'. ::M OBSERVER. RALEIGHiiRC TOESDAYMOING, APRIL 19, 1921, . - , " ....-, III. -.. - I " '" 1 """ ' ' "" m""mmm ' "', I Of Mr. I JAPAEI HOLDS U. S. UST GIVE PROD F State Department Makes Pup i Jio Correspondence At To Island Of Yap Washington, April 1V-T alatala 1U poeltioa with rgri te th PaeUe Ialaad of Tap, tbo American gevm tstal Would have "to prsvs not merely the fart" that President WnOB made reservation eonrnlg it, bat U tht tho suprem ooueil "decided in favor of thou vUw, tho Japanese 'govrn rat any 1 Mt sadr date of last February & mad publie today by tho State Department along with tho otht r aorreepoadenee between .tho two got rnmente regarding Tap. "It must alio bo mmbrd Jspea ays, that if a deetsioa ia favor of the exclusion of tho island of lap-e question of grav ooaeon to Japaa aad a ea which tho Japaae .dslegatioa mvariebry maintained a tnm nttitade had taaUy booa made, ai it la implied by tho argument of tho Patted States govrmmtat, at the-meeting of (tho su preme aouaell) May T, 1919, at which Japaa Waa mot represented, it oould aot bat hav bee regarded aa as aet of entirely Ud faith." - It waa to tab aoto that Secretary Hughoa replied lait April 0, at the tine aoadtag eimllar aoto to tho govern ment of Great Britain, Frne and Italy. Ha . declared that the UaiUd State waa nnabl to agr with Japaa' aateatloa that la order to maintain tat poeltioa it would hare "to prove" aot oaly that President Wilaoa mad minatioaa rogardiag Tap, bat ahto that tha aaprtae ooaaeil adopted thoa thing about tto State from tho highest eoarooa la tho laaaeial dittrieU la Now York. Oao groat broker said North Carelina was tho Ohio of tho South that ho waa investing hevlry la th seeuriUe of North Oaroliaa to was an-l counties, aad that oar progross had at- tree ted th attention 01 wo wau mam- W' aaa aadoabtedly nance the program wo hare undertaken It will bo proeoedod with as rapidly as poe- ble, aad vry oairaet aaa ooiicmum r tho State met without a minutes delay." . ,' ' Ward Gives Views On Chief Matters Before Congress (Continued From Pago Oao) ample time to present the matter. He showed ne every eourtesy and I was most pleaaaatly impressed." Major Stedman ha booa very aetiv la advocating Judge Connor's appoint ment, and purposes to bring every pos sible lalluanee to bear to aeeomplish U. Mario Bettor's Tiewa. Whoa former Senator lfarloa Butler waa asked todav what he thought of North Carolina keeping tho circuit judgeship sines Mr. Liniey Ud en- tered the race, ae said! "It eertalalv baa aot helped oar State's ebaaeee. Wo had two eaadtdatee. Byaam aad Britt, for the judgeship feo- fore aad teat war one eaaaiaaie w many. . x regret mat ins otaie wunui did not Use MS position to secure nar mHf aad united auDDort for one man. for then wo would a aaa a saw ae treaty has ever been eoa- abided witt the United States reUtiag m vie wuv oa m ttHfm wwih raad as ae aaa has over booa authorised to cede or surrender the right or In terest of tho United State ia the is land, thia government mast insist that it has aot lost its right or interest as at existed prior to any aotloa of Us supreme eouaeil or of the Leagao of Vatlaaa aad ounot reeogaias tho alio aatioa of tto island or tho validity of tho nuadato to Japan. Japaa has aot as yet replied to thia eemaranieatioa, to that to date tho sot raepoadeneo eonsiste of tho two notes quoted above, another formal note teat by Acting Secretary Daria last Decem ber by dlrectioB of President WUsob aad two memoranda with which tho exchanges were initiated teat November after soma question had ariaea at the meetings here of tho Interns tional Commanicatioas Conference toaeeraiag tha actioa of tho supremo council with regard to Tap. State Can Get All Money Needed For New Program (Continued from Page One.) draw the money from the banks ia each auaatitles as would result in the money being in the banks halt time. Thia eaaaot be accurately estimated. Wo are confident that we eaa ret the money as w need it, and at such rates at Interest as are current to the most responsible borrower ia tho country, Of eonm, to borrow money at six per neat, aad use it in installments, which would result ia half the money beln la the) banks during the entire perioi at throe per cent, would result in the State paying nine per cent. We all deem euetr a policy very unbusinesslike. We are going ahead with our building . program with absolute confidence and knowledge tbst the 8 tats can get money aa it aeeds it. Interest Comlm Down ' Interest rates are high la New Tork maw. The rediscount rate or the res lonal Banks in the New Tork City Dis trict is seven per cent, and the largest banks In the city are redueouating by tho millions at that rate. The Boston Borioaal Bank District cut rates last Weak from sevea to sis per cent, and the general opinion is that the New Tork District will follow in a few weeks. This will result la an immediate drop in Interest rates. We cannot use mach of the money st once, as the eon tractor will hsvo to ret nnder way W da aot want to pile large sums of borrowed moaey la the bank to be used at each iadelnite times as we may need It. But we did sot want to go on until w had every reasonable assuraace that the State could get money ia large ouantitiee at th lowest current rates t interest. I aa satisfied the matter will b nandled that the interest charges upon th State pending the time when w can sell th lve per sent bonds will b safely within reason, aad most the approba tion of the people. I ia satisfied that w eaa Bow sell the bond oa a basis of IJM. It is oaly a J matter of a few months, la my opinion, whsa ws eaa easily market the beads at par. : The high rates of Interest hive been forced by the deflation policy of the Goverameat It will aot last much fearer. I deprecate very much that ther should be any eplnioa that the Stat of North Caroline ia ia sueh fli that it aaa have aay trouble la borrow. lag money upon a favorable terms as it eaa be had la the country. We owe akvea aad one-half million in round numbers. The liquid asset which we haw 1 oar railroad stock eaa be told for aeugh to wipe tho entire State debt out. I heard the very haadsomest three most desirable ofllaee In R1.1rh. Phone 1111. 11 TnR"tKWikrA oA TlIftftB UN furnished rooms and one furnished ' bedroom. Close to (street. Phone II1-W. Fayettevllle jv iKwwwmn it KiiiVihi;ii)i)(tii!Mi;ia JNO.J. WELLS.CE. CiVil aad ConauIUng Enffatedur' '' . BOCKT MOUNT. N. C. WeUs and Brinkley make detailed ahaasa to arid, for no ether State eaa offer superior. Wlta tnrso mea an vn tho siren it court w have a more ehanee to win than w did to get cabi net recognition when two name were presented from our State. ... Thia aa fortunate situation ia muck te be de plored, because with a spirit of har mony and united action North Carolina would be able to secure several if not a half dosea important position oat side of th strictly state petroaage, all of which would bo of high regonitloa for th State." Ther ws no announcement today of the appointment of sa Internal Beveaue Com mission, though there wsrs expectation ia many quarters that One would be forthcoming. Th truth te that there fasts beta things happening ia th last twenty-four hours to make hav a disposition' to lay a bet on the North Carolina man, for David B. Blair stock ia looking ap eon iilarabhr. aad thT r those who think h has a big chance to land. Other, aav ao. 'Aad this afternoon there is talk that tho Acting Oommls- Iabv. Millard T. West, of Keatacky, may be the appoint. But I da not think so. But th long wait eannot be much longer and wa will all knew aooa. Judae Bovd Sets Aside Verdict In The Yarner Case (Continued from Pag On.) tiff makes a new trial necessary. Be nreseated a mass ef affidavit, filed sometime ago and made public nt the time. followla th MbcalMlo of these affidavit aad ' th complaint Varner, X. B. Baper, for Yarner, started oa the response, also in th form of affidavits. The war in us mean an attempt at rebuttal of th nuegatioBS mad in to eomptaiai, , mainuusuns; that Mr. Vsraer did have fair and impartial trial. t LENOIR RESERVE MIUTIA : JO BE DISCHARGED SOON Lenoir, April 1L Member f Com- paay m, , ftort uarouna jMrv MUitia, will be eUaehargad here within th next few day, according te Capi K. A, link. Several d&y ago CaptaU Link received orders front Adjutant Oeaeral J. Tan Be. Mett at Balelgk ia atruetlng him to ship all equipment. including run, aad other thing which belonr to th State, te Baleigh. This ha been complied with aad Captaia Link ia expecting discharge ardor within the aeat few day. Company 9 waa rganised early U tho wsr after the rerular North Caro lina National Guards had ben called into everseae service. While th Lenoir company waa never called out to do actual servieea, th Hickory company aad atker nearby eempaale war celled out oa on oeeaaioa te do guard duty duriag a strlk ia Charlotte. c a lyisaJ ". S JLl'Lm "-a pan citlit I aa.t.uMiarmtnTlrAl Jtl5tomM-SSl Tot Infanta pJ CHJldren, Mothers Know That Genuine Castoria Always Bears tho ttIir5c12l1 Signature " I s iMayOpraMorpoinc"-, a .--SulDfYl3f li.Y fit AUilT In Uso For Over Thirty Years nil FOR RED, COARSE SHINY SKINS AND ROUGH COMPLEXIONS McDowell xt ten improved . ". H16HWAT TO MICATILIJg. Marian. Anril lf-Mr.' J. a Oilkey, chaimtan of the Masion township high way commission, has .received a latter from the United Btate Department ef Agrtealtur stating that the Marion ktieavUle rend is te be completed a aa tnaatieabl. ' Boaaa mat an Mr. Ollksy received totter Irons, eat of th government engineer i th effect that, an neeoant of lack of funds. the comDletioa ef thia pteo x road would be indefinitely voetpoaed. Oilkey took th matter up immediately with th . department at wssmngton, with tte reeult that an engineer will he sent at oaee to eemplete th sarvey, Upon .th .eomplcUoa or ta oarvey, plan and etimats will, be) aud and th MBtra art. -t- CATAtSSAL DEAfNUS MAT MM OTUCpMI . v.M P.f.r-h.t Tioaf. aeee or are Vea Just a UUlo bard of kearlar or have head noise go to you drycglst and get 1 ounce) of Parmlnt (double etrengta) and add to It pint VI Ww w " lated earar. Take 1 Ubleapooa fui roar ! m umj. This will often bring outek re lief froaa tae dlstreeelng head -1 n..Mil hnatrll. Miaula B.in. - open, breathing become easy and me vuoue aiop .nnrnoa BW m W mm ' ii r 1 or who las vatairnai V'.rT 1 or head woteea should give this i raorlDtlaat at trial. TJae Dr. Blair's Cream af Cucumber. Doe not grow hair, prevent black heads, sieeUeat for suabura tan aad removes all wrinkle In time. Used in place of powder. On application last all day. White, flesh , and brunstta color at drug and department itors. SO and 11-00 JarsoAdv. JSWQCeMtrltnA- ud look Ilk d man who kaew how to waah aad iron clothes. Doesn't he. By tha time Buda gets through with a soiled garmoat a has brought it back to it primal tat of cleanly usefulness. That's what Dud and n lot ( other -pleased patron lay, LOOK FOB BUDS DVDS Capital City Laundry; Phono 74 Offloa, llftVi W. Martin Plant. Devi 9 Bt Free Enough for 20 uses for a 10-day test That will show the delightful results. Send the coupon. Not Beauty Only These whiter teeth mean safer teeth as well No donbt th great reason why millions use Pap eodent is to get prettier teeth. It remove the dingy film. Eat acJenc baa more Important object! Pepeo deot bring five effect, and all of them moan bet. tar tooth protection, The ruinous film Film la that vmcona coat yon (eel It cBnga to teeth, gats between th teeth and May. Old meth ods of bnishlrig do aot effectively combat it. So it often linger long. " Film abeorb stains, making tha teeth look dowdy. Countless tcth ar tho mad dingy. POm i th baaia of tartar. It holds food ub atanoe whkh ferment and forme acid. It hold tha add m contact with th teeth to can decay. Mini one of germ breed in it They, with tartar, at tho chief can of pyorrhea. Also of other seri oa trochlea Moot of th tooth and gum attack ar now tracadto that film, , Must combat it daily After diligent rwacarcb ociewc has fonnSl two way to combat that film. Many careful tests hav Now teadmr ctamati advise their daily aaa, Both an embodied la tnodant tooth patt' Pepeodant Bvery nee attacka the film m two ef fectrv way, It also brings thza other raanhs which haw proved ssssntiil. Fights starch and acid Pepoodeat doeei what frmt add do. XI btoW pBee tha eallvary flow. It mnltiplie th starch di gestant in tha saliva, to digest atarch deposit that ding. It muhipUea th alkaUnlry of th aaUva, to neutralix th add which can tooth decay. Thoa ar Nature's great tooth-protecting agant. Kvery wee of Pcpeodcnt mnhiplira their power. Effects arw apparent lDnioaa now know th delightful affacfm .Any. an who wia can qmckly and feel them. land th eoapoa for a 10-Day Tub. Not haw dean th teeth feed after tuing. Mark th abaanca of tha wiacooa film. So how teeth whiten aa tha fimveoata disappear. Than raad th reason la tha book wa and. A week maw bring a life-long chang fat yowr teeth daanlng methoda. Cat eat th aowpoa now. PaUStqgJi I lO-PayTubeFrce v' " k'StfcSk.nnnBannnaBnBnmnnnm tto. nrtwnrt COHnigl ThNw-Dcv Dtntifric Bwvi.imawcmn.. Weaanaa'mbsefwisiilislta " . Asdentific film combatant, eomblr with two otbermod- , ' " - am raqoiaitea. Now adviaod for daily una by leading , ,.; , . danriats cciy wbei a. Supplied by drnggtsts m larga tnbea. ' " ' ' - - ;: -" . Mil rra High Prleaa A Dlstinetlv New and Bautiful Pattera ia ' Silrarwar with lasting charm and Dignified Simplicity Lufbery !-ploo Set. $25 H doaa Tea spoon. $2i0 Watch. Clack aad Jewelry Bepeirtag Todays Ds:;ty TcEi n v.i- ,vik ui laetreuSL te easy to bave If yew wt If o a poeltlve remedy foe "J,ruLtIZ eaa oflaad tun In. aeate. ley !! It wUh aaoaeg baok VisectPoviz; irmila I IJIJES, Flaaa, Moaqoitoea, JT badbofa.rotlwmter btis, mouu, nca,cootie, and - iriairy otiter hooahold aad gar dan inaectsara dangarooa and objcctiooabla, K&l them with B Brand Insect Powder. termlsteverythiBg hut famecte. tt doea not epot or itaia. Packed in red atfttng top mnltt, reedy for ip tant awe, 100 par no adaher atkm. BuyacaatodaywiterUlpay. IS ane? 40. SM JEssJssAer McCORMICK & GO. ALTIhtOBE I sBaaBwaBBBaanwaaansnaBBBBBBa sammBBnmBBmBBmwjBBBanwaal r n ni n rK rprr flff Evew Meat ' f .vHT'CfllCflCO IS" , TZy Aids ' JJWS,J and All over tha world pcopIo uso this coody for its benefits as well as Pleasure, Keeps teeth dean breath sweet County Map. , 1 1 1 f yy f 1 yv N, I w -Mis?. n aMa) .-. wi..ir.acM

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