t Cloudy Friday, probably local rmlnal Saturday partly claady Bad omcwktt warmer. ' - ew. II' 'II jN miT T y" " en your pfr .,.,, 1 , ' ! yoLCXIII.-NO.161. SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH. N.G, FRIDAY MORNING, JUNE 10,1921, POSTPO HEAR! MIT OF uG MAY HELP LIIUiEY ADVOCATES Negro Opponents, ' However, Have 'Blood In Their Eyes' For State-Chairman , , IRVIN TUCKER SLATED FOR AYDLjSTIft PLACE , Candidate Tor Eastern DUtric Attorney'! Job In Washing, ton As Member of Urine, Delegation; ' Charlotte In ReliousWorjnSabmit To Chains of Kidnapping Jamea Sharpe, Who Was Given Bad Reputation In Halifax 4 Court, Draws Maximum Sentence " of 1 5 Years In State '.. Prison" WIuV Alonzo Burleson, 'Jitney Driver, Gets Ten Years; Mitchell Sharpe, Admitted Accessory, Given One ':Year.,-;:-?-..;'-;'i STREET RAILWAY II SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. PRICE; FIVE CUtTZ ' RENEWS PETInOf I Sidney,; Cooper ; President Of State Federation Of Clubs FOR HIGHER FARE .t, :iV Henderson Woman Selected To Succeed. Mrs. Charles C. ' r Hook, of Charlotte - Continued On Probation From! DISARMAMENT URGED IN Halifax, Jan 9. Jamei sad Mitchell Sharpe, twla brothers, formerly , ea- laced aa itinerant . religious workers. aad Alonxo Burlesoa, a jitney driver. submitted ' la Halifax court today ta charge, of kidnapping and vara given era la the State penitentiary by Judg. Cranmerv James Sharpe and Burleysoa drew sentences af fifteen aad tea year respectively while Mitchell Sharpe, who was held for prostitution, wss given one ear in the State prison. The three men were held aa charge visen . uuiuuE w , urw ,nu. i,i. T.111. n.rlt aail A... Gillespie, aad had beea la the State prison for safekeeping since their ar rest in Booth Boston several weeks ago, Lilla Berkley had 'gone with the asea to South Boston) under eompulaioa, she stated. ,t ,: .:,, ' ' v . .. Sabmlsaioa Is Barprlse . The submission of tha plea by sttor- aeya for tbe thrse aaea earns aa a Independence Day Speech The News and Obeerver .Bureau, 603 District Notional Bank. Bldg, By BDWARD Jt, BUTTON. A trial (By Special Leased Wire.) : Washington, June. 9. Though frank Linney remained in Washington today I surprise to tha attoraeya for tha Bute. as did three or I oar of the members of the Linney : delegation ea hand to testify for the confirmation of Mr. Lin ' ney aa district attorney of tha West- em District of .North Carolina, there waa nothing doing but a bit of after math talk in tha ease. It is the general It had beea expected 'that tha won 14 get uader way tomorrow. -Tha State put an witneasea to ahow the unsavory character of Jim Sharpe, bnt tbe testimony waa not rebutted. and Judge Craamer gave him tha maxi mum wader tha law for kidnapping. From tha Charlotte Associated Chari ties was read a telegram stating that aarreament that the negro ODDOaents I Sharps had been guilty of horse ateal- ot Linney have "blood in their eye. - bandonment, of bigamy, . t . 1 x. andT aeveral other offenses of lees de fer tha Bepublicaa Bute chairman who Md whony ..relUble. would have them fro tea out from the The telegram also told of his alleged ballot box. aa they . figurs hia policy. I - Bairauon Army, Lilla Barkley. the fourteen-year old Boanoke Bapida girl, who waa carried by the three men to South Boston, Va told straight forward story of what occurred during the Sunday night aad Monday that aba was with tha men aad There waa determination in their faes yesterday as they assembled in-the judiciary committee room for tha hear ing that refused to "hear," and there waa unanimity ia tha voices of all, tha members of the delegatloa when they declared Hwe will coma back" when it was asked if they could " return te Washington on . the call . pf Beaator Ernst. - , Another Story Fee Up; 1 ' - There is another . atory going the rounds', aad that ia that there waa word seat from hero to North Carolina to Vrank T.in.frr -to hava influeUeea aet to work to have poatpo.ement ; of the other Alienists Join In Testify fereace being that tha- idea waa that .with continued delay the negroes would recede their position, or at least get tired of waiting ' for a hearing aal abandon tha contest. It ia .known that this was tha hops of Seaatora in State, where. the negro Vote ia a factor that couata, - The rumor - is that .that aug gestioa came from former Senatar Jlnrioa Butler that delay , would bo of advantage ta Frank Linney, That -Mr. Bntler ia keeoiaf ia eloao touch, with the situation as It develops la certain. Bis office baa beea the aauing place no effort .to -impugn her character. '. Her testimony was corroborated ia part by Dr. D. r. Fatehia, who was called to oxamiaa her after the alleged assaults. Mitchell Sharps ia his ewa behalf denied nit connection with the taking out of te two Boaaoke Bapids young women oy sis orotner ana aiobxo Bur leson smd did not kaow anything about it until Z:30 o'clock the followiag morn ing, ho stated. Ho said that the Barkley girl went voluataMly with , them to South Bostoa. . . Lawyers for the defease btrodaeed la ovideneo a telegram from the chief of police ia South Boston, stating that the Barkley girl when arrested there appeared ta be druak aad that she aaid had been given something to drink. Several other witnesses ; from Boaa oke Bapids were placed on tke ataad to giro testimony relative ta the three men. Barleaaat Wlfe'Breaha Dewa. January, City Must Show Why Not , C. P. & L CLAIMS TO CONTINUE ITS LOSSES STRONG RESOLUTIONS next State - Convention of Women's Clubs Win Be Held -In Greensboro- - NEW PRESIDENT OF rr, :: STATE FEDERATION Brief ' Submitted Testerdar Claims $11,373 Net Earn- inf s . For First Tour Months Beaewiag Us petition before the Cor poratioB Commiaaion for a raise la street car farts ia Baleigh from aeven to- eight cents, or four tieksta for 30 seats, the Carolina Power and Light company presented figures yesterday in tha effort ta .haw that in k. fir. Mrs. Aleaao Burlesoa, . wife of the If on. montiis af tkm tut it. ... a-... youag jitney driver, broke down while Uga over operating expenses alone were ia mnraa, ua uia bo. uv oil til, ail. 173 a. aa mount st the stand. TjBtu be got Mo the pros- claimed Insufficient to pay the interest , r:".?. " uvp'- on bonds aad dividead oa a plant value lag his wifs snd Sva ehildrea aad from ,et d0wa at 828,741. ff""4" bw IwdiB " "H The ease was coatinued ea the docket I from laai J.an.rv. vhaa tha rV..U, TL. . - CI V IV L I f -- aad aolieitiag contributions, while Bur- J".", T -XJ'aT "h" ' Ujmom furnUhed the automobito U 2 J? i Z, iZJ?2 which they made their 3ouraeye. The ??J Co" two Shanes slaim Albemarle aa their -,-,?" amxw.ii uissenung, ae- I Miaftdkil lash tha atmmna, aktMV a ka IlOatM " H '' ' ''' ' 1 ai u vaaes-w VUU u ttw VwriCsh Aa.a Riiu.nu fk. ii..uuM Jrvm "a oocxei, ana me meresie ok. B-Bid. .1.1 -k. ... -ith J.ma.1 naaiiy oeeuaea. me nrat rour months Bbarpo aad Aleaao- Burleson on the wtr le44 the figures Suaday night ia Boaaoke Bapids whea I ran1 yo.israay. the alleged assaulta took place, did not I ia tha Virginia city.. The defease made go oa the stand Jw .May Get Case of Peacock For Decision Before Tonight ' . By NELL BATTLE LEWIS. (8talf Correspoadent.) - Wrightsvilla Beach, Juno . f. Star points ia the annual convention of the Of Tearii Case On Docket Suu Federation of Women's Clubs mi .... m- hero today wore: . i omc "unifflw; Mm. sidaey F. Cooper, of Header. Weir Wanted It Dismissed . naanisseaaly elected aronl. dent of . the State Federatloa of ' Womea'a Claha, to aaeceed Mia. Charlea C Hook, of Chstlotta. Federatloa eathaalaatlcaUy . ea doraea Mra. Clareaco A. Johnoea, f KaUigh, aa tha next Commla.' alBerr FabUe Welfare for North CaroUaa.' , Beeeietioa advM.Uag world dle.' A nHmi iae preveauoa of 4 future ware la adopted. ' Machinery of . North Car. linn' Legislative Ceaacll of Wesson la well oiled, aad Federatloa pledgee Iteelf to take aa active hand la eoaalag leguUtloa af acting all phaeet of pahlie welfare la j the . State. . , . . ; Becreetloa aad commaalty eorvleo Is takea aa the keyaetea of tho Foderatiaa'a work for tho year. Seveaty -aew crake are reported admitted to the Federatloa daring tho peat two yeara, bringing In na increased asemeerahlp of over i,H$ aad netting a total of more Jhaa ie,toe weaaea earolted la the Bute Federatloa. The eoavoatloa of the North Care. Una Federatloa of Womea'a Ctaba wiU meet la Creeaebero la lf, th. lavltetlen having beea extended by . Mrs. H. J. McClamraek, preaideaf f the Croeasboro Wemaa 'a Clab. Vnaalmaaa KlecUoa of Fraaldeat The unanimous election of Un. AM. ney P. Cooper, of Henderson, as preai- Mra, Sidaey F. Ceea, , of Headersoa. ing That Thomasville Phy sician ijvaslnsane SPECTATOR DIES IN COURT DURING TRIA - I'll i . . Arguments By Attorneys Begin evnd Xxpected lo Be Con ; xludetf urtngr TokUy Lexington, June 9. Dr. . W. Pea for maay of the North Carolina Bepub- cock, oa. trial for the killing of Chief li.a. dnrina their lait - here , in th.lof Police J. W. Taylor, oMiomaeville, ' tnattor of the expected Linney hearing I may know hia fata at tho hands of the and. ha aeea members of the Senate I jury of Jfowaa county oy nigntraii to la reference to a disposition of the raw I morrow. . Evidence was completed at v.hich will cause tho leaat friction and I mid-afternooa today and Solicitor John 'embarrassment to them nndtha Bepub-c. Bower began tbe. argument for the liean .party. The ' Uaney delegation I state, with Emery Baper, of the iex that waa here hold to the opinion that I ingtoa bar, following for the defendant. Linney will be confirmed when the a. e. Holton, of Winston-Salem," re show down eamrs, and feel secure la tie tsined in the prosecution by relatives thought that President- Harding and 0t the dead man, waa scheduled to fol- Attoraey General Dnugherty are goiny I iow vfr. Baper. to back him up in the matter. . I ; xa opening the argument, Solicitor TAO wnue jiepuDiican. i, itanland "W ara Imif the l- here are hlao of tha opinion that toe l of WBether the law is. a reepeeter negroes were glad ofthe delay, that they found' that with their protests steading ia the shape they are that v there is no more ehanee'to defeat Lin ney, aad that they hope tbe delay wiU - enable them to tutu up something fur- ' ther to use. against him. On tha oth t hand, the neglocs declare that the evi dence they have put iato ahape to pre sent, the deductiona that they ara pre pared to draw from tne Ldnney letter te the women of North Carolina, had tha ntatenfent of Linney as to the con tiaued position in the matter, are suf ncient, to secure of nersons. whether it applies with equal force to the rich aad the poor, tho educated and tho anedueated. tne doctor and the laymen." He declared that aeveral -other doctors who testified in the ease for tbe defendant had rushed to tbe physician's aid aa eooa aa they heard he had killed Taylor. . State Conceded Threat. Mr. Bower' aaid the State conceded that Chief Taylor had seat Dr. Pea cock word that he would break up the doctor's family aad declared that thia aupport that wiU P.Wed motives fo, the killing. He ridiculed thj idea that the brutal nature of the killing indicated iasaa ity o t the part of the defeadaat, aad declared thia idea was no more to be considered than the statement of Dr. Isaac Taylor, alienist of Morgan ton, that no doctor who was saae would do such aa act. Mr.- Bapcr opened -in calm manner with th. statement that the issue be fore tbe jury was whether or not. Dr. Peacock was in his right mind when he shot Chief. Tsylor twice with a shot gun from, his office and followed this knock out the confirmation of the man from Boone. But the forecast that 1 made of the probable vote some time ' ago still stands, dependent, of course, upon the continued support of Linn; by President Harding . aad Attorney General Dnugherty. , Tucher Also Oa Hand. trvin B. Tucker, f White ville, the a - lection ' of the Republican State ' or ganization, the "Hog Combine" candi date for district attorney of the. East ern District of North Carolina, remained- in the city today, having journeyed here as one of the Linney J up by shooting him four times more legion, and Frank linney remained ai-1 with a tiistol. so leaving tonight for North Carolina. I 'In no land, under no law, is a man Mr. Tucker is of the view that before! of unsound miid held reaponsible for 1923 gets here he win oe on tne r ea-ihie nets," declared Mr. Baper. era! Job in place of District Attorney I The attornev conceded that Dr. Fen B. FAydlett, of Elirabeth City, the t0ek was a man of unusually brilliant inuKiuK n.uuriiw ' i mina, m bus or eaucsiion ana meaiai standing ia that. , Attorae y General I attainment aad a very skiUed physi Daughcrty is to hold that witn the com- eiaB, "He baa lived ia" four differcav pletion of eight years of tne position I counties during nearly 4fl years without being ailed by Dcmocrata n is to bet, biot .gsinst him untU this tragedy," . neia aa vaeam, ao4 . a. -Mtai4 Mt, Baper. He recounted the hold ta tne last man on no job simpiy threats testified ta have been made by necauH no aa. a ... Taylor agaiast the doctor aad declared men out a. , m,. I that while Dr. Peacock had confided te sa bis aueeemor, P' P"" hia family hu dread of serious harm merr.. i.. .fc..,nnh ,t . . ". ha Taylor, ret no threat A UUIV axiOXT W vasvaaww """S1 " I R a all aa S)t hah MAliaa ak '.0 m.A a.u.J iL. .Jim one-for one of th , N.rth Carolina ZJT Bepublicaa applicants for a judgeship on ths Supreme Court of the District of I Columbia. Bepresentative L. C. Dyer, of Missouri, today introduced a bill in the House providing for tho appoint ment of two additional Justices of the court, so if that measure, gets through there will be two plaeea for J. J. Britt aad Col. I. M. Meekina to take a whack at But I opine that the Dyer hCl will hsve a hard time ia getting through. did not cause Peacock to attack or kill him," fervently declared his defeader. Spectator Dlea la Seat. About noon today during a lull In the erose-examiaatioa of Dr. J. K. Hall, Richmond alienist, D. J. Lewis, a furai turn factory employee of Thomasville. sbout 40 years old, a spectator at court! aiea in his seat la tho courtroom. He waa noticed ia a state of collapse aad borne hurriedly from the room, but It is based aa declaration that tkero to w itti Be, . dottor w; Mf ia less than a minute. He waa afflicted with asthma, which waa supposed to have beea the causo of heart failure. t i"M Tyr Morganton, aad J. K. Ball, of Biehmead, wero alienists offered br tha l.f.u ki. i- The Senate amendment t U.o aocanj their effort to niwva Dr. pMk i. . deficiency bill by which money; nut of I paranoias aad, therefore, irresponsible (Co tinned aa Page Two.) suth an uceumulatiou of ouinc'iir the district aud that ao much business cornea to it, that two mora justices are needed. There is no doubt but that Messrs. Britt aad Meekina will agree that two more aro badly aeeucJ. (Ceatinaed oa Page TweJ G0LDS80RQ HOS TO VISITiHG ELKS DOWnpOUr Xt-Rajn . Interferes pamUng.-eipensee f the eompany, With Entertainment But NotiJT- lar . . -" : . z v Argae Case Today Argument of tho ease will take nlaes before the Cemmissioa at I o'clock this afternoon, v with City Attorney John Hisdale, Jr- oa behalf tho eity. aad Jsme H. Feu," counsel for tho street railway company ia support of ths demand for the increase. No evidence was submitted yesterdavther than f" -vowau. Riam Hv aiiivta aiitnia awals I nr - W aaaa am 'm ayvisV a m.-.4&i. .n m.u 1 1 " Vu"" sucoeeu aire. L... vT . i . 7 cnariea v. Hook, of Char otto, aad the point, but offered to put on aowit- eathuaiastie eadorsem.nt i of Mra! Four items of income are offered la tho brief,, with a gross total of 937.- 282.03 for the months of January, Feb ruary, march and April. Thirty six items of expenditures go into tho mak ing of tho $tS08J listed aa tho actual Clarence A. Johnson, of Baleigh, as the next Commissioner of Public Welfare for North Carolina, - were etnr points ia the three crowded sessions of the Federation held here today. . Whispered rumor - of other possible eaadidatea to take tho Sold aceJast Mra. Cooper proved to be of "tha stuff that dreams aro made of. aad ia aa ea tirely amicable eleetioa, Mra. Cooper, wim a aao record of esrvlew in the Federatloa behind her, was designated to occupy tbe presidential chair which, for tho paot two years, Mra. Book has filled with high abilitr. Mra., Cooper taken up the gavel of toe f ederation with, a long list of well administered offices to her credit. For two years she waa chairman of the library exteaaion ia the Federation; for two yeara first vice-president; for three years chalrmaa of the leanoe commit tee, aad it wag during her leadership of thia committee that tha first endow ment of tho Federation, which yester day waa doubled, waa .accomplished. Mrs. Cooper's latest admiaistratioa hsa been as second vice-president aad chair man of districts of which she has made - (Ceatinaed aa Pago Twa.) GALBRAITH KILLED SOUTHERN BELL CO. HITS RE-HEARING Very Seriously By JOB! A. LITDXGSTONB. (8taff Correspondent.) Goldsboro, Juao 9. Two news items of local interest took place hero today. Oae waa the coming of a thoussnd or so Galaed Daring Tear ' Compared with tho figures for like l i nwi jl. ..i.i . I an iaerease of 9440 ia its gross oara-1 lags, and aa increase of 7,199. ia iul grosa expenses. Figurse for tha entire Dissatisfied With Corporation r ; commission; Claims It Has Evidence Instead of going directly -to the Fed of tho "Best People on Earth"' to ths u aaoatha ending April SO, 1921 wernut ral Courts with dissension! from the annual State convention of tho Elka, , a,' Corporation Commisaioa's ruUng ei Tho othe.r waa the rain that fell in - 1.,lt8;lBd t.lenhon. r.t.. th. HB,h.,. tun t I. .it I aeeoont of IU5J75.78, or a net rain. I 1"P"e rates, the Southern Bell Tele t. ... . rf.ii- v v. I f i,770.40 for the year. Tho plant phone and Telegraph Company, came the outdoor fsstiviUca of tho Elka. but I Tw .0I rtrn r1"r,T 'on " set back to the Commission yesterday af it waa a ground aoaker, one that made a7" Dner. " U ternoon with n petition to re-hear the . T . . m . Attached ia an imnoiin. ti.t e ait . I ' , "i "r: throughout the . countrV Vr forth .. ' " -. d aaavasaa w w mmww anrvsa wtuvtw iviitwu . , . over their aropa because of the receat tag.been advanced te 10 menta or cold weather. ! ' '' November 1, 1920, cities Whllo the towa folks were upset that!Tf f i?,.Kp""J, , i . i-u i. ..Tu wh ita 815.652 to Jefferson. Ind.. with Ha 10,098. Others, including Cincinnati, gone to 9 eeats, and others, gone to I eents. Several more places contain lists of cities. whiek had such rates be fore November, !, 1920. None of the cities which recently permitted higher expenditures for repairs miw j, ovHuiflia territory. Questioning the increased operating account presented, Mr. Hinsdale de manded to know why the recent exnen- Mitures ia raisiag the track in tbe FfAVAa.TtavtA. Aim court., Add Holland aad Boblthanaa,. nn... Iv a TTsacIl -would acver let a litU. thing like iBt ,rn,.t. the lowVina of th. track in front of the Supremo Court building to operating expenses, aa ars othenjtems of track improvements. He pointed out the fae that raisea approx imating 9500 per month had been ac corded employes during the paat year. all their best laid plaaa for showing their ieiting guests what their proud eity .could do ia tho way of entertain meat, the country people sat upon thelf froat porches aad watched it pour dowt with joy. Ths growing crop! had al ready perked up wonderfully this after noon nnd the cotton crop seems destia-d to do well after all in the wonderfully fertile country that surround! this lit tie metropolis. Old Fsakieaed Barbecue. downpour interfere with their plans ror reeding their guests. They had some thirty-odd shoata barbecued out at the Wayae County Fair grounds nortii of the city, aad tha apleadidly cooked meat with accessary seeeuories such as corn bread, abiab. .ad tha MV mmm served in the big maehiaery building PARACHUTE JUMPER AT inas is jaige eaougn to hold the.pniiu-1 - I aairM rv r-ir-i n nnnuinitl ....i;.. latioa of a 2ood aiaed towa. The bar. f 1-HHULCI TIZLU UnUWJii "r; ,V " becus went off on time, aad there was w.m,A vl r7. ant enough for all nnd a lot to spare. The Tho Vrfl. Z rf!it lurliM.. ... . . vuI, TSomaa i. ilulligan, one of the moot .J thT-.? 0",0'tbirt fMh," expert parachute jumpers at Langley Trl!Ir . ,vJ I ... v . FieId. 'o I h'ternoon when ,v . . ... : . - i.uim, Ju an (! ... i ta.r gro.uas was Ttrg, y,ini ganx whf wlfhi v f pui w gooo nso ia tne afternoon, with . f.w nt th. nd .ad h. . .:i . . n I : w vmmM IVIJU 11W Ull. - 1 ion LIDDlMniul 1.1. n. J J J cam. a uanu oi xweuv-tWO sol- r i dier anusieiaaa, everyone of whom. it ral Storm Does Demage, Elk. It's some bead, aad ' tbe soldier I Pittsboro,'Juae 9. A severe ball and boys rarely do kaow how to play lively I windstorm yesterdsy did considerable tunes. The crack Goldtbore band re-1 damage ia this section, blowing down j growing whest and injuring the cotton iwtmnoa on rago two. aad corn crops. Uncle, Sam To Get Biggest Share of Money on July 2 New York, June 9 Uncle 8am ever draw, aa a boxlag glove la bio Ufa, bat hell stake more aaoaey thaa Jack Dempaey, Ceorgea Carpea. tter or Tex Blckard July X. Figura. which will doubtless bring Bliialsaa alghts te Demaoey'B naaaagr. Jack Kearaa, aad caase FrsaBsIs tRwcamna, manager of Cerpeutler, mar worry than a a:-.. ... paper' pkategraalMr, were aaoted today by Internal Boveaae .Sciate. Bwmnssy's income tax far IMS,. e9, approxlaaately what he will re,' Mtver for the battle, wiH ameaat to H41J70. - Caraeatier'a tell, when xeaa4Mas for hia wife sad child are oahtracted. win tetel a modest 944. - . Hew Score Km At. " That nuksa the score a the divtaiea of th. puree readl laltrd States geveraaMnt, ZS4 ' Boxers, 124MM. Intarestiag a.wa to Mr. Average - ' American cltlx.n, who, accordlag ta tho revenae efficUls, paya a tax oa aa anneal Income betweea 1 H aad 11,999. The msrked dlf- ' fereace Wtrwi tho tsxaa of the boxen Is dae to the surtax aa the ' .difference between $1H,S09 aad t29,9e9. .. . Covernm.at; profits oa tho boot " also ladado' that stea per 'cat ' amaaemsat tax .xscttd by Federal ' authorities which will amount to approxlaiately tlM.tvf. Tho Stats , of New Jersey wiU exact a like ; . asm. Promoter' Tss Klckard, wheee I profits may be flH,eee, will bd . taxed an aataaat which will bring tho total government revenue from ' tho. enco:ter to eoasld.rably snore thaa a half mlllloa dollara, the . rich eat apertlag plam la history. alleging further evideace to support ths issue. Allegation is msde that the" corpora' tion's constitutional rights to a legiti mate laeome - nave beea disregarded that property value upoa which tbe Commission based the ordered rate too low; that the Commission was i srror ia finding that the eompany were exces sive; ss also its findings thst ths re serve for depreciation, and the division of tolls between the petitioner nnd ita parent company, the American Tele. phone and Telegraph Company, were out or proportion. Weald Offer Evidence. In support of these allegations, the eompsny would offer proof to aupport tne following general proposition.- ''(a) The value of ite exchange and toll property within the State of North Carolina exclusively used ia furnishing teiepnone service witaia the aaid State of North Carolina. "(b) .The expense of maintaining and property exeluaivelv within the BUM of North Carolina. '(e) Tha grots and net revenue re served by petitioner In operating aaid property exclusively within the State of North Carolina. "(d) Tho value of its exchange prop erty, the expense of operating aad maintain lag same, and the gros aaj net revenue derived therefrom in fur nishing exclusive exchsnge service ex clusively within the State of North Carolina. "'(e) The petitioner's sxpente for re pairs fn 1920 were as low aa they could safely, be made, and that since 1920 petitioner hss not beea able to make aay material reduction in same, nor is It probable that any material rcdue tioa esa be msds ia,such expense ia the near future. "(f) Thst after the foregoing facts aro established by sufficient and com' potent proof, the question of the di vision of tolls, esrned and reeeivel ia connection with the operations of the lines of the American Telephono and Telegraph Company becomes - im material and is not a factor in the can., for the reason thst the entire toll business ' of the American Telephone and Telegraph Company is interstate ia character, no part of same being Intrastate service within the State of North Carolins." f uly 29 is suggested by the petitioner as ths date for ths beginning of further hearings in tha esse. No action hit Commission, but tbe opinion prevails that action will bo adverse to tho pe tition to re-hear. The petition was re ceived from Atlanta, and ia signed by ths following counsel: 'Hunt Chi pier, Jamea H. Pou, E. 0.' Smith, and U B. Varser. . The latter represented Kobe son county ia the State Senate at the 1921 session of the General- Attem bly. .. I ; W'1 BOTH HOUS ESTAKE NOTICE OF SPEECH Investigation of Admiral Sims' nemarKs ordered; Sims To ; ! Stand By Guns Washington, Juna 9. Cognisance waa taken ia both tho Senate aad House today of tho recent speech la London of Bear Admiral William a Sims, re ferring to Irish sympathisers ia this eountry. Tho Senate ordered its aaval committee to investigate tha speech end in tha Hnnaa n.ni.l.ti.. B. Bcpnblican, New Tork, submitted a res-' oiutioa for ss. invest igttioa, ehargiac mat tne remarhs hsd constituted ai attack upoa loyal eitiseas of the Unit ed States of Irish blood and accused American eitiseas of being traitors. Secretary Denby awaited a reply to day, to bis formal iaauirv cabled 'to Admiral Suns, asking whether the re marks attributed to him had beea cor reetly reported ia press despatches, but left hia office without having received It, Meanwhile, official comment is with held at the department. Tho Senate resolution waa introduced by Senator Harrison, Democrat, Mis sissippi, and was adopted with little debate and without a record vote. Sena tor Wadaworth, Bepublicaa, New York atktd whether the aetioa taken bv Bee'. retry Denby would not servo the tame purpose as the resolution. Possibly so" Mr.' Harrison replied but I think the charges la this caw ire so grayethst the Senate eenaot afford to ignore them." SIMS SAYS HE'LL STICK BY EVERYTHING HE SAID London, June 9. (By the Amoriated Prett.) Hear Admiral William, a Sims, United States Navy, ia onoted by the Press Agvociation today at say ing-this morning with regard to the speech he delivered on the Jriih quca tion here Thursdsy: ' "I stand by sll I said, rverr word of It. l shant' repudiate a single word said, and I see nothing un-American in it, even if Senator McCormk-k does." Admiral Simt. who thit moraine said he had not received 'the cablegram r Snorted to have been tent him - bv Secretary of the Navy Denby inquiring If the Admiral was corrcrtrv united the press reports of his mtoerh, hai srrsnged to hsve the esblo message delivered to him aa soon aa it reaches London. Speaking at a luncheon given bv the Engliah-Speaking. Union at London on Tuesday, Admiral Simt was reported to hava declared '"they are like xebrai either black horses. with white stripes white : horses -with black stripe.. But we know they are not horses the? ara asses.- Eaeh of these asses,, how ever, haa a vote and there are lots of them." He declared thst the persona be sssaued were Americans "when they want money, but Sinn Feinera whea ony toe . piatrorm, and added tbey are making war on America today," eeeorl- tng to cabled veraiona of the Admiral s remarks. ENTILE WORKERS HEAD DIES AT BROOKLYN . i Fall River, Mass., Joae 9. Word was received .here today, of tho death. ia Brooklyn this morning of John Golden, general president of the United Textile Workers of America. Bariai will bo thia eity where bo has made hia home for many yeara. ;, ,;; . ; National Commander of The American Legion -Victim of ; ; , Tragic Accident ;;;:;, TWO OTHERS SERIOUSLY INJURED IN SMASH-UP Body of "Tho lighting? Colonel .; of Tho Kghtinr First".' Be. - moYed To Cincinnati, Where Tuners! 8errices Will s Bo Held Saturday; Many lies, sages of Sympathy,' ; ." Iadiaaanolia, lad, Juno 9 Accompa nied by nearly a seoro of national and stats officers of the American Lerioa. the body of Frederick W. Galbraith. Jr. was removed tonloht ta hi. U Cincinnati, Ohio, where funeral serv. lees wUl bo hold Moadav. CoL braitk met his death ia'aa automobile accident kero early today. Miltoa B. Foremaa, the legion's national commit teeman from BUbois, and Henry 9, Byan, chairman of ths Americanism commission -of the legion, suffered In juries ia ths accident, but will recorer. Tho national commander's body -waa oacarted to the Union station herd this sveaiag by scores of LegioanaJros. Heading tha eeeort was Major General George W. Bead,' commander of the Fifth Army corps ares, nnd hia stsff. Military services wero held at ths sta tion. J -. . ... .. w ' Tolrrssas or Symnathy, ' Maay telegrams oxpressing sorrow d eeadoleaee were roeeived today at national headquarters of th legioa from officials sad friends of the dead commander. One of ths messages waa from President Harding. After ths funeral at Cincinnati, mam. bars of tho national executive commit, tee will return to thia city te elect oae of tho aatioaal vice-commanders ta. servo natil the hnaual convention of" tho legioa at Kansas City. CoL Galbraith waa killed and Mr. Byaa aad Mr., Foremaa wero injured when an automobile ia whiek they wero ridiag weat aver a steep embankment here early .this morning. - The three men wero returning to the y. from, tho Country Club ia Mr. aea -ake a IS tha road aad ran over IM curbing, across the sidewalk aad liyf .Ma MrMl laIUsT t thS foot Of a H.fMl a.V..k.. All tkroa mea were thrown clear of w wem down. Galbraith aoffared a fracture of the shall i, th. faU and d W oa th. way to th. hospital. . T,8twl" Gear Brokea. Wo ATenB. whsB Vara an Ami-i it. . declared-k. b.H "aZ.'S.".! "' oaVrf.rPK''tn- loss eeatrol of the machine. Foremaa suf fered a fractured ....n k... " r" "r alihtly iajured. Coroner Paul P. RnM . lt-i' "iaatioa of tho J?e showed a broke, con ! ftt ' wheel. The threa m. . Ualo. Statio. riauJVLT"? ore- ; of th. d.o.rt..7 .T"r,,r"J"" Galbreitb, aecompsnied by mJ T, S" " J- Settliff. t thht Of the 4an.W... .a nn .f th. AmericsV UV. have Setfliff. ..T VS ,0r CU"- Mr settliff. sad Mr. Foreman were re- "in 'ter atteading a meet- tag of the national finance eommittel n.tl A!r" Legion here, while Mr. H,i.''U .,"teBded toWln- liminary to etartina- . iTi- Jour ia behalf of the legisLtie. before Ugh? 'POn0r'd by Amerieaa Tha Fighting CltttLV ' Colonel Galbraith w.. aia.i tionel commaade. af ).. i : Legion oa September 9, lsst During the wsr he served ia command of the rirst Ohio National GnUFft 'ail sTaiB-.w. Shermaa, Chillicothe. Subsequently he was transferred to the 147th I.... " try sod embarked for overseas ia June 1918. By leading hia regiment through the lines of the Germans under fir. he won the title of "The Fiahtins- Calnaal of the Fighting First." In civilian life Colonel Galbraith we. pr.tident of the Western Paper Goods Company of Cincinnati. Ho waa a Be publicaa, but aever actively eajraa-od ia politics, sad wss aever a candidate for pubjie office. . He was elected national commander of the legioa ia succession to Franklin J D'Olter, of Philadelphia. He was 47 yeara old, aad" was born in Water- towa Arseaal, Mass. During the war he woa the Distin guished Service Cross, the Croix de Ouerr. nnd the Croix de Guerre wlth ; Palm for heroism in the Meuao-Argonno ' offensive in which he was wounded. The nstional vice-comma ndert. one of whom probably will be elected na tional commander, are: John O. Em ery, Urand Bapids, Mich.; Thomas (Coatiaacd aa Pag. El.vaa.) The Supreme Event of The Season . . Raleigh's Trade Week June 13th to 18th 1 Thrifty Shoppers Will Costa From All Over ths .. Carollnaa.':.1' .; ' f " s '