it Coming, Ceremonial Session Of suaar. lemRin d iv , table, Evgpt ; PREPARATIONS WILL' EE MAQE. FQrT 7,500, VISITORS CTjairraail, GMeral Storr An. nouHoeiBoten ComnuRiei To HW Charge Qf VaaciojM Fhaset Of Orea program Oi Entertainment;, 3 h r, i r . Gather Here May 18 and 19 ' PrprUipB the baili of TjW, 1 ande. way Iv- the Ralc.i;h Wkj Blrin lub for tnt ntortaritri men of the ceremonial icasioa ofthV Sudeav Temple. eeduld. to be Ugi in BalnagtiMBy IS-and 1, a1 to that' end, the Clui) h orgjul mora than a doxca'ommUtoc aU-charged with leas. yartMulfc pbeee of the feetivltiee , that iw Um. tff xP";td f make the eeesioa without precedent in tho ibmIi of tke Temple. OwMfit1 Clairmaa H. 8. Store n Boaneaar yesterday the personnel u eoBwrjiUea into whoa hende the work In feaen entrusted, with aometbing of tte general outline of the program tint will fill the two dny to the brim with intareat. Both nighte will ba given. 'ova to dances, ona of them for tha Shrines. tUrawlve and ona to which the rear invito thoir friend. The' . beaa ardiestra, in tha Soutii, according ' to announcement, haa baa reteinod, PoteBtohM and Ueir divana from uninhboNntf Temelo will be in attend ae apoa tha ceremonial, eeveral having ' tlatailj accepted- invitolione, and other - ', are exported. Banqueta and paradox, Bad aueh like, dier.Ueinonta will hare ' a large part oa the program. On each Saturday night front now until the ' eeremeaiaj, full aeaaiona of the Raleigh Wake club, will be hold further com plete tha arrangement!. Tha following committee are n , Bounced by Chairman General 8ton: Committors oi Banquets Q. U H. . White, C'Uumm; J A. Fleming, B. Anatsn, Fred Brown, F. f. Holmes. - M. Dworskv, P. W. Uuwer, L. IL Hiur ria, Dan Trv, 2. V. FimgtjraJd, Bol Haaft. llajcdv Milla. Poaton Bogera. J, R. Tippttt, W. C Whito K. J. WUaon, Gtoga Klodaria. K. W. atoe ind F. It. Uitnnicait. EnlartuBieat Cwmittw-C. T. Me- - ClaaaKhaa, Chairataa; ' Everett l atita, Jotvai KoMBtbal. W. D. V aw, Taaer WkiaUvr. Ciarne Bowea, J. Uaratall Bailwr, iitoyn DUIob, J. vb CtoaiWnaia, Noriaan K. Kdgtrtou, M B. iiiifoa, Iteaaia F. Kelt. J. C. l'awoU, aad . M. WhkU. Ceouaittee oa iradea Chaa. u. raaaacr. iiutiriuM; V K. Bra, UuU rAaBivkK K. Farww, T. M. Arring- lojt, N. 1 Bwughtoiv K. C. Cole, A. K. Uowoa. 5. H. Vroaaoa, W. A. Wituora, VrvA Hardiag, ,U. C BwU. K. R. McDuffv, Frank 1'nrker, Harriaoa ' KaafHiaa, C. V. KAoaif F. Kirk 'patrkk. J. M. Mooa, T. T- AVeJIojuw.gnd ' H. Ml Poteat. Conaiittee oa Fiaanoe O. 0. Sea- latter Caairataa; J. J. Towkr. W. J. Aadrewe, F. A. Fetor. Cum in it U HoloU and Booms - Virgil HI. (Mood, CI airman; B. U Crookar.1. 0. White, and O. A. Uter. Comnitttee oa Tranaportntlon T. L. Oeckmorv, Ckairmgu V. K. Hanbnry, - Jol.B T. Went, U . Twgue. J. 8. Big gaa. C. K. Matthewa, Uuiia tloodwin, W. D. Smith asd R. U Unyder. Conimittre on Refroahuienta - J. B Craxiar, Chairman; IjrRiy Allen, Oer aoa Heller, Cadet Bhodes, R. T, i?elt, aad John Aakew. CotamitU en Entertaining Visiting Potentate and tlieir tivana A. B. Aadrtwa. Chairman; C. V. York, Dr. &. J. Noble, aad J. H. Kiug. Oowmittee oa Caudidalea Kenoeth Gaa. Cbairuaa; Dr. Wtiton Mruner, Ra. C K. Vroclor, a W. Thumpaon, Jr. Dr.'R. P. Noble. M, . Kuht..n, U. A Shirley, J. H Slaughter, W T. Uarding Harty T Adaan. W. Z. Buh, E. E Britton. J. A. Brigga, Jr., J. C. H.n jaw in, Joha G, Brewer, H. C. BowJi'u Ir. Z. M. Cavineaa. J, V. Dikena. J. 1 on afreet car, diamond ring. Nnra Athlnxm nravl on Inalite K J want for retara to Olivia Raney U ttov'a Crown bteyole. taken frni paatafAce aKewalk. Finder plaaaa Bhoaa Hit ana reoeie rewara. fgik MM TONES UP SYSTEM Corrects Constipation RELIEVES PILES OONTJUMa NO OAUMIBI. BHnravAoa auAaawraa m avaav tot, ALtmO a But COWabJaaaa. D.C.I SAFES Bra Sf tfc Vault Co. Itokt. alatww Pre. Mir. tit Ra Haia bum. BWIimmU. Vt. i ri C!' $500.00 REWARD A five Hundred Dollar Reward 1 Offered far the Captor and De livery f-. - . We H. Harrington, Jr. , ' WHITE Late of Pitt County, North Carolina, t tha nnderaigned Sheriff of Pitt Couaty. Wanted for grand larceny, he having beet declared aa outlaw. Daacriptloat . Weight, about 180 or J90 pounds t height, about feet S iaahef i light aaady kair, a little rarly; age, about 3D; ordinarily draaaad. ' Whea last Men wort thort light BtBitaeha, and wearing WP,E. R. DUDLEY Sheriff of Pitt County NEWS U. "M 1 4 "-, ; "' i" 1 5 Feasor, , H. ightower, H. B, Patch, N a Hiaea. H. H. Barria. Ldiea Camniittee Mr. H. 8. Storr, Urv Q. T. JJCleneghan, Mra. Knneth Oast, lar. O. C. Hearlette, Mra. T. L. CraekBioire, Ifn. 0. U H. White, Mrs. Virgil StCtaid, MriL Job 0. AH, Mra. J. K. Croxier, Mra. ' Chat. D. laraat ad Mr. C. O. Aaamatby. Comilttee aa Publicity Joha J. Allen, ehajraaa; U Mf Goold, 6. W. Timbeijlake, A. L. Otrerby, A. M. Manpln, tVask gmethanU Clyde Parke aad M.- K JBfaBBBB. Speial H. O. 8. Committee Dr. C, O. Abernathy. ("With no aaaiatance npr ayiy lntiirfereBce utterly alone). Tha raaiportatioa Committee mad doflnit BBouacameBt that arraaga meato had baea mad with tha rail road to grant a rata of ona aad oae half faras lot th touad trip. Tbi oooimitteaj i bo eadeaworiag to have at many delegation aa poiaibla travtl to Raleigh, in chartered Pullmaa can, parking tmeh ear in the total yard during th ceremonial in order to re lieve hotoi congestion at BMcb po tible. General Chairman Storr announced that tha fallowing ppttntata had a eeptod the iRTilatioa f tha Balvigh Wak ShriAf Olub to b their guett diuing thf, May crBonial of 6ifdaa TsnipJe: Mot Jlhrt triou Noble. D. 0. Me AUialar, of Omar Temple, Ubarleiton, 8. C; John W. Bhaak, of Kaxim Temple. ICoanoke, Va4; J. W. urimea, of Oaai Veaaple, Chaalott. . few ot taate potentate till be ac companied by membcra of their, divas, ami pouibJy tha potemtatet af Acta Tmupla at Richmond, V., and af Uajet TompJa 4 Granville, 8. C, will alto ba tamaent. Every Haturd.iy night from Bow until the ceremonial aeiaion it held will be a regular meeting af tfit board of di rectors, for the purpose of improving all plan looking) toward the aucces of Hie spring meeting. Th gennrnl ohaimian alao announced that at an oarly date he would call a apacial metrt- ing of the entire Raleigh-Wake Bhrroe Club to lay before theiu tha plant al ready perfected. I'rcpurHtiona ara being made Uy all n: tna eirine viutm m i.aier Ltao liva. t be rapraaaated ia tha parade be held oa the moqning of May 18. Durham, Jiocky MiBint, UuLlsboro Wafchingtn aud New lira have already aoUiMd oocretnry urettaraora tiat tfcey ill be ob hand juu ler east ttrong. The Bhriue band front Now Bern and alao th drum corp pi, tha Shrine Club at w.uiuingtoa will be preeent. MORtlANTON SCHOOL TRUBTEES BLKCT 8CUOOX bUPBBINTBNDENT Morg:tntoB, April 38. Mr. IJ. F. Sog't'X, ako U principal of the high ohool a preaent, waaj.cbowea auperia tendont of the Mnrganton aehool at iceting f tho board of truatee jaat i rimyr rugnt. Are you a wife to hts loved or juat the "Woman la. Hi Huiie." Supcrba today and 1 ueda-(Aav Try Tkis If You Hv Pandruff Tbre ia oa aura wuy that never fail t raauav dandruff oaiiupletely and that la to diaaolve it. Tint deatroyt it ea- tAoly To do $ut get about four tuawea of plain, orutiaary liquid arvon; tppfy it at night when rtiriug( um uyutrh to moiatea the acalp aad rub it ia geuttly with tha linger tip. Uy morning, most if not nil, af your ilaadraiff will b gone, and thro or four aior application will completely dii- tolva aud entirely dent my every tinglo ign and trace of it, no matter bow aineh dundru.1T you may have. Zou will find, too, that an itching and digging of the acalp will itop intantly, ud jrour bir win be flurry, lustrum, gloaay, ailky and loft, and look and feel BuwJred time better. You can get liquid arvon at any drug (tore. It I inexpensive, arid four ouaoe 1 all you will noed. Thi imple remedy ha never been known to fail. -(Adv.) Cotton We want your off -grade cotton. Send us aamplea ot what you have to sell and get our price F.O.B. your station. T. Holt Laird & Co. Greensboro, N. C. Right In The Center Of Raleigh's Business Activitiei The most convenient and centrally located Garage and Service Station in Raleigh with expert me chanica at your service night and day. 1 Phone 777 GASOLINE 30c Motor Service Co. . Of BALIICH, lae. . H. BOl" riSBXIa Mgr. , AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. C Unfavorabli tabor Situation Did No More Than Keep It frm Wide Advances New Orleans. lau April 17. While the unfavorable labor aituatioa 1b Great Britai mut ba put dawa a tha main featuura of last week ia the cotton market, it Jid aa more thta held tha market dowa froaa making wide ad vaaei Grudging recession were aside the4 aafavorabla developnseat while so (be other haad quick advances were th rule following favorable news and th close was well up toward the top th reault of thf breakdown of the general atrike movement. last prices showed net advance n 53 to 39 points. At the highest the active months were 0 to S3 points over tiie close of the preceding wevt a4 at th lowest they vera oa poiat hawtr t Ave point higaer. Hay traded up ta Vi cent and dowa to 11.40 closing at 11 .94. The extreme range of prieaa waa 46 to 0 noint. Ia th Spot de- oartment, middling cloaefl at lM, showina a net train of gg poiat. A year ago middling' cleted for tha week at 41.7S cents a pouad tad May ioa at 41.2". General trad new and report from mill center were mixed ia their im port but anything anfavorable from do mestic sources waa offset by cablegram from Manchester telling of a maeh bet ter inquiry for eloth, principally tot shipment to Oriental market, and torn trad;, thought the (tiny ttrong ciots waa due to the belief that with a bet ter labor aituatioa, Manchester would be in a position to fill torn of Hit bus) ncss. The better export demand for heavy cloths in the market of the United Bute caused much favorable comment. New crop new was uafaverable on the whole, temperature lieiag too low at timesand too anueh rain fulling over tha greater part of the belt, although the official reyiew from the government claimed that rain was needed in th southeast section. Report front Texa were that the toil was too wet for plant ing aad thit alao itemed to be the case is th northern halve of th cen Cuticura Soap ww The Safety Razor Shavind Soap vilhwlara. J mkm . Mm Want to Quit Tobacco? If you want to quit tobaooo or to use lust, get a packaar of Niootol tablets from your (Jrugglat. You will ba sur prised how enay It I to quit. Nlcotol driva nicotine from your sysUm and kill the oravine for tobacco, and lol tha tobacto habit quit you. All drilg- Slst ar auilioi-istMl to sell Nieptol n r a ateel-bound money-back guar antee, eo It eoata you llttla to quit aad nothing If Nlcotol falls. Note: Aak your druaalat what others say about the wonderful power of Nlcotol to break tks lonaoee habit He knows, and he can be trusted ta tell you tha fail truth. Adv. (SSI'S 1 $9.48 $14.75 $18.75 At these low prices you have about 800 choice Suits to choose from. Many of them made by Kuppenheimer, Stein Bloch and Griffon. t C. R. Boone "COME AND SEE" I. All MONDAY "MORNING, APRIL 18, 1921. tral aid eastern division af th cot ton region. 1 ', . ' ' " . Thit week th trad will be chiefly aaaaaracd. tke atart-at aw York rate, with tne stmiaa woor ouuooa ana any tig at af settling th tual atiaera' strike eogld mobably ktv g kigkef stimulating ffect on value. On tke other band, any farther aasnpUeatiea la tbig dirsetioa would ba heaal to have as ansettling nnuea, Ob k week oad ' there war 1 iadicatiana . af mora interest ia the spot market f th latorior an tha parf af bnyara gad if taia develop ia ga important way thit sealing weak it would probably overahade any and all other feature. CIVIL COURT NOT TO ' OPEN UNTIL TOMORROW i Wake county aoparior court for tb trial of airil caaes will aot, formally cosrvea far three week' April term until Tuesday meraiag. jury trial scheduled for today having ba de ferred aatil tomorrow at the request of attorney), who desired a holiday be cause af the asanicipal primary. Judge Georg W. Coaaer will preside. Court will be held la Waka county continuous! until Jun with tha ex ception af aaa week, wba Judgt Connor will hold aowrt in Louitbiirg. rUKEBAt SEBVICBS HELD ANDERSON PANAHO AT KIN8TON Kinatoa. April 17-Tb funoral of Anderson M. Danaho .was held per yesterday sfternoon nt 4 o'claek, Bav. Lee McB. Whit, pastor of the First Baotitt ehareh. eBieiatiag. Mr. Paaabo, who waa 49 raara of age. died Friday Bight at 9:S0 o'clock at hi residence, 202 Eatt Wihligtqn Avenue. P wt a nativ of tJaliabury, North Carolina, a maehinltt by trade aad a former member of tha police force here. He bad resided in Kinatoa nnmbey of year. He bad beet la ill health several year, H it turvived by ait wife and aoa, Harry P. Ptnaho. Special mutia Buperba today and Tnetday. (Adv.) 0A8T0 R I A to Usa For Overdo Years The'VaGti-ola is specially made to play Victor Records No other combination accomplishes the same result All the world's famous artists who make Victor Recorcls always test them on the Victrola before they give imal appiw release. No com- bination of substitutes enables you to hear the interpretations of these great artists exactly as they themselves heard and approved their own work. Victrolas $25 v to $1500. New Victor Records demonstrated at all dealers, in Victor products on the first of each month How Close We Come To War ! In , 1 91 6 Told By Daniels (ContUaedoBiPtga Obb.) ' wltk'intrntiont to comply wlta their raqaJraataata. ' ' '','-- Wa Plant' aa4ae altwaiy, aad corrected op to date, for, 'the fleet.' . ' : '. ,' ' In Jnly af 110, I invito Mr. Edi. on and twenty other eminent engi neer, aeieatitu and ikwatora to ia. vata their 'gealna to naval cfllciany. I urged them to attempt to discover som effective moans for Combating submarine, r - i, , Oa October 1 I directed thf geaeral betrd to prepare iv yeabuild prograntm for tba aavy, oa aa esti mate af SlOOAOoilOO aark year for aaw eaatrBetioa - About th tarn time Admiral' Blat, wjth my approval, atade plant t thereaa the aamber of n lUud tnta fro HfM to praatittlk MflOQi $ ' '-i-1 . for e y tare Ulor wa aone wa word to get tba 4 bole aavy ready, aad wkaa tha atratcriowt 8. W, Pavid- sea aaiUd for Loader fa March, 1017, I knew fraaa Admiral Mayo, cowman der-la-CWef. that the flee waa in uch good toaditioa that only a word weald bo rtquirtd to tnobilis It far war, (Another artinle by Farmer Beere tory Paniala will b published tomr rew.) ' Hardina Oo Tree Can't Come Down (Con tinned from Pag One.) National note, and at tha Saturday meetia when ":he enblie school com munity (enter as a neighborhood agency'' will be the topic, former Direc tor of the Census Bam U Sogers will ba on of the speaker. DcBby Te Mora Office. Korth Carolinian who visited Becra Ury of tba Navy Daniel during hi torm of offiee hav ipokea often of the beauty of tha anito of office occupied Q O by him ia tha State, War and Navy building, just beyond th White Boase. Evea aftor tha removal at the Xavy Department from tk 83 ar 40 dif ferent Duudinga aaa piaee taw wujcu it wa crowded during tne war, xe Navy pepartment buUding la th Potoma Park aeetloa 'th hittorie room were tetaiaad as 'a mstter ol convenience .to member of Congrss aad visitor, aa well ga far the an r pots erf raadily having eoBfereBce with th Pretidsrit hy the Beeretrjs of hum, Saras Shoos And Stockings Tk will lut swIm Ion If voa Basks Inw four Shoes ALLEN'S fOOT-EASE. th kw th teat. It Antiseptic. Hcallaa powder fcr the, teat. Imk wm Ska stina at Cans. Bunioac. Cl louaa, sora, achinc, swellen, trader (sat. Al len's fooUEas stops the friction which sansM tba wear an shoos and stockist!, savas x- aae and asakat w.ltln a etiurnt. iwaaa K Into your sheas. Bpriakl it ia the footrkatk. Boi vmor- a. cigarette 11 -W VLctrolaXI One of thy popular priced model $150 War and NaVaad far keeping pert the re pert af Navy official and gen era! visitor as a time savor, haw. that office aaito U abandoned, ad hereafter Secretory Peaby will have nia offiee only in th new Navy building. Thcr hi ao. move beautinti ornoo yooma to ba found anywhere that that which la aow to to either to tka State Depart-' Brest oa tko War Department,. VUII AVOIDS All OPERATION Hp Newly Cone, but Lydia r ; fL Pinkham'e Vegetable . Coroppund SaTc4 Her : 8tr. N.. av-"Mf raoothly spells - gaw me SO much twble, arnoumee mr wool) latttwo weeks.: i was , traatod by two doe- . tort without rebel .r - -anal they both said r I asooid hava to have " aa operation. I had mytroublcfouryeara and waa unfit to do anything, and had ' -given np att hopa of -ever getting any ' better. I read about , . is Mm i your medicine ia the ,' paper and decided to try it. IbevauseLydiariPuikhajrrn Vegetable Compound and Lydia E. Pinkhain' Liver Pills for about aeven tnonths and now I am able to do my work. I ahall newer forget you medi cine and you may publwh ftu if yju want to aa it U fc,e.''--MrB. J, F, HuBanT, Star, N, C .... Here U another woman who adds her teatimony to tba many whore le tters wo ruiiaart Women even after they have gone so fat- that an operation la aeemea aaviaaDie. Therefore It will surely pay any woman whe suffers from ailment peculiar to her sex to give this good old fashioned remedy a fab; trial. aSMAsnnSTOce'" awaeaiBKorw . That tredewiar: aad the traoeraarkej wecirtr-Vka'kietutfVallewr pvoduom. Lookominthttdl Leokcm&laball VICTO& TAllONO MAQUN8 OCX GtedathRJ.