1T N e w ctroLu.::, ftr'f t'.etlr wtaihtr. '.;. h-saj Un4twre f '-47 li gateway. eii fl l-efora ;- tit rdr to c.J aa.aa.tg a sjag.s sopy. . SIXTEEN PACES TODAY. f ) ti; RALEIGH. R C, FRDAY MORNING. JULY 8. 1921, SIXTEEN PAGES TODAY. PRICE: FIVE CENTS 11 ' ; i ycL. pay, no. 8. - V ' AS PRESIDEirr OF ; ( BAR ASSOCIATION NORTH CAROLINA LED SOUTH ON TAX LIST Paid Unci. Sam $124,510,451 Darin j TiscaT Year, Jolt Ended - KOHLOSS mw AT z unanoue .unenr.unaniraousi .. CM..:., s. r . a WlUlWB MS UVbCMUr VI Bid. : Thos. W.Davis HENRY LONDON NAMED , TO SUCCEED ANDREWS gtate legislative Reference! librarian Eeettd Secretary ; and Treasurer; Major t. 0. itequirernents For Admiatiosl To Practice of Law Charlotte, July f Joha A. Mcltaa, iCklriottM Jtlaetad, prssidsat of ths Nort Carolina Bu Associates at the concluding Nioi of th 13rd aa ual meeting, succeeding Major Tho. W. 'Davis, ft Wilmington, ui Henry M. I jlandoa, Stat Legislative Reference , librarian, was asmed secretary aad treasurer to succeed A. B. Andrews,! bf Raleigh. H. L. Stepheas, of Warsaw; E. E. Baper, of Lexington, aad J. W. Pint, of f Marion, wm elected vies president. t-JL L. Smith, of Albemarle, and Augui ' 'tat' I Quickie, of Liaeolaton, wort ,- Baaed at bcw members of the executive - aommitte. t . Tho executive committee selects th i fclae for meeting, bat Clement Manly, of Winston -Salem, brought along a eor 'dlal invitation to hold the next eonvea- tioa in the State' biggeat city white Major The. W. Davis brought along an equally pressing inritation to meet at Wrightsvill Beach. Both lawyers in alited on boosting their respective towns, each being armed with several JaxdLofinvitations from the various boeating organizations of the two cities. ," Wanta Mere Jedgea. Major T, C. Guthrie, Sr, of thi eity.l la an interesting address today advo cated the creation of Si Superior court i . districts divided into tare rotary dirm ' Ions. Ba thinks the SO judgea now rid- ing " districts are inadequate to take care of the increased business. : .Major , Guthrie protested against the i advocacy of stricter reqalremeats for - - admission to the bar and contended that . soma of the State a greatest attorney Waaklagtwa, Jnly T. Sorth Carwtiaa, with tUUl,Ut, led t 8atatm atatea la paymeat at tazaa to the fedtral awvarameat daring tha Aacal year aadiag Jaa M, Ma. - tk lateraal levtaas Brea aaaoaaeed today.' Vlrgtala paid tb aeeand krga amsaat, Laawlaaa tMrd. Georgia (wart aad Twnrwii tfta. . ' A total af f t,UUja was paid la ta aatlr caaatry. Of that aateamt V11.T1J.48 was lacae aad praflta tax aad llSUU.TM was msMollaaeaaa taaaa. Mew Tork Uada Xsw Tork with . IU2Uli;TM. " pall Mara than aaa foartk af the - taut toilette and W all other atotaa. Of New Terk 'a total. I8M, US.tM earn froaa laeaaaa aad pro w tasaa. PeaaayWaala eama aaeoad with MTJ11I. at wWch. tlSUUJH waa fiwaa Income aad proSta taxea. lUIta, wtth a tetat af tWT.7M,81. f which r2t.S0,z81 waa collected fraan la cans aad profits, naked third la the lift. .Southern Statoa. Taaea paid by Baathera Btstsa waa aa follawat Iaeame aad Total. Profits N. C tRIJIMSl WM,S1 VlrgUla .... IUU.1H l,U4J8 Ualalaaa ... M3l.w Z,14I,ltl Gaorgta I(.7l,sw3 2,TTl,f2S. Taaaaaaea ... U.KUH 1S,(0J88 8.iCJU. UMti - ,3148 ' AUbama ... 18,le441 14IJ,T4 Florida .... 1M71,1 l,W8,7tT Arkansas 142SS I4243M Mlaaiaslppf .. ,7M,T2 7,1I1,W LINE AT (MITER TO SECURE REWARD JOHNSTON BRINGS ROAD DOT HARDING CALLS ON SI10 TO OLD I E TO ROAD COMMISSION UP ON OPPOSITION DEMOCRATS BITTER IN ATTACK ON NEW PERMANENT TARIFF General Ballyhoo Man Morehead Slated For .. Appointment SALISBURY POLITICIAN GOES AHEAD OF GRISSOM ForlState Three Hours of Running President Smashes Precedent Debate In Hall of House Thursday RUTHERFORD FOLLOWS WITH SIMILAR CASE By Lunching With Former Senate Colleagues ATTEMPTS TO SECURE DELAY ON BONUS BILL Commliiloner Blair Zxpecta U I Both Counties Having Troublt j Action On Tax and Tariff Divide State Into Two Inter sal ieYenue, Districts and This Halts Republican Ap pointments In That Direction for Preient : The News and Observerer Bureau, .. 903 District National Bank Bldfr, Br SOWAU) B. BRITTON . (Cy Special Leased Wire) ..Washington, July 7. The rear signs on the political horizon that bounds I morning. Minor delegations, less vigor- Over Boatinr of Jtoadiil SelrnsV Vasts Central Hih way But Is Oppoied; luth- erford Mill Villages Hire Lawyers To Speak . Contending" road factions coming from Johnston and Butherford eoun ties, laid down a forenais barrage that raged for nearly four hours before tho State Highway Commission yesterday Meaaures Imperative, Presi- -ent-TenreaalorTT'Crfei Kecesi of Month To (tot Pro- poied Legislation In Shape; Menage Expected Today COLIMAX DU PONT NAMED SEXATOK rROM DELAWARE TO SICCEEO J. a WOLCOTT Dwver. Del. July 7-Gea. T. Cals. man DaPaat was tods aaaolated failed Statsa Seastor frsm Dsls. wars by Caveraar Deaeay to aaccssd Ui O. neleatt. who restg last wsak to htrsms Chaaeeltor af Del. ware. Csaj. Dapaat. wka la tha Delaware. bar at Us Ksaablieaa Nattosd CasaaaeHewrWtlt mtt Us aatiplrvd term wuch raaa aatll March. 121. Tha app4atmeat af Gsa. DaPaat aaaa a Repablfeaa to tha Seaste, Senator Waleatt having been elected to tha aflka as Democrat. COTTON MILLTV1EN TO HOLD MEETING Annual Summer Session of State Association Convenes In Ashevllle Today " Asheville, July. 7. The fifteenth summer session of the Cotton Manufse turers' Association of North Carolina will open at tha Xssttery Park Hotel Friday morning for two day's session with about 100 members expected to be in attendance. The Vanguard arrived this morning including President T. C. Federal pie for North Carolina that there is to be aa attempt made to land B. A. Kohloss aa Federal, prohibition director for North Carolina in advance of the nomination of Gilliam Orissom for collector of internal revenue. The Orissem nomlnatidh may not materalize till there has beea a division of th internal revenue eoUoctorship into .two Jobs, as " Is used to be. The "Hog Combine' slate of the Bepublirans has on it the name of Grissom for eoliec tor of the Western District and of J. J. Jenkins, of Siler City, for the like position in the Eastern District, an! tha halt ll occasioned till tha plan for dividing up the offices, now held by J.W.Bailey at Baleigh mataralixes. If it should happen that the position is not divided it appears .certain that Orissom wll have the Morshead linney backing for that, but the presura for pia is so terriffie among the. Bepubli eana in and out of North Carolina, that in all probability, there will be two jobs where there is now one, so aa to take care of both Orissom and Jenkins. Blslr Favors Two' Districts. There has been a report that Mr. Bailey's successor would be on the jpb within a few days, but I was informed tonight by Commissioner of Internal Bevenua Blair that this is not so. In deed, the nomination of the President for positions has to go to the Senate, run the gauntlet of a committee and then go back to the Senate for final action. And Air. Blair also tells me The News and Observer Bareaa, 801 JMrki National Birk Bldg, BViEDWAKD E. BRITTON (By Snecial Leased Wire) Veiling ton, July 7. Heralded merely a visit by President Harding to old cronies of the Senate, the "unci pected" ptneace in the Senste wing of the Danltnl hiil a businnu tiurnA I the Senate restaurant there gathered Traffic with him at Inn eh possibly tome tweaty of tke Senators, aad there wss eoafaba lating. After the lunch the President mmm Characterize Measure 'As a - "Conspiracy To Benefit a Few Favorites at The Ex pense of All Humanity"... v " w a i i - 6 .4 TARIFF BILL TAKES TOP - PLACE ON CALENDAR AND READING GETS UNDERWAY, - Minority Repert of Democratla , Members of The Ways and Means Committee Declares' Solemnly Meaiure . Is Plan To Plunder Peupls of United : StatejLJindJ)ppress-Peopla- ous in the presentation of their claims, filled in the rest of the day, and it was not until night that the Com missioners were able to retire to exec utive session to consider the things that they have heard for the past two' flays. Nohlng dsveloped In the executive I went to the President a . room an the seislon, which lasted until midnight, I Senate floor, and summoned various save the disposition of a mass of rou-1 Senators to conference, one at a time. tine business. The matters that havs I Other Senators, learning he was la been the burden of most of the dele- his room, came Into pay their respects. gations in the city during the past two I Among these was Senator 8immona, days will eome up this morniug. with wnom rresiuent uarauig la understood to nave ssied to remain for a while, FOR STATE SHIPPERS Association Redcdi-l cates Itself To Freight Rate Problem The North Carolina Traffic Associa tion rededicatcd itself to the freight rata fight yesterdsy setting for itself) the duty of saving the shippers and re-1 of Every Country Tor The Benefit of a Pew Men; Cen""' ters Attack On Substitution of American System of Val uation Aa Baiii Por Levying - Tariff Dn ties; Lanfnafer of - Beport Couched In Bitter and Caustio Terms; Demo- crate - Expected To Stand . Solidly Against Bill ' j the Johnston county section of the Cen tral Highway first on the calendar, fore adjournment for dinner, and' the Most ofthe work will be completed be Commission will leave early in tha af ternoon for Concord to hear the con troversy over the Charlotte Concord road. Washington, July 1, Demo cratic members of the Ways eeivers of freight in North Carolina nd Means Committee, in a. a million dollars a year ia losses and minority report filed todav in isked to remain for a while,! . t!j..,, , ..I., - . ' as he would like to talk with, him. After "-- lne U0U8e or KepresentatlVeS, denounce the administration the talk there waa inquiry made of I Senator Simmons by newspaper mea as to the conversation, but the Senator had nothing to eay Outside of this there is the distinct understanding that the real mission af self of a 20,000 annual ineome and! provided machinery for operation on a permanent basis. C. H. Ireland, of Grceasboro, was re elected president of the association in I tha meeting held in tha Chamber of I tariff bill as a "conspiracy to benefit a few favorites at the expense of all humanity." "Like every conspiracy, it has been hatched in secrecy. and to dear the sense in routin th. month'a recess, and it is surmised that .... . .... M p w ...the report SaVS, adding! . - . . I L. ..11 D...IAa O mainaa San latf was A 1 " "" I tlYTT ' J Central-Highway by way of Belma, Pine "? "" fT. . ,w 7? "I elected aeereUry and traffie agent. we recora our BOiemn !L"r J1 measured ou.iu.uom u..iu . cuviing M T V ..-"l. ' h. W"Z ,oe reprcsenvea every Johnston Brodueed a delcwtion sf President Harding to the Senate waa to mora than two hundred to nroclalm s sgreemeni 10 van oouy u i I Commerce rooms from ene to four across the county. Buherford had up wards of 60 men in its delegation, end O. Max Gardner and Clyde R. Hoey leading one wing and J. W. Pleas of Marion heading the other. These two oratorical battles took up the entire morning. Both DUpatea Alike. Both rows were over routings of idb. that even if the bonua bill for the 1. v...LV. 7 " V .7- ' P" 10 Piunaer ine peODi w ... UBBtn.ua. IIUIIU VjklUUUB. f III ID ILK mnm I at - - soldiers was passed it would notgo into U.rship, tha association rill draw fs 01 our w Country and to Op- cr- " tanging from iioo to no and for thj press tne people oi every coun- plenty of tune - to tskeactoa - Uonslfieratioa of these fees wl'l Investl. r, tAUvZtJZ.Ht - But aa Etonatnr Himmons no US I ... .... . . ;. r" lJ " fvuv.ii, ui n uicu 7 .. . . . , . .v. 1 g ena rouow up eiauns or us mem- that ths big thing now is to pass the ... J. Notris bill for the one hundred wiiiioa damt ' ing for all practical purposes ;r. taxing power of this gov. dona',, r. Un toes'th. amount is n.r- "J??. nittTa Vtowfo to r;:; z: state ro.d i joh.ton it w,. . aomaef the Statoa greatest attorney Leak. Among th speaker will be 1"' nTereerTf Ss North Cnrolina di " th- Central Highway after it m,'"a" "KIV;.7wi, h1 vitorJ, VD ts Waahington if " . 3, k"ciucivCB "u te.tSJZRXr' Cameron MorrUon, JoJlZZ hfleld .nd Lad. toward W Prwid'"t "'M and ta fUiance.th. poUt- Cf study. He did not auggeat th lower ng of th present standards bat op posed making thent mora stringent, de claring that to dd so would keep many dslented aad eapabla young mea out of the profession. ' Make It Unanimous ( This probably was th "most unani mous" meeting th bar association ever had. From beginning to end. tha law yers dwelt together in harmony, which I The opening session will be held Fri ts most unusual for lawyers. Threats to I day morning at 10 o'clock ia the coh ering out Sever progressed of the Belwya presented tion went !rote. Daniels, of Baleigh ; General L. D. Ty son, of KaoKtlU, r. John t. White, President f Anderson College, 8. C; Dr. D. W. Dnaiels, Clemson College, 8. C. Former Secretary Daniels arrived here today to sttesd th meeting. Victor Montgomery and J. D. Ham- mett will be present aa guests repre senting the Booth Carolina association. "Nothlnr 14 , h laid when I told Ooldsbowr and iL Butherford, It was him of th rumor that tiers was to be whether tha road Vding to Spartan- a merger of the two districts. In place & 3 routed .through a series of this I happen to know that Com- ' prospermia mill tillages making it ImUaioner Blair favors two North Caro- longer, or let it run Una districts in place of th on that right through a relatively empty now exists. Moroheed'a Ballyhoo Man. But to return to the Kohloss ease. The Salisbury man has been a long time booster aad geaoral ballyhoo man country. Nofthamption, Montgomery, The truth ia that th Bcpubllcans are in tangle and waat to get en or n. That they havs called upoa President Harding to "harmonise" matter I evi dent. There is pressure for the -passage of tha bona bill, while Secretary and Nash eountie had small dele- oi the Treasury ieiionsaya in. eoua ..finn. whi.h .ra hanni in tha Hum. I try cannot eta-no: it, ana rresiasnt uaro mlulnn nffina dnl. ha iftannnn I Int. Whil having Said h U for th waiver f freight ia North Carolina Heal party, which tolerates and TiUV NortKoii.. . sut.- "murages the usurpation." ftide agency for the collection of over- Vow a Calendar. ehargea aad the removal of diserlmlna- Th tartft bill, as drawn br Beinb. tion. I lies n msmhsra of tha wan anil mini Other officers elected at tha meeting I committee, took ton nisi ah tha YfmiaA ytoday were D. H. Dixon, Ooldsboro, calendar today, not to be displaced by i V .F " x,a other legislation until toted on July Boeky Mount, second v ice-president Ui There waa no ceremonr in bavin. As written on th map the Central soldier bonus, now holds with Bwretary Howard mite. Bslcigh, trjasurer. The 0ig consideration of th 36-Dsg mess ifn, Kaniihiifan natinnni i .nmititrf naman i niirDwsv turni aaai, I rum aumnneia. ainui urn . - - . . . vvw.un.M7v vwmvvw-u vi u. i n ,.h ih. j...,.a . v.i-m a man agatnat Join lleKa vent on hall of th hotel. T. C. Leak. ,. "IV "la J V. Z. . ' . : i'i-.'i-. ..j t:. i i ,r,lln. .ant to mt ut of refuiina W. Arm.tronir. Naw Ham. W J Wil. 7: """ further than th. lobby ,f Bocki.gh.m. President of th. aMO-'K,0 T,?v" '.ir ar faelina ths 1 liamsv Wilsoat C. J. Morrm. Waihlnff. I .5? . J,.,..??F .W . and whe. am nam waa .iation. will rsid at tha meeting ZT, ..'ZmZ E :i"u'"lZnt w'w..a aeain.r ths I tea: J. D. SaraenL Mt, Airv: D.1J.I !.." . . .? . wimous giv- IstlJK! " KMtaf T S W . Siv 7 S NorTubUl. ' Sclin. Fayettevil.e; T. Q.' Horner, oi 7 " through without an appo, ad by Dr John B. White The ;?m, of theTpublicnn. of North Caro- Coast Lin. towafd Ooldsboro. and If the Sen-t .U in jeeai.n the. Hrad.ro . W A a win, Durham; J.I EKJ , v wu.o. w .n7 iu- una. in particular were is sw- crosses it a numDcr or times, i ne I is resiuea oy jrrvinaut suiui u -- - .,, riV" v- ' enee, at which it was said with "half . When th lawyers got here Tuesday night, they found a well-developed boom for MeBae and they aeeepted it as good omen beeaos. they had been bearing of Charlotte's tremendous abil ity to boost for the -home town.' They found McKae at th head of the re : eentlon eommittM anil iiavar AiA a cam. Biitte. function with greater efficiency. spirstlon of Industry.'' Governor Cam eron Morrison wiU speak to the mem bera on soma phase of fiis industry and its relation to tha State, his sub ject not having been announced.. Th chief executive arrived this morning and in stopping at the Battery Park- ell, of Charlotte, and all the Newell Sclma and Pine Level folka want the following that is not 'TerninstKoh- road to run north from Smitbflcld t tossris Ihey look upon him a iome- Selma, and then turn east toward Pine thing of an outsider, a "furriner" I LeveL.Th distance between 8flma believe some of them declare mm, not ., Smlthfield would follow ths Na- the administration that it will have to d eeomething. and th something don might be likely to further mix things up. He is after having the Benate s journ in order to get rid of its action. Statesville: Ororrfl Newman. Greeni- oor w. at. recte, Baiubury. dozen, exceptions," it was agreed that -the party should stand as a unit against the bill, -Pons of the members, it Was added, declined to be bound by in- of th blown-in-th-bottI brand of tlonal Highway, which is already on the But Senator Simmons with Senator Nr North Carolina Bepublicatia. This op- mtp President Leak will deliver his an- position is expected to bob up lust as nnth aldea had Uwran. both mid Provision wss made for entertaining nuaj address following th pech of aether is akil the direct stepgnj ,0iunte.r, and they rned their th visiting ladies at th woman a elub the uovernor in which he will report o pu mm scrossp u ins uuucrawiua- Mtgi,,.. .ci BT three hours of oratory and ia the evening ther was a dance at th progress of the association during ng that National Committeeman More- sometimes waxed acrimonious, th couatry dub. For a final wiad-ap the past year. Hunter' Marshall, Jr., he4 " already filed papers for Koh- The gaim.pin. LeTei f.lks bad se- th. Charlotte lawyers gave a big bar- of Charlotte, Seewtary-Treasurer, will '0M with CommUvlonar Blair and Fro- nni Jmei H PoUf cf n.,eigUi ,a becu at Ukewood park, and this was make his-report on tha financial tondl- Wbltion CommUsioner Boy Haynea lor iU BmfltBflcw poopl hired Judge p to the usual Charlotte itandard. tion of ths organization and number of. Kohloss, just as bs has put in th pa- Bfookii of Bmithfield U eommand Bora In Aaasm Cssjaty. member, secured during" th yew.. Th Vrtjot . Qmm ; asuMom..Tto htlt Utetu Tlm, WM Bot iiriAtii -The new president of th association ...in. ;n ,rt pointment of Kohloss: msy b looxea WBt mauh aa tima in Anson county eome forty-! ri tK.m I for next week I am aasured. - ..i j.h... Tmo,A -..n- anil started life i Odd year ago, attended th country school and a season of teaching took ! . academte s4 law eoarse at the Uni versity of North Carolina. While atudv- ing at th university he entered th race for th legislature agniast feld .' ef six and beat th whol busiaos ta different topics assigned. them. Only on aessloa will be held Satur day morning to start at 19 o'clock and being featured with th address of Joseph us Daniels, si Secretary of th Navy aad Editor fo th Baleigh New and Observer, following this speech th member will retire for executive es- h! Lrif?7'.,'aUMWl?r '7 !",. ioa at which a g.neral dlscumlon by tha, legislative field,, h secured . kit license ta practice law in 1901 aad ha Mea located ia Charlott since. He served a city attorney aad earn to th Stat Senate ia 1013. 'H la well versed ia law, Is a keen Indent of current ovent aad possesses an unusual personality. H will mak himself felt aa th bead ef the aasocta tisa. - mere be rs en matter of interest to th mills will tak piece, Victor Montgomery and J. D. Ham mett of th Cotton Manufacturers' b present by special invitation. Th Atsooiatiom, ef South. Carolina, will report of tha different committees will bo mads after which tho annual elec tion of officers will bo held and other anfiaished business taken up. Th officers of tho Association arts T. C Leak, of Bockingham. President: nri.L T . : J TT TSl.ta ...mImI..., of Internal revenu', aa ona of the force. P"?1"'4 of the Republican organisation in North Carolina now In offic with largs slices of pie to distribute from his office, and as both Orissem and Kohloss will need his O. K. to get across, this part of th program is regarded as dead easy, for it is f sit that Mr. Blair W(d Bangs , af Argamsnt. No argument was neglected by either faction. Physical geography was qifoted economic law were sited, and th de bat wound up with . a preacher from Pine Level declaring with tho nemo of fervor that Omnipltenc itself hnd ris, Lafollette and other of th agri cultural ''bloc" are obdurate and de cline to yield. Senator Simmons holds that if there is nothing don to aid th farmer within the next monh and the surplus crop stands, that with prices no better, and th outlook for n better prices without aid such as th Norri bill promises, there will be utter ruin for the farmers with their next crop. And so if he and those with whom he is working hsv their way there will bel no adjournment till the'Korri bill is passed. FISHERMAN'S LUCK COSTS MAN OVER $100 sections, bt leit predicted the final I vote would ahntr but faw hraaka In tha u. a. tnsnong Goes Crawfishing Democrats ranks. and Catches Dozen Sacks Opposed to Demoerscy. A resolution was adopted at the eon. ference declaring that the measure vio- latad all ftvlnnitilAa Anil t..Jl... .f iul7 Fisherman's I tha Democrntle nartv .n ra.affira.ln. Containing Real Stuff tectivs tariff. The conference lasted lew than 15 minutes. The resding had not been concluded HEAT WAVE EXPECTED 4 -TO LETUP LATE TODAY!- H. Bahnson, Winston-8akm First -"-r-rv - , " I vice Dreeideat: J. H. Webb. Hillsboro. , Wsshingten, Jury T. Having made second vice president; Bernard M. Cone, " good on hi predktioa yesterday that Orsensboro, third vie president, aad 'ho weather would return, today over Hunter Marshall,' Jr, of Charlott, the AUaatie Coast 15111011; the govern- aeereUry and treasurer. - : r mcatwesther man refused ta hold aut Governor Morrison who arrived 1 optt of ,rt a Mt Aahovill today to parUclpato ia a oeior tomm arwrnoan. ' I convention af tha CoHoa Ma.nf.Mnt. -Th weather will remaia warm gea- JLwocUtion. xtet to remaia at Washington, July 7. (By the Asso elated Pres..) President Harding paid an unexpected visit to the Senste to day and, it ia understood interposed the weight of hi- personal influence to de 11 ale. aaaA1 at all times ta tha words I decreed that th road should b built fer action on th soldier bonus bill a N.rlanal rnmmittaanun Morehead. oy r.ne lyeveu ina preacoer was kov. until a Clearer uaasmasaing or we for it was th insistence of Morehead 8- H; Stryon, of Pine Level. He would 1 government' financial outlook has been and th forees that gathered under his v spoken longer, but the Commie banner that finally put Blair across th on and th other delegation , wait- plat. It msy be put down a on- ing o c aeara nsa grown rest less. Th rosd run - soit from Raleigh, by way of Garner- Clayton, and Au burn, and then turn a little to th South toward Smlthfield. East oa the I the Treasury and even to have bur thinkable that when ealled upon by th Republican organisation of North Caro lina to reward those who have th backing of th organization Commis sioner Blair would prove recalcitrant, mad possible by enactment of new tariff and tax laws. In - an hour' conference with Senate leaders the President ia understood to have endorsed the view of Bee re Miami, Fla., July 7. 1 . L a j-x WW . a . . uca orougm u. n. isisnong into ertm- th.. .M.t'..U4 ! hiK--.-i ual mart ln fiut. a. 4 ' . ' ' a- V'"- 113.49. Several days ago while Dishong was out eraa fuhmg in Bews Out when th. Hour oult work for tha day here, h ihrwrt hnj prengecT apear tato I.-a k.' -I-ii? Jr.. . . .7 pull it up, he found something inert tnA . .j..Av.., - .,,;!.. end hearr nn lha aal 1T ..m. . -"."'vvi i ..(, 1 rer general amendments and nch ' v-u .... Buui-riuua .thara a Ma. K. aIV.... v 1U. bott es of tha real attiff Tll.h . " v""'"4 . J MTV . J .. . . . I Ifcaisu again. nr am uaa nsuiea in 1 n- r a dosca sachi ha i.h.4 ...... Democratic Report and cam back to towa to eelebrate Outstanding in th first day' work on his day's catch. I tBS val WM 'h presentation of th Tha news of Diahona a find ia,k.it minority statement by Democrat! mm out and a eeunle of mviterinui pers, who chtrged that th Republican' tors paid a visit to his home to in- Uriff Prram. would mean destruction form him that he had annexed their ' ths t'on' foreign trade, bring new' stock ia trad. They demanded that hardships on the tax-paying publle he torn the rest of it over to thorn, urougn in system of American vahja- Dlshong declared he'd send it to tion of imports and establish' rate' , a., a. . . a B . I aMNWU MUVIHIVU BISJU VtSHU lb , IU I ' Mr"- " ai VH.VIIOIt SwU'TWJ tary Mellon that bonne legislation Andrew Volstead first and slipped off than heretofore vr written, might be a sriou mbarrssmnt tollo Multy ad 1 Th majority report and a dls.ntinr So hi tot in th matter I counted ail map a prepared by th Commission, gested that all other legislative haul already hsvins been east for both Oris son and Kohloss and for 3. J. Jenkins also, when th time' rolls around foi these pie-triots of tho North Carolina Republicans to approach th ple-coun-tor. And so far a known, Mr. More head tee no, breaker . ahead for the trio. . - Rocky Road for Llaaey ' Democratie Senator and Republicans likewise are now carefully studying the It head geaerally ia th -direction of Princeton, following somewhat th valley of th Neuse river, and cross ing LittI Biter at Holt Mill. It is a farming section, and has no towns. fine ijerei ana ueima want to b on th route, and claim distane can b saved ness b luspended to permit comple tion of tho tariff and tax revisions ss soon as possible. By those who talk ed with him be was quoted ss favor ing a recess - of Congress while the committees in charge are hastening that the added I perfection of th two measure ea ac ta tb already I count of which th special session was called. key to bia residence to th tariff. Deputies today fouad ten saek of the j liquor there, Diahong told th judge that th tbrc parties he hai on nil fine wr worth tb vrice-437.83 each. COL MILLER STOPS FOR CHAT WITH MOREHEAD House will consider th. tariff. Tartar Hot Opportna statement by Representative rrear, f Wisconsin, th only Republican mem-, ber of the committee to break away from from hi party stand, already had' been laid before th members. Th three sets of opinions thus given tho House, ar expected to servei as. th ' basis for much pf th argumtnl to com during ths two weeks in which th rail aaat . th. Uii..l.i Jl I . -vt " rwmaia; at I uKSWias nro now carsiuny viuuyins; we tn-thJTsa PPf ?iT',9, ' "tU Bnnday bs aaid, Th record of th testimony of th Judieiary .r,-." "1T . . 7 Meror iraied a report that k in- Jsa4Vaaa m.X lu.t l a - 1.11 a-veassavja; IUGN IIUWVrH WCrV IS HI I i a . cited for th South AUantla sectionv 7'A .D' "I I thi tims. Regarding ths special ses sion of th Legislator th Governor MEDICAL BOARD FAILS TO ANNOUNCE NEW DOCTORS kid cities of thisutaiu u Hked tatmn showing their sub-eommittee in th Frank A. linney ease. Tb direct attack that Mr. Lin ney in hi testimony mad upon th Democratic party in i North Carolina, th allegation, ore to that of th killing ef negroes ia political contests sdontsd section of tha National Hiirh way from New Tork to Jackson ! It wa Indicated that' Mr. Harding's I Alien Property Ctt Jtodian ' Tor tme. iviows wouia oe set ions a greatsri , v 1 . ii Rutherford lis somewhat th same length ia a special message to Congrese vvmiuuu. ii,a iku.j situation. On ths msp th rosd runs I which msjr be sent to th capital to-1 In Charlotte generally couth toward th South Caro-1 morrow. Th document Is expected una ltn om miles to west oil to aeai particularly wun in oonuti Charlotte. Julv Tj CoL Thnn-a. n th cottoa mill town of Caroleen, Hen-1 bill and to set forth that wall the Miller, aliea property euatod'-a of the nana, vvonasi ana omers. in caro-1 aaminisirauen rrgsros nseu ss com-1 united Htates sad soecewor to ia the State, have aronsed Demoeratte I trea 'aetloa wanted tho road .moved jmitUd o aom legialatioa for relief j Mitchell Palmer la that fllce, ws a Craaaabora, Jaky -T-Ta Stars' Board of Msdleal Xxamlaers met la executive " sasta her today : at which ths Mparts of U aapU. caata far Ucsaa ta practlc meaiclaa ta Uia SUt taswad la at tho oxamlaatlaw keld la, Raleigh ' asms Urn ago wars verified. Tb : report after having Wa ratified were taken by Dr. K. I. B. Banner, , of Morehead City, secretary t kw kama, whs they will b Saally csmpll aad th aaccsssfal aa.' ptlcaat aaaaaaesd. All members of tha Board wss her tossy, Dr. L. A. Crowoll, f Llncoltoa. avaaidsat, presiding. to submit a exact fi nancls! condition aot later than Jury 14 after thai data th Governor said ha will call a session of th coun cil of Stat to atudy tho statements aad decide oa whether or aot a special aessloa will bo called. DANIELS TO SPEAK TO- ASH I VILLI KIWANIS CLUB Asheville, July T Joeephus Daniels. formerly Secretary of th Navy, has aeeepted aa invitation' to address th opposition, where heretofore . ther ha been expressed willingness to per mit th Republican ta confirm Mr. Linney without any further ado. Neither Senator Borsh nor Senator Hiram John son r entirely satisfied with th posi tion of Mr. Unnty, th aetioa and tot of Linney t th Chicago National Re publican eonventtoa still rankling la thr-bosom of Senator Johnson, so th report goes. east to pass thes towns, and then of wr veteran it sees no reasoa for 1 Charlott visitor todsy for a few min- pas oa to South Carolina. , Th other I seting precipitately. lute, H wa met by John MorhaS, fsetloa wanted -to follow th . man si I Whil th President wa giving bill J. 1. Albright. Major W. D. Robertson. - - . .1.1. V..1. . . t. I .!.! t. .... C ... I. I Tm U t 1' :.. . V- . ,.. I wmwfl, u u u uua . uia vaaia iiun i uuium. vsmwi . dchsihi , niincnpni irv fir AluriIBi.1 .1,1:.. t. a.- i. .... .v - wa another hour , of peeebmsklng, hi room just off th Senate ehamUr Colonel Miller had been to Columbus, It. h.vJIJZZZ aZuZ. .v...' iZ. Th Democratie report declare th tariff was aot aa issu in the last cam paign and that thi is aot th tim to writ a tariff law. They issert that the problem which ''confront our people,; cripple oar industry, stifle our, com merce and perplex an amiable admlni- -tration have nothing to do with th tariff.-'. - . Criticising th Republican majority f th cemmitte for withholding th bill from then and from th. Hons membership generally and lor per-, this tim with th Chairman. . Hor la 'Aetioa. Formsr Congressmen Hoey th Caroleen delegation, and th argument. H compared a atop watch held by I th Senate itself was debating th bonus Diu wiio sponsor ror th mens- sr confident ef it ptwag. By s beaded I overwhelming tot this ' bill had beea opened I brought to tho Senste floor ii a nx-e- th twolial order of business and th Son- Ga, where h delivered a Fwrth of July ddre before the Americas Legioa Feat H was pa root t bos ton. Colonel Miller was a member of Con gress When th United State went to Th judiciary ommittee still await sections, Caroleen with , llfiQO people, tor la charg were inclined to predict , with Germany and - rosigacd , his tho report of tho sub-committe which I and a prosperous farming country! that ven th opposition of Secretury Mtaal n. I.t ...tf I I mm ... ..1 .k. ..1... ... . wl,v ..I.I U.ll.. mA,ili ... K. Ma.l.- .. ...... 1. n V . V I ii I mvmi ' p ........I, , . ....ui; BajaDt ltw vulva rvuv -liH wii .J mviav. v. .-v. . u.v v m . IV hvuij I -w . " mnm .WIT" .cc.iji. h. vntil am V.nflM tli.w. I IV I..J ..I W1 .... I I. I .j w - lv v ... " mv..v v l . v ' .hv.v l 41 HIIIVV-HI. .u. W I I -ioMvr. r. vr.u- hri hi a aftt!nff of that eommittM. tm famlHM in bt,- Mrvd br thatl TonlBht tb ouUook Mncrallv r.ti h iw coming vo imi nTor wb goxw l n ikt-s A! .. l. u - I u.j rrt. .i v r..Aia. vM. .4,1 1 mAkMmd a Ka mam HM-faia .. I - . OSSWQ " sv wsavaaaavsa SUN r I IVIIV - aUM (mi VJ VIMVtwa VMIH RUU I Bw""w w wa a. vv waasaaa , sTww' I vwaw WIVVB) aataa aa.iaVHI 499V aa.aawaWMasanMaaa r . 4 It.' ' -T saaMWasaaaamsaama ; y B a i I II ciaUoa, - , . I ' . IContincsd oa Pg Tw.) ' ICoattaacd oa Faga Tw v " V (Coatlnaed aa Page Tw4 seal to aaust as a private.1 us was s member of Congress from Delaware, B M a lawyer by profession. H expects to b ia North. Carolina this fall. Be has a personal acquaint- aaeo with J. M. Morehead, National Re P ablkaa ExKutlv Committeeman, - been daaufilclent tim to draft a tub-, stitute. The -do 'not undertake my detailed dlKussloa of th individual -schedules ia th bill, confining their ' t7-pag typewrittea report to a general Indictment ef th whol measur and ' th meaner of it preparation, '.-' : ' , - Effect of the BUI vi'"'? ''-1 Emphasis is bid upon two things th probabls effect of th bill en Amer ican com mere and th world industrial ' , fituatioa generally, and poa th tub- ; (Cont)aaed oa Pag TwoJ " 'T'X 1 r