- 'WATCULMLL a your ppr. 6i4 T Dv day kfr. Hi order to rui4 ff. tkj ia interior aad elaody ri tha (u( Satarday aad Saaeay. i you CXIV. NO. 23, TEN PAGES TODAY. RALEIGH, N. C, SATURDAY MORNING. JULY 23. 1921. TEN PAGES TODAY. I- PRICE: FIVE CENTS r i e -. $3 ews Mil o-0.ose we r- I ' t - ' 1 1 I III I II I I I ' I . 1 I I " I I !. I II INVITATION FOR FERE E GOES E mm Senator Overman Extends Asheville's Bid For World , D isarmament Parley t. IriORE REPUBLICAN BUNK ABOUT POSTMASTERSHIPS AH foitofficei Placed Under Same Herniations, Accord- lug To Latest Announce ' ments; Senate Committee t Reports Favorably On 'Link' K Johnson For District Job FIVE OF FINEST SHIPS SEIZED BY GOVERNMENT New Terk. Jary ISj-FivV of th Itrfaat aaa Iml ateaaaihla U th Catted States Mertkaat Maria wklda had kaa chartered U the C alt ad Staiee Mall Bteeaaakln Coat, paay T id toairht y rr WlUUlN ( WO liBlted SIMM ShiaalM Beard kMiH an at I4 vleUUon of mlrid. Tk ts4 mK U forme Cenwae , jincrs, are. .tk wfl Waakiagtoa, America, MHKUII mMnl (nil aad AfUMBMi. , . ' The New and Obaerver Bureau, f 603 District National Bank Building. J - By EDWARD B BRITTON ! . ' 2 (By Special Leased Wlrt4 1 Washington, July 23 North Carolina makes a bid aa tke Stats ia which to hold th disarmament conference of nation called by President 'Harding, and Asbeville ia the city that ia miking the bid. Tkia bid ia ia the form of aa invitation from F. I Seely, proprietor of Grove Park Ian at Asbeville, who puts that famoua hotel at -the service of th President for tb disarmament conference. Washington Officials Believe Japan Writ Agree To ots" .' i cuss The Far East laty SI (Br tha Aa. elated Frtaa.) A meeting f tk DeealBle rt alien waa called kar . rijrdly tkia afternoon t consider. It I BBderstoed, reply received fraa Washington today t repra. acatattoa by th, British fom. wit relative da 'axaUponlag tha daserauBteat aad Pacific confer. Be t aoai data laUr tkaa No vember H. , Tk meeting waa pri at aad there; kaa kea a iadlca ttoa f tk aatar f tk Waaklag. taw reply.. Washington- July .22-Cules cheek ed by unexpected development! at Tokio. the United State government. Tha invit.-t.ori ta President Harding I it waa believed today, will act without to uae Grcve Trrk lun fur the confer-1 further loaa of time in perfecting iti once waa extended through 'Senator I plan for eonferenc of the principal "OVcrman today."" Tie "iw'eiVeJI iel- power on limitation of armament and tar taitern anbjocts. The extent to era from Mr. Seelr offering the in I of the famoua hotel a.. lb. meeting place of tha world disarmament confer ence, and Senator Overman at one wrote to Praident Harding, forwarding which Japan ia willing to participate. )n th diacuiaion is undent ood to b un der consideration at meeting of the adrieory council, and ther appeared th invitation. And he added to the I to b reaaoa to believe that tk Japan telegram by declaring to tha President I eae; atatesmea would reach decision that Askevill w?a th ideal plac and I favorable to a discuasion of questions that th oiler of Grove Tark Ibb put I arising out of the Orient, although per at bi disposal a building that would I haps witb certain reservation also be ideal for the meeting. I Until the position of Japan has been "Grove Park Inn, attractive In every I more eloarly defined it appeared im war. witk it spacious halls, ita lounges, I probable, however, that th formal in it comfortable rooms, its surrouna-1 vltatlons would te sent ta me various lugs, is a place that would be able to accommodate th represcntatitees of the nations at the conference, aaid Sena tor Overman "Ai I wrot t Presi dent Harding I regard it as the ideal Dot ia America. Our visitors from VIGOROUS OEHIAL- MILLS EXCEPT 10 BY ARMY OFFICER COMMISSION .ORDER OF TAKING BRIBE ON ELECTRIC POWER Major . Bruce. .Campbella Whol Three Big Groups File Formal Was Counsel For Berodoll, Dissent In Southern Before Committee : - Power Case EXPLAINS HOW HE GOT POWER COMPANY TO . .MONEY TO SPECUUTE "Await Developments," Policy Of Officials Toward Quarry State Says City Has Responsibility For Quarry, Neither Op poses Drainage, And Investigation Comes To Standstill; Body of Durham Man Who Disappeared Believed To Be In Quarry; Public Critical of Official Inaction -Official Tamstigated s1 "amrtrd developmrat' at th Bock Quarry yesterday. Veasuret to draia tk pool and clear it of its mysteries, ral or reiaoi bora, bocted still farther down FILE PAPERS TODAYl n lb quagmir of confusion. And publi interest, morbid curtoatty, or Claims $000 InTestment Ore- Every Statement of The Com- tow' ta,Pu'M Vl'V " ,,mpt lT T 1 I ihMiaaarta Ia wattsa that ltttlaa ImIi To $6,600 and That It Was Turned Over To Him By His Father; "rTightfnl,, Injns tics Dona Him By Mrs. Berg doll, Officer Asserts Washington, July 82. Major Brae B. Campbell, of th United States Army,, told th Sons . investigating , 1 .aiUUMUUI IV w ss uss iiuv sail mission Brought Under Fir of greea water for Sv da; a, mounted of B(g Cotton Mill Interests; u'n",,ty- ... , .. . , 'w kSt 4 Was AMtiliaf iam I at th dnlB. Sprinf Surprise JyFilinj ag agitatioa developed whea the Btat declared that th euprriaioa of the quarry is realy vested ia th city. Several city and Stat officials agree that tk pool ought to b drained. The Stat declares that it is the city's duty or privilege to draia it. while Mayor Eldridge last Bight declined to make a statement. Prrvat enterprise grtt ao- Before Time Limit Expires; Others Today Every statement ia th Corporation Commission's ' Southern Power Com pany order waa bitterly attacked ia eommltfe today that aot a slngl I exceptions Sled by th Cirnnon, Johnson, I where witk it plans to raia S-WO to penny of th A,500 placed by him with a Wall Street nrn lor stock maraei trading last year was received from tb Bergdoll family. Flatly denying th charge of Mrs. Emma C. Bergdoll, of Philadelphia that he had been paid $5,000 to all and Gastonia groups of cotton mills, and th Buckeye Cotton Oil Company yesterday, and the power company will attack the order from th other flank in exceptions to be filed formally this morning. A lesser attack was filed by th Pied mont Power and Light Company of i. I Burlington, and but --- - frind---wa ioubo. tor lae raer among ny i lae in- obtaining freedom - for CTeveland Bergdoll, ker draft dodging pp,!, ot th, pow.r raf. flght x- son, major Campbell declared mat tneiccpt the Shelby group of mill repre- sum aent to tha brokera was hi own I sented by Clyd B. Hoey. H indicated government. It is known that the proposed conference waa mentioned at tha cabinet' meeting, bat it. is under stood Sbrtokar 1 iea discussed to any great extent. Th informal conference between moneyj hidden by hi wlf at her home nine tha early days , of ths war, The Major called her hurriedly charges against him, first declined to testify at this time as to th source of the fund. But pressed hard by th committee, he related in detail how a $500 investment, placed witk lat Milton Young, of Lexington, Ky before the war, grew to $6,000 by 1917. It waa this same sum, he aaid, that waa hidden away and later shift ed to Wall Street and lost. Sava Father Got Money, Professing ignorance as to how the Young investment had increased, Major Campbell said that it had been turned 'back Is hla by a man, still living, but whoa nam he declined bd wld wotut r enaetf-b Ashevill and Grove Park Inn. If th debar are known to have - gone far conference ''goes tt any other plac toward! convincing th administration except Washington, Ashe villa is the that - th Japanese ' government will Itae which would prov a happy selec- agre ts entering tk onferene with- tion, Mr. Seely has shpwa i big a'pirH. oat . material reservation an! that th of hospitality In inviting tb confer- general Institutions at issue will b ap- tnc to accept th hospitality of GroT preached frankly by all participants. J'ark Inn for Ht meeting."- Insistent uggeatlon that Belgium Mora lUpablkaa "Bank" i should b give a seat at th confer- 1 DemoeraU who ar postmasters of ence hav not served to alter th BjHtt- oflDees which hav been advanced from ion of the United States, government th fourth to tha third class, and wko that th discussions should be limited !ar banking mpoa the promis of .the to tht principal ' allied and associated Third Assistant Postmaster " General, powers as generally accepted. It was (Hubert Works, tkat witk .tha ijermis- explained .that .to . open the door to isioa of th Civil Service Commission Belgium would mak it necessary to they may bo reappointed to tb higher permit th entrance ot any other gov- jnffiee, might as well forget this," said eminent making application. Bepresentativ Zeb Weaver today. His ,Th reiteration of the suggestion that attention had been called to th fact a preliminary conference be held in that th Civil Service Commission bad London also failed to cause a favorable yeserday sent out a batch of name of I reaction her. It was indicated clearly ' Korth Carolina town in - which tho that th United States belieted that rostofflces hsd been advanced it rating, I such, preliminary discuasion as may be with th statement tnai exam masons i necessary anouia an piac ou un were to bo held for theso placet on I incident to th formal convening of th 'August 13. . conference. - - It it a rreiden aaraing examina- .. , llr., n tion that U to bo held," continued Mr. FEDERAL BILL TO HELP kTSi1t?ttff MOTHERS PASSES, SENATE at tha. jnamcnt,.U atuhn-ia,iha 1 for the earmon gruup of mittaWr t. miast oi a snarp eicuanga wiw q'j, Bobinson and Norman A. wocae mtcieemen, tunposu oroaa in, uo- elaring, JOk, hell, it waa y father." Th committee decided to call th father, William. B, Campbell, of- Lea ington.' who was asked to com' her at one, v represented th power eompsny. ... .. .. . M-t4.il . nnaiBT uroB Miiaucm. But Ana vrnun of mills Involved S th heatins of tb petition for intreaa d rate hat definitely aecun to Tnt to th order, that v known as . Extremely ', reluctant to touch: oponf.. ,h. Rh.ih-, rtouo rei)rcsented at family affair to alear himself of thjths Bfarjng by Former Congressman cnarges, auajor vampireu , ueciurctt xoai i Ovd K. Hoey. H Informed tne liom- It had been 'his purpose to ask time ;.., .ort.riiv that hit elienta werol A v,.ie' aa-ad 55. shot dead tonight near ii.. v i-i... .1.1. ..t.. i . r'Tr . - . ... i ' " i ! Z - vu wti,fl8d "taef w V5 Codwia by nnknawa assassin, wat i tnd thai tuCB oiuereuecs as ! i . . . ., company. . Tb Cannon ana won will tak th matter word of his It was for this reason, ho aaid, that ho did Dot want to disclose all of hit ovideneo until be had been allowed time to tubmit proof in denial of tht accusations. In that case, if ther is a Republican among th three, then h will be th annotates, and tou ' ean rest assured that the .examinations have . been so fr.mA Mint thcra will b a Republican I am ever list that it submitted. And yon may be certain, also, mat rosimas- Provides for Co-operation With States In "Protection of Maternity" Waahlneton, July 2. Tha Sheppard ... aT,.i Ttava will se to it that th I bill, providing for co-operation between Republican oa the list get the plaee. the Federal government and tho etates Ia North Carolina the plan iatohavelin "protection of msternity and in- ' i. wi: v.;nl rnmmittaeman I Cancv waa naaaed todav bv th Senate JAt'UUUllt L f ' , . fnr.t.Mi look er tha list and and fn- aad aent to the House. . Th rot on form Mr. Hays of th eholc to be made, passage was 6S to f , after eharp clashes And if there ia no nam on th first between advocate and opponents.. Th list of thro there will be a way found former declared the legislation Wat k to throw put the frit Hi nd submit a gTeat-tonanitarku, Ateii,. denying, thnt " ' li.t ttt three. Th wbol plan is it contemplated interference in the devised to throw out the Democratic I home the latter asserted that It waa tmhnt.. and tk talk f M-eppomx-1 BAcialiBtio waternauaue ana oouae - i ..intn who hava made good I viatle." ': " and who have the big bulk Of endorse-1 The Federal Children's Bureau would menta of their patron ia a bit of l.unk' with mothinf to It, And th sham of it ia that these fourth class office pottmaater nave secured their ,mca ander Civil Service examina tions, and having made good,' are entl administer the aet. . The bill carries initial anDropriationt of $1,480,000, which the ttatet would be required to match. Senator Seed, Missouri, declared that 'spinsters' of the children t bureau tied to the promotion. : But what do th wouia "dictate to American mother, Republican car about, thiat Tht job I nj offered an amendment to change I. tha thine ther are BIieT,- ana wnea i tha title to A Dill TO organize a ouaru the .Civil Hervice examination gett in I 0f tplnstert to toaeh mother how to k n. their view :s go Bang ne wvu I rnina babies. The amendment wss re- Service business; " " ' Ijected, amldvbrond smiles, wi B.Mri JoknaoB Favorably I mil call. . The Scnat now hat tht mt of tha i Senator Eenyon, Iowa, in charge of C.MmiL nra"ro Beoubliean National I tht ' bill, deplored ttreasti references tfora it. with a favor-Ita "sninster management, while 8ena. r.Me report on the aominatioa by I tor 8beppard, Democrat, Texas, author Vreaidwit Harding of "Link" L for th of-lhe measure. decltrtdthere' would oflice of recorder of deedt for the Die- be no compulsion ia the activities of trirt of Columbia. The report was reaersi agenia ana ne mad -by 8cnator Ball, f Maryland, I home. chairman of the Senate aiatricx eommii and now awaits action by 1 the fXen.ite.-fhat there will be a lepte of ipovcral days before there it action Is 1 certain, as it is also certain that whea the matter ia taken up there will be etrenuous objection to the negroe's eon- f, rmntinn. In oecuring tb favorable LOTAL ORDER OF MOOSK . , , MEETING IN WILMINGTON Wilmlnston. July t2. Hundredl of membertat the North Carolina Legion, second degree, Loyal Order of Moose, fathered here tonight for we- an nual convention and ceremonial of the ...i.. Th onnrentlnft and ceremonial Tenor; fcenator sau oia a mos bdusubi i B,dOT ar st S o'elock tomgni tbing. He had no meeting of the com-1 whe th4 nrit opca Wssion was held. nnttee, DUl loon a pou oi iuom mem Vers of the District committee aow la T.'asbington - aad seven members, a i- ujority of the committee,' signed the report. Jt It said that on it there are t!' namm of two Democrat who signed v : ovtt knowing that it wat the nomina t n of the negro, but thii la merely a nimor, for it ia known that a number of Democratic members who were IP 1 toached on the matter - declined to -'i. This makes certain a contest on t n floor of tht Senate. Mombert of a I t committee are ttill teeking ir information la reRard to John , t' ere Trill bt a wait on eon- oa r. Tour) FRANCE AGAIN INSISTS -V " on Sending more Tteoors TO UPPER SILESIA . . Parts. Jal -(Br the AaooclaWd Press) Th Freach govern asant late this evening requested Colonel Do Staalalr. Freach ambassador t Hraat Rrltala. anla U Insist that th British goveraaent consent to tha aandiac of reiaforeemeata into Upper Sllyesla ead to a meetlag of expert to consider the Upper till- raiaa sitaatlon hefor th assemb ling of th Snpreme Council. in a letter to the commission that he wat ttttisBed. Otherritf the respond eat! will file exceptloni this morning Tht mills attack th order at every point of dotisiofl, as to jurisdiction, st to value of the plant Of the power com ranv. the rate trait and various sehed ules ncluded n the order. The Cannon mills exceptions, 35 In number, pre- jihalpnred by Judge J. Crawford Bigg-i mate a strong suae a on mo commis' aion'a holdins of jurisdiction in the ease. The Cone interest of Greensboro and the Marshall Field Mills havt indicated to the commission that their exceptions will be filed liodav. The Alamance group of mills, represented by E. 8. Parker, will also except to the order. Mat) gum fund jonce ruea lor tne was-. tonia group; Tillett ana uauirie ior the Charlotte group, and Judge Biggs pay the expense of taking the water out. y Meanwhile publle demand that some body get to work and drain tht place fattened on a tremendous crop of rumor and speculation as to what would be revealed if the water were takea out. Police authorities art ia vestigating tha entire situation declar ed. Comuiiaaioner..- of Public- Safety Mooaeyham, and the "place ought to bo drained.' Solicitor H. E. Norris it "awaiting developments, and he has not made up his mind whether the- plaee -ought to be drained or not. Maybe Liquor la Fool. If everything were in the pool that the aggregate of current rumor has Concealed in it, there would probably be no necessity to pump the quarry, There would be no room in it for water. It would be filled with corpses of all aget aad " races; quantitiee of liquor of all known varieties and grades; fleet of automobiles and quantities of other' items of property of wide and varied asortment. Police authorities say that they have investi gated a number of these rumors, and KILLED IN EFFOR TnomnucnMincn IUI1L Commissioner" Mfnejhsm "said that it ought to be drained. Winnowing doe a the Vtt chaff of rumor aad speculation, it It fairly well established that there are aot Was thaa tw other automobile ia tht quarry; tlx rases of ktgk grade liquor lossea into lot pit three years age nhea eSeere wer pressing hard ea the heels of a dealer ot tuck; and the body of a Durham county man who disappeared during Fair Week last fall. These three things appear be sufficiently well established to jus tify the continuation of the investi gation. The fart that tw automobiles, both Insured, hav been taken out of the quarry has aot yet stirred official in terest to th extent of taking an sa tire head ia th investigation. The Stat Insurance -Department takes th position that tb law doea not ex tend it authority to drowned" an onxtWlca. Solicitor Norris bad not"! Ing to say other than he ia "awaiting developments." Tb police are invest! gating And the public, with its cur iosity whetted to a keea edge, fumes impatiently to set the bottom. Operations At Standatlll. Nothing Went on at the pool yesfer day, save the gathering of tht erpwd who went by habit that hat become almost fixed in the four fevered days they have watched there, came severely critical over the fll rial inaction in not making tome move in tome direction. The people want action of eome aorta:- but by n tw mehdoul "preference, the ttartlug ot pumps. Many are unwilling . to sub- sonoe to tne pumping fund, feeling I ki 1 liIUiL UnHuLu DURIfOlG FIRE PurharnlElectrlcjan Js Third Brother To Die From Elcc trical Shocks . " ; VOLUNTEERS SERVICES ' TO HELP FIRE FIGHTERS Climbs Pole Thirty Peet Prom The Ground To Cut Heavily Charged Wires To Enablo Firemen To Get To Blase In Colored , Section f City; Property Damage $75,000 DurJiamJiily 22.-Flr . nhick . d stroyed a box factory and six dwellings in the "Uaitr colored section of the city' early this morning caused en death and. damage to tht extent ot $75,U00. E. Ilulrh Rigsbe. of the firm of Rigsbee Electrical Company, here wat electrocuted at the top of a telephone polo 30 feet from tho ground while cutting wiret which threatened the live of firemen fighting the flames. The lire starting ..In- the Andrews Box Factory, operated -by Arthur end Clarence Andrews, had .. gained con siderable headway when It wtt diseov tred at 3 o'clock thit mornlnc. The Mnny be-building housing tbt factory, property' oi ts. vy, venabie, wat of frame eon., struction nnd wae toon a mast of flame. Tho flames reached neirro dwell ng on iither side, inaludlng one of the br-st eolored , home , of the negro tcction, owned by Mary Adorns. Tho house and garage with a new ear that it it the duty of the city, county of expensive make want with five other or State to do the pumping and let them see the bottom. Sentiment in favor of drying out the pool is not quite one hundred per cent, terording to the current report. It it said that the men who have been en (Contlnaed on page fear.) 6LQCKADERS KILL DEPUTY SHERIFF Cumberland Officer Shot From Ambush and Instantly Killed ..' During Raid Ftyettevirie, July 22r-Depty Sheriff GOVERNOR DEFIES Lit! EFFORT TO ARRES T The Major, asserted that a "fright- tup injustice had been . done him ' by the committee In permitting Mrs, ander iniunetion proceedings, in thel Th ct bullets were aimed at the posts interests I of tlx offleers. headed by Sheriff Mc to the court Geaeliy which hid just eaptured a large dingt, In the I .... . , ... ... t .. . event their exeeotionti-to the order I ' rs denied by th Commission. It is I took effect. tiAlW exneeted that the Commls-I The officers had gone on a raiding ex Bergdoll and a representative of tb iloB ,wU1 fleBy ,n eieeptlont, both by pcaiyon itt the northeasteni tecHon of w ITU, "u i tho rower uompany ana vno nrnun present. Ho protested vigorously that dent mt nd municipalities. Both an agent of the army intelligence I .in than hava ten davs in which to tho courts. houses and one ether small garage. All lire fighting- apparatu- of th" city wat at tht blaze and succeeded in keeping the fire from an entiro row of frame houses ot cheap and flimsy construction. The first alarm came in by, telephone, Pine Btret, tho location of the fire, having no fire alarm at that point. A general alarm wat turned in and all departments responded. The,. factory, wsa wramwd in- flame.- -when th firemeil arrived end the heat was of tuck Intensity that two hose ' lines wer burned. As slatant Chief Cannada and two other members of the department were over corn with th heat and tmoke bat later returned to thnt nii Jrt, judge Decides To Wait Until prtment Mr.ne i mtenion to tv Tuesday "To See What Gov- SJiaTO JS. 1ZI CmOr Will DO" - Ibuming, Th illumination -wat turn- - -.,0- " . Icient to light tht-businest eeetlon of . fipringfiuld, in, July C3.Govrnor th blo WJ'. Len Small, under indietment for embc ' Ti mJTZ. pole slement and eonspirtey to defraud tht tarrying heavily charged tleetrie wiret 81 tt, still defied trrett by the Sangt- near - tha factory. The wire, lying mon county authorities tonight and tat " th T0H'4 nd whg over tht at tha head of tha fitat. .r.m..t ,trMt 'irttl fought tho flamet tM ' " BUU orrBBt were directly in the way. The water ipparealy tecure, until next Tuciday thrown on th burning building passed fi,e"S lroM ut,rr",MM b? '' through tome of the high, tension service in inspecting hit bank account at New York had not shown that at a prior data he had more than $3,000 on deposit. Vlgoroat Ia Deaanciatloa. At various times Major Campbell declared he and hit wifo htd seven teen thousand dollars on deposit, not counting tb sum lost on the market, but he declined to mention the namit of banks until he could get hold of to cerfect an appeal The time limit ior exceptions expires tnrisv. No particular disposition nss Deen shown by either the power eompany or the reicondenti. with the excep tion of the Cannon and Cone, mills, to fight the ease in the courts, but neither tide it willing to go to court to defend the other. Filing of excep- the county, 20 milct from thit city, and located the blockade plant about 0 o'clock. They found an army rifle in which tht cartridge had jammed, ind't eating that attendants at the still had tried without succeti to opca fire on the raiders. Ia the durknest no one wat seen.. After destroying a quantity of block ado nateriat, sometimes called wkiskey or beer, the big copper outfit was loaded tlone will take them all out of the Ut gh(jrlff UtQtathj; Mtomoblle .U th dyantate of nammoT. Execp- Kta ntiTkaivsn aan totnta eavilk , tiial tSnntua. r;,A. ':' ;: ;. "" ?en' Po'. a'"-u"""M which tl.t omcert had com to the plaee. Iittl. 1Uk -Ark "" r1?' , 7"or. "VL Four of the officer including Deputy Little Bock, Ark. tioM for tb. moit prt at, regarded p... w, ,, -..i There were moment! when tb in tha Hirht nt manoeuver for nosition I, V; Major wat unable to wntrol hi. feel- whieh to watch the moiement. u.e rj?"'. ot other interest .JHr Modify Order, Some modification! in th aeeoadtry power tchedulo may be made by ths Commission la ltt . ,,anwcr to tat. ex- eetiont, but otherwise tht . Commit tion will probably be disposed to iti the order stand at tt was written two ings when referring to hit wife and hit old father, and bt banged the table ia linger at he denounced what he taut wa the attempt of the Bergdoll i) blacken hit ntmt. At military counsel Tor tht slacker be never"1 received dollar, he declared. Tha only thing they ever gave him, he said, were throe were on tht ground whea suddenly I bullet whissed by West's head. He and the rteriff dropped to the 'ground." Three shots wert fired ' from the bo shot and one struck Pate spusrely in I the back, tearing' through hrs body and killing him Instantly. The ofiieers brought tht body to tho city and the "j " " " i ine oraer tuina as it was wruieu " Uj. j....j ... , .ii little cambrlo hankerehlefs, bought at Leek. aeo. Nothin definite at to thl hoP W Pr'P . ... . . , . w. . . t " . I tin a wmk ih a namrnrar a soiaier s rair on in uiano, as mux ta for nit babies. GOSSIP IN ASHEVILLE consideration hat at yet been developed, but tbt matter hat been' informally discussed with the Commission. Why Barllagtoa Excepts. thit laiairv ism s nuiT J. B. urtdgert. attorney zor tne nor inftl LI mil Hi ILLi UUII Hutra company, wat leu uncertain about the move of kit. clients, tie put in hit exceptioni, and it understood to be ia the mood to fight the matter through the count if necessary, mi eompany buys current from the South- AsheviHe Politicians Surmise That Thomas J. Harldns v Will Get Job One week ago a daughter of the deputy sheriff was married to Sergeant 8tevent at Camp Bragg and tbty art now away oa thir honeymoon. Surviving also art hit wilt and several other chil dren. Deputy Sheriff Pate was eontldred one of the xeost efficient law enforce- mat offlcert ia-the county. "He had served for many years at Deputy Sheriff and wat absolutely rarleet ia the die Asheville, July 23v Th latest gossip among Republican , leadert : of tht vicinity it that Thomas J. Harkint ot Atktvill it destined ultimately to be come United States Disriet Attorney for the Westera North Carolina dis trict- Thit la founded on th. ballet that Frank A. Linney, of Boone if !rTrf,,u . ";vVv. u; m cbarg. of hit dutie. Vial MUMt fViaaaa ' w t,HV wm-iv.... - Hit ejeeptiont are directed largely ultion her. against thoo who carry t th. t. of depreciation allowed bf the sefarlout butinett of making tht Commission. Hit claim is that M' "lr- Southern Power ..... l-UUH UUI I UN MILLS lit CHARLOTTE T& RESUME tht rstes allow the Southern Power Company to collect $300,000 per an num ia cask from tho North Carolina consumers and that thit turn com appointed to tht district attorneyship, I pounded at 4 per cent per annum for will name Mr. Harkint at bit assistant J twenty-five years amountt to $14,835,- ana will tnortiy resign in position 000 which reimburse! the power com recommending the appointment of Mr. I pany for itt entire - investment ia Harkint at hit successor. ; t North Carolina. - While tht Sonate it ttill waiting tol "Th tamt rata of depreciation tp confirm or reject the appointment of lolled to th property of the Southern f. T l.. tk. l.il.. 1. tk.ll...J W. I rAMK.- 4- , a-ntl. ramlila' hit friendt to have gained ttrtngth in the Btatt by bit statements to the com m it tee investigating the ebarget brought tgalnst him by negroes. It it generally conceded that one Mr. Lin- Mr. Brldgert Mid, 'make a total easa reserve, ever and above tha high ttatt of efficiency in which the prop erty It now maintained of one million dollars per year. : Tbit turn com pound aey it appointed he will appoint Mr. led annually tt four per cent will make thirty yean. million dollars in twenty BODY OF FRANKLINTON Oharlottt, July 22. Secretary J. Leak Spencer, of the Highland Park Manufacturing Company, operating four cotton mills at aid. near ' Charlotte whot 1,200 employe hav been oa ttrike tine Junt L fcaounted tonight that tht plants would resume operations a toon as application! for work were received from tnougk operative. ' Mr. Spencer explained that the com' pamy, proposed to resume operations only on the same basis as to wage and working hour that wat effective whea the workers went out He said, how ever, that application! would be re ceived from the workert at individuals r aa groupt. SOLDIER IS SENT HOME TRAIN HELD UP BY ; ? ROBBERS IN ARKANSAS ttaramt - at nit assistant ana- that a greater part of th work of the office will bt delegated - Mr. Harkint from th first Yet it is believed ia many quarters , that Mr. Linney't principal objective la to vindicate the Bepubll- can State organisation in ltt attitude I FranVllnton, July 22-The body of toward tot negro vott. Ana thit it to R.T....t Rh.m n rnka. son of Mr be accomplished by eonfirmatio of hit and Mn. A. B. Cooke, of Franklinton, Mcmphit, Teuu, Jnly 22. Robbers appointment . ' v ' I who died in ' Franc from wounds I held up the Missouri Pacific psssenger tne statement nas not been Intro- received in battle. Will arrive inltraia, jo. W3, running between Mem quent that he will resign within one Franklinton Saturday morning. Burlnl phit tnd St. Louia, near Vaudalt, Ark., week tfter kit confirmation. In this service will be held Sunday afternoon late tonight, forcing tht express trios event, conjecture bat it, Mr. Linney at 4 o'elock front tht Franklinton senger to throw out the safe containing would ask ths appointment of Harkins Methodist chnreh. A special , service I money psckages and alto robbing the as his successor. . j. ui- be held at tht local cemetery. mail ear, iff i office. The Governor, without reeedine from nit claim or immunity, won a tempo rary legal tn-1 Pat as A avtat - AmaJ Va tka and tht fwater made the pott ot thu firemen extremely dangerout. and victory without t rusting any Cniet Bennett of the fUe department ammunition. Hie eounsc . who! ... .tiitt. ...ia Iu -v ..-.-! araua.1 that tha n.... U .k;. l, I 7 ' ""v" ". auSgi..S ' - . ' ? " i BisTRDea. in electrician bi trbm it thtV f.TiTlHrsii hAfntM JnHtTA V H HttnitK I w " wmj mm i ivuua) V. VI1V CUUII. 10 lAaal a.laa-.I..1 ... it . offer opinion, but not to present any nger d poTnted iT.Tto T. tZ men. Thera aeemed no wa nf anltv. lug th power house to cut off the power and Rigsbee declared that ha would cut the wires if he had a pair of clippers. . ,, , .... . One of the firemen told 'Bifi-sboi that he could get a pair of elinoers from one of the fire truck. B did and climbed ous pole. ; Rigsbee had cut one or two wires and had remtrked to watchers beneath that there wns aome ' pretty hot stuff up here Ho reached out to cut t not her wile and is thought to have brought his elbow or some part of bis arm ia contact witii yet another wire. Watcher -caw a blue spark lean with almost no sound and Rigsbee 'TumliUJ dotf'd "head first to the ground. He struck on hi chin, badly frueturmg it at wat disclosed Inter, but was still breathing. ' A M. Gordon rushed to hit tide as he fell and reeled back unconscious himself. It was thought Gordon had also been shocked but it wst found ho had fainted. Rigsbee wss rushed la an au tomobllt to the hospital but died on the way. The heavy power wire, supplying the factory witk - current, carried 400- tolta. , ' : Rigsbee wte !8 yetrt ot ag and sine the death of his psreatt had been making hit homo with hit aunt, Mrs. T. J. Winston, S23 South Street Mrs. Winston was prostrated by the death of her nephew. V , ., Third Brother To Die. Mr. Rlgsboe it tht third of. four brothers to di by electricity, the fourth in the immediate family to die such a death and the fifth in the im mediate family to die aa ' accidental death in the last few year. Two brothers, Clifton and Tom ' Rigsbee were killed at tbt top ot electric poles, one of them dying lost year, A cousin Robert Rigsbee was killed in a like manner some years ago, and an uncle a lineman, waa killed while riding ou DIES AT BEAUFORT HOME thf " f,f tMb' " ; . i put aiippeu ironi uiv mat ami Repress,! the point passed entirely through hi (Way. ( : ; . Surviving 'the deceased art three sis ters, Mr. Leon Kelly, of Spartan burg, 8. C, . Mrs. W. G. Herndon, of Burlington, and Miss Jeppit Rigsbee, of Durham; - and oat 1 brother, T. J. Rigtbet, also of Durham. Republican Doliticiae of thai county. I ' Funeral services wUl be , held Eat- Judge Reapreat was a likable man and "day tfternotn at 5:30 o'clock at the bad many friends ia other cou,ntiet. ri. x. aigtDee none on uurea Avenue, ' - I iniermtnt win taxt piace n wapie- Home Wrecked By Dj aimlte. . I wood ecmetery. ; Talladega, AU- July 22. The home! 1 . 1 1 '' -, of J. B. Thompson, foreman of thel Inter-County Commnnlly Meet Jackson-Ticrney Lumber Company's! Ruthsrfordton, July 22. The Wom- RaUroad at Pyriton, Alabama, was an ttiermet associaUon, of til.-n-wrecked todny by dynamite. Mr. and bore, has planned a . "Com mm. Mrs. Thompsoa and their young ton. Meet" for utherro-j ana t iert. "Friendt of the Coart" Their appearance aa "friends of the court was accepted with thanks by Judge Smith, who declared thst he had ne motion for a rulin in the rate and. therefore, would make none. Ia recess ing his court the Judge declared that nothing will be done before next Tuet day. ' - - Counsel for the Governor Indict ted that they will remtin firm in their stand of immunity. The next move, so fsr at the Governor it concerned, depends on tn court Counsel for Governor Smtll reverted to the old claim that "the king ean do wrom" . in their. Argument, today, declaring that chsot in tht Btatt gov ernment might result from the estab lishment of a precedent through the arrest of the Governor. A call for State troops to nrotect irovernor Hmnil from arrest wat be lieved to bt a remote possibility, al though his counsel declared that it is within tbt power of the executive to, mutter troops to shield him. Guarded by Soldier feignineane was attached in some qutrtert to tht appearance of the ad jutant general and several officer in uniform, and it was reported that de tachment of soldiers was being held in readiness to ruth -to the Governor't aid thou Id a call bt Issued. . Warrants for tht Uovtrnor't trrett were btck in tht handa of Circuit Clerk Koeha tonight, having been returned by Sheriff Nestor, on Instruction from tht court. It wat indicated that no attempt to serve them, will be made until Judge Smith orders it. The jurist said ha would wait until Tuesday 'to tee what tha Governor will do." Governor Small and hla legal staff declared that warrante will bt ignored if they trt terred. SUPERIOR COURT CLERK Beaufort July 22. H. J, Clerk of tht tuperlor eoort and judge of tht Juvenile court, died hert this Korning. , He had beta 1.1 for teveral weeks ar-d heart trouble was tht cause of hit de-itli. Ht wtt 04 ytara of trt, a ait Wo of Beaufort county and ton-of the bite John B. Betpress, a well known who wer asleep at tht time, wert not counties, to be held .injured, . r . , Thursday, .July SS. at E:ii I.

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