2 'Ntws and Observer, raleigr n. c Wednesday morning. -july 20:1921. fWSOHSIIlL 'OF SAJiOPIIIIOII Governor Opera Summer Capi ( tol In AsbevL'le and Says - He's Standing Pat Aatowirje, July laWYaataver bm m that any kavs bea laatjtated WM maaieipalitic f North Carolina a tad are Oowraa Canrrsra hforrtsoa 4 tk Conned 8ute to st op tk date for roBeeaiag tke special aes sioa of tk Leartslaatre, were set at rasa hy Corar ktorrinaa today when k SVecUjtd that December IiiUii date that kaa keen decided apea, aid Iw-e ember 6 ia tha date It will be. The Governor ea!d he eould w no rrjxin why a data Ntlivi thsn tkat designated should b arkf-d tk matter had Urn faa lato sshaustivtly by fciaiself anil kia council of State, aad they haj reached their deetsioa W earefal " deliberative. The (.oteimr said there 411 ha la reopeaiag of the tahjeet, a k aider nuUti spui ciu4cii. - Governor Morris reached the e;ty laat aiarht, and kas takes TH,w."r, of tk Yaadyke Cttige oa tk Grove Hark Inn grounds. There the nmi tive plans to remain until September 1 tod will transact wkstcver Stat husi i( aeceearr. Hon ever, he aalt it clew that th prime object of hi uiv ing to Ashe villi- ii to rt. Judging by th Blatter that confronted the Oover aorapoahis arrival, ka will ha? toner eta strong am aiethods if ka is to escape tk hard (nad of ftata basinets ta ohtaia even a litta rest. ifkaa toUl about the movement sug gested by Mayor EMridse, of Raleigh Aave a data earlier than Decepjber m for the. am ml. .keitev lit .?; . or aaki he did nt csre to be hrougM lata a controversy with the Mayors of Municipalities, hat he thought Decem ber is an ideal time for the mcnfiuit aif it "split! the diffp rrnrr," ia the mrtterl 'Tli' TJovfrat isyi'Sa Unfler tad tlt bv ca'.iiiii the Icgislnlure mH ift IWmlMr it alii U too late ta aiaka a tax Ifvy for this yar, but wilt be ia ampk time to take rare of tha aeo-inltirt (f in. The aieeutive Mid he thhflht it would he better for tha. muniripo-Utn'ii to, "paa the I .n 1 lon(r,'' tat hex than rnflnrvor to make to heavy a Ui for tha prewat year. Tet tha (Jovernor k-t it ta known that ha u a atruag adrorata (or a "jmt ai you jro; plan. Tha Governor halUyn tint tke defirita of tha prewnt yaaf ought tn b put Into tk form of hoaaVd indi-liftdncfj ta carry aoma of tha obligation over. Oniig to the ...trnMitioa prevailing in chanjim from tka old order to tk new. the (iocernni; thinka tba hext rulutioa i eirrvinc at tk deW wkike. Kt aU the rAm nn ia a had abape iaaaciaiiy aa Riiir'. yrt tka aierutiv twliaaea wra laaeifh eaa aiaka irl alatil fatL Tka twraraer u sot at a3 lira tke peepla wat tk fe"l aeanoa. Ia fad, ke. Ktra stark rpotntina kaa brea fawad etrrpt aa the part Of eiaairipal otB- Private Detective (s Working On Old Rock Quarry - Mysteries (t'auaid Kroai Pafe One.) rear lajM f tko ear waa hrokoa out aad brsufla Ui the aurfM by 11 r. FraMir. Tka Ki car aa ia tk livary atrvira kera for arvaral atoalka acd drives at tints by Ira Tkoiupaoa. It aa tke rsr tkat killod Or. 1'iekell djring.the heirv mow of l.ut February. It hat beta miwng ataea fnrty in April. Mr. t'kaypell drove with a pJrty of frieada ta tiw eircui at Git I teg fie.d ooe aifht, aad after tha pxrfomaaee nai over, the car aiiatiBg. Kothiag had beea heard of it aatil yotarday rwhea tke divert reported that it wai at the bottom of tke quarry. Tke fity CoBunuaioaert kave de eliacd ta kave tka quarry drained. The property belong! to tin hit ate. The tuggectioa kaa mnde that private enterpnaa might borrow or rent heavy pumping equipment trnm the titnte Highway roroniistion. Mr. Tage h.-i a i. umber it aifht iark puape, cor tr'otlv driirn, that could rli'ur tke "iiftrry of n il'ina gallon! of avatar in eight houra. Firo Chief Morton Ui. l.w piimiuas ciiu':pment !a hardly able to eneompaa tha task. T.'ir tngiiKtion kaa alo been mads i hat, tha water could he aiphoned cut t'i a level tlint would greatly facilitnto the investigation. PLAN HIGH SCHOOL IN WESTERN EDGECOMBE Tarboro, July lit. the west eVn part of Kilgeeomlie ruuuty may have a bigli aehnol, ao that manv young men and women nay complete their high achool education und ' Uy at home.'V -1'ntf. Kf, ti rVntell, uporiaWo4eBt . . of arhool in Eilgi-eombc, ii the champion t'f I!' promsitton and t confident tluit it will eveatunlly hetoiae reality. A niu meeting waa held recently at Noblu's Mill, about nine milei from Tarbnro, for the purpnae of diaeusiing the matter and representatives of the towmhipa in tha western section of tlie cnunty manifested their approval. While erect km of the higfi achool build ing wits nut definitely decided upon, plans were made by which definite it tlon ia expected to eoena later. The Hoiitewrif of 1921 Now that Woman's Suffrage is a real ity the Auieriraa woman muit hence forth be conaideeed not merely aa a housekeeper and home maker, but as a' voter a citizen and a forea ia this buty work s-day world. With added re sponsibilities her lifnltk ahoud aever b negeclcd. and when beset with ail meats peculiar to her s-x the awes it to herself to Unit give that grand old mediciae, Lydia K. Piakham'a Vegetable Compound, a trial, as for over forty years it kaa been the standby of Ameri can women in restoring them to health tad strength. Adv. Paid Fancy Prices "I paid" n international authority on liseasra- of the stomitek l,."aiO and ha didn't do me five cents' worth of good. I have been ta various Spa in Europe, as well as this country and hav-e spent fully 2fyMiO fruitlessly iu starch of a cure for my stomach trouble. Natur ally I lost fnlth in any remedy for my frjise. Aty wife's brother had taken Mayr's Wonderful Itemedy and praised it so highly that I tried it and am now entirely rid of that troulilo. It is a simple, harmless preparation that re moves the catarrhal murua from the intestinal tract aud allays tha in flam mat ion which causes practically all stomach, liver and intestinal ailments, nrluling appendicitis. Ona dose will conviuee or money refunded. Parker frrug Company and druggists every where. Adv. Black and White This combination wakes a sporty Tump. It has black military heel, kid toe and 2-strar effect, tt in priced op only apU.oD WI CAN FIT too Sample Shoe Store 218 5. Wilmington St If your guests are comfort able they are half entertained. With a G-E Fan to serve cool comfort your afternoons "at home" will be the most popular, in town. You will get an electric fan eventually .why not Ictus send you one NOW for tKis summer1! heat? ' :; : i Carolina Power fc Light Conpany , i ' i f, IH raysttortn Btreei Next to tflrd'a i . , - . .- ; tktetrt tavrlc Csvmatalat Takes Car f Imme4latel n im frwaa tM a. m. to liSI a, mv-fram J . " l n 4 a. SB . H t.a .'' ii " i w r "si ,uw . . , . t RJKE UQIWR PLANT TAKEN IN FRANKLIN Two Whit MnrCptnrd In Act of DistiQiBf and Bound Orer A brand new, 40 gallon copper (till was Use a by Prohibition Ageat N. K. Ranea 11 sviles aaat of lounborg yes terday amrtiiag just at the momeat that it waa about fh lgia to trickle liqvar. T" wkite men were tiling cap oa It after bailding the Cra isder it when tba officers grabbed them. Along witk the still.the efficers. destroy ed 400 gslloas of beer, and other still equipment The two men, J. f. Collins, and 1. V. Psrriih, both white, were tikea to Luuisburg and amigned before Cim miaaioaer klortoa and bound orer to Federal court under bonds of C0O each. The still was located in a dense swamp nnd tk officers were within a few feet of it before the operators were aware of their presence. Hi. Ha nes was accompanied by Deputy Marshall B. H. Meadows and Deputy Sheriff Thomas, of Franklin County. Hospital Drive l aderway Elirabetk City, July ,-Eliuheth City'a Community Hospitul drive is underway snd going strong. The mem bers of the Merchants' Association will meet Thursday night for a general dis cussion of the hospital plan. President Duff aid Secretary Job, of the Cham ber of Commerce, leaders in the drive, will be present to explain the plan fully. The sale of stock jn the hospital is proceeding rapidly now. Caraleat Shampooing Spoilt th Hair Soap should be osed verv. carefully, If yon want to keep your hair looking its neat., . MQ,t . jom JIKBld..JJiaa.-. poos contain too much alkali. Thia drlea the scalp, makes the hair brittle, and rums it. Tka best thing for steady use is Mul silled rocoannt ail shampoo (which ia pure snd senseless ; and it better then anything elsa you can us. Ooa or- tuo .taapuoiuful of Mulaifled will cleanse the hair and scalp thor oughly. Him ply moisten tlis hair with water and rnb it in. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy luther, which rinses out easily, removing every jjnr- ticle of dust, uirt, dandruff snd exces sive oil. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves the scalp soft, and the hair fine and silky, bright, lustrous, nuny and easy to manage. You can get Mulsiflcd cqcoanat oil shampoo at any pharmacy, it's very cheap, sad a few ounces will supply every member of the family for month. Be sure your druggist gives you Mul- stflcd. Adv. Hundreds Praise SANUX The Wonderful Hospital Home Treatment for Indigestion and Stomach Trouble Sold by following druggists! 1. M.H Sites, N. O.i aM Pkar . rrMt. N. C : aiB Orvf e... Ha CNy. N. CI SwestM Drai C, tMM kuri. a. a. i Crllmw Bros !, aiMk Omk. N. C. M.Mim Oras tMn. WIIms, N, ( l eNm4H. Dras 0. Im., rnIIK a. C: ariiM.a-tt.BK vmsshiim. a. a.i avlt Bras C. PlM Uvsl. N. C! tsri IsstM 4 MwrlMS Draesnn, Wtlm. N. C.j SU.IsrSsl. Brw. Bras Mon. CIsrtM. N O.t MmIihi'i BkarsiMy, asrsw, N. 4.1 iMSja. aswansr, iHtai a.sMi. H. a.; I. a. PlttMl, Oilsrs, tt. 0.) fmrs rs ., wim rmi a. o i cmi..sh4 Dm U., !.. BraakllslM, N. C T.a iw rw wmi.Im wNS Mr. t. f. WM, .1 asltwu's OaH aim COLORED ASSOCIATION AIDS ONSLOW FUGITIVE New York Orjaniiation Trrisf To Present Eitmdition. ofWaitfleld Wilmingtok, July 19-Th Nstioaal Associatioa for the Advaaceaeat l tk (.''. red Bae la aaid ta kav take a. haad ia aid the effort af WHtie Whitfield, aa Oaslow coasrty surra, to a.etd baiag broagkt fraaa X York t Oaslow eounty t taa4 trial for as sault oa Edward B. Bait, postmaster and mrrchaat at vsariae. Wkitfield waa a teaaat aa Ur. Bmltk's farm. It ia charged that k called at tha store oaa moralcg aad, after a quarrel, struck Mr. Bmitk witk a weight and taking tk centeats af tk cask drawer, made kia escape. Tka aegv waa located la Hew Tori aad aa officer seat after kim. He re sisted requisition aad waa aided ia kia Uandsoai LwJsMpeGAwm-r -TuaasanwiB BrA IN BOTTLES OR AT rOUNTNS - O ' - 1 - - (WM'!- Hottled in Knleigh, N. C, y Jones bottling Co., 418 8. McDawel! St. Phone No. 1442 EFIRD'S Raleigh's Busiest Department Store Sells It For Less ssaaaasaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa n i ji i j i. mm i i I In reflpbnso.to tho Inquiry of ttiiiy tlDhona Bubacriberi: "What can I do. to heijhmy, seriv ' ice J this advertiaement la pubUshesift.' V $ "Curiosity Calls" Hamper Service 'W'sVthcVfire?' ".Who was elected?" "Wfiat's the score?" are .the most frequent "curiosity calls." V,WhetHer they are aslce'd of your opera-, tor, the Information operator or the news paper office, they congest the lines and hamper the work of the operators. ;j fA"fter every fire alarm, every sporting event and evejy election, the switchboards are abla2e with "curiosity calls.'V The operators cannot tell one call from another and of ten they are blamed for a condition over .which they have no control Frequently a call for a 'doctor or a hos pital is overwhelmed by these idle calls anJ " real suffering results. " Those who' refrain from making f,curi osity calls" help the general service of the community ; and theif : thoughtfulness is appreciated by the operators. SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPLY 7 trit ky tk aer ramaiaBtMa. TV argameat af tha aagra's attararya was tkat aa Bagrwea wesud auWeraa aa tka Jury at kia trial Hewevs-r, oired acqaaisUacr af WkstteM ia Oaslesr rafaa4 ta aiga am da vita tkat k re Id aot ge jaatia la tkat eoaaty. (ALISBl'BT WOMAN RVES rot loss or Arrtcnoxi. fialisbarr. July ll-Wkat ia aaid ta be tka lrat aaaa aa retard ia Sank Car- Uaa f a as it a woasaa for loea of kr buabaad'a afftctloaa waa iled kera receatly by jJUista J. Waodiaxtca, wka alleges tkat W. A, Boaaaa, a grocer, ef tata city. aoi4 aar aastaa4, u C wa4- iagcoa. itrct'witk wkkk ke beraaa ia toaacatesl aa4 that Aa a melt k asav trcate4 ket aad Uft rt. rik ia aark tag ta irsr tea tkeaaaad doUsrs. Baaataa deaiee aelltag tk ertraet for krrarat pwrpoasM and tkat a U4 kaew Waadiagtaai aa twaf them for l-Trr pnrpoeea Veodinjtoa ad kia wif kave tece&e moasulM sad tk former wiB rpr aa a witnesa. Royal Bread and Rolls Hot Every Afternoon at our Store. Royal Baking Co. 109 South Wilmiagtofi Straet SdU kfOrtcfrr Kvtryiuktnl EiB5i' " -5ysTOraBa 3& - U p Who Goes To Work WithYou One of two ccxipaniont leaves the breaHast tahle with you j help or handicap. The right food gives you a lift with the day wotk The wrong fiod weights you down y It gives balanced nAmistoent wftlibtft fcdag &i dtgestkii as heavy, atarchy fcods do.lto&rg7 vrithoitt teiking toejre t j GrapeiNuts witficx seniial elements ededhpM Crisp, twetd tjish tor breakfattor limcAs,.:t "There's a Reason " kHi$ If frxtvm Ctrtnl Company, Incorporate4,Batll GreekpWbhlgm. Hud son- eflk Co. Store Closed Today - To Give Us Time To Remark Retag and Reduce Our $300,000.00 Stock of High (Hats Merchandise for our; i 6th Anniversary Sale A Great July Clearance Sale Beginning Thursday Morning, . July 21st, at 9 o'GlocK antj Contmuiiig Through 6:00 P. August 1st Be On Hand Early Tomorrow . . H ui dl s 6 ii ? B e Ik :'G o, 4S - A . f 11. i

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