eonatitutc the army reserve 14 re turn for the trsinlng. .. Tarns Hi Back Oa League. Nearly two and a half years ago the world war came to an end, and yet we find ourselves today la thS techni cal stato of 'war, though actually at peace, while Europe ' it at techaieal peace, but far from traayulllity and little progressed toward tho hoped for restoration. It ill becomes bs to. express impa tience that the European belligerents are not yet ia full agreement, when wo ourselves hsve been unable to bring constituted authority into accord la eur owa relatione to tha formally pro claimed peace. Llttl evaila la reoltlag the causes of delay la Europ or our owa failure to agree. But there is bo longer ex cuse for uncertainties respecting some phases of our foreign relationship. In the existing League of Nations world governing with its supsr-powsrs, thl republic, will have no part. There can bo ao misinterpretation, and there will be no betrayal of the deliberate eipreealoa of th American people In the recent election i and, settled In our declsioa for ourselves, It is only fair to say to tha world la general, and to our aaeociatee la war la partiru lar, that the League covenant saa have ae oanetloa by us. Tha aim of th aasoslate nations to prsvsnt war, preserv pears and promote civiiiaatioa our people most cordially applauded. We yearned for thia nw instrumsnt at Justice, but w can hav not part in a sommittal to aa agency of fore la unknown contingencies j ws eaa reeogaUs no super-authority. . Advocates Association of MaUoiik Manifestly th highest purpose of-the Leans of Nations wss defeated ia linking it with tha treaty of peace aad making la the enforcing agency of tne victors of th war; - International as sociation for permanent pease must be conceived solely at aa fastrumsatallty of Justiec, aaeeociated with tho pas sions of ysctsrday aad not a ooasti tuted as to attempt th deal functions ot a political tastrumsnt of th ooa- qnsrors aad of aa agency ot pane. Ther eaa b ao prosperity for the fuadatneatal purpose . aoug ht to be aehiovad by any ueh association so long as It is aa orgs t any particular treaty, or committed to tha attaehmeat of tho special aims ot any nation or group of aatlona. Th Amerieaa aspiration Indeed, th world asplratloa, was an association of nations, based apoa th application of iustiee and right, blading ua in eoaicremc and oo-oAsration," for th prevention of war end ' pointing th way to a higher civilisation and, la ternal fraternity is. 1 which nil the world might share. In rejecting the leagu sorenaat aad uttering that re jection to- oar own pooplo sal to the world w make no currender of our hopo aad aim for wa aaaoeiatlon to promote paM in which w woald" most heartily Joia. W wish it to bo ooa celved ia- pcae aad dedicated to penes, and will relinquish as - effort to bring th nation! ot tha vhald late sack fel lowship, aot In the surrender of na tional sovereignty but rejoicing in a aobler exereiao of it la th ad vase meat of human activities, amid tho com pensations of peaceful achievement In th National referendum to which t hav adverted w pledged enr effort toward such steps and th plsdg will be faithfully hept. In the plight of policy aad perfomaaca, ws . told the American pooplo ws meant te. sssk aa arly ostabllahmrat of bee. The United State aloha among the allied aad associated power continues In 'a technical state of. war against tha Cen tral Powers f Europe. The ssomalous condition ought not to bo permitted to continue. To establish tho state of tech nical neeee without farther delay, I ahould approve a declaratory resolution Djr congress to- uiat w". qualifications essential to protect all our rights. Such action would bo th simplest keeping of faith with ourselves aad could in no cease bo construed aa a deacrtioa of tho with , whom w shared ur sacrifice la war, for these power ar already at poac. Such a resolution should andertak to do no mor thaa thua to declare the stats of peace, which, aQ America envoi It must add no .difficulty ia ffaetlnar. with Just reparations, the restoration for which all Europ yearns, and upon which th worlds recovery must be founded. Nithr formir nemy nor allr can mlstaks America'! position beeauB oar attitud as to responsibility for the war and th necessity, for just reparations already haa had formal and varv earnest OXTcloa. - ''. It would bo unwiss to undertake to mak a statement ef future policy wltk respect to European affairs ia such a declaration ot a stats or peace. eor-ractina- the failure of tb executive ia acgotisting tho most important treaty la tha hlatorr of th nation, to reeog- nlxa tho constitutional powers ot tho Senate w would go to tus treme. eauallr objectionable, it Coa araaa or tha Sonata ahould assume th function ef th executive. Oar highest dntv'ia th i reservation of the eonsU tuted powers of ach, and th promotion of th spirit of co-operaUoB so essential to our common weusro. It would bo idle to declare tor scp srsto trestles ot peace with the Central Powers oa th assumption that these alone would bo adequate because ue situation ia ao Involved that Cur peace engagements can sot ignore th old world relationship and tho settlomonts slrsady effccua, nor m aenranso w do ao ia preserving our own rights and contracting our lutur reumoasnip. Woald Adont Exhrtlna- Treaty. . Th wiser course would seem to. be the acceptance of the confirmation ef our ria-hts sad Interests aa already pro vided aad to engags under the existing treaty, assuming of course, that this can bs satisfactorily aoeomplUhed by such exullcit reservations and modi!' eatlona as win secure our absolute free dom from Inadvisable commitment and safemard all our sue n tin! interests. ' Neither Congress nor tho people needs my assurance that a request to negoti ate needed treaties bf peace would bs as superfluous and unnecessary a H Is technically lntffectlve, and I know In my own heart there is none who would wish to smbarrass the executive in the nerformancc of his duty when WO arc all so eager 1o turn dlsappointmsnt and delay into gratifying accomplishment. Problems relating to oar foreign relations bear jupoa th present and the future, and ars of such a nature that the all-important future must bs deliberately considered with greater eonecra thaa mere immediate relief from unhappy conditions. W have wltnessss, yea ws hsvo participated la the aupremely tragi episod or war, but our deeper concern 1 In the (Con tinuing life of nation and th' de velonmcnt of civilisation. We must not allow our vision to be Impaired by the conflict among our selves? The weariness at home and the disappointment to the "world havs been compensated in the proor vast mis as miblia will surrender none ot tb herl tege of nationality, but our righto in intornational relationship hsve to be as serted) they require ostablishmsnt in FELT ALL RUN . DOVfJ BUT now . IS WELL AGAIN Rickmond Young Ldy SIcMrps, Ents smd FooU Bettor So complete has been the recent re covery from Ulaoss and general run down condition of Mias Gertrude Wall of 8805 Clay St, Richmond, Va, that this young lady firmly believes it her duty te tell the wonderful results that shs obtained from using th popular ton Is VEENOLAK. "I felt all run down aad restless. said Miss Wall, "snd my food did not taste right I could aot alsep. I knew I waa going down so my friends sag gestsd that I take VEENOLAK aad 1 did. Ths FIBST TWO DOSES havs ihown m that it was Just what I need ed to tone mo np. My appetite 1 bet ter. I sleep sound and em getting stronger right along. I think It la my duty to recommend VEENOLAK to any one who aesda a tonic. Thousand epeak In glowing term ot the wonderful benefit that they have derived from VEENOLAK. Miss Wall's ease is no exception. For run down down systems, that tired, logy feeling there is aothlng batter. Once you start to take VEENOLAK it take hold almost immediately aad yon eaa feel your strength returning. The ap petite is Improved eleeplese aad rest less nights ar no more. The liver aad kidneys work ia proper accord and any inability of ths stomach to do its work is quickly rectified. , --j . ' Th roots, herbs, berries and rich red jujee of the .grapes obtained right la the vineyards ef Spain mak ap VEE NOLAK. In short-it Is made Just as Nature iateaded aad this sets at rest all doubts as to ths ability of this toaie to givd IB desired relief. VEENOLAK is sold in Uis city by Galloway Drag Co Esleigh, N. C naete ef aaaitvt our part la read justment and restoration can not be igaorea, asa man no .. With th up-gvrBing' league del- uitely rejected aad witxf tha world so informed, aad with th status of pesos proclaimed at hum, we may, proceed ta avasrotlate the covenanted. elatioa shlps o sseential to th rscognitlo of all tho rights everywhere of our owa cation, and play our full port in jo' lag tho people of th world in the pursuits of pcae once more. Our ob ligation in effectiBg Earopeaa trsa mlUt kaenuao ef war's involvsmnta, aro not less tmpelUng than oar part ia tho war itaalx. Tnis restoraiioa mast be wrought befor th human proces sion eon go onward again. We can be helpful because we aro moved by as ka trade and harhe no foam. - Halpfal aeas does not mesa entanglement, aad participation tn esonomic adjustments dee not mean spoasorsbif tor treaty eommltmeats which do not concern us, snd in which wo will, hsve no part Will lavrt enateriai - Advice In an all-impelling wish to do. the moat aad best for ear own Republic aod ...tataU its hurh nUco among aa- ina and at the aama time the fullest Uffering Of Justice to them, 1 snail la tta in tha moat Dractieai way we aa Tie of th 8enate, after acquainting It with all th condition to be met snd obligations to be discharged, along with oat own rlgkto to be safeguarded. Pru damea in making tha program and ron- Snaat ea-oDaration in making it sffee- Ura eannot lead us far astray. Ws can tsndsr no effective service to hn SHOES WEAR LONGER Warn roe walk In semfort: stoeMiis. H hake ia tha ferf.bala. stv- r that ldJe mioit and . Allen' FoM-K mk tight or aew ism tatw. tj wacr sboa sias malkr hr ahahsae Allaa'a FMt-Kae in eaek shah te $ba morain. Bold tilDibw - Double , f DIXIE HOUSE Concrete Roads double theloati save time and shorteoiheronte. Any day, any season, you can drive with safety on Oncreta. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION Cabas Daaaafe U . In Nitnaa Saaaa BMka llilm IH n Wall ah at.Uasj , Da. li It i iSjB, lliinM! ftiZ ."V. ft WmiwtSNBNSiMBtM ' Make Her Happier Build A Home First NEW SERIES OPENING Now Is the Time to Start RENT vi. HOME WHICH Raleigh and Loan 1- 107 Fnyettevlll. St maaity .until w "prove anew eur own- capacity , for, es-operauea la tne . co ordination ot powers contemplated in th constitution aad so . eovenanta which ignore Our associations in th war can be made for tha fatore. More. ao. helpful society of 'nation .can be founded oa Justice and committed to" peace until ths covenants re-establish-. ing pcae are sealed ay tho nationa , which wore at war. To such aeeom- plishmcnto to the. complete ra-estab llahment of peace aad It contracted re lationshipto ths realisation . of eur . aspirations for natioas associated for 1 world helpfulBcss without, world, gov emment for world stability on which . humanity's hopes are founded, we shall address ourselves, fully mindful of tho , high privilege and tho paramount duty of ths United States In this critical period of the world. . :, .' SIMPLE WAY TO GET ' - RID OF BLACKHEADS There to one atmpl. aof and aura way that never falU to get rid ef blackheads sad that Is to dlaaotve ' them. ' . . , . To do this get two euaech of eelo-" Bit sowdar from any dru; store aprtnkle a little on a hot wet sponge rub over th blackheads briskly- waah the parte and you will be eur prlaed how the blackheads have die appeared. Big blackoeada, little blockheads, no. matter where thy are, elmply dissolved and diaappaar. leaving the parts without any mark: whatever. Blackheads ore simply o. mixture of dual and dirt and secretion from tha body that form in th poroe of the skin. Pinching and squeaslnff only - eauae Irritation, mako . largo pores eind do not get them out after they become hard. The calonite pow dr snd the water simply dissolve the Macktoeads so they wash riant out. leaving the pores free and clean and In their natural condition. Anyone troubled with these unaightly blem--' iehea ehquld certainly try this simple method. Ad T. j ghlpped from factory la eesy-to-haadlo ectlona. Quickly and oaally erected by our almple inatnictlons. Absolutely rigid and weather tight i walla ia most designs. Endur ing. Delightful to live la. Designs changed to suit your ideas, without charge. If general also retained. Sketches supplied free. State kind of house yon want to). build and we VrUl tend apee ial suggestions and tree Illus trated booklet which gives de signs, floor plana, description and money-saving price. ' - Building Association Got Our Booklet "