.tl: Tin: rziTzzz Generally fair .Saturday, war nar ia aorta Bcrtlea; Senday partly cwady.- -mm en your rrr. 8-ir 1 r five before i In order to .void u...-, unci copy. TWELVE PAGES TODAY. ;' ; RALEIGH, NVC. SATURDAY MORNING. JUNE Til,' 1921 VOL. CXIII. NO. 162. .TWELVE PAGES TODAY PRICE; ;F1VE COiTO WRSTOIET Reed and Glass Clash in Sharp Debate Over Federal Reserve NEW REPUBLICAN 1 CHAIRMAN, NAMED OillEEl Missouri Senator Charges Act Fundamentally Changed After FROM PIE COUNTER 1IICIAL RELIEF It Reached -Senate And Virginia Solon Makes Lmphatic Denial; Senate Stilled By Tenseness During Verbal Tlt. 0' SPEECH GARBLED SIMS DEWS: 111 MESSAGE TO DENBY ANOTHER OHIO SON RECEIVES REWARD President Names Roy Haines, , Newspaper Editor, As Prohi : bition Commissioner ANTI-SALOON LEAGUE " GIVES ITS APPRPVAL Attorney General Bequests Txu District Attorney To r : Besign; Thii May Set Prece- ' ' dent For Others ; Wholesale DiiniiiU'(rf,'';'CteTtnuiiettt . Clerki Worries Oongreismen The New and Observer puretu, , " 603 Bistriet National Bank Bldg. t By EDWARD E. BBITTON (By Special Leased Wire) - Washington, June 10-The once eet ;tled upon "certain' appointment of . . Newtoa Fairbanks, of Ohio, brother of , th lato Viee-Preident Fairbanki, to - day went into the discard, and the new Commissioner of Prohibition who ii to . take orer the job that John T. Kramer has been holding, was today announced a Major Boy Haines, alio from 'Ohio, for Ohio Baa a pull on thii position as it has demonstrated that it ha oa many others. ' The rumor that is on the rounds is that after looking over Mr. Fairbanks for some , time .during hit sojonra ia .'asmngtoB waning ior in jou va tamm ' hia way, the powers that hand out jobs ' decided that he would be a misfit as prohibition commissi ner, henre ' the - switch to Major Haines in both, who "ia.not a "really truly" major who saw service overseas, but a military institute head to whom the title of Major came. ' - Incidentally another qualification out " aide of that of being an Ohio man is that Major Haines.' who is a newe- paper man, was one of the first of the , Ohio' editors to come out in the opon ' with declarations for Wtrreti Gamaliel ' Harding for ,'. President. Ths Anti , ' fee loon League leaders are said to have riven the nod of approval to Major Haines, and his appointment followed .quick da the rnmor about it. Mr. Fair banks is slated for "something equally as good" for he ia from, Ohio. May Oast District Attorneys. wnue too report naa unn mtn u ' Attorney General Daugherty will let the varioua District Attorneys of the , country hold on to their placet till the expiration of eight yem of Democratic occupancy, there tomes newt t6 Wash - ingtoa that ia at least one east he ha -t u- .,k.. XI If - Mobert&oa, of the Western District of Te.ua, it i. ported t hare beea asked to resign, aud has refused, character!- ing the request of Mr. Daugherty a " tieee of cheap and. petty, polities'. It ha bee a 7th understanding that Irrin B. Tucker, slated by tho "hog combine" of ..North Carolina Bepubli cans for District Attorney of the East ern District of . North Carolina would have to wait for the expiration by the Daugherty. ifuW. ii. the term of E. L. Aydlctt, Democratic incumbent, befers getting his piece of pie, but with the Texas case in mind It may be that the - pressure for jobs., will get to be so trong that there will be call to r -.at the North Carolina Democrat to giy ' place to the North Carolina Republicans. Wholesale Dismissals of Clerk " Wholesale dismissals of gorernment -rkx in the various departments of tho government have thrown an extra amount of work on members of Con greta, for the clerk have harried to hold their job, and the congressmen have been hard put to it la visiting hold their constituents oa the jobs they don't want tj relinquish. - Senator Mo rnmber, of North Dakota, svoki to tioa in dismissals, and he hat introduced a bill which is designed to provide the manner and method to be followed in . leaking reductions in government forces. ' Heads of departments and other of ficials who pass opon dismissals from tho service are required under-the bi.l to secure signed statements from each 'emp'oy regarding o'hor members f the family who may be in goyornment aerviee, and with regird to any de pendents, false sUtemenis or refusal to make statements to be summarily Cismiseed, adjudged guilty of a mle- . . . ... . a . .A iemeanor wiiu u vi mvv.ii $1,000, or imprisonment for not more than oae year, or hoth. Ofileials are required to make dismissals for reduc tion, except that no person shall be dis charged whose appointment i credited to a state bavins a less number of ap pointments than those to -which it is entitled, at loiiowt: X. Any empljje having a husband e wife ia tha aerrlea who hat beea employed for a longer period of - time . v than such employe. - 2. ' Any ' employ having anotlicr member of the same family in the service tio has been employed for a lender time than such enploye.- S. An emnltye having ao pers-in , solely dependent npoa him for Support. . New Coaaty Soil Barveya. ' - Senator 8inmons will within twe or . a, J V.M a VI. KAfl .Anla. Meh of the bow; toil surveys of Orange count. Wilkes county and Vance coun ty. Th soil urveyof the three ceantiet were recently completed under the direetion . of the United ' fcutc bureau of tolls in co-operation with tb North, Carolina Department of Agriculture. . ' - He taya be will bt glad to tea! ooiet of these soil tdrveyt upon re- aaesvto uitixea Of Orange county, Wilket county ana vaoee gamy as Ions- at hi eapply lasetr . .'Joha, William- Co of North Carolina has been aemkAtcd by the President to be junior hydrographie and geodetic engineer in the coast ana goeaetie lur wr. with, the relative rank of lieuten " nt. senior trade.' in the navy. Mr. Cos entered the service from Bsloigh, hi mother, Mrs. H. r. Cox, bow resitt - (Contlnaed Page Two.) , Washington, Juno 10 Senator Beed, of Missouri, and Glasa, 'ef .Virginia, clashed, la a lively msnner today in the Senate"" brer whether the Inderal Beserv ' act. sponsored la the Hoase year! ago by Senator Glass, had beea fundamentally changea when K reached the Senate. The Missouri Senator said it' bad, and Senator Glass, rising hastily from hi oat, shot forth , ,-That i not tho fact., "Tho Senator' statement la" lnse- lence," retorted Seaator Beed, "the in solence of incapacity." . . t Seaator Beed continuing asserted that Senator Glass regarded s tho federal Beserv aet tt "the child of hi brain," and resented anything detracting from that suggestion. '' : Beed Decline ta Tleld . Senator Glass ought to reply but Senator Beed waved him to his seat, deelaring: "I decline to yield to the Senator from Virginia now or at any time in the future." Seaator Glass remained silent la hi seat while Seaator Beed continued for an hour and a half to speak oa tho packer bill. At the Missouri Senator' tat down, Senator Glass arose while the Senate chamber became stilled, .sena tors' stopped tb reading of bill and retorts, and the crowd ia the galleries bent forward in exportation. . The Virginia Senator began hit reply slowly and with careful measurement of hit words. He related the history of the Federal Bjserr act and the de tails of bit earlier clash with Senator Beed. ' . .. ''I do noet feel disposed," h told the 0PEPEW FIELDS Ford, Lawyers Get Subpoenas issued For New witnesses In Newberry Inquiry Washington, : Juno ,..J0 New ' fields were opened today ia the Senate con sideration of Henry Ford's contest for th seat of Senator Newberry of Michi gan, when at the -i instance of Ford counsel subpoenas were issued for Wil liam C Durant, former president of the General Motor Company, Andrew Green, JKf president " of th Solvay Proem Company, and Iflrttian 1 D. Smith, New York tock broker. None of the men were draws into th criminal prosecutions which preceded the contest, but will be asked Mondny to tell of any connection they may have had with th Newberry campaign financing in 1918. Today' session was marked by a clash between Alfred and Henry lack ing, attorneys for Tord, and Chairman Spencer aad some . of th Senatorial committee members and by the with drawal of Paul H. King, Newberry campaign manager, . from the. witnete stand when he evinced , symptoms of nervont collapse during examination concerning expenditure! under hit control. Charles A. Floyd, secretary of the Newberry campaign eoamittce, took his place, and the Luckins, father and son,-armed with, attacks of can celled checks said to number 1,800 pressed him sharply. These checks, though ranging in amounts up to 17,500, marked "paid' by the. banks, and said to have been given to many individuals including Floyd! the witness explained as "re concilement checks.'' No money actually passed upon them, he insisted but tbey evidenced money previously paid ' out, and their total of 160,000 he said, eon s ituted practically the entire- amount used in th Newberry primary election campaign. . Chairman Spencer interrupted t:.e xnmlnatioa aad, though Alfred N. Lucking protested vehemently, held to his decision that "this is enough about ihese check i," Senator Pomerene, Democrat, Ohio, however, left the com mittee room in tome Seat after failing to force an adjournment.' Floyd conceded total expenditure' la th primary campaign for Senator Newberry wpe I17,00. Through Kins, the campaign manager, Mr. Lucking eailier in the day put in the record a description of the New. berry campaign, ttriving to thow Sena tor Newberry's familiarity with ths detailt and financing. King, however, tail he took orders from bis principal, but went ahead uloa on campaign project without even reporting by mail. i "Co-op Holiday" "Closed for meeting on Co-operative marketing" i way merchant Of Jacksonville. Onslow Coanty, re sponded to tho campaign to make North Carolina protperon thraagh marketing of cotton aad tobacco ander a bnlneea-like grower' elation. AU th merchant and bosU nee men attended tho mat meeting ad pledged their rapport to pal their eotmty aver in the lga-ap drive. ' , . The idea of closing store and bank during meetings, or for oa day f th campaign, which origi nated la Snow Hill, Green County, I spreading to other counties. Today the merchaaU of Oxford, Granville Coanty, have agreed to clot their stores and attend th meeting where Dr. C, C Taylor, of State College 1 to explain th co-operative agree, menu that are now being signed In J7 of tho leading producing eoantle of th tat. IN SENATE PROBE two score Senator present, ."to let it go into the record without dispute ' the statement that legitleioB with which I had something to do had beea throwa together haphazardly so that the Senate had to alter and change it in 600 re spects. I had observed that ths Senator from Mluonri wit Intolerant of differ ence! of viewpoint aad quick to retort to any Senator who failed to agree with him." Glass Make Emphatic Denial - Thea Seaator Glass procided to re peat Mr. Beed' previous assertion! which he described at 'a vituperative aid offensive retort'' and "an exhibi tion of pantomim not becoming ia a body of this character." He denied that the Federal Beserv act vas "the product of a slnglo mind but wss, he said, the result Vf eommon council of patriot! minds H denied in detail Seaator "Beed' ststement and eon elndedi '1 might y other thing, tut X do not believe thi is the proper place to give vent to one' impulses. X pat the Senator from Missouri 6a notice, how over, that from now on whenever he makes a statement against m pertoa ally h will not avoid proper reply from me and not in puerile manner such a shown by him her thi after noon." . ' Senator Beed ia reply declared he had said nothing to give offense to Senator Glass; promised to prove hit statements; and added: "H says I have no occasion to love Urn. That it true. I don't and I have ao reason to do to. Th Senate thereupon adjourned. VIRILE SPIRIT OF WILSON NOT DEAD Chairman George White Finds Former President Still In Fighting Mood 1 1 1 i i The New aad Observer Bureau, ' 003 District National Bank Bldg., By IDWAKD E. BBITTON. ! (BySpeeial Leased Wire.) ' Washington, Jus 10. Declaring that former President Wilson "itlll has th milfUnt spirit which charoeterited him a a party leader and a chief exeea- tive,i Chairmaa Georgt Whit of th Democratic Natioaal committee camo from a visit to the former President thi afternoon, much pleated with hit interview. Mr. Whit arrived in Waah- ington yesterday morning aad oa hia visit to the former President at his horn her had' s. hour' conference upon political matters. While Mr. White would not tpeak of th matter he dis cussed with Mr. Wilson, ho said that th conference was on general political topic and condition. ''I can y thi much however," said Mr. White. "Mr. Wilton retain hi keen interest in all affair affecting th welfare of hia party aad hi coun try and he (till hat the militant apirit which characterised him . at a party leader and chief executive." In reply to questions concerning Mr. Wilson's physical endition. thtt waa a matter abdut which he could obviously make bo public statement. "'My talk with the former President was very interesting and agreeable ; I enjoyed it very much aad 1 hop Mr. Wilson did." On the business situation, he . aaid, the business men were beginning to ask where was the great revival of busi ness promised by thi BepublictB in the list campaign and beginning to wonder how much further it is to "normalcy" , He declared that there is a great revival spirit among Democrat and that there is general disposition among them to get together. The failure of the Republican ad ministration to keep it election prom ises to date hat put new heart aad new hope in th party everywhere," he laid. ' THREE CHARLOTTE MEN HURT IN AUTO WRECK Charlotte, June 10 Frank forks, Charles Skinner .and Gilder Craver, prominent, young" society men, were badly hurt at a 1st hour last night in an automobile - wreck oa the Charlotte-Lancaster rosd, 26 miles South of Charlotte, and a new car that belonged to Crtver's- .ftther demolished. ' Mr. Vorkt is a son ef John Yorks, Mr. Craver of H.1 D. Craver, 1 Mr. Skianer, a brother' of Mr. Paul Haddock. Th injured are in a hospital here. Craver waa driving the automobile and ran into the bridge over the twelve mil creek thii tidt of Lanetster which wat closed tut a j ligit there they ehiatod. Soger' Craver 'and Bobert Misterman were also ia the ear. The wheel were smashed off and . the body ef the ear crushed by the impact All th men wer more or lest hurt. . . JUDGE WOOTEN TO ATTEND TRIAL AT GAINESVILLE, FLA. "Kinsten. Juno 10. Thnmaa C. VmIm f former recorder here, will leave tt the end of this week for Gainesville, Fla., where Clarence Jones, a native of that State, ta tebeduled to go to trill next week for the murder of Woo ten's kins man, George WooteB, last January, Judge, Wooten will represent th fami ly,' prominent la Craven, Lenoir aad Vlyns counties in this State. Wooten wat thot to death tt Jones' home ' in - a-' rural eommuaity aear Gainesville. : Jones hat made aa alleged statement that he fired at a man ia the yard of hit home in reply to aeveral thott fired into th .house. The state, which will be represented by two so licitors, will endotrorJo offset thlt and prov that th killing ' waa premedi tated. - Senator Harrison . Describes ann a th naa . sims ana Harvey as ine "Go'd Dust Twins" . TWO SPEECHES OUTRAGE TO AMERICA, HE SAYS Mississippiaa Eoiterstes De mand For Ambassador's Re call Trom, London ; American Federation of , Labor Asks For Admiral's Recall; Sims . Hakes Another Speech London, Jua 10 (By Th Associated Press.) The reply of Bear Admiral Sim to th request of Secretary of the Nary Denby for aa explanation of hi speech, her ' Tuesday,. xpreeee th opinion "of Admiral Sima that some part of th speech, to. which objection had beea taken, had beea garbled. Thii wat learaod unofficially, but on good authority, her today. Admiral 8imt says he said nothing ia hi address which hs had not said before in speeches in th United State and ia hia book. - SIMS MAKES NO MENTION Of IBI8H IN SPEECH London, Juno 10. (By th Associated Pre). Bear Admiral William 8- Sim mad ao direct mention of American in sympathy with th Irian republics a cans today during a oO-miauto address at a luncheon given ia hi honor by th American XAncneoa (Jiud. Ia aa apparent allusion, however, to remarks of last Tuesday when he ad dressed the English-Speaking Union, Admiral Him said: "I aa going on doing th tarn thing." . - Thi declaration brought' front the two hundred gnests a repetition of the uproariou applause which had greeted th remark at Wilson Cross, vice. president of th American chamber of commerce ia London ia introducing Ad miral Sim. ''He ia stinging again but cay he will stand by what he ha said." Mr. Cross told th assembled company. "I want to assure him thtt thi company will stand with him and . to will all full blooded, trnt, honest, thinking Amori HARBISON DESCRIBES THEsf" ' AS THE "GOLD DUST TWINS Wsshlngton, June 10. Bear Admiral Bimt and Ambassador. Harvey art oe tewibed today in th Sonata by Senator Harraton, ' Democrat, Mississippi, a "thea two "gold unit twin' who rsp resent the government of the United State." ; t - Senator Harrison, author of the reso lution adopted yesterday directing th naval committee to investigate Admiral Bimr epeech Criticising Sinn Fiea sym pathizers, declared tho Admiral'a apeejh aad that ef Mr. parvey' at the PUgnm d.'naer waa "aa outrage to red-blooded Americans." ''I hop the Senate committee will is cure the report that Secretary Denby ha demanded from Admiral Sims, said Senator Harrison, "1 hope Congress will take immediate action if Secretary Denby fail to do anything to him if he waa quoted cor rectly." Seaator Harrison said that Admiral Sim ''ought to b got rid of from the navy" if ho was quoted accurately and be also reiterated his demand for Am bassador Harvey's recall. Noting that Secretary Denby hsd called from Admiral Sims for an ex. planation within 24 hours Senator flsr- rison said ao official of the government had taken aimilar aetioa s to Am bassador Harvey. He baa not been called down bv the President or the Secretary of State or any otuer offlcial," said tht Senator, AMERICAN FEDERATION DEMAND RECALL OF ADMIRAL SIMS. Denver! Col, June 10. The recall of Admiral Sima from England and hit dishonorable discharge from the United States navy by President Harding if hit remarht in London on th lrija question ore found to be correctly quoted, were demanded in a resolution presented today ia the annuel conven tion of trades department of th Amer ican Federation of Labor. The resolutioa presented by Timothy Heavy, head of th Brotherhood of Firemen and Oilers, urges that th full force of the American Federation of Labor, be naked to co-operate aad assist in the report. . The resolution probably, will bq acted upon tomorrow. Tho convention today authorised the convening of a nation-wide conference of international officers of tho metal trades unions in Washington within th next sixty day to consider plans for a new unionized driv upon Ameri can "industry. : ;;,. CONTRACT AWARDED FOR STATESVILLE'S NEW HOTEL Stateavilla, Jun 10-Contrset for Statesville's new hotel, here wer let thi afternoon about 25 out-of-town bid drr were here when the 'bid were opened today. The contract for the tuilliug was awarded to J, A. Gardner of Charlotte. Contract for installing the heating system wns awarded to th Grinnell Company, of Charlotte; also eleetrie 'wiring to U J. Freel, of States ville. The plumbing eoatraet wss not let '. Tb total cost of th hotel aad furnishing complete will be (round en hundred eighty-fire thousand "dollars. . Mr. C. V. Heakel who haa hsd ths matter ia charge has beea pushiag the hotel proposition for Etatetvill as rap idly as possible. Mr- Henkel anaounees thst construction of th new building will begin at once aad will be complet ed wilbia tea gtoatha. . 1Y TAKES CASE -AT NIGHTFALL IN TRIAL OF PEACOCK Forrrler Congressman Clyde Hoey Concludes Argument , For The State FIFTEEN LAWYERS IN ' CASE MAKE SPEECHES In Crowded r Court Bouse . Throughout Day,' Attorneys - Condemn and Defend; State Maintains 'That Killing . of Thomasville Chief of Police Was Premeditated Murder Lexington, Jna lSAfter four hoar of deliberation, th jury la the' case of Dr. J. W. Peacock oa trial her for murder la coaaoe tioa with tho killing of, Chief of Police J. E. Taylor, of Themnevllle, went to bod at ltiS 'clock tonight not having reached a verdict. rK Lexington. Jua 10- At (i30 this afternoon Clyde B Hoey, of Shelby, th 15th attorney to speak ia th cat, concluded th summary ef the State's argument that Dr. John Walter Pea cock should be found guilty of murder in th first degree for killing Chief of Police 3, E. Taylor, of Thomasville, on April IS. Judge T. B, r in ley charged jury before court recessed for, supper. Bidiculing the idea, of insanity, de claring this plea to have been dis- provea by the demeanor of the phytieiin 0 th stand a a witness and vigorous ly asserting that tne killing had ali the element of premeditated and deliberate murder th former Congressman ' ap pealed for a verdict carrying the ox- tram penalty. - Mr. Hoey tpok. for two hours. II Hoar of Argument. J. J. Parker, of Monroe, : preceded Mr. Hoey aad closed the ease for the defense in a powerful argument last ing for two hour, in whieh he eon- tended that an overpowering weight of evidence, both from, laymen aad ex pert, had howa th defendant to have beea iasan at th tim of tne killing. H oummed up all tho evidence of both State and defeat, aad brilliantly ana lysed from th standpoint of th de fen.; . That . two tpeecbet concluded- ap proximately IS hour, of argument, ix and a half hour to each lido. Solicitor J. C. Bower. A. E. Holt in, of Winston Salem lid H. H. Hoyle, epoke-yeetor-day af teraooa and last night for th Stat while -. E. Roper, Wad - H. Philllpi and J. r. Hpruui, of the local bar and ' T, C Linn, of , Salisbury, jrguea for tb aerenee. the argument mating until w:su jat tignt. . , Conaidered AM Effort. Walter H. Woodson, of th Salisbury bar, opened for the State thin morning and during the forenooa session was followed by Z.V, Walter of the local bar and B. Leo Wright, of Salisbury, for the defense, aad M. H. 8tone, of Thomasville, and A. H. Price, of Balis- bury, for th State. ' Th , afternoon session wat given over to th dosing argument by Mr. Parker and Mr. Hoey. VERDICT OF GUILT " 1 ' s After Twenty-eight Hours Jury comes in with Plea For Mercy . After having been out ' for twenty eight hours, the Federal jury in the ease of A. J. Honeycutt, wealthy Neuse merchant tried in Federal court on the charge of receiving goods stolen from interstate ahipment knowing them to have been stolen, brought in a verdict last aight of guilty, with' a plea for 'mercy, t Late yesterday afternoon it appeared that a mistrial wit inevitable end at 0 o'clock, after th twelve men had beea struggling with the ease for twenty four hours, the word came to Judge U. G. Connor that the jury was divided eleven to one. He instructed that they continue their deliberations. Itvwas after nine o clock last night when - the word came from the jury room-that tho twelv had agreed. Judge Connor came back into court and tho twelve, men, after their long delibera tion, ttood up in tho jury box aad an nounced their finding. H. B. Winston, foreman of the jury, returned the verdict with a plea for mercy, at the same time expressing th appreciation of the jurors for the consideration of tho court and its offi cial.' Thi brought from Judge Connor a ' corresponding expression of ap proval for the earnestness with 'which tho jurors hsd fulfilled their obliga tion: The defendant is in tht euttody of th Marshal laid th Judge at ht pre pared to adjourn court. . "Your honor, the defendant it under 20,00 bond for ippcarraae la thi esse" began Colonel Albert L. Cox who with W. B. Jones represented Honeycutt In th trial. '. "The, defendant is la th eeuttody of ' tho Marshal' repeated Judge Connor and Honeyeutt, who received the ver dict calmly moved over to the deputy, Inter converting a few ' moment! with hia attorney before following the offi cer to spend his first night in jail. ;' Judge Connor this morning will pass teatone oa Honeycutt .whoso second trial oa charges growing out of, the alleged, purchase of merchandise stolen by the wholesale1 1 from freight cars tarted Tuesdsy. ' .-r--"-'''"'.'' - Ia the first esse, tried in December, Judge, Connor sentenced Honeyeutt to a term of five years in Atlanta' and to pay a fine of 13,000. Honeycutt gave notice of appeal aad the writ waa cer tified thi week by Judge, Connor. HONEYCUTT GETS it -t If " ' ' John T. Adams, of Dubuque. ' Iowa, waa elected chairman of the National Executive Committe of the Republican party thi week to succeed Will Hsys Four year ago Mr. Adaml wa defeated for th chairmanship ly, Hays, , wry. Delaware Official Coming To North Carolina To Help Build Roads Charles Hufham, highway engineer for tho. State of Delaware, accepted appointment to the earn position in North Carolina yetterdty, and will com to tht Stat within the next few week to begin hi ' new duties. " . Mr, Hufham tpent teverel dsy her last week when tb Commission was in set tioa, and went, over the work with the members. He telegraphed hit accep tance to Chairmaa Frank Pago yester- any- X ' , .- - t Mr. Hufham comet to North! Caro lina in place of Clifford Older. State Highway, Engineer of Illinois, who wat appointed by the Commission at its tee end tessin in April. Mr. Older tc eepted the position, tgreeing to come ta. North Carolina early in th summer, and " Inter ' reconsidered his . decision beeaneo of ths unwillingness . of mem bert f bit family to tear thai Btat. . . i Th new highway , engineer it graduate ia engineering at the Boston Institute of Technology. Some years ago the DuPonta determined, to bnili a paved highway across their Btato or Delaware. Mr. Hufham was in their employ, at the time, and he was delegated to go into every state in the Union, and into aeveral foreign eoun trie to itody rood. He went, at tho expense of the DuPontt, and enme home and built one of tho finest piece of road in the world. Then he wa mad Stat Highway Engineer of Delaware, and continued the road building provided by the General Assembly. Delaware is said to hav th finest system of roads in the country, most of whieh has been built under the direetion of Mr. Hufham Mr. Page haa known him for several yeart, and - hat high regard for hit abilities as an engineer. THE AUTHOR OF FAMOUS DRAGO DOCTRINE DEAD Buenos Aires, Jun .10. (By th Associated Press) Dr. Luis Maria Drago, noted jurist nd author of the Drago doctrine, died yesterday. He had been ill a considerable time and bit esth waa expected. The Drago doctrine, whieh carried the name of its author into every eivilted country of the world, was drswn up on the occasion of the simultaneous ap pearance off the eoaet of Vtmeanela of an Italian, Germnn and an English warship, each .to eollect a private debt owed by tho nation to individuals in their respective countries. Although in no way concerned in the hostile demon stratian. Dr. - Drtvo formulated 'hli doctrine, letting forth that the collec tioh df private loatii by military meant Implied a potential occupation of tern tory, - aad wtt," therefore, , tt variance with the spirit of the American policy, SCOTLAND NECK BEGINS STREET PAVING WORK Scotland -Neck, June 10. Th treet paving work here it going forward with a ruth and, tl ready tht actual work of th paving of Mam street htt begun. Preliminary measures toward the paving of a number of residential streets hsve also been taken, and the grading of the streets and. the installation of the storm drainage is now going on. The contract ors desire to finish their present amount of work , by the first of September, but a number of other petitions btva been presented to city council and it now looks at if a goodly portion of Scotland Neck will be paved besidet - the large area that is now under construction. The Moat Impressive Exhibi. tioa of Price Reductibns " ' Ever Attempted ' Monday, June 13th, to Saturday, June 18th All Raleigh Merchant. Will , ' . . Welcome You HUFHAM IS CHOSEN HIGHWAY ENGINEER Gallatin Roberts, President l.'u- nicipal Association, Author . . izes Special Session - ''-.--.... jiWisawiiiiiiiiaiili '. . Ihi.- , ('. ,j CONFERS WITH GOVERNOR BEFORE TAKING PLUNGE f . nitinlwsmiiiin nw. - , , Major Edridge WiU Issue Call This Morning; Believes Spe cial Session Legislature Kec essarj To Provide Adequate rinancial , Machinery -" Tor Cities at Present Time - Th North Carolina Municipal At-: oeiatlon will meet la Balelgh Thursday morning, Jun 14 at eleven o'clock .to consider steps to bo take by the eitie to provide relief U the fsce of th ia validated Municipal Finance Act of 192L , ' - .. Th call for the meeting will b W- tued todty by Mayor T. B. FJdridge, f Baleigh, secretary of .th aasociatloa following th receipt last aight of a telegram from Mayor Gallatin Bobert, of, AsherUle, president of th associa tion authorising th ealL . "After a conference with th Gover nor today," aaid - th telegram from Mayor Roberts, I hav decided that tb entire - municipal itsoeittioa meet ia Baleigh at eleven o clock la th mora ing Thursday, June 16. Blindly issu call aad na every iaducement to se cure a larg attendance aa poesible. I consider it absolutely : neoeteary for a .largo attendjrnee if anything i to be aeeomplished.' ' , Mayor Eldrldge sees no relief In th situation confronting th municipalities sav ia a special aeasion of the General Assembly to correct the clerical error that resulted ia the invalidation of th act- ; - , . !.,.. Baleigh' outlook for finance, he says, ia typical. In 1919, property take in Balaurh hrousrht in a revenn of $187,861. . Under th law interpreted by th Supreme Court whea it declared :; the 1921 Municipal Finance Act void and th 1920 amendment applicable only to that year, the amount of prop erty tax whieh can be levied ia 1921 ia th 1919 tax plu tea per ' cent. Consequently ' $206,647 at th limit ef property tax revenue, an eattmated poll tax ef W.00O, and an estimated revenue from llcen lee to of S75.000, Baleigh' total income, without relief will be only approximately $390,647. Whea thi is subtracted from th budget under which th city operated in 1920, in amount $580,033, a shortage of $80,388 it found. ' ' ' Aad this, Mayor Eldrldge point out, is Mtlmating that the operating ex penses of the city of Baleigh will be the tarn for 1921 a for 1920, and the bonded debt, interest t and watered, partment operations , are sot included in the foregoing. - ' ' . , v' DECLARES SIMS TO BE "UNDESIRABLE ALIEN" Washington, Jun 10. A resolution declaring Boar Admiral Sim "aa aa desirable alien" and denying hint re admittance to any American port, waa introduced la th House late today by Representative Gallivaa, Democrat, ef Matsacbuaett. - ' Tb resolutioa offered by Mr. Galli vaa referred to Bear Admiral Sim 'a foreiga bora citisen of th United Statet but now connected unhappily and unfortunately, with th naval es tablishment of thit country.'' On othw occasions, it added h hsd "publicly stated that ia esse-of a war betwcea the United Statet and Great Britain oa British ship could easily ditpos ef four or five American ihipt of corresponding type,1 and it charged that "Sim hss publicly depreciated hit superior 'c&V cere ia tho naval establishment aad the character and quality of th govera-, moot of this republic.'' ELIZABETH CITY YOUTH CONFESSES TO BURNING Lynchburg. Va- June 10. Thomas Gray of Elisabeth City, N. C arretted yesterday in eonuneetion with th mur der of Watchman J. U lavi at Char, lottesvilln, todsy confessed to having set fire to the Hutter warehouse here the night of May !7 after having robbed the office, according to tb authorities. After losing his flashlight th boy (truck a match to find hi way out, dropping the match in the hty,' he ssid. FUNERAL OF GALBRAITH ' IN CINCINNATI TODAY Cincinnati, Jun 10. The funeral ef Colonel Frederick W. . Galbra-th, Jr. commnn-ler of th American Legion who was killed in an auptomoliib accident in Iniliaiiapol'r will be held Saturday afternoon in Musie Hall, th largist auditorium in tut, city. It soasidercd likely that tho l-urutl will bo in Arling ton Cettu-tery, Washington, O. C ' COMMANDED 251 H N. C. TROOPS IN CIVIL WAR Charleston, 8. June 10, Col. Hen- tt U. Rutlade-e. of Htmoton claotation. commander of the twenty-fifth 'North Carolina regiment in the Vivil war. died thii morning at McClellattville, nr hr. CnL Sntledff wna aaid to hove been th youngeit colonel in th Confederate army. He will bo buried on Sunday at Flat Bock, N. C ' ' i-ivinuu iiiiiwivi tvti 1. CUP WAGES II. FEB CBNT Montreal, June 10-Canaditn Bail wtys, following th action ot rotdt, terost th border, today took prelimi nary steps to cut wtget 13 per cent- July I, aad later to revise working ton- ' ditiou. 1 - ' . . v -

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