- NO. ,1. LZREAPP0U1TED FORSOmE OFFICES Aivrxcmcnt From. Fourth To Thi.-d Class May do ine Trick, Homer Lyon Learns. irtt? HOLE LEFT. OPEN, CONGRESSMAN INFORMED CivE Service Commission May Dc tf da Otherwise, Aislstaat Postmaster General Writes . Nomination of Taft Tor Su preme Court Expected; Per : "iniasr tfoaMe To Visit State IJ, J?fn u4 Observer Barean, , . BOJ District National Bank Bldg, 1! Hy COWARD E. BRITTQS - - - ' ra. - X TP!... Washington, Jus SO. There J i streak of food luck for pottmastera tf the fourth elan whost ait idrnnwd to third elan in. th tanounet meat ' that hM . . Congressman Lyot: from Third Aitnt Postmaster Cetera! Hubert Work, if tu t,ieii fimiew Gomntirtl grcr end ih Bt- I nblleaa ndilalitratlon doet oi toll bull en th ptaa outlined tt Bepreeen Utirt Lyon. Inquiry bud beet msds of kin toneernitg 4h atatut ,tf .. pev aatteri tf the fourth clas when their office bteamt third tin, nd vrtt to the Postottct DepartmeBt about tbt mattar. And htr i th reply kt ka reneived front f Assistant Potinuitar iGeaeral Work lf tte Civil Berrien ; Coramiuioa tonrur, it way be peasibl to facilitat the appointment of third elaee pottmat ten by th mppointment of the present Incumbent, Is thoee ease whera fourth elatt eJfic la tdvaactd to a third class oSce, To aectrtaia whether br ant tie tervte would probably bt Irnentted ty rtaprmiBtiaeat, f kr enxiout t gt all laforaatloa per bi ubU a?r tta fartet7HnJ kioBt at to the o,ualitjr of tho eerviee hi aueh footlk elai postmaatff ka bee a rn4majr.i Enaoewd le lie of bCctt whkh o be aiat4 -ana We will arprit tf itoa U woa It over aad aa'iao-"'" " mjji If tha aertir ia any ofBeowith which fcoa are f" A I , HmO Na Xxprrted. j L ! !! lottr tho d&jCuTHnii t fii! Tosn. ki IrpBrtmnt ia to ad Jeilfe fouith alaie poetmaeterl tBithird t:s V 5tmfc " whero th ofttet e ft!iich they k te rherra karo adraneea U valine ttk K ia Kit. i? maI nmwn -for foorth pottmartera a.TectL ft ia hardly thnght that tha Ckil Ser rife Commuvoa will objoct. at 4 ao it )oi ki good for th nea who office hT beta idvaaeed to th titltd claia. I la replying AaelataDt Poitmaster general Weti, ConrcMmaa Ioa aaid m perti . s. ;.- f f "I aot ttt th Icpartnual will ta ippoint th preeeat poetmaeleii if the Civil frrke -CommiMioa Miear. J fcar checked r th list and lad tk EollnwiEj office ia my dtitrieti i!ope MU!i,Joltoa, Dale Ctk, fab Huff, I'erkton,' Anglfr, Boardata afd pouaeiL I petfoaall iaow aumbr - bt th ptDi.iter at thee pce and bar received petitions and Mler of ladoraenient frnra tho othfii I feel jluiU eure thtVth pronrat ptstauMUr M ach of thrlabov office er at tho kreteat tiuo firing entire ttt ifn'tloa." ' f Thr art iy portmasten t North Ckroliaa who wll bo reappoiuud If th prenio aiad If atad gooi b th Civil rrrv Commifiiori, tho list f poitof jfice of th ff uth dam araneed to the third elati North Care'Mta beiott fingitr, Atkin' , Battlebor, Baker Jri.Ie, Bcltoa. 1 tie, Buie Creek, Baa liera lh, lUy' rn, Boardmja, Candor, ClenUBii, Cou -il, CulbeiiOi, CaaJUr, (Diitawbe, Coanl .BpriEgi, Jary, Clill bide, Cijda, Bklias, Dorar, Klk Park, lEUerbe, Fuqu jr Bpriar, fair Bluff, Plat Bock, Ga yiburg, Garhad, Gate . Irille, .Gmlonl Collnge, , lw Birr, Hop Xlii:s, Hi hlaadi, Jackioa Sprint, Jamenilie, J feraoavillr, CioweU,. I jem, Maeon, 2 4jnoli( Mot at Pleaaant, OPineTiil, Sair.Td, FiTta 6unbor.it, EITreatoa, Wooilad and Yatkinviil. LiaiMjr (lie At StataetilL t ' Th Unary eM is at a taadtil titinf for tie priatiaf th tetti ony 'jitea ' th hcir of th bwgro protest fcgniaet tha eontrmatioa land a th ropy for tho paster did not irrh tho goyrranieEt , arintiaf office jtn.til todar, ing - to lorn mii np in the offiro of Benator Irast who ex jpresrd fcimatlf : a ovano to hiring Jt printed. And thar i anietah obout :' .beiag'itia.U fcubli. I'ili topka to ib printed are 1ntend-d oaly for jme)r ef th " judkU-'f . committee eni U'h ntW ft-n a tore vha desiro to ll.sre enpie. It Bity b th-t tho commit-'t-e iU orier the report aad palilie. Mt f hi hn at beta dn yet. And jth P.f-jt lics aro wanillinf to hsr J o aridch ef the no of th turreader j thi itfrro. ( ef lina-y get to the j'- 1 J t tj e t(""riirT vatM are bnp i J lit it e ? r.-a ;hem, and that ' t P'lUirit. at- least iu i " -i I, k i r n.a U rinw in th CXIV. jl'-"'' ' tie ; nste d etrift eemmit ' ' ;t t"-rrnw w;n ia all prob-i i !;-, ! '-p f Corj;ree for j !' i! i h."'f! to be eipeeiej ' : ' . ! t Thi"t In ' 1 ' rf ! i r . '- ' ' -i .. ' 1 to t . . ' ' r - n i i hi , ' '-- 1 ' ' ili -; f SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. FRENCH BUILD VILLAGE FOR WAR HEROES Or . : 7 - ' 1 ... I it tv f en of th (Ireets of "Victor Villaie. oa tha outskirt of Pari eri-luilvely. The Tiling wa boilt by r'rane. Many partially or totally disabled Heroes ana tnair ramiiiea win tnus Harding Calls DealForMmlnlTie Army mm killsi Severe Rain and Thunderstorm Visits Elizabeth City Sec i 5 I tlon of State L ElUabsth rtityi jam JO. Paa ine kQdgott, four year old daughter of Mr. and Alia. Ion llidgett, waa Instantly kiDed at tho hom of her psreita near Camdea eOnrt house, four mile from her during a sever oleetrieal storm tbi ifteraooD, , " ' ' ' ", ' - The tragedy ooeurred at JUd wUra th ehild and JViiUra trarfles, a neighbor'a eight year old on, wr playing ia tho back yard, Tho two had rua tindrr th shelter of omall milk house it the tlm bnt tho boy wa only it tinned by the stroke, l lie b8 ttitvered erpion- whea T-hvsundar hurriedij -aictid from ia.- ibetb. City hud ;jchel tb Km, . Th it arm, a local tbonitcrst'enB, a eempaaled by beary rainfalband high wind, descended upoa this city tliii af ternoon with little Warning. Xiraba were ton frm tree oa nearly ry reii deaeo street and th street wer flood ed With water. .All ever thoity wires were dowa and at least thre light aad power elrtuit wer broken. ; Linsnien wr busy wlthi a few wiinntn fier th rain bad subsided, aad tha broken elreuita mended befor BightfHll. U '' Uow far th atara ((tended unto Camden and Currituck 1 &ot know but It did sot rmch nor than thre mile) and along tie Norfolk Boathrew railroad ia th direetioa of Hertford. Peonlo arrtring her oa tar- afternoon1 trala from Baleigh had parsed through no raia and wer astounded at this city 'a flooded aad debria atrtwa atreet. T PROMINENT WHITAtERS - . : MAN DIES SUDDENLY Bocky. Mount. Jun' m&-1f. ,'B. CutcBin, retired rehantiad proi4 near ousinest man or widtakit, died at hi homo la that towl Inst night Awarding to tho iafornnloa tweeived hr. Mr, Catehla retired rear) lust night, complaining that hi Wa feeling oaaiy. jus apparent rcmessnoa aroused hi Wife about '(lock and npoa inrestignting she ft ,y hiin i aa naeonacioa mndtt.na.. W aeref rallied and denth folliwiJ ia Irtout at noar. up vntu thi tiwi Mr. cutchia had boea la th best of kfeltt, and th xaet cans 'of hi desti ktijaot yot beea learned; ,:L 1 i Th docead, who wJ dt years o g, waa th o ef tie Mo J. 11. Cutchin, and . promia-ilty identified throaehout. thi section l"f the flat II ia survived by hi fide aad one daughter, Mrs. 3, B. WiB ah r. ' f KINSTON FL00Da);3Y 1 HEAYY D0VVWP0IJ3OF RAIN 4 Eiaitoa, eloudbiirst city thi flooded tha evening water p at Biany Irm is old rroeeinfrt. ai commiaaiotL ' Clk er- petted to b ia. darki'Si for. hoar. iieary crop damage is a-ed. " J KIWI AND OB3ER l lTO GITS ' rVU. DETAIL! Bit FIGHT Compile detalw ! tk Dempaey- Crswtler f ht at ) 1 citr, arday aftrr, fu Ik champion. hip of tho world. U b received rr, rooad hy by tk w and O rosed, blow Ky iln. aid the Infor- wiauoa farniah4 b ateraphea a' it rlieo Ihlo office. Tko publie geaen f Is Invited t thi snatiaveo and e' d patch wi 1 be read from a win w of the fir and (Jhrvrr hoildl dr ea Weit Mar. I I Hrxt, i mt!irii,. wUfcj I;, I r. t. I j 1M bai-'o will IdecM whether i l ' tal. t r ratals) It i A .., in the i. a of J-s mm Jua 20. A i trert of It is kneel 4 Th iigMi SJ and tie ; RALEIGH. N. public aubieriptioa and fund ar being For Square Calls Attention of Congress To I Provision Involving Dismis I : sal of Men FURTHER LEGISLATION p1CES$ABYAS REMEDY Peelarei Diamlaial of Men To ; Cut Army To 100,000 Would ' Work Injuitioa ' "Wellington, , Jun 30.-Trsideut Bardmg signed today th annual army appropriation bill, directing reduction of Jhe jregnlaTr -army to 150.0(n wa by October 1 lt at ; th cam tint advised Consreef that, ill hi opinion further Ifgislirtioa might W roquintd io teller tha government, or the . barrassmeBt of Tiolnting its oWigntieoi to enliitcd mea whose discharge the radneuoa fxu piaho Beceasnry. ' Beennwi of a provisio! in th lill f orWilding th 'V,-PpaTtmant;.to x- need tii fc-tuvl amount , pproprlited, in rtesmenr lata thar it Ah, i.rttor of the act wer followed grard in justice might b don in th dismissal of men who tad enlisted under dell nit Contract. . t , VmM aak Wnr W.IUf : Th BwreUry of Wr. "ai.f"th Prefldent in hi tnessng to Congreu, "will seek to avoid th ereation of any aeneit, , proibirrdBctt-di velop in jiwt proeeednr to reduce our enlisted force I will report to th Congress at th earliest possible day ana ask it td raUet the emtrraaa ment of th Secretary of Wsr," Tb Presidont ia understood to bare adopted this course instead of vetoing the measure beeaus th; fiscnl year for which th bill, appropriate! funds oegini tomorrow,' f j " Metaago . To .Coagrooa..- i Air.. Bardiag ont thi message to tut oenat sad Jiouset r- r ; "I am advUIng the Conares of nr approval otJlBJOtjaJillljjiaklng provision fr the maintenanc and support of th United Statea gray for ta ssei year img Jaly 80, 1922 I cannot-relist ealllng to' the attea tion of Congrea jt thia. time the Tory great embarrassment in carrying out ita proviaionl while dealina? iuitiv with th enlisted force of th army so that a later call for . a alight modification may not 1 wholly without notice, lo bill necessitate very large reduction i tho enlisted personnel ot the army and it is doubtleas that this roduetloa can bo . brought about with out th summary dismissal of many 'thousands ot man who hart a right to expect at th hands of the government the" rams moral obligation , which the government requires ef the whta they enlist for service. " , .,f s ; WM Dcmoralls itrmyl "In perfect good' faith the recretary of War will proceed to rcdue th armv to figum contemplated by the - Con gress. Th normal rrpi ration, of n listments ; probablyA wm - approximtt on half th reduction which th C gross has directed aad every effort fUl bt mad go meet th requL-emenU'of th Coajres at th earliest possible day. I would not feel justified ia ask ing th Fecretary ef War to Bforct the dlsmlaj.il cf men who hare enlisted for depart term of -swvtraj There ser mi to bo a moral obligation Involved, the violation of which would be demoratoK ing te Hi spirit of the army itaelf, aaH might prove a very scrjous disoeurage ment whet alitmata' ar desind fa th fatur. . f . .. " I hTt thotiRht I otght to ssy the thing to th Congress now beeaaa in its earneat desir t geduot th army rwrsonntl and limit army expenditure the Centres ha eapcaUy pturld-'d that a deficit h) b created. Tlie eecretary of War will seek to avoid the creation of any dfjit, but it a, pos sible deficit develojs ia a just' pro ectur te reJur out. enlisted fureea, 1 will report to tho Congre at the srllent ponaiM dar and k them to rci eve t' e embrrsM rrat of tls -rotary ef War, and ui k such J rot i. s as Will t vnc'rv"i9 dl j tlr v ') our en -'ed rn n k--p f :ii with the fuilest poetibl rlerr--' ile al: ; ti : t He C0B- C, FRIDAY MORNING. JULY U1921. built for war hero and thir fain'Jiei raised for aimilar Tillage throughout o nonsca rre or cnarg. t Measure Now In Senate and Is Expected To Go To President ' Harding Today ; "ryaiTngtoB. , jBiir- to,-Praiaaat Harding tomorrow ti ipected to recelr th eompromi Coagrional resolution ending th state f war with Germany aid Austria. " V By vote of 2fi3 to W, the Boast to day adopted th tonferenet draft of tb resolution and it waa taken np In tha Senate aTfeirJieuTf later ia aa tffort to eornj lct it enact ment, but , went trer, after. an konr'a debate, nntil to morrow with- favorablo action then, aald W ti smrdr; ' Puvnssion In botk jBonaU .is.d Ilouie contcrcd mainly on tthe provlsii-n j to entmy alien preutrty. and t'ao on 'trorWrjf ':ndJii .th state of ai by decmrmpeac,r byepalteJ the war resolutions, Representative Flood, of Virginia, sonior Poxoerat ot th for clgn affaics committee, said the cointry hai been saved frciii humiliation by doc ision to aeclart tat ef p. 'ace. Sen ator Knox, Bcpablican, Peansylvania, author of the original peat meaaure sal.l that cither method would accom plih tho dealreA-wilt,:'7r.'r-f That treaty; of peae li to follow the peneo resolution waa suggested hy Senator Knoi And other during fca ato Uisetuuion Beferring to th reso lution's prcvUiont for holding tnemy Mien rroperty, Senator Knot aaid it meant '"luthuig but an expression br CongTi-ii thst we do not Intend to bar ehimn f tb United Btate (against enemy imn tries) ignored, waived or not rrsitcetnt. - ; "Thia is only a auggestion," Senator Kncx fcntinnid, "tolbo Frtsideiit when bt comet to aettle the terms of pence with Genua nv, that these things thould b taken uUT9t Tho President may ignor th suggestions. Th statns of uffalx than may be such when wo come to negotiate that treaty that w snay ba more lenient with-Germaays- or w might require mor dnutie ttmu." NAVAL APPROPRIATION BILL TIED UP IN SENATE Deadlock Will Cause Technical yLapee of Tunda; PJan "5 Emwgency Btaolution Washington, Jun M.ObJeetion us reaucuon in in ftaval appro- nation bill today tied tip th measure i the Senate -and, with all oppropria tim expiring with'th fiscal year at nidnight tonight,' caused technical kp in funds. -' . Final fliipoiitioa of th bill tomorrow ws the aim and hop of leaden ot both the Senate and House, cot they were prepared to rush through aa emergency resolution continuing present naval o- priaUoas should th deadlock continue. Numerous coaferenoea wer held t day betraen kienate leader and one it was decided to yield t tho Hons on U point! and rush tha bill to the Preei- dent to avoid lopre of th appropria tions, ; ; ";' -".V--.t ' later it was decided to throw th ra ti re matter into the Benat tomorrow, with, th result, in doubt. ; rjenst oppoaitlon, to th Doute eon- ferenc report wa largely on two item elimination of all provisions for air plane enrriers and a bouse amendment broadening the Navy retirement law so arto extend rckular retirement psy and other privileges to a!ited men as wl,, o6te ra' of tb reserr corps,. ARTHli GRIFFITH CETS " TXLEASE FROM PRISON Du! ,"0-(Ity the Awocuted Grir Ui, f.'iin.ler of the .uiraiuin, and rro?eor , pre'nlent of l1- C.aelic '"a. 1 from '3 'Ji:t Jey a.''lrnn. Prcin' f inn John Iv pri.- ADOPTED !H HOUSE of mi MAIi'S JEALO . DIES IN HOSPITAL Miss Lola Ecklin. Who Was Shot By Leslie Cox, Sue- ' ? cumtjs To Pistol Wounds , PARENTS OVERCOME BY : THEIR GREAT DISTRESS Brave Fight For Life Made By Yonn, Woman Who Was . ' Shot Swday Right By Yonog - Man Ia Kt of Anger; Telia , Friends She Ead No E-WO Toward Cox " WaahingtonJuniJOlfier a valiant and cneoaragoont fight for life. Mist Lola Ecklin, '; who was shot twlct by Leslie Coi5nndyftrnoo bicaus th wa i ,tht tomptny of nnother yoing man, died thia morning, at T o'clock at the Washington hospital, just 8 hour after the death of Cos at th Fowl Memorial hospital.-' " ? Sh waa coaaeiooa almost nntil "the last moment in spits ' of tht aeut paia Thick her wound csosed br. Mis EcUiaV-vaft.VnaeidF.JA tht lym'pnthF of th ntirt city Jn tt nfortnnat affair, which, waa ii no way her fault,. "While th battled for life at tht hospital, teoret of call war made there daily by her friend,, who wer anxious to keep in touch with her condition. - " a '--;( '.Th body was removsd front th hos pital shortly after noon today aad waa carried to th Ecklin home Neighbor a-cTIRcWwIlirtcari it-enming dowa their cheek, mm and women alii, gathered at tht horn in tho tffort to b of torn terries or to reliTt ti distress of tht girl's relative. Th girl' parent war ?. tompletoly r whelmed with frief. Mr. EckUn. after tht strain ft f tht part threw day, gve ont shortly befort tht body waa brought home. Tht t-otbtr it alao tuffering treat aniruiah. - t--Thw-irrTretth before 7 o'clock this morning. Her con dition bad been declared boptlmt mt rat hnnra hf nra then. - Oa Monday and "TtdiF tht" teomedi -tor toed ehane of recovery . and taw number of visitors with' whom she talk- ,i .ymIw MBtirdiar tha ahootim. . -' .' .knew that k wat wot hiumTf tb U raid to bar tmartei -ow ne ocea-ioai "and I do not .' harbor any hard feeling tgainst him. I am a sorry for bint aa I can bo and X hop that kt. via not J.--v ir? fEven when k grabbed my arm tnd swung m around, aad when I aaw tht msiverTla-nl hand,--eUa atc-anTt any idea that he would actually aboot,1 she aaid a nnother timtv , : : . 1 DENTAL SOCIEH CLOSES ITS ANNUAL CONVENTION Wrightavillt) Beach Gets Ifext . Convention of Horth Caro- JliJJlnaiAssociatlon' V Charlotte, Jun S After telecting WrightsvUlt Beach for tht next meet- ing place ana ,. insauuns; iia bvwij elected onleert, tht North Carolina Dental Society adjourned ita conven tion thia morning. Addressee wort md by Dr. T. a Heatwole. of Baltl more, ancT Dr. Harry B." Johnson, of Atlanta. , . . The bona of delegate! preteatod memoriala aa followet "Pr,. Bustell Graham Bherrill,' tf Ealeigh. by Dr. EL a Iinobergcr, f Baleight Dr. Dan W. Parrott," f Kinston, by Dr. J. G. Pool, ot Kinston; ' 'Dr. J. H. Getty. of Forest City, by Dr. Alexan der Newton, of Forest Cityj Dr. A. M. Dula,'! of Morganto, by Dr. L P, Joter, of Morgaaton. " Tho last bnsinetf wat tht appoint ment by tbt new president. Dr. W. M. Robey, ot standing committeet at fol lows: -. ' ExeeutiTt J. H. Whler, chairman, Greensboro; J. H. Jadd, Fayttttrillt; J. A. hi tLung,. 'Winston Rale m. Ethics J. H. EdmondeoB, coairman. Wilson i W, T. Tiartin, of Benson f W. B, Ramsey, Hickory. 1 : v. LrgialatiTO F. I Bant, chairman, Asheville; J. M. Fleming," . Baleighj E. J. Tucker, Itoxboro. - AadittngwDft-Whitleld Cobb, chalr maB, P. a Hull, Charlotte! J. 1L Hol land, fta tesrillo. r Oral ilygien J. 0. Watkias, ekair maa, TVinstoa-fialem, J. C Johnston, Raleigh; C O. Keirer, Charlotte. Program H. I Keith, Wilmington; Pr, B. M. Oliv. FayetUviIle, Republicans Beginning To See : The I'InrNorlh- Carolina That stmt North Qtrolint Bepubli eant ar beginning to see th light is Indicated by the follivwing enmnrunt cation from a Prriag Hopt eitirea re ceived by the .Ittor tf tbt New tad Observer yeterda;i To th I liter: There is a very prominent ant in fluent,;! biitifeo maa ia ear town wh from tv s'andpointa ef both prme rle an l pnli.T", 'ha ' bee B ' life li-r.g l: i '..!. ilran and whnrt fjn:i .-, ;: t a sr.sa, has l-a.. ef t5! s f- H snt or-ler f;"n f th tt-ciserv cf IXTEni PAGIf TODAY.' FOFaJSR'ERESIBErrr TAFT GETS IIIGHE JUDICIAUPOSITIGn FXOFESSOK PRODUCES EAR OF '' " CORtf CONTAINING RED, ' ' WHITE AND BLUE " V '- KERNELS ,';:J"r - Chicago, Jaa 19. After " thre Tears of experiment, Professor Wil liam L. Woodbara, of Northwettera Valveralty,' kaa produced aa ear of corn containing red, white aad blaa kernels, h aanboaced today. ' ..Profeosor Wcodbur asserted be weald be able U perfect hla so that . th - rows of kernels would ahow ootid snarka of red, whit aad blue. Tk colored cora waa pro. daced ky crossing red aad wait cart t make bla oars, according to Pro. feasor Waodbarn, aad then grart tng tk thro rarietle. ' 1 , 1 0 Chairman . Fordney ; Defends Tariff Measure While Demo'-; . i;: crat Criticizes It Washington, Junt 30. fiharply con flicting yiews' gi tw tht tax. burden to bt imposed on th American people by th administration's tariff bill wert ex pressed today by Bepublican and Demo- erttit leaden of tht House. - Counting tbt fret list, tht average duty rata wat estimated by, Chairman Fordney, of tht ways and means com' mittct, tt between 18 tnd 20 per cent ompared with 18.33 FsyatAiarlctttref age and 8 per tent under tht present Underwood measure. Mr, Fordney in sisted,'however, that tho sversge, after an accurat estimate, would rang lowtr Uta Parne-AJdnch schednlcs. ; . ! ' Taking issue with th ehairnvan. Rep resentative Garner, Texas, ranking Democrat on tha committee, declared th rates, considering the American valuation provisions, wer kigner than the i tnytariff bHl tased byen groat slnct tht Civil War, Quoting statements of Bepnblicam) that the bill, if pasted, at written, would bring in about seven Jin ndred million dollars annually. . Mr. Garner ' charged . this meant aa additional cost ef at least two .billion, do! law and "that - tht larger portion ot this bnrden would, full upon tht fetal neees-iriet of life. :, '' ; Mr. Fordney had announced earlyin fht day. that h would issut tuto msnt showing in detail somt tf tht es sentiat provisions of ' th till, tnd eleariag up many points tf difference, but a rush of work, at later laid, maa it impoeeiblo.j - ' '. J ' , Point rntrovryrie Th npshot of all tariff talk verified prediction made befor th bill was introduced Wednesday that tbt ones tlon whether tbt new relet, taken as a whole, were higher or lower than th Payne-Aldrich duties would b th sub ject, of unending and rerUstuig oa troTrsy and diaeuwion. ' T .J In th absence of the expected state ment from Chairman Fordney, members generally fwind. tht 348. pagt .biU ai meat bewildering. There wa resent ment sraintt torn of th schedules by Bepublieant, , but lbroadly .., peaking, members stood on the bill according to oartT affiliations. ; Thert wat howl from torn Democrat evsr th free list. which, they insisted, bad been too shsrolr reduced. Befort going into tht preliminary Bepublican eanetit tonight, many rep resentatives said it would take two or three sessions to adjust til difference. Mr. Fordney' plan to hart tht till re ported Saturday, after a meeting ot tie full committee, was changed, and th moetinf waa Utd tor Wednesday. In view of the demand from memb er for information, Chairman Fordney gave tut word during the day that the opening eauens would not bt ablt to reach rail contested ground. t , SKELETONS PLACED ON FREE LIST IN TARIFF Washington, Jane 30. The man who has no skeleton in hi closet, and who might want one, will find by turning to paragraph 1631 of tht new tariff bill, introduced yesterday, tnarne may get U abroad without payfl auty. la putting skeletons on the fret-list tht Wayt and Means Committee bad ia mind tlso other -anatomical schemes. Turning from th grave to. the gay, other folk interested in th bill will find that th tariff on poker chip has been reduced ten per cent. , . ' 4 ' Th old Payne-Aldrich bill bad poker chip en the free list. - , He said that if any man theuld rail hie a Republic from this day on, b Would consider th charge highly slanderou tnd would et h s.im then nd there. "l'e-s:ii l that tli nomination ot Htnry Ltneola Jofcstou, wcgro; tf Georgia,' for tlie P".: - of iiceoriler of L'ee iJ f ir the I'.h'r" t of Ctiluiii!..ia ari the Slronif int.mation 1 h it CI.-.- s A. AS TO TAX BURDEN CttN;', t S"06 to I tr 1 .Tr -, r,. r . : h ' 1 c:-: ft ' - ,'cfT-.-'. , C!,.... Vii r it f-e ti e '' t r i . i i -n to .. i t" " tv 1 i i 1.- PRICE: H'Z C u i- r ' Senate Confirms :Ncm:r,:"::i of Taft To Succeed l:M ; Chief Justice White C: spite Some Opposition DEMOCRATIC SENATOHS 'STRONGLY DEFEND TAFT. :r;AND.PRAISEHISnCC..3i Johns on, ' Borah and LaFcH c t : -j X tead ln Attack On Forr.:r ' President,". Criticizing l li "TLegal Training and Political Jtecord; Southern: Eenators 1 ; Solid Tor; Taff With ZxC.?" y:-tion of -Tom Watson, V, r 5 '.; Casfs'.One of -Four Vote3 FAgain8t "f Confirmation ; cf T Komination j ' Discussion E e - hind Closed Doors; Orermas ; Supports The Nominee, ' - , , , t r: . Waablngton, Juno 30. Former rml dent William Howard Taft was nomi nated 1st today by President Hardin j to bo Chief ,Justiof-thei - l'i,i - 1 Btntc ' and Eia nomination' , was run firmed by the genat in executive e. ion. . s .-!,, ( : ., ' . Jht nomination wat not confim e 1 without opposition, however,' and a r t call 'was ; dtmtnded.' Th , ' pppoii-n waa understood to have - been '. ! by Senator Borah, " Idaho, , Join n, California, and LaFollette, Wif - , all Bcpublicans, who were - s ui t i hart criticised Mr., Taft's ; recoi l a il hU nomination. iXI ' On roll call, howeTerriily fotir vo were east-against confirmation:; wert by Senators Borah, Johns. LavFollette, tad, Senator .Watson, t trat, Georgia, i ... x" The final vott was 80 to 4 An ment was reached not to wake a j .. ) loll ajt' V'V;.:,;- -'.:-: . , - Behind nosed Door.' V Tht Sonatt't door war - closed ( r discussion of the nomination s' svggctJoX"tfiSt"'MrTTaft bt Con Erie ia ''open xeeutiT" ceion be a.r bt i a former President i had . leca rejected by ki opponenta,i Benator Borak and Johnson led t! a fight on tht floor in opposition to 'r. Taft. will kt wat defended by i t n dosen fjenators, including Kn , of Fennsrlvimm,.-.- Ellnrw, rf " Ms ota,' and Willis, 'tf Ohio, ..' cant, and Underwood, of Alu. . nority leader; Smith, of South i Hna, Overman, of Kortk Cnrolina, n i Boumrd,''.of Louisiana, Democt.i 1 j. . Senators Borah and Johnson wr understood to hart centered their f ! t 0BMr. Taft' legal training, e perieBdrtnd ;ualifie,atlone.' Accorf! to report filtering out from the f '; ttt chamber, Senator Johnson wn anl to have declared that Mr. Tafia ap pointment was 'purely political." A aimilar thargo, " it w reported, n i made by Senator Borah. ; v. Taft a Politlen.- Senator Johnson, -it wa stated, sorted that Mr. Taft had not ro-ir i himself as a lawyer, but as a politic rui and had -f abandoned", hia. profi ii a after leaving tht White House, r The defense ot Mr. Tsft, it su . !, wat led by Democrat. - Senator' Un 1 r wood said that Mr. Taft bad taiado b:m self "beloved br tht South," - d i : that this sentiment wat due lar? ' v t Mr. Taft'i appointment,- When i dent, of a Southerner, the late Justice Vvhite, to tht ISgh'est juu . ; 1 poaitioa of th teuntry. .Similar v menta, it was reported, wre ni l 'e 1 ? Sedator.Broussard, of Louiiin,. , n.atirt ttatt of the late Chief Jast.-4. v Mack Praise For Taft. Mr. Taft's legal learning was pr ' it was said, by Senstors Knox s ; Willis, tht latter referring to L perience on tin bench of Ohio. Senator Kellogg, it was said, re' - ' to the positions ot honor held Ir , Taft in bar and similar associate . Southern Senators, it was repot: ", with th exeeption of Mr. Watsn, i ;! Georgia, were solidly' behind '.' point ment. Senator Smith, of f Carolina, it was stated, diseue : , race question, commending Mr. Ijfr, waa aaid, for refusing to appoint , but whit mea to office in South i Una, - , ' ' AMBITION" OF MFETIMZ GRATIFIED, DKCLAEr S T' Montreal, June 30. "It has 1 i ambition of niy life to be Chief J William H. Taft declared toni' !, now that it is gratified. I tre-;- think whether 1 can worthiiy i i positioa and be useful to the t I havt received teu;r,ims ing thst the l'r !--iit h.m v ma t bo Chief Jut-lire of 1 State and tliat tie - ii i'e r ?. confirmed the nonunawii,' Taft in a algned tutcme-t, c i hi appointment as Ci ... f J . I am prof siiiily gr,;.-f-.I President for tlie rmt ;. r,. ' shown that I can U:.''l ;','i : tant duties of t:. cxai:e- r cere y hepe sM prar t I able to show that h'i c not been Bi'p''"-d. I t:1"" ate tr.e imroeu ..'e CfliiUu hnite. it t n the ti ' '. to I ( i. f .? : , 1 ! r f '.11 ti- I . : -. i v t. i t i 1 ,.' ( r. . e j , 'r is, to i I - rrn l :1 is ' : its f ff . : .-W. V. 1 xii t; af r . Slid u- L,i-- fa ef 1- ; I S f, c.r la l I i cue s r- jrrg l 1 i '(! o'. to t'.- iffl d b rnr mil r .'. v rs i, ' ! l Unl Net Ilrln I The Turo rf tt n.l;S. -o . M I eXH 1 f I t.T si rvLT ! c ', ! r 1 I 1-r, In I t i . 1 t 'n t it

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