NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH, N. C, TUESDAY MORw;G, JULY 12, I92T.' 1CEMEIB.C. Dr. Potest Presents Problem Of Degeneracy Of Human Species In Lecture . "Which, bad 70a rather be Bickctt or OFFICER PLEASED rather hear Bicfcatt talh Cn"? filent, July ligflol. Jf H. than 'any other iu I taowJ If there tter m t nun who Could say the right word at the right time, 1ft T. W. Bick- yVJ thUik Cicero rather h4 it cm aim, Son'l yen!" Bo eaid Pr. fflia I Totea preeldent of Wake tercet Collegelast night li the open, tog iocrnre of ale aeries on Eugenics" before the teachers of the State Col lege Bummer School, la mail the point that there has been relatively email improvement it the human etock daring the historic period ef maa'a ep- ""tssiftately 800,000 ystri ewupetion of this planet, "I simply lay the problem before yon "lonjght, said Vt. Potest, "ind the pro greeeive degeneraey ef the rare result ing from anomalies of id life is . a present problom before which no civili nation ea go en. It is jtist as mtuJt a auperstltion to eonsidsr dereetlveBets mi delinquency and dependency as in. eluded in the dispensations ef Frovi. donee t it is to believe is the lurk of the rabbit's foot which yoo eari erenad in your vest pocket." Dr. Potest repressntad the three mala store which determine life at environ. Bent, training and heredity, portrayed graphically as a triangle with heredity as the base line, "lavironmant U what we have, train log is whet we do, and heredity ie what we are," said the speaker. These three factors are the eipressio of the Divine method ia the formation oi numan life.- . Taking as his examples the great Statesmen, eeuMorS, playwrights, poets, anil aratora of the Oolda Age of Athenian eultare from 500 to 300 B. C, Dr. Potest declared that there has been very little improvement la the hnmaa stock einee then. Ia eiplaaation of thit he gave fonr reasons; first, that ths best blood ef the rsee hat Dees wasted in war- ""We have bsrned the ed corn and what will the harvest be!" he ex claims second, that the best blood has bees polluted by mis-mating; third, that emphasis haa been placed upon en irnnaiant and training rather than upon heredity; and fourth, that that has been "a conspiracy of silenoe" in regard to the last among all the agents ef progress, the school, the press, vj! the church. , "The church has been so concerned rith snatching the bran-from- ths bnrnlag that it hunt stopped to put the i Are out, Dr. Potest declared. The speaker took tip the arguments f those who would hold that intelligent investigation of heredity, and study of ngsaks as "the eelenoe of being well born robs the love relation of its ; glamour and its romance, and found - that a possible" decrease in rice de . ejeaeraey from such a study was more i Ju tuau iikd rumancc. With the preliminary ground thus . cleared, tomorrow tight at I o'clock Sr. Potest will deliver his second lee ' tare on Eugenics at Pullen Ball, treat in. especially then of the biological 1 basis of heredity and some theories of , heredity and their application. 117TH ENGINEERS IN 2ND ANNUAL REUNION Big Weloome Extended Veter , ana Of War At Hickory; Gardner Speaks Todaj KIP GLEII Fill Colonel Freer Inspects Tar Heel Guardsmen and Praises Their Appearand By JOXATBA3 DAXIZU. freer, ef fort ifcPbertonj Ge," affieer charge ef the fiauoaal guard af fairs ia the fourth eorpe area, arrived here last nleht t Inspect the fiwn, I Sunday Bight he made aa address te the offcers of the post aad today inspected the as mp aad ite personnel. - He declared that he was mueh pleas with the camp ia every particular aad that he wished thst every Bute wss as well fiicd ia the way ef aa encamp ment as is North Carolina. The Colonel was especially pleased with the appear ance of the men. Adjutant General, J. Vst B. Metis, furmerly Colonel ef the 110th regiment of the tOth Ptvlslen, addressed the of ficers aad men ef the encampment this morning at 11 o'clock oa the parade groand. The first personnel report of toe reel' meat, as announced by Capf. C. A. (loe- ney, adjutant, ahows that there are 1,120 mea and S3 officers in camp here The service company of Baleigh ia dhe largest with 83 men. This company also includes the first regimental band. ('apt. Bprsgoe Silver, 61 Raleigh, regimental Intelligence officer, hat been detailed aa provost mauba and Ber geant W. T. Danlelly, of Weigh, hat been made sergeant of the gnara. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR COL DAN HUGH M1EAN Lillingtot. July 11. Col. Dan Hugh McLean, leading lawyer ef the Cape Fear lection, was laid to rest this after noon at Buninierville in a grave eev eaty-ava yards irons the spot inhere ha was born, seventy nve years ago. An immense throng of mearning frisnds and aeighbore attended the funeral, conducted by fier. O. JV Kirk Patrick, assisted by Bev. J. K. Hall, i former pastor. The funeral serviee was conducted under Xtasonie direction and the active pallbearers were the members of the board of education., and the board of eommiseioners of Harnett. The -honor ary pallbearers were the members of the Lillington bar. Approximately 80,000 persons were accidentally killed la the United States In 1919. SPEED V Charlotte Automobile Up In Arms Agiinst Wake " County Officials Charlotte, Jty 11-At meeting of tha Charlotte AutoaiebUa Trade As- sotlaiioa today, the stalemeaTwsj nude that Wake eeaaty, through ana ef its deputy sheriffs aad justice of the peaos ia waxing fat at the expense of juUoaaiiWla jwaevjuai ttiH-.Wid l"1 arm sot being forgotten ia the rash. It ia aaderstood that five or til vasr Istta altiseaa who etate they have not bee ia Waka county or Baleigh in the last sit months face warrants for exeaedinc the speed limits aad it is on deretovd further that Deputy Sheriff Manna ssd Jastlte Oweaa way face suits far fa lac arreitt. It can reported her today thar Chtrlotte eititcns, ith the baching af the automobile trade as sociation, wm contest the warrants and file counter suits. Osmond Barriarer Is the official route maa for the Bine Book and it is under stood thst he will take up the matter with the Amerieaa Automobile Associ ation! aad other national automobile bodiitt and advise all tourists to avoid Baleigh and Wake county ia traveling North Carolina. Action On Linney Report Goes Over Until Next Week (Ceatiaaed frees Page One) appointmeat would heH the anforae- aieat af the law antt encourage the liquor dealers1 Air. Darn urges the parties te whom ha writea ta see! letters af p rote at te ummww, mb vwnnciai as "faithful and edcieat America se who have served well the EUtc aad the Ho pe uuca a party,- seme wkem na aayi tare beea laennoaea for the poaitioa and that ha haa it Hn the best anUori. ty-that come of iheat wo14 b gl4 to ua a job,-- Ta list ha given hsd the names of C. B. pggh, Elizabeth City Claudius Dvkery, Troyj 1. i. Brltt, AshevilU; C. E. McCrary, Lexinj THE WEATHER Baleilh. N. C. July 11, 1981 North Carolina: Partly cloudy weath' er with local thundersbowers Tuesday and Wsdasaday.. Ko (hangs In temper sture. TKMPtBATUBE. Higheet temperature .' Loweet temperature Mea a temperature Exeess for the dsy Avrrsge dally fst tta January 1st Sautter Simmons is taking steps to aid la , ths rsqnsst that has corns to him ta eeeure baason lighte far what is knowa as The Theronghfars cos netting Core 8ound and Pamlieo Sound near tkt mouth of the Neaea River. Be has taken the matter na with the Bureau of Lighthouses ef ths Department of Commerce, the regqest being for range lit'hts at the entraneee aad beacon lights oa the shoals, known at Mallet, Long Bay foist, Cedar Islaad Lump, New Stump, aad Beccaoa Island Kar. rows. Senator Simmons has Informed the burssa ef the large traffic passing through "The Thoroughfare" ia tha last neason, such as 60,000 bushels 41 sweet potatoes, 20,000 bushels ef oysters every week during .the . open season, 50,000 bushels ef oyster shells for planting purposes. And further thst twenty-two cress ply oa it waters almost daily, with some three hundred or mora motor boats aslng the court. The import snce of "The Thorooghftrs," ha holds, warrants ths establish went of tha bet eon lights ssksd for. , lavltstlon ta Waliacs A dslsgnliM . consisting of - Senate? Simmons, Representatives Lyon and Brioioa will tomorrow call en eeere tary of Agriculture Wallace and attend to him aa invitation ta speak at we opening of the Harnett County Agri. cultural Fair at Puna on October IV Tlie reuliest Bst Tli' InvttatlBtt' b ; tended eomec threugh T. L.'Biddlc, the secretary af the Fair Atsociatioa. ' The Postoffies IVpsrlaent aaaouncee that Clifton X. Vahsh hss beea ap pointed acting poetsastsr af tha fourth Uiia at Bfidevtoa, Craven county, and the appointment ef postasstera ef ths fcuru class aa fullewt; Uly S,.Ku Uan ta succeed' Jenis Thompson! re signed, at Denven-Iiseolt county Fan sis HoUifleld-ta euecred WP. Hey- wood, resigned, at Sevier, McDowell county r Joe)h H. Cooch ta succeed Lucy Hardee, resigned, at Bum. Cran villa eeuaty. Atnoaaeemeat ia pads also that tha civil aervics cemmlsaioa hsi bean asked to hold it axamfnstioa ta fill mcanclea h Presidential pott J emcee at Belmont aad PeUat, dates for thsst to be announced Inter, Mrs. M. a Austin, of AshsviUa U In Washington- todiy, and accempanid by Bcpreaeatativa Zeb Weaver, want to the body of Sergeant Hummel sent at asee to GolXiboro. BcpreaenUtjve Brinson uday aaa a request from Joan Joeepn, oc newa boro, to aid tha securing of a para port for hist to visit Syria. Mr. Joseph ia astiv af Lelnnoa, ivria, and came t thia coustry U JSi, eeirg aainra- Ued at Goldsbera la 130. lie ia the son af tha lata 5sd Joseph Tsrfoar, of Syria, aad wishes ta 14 u ws tcaaj uit nlativea aad eett'.e ap tha es tate, booing ta bo able ta nail-Un the S,t af An rust.' ' Karua Farrar, at Coldsboro, writes Congressmsa Brinson, asking his aid V.rt.a tka Aaurian coasnl at Beirit .bil.t ia aeenrinf -nPassport for his Arlington Cemetery ta be informed of tha plans for tha burial af bar eon, Enoch Austin, who wss killed is action lit rrance nearly three years ago. Young Austin was a member of the 115th machine run battery. Mrs. Aus tia was former! af Mississippi and in Asheville is in charge af tha business of tha Austin-Vascy Company. Balwlakle Bets ran. Xepreeeatativa A. 1 Bui winkle re turned Oils' morning from Hobohen whert ha went as a member of tha Con- grsssloaal committee appointed to be present at tha services es tha arrival of ever 7,000 of. cur oversets dead from France. He says that ths services were most impressive, in attendance beini a great crowd, tha addresses ef Genera Pershing aad Senator Lodge bsing hssrd with marked, attention- Unior tunstely, he said, there wss no list of ths dead by ststes, and hs lssrned ef the body of one North Cerout'sn, that at Sergeant Hummel, of QolAsboro, In this connection Bspreseatative Brinson had a letter yasterdsy from Captain Oeorca K. Freeman ef Geldcporo, ssk ing him, ta arrange to hara tha body at Aorgeant Hummel sent to uoldsboro. He took up the matter at once with the War Department, which sent telegrams to Goldsbore asking the wishes of the family, as this is required. If an answer it received in time tonight the orders ititt be i?nt to Hoboken to btvo dsty with the sister, whom he vaata ta Join him at Ooldsbero, Three Farm brothers left Beirut several years ago aad left their at.ta there. Tha Utter ta Coagrcestaaa Brinson eomee from CapUia Uecrge . rpnmaa, waa aaya wa m ia a hard wertmg young man aa tile to provide for bis sister. Feet Caswell Matter Having noticed In the papcra reports tram Waahlnaton that the War Depart ment was planning tha abandonment of practically ail tha coast defeases of tha Beuth Atlantic and Gulf States, and else the matter being-caiwa te ais at tention by the Chamber of. Commerce of Wilmingtoa, Congressmsa Lyea took the matter P witt the uuei oi v-oast ArtUlery, Oeneral Oa, U find oat whether or-not Fart Caswell, at the mouth of the Cape Fear, woxid e affected. He was informed that what was contemplated by the Department was a reduction in forces at practieaUy all these posts, owing ta the redueieg ef the army to 135,000 men as required by rarest aet of Congrase, but that the report as to tha abandoning er junking or Uiese posts wss entirely wimot" foundation. Just what reductions will be made at the various posts has net been determined. Commander John N. Ferguson and his fsmlly arivsd la Waahingtoa today from California. . Cowmaiidei lerguson is tha son of Jedre O. 8. Fergasoa, of Wsynstvills, and brother of O. 8. Far rtison, Jr, aa attorney of this city. He has Deen in commsnd or tne t o. a. Stoddert and also of division 33 ef the torpedo section of tha Pacifis fieot, com -hrf" war-tor Waahmgton trader ordre hick swira hi to Xavy Derartment here.' James fcunsoa, of Cnarlotte, weasr ef Mrcklaabarg eeawty, waa here Uday ea his wsy to New York ta arrange tor tha sals ef soete ecu sty beads. With him were J. B. McLaughlin aad Floyd Gresham, both of Charlotte, tha Urea going ta Kew Tark tettaar. Mr, as Mrs. rierte juicaer, oi Greensbara, wbe are mating aa aoto mobils trip were visitors to Washington today. They are frienda af Cngrea- maa Stedmaa. aac spent asms ume wns him. Major 6tedaaa escorting them aa their visit te the Boase ana awaau nd abort tte eapitoL Mr. and Mrs BlphLani' af Winstoa-Balam, wars risitora ta wattingwn woay. "AAA 99 UTItUVCs Ugexattmj , OuTvtarsof w!uinilIton of imoker suggests that weluuwIiOvT. Just buy package and k find out PKKCIP1TATION (in Inches.) Amount for the 34 houre ending at 8 p. m. 0 Total for tha month to data .... 1.T1 Deficiency for the month J3 Deficiency einee January 1st HUMIDITY. 8 a.m. 13 m. I p.m. Dry bulb 79 91 83 Wet bulb 7 74 72 Bel. hnmiditv 79 44 0 8 a.m. PKKSSUBE. (Bedueed to Sea Level.) 30.02 8 pjn .J9t Sunrise: fi:06 a.m. fmnsoti 7:33 p.m. c m .:s .... Ill vim BV, 1 ni Hickory, July 11. Wth a reception and dance in the Armory tonight, the ' first day's session of ths second annual rsuniot of the South Carolina chapter of the 117th Engineers' Begiment, Bsiu- bow Division, came to a brilliant close, , Tha veterans wsre welcomed briefly : by Hickory orators and leads ef fried chicken at noon todty, takes out for automobile rides this srfternoon and into Hickory homes tonight, " CoL J. M. Johnson, in responding to - -Joe? I Mnrphy'i addrew declared that 'the chapter had come to Hickory in honor of two Hickory men, Lieut O'brioa M. Sigmon and Sergeant Ches ter C. Williams, who lost their lives la France. " O. K. Bargees, State Adjutant of the American Legion, received a tremend wtti ovation when he spots this after. - woon and ha was oa the program for another s$ dress tonight. The reunion will come to a close with ' a businew session tomorrow a memorial eerviee at which O. Max Gardner and others will apeak and a lunch at noon 1 for the veterans. i " rtntmt.-A HI CtNT. tlnSU5ttaamiwmr. WrsirvWKTTr Bears 'ih-.-u, Mb rv,i t neither Oplo.MarrhlM MlaeraL ame aaaawemmaw for Infants and Children. Mothers Knov That Genuine Castoria Always Exact Copy of Wnappac, the atiire.r iviir I ea Hal Vj5f Use ji For Over Thirty Years iijii PRINCIr'AL POWERS APPARENTLY FAVOR ' DISARMAMENT IDEA (Continued from Page One) fain en thcpoasibillty of holding aeon fereaoe on disarmament. Mr. Whitohonse delivered no docu ment in thia connection, merely en gaging it a tentative conversation on tha mbjeet. - I Ofieiai oommeat ea President Hard is gs initiative for a conference on the limitation of armaments ia withheld pending receipt of tha official liivlu. tion. but onofllclal opinions, gathered ta official eirelee, are to tha affect that. Franca certainly will accept the Invita, tion if one la received, - Tha attitude of the French govern ment, however, ia said to be nnchaaged . since it waa set forth ia tha assembly of the League of Nations last December by- Loon Bourgeois. . Fraaea It ia ex plained to ready aad would bo glad ta reduce her- armaments, asd save the heavy expense involved aa coon at aha . ran aafely do to, but any decision oa this question must depend-upon absov lute eecurlry from the east. Inquiries ia-official circles discloss the Impres sions thst tuck eeesiiti hss not yet been obtained. ' ( , FOR TlRtD KERVES" lontart'i Acii rhouaau Beneflckl to the nerves and brain. Be lievet the strain of mental worry.dv. Have you heard about tKe "Gill Perfect One-Piece Piston Ring), !We have a large stock of all prominent sizes. Dillon Supply Co. MacMneryMill SuppUeMachine Shop They Tell Us That - Groat Oaks from little) acortu grow, it b aUe troej that frtat fcig Dollars from little) pnni wUl frew when brtted . v ia tha Mutual Building and Loan Aa ciatUoo. Ncjw ari8 now open. a v. Mutual Building and Loan Associition ,' 3. B. BOBESOK, Sceretajry ' , ' . '.' 'V ; -' 4 Seat Martin Street , S Tha VIctrolaNo. SO at It appears wbea being carried. Tna wtediog-key is removed end taatanad inside tbe ltd, Tha sound-box ia aleo secure ly fastamad. Victrola No, 50 $45 A new Vietrola can easily take Wssstq that yoti An exceptionally convenient port able talkmg-machine that is a real musical instrument It has the patented Victrola features and is yictor quality through and llirougho Just the instrument to take along on picnics, cphig trips, on your boat, to your bungalow- anywhere in the great outdoors. As easy to carry as a travel ing bag, and while small and compact it plays any music in the Victor Record -catalog; r ; See and hear this new Victrpla today at any Victor dealer,s.Lr: .: aaa.iea:gr Thja tndamark and the) tn&aettci wocdV fctrtila" identify aU our products. oa: under the lid 1 JowfccmcbaUittU vmrojL TAinNo mackinh ax .- - CeadciwKJ. ISctor. TMdiig Machine Co., CamdehiN. a 1 , t .f i i t I