s News and Observer WATCI1LALZL TJaacUlid Sanaa ui imL pn your psper. 8a1 ronawil "ably local thaader ikm nays oeior ; explrat loa MlttT ItU, MOM BOrtk. a oraar to avvlA auuiii- ii. VOL CX1II.N0. 163. LOLL COIITHiUES . IHOIIIIEY FIGHT FOR FEDERAL JOB Senator" Ernst. Expected To Call Committee Meeting on - r His Return Monday ' BUTLER ORACULAR IN . - TALK OVER SITUATION Controf trijr Ot Admiral Slins . Arouio ,Httch ; Intertlt In (Wihlntoa; Confriisth.n Tp and Stidmaa ; ttajce I ' strong AdaraaMa Afaiilst r; Porter Peace Resolution , TbNv and Obsrvr Bureau, , ' - ' 603 District Nstlonal Bank Bldg. "t EDWARD E. BRITTON. , ' (By Special, Leased Wire.) . . i Washington, Jun 1L The week ads ' with th Iinney cat atill Bp in the air, the antl-Linneyites an the Lin ' aeyrlcs waiting word from - Senator Ernst, of Kentucky, chairman of the tub-committee of tha Judiciary com mittee, is towhea the next attempt at a hearing will be bad. , Senator Ernst ' is atill in- Kentucky, where he went with tha body of the late A- T. Hen, Republican National committeeman from Kentucky, whoae sudden death - Jier on the- eve n the date et for the " Frank L r.n -i lirjf'n-' on the opposition '- f nogror to bis con li mint ion aa district attorney Tor western jNortn '-aroiiaa. At Henator trait's office it if stated that he is not expected to return to Washington until Monday morning. It ia than to be expected that early next wdbk he will set a date for the tearing, Former Senator Marion Butler today -broke mora than a week's silence in .the Linney matter. All he would say, however,; was: " "I.lnnev will be confirmed." "' Asked tha further question about the talk of there being a harmony program arranged for North Carolina Bepubll cana in place at- tha "Hog combine" slate, he gat aa equally laeonle reply. ri.: .1. .-litl.. n V7Ii(A ia a mnah U HIIUH.1 ..H.VM u to ear that if the olive braach . . . . . . , . wu -a:. Tina m lm iwv i w arith the Steta emanation. - But as I waa about to leave be said "Hera ia some real news.'. And topped to get it. He gave me two tele trams iust received by kirn from Cliri ton. One was 'from "T. A. DcLaney, .National . Graitge organiser in - North r.nliut' Hi. athrr fnsat-Cant. Fit huch Whitfield, publicity officer at the . American Legion post asking bint to get Conaressniaa John v, netcbam, or. Alien igan, to addreas a big 4th of July cele bration ia Clinton, at It to be Grangers "and farmers generally of Bampaen and adjoining counties. , Immediately he bad gotten ia touch wit the Michigan Congressman and secured bis aeeeptaaee, wiring that both tha Congressman and understood that the National Orange, now very strong in New England and the Northwest, has started to organise in very Southern State, Mack Bpecalatloa Abeat Sims. 'Washington's principal topic of eon - rcrsetion .for the latter part of the week has been the event growing out of tlw remarks of Admiral Bints in London, when be named American Irish aympathixers as ''jack asses and made tber statements concerning the Irish question which brought action by Sec retary of the New Denbr ia eablinc if Admiral Sim waa quoted correctly, fcenator Medill McCormirk, of Illinois, protested to-Secretary Den by about the Sims' declarations, and Senator Harrl on, declaring the remarks were outran eons, so grave and important coming from a high naval officer, succeeded in securing a Senate resolution for an in vestigation. Admiral Sims in London iareported as standing pat en his ut teranees, and today came a climax in tha cabled curt order of Secretary Denby to Sims revoking his leave and ordering, his immediate return nnd ra port to tha Secretary of the Navy. The past utterances and eonduet of Admiral Suns are being scrutinised, and tha mat' ter of past presidential reprimands are being gone aver. -- la the Senate tha matter ba beea glvea muck attention, . following the designation by Senator Pat Harrison, 01 .Mississippi, of. Admiral Sims and Ambassador George Harvey as the "Gold Dust Twins' 'whose ' speeches war "an outrage to ted blooded Ameri eaas." In the House, . Bepresentativ Gallivaas resolution declarinc Ad' miral Sims "aa aadesirable, alien' and forbidding his r admittance into this aouatry is la the hands of the commit tte aa immigration nnd nsturalixation. Tha Gallivan . resolution is in . these words: .' ' "Whereas, one William Sowden Sims h ferelgn born citizen of the . United States, but now connected, unhsppily and afortuaately with tha naval' eatabliak neat of this country in a speech la London recently made a most vicious and ua-Amoricaa attack upon eighteen million citizens of this greet republic in aa apparent attempt to arouse the ha tred of the- English populace against America, and, - . "Whereas, on other occasions, said Sims publicly stated that in ens of a war between the United States and Great Britaia one British -ship , could tmsily dispose of four or five American shipe of corresponding type, and, - "Whereas, repeatedly the said Sims baa publicly depreciated superior offi cers ia tha naval establishment and the character and quality of the govern aner.t of this republic, therefor be it , "KoJrd br th Senate w& House f Repratentative of th United Statu f America in . Congress aasembled, that said fiima, by bis many attaeki an tha citizenship, ef American and- the aval estkbiiohment ef this country has ahowa himself really to be an unde sirable aiiea. " - ' . rTtit tha readmltttae of said Sims ta aay port of entry of this country (Ceatlnaed aa Fage Two.) jJti FORTY PAGES TODAY. Rowan Jary Finds Not Guilty Thdmaaville Physician ; Declared To Have Been Insane At Time of Brutal Killing of .r inley Jo Paaa On Sanity , On JuneaiS. ' Lexington, laaa ILAt tea ' clack tonight the Bewaa cwaaty ' Jary trying Df I. W. raeack. charted with tfca mnrder af CUaf f Faliea t. B. Taylor, at Tkaasaa. Till April 1. bremght la a verdict f NOT GUILTT. v '. Tha Jury accepted th teatlmaay ef ' alienlate Incladlac Or. Albert - An. V dersen, aanerlatcndant af tha Stata 1 fcaapltal In Balelfh and Dr. Iaaa Taylor, af tha Btate hoaslUL. at. Merganten, and . other phyvldana who appeared ia the can that th i physician aa trial waa tnaaaa when he did tt bratal deaV ' , Jndg T. B. Flaley ordered Dr. ; Paaesck placed la th cnatody af the Davldaoa cematy sheriff antll . a hearing " eaa ba held her to determine kia aaaity at tha pre. at tlm. He waa retaraed tonight to bis rail la th Daridawa cematy Jail. The date far thla hearing waa act fat iaaa Z8th her before Jadg Flaley. v , - . t. iarv Aska Far Testimony. After tha Jury bad beea out all night on th esse, they asked that tha testi mony of the alienists ba read to them. Th court stenographer was put to work this morning copying bis notes but this afternoon, it -was learned that the Jury only wanted the testimony of Dr. Tsy. lor. ' The stenographer bad been copy ing Dr. Anderson's testimony, At 6 o'clock th jury came into the court room and Judgfe Finley prepared to read tha testimony when nttorneys for the Ststa asked that th testimony oa crocs examination alee be given. This required mora time nad it was 9 'clock before th jury was brought back into the court room. - It required 45 minutes to read the testimony. Tho jury , retired at 9:43 'clock and ia 15 -minutes announced it was ready to render its verdict. It waa currently reported that last night th jury stood ten to two for acquittal and that on of th two earn ever today but that on stood -out for first degree murder. ,.-,, ;.; , i: Jury Brings In its Decision Atter Four Hours' ; - pdiberation y ILDliVERl it! ' ' ' 1 ' Thomss f E.,Bldtnf, drotgtrt wKorJoMboro, Jun lL-Xoeal poliee of- Wak' Forest, was acquitted 'by a jury ia federal court last night of th charge of receiving good stolen from inter state express shipments knowing them to bare been stolen. At tea o'clock, after having' deliberated aver the ease for four hours, tha jury brought is 'its Verdict. Besides th court officials, tha defen dant, bis father, and si few of his friends, attorneys, General B. 8. Boys ter and John E. Mills, of Wak Forest were among tha few in the court room when Judge H. G. Connor waa called from bis hotel to receive Ah verdict Frank Ward was foreman of th jury and announced, tha finding. Tha verdict followed the close of two day trial of tha cas against young Holding. Th principal evidence of the government waa that of Herbert ana Cecil Pesree. brothers who are under indictment for breaking into the ei press office at Nause and stealing the goods which, it was alleged, Holding bought. They testified that the goods were sold to Holding and in 'return be rave Herbert Pearc a check for 173, Moat of th evidence Binges doui thia check. Holding oa the atand in bis own behalf, admitted that be had given a check for S73 to Herbert Pearcs but maintained that it waa in payment for three automobile tires which Pesree bad sold him in he presence of three witaTesses. Two of these witnesses, B, U Harris and N. E. Beddingfleld, were on the stand yesterdsy eorrobboratieg th defendant's teetimony relative to the sal. In addition, a large number of char acter witnesses yesterday testified to the -food character of the defendant. These included George H. Pou, superin tendent State prison; W. B.'Dunn, of Wbke Forest T. E. Bobbitt, Wak For est; W.. F. Dickson, Wske Forest; E G. Birdtong, Baleigh; Henry T. Hicks, Baleight B. F. Page, of Baleigh, and B. H. Greaeoa, of . Wske FoTest. Th evidence waa concluded by two o'clock yesterday afternoon and the four hours until six were eonsumed with arguments by District Attorney Aydtett and Assistant District Attorney Tnotub son for the government; and General Royster, Mr. Mill and James H. Pou, for th defense. At 8:40 the jury retired end at o'clock' the twelve men were carried out' to supper. Tha verdict came when those who had followed the ess through were predicting that the jury would go to bed with tha eaae. EXPORTS AND IMPORTS CONTINUE TO FALL OFF Washington, June 11. Both exports ana imports continued to fall off in May,' but the month's trading resulted ia a favorable balance of $122,000,000 for th United ' States, figures made public today by tha ' Department of Commerce showed. Exports for May totalled 1330.000.000 as against (340,000,000. in April while Imports for the -month were $208,000, 000 as compared with $256,000,000 la April.- ,' , For the eleven months ended with May sxports totalled $J80.000jOOO - as against $7,480,000,000 for tha eorre sending months ef 1KO while imports aggrx-gnrea f,,,7,ooo.000 as compared na fijOsOjWUnw. 1 : RALEIGH. Dk Peacock of Harder Charge Chief of Police Taylor: Judge Now At Hearing In Lexington . . Dr. Peacock appeared ealm and col lected when tha Jury came in. . Bis wife was with him After tha foreman bad announced tha -verdict, tha Doe to embraced hla wife affectionately and seemed composed.-' He retired with his lawyers for a brief eonsultatioa and cam back into tba court-room. .Peacock Oatwardly Cala. Attorneys for Dr. Peacock, insisted that ba b aent to Mrgantoa hospital pending th hearing oa account af his alleged aiflictica with tuberculosis, do tug xortn the plea that tha climate would be beneficial to him and that, tha climate ia Balciak would be detri mental. . Judge Finley solved th prob lem of climate by directing that the prisoner be kept in thi Davidson coun ty jail. Lawyers for tha defendant agreed that all of th testimony touching upon tha aaaity of tha prisoner ahould be placed before tha court when tho hear ing to determwa hi uiity ia held here, They asked that th d.ite bo postponed until later but Judge, I wiry refused. Trial Began Moaday. The trial began last Monday, bav lag been postponed from th previous week in order that a special vemr might be summoned from Bowsn County. This waa done at tho request of attorneys for th cftate. Xatwyers for tha defense argued against it. v Judge. Finley charged that . if they found . that tha defendant waa insane at the time tho killing took place they would return a verdict of "not guilty." It- was - the contention of tha defense that the doctor waa insane at that time, and this waa the single issue be fore the jury. They decided with th defense and rendered their verdict ac cordingly, The court room was crowded to night when tha verdict waa brought ia aa there haa beea inteaaa interest in tho ease- There has been a mark ed. difference of opinion amona; people aa to the sanity ef the defendant. It waa the testimony of the aUoaiata that turned the scales for, the jury. THINK THEY HAVE ARRESTED TALLEY Man In Custody Corresponds To Description of Man want i -ed in Greensboro rials this afternoon received a telegram from tha polka authorities at Fred erick, MdL, statins; that the description of Carl Taller, furnished by tha Greeas bc-ro police this morning, tallied. isctly with that of tba man they ara holding as Talley. Greensboro authorities wera informed this morning thata maa giving his name ssR.H. Smith and Fred Gillcy, giving his address as Spray, N. C had beea arrested in. th Maryland city, ana that they believed Smith to be none otheV than Carl .Talley, wanted her in connection with th murder of Police man W. T. MeCuiaton, who waa shot to death when tho attempted to halt whiskey runners on th street of the City pn Msy 4. The information received her stated that Smith and Gillcy were arrested in what was believed to be a stolen ear, ad that Smith fitted the description of Carl Talley which had been acattered broadcast over the country. Local officer will leave for tba Mary land city. at one to identify positively snd bring Talley buck here for trial, if it develops that ba is actually th man held. Requisition papers will also be applied for at once. CHOIR SINGER'S DANCING CAUSES CHURCH RUPTURE Board Of Deacons To Aporojfize For Censure Of Baptist Pastor .Richmond, va., June 11. Aa open rupture has developed betwaea Rev- W.-A. Gunton, - pastor of Woodland Heights Baptist church, and tho Bosrd of Deacons over withdrawal from the ehoir of that church of Mies Julia Prid- iff pretty 18-year-old ehoir ainger, who was asked to resign after participsting ia a a informal dance at a reception tendered students of Joha Marshall high school by . Governor . aad Mrs, Westmorelsnd Davis. ' The ehsirmsn of the board of dea cons, who championed the cause of the young 'woman, has been requested by Mr. Gunten. to "relegate himself to the scrap heap of , religious inactivity,'' which be has declined to do. Tha chair man opposed drafting and transmitting to Miss Priddy a letter of censure,, pro posed by the psstor, and wss upheld by fellow, members, sue to two. ' The board will wait on Miss Priddy, express its regret for the action of thoaa respon sible for her withdrawal from tha choir and invite her to resume her piece ia th church.- Many minister of Rich mond are -conducting from their pulpits a crusade sgaiuat dancing. "HOT DOG" STUFFERS AT CONEY ISLAND STRIKE New Fork, June llConev Iiland today faeed labor troubles that may cause th thousands that flock to the great playgrounds to go hungry during their visit. The cry of .many venders of tba deli cacy known as "hot dog," may not re sound along tha boardwalks tomorrow for members of the sausage suffers' anion kfv decided that they will at) f sausages eight boor a day and a lon ger,' while ' tho : employers insist they ahould work ten at reduced wag. Con- agreement.' .. KXl;5UNDAY MORNING, IWADtTD'O wire IWUUtU 1111 L. DAUGHTER TO 3 FACE tlURDER Both Women Are Arraigned a Cleveland, Refused Bond and Sent To Jail . FIVE OTHER PERSONS . HELD FOR COMPLICITY Wife of Daniel F. raber. ill ' lepd To' lW Beea Killed Two Yaara Af o,t .Threatens To Go Oa Hanger Strike In Jail; Hearing; Set For. Jane 28 and Veniremen Called Cleveland, O June 11. A venire of sixty names to form a jury to try Mr. Eva Catherine Kaber and her daughter, Marian McArdle, for the murder of Mra. Kaber'a husband, Daniel F. Kaber, two years ago, was issued 1st todsy af ter the two prisoner bad beea ar raigned before Judge Maurice Bernon thia mcrninar, plesded not guilty to first degree murder charges, had their hear ing set for Juna 8, refused bond taken to jail. County Prosecutor Edward C. Stan ton asked the court- to set an early data for tho hearing. Jail officials fesr Mrs. Kaber bas adopted a liunger strike, preferring death by starvatiea to faring a trial for tho murder "of her husband. 8he had shown repeatedly she would end ber life ' beor being brought into court for trial,. Eat Under Protest. Sine ber arrival here from New Fork late last night, the accused wo man end her daughter have eatea but a few spoonfuls of bread and milk. ana una unaer protect. Mrs. Kaber refused to touch the tempting breakfast and luncheon servod iff ber cell todsy, declaring she 'would not eat." Mrs. Kaber a refusal to eat is looked upon with concern by Sheriff Stan nard because of her weakened eondition caused by loss of blood in her at tempted euicido. ia tha New Fork jaU. A man said to va introduced Mrs. Kaber to th woman arrested in San dusky, Ohio, several days sgo, a mid wife, alleged to have furnished poisen said to bava been administered to Kabef la bia food, waa arrested ia his home here today. . Mrs. Kabr aad ber daughter both ideatified th midwif ia aa axamiaa- Uoa this morning; aa having mad a poison. portioa fas Mr. Saber to be fed t Kaber, wad charged he .also aided in p roe Bring tha assassins who mcrdered bint, polleo declared. The midwife struck back at Mra, Kaber almost bfor th identification wa complete, charging her 'accuser with wanting your husband. Daa Kaber, put out ax in way. Severn Persons Iavalvea. Seven persons, five women, and two maa, are aow ia custody for complicity ia th murder. They srei Mr. Kaber, indicted oa two counts of first degree murder, on for poisoning snd a see ond for nabbing her husband to death. Marias McArdle, ber daughter, also under Indictment for murder. Mrs. Mary Brickel, mother of Mrs. Kaber and grandmother of Marian McArdle, indicted for murder follow ing ber confession of the part aha took ia the murder plot. A midwife, arrested in Sandusky, Ohio, several days ago, who, Mrs. Kaber charged, prepared the poison portion fed Kaber and procured the assassins who were 'to beat him np" but killed him instead. A woman friend ef Mra. Kaber, al leged to have fed one dose of poison to Ksber and to have introduced Mrs. Kaber to th midwife ''The man- with the cap,' so-called from Kaber's dying statement describ ing bis murderer, held aa a suspect for seversl days, but now regarded is probsbly having no part ia the crime because of the failure of Mrs. Kaber or Miss Alice McArdle to identify him today. A men nrrested todsy under sus picion of having acted ns the go-be tween in planning the stabbing. UNUSUAL SENTENCES FOR JUVENILE LAW-BREAKERS Four Youths at Spartanburg Can't Go To Movies Un1 til They're 21 Spartanburg, B. C June 11 Beeorder Burnett, In the city poliee court today, sentenced four youthful offenders to be hipped by their parent and to refrain from going to the movies until they reach the age of 21. The boys staffed a robbery of a local : etore, posting guards snd wearing masks in real baa di tstyle. They ssid they got the idea from a seen they hsd witnessed in a moving picture show. Tamps, Fla., June 11. Three small boy convicted in juvenile court here today of having entered a hardware atore, were aentenced by Judge Petts way to sav enough money to buy a poeket knife for each boy in th local children' home. Th court ordered that the knives should be purchased from ths store the culprits entered. Tomorrow, Monday Will Inaugurate a New , Chapter In Low Prices RALEIGH'S TRADE WEEK ; WIU Surpaaa An Paat 1 . Bargairl Erenta JUNE' 1 2, 192 1 LATEST PHOTO OF ADMIRAL SIMS, : ; . ' .WHO HAS BEEN RECALLED BY DENBY I: f ' " . " T '' V ' r. IL. Admiral Sims is shown In the above in London, where lies Britain s unknown hero. His speech at th luncheon of the English Speaking Union in London a few days ago, in which ha is alleged to bav attacked Irish sympathiser ment and official notice of his utterances waa taken by Secretary Denby and both bouses of 'Congress. The Naval Secretary first wired th Admiral, askinst if he was correctly quoted in his speech, but yesterday, without waiting for a reply from Sime, ordered his leave of absence revoked and bis return to America at once. Secretary Denby Orders . Sims To Return At Once Naval Secretary Revokes Leave Without Waiting For AdmiraTReply SIMS PLANS TO SAIL FOR U.S. WEDNESDAY . . , . i. - Meaaage Will Not: Expedite His Dppartnre From Britlaa t Xalaa, However- ' " .... - 1 i i. ' Washington, Jana Jl-Ber Admiral Blmllra ererd home from londoa today by Secretary Denby as) a reeult Of hi meat speech attacking Sinn Fein sympathisera in the United States. The secretary explained that he had re eived no reply from the officer response to bia message inquiring if press dispatenee bad quoted correctly excerpts from the speech and had de cided to revoke the remainder of the Admiral's leave and order him to report acre immediately. The order, however, was not expected to expedite Admiral Sim' return from England, a be bad planned to return on the liner Olympic, which saila next veanesaay ana la the first available ship for passag. No Reply From Sime Mr. Denby' action was taken with out waiting for a reply from the offleot to the Secretary's cablegram asking wnerner ne nan been correctly emoted a attacking Sinn Fein sympathizer in th United States in a speech delivered in indon this week. Adm ral Rims hsd announced that he would sail for horn from England oa June 15. He wae granted leave of absence to ee abroad to receive a degree from an English University. The Naval Secretary s eablcaram. sent today to the officer, said: remainder your leave revoked. Ton will return to the United States im mediately and .report in person to .he Secretsry of the Navy. .Acknowledge." SIMS DECLINES TO MAKE ANT COMMENT OS RECALL London. June 11. Bear Admiral Wil. liam 8. Rims received the Brat news of his recall by Secretary of the Navy Denby from the Associated Press after attending a dinner given In bis honor oy uie Royal Themes Yacht 'Club this svenlng. ine Admiral said that he had not yet received a cablegram to this effect from Secretary Denby, snd secordingly aeeuned to.eomment on the text 'for warded her by the special dinnntches At present, added the Admiraf. he hnd no intention of altering the date of bis sailing, which was Juna 15, E. L. DAUGHTRIDGE'S . CONDITION IS CRITICAL Boeky Mount, June 11. At 9 o'clock tonight former Lieut. Gov. E. L Daugh tridge continued his valiant tight for lifo with odds greatly against hint nnd, according to physicians, there is little hope of his rallyiflg. Powerful stimu lants have necessarily been resorfed to continuously In order to sustain life, Th immediate family and relatives have been at the bedside since his con dition was pronounced eitreme. At tending physieiana declared his system is graduslly yielding to the complica tion of. diseases wlych are sapping his vitality xand have rendered him in ill health for the past 18 months and thst tha end may be expected- at any boor. WOULD BAR TOBACCO USERS FROM MEETING Pittsburgh, June 1L- A resolution prohibiting- as delegatea those persons ho use tobacco attending the 92nd an nual synod of ths Kef.iHncd Presby terian Church of ths North America iu eoavention here, was detected yester day by a large vote. . ,' ' The Bev. Da, B. C. Wy lis, of Pitts burgh, in apposing th resolution de clared thst those using tobscco ."ought tq attend tba ayaod to learn better. FORTY PAGES TODAY.l imps e. - I jf - 1 k '- I i J V 1 -.t-i 4 '' SaaaaaaanS picture placing a wreath on the cenotaph in America, started considerable com TO COL GALBRAITH Thousands Attend Impressive Funeral of Ute Lsgion Head ;!n , at Cincinnati ' Cincinnati, Ohio, Jan t.i.YhBwa and of persons from all walk ef Ufa thi afternoon paid their , last solemn tribute to the memory of Colonel Fred crick' W. Galbraith, National Com mender of the American Legion, who lost his life last Thursday morning in aa automobile accident at Indianap olis. Th funeral services were held in Musia Hsll under the suspiees of th American Legion. .Every on of the four thousand sest 'In th auditorium of tha ball wa taken. The obsequies were msrksd by greit simplicity. Brief orations were deliv ered by Theodora Boosevelt, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, who represented the Federal government; Colonel Franklin D'Olier, former eommandor of th Legion, Marcel Knerht, director of tha French Information Service in the United States, who waa the official representative of the French govern ment nnd others. Roosevelt's Tribute. ' In the groat service movements that have strengthened our citizens. through the toil of every day life, on the shell torn battlefields of France where service eould be found, there you found Colonel Gslbrnith, at the forefront of th buttle, gallantly fight Ing for the right we mourn his death, but we are proud of his life. We shall miss him in the troubled days thst. lie before us, but our-faith in our country is strengthened in thst it can breed such men. Good eltrr.cn, tender, husband, aad father, valiant soldier, splendid idealist his death has left us poorer, but his life hss left lis richer. His pilgrimage is gloriously finished.' Col. D Oiler Spesks. Colonel D'Olier said: "'The Legion has lost its great leader. the service man, and especially the di shied-man, has lost his best 'friend; this city, this State," and this nation have lost one of their most useful eiti sens. The service msu, because of his training snd discipline in the srmy, Is not much given to expressing his deep est feelings, and having ' known this great character jo intimately, I sm sure tut the greatest tribute he would wish for would he to assure him tht even though ho has gone his spirit is till carrying on." Post ha moos Honor. Captain Delevcrgne, air attache of the French . embassy, posthumously conferred npon Colonel Galbraith the Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor At the conclusion of the ' military services the beottish Kite, conducted its impressive burial ceremonial. The body was then borne through the city streets on a gun carriage followed by the largest -military funeral eorteee seen in Cincinnati since the burial of General Joseph J. Hooker, of Civil War fame. The body wss placed- in a vault In Spring Grove Cemetery prepara tory to its interment in the Arlington Cemetery in Washington. , Ketsrlaaa Keack Glasgow. Glaagow, June 11 Three hundred and .fifty 'delegates from American Rotary clubs arrived here todv aboard the steamer, Camcronia from New York to participate in tha International con vantioa ef Rotsrlans ia Kdinburgh, be ginning July 13. '. They wer welcomed by , tho -Glasgow Botary dub,.. PAY FINAL HONORS PRICED SEVEN CENTS IE PEACE illVEIl SE Porter Measure To End State of War Comes Up After a Bitter Battle, ; ;;; ITS PASSAGE ON MONDAY ' NOW APPEARS CERTAIN Adoption of Rale Oivee Porter Resolution Right of Way and . Final Action Will Be .Taken Monday at 4 .3 0 ; Measura Is Substitute For The Knox Peace Resolution Washington, Juna 1L After a bitter partisan fight, th Hons took np today th Porter resolution terminating tha stata of war bstweea the United 8tates and the Central Powers aad will pass it Moaday as a substitute for the Kaox ' resolution, repealing the deelaratioa of war. .i .. , Passage of the resolution is aertain. say lingering doubt ia tba minds of Democratic leaders having been re moved through adoption today, 20S to 105, of a rule giving the Porter pro posal right of way ia place of th Kaox resolution already passed by the Senate. Two Bepublicana voted with the Democrats opposing its considers, tion, while three Demoerata stood with Renubllaatia- 1m !.- . .. through. ; 7" Beport wera current tonight that more than a score of Democrats would vote for the resolution on the final roll call at 4. -30 a'elock Monday. " Deameratte Attack. Democratic members, ia beginning today their attack on. th meamiw, first entiied what they characterised as the "throttling - of tba House" by forcing acceptance of a resolutioa which they said bad beea framed in secret by Bepubliraa members ef ths foreign EDinmiiiee ana would not permit of amendment 8hea turning sharply, -"'- neon, ui iMmo. erst declared it would meet tha hearty approval "of .very German, every slacker and every American traitor."' Chairman Porter, of t-i fairs committee, ia charge of ths mess-' nr. asserted th House wa not ready' to go aa far as tha Senate and repeal the war declaration, for that, b said. Slight be regarded as aa actual re pudiatiea of tha wa ia which thous and of American Uvea had beea aacri.' fieed. . , . . -v ;': --..-i - , i ,' 8ttnt af opponents of tba Wto.' lutlon that by officially declaring thr state f-waa 4 aa-end America waa Sbaadoaing-th Allie : or it fighting sssoeiatea wer denied by Chairman Porter as a ''gross miastatemsat of fact." , i , . , , Farter Defends Measara. ' " ' ' All nations that signed the treaty of Versailles, "Mr. Porter said, "dij, so with fuU knowledge thst it was not effective, . so fsr ac the United . States was concerned, until ratified by the Senate." Mr. Porter insisted that sine tha Allies had mad peace la 1919 if ther had been any nbandonmenf it baa been of the United Statea bv tha, ai. rUes." . "It may not be out of place to call attention to tha .fact," ba said, ''that when the peace resolution resetted tba House th Allies bad invaded Germany for the enforcement ef tha adjustment of tha reps rations, aad your commit tee decided itjmould forego aetioa aa- tu uermany hsd conceded the demands of the Allies snd had shown her good faith by payment of the money ia tha . ,L. ' . , . . ... iwrm ol uras . ineuumeni or too indemnity. We bava givea the Allies the traditional 'square deal' and aow Intend to put our owa house in or dcr." STEAMSHIP IN FLAMES OFF FRYING PAN SHOALS Jacksonville, Fla- June ll.-4ke coast ' guard cutter Seminole left Charleston, S. C, lata, today to go to th asaistaae of the American steamship Hieo, re ported burning off Frying Pan 6hoatsl according t advices received hero by tne Tampa lnter-Ueeaji Compans', operators of the Hieo. The plight ef the vessel wss reported late today by the steamer Garabaldi. ' enrouta to Jacksonville from a North Atlantie port, which is a radio seated that it waa standing by the-Hieo and lending aid to the fire fighters by tba use of apparatus aboard the Garibaldi. The Garibaldi picked up the first dia tress call from tha Hieo, whose posi- -tion was about 240 miles north af Jacksonville, and being only a abort distance awsy arrived .at the scene quickly,' - GOVERNOR WILL HEAR CITY OFFICIALS THURSDAY Asheville, June II. Following a con ference between Governor Cameron Morrison" snd.. Mayor Gallatin Roberts, president et the North Carolina .municipal Association, nnnouncemeni m RESOLD PRIORITY was made here today that the Governor will hear representatives) of the Muaki pal Association in Baleigh- Thursday upon the matter of whether a special session of ths legislature should be ' celled to rectify the 1923 Municipal Finance Act declared unconstitutional by ruling of the Supreme Court a ew ' days sgo. ; MANSLAUGHTER CHARGE AGAINST MISS GILLETT Chiropee, Msss., Jaae 11. Miss LucV - Gillett, of Westfleld, sister of Speaker Qillctt, of the Housa of Representatives, was srraigned in district court here to- day charged with manslaughter aa th result of aa accident yesterday la . which, the automobile ska was driving! struck and killed Irene Cote, aged 13, nd injured Yrett - Uanthler, aged 3. 1 Miss Gillett enter a plea of aet guilty I -.. j h.. Am - a r. a. a bearing July 4a . , -.. it