Tl I A I 1 ,0 iQ)Sii3if p JO' r ! i tn i - v 1 In pM.rF -!. m. en'. i .1 1. vcl. cxiv. no. 3. :;.;tvc?iv-eight pages today - raleigh. n. c, Sunday morning, july 3, .1921. ,txnty-qghi: pages today, price.-seven coir: PRKIDENT HARDING IMS! p Ar rm XOUU11 AFFIXES SIGNATURE TO PEACE MEASURE CARPENTIER IN 4TH ROUND' OE FIGHT AT JERSEY CITY 10 S I i . u Ml I2i,. 1 It I tr.uf.'m- '"- Sy a- i rb'r J- "- .J . li'ti chii - la the t(ip;iiit. mm Soulffi WORK OF CONGRESS OLD GUARD SCHEME P OFFICE joint Congressional Resolution T Ending Stata of War Taken . Jo Harding at Freling-1 huyser. Heme NO DRAMATIC CEREMONY " ACCOMPANIES SIGNING SEVeiTY EIGHT HEW USES 111 STATE Fourth Class Postmaster Named By Taft Retained Under Civil Service TESTIMONY IN UNNEY HEARING STILL HIDDEN iuuirKiiiu oiuniiiu iprii.. Li n r- I HP HISTflRIP. nnniMFNTI rmj-eiyni raw udnundtMi, Democratlo Senators find - ..Twenty erantea Keciproc-- 1 Themselves' Blocked By Be jiesoiuiion Taken to president uy icmntaies So At To " A! a reeeat meeting tit Board Prevent A Much Delay As Lr ji,,,, , Hum of I Possible In Consummation I Nora Caroiiaa, held ia'Baieigh, certi- of The Lonr Deferred State r the board to 78 f M.vnWa f TV...!'8 th the right to tueata wffUUrtd aurtea,. Twenty et these Few Others Witness Signing mn BOrse already registered la other of Resolution With Special State er eountriec and mow desiring publicans la Effort To Get at It; Secretary Hoover Invited To Make Address at Caro lina Exposition - Pea Tor Purpose Sent By Chairman Porter, Joint Au---thor-of Measure - - - The Newt and Observer Bureaa, 603"Ditriet Natioaal Bank Bldg. Br EDWARD C BRITTOX (By Special Letted Wire.) Washington. July 2. Saturday pataet to enter th profession in North Caro-I nd there is so appearanee of the print Boriton, N. J, July X. The resola- lion of Congress declaring war with Germany and Austria-Hungry at nd ma signed here late today hy President Harding. So that t Icre wi-ht be bo unnecessary asder T, Stewart. delay., ia-raw" uia t xm of th long de-Jarwl abore 3. ferred statu of peace, the resolauon wat I Below are namee of nnrsee receiving Una were granted eertiflcntee ot regit- t ration through reciprocity or recogni tion; Fifty-tight pawed th examlna- tiona giren by the board. Thoee making the higheat arerag on exnminatioa wert: Ella C DuPre, leading with an BTerage of M.S3, fol lowed eloeely by Qrace K, Sample, Bat A. AleQqgen, Kdith Unk, Margaret U Harry. Gertrude Ferguson and Alex- taea 61 thee arer- ed record of the Iinney ease. Demo- eratie Benatori are keen to get a look at it, for the expectation ji that there, if reading In ft that i worth while in get ting at the initde game of the Bepubli earn in playing oil the negro In the 8odt& againat the negro "la the North, for that the Bepubiican in the etates in which the negroea hare the balance of power hare nlaoned to hare the Lin' ney eaie go so as to keep there Northern negro Totert placated appears to be pretty -eertainir - Is there a "nisget in the woodpile ' in the pleasing announcement made by iocaroent in the' arehires ot the Stat I lci)artntent. - No Dramatic Cerenaony. There was little of the dramatis In I the actual ceremony of giTing Preeiden- broncht here br ipecial messenger from 1 eertifiratee bT examination: Waahinrton. where it had been Ureal Birdie Barber. Charlotte i Libbie Ma miro Assistant rostmaster uenerai uu final Congressional approTnl yesterday. I Baxley, rayettetUlej, Hallie WUey bert Work that it may be possible to The nunfer left for the eapital Boacham. Uurinbursi Matilda Lorena nay iraru eiasa postmasters wbose of iia tnnlvlit to eomr,lete the f ormalitiee I Benfield. Bockr Mount t Nellie White! fieae- been adtned-1o -thr-ttrhd of the declaration by depositing the I Bishop, Baleigh; Maude Black, unar- eiass aoia on xo weir joos wiwour any lotte: tbel Broome, cuariotte; uora I ruruer uitu oemeo exmninaiioni is IBovkin Burns. Fajretterille: Manrsret I tb announcements from tbe roatomce Bebeec Camp, Ashille; Eaael Cnnr.dy, Department made today it is stated. that WUminrton : Clayton J. caraweu, I us rostomot department nas requestea Oreensboro; Mabel ViTlan Chandler, I the Ciril Bertie Commission to hold i.i ...M.I t thnuTa. Koturn-1 Durham: UsabetH MeAiuter uogaeu, szaminauons lor appointment or post : . ... I. . r . i 01. c-i :n . I 1 . .... v . . t 1. - v km fnn 1 burhMia aid nlf tint larnnTuni nurisi vio, oukiiuh uinn ouuun vi racn nutcu at the ' Borne rrille Hill Country Club, Alma, Corbin, Charlotte; Mary Emma hare recently been advanced from the the President found the White Home Cook, Bller City; Jeannett B. Durker, fourth to the second elass, among these messeari-r W 6mither. waitiis fflrlAsherille; Ella Camilla -Dupra, Bilt- the poatofiic at Guilford Collef feeing vi .. f t.. rMitnffhnv.lmorer Fannie Kate Edwards, Dante, mentioned. If the Cm! Berrice Com aenhour. Va.; Ferguson, Biverside, 8. 1 mission is going to pass up these fourth -rr..i:n. Ui.ij;.t.1. nut vuiv.: xienneiia xoairr icoiorea;. nuaon, eias posunasiera wuoout a iunaer ei' , m ..j .!..! i . k I Minnie Mar Friday. Charlotte; Audrey lamination it looks curious to sss the tiring. Eid tht aisi' wpyrt eh.llWAejrrKtoer owm lGad- Pottoffie; Departofrt ealliiig ok the resolution in..tery. The aigning look TO . "ifT1" """"on ro noia examinauona m i Oreensboro; May uenry eoiorea;, I incumbents hold on to the places. Wadesboro; uabei van hook, jonnson The "Joker" U the Game City, Tena.; Allen E. Kelly, High And her is perhaps wher the "joker' !tn;. Tf,- f B.r.H I Point) Harriet Ellen Kennedy. Uo da- in the game come in. Just before cr.;;.w.ii;.. ir-;.-. boo; Un. Lucy B. Kilner. AsheU; President Taft went out t offic mittea, Kenator Hale, of Maine, tad if. into their Jobs by eeuU7 erd ef tha ka mrhc Durham; Ida Mja, Winston- whiek put th placet nnder Gtil Service, other members m tat weeaaa irty. s.u.t.!. Unnnt Aim u:.. wu ..j r., o - place at small mahonny table in I ediftceut living room in the center tfl j a distinguished group which include! I ..the Precident, host ad hostess. Spelter I,r m . a aa J n . MsVtiTancw "'V -v""" Iftfi Till AT I'rMlltlalllE I BlTK nlnfl MalCnil tn nnni letiers i nis name, one or raei,. .,, u; r..J f. . 7' : Bhrterie SlgniScaaea. Mon'detl Declares Weil-Planned Dispatch of . Business, Has Not Been Excelled GIVE ACHIEVEMENTS - i OF SPECIAL SESSION Says Million and Half Dollars Has Been v Saved On Army and Navy Appropriations Atone 'Befers To Peaoe Bes phtions and Other Meas ures; Discusses The Tariff SUCCESSFULLY DEFENDS TITLE AS .WORLD'S HEAVYWEIGHT, CHAMPION on the great bulk of the pottrntston of Bobinson,le(nntTy M Republicans who are holding on under President Taft executive order. If these sr now carried forward in to positions as postmaster of the third class, then the Bepablicahs will be get ting the best of IV And this being so, while st th same tim President Hard- (Continued on Page Four.) - Queen, Charlotte j Hart Null Ollrer, J eftange mad being those for cause or f Tm ' thnfa iL terdied Mr. BTardiar. . .L. T' m,7."T lB leue euang ana reeig. s-tai.l. . v.... 4 ..a v. k . I Z " '. : T "Vinawons irom am ecrriee. - or in is rea -"- - i Mua Km n jr. Asneruie: Biancne 4. japoaded with a ?ukk burst of hand- jj Bpartaj Orac Elibth Bobln- tctupping, mm u turn ut.r ' i jnn. Greensboro: Myrtle ttot)inon, of th etionhad been bom in npon AsheVfllej Barah M. Bimer, Kateeville; I then. I na lnra14a Rom ml PHtmnr TVnr. No format itatem6t wttabflh BtB ghnford. AaheviUe: Marie A. Bhu- President in connection with, the !-1 maker. Oteen: Bobenn Sloan. Jones- rinx vt bit signature and th eoajumina. I boro.- Alexandra Thyra Stewart, ITo tion of the first formal step in th peace I mute. Can.: Cleml Bweet, Gastonia VVogram of the administration. Wlthlariiona Y. Thomas. Asheville; Claudia tVer Papers of a routin character u.. Tucker (eolored). Oreensboro; bfoaght here for his - attention, the I Eudora Tncker (colored), Baltimore. President returned the peace resolu-IMd.; Boseli Weimorta, AshevUl. , tion as aoon a it had been aigned and! Certificate ot reciprocity or' reeoe then prepared to rtiume kin interrupted I aition were issued to Iia Alexander, of holiday by getting into golf clothes I Pennsylvania: Alio T. Bessett, Massa- for another work-out on in links. J ehnsetts; Caroline Zliaabcfh Barwick, In signing' the reiolntlon, th Presi- Maryland; Ann Mary Cnllen, Massa- deat aee4 a pen sent in for Ui per-1 ehnsetts t Nina r. Darnon, rennsyi' no br BenretentatiT Porter, ef Pena-lTaaiai Mary V. Evans, West Virginia eylvania. chairmaa of the House Foreita I Donaie IjOU Hail, Virginia; Emily Affairs enmmittM and taint author 1H Aahatoa Holmes. Pennsylvania! Anna th meauiure. The pen will b retarned Jame Howerton, Maryland; Lucie. to Mr. Porter as a souvenir. IJosse, vtrginu; airs, tu w. jonnson,- , riorida; II May King; Harriet Mar- THREE YOUNG MEN ADMIT Junit. ROBBING AUTO DRIVER KKSMsjE I Pennsylvania? Gladys Palmer, England; WishingtonJaly tTba special tea sion ef Congress hat from th first more steadily and effectively along con structlve linet, BepresenUtive Moadell, of Wyoming, the House leader, d dared tonight in statement review ing its achievements to date. Its "roeord for efficiency and for well planned dispatch of business has never been excelled," he added: Although tha session ws called primarily to eonsider and enact tariff and revenu legislation. Mr. Mondell said, ''much important legislation" has been enacted while those subject were being considered. - The permanent tariff bill, he pointed out, has now bern pre sented to the House, adding that "while other Congresses have marked tim dur ing the preparation of tariff measure, this Congress has labored diligently and effectively and has performed as amount of work unmatched in any Ilk period under similar circumstances. Review Achievements Reviewing the list of achievement, he Mid there has been '"accomplished a net saving of approximately one hundred and four million dollars os the army and navy appropriation bills as compared with the same . bills a they stood at th close of tha last Congress." He referred to enactment of the peace resolution terminating the state of war wittr oarmafiy and .Austria,- the emer gency tariff and anti-dumping bill, the budget bill, legislation to enable tele phone companies after the .period of war .tun control - to organix- along sound lines,, the immigration reetrle tion bill and cable legislation,, a meas ures already adopted. Bills to rega late packing industry, for 'consolidating soldier relief agencies, for amending th Volstead Act to .bar medical beer and to regulate trading in grain futures were also pointed to as about to be some laws. D Ureases Tariff Discussing the permanent tariff bill, Mr. Moadell taidi . i , ''Bom ot vt wre of pi opinion that it would be wis to eonsider taxation Questions immediately after the pat- sag of th temporary tariff bill, but th sentiment of the country- teemtd to b overwhelmingly in favor of the consideration of a permanent tariff measure first. ' ' ' "Unquestionably tbe country has been impatient at the length of time required for the preparation" of thii measure, but an examination - of it 346 pages, its thousands of paragraphs, will convince any reasonable person that the time consumed in preparation has been well spent and that : tre- . (Continued Pat Fear.) LI 1 " ?',VffV';.-:,-v?v. v f M. ."- . , - i , -I-.X. r ? . . ; . - . ' :- ..-4 ;r ! I - i- CBAMPIOX JACK DEMP8CT. Third Man In Ring Gives Fir Referee Ertle Tells In Detail How Champion Successfully Lmployed Again the Identical UcUcs Which Wen Him His Gown; Carpen tier Wonderfully Came American Retains Champlon- snip uy Flooring The Chal lenger With a Pile-Driving Blow To The Jaw t. CARPENTIER GIVES A ' ' REMARKABLE DISPLAY OF PUGILISTIC SKILL Prenchman Enters Bins As Pa- Torite and Leaves With Even Greater Ajnonnt of Applause Kinging' In His Ears; Clever ' land Speedy Challenger tj. ' able To Stand Up Against Man -Xilling . Smashes of Dempsey; Champion ; Pin, lshes Battle Without a Mark On His Paoe or Body. While Carpenticr Was Badly. Beaten; Carpenticr Beaten Man Prom The Start . In Pace of Dempaey's Attack; Carpentier Reported To Have Broken Thumb In Two Places toSeopnOoun(L-lr By J, 1ABKT ZKTLB, (Beferea CamnUtfJesaaae7 Fight) New York, July 2. I think the better maa won, . Thar it a question in my mind about thtt, I was never more surprised when the bell clanged to end the second round because ef Carpentier's wonderful eomt ha ik ia this sessica during which he showed remarkable cleverness and in fighting. He showed that he was a great little man. By being able to punch Dempsey around the ring. Same Old Blew. The blow that finished Carpentier was the right hook to the jaw delivered with fore and precision, the same wal lop that put Fulton out at the Uarritoa ball pari , and the same wallop that won th' championship at Toledo two years ago tomorrow. Following it he hit him with a short A SEGMENT OF THE THRONG THAT WATCHED FIGHT IN FRONT OFTOE'NEWS AND OBSERVER Captured By Officers In Lenoir garah E. McCraeken, England; Beatrice and Lodged In Iredell Jail In StatesviHe 8tatevine, July t. Arthur Aldridge, ag 19, Dewey Boet, age ri, ef this county and Paul Book, ag 23, of Concord, were landed in Iredell jail this morning, at 4 o'clock ia let that fifteen hours after they had bound, figged- and robbed Jim Norman, Syrian, Concord jitney driver, an the Buffalo Bhoals road, yesterday. Th arrest waa made by Lenoir officers on the road to Blowing Bock, tight miles ' tbeva Lenoir. - Sheriff M. P. Alexander started o th chas immediately after he was ad : vised of th trim. : Officers in all nearby towns were advised t be th looleut far them, and the jitney SetMr. Virginia; Aliee I Ward, Mataa- I ohusett. - MINISTER SERVES AS FOREMAN OF GRAND JURY Bev. 0. B. Riddlo Proves Effi cient In Discharge of Duties In. Court i p .4 - V Graham, July 1 Th quiet little eapital of Alamance, acted during the rtaat year for' riot and a lynching, was th teen of what th law-loving citisena eonsider justic during this .week. Th occasion Was special term of criminal court. Jud2 J. Lloyd Hor- ton.'FarmviUe. the your test judge in the Bute, presided 'and offender ef - - . T ' I .1 . . i . 1t.,T. man t car. In th ehas a was lonaO, ine jaw saw u tn yjungras out wme the men-passed Hickory; tnd.M tolrey. ne eturent ti, Uarmntnn. : From Monranton 4hevl gret that judgt Borton 1 not to M tnmed and made their rrt-awav across I turn, and taying that with hit presence t Lenoir, and wert on their way to I lew court mat niiaa tigern, pooneg- Blowing Bock whea th. offiesrt lu rem, and tor-bretkiAg would b a priaed and eaptured them on the pike thing of the past i tuit realm of the Ky,nt m .'.i.w ...... .fiAnuui. , I bis uaiverse. - - - " ' ' -5, . ... .. . . . r, 1 it i i M- k .1. . XT nv The three young men acknowledged I Along wua me worn ox iiuage xiorwa i iu w w. ui .itn u w that they gagged and robbed Jim Nor-I frand Jury that teemed . to know jterver on Martin ttreet to let the fight, man,' Concord Jitney drivr, and took I a.jum:a omra on land maybe there Tcatnt to muck there hi nw ear and between ninety and I ? Jfby "torn. Th for- anyhow. : At any rat th titiaenry took on hundred dollar and missed hit fire I B. wiw, ,u5?r - th decUion without much tdo, at the Hundred diamoad ring They an Vtul ""'"'i I picture will testify. There it actual practically tbe aamt ttory. ' I pia . i-n 7 Rm M TB hf flC WflMFH ' observed that the jury was doing buti wkuin lima. v. is wib.i -1 ... t.i i. i. ipi.. .ji, IN TULSA, OKU., MONDAY preacher , being - drawn - aa a juror, it',. , . 'I I " i nil V' S h' : Ar ,'-r, ',v J - , " . ; , 7 . 4 J 1 : v. i -A -t It may have been, a , skyrocketing I thermometer that rapped the enthusiasm out of the : two ' thousand people who claimed no txemptioa tnd wit appoint- . " u photographic evidence of but dnt yell in the crowd, -and ;the picture ' was taken just a second after the fiash an nouncing th knockout i ; Over to the left center there ia a fat Tulsa, Oklt, July l-Th trial of td foreman, bly th. first proicher- Z,.! J rl K . t Ccldi. Gordon, artist model, and foreran to rre her in many yeajj, f.v. t Vf jrerle James, .divorced wife of Jes if mot ia th history ef the county. th onlr pertoa in ft crowd to Jamet, noted Osage Indian, tot the v i . f-v, let ge a yellr but generally speaking murdor of er-ouprem Court Commiv I sxpioeioa atart Many, aionev John Dmnni tiers Amil Bth.l Smyrna. July a (By the Associated start Tuesday in dutritt tourt. Ben-1 r reaslv eeveral towieri tn elviiians ne wuings iicaing irom ue wires jnsme itioual testimony it expected to bt in-1 wert killed-snd a large number were I were relayed to tut ttreet Uirongh a trnduced. Judee Devorsu was a native I wounded when a Greek benzine tuprly megaphone. Fir minute after it was tf .'orth Carolina, and th disappear-1 depot and a larg amount of ammunl-1 over, tho street wua d?serted. prife tf Lis will and fortuca, whii un-tio blew. up and burned her yesterM Th crowd took in everything the d -r t' e ear of the two women, who day. Several house were destroyed by I pope had to offer a H. C. Heater, tola. e ,. rra 10 ce nurses, wi.i ce pronra. ere wuica loiiowea tne explosion. . graph euuor, megapuonca the new even to ih color and texture of Mr. Ertle't garments, and the' fact that he wort soft collar. He's got nothing on me with that toft collar stuff," ens item of tha throng ytlled back to that announcement as he ran rueful finger over the wilted, starched atrip of linen about hit neck. The collar was indeed soft, .though it had -eorna stiff and whit front recent laundering. Coa servstive estimates of th groat volume ot tht sweat that rolled bff th throng would bt about one hundred gallons. Sentiment ia the throng wat about evenly divided.' Telephone sentiment, and it might bo said that seven out of every 'eight peopla who called np to know the trend t event were womsn, wat. decidedly against tha ehamplon. The, women folks wanted Carpentier, to win, and-generally they . said it wu several sorts of a shame when they were told that it had .been destined otherwise. ,. ' iv"' ': ' 1 -;. It was a good taatured crovid, at the picture will show. Thy filled the street until it could be no fuller, opening out to lot a stream of vehicles got through ' '-PM W Catltal Statta. . ; .. ., ' -. tnd then closing ap like the Bed Sea after tbe Egyptians- when it wat gone, and impatient only when tome squawk ing motor, horn . insisted on passage while the megaphone wet booming de tain fit tht , rounds. - There were no policemen ia sight, tnd none wert needed, not even a traflaeop. ; .The crowd managed itself., f r- Little of turprit wu evidenced when th announcement came that Dempsey wat again th undisputed champion' of the entire fistic world. The crowd was expecting that It haimened, tad they let off , a little demonstrttioa and went away. Half an hour later it was begin ning to forget that ther had tret been a fight, and today; it will b entirely gone from th mind of most.' Incidentally tht Kewt and Observer's servtee to its friends was three minutes faster than anything else offered in the city, y within 6 seconds after the knock out, tho net! was out the window. to tho people, and they were beginning to shova off toward home It was just thre minute before any other crowd ..... i. ' , left hook nnder the heart. Again fol lowing his procadnr ia tht caaet of Tnltoa tad WiWrd, , Carpentier koet down heavily the first time, tad Z begax to, count, One, two, three, four. five, tit, seven, eicht. nine. I went I Aid raited-my am and was almost bringing it down for tht fatal tea, tt?n tht Frenchman scrambled U his feet, to I dropped my inn. It was big surprise, for X hadnt expected him to come ap again. But he wtt badly hurt. Again Demp sey sprang at him with a short left hook to th heart, aad a right hand to th jaw and Carpentier went down. When I reched the eeunt ot four Car pentier made a gallant effort to. get to his feet Hit legs moved spasmodically but he waa not equal to the big effort ef gttting up egain.H fell back and I nnaoeo ray count. At It looked to me. hit lesa were alive but hi upper part ef the body wat dead. Apparently crushed tnd paralysed br the tremendous nower of the champion' body punches. I dont eeuere that tht Frenchman would have beea able to get to hit feet if I had counted twehty. At soon aa I finished my count. Demo- sey and myself gathered him ia our trmi tnd hslf carried him 'and half led and dragged him to hit chair. . Dcacamp Lets Ceank A strange tnd most veeuHar thins i a nappenea a L aat the Frenchman in hit chair. Deseamps wat just climbing through, th .repes. His 'eyes el a red tad teemed to be bulging, out of hit aeao. ; . - -What roundr.'What roundt" he id excitedly. Aad then I told him. H shook his head dejectedly. Appar ency ne inongnt that aia favorite had lasted longer. As I wsA leavinr tha corn or Deseamp ealltd to Trainer Wilson aad Charles Ledoux, the French bantam, to come to hi assistance aad bring the iTenca nero back to life. , - Whet I called the" bbxert to the cen ter ot the ring I told them I wanted a eleaaly fought bcUle.f X told them they would both get a square deal.) I turned to Dempsey aad said to him that that wtt what I expected from him. The champion 'ot, the whole world,.! then turned to the Trenthman and exulained what I wanted fiotn him, the champion ot to oia woria. -vtten I say break clean. I mean break ls." said T Trainer. Wilson, for, Carpentier broke la the eonversatioa st this point tnd translated what I bad laid to Carnen tier. T, Mr. Ertle," Carpentier said to me, "alwayt fight clean ; that it just what I want; a clean break and a square eaL:Thwr.tid.Ifltiaw''boxor should be knocked down, tht men ea his feet mast' retire to the 'nearest corner aad tot eirel the ring." Dempsey. looked towards mt and said "That't .fine, just -what I want: there will be ao ooraaioa aa far tt I am con cerned for you to take-any action be cause of any foal fighting I might do. Thea I said that I would not recognise any towels or s ponies thrown into the ring to win th tattle. I would only reeogntxe their eh let seconds, Deccampc and K earns, I, said. They would have to climb through th ropes bearing a towel as a sign or defeat. . - . rt ; Announcer Joe Humphreys, who' stood just behind as as I gave the men their instructions, broke Lato the eoaversa- tioa tad said: "I ant glad to see that you know your business, snd I tm satis fied there will be ho mistakes, ... , Kearns thea said everything was Sat isfactory, tnd with that tht men turned (Contlaaed on Tage Fifteea.) CARPENTIER BROKB KIGBT THUMB IX TWO PLACES AND BADLY SPRAINED HIS WRIST. Maakaast.X, VJalv !c Carpentier broke hi right thsmb In w places tag aaVcred a had wrtet sprain In the aeeoad round of hla fight with Jack Dempsey In Jersey City this after ooa. ThI aa ro ported by Dr. Jocaph Connelly, of Glen Cove, N. V, who examined hint at hi training camp tonight. . Dr. Connolly t report followtt Tk U la t. ..wir. I. -w ... j , tnmm M WMMnm Ted Curies Carpentier after hla h wua iki vcmsacy aat Icaaa aua to to suneriag f rosn a compoaad fractars f the aaeta-earpal boat of hhs right thamb aad a alight wrist sprain. The lajariat have readred hit right hand tmUm." "Ho said Carnoatlcr'i head was twalloa to thro timet ttt aormal It. " . ' Ringside, Jersey City, N. July Jack Dempsey k-siil!-heavyweight .'pvglUitie - cham pion of the world. : A crushing" right swing from tha fist of the American fighter shattered the titular . aspira tions of Georges Carpentier in the fourth round of the so called "Battle of the Century" here this afternoon. The pile driving blow landed flush upon the jaw of the Frenchman. flooring Carpentier for the sec ond time ma trifled minute of fiffhtinir in the final and decisive roandr7 rK Althnuffh ha rind ata or travel to his feet after , the initial knock-down, he was unable to survive tne second one and was motionless when Referee Harry Ertle tolled off the fatal ten counts. Tsrrlfie Bombardmeat, Although the . knockout nnneh ' ws driven tu Careontier'a Jaw. th wav in Dempsey'a vietory had been paVul by t continual bombardment of blows, which landed ea every section of ti c Frcnebmaa't body. Etch iwlng, ' Jso and apparent, teored, to tht ttomscli, ribs aad tide, tontributei t. the lo, ins ap process of tho speedy- Csrpen iter, aa aautuoa, a eiubblng , right which haded flush on tho - back of Georsfea neck in tha third nnni an important part ia hU defut. lTi XTCnehmaa folded over la aa atteapt to protect hit body, left . th abaek f hit nock exposed, aad Dempiey, with tha fair target In front of him, drove down a terrifit Slam to Ctrpentier't ver, tebrte. . , . -. , :. --.. -v-' stated In hla 4aln wint.tHt !,,. punch wu the etnst of hit pugilistic aownrau.. ue cam that tbe - punch stunned hla entire physical and mental make-up tnd he was thereafter unable to any ea any effective tttack, . -, . Frenchman Broke Thamh. - Jit developed after uarpentier had re turned to hla training camp at Manhas set, N. TH that during hit aggressive and effective tttack t int. the .second round, tht Frenchman had broken hit right: thumb and sprained bis wrist. Carpentier wu unable to -explain how the. injury occurred, but it is thought that it came as a result of A hard swing which landed high on Dempsey't head. What effect, if any. this injury to the European challenger t , moet effective fighting fist, had on the ultimate out come of the battle, it it impossible to ttatc ; Carpentier -wat .almoat entire"? ta the defensive in the third and fourth rounds, although he. did not noticeably Mold using his" right hand . arm ia blocking or striking out when the op portunity arose. .' , f v .? . '-, ' Carpentier Gam. Begardleta of just which blow cause 2 the vanqnlpniug of Carpentier, t!. Frenchman gave a remari.ible exliilii, i of pugilistio skill and gaincic r.,- 1 a heavier and more punishing opt"- '. Tho favorite when he entered tle ia judging from the amount of i-Wrrs 1. ' received, he left tne arena r , u greater amount of applause i-.r bit -ears-t tribute to an e whirh in .every w.iy ver. 1 i held a record which h i yr . (Continafd en r ,s I . a a i i

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