Ofos v - L.K TUL3, Partly tUtif Saadsy ad May, eaibly local UaaA- WATCH Li ILL your' paper. tta4 t"" f Cs 4f- p ri,. or4r la ateid bux.cc s-aui cpr. MIC erv VOL CXIV. NO. 24. TWENTY-DCHT, PAGES TODAY, RALEIGH. N. C. SUNDAY MORNING, JULY 24, 1921. TWENTY-EIGHT PAGES-TODAY ; PRICE: SEVEN CENTS lews SiiViMOHS TO VOTE AGAINST LHIIIEY FOR FEDERAL JOB Senior Senator Will Make Ac tive Fight Against Confirma tion In Senate CHANGE IN POSITION BASIS OF OPPOSITION .Guardsmen" Begin Breaking Encampment at Glenn Today First Trainloac! of Soldier Leaves Morehead Gty This After noon; Others Depart In Specials Tomorrow Morning; Regimental Band And Two Companies To Parade . In Raleigh Monday Afternoon ATTACK AGAINST GOIiVBI! : SOLICITOR ASKS ( .IE GOVERNOR'S 1 BY ALL illTERESTS TO DRAIN OUARRY SC0TTJR0UD OF FIRST REGIMENT 1 REP. JOiSOll GOES AHERII1ESS JONATHAN WOITH DANIELS (Staff Correspondent.) Camp Glenn, July S3, The work of the encampment It ended. Tent itill shelter the guardsmen and a ttriet mili tary discipline prevails, bat the tast loaf formation 4a ever- and -with- pay tm nia pocket tho aoldier i ready to kick kit heels ia frolic tonight, Morehead kaowt that it ia pay day and kaa pat en her most alluring drees for tonight. Tha aoantry folk, anxious to gather Minority Seport of Hams Cen sns Committee 7arors Pres ent Membership of 435: Strong Appeal Por Economy SSffitt WSiK. Sabmittei: New Method Of thellt to raffling off a bankt pony, and i-.v;.. n.,-; ij tht canteen with no extra effort it """""I nuwt vuu"""lM gathering ia tha money of tha aoldiery The Newa and Observer Bureau, 803 Diatrict National Bank Building. By EDWARD E. BRITTON (By Special Leased Wire) Washington. July 23. Senator Sim m .. v. I oh. cleaaa for your papa, babies.' fjjlgcr .cjva favtu iui tvura IUU vut nearly at quickly at tha men are paid off. From tome few tenti tome tha muf fled grant! of fevered aoali intent oyer the rapidly moving rubet. TSeven bones ani I goes to tht dance with my salt water gal. Natural bonet, f Frank A. Linney for district attor ney for Western North Carolina. That : is the flat-footed statement that he made today. And he will be keard in the Senate when nomination of Linney eomes before that body for confirma tion. - Full and pertinent reasons are back of the decision which - Senator oa the smooth spread blankets. 'Little joes my point, roll you doml noes, my favorite point. Joe bones, an we eats take." Bapidly money passes from hand to band and so goes toe soldiers money. Dance Away Evening At' the Atlantic Hotel the final dance Mills and Power Company Both Formal Request For Assistance Complete Filing of. m investigation of Exception? situation ELDRIDGE DECLINES TO TAKEN IMMEDIATELY ADMIT ANY OWNERSHIP Beginning tomorrow the State troops will begin to entrain for their homos and before nightfall oa Monday the eaap will be empty. The following c-uui- w- " wwopii tin a nrinii rr rsr- from Camp Gleaa is announced byl rlU MUI lUli IUDC Capt C. A. Goeney, regimental ad jutaut: -" Traia No. 1, eompoeed of the divUioa-l TmnrfthaWa That O-Tiortnriit-1 Ssti Cit Has Pnlim Pawora .1 r...... .v. u i l T -rr ' 1 " , vm, l -, -. n tit: it . 4 .J ser company. Uutonia; eompany E, Waynesville, and company F, Charlotte, will leave; Camp Glenn at S p. m.. July 24th. Tha Howitaor Company and Company F will be dropped at New Bern and proceed via - Wilmington, Company H and the Signal Corps will proceed via Ooldsboro. Train ,No. t, composed of the regi mental headquarters company, Beids ville. the medical detachment, Gra- Bs Asked; Generally Ex pected That Commission Will Deny Exceptions aad Some Mills Win Go To Courts Only, and Pemand for Drain age Is Backed By Nothing More Substantial Than Pub lic Cariosity; Believed Mor. rison Will Assist i ii BERGDOLL HEARIKG Half Dozen Men Keep Kentuck- lan From Getting To Brother of Draft Evader ADJOURNMENT QUICKLY ANNOUNCED BY CHAIRMAN Charles A. Braun. Calls Bep. Johnson a Liar and Latter Makes Plunge kTot Him, WhQe Women Scream and Boom Is Thrown Into . Dis order : - : . The double barreled . : broadside against the ruling ef the Bute Cor- ham: Company O. Winston-Salem,l . . . . Company eT Concord; Company A, K V nt to tUT T PlMto hr Woottnt-UouUoB. Col. Don Scott, commanding the First Bogiment, - NHh - Carolina, National Washingtoa, July S3. The Bcrgdoll Ureatigation broke ud ia a row today, while Representative Jehnien, of Ken-" tncky, Democrat, member of the eom-' mittre, was trying to reach a brother formal aemana was imade upon Governor Cameron Morfisoa by Solici tor II. E. Norria for power and means I Guard, bai every reaaos; to feel proud of dralnin- th Cia TUV On.f .f, sf the 100 men in iris wrtfttr-uring -rf O..U..a T . , , , I v -St- ... tk..it I 1.-, mi "U", J1 IIITJ ' W" aarungtonj vompany v, iwrnam, IM "" yeerasy - v urua,lc,y ue- GlcBB th(y ha-. on eIM.omiunil from of Grover Cleveland BergdolLjrha r.n... t.-va .n 1.... r.mnl .itv v iit.. . . v .1.. I cliucd to accept the ownerahio fo thel.. ..... ' . L.lJLZl-Z-'--"siln . ' J r" r- ... , ' r. ... jv:iL!iiOT-iiiHi.i-i m n.i-rri rtn rfgu'iv unij umven smug-, omicaHca mm a uar. uienn njw-.'y Pl powerebmpaay itself, claiminc that r i. rT. . T "mnrc' I if they hadnt Colonel Scott, who in U will be dropped at eeima. The train ... ... ... , ... ... , .. I .D""" nT every dsy life it a plain business man. wui proceea via uoiasooro ana oeima.1 ' I v- ummmi u. uu m- Traln No. 8, composed of the service eowoa mm users or ina power ei- veanng wnaiever mysteries its green waters may noia. Gimmons has reached ss to his action 0; th, encampment was held tonight. oa the nominntion. with money in their pockets the great la this matter far position of Senator M( part cf the encampment was there . Simmons is uutlcnstoud to be that while to dance away the last week sight of he does not question Mr. Linney'a abil- the encampment. All too soon the lty as.a lawyer or his. character, as a night ended, for In order to enforce man, still he will vote againat him be- discipline in the money-mad throng of cause It ia clear, to the senator s mina loldiers an order was usuea tnat au that Mr. Linney as chairman of the Be- men unless possessed of special pastes ' publican party in North Carolina either mutt be in at 11 o'clock. ; undertook to mislead the voters of the This morning the money, for pay roll State or in his testimony before the arrived in camp from the Federal Re Senate committee he is seeking to mis- serve Bank of Richmond. Under the -lead the Senate as to theposition his supervision of Major Gordon Smith, party took oa the negro question in the United Btatet transportation ana ais v . I. . ... .L. Dl... .1 VT-4l company, ttaleign; the Brat battalion icepting oa the Headquarters Company, Oxford; Com-1... too hiirh .,..-...m.i . . v -ir.il Gilead; Company C, Henderson and Company B, Warrenton, will leave the encampment at 6 a. m, July 23th. The train will proceed over the Norfolk grounds that they North Carolina campaign of 1920, Two Inconsistent Positions Bcnttor Simmons with full knowl edge of the character of the campaign and the public professions for white government made by the Republican party in 1920 under the Linney leader . ship, knows alto that the position then taken is foially" inconsistent ' and differ- , ent from the position taken by Mr. linney. in his testimony . before .the Senate judiciary sub committee, at the time Henry Lincoln Johnson and the other negroes - declared themselves as fntlr satisfied with Mr. Linaeys -words and promises. It is upon this dear , tut. difference that Senotpr Simmons will east bis vote" in the Senate against the confirmations la thia matter he will ie joined by other .Democratic Scna - i,.r, W kt Urst "fncHnf to "Vtft for bursement officer for the Bute of North Csrolina, the money was issued to the companies and the men paid off. - The power eompany objected on IS eounta aad the cotton mills average of 35 points ef disagreement with the Commission. Every mill Southern to Raleigh and then via the appearing as respondeat in the Initial Seaboard. . I battle, which brnn ia Jannarr. Company I, of Plymounth, will pro-leept the Shelby group of mills was iBJought to be thoroughly probed, eeea on ears aiiacnea w ma regular i wiu an eseeption. before the tlm train leaving camp uiena at 7:M a. m-1 limit for filing expired yesterda-v. July 23th. I The Shelby mills are satisfied with the raraat in siaieign moncay I findings. Company K, of Mount Gilead, wi'.ll Xw Weeka Te Cat stop over jaonaay ana jnonaay nigiu Two weeks will run before the with the service eompany in Raleigh. Commiaaion considers either aide of When they arrive in rilelju between the fight Beginning today the mem- and S o'clock on Monday the two bers will be in Washington for a week companies ana ioe regimental omnu 0B freight rate matters, and next week, in Philadelphia ia attendance will hold a parade through the principal streets. The Solicitor is acting under' the provisions that authorise him to "call upon the Chief Executive for assistance in the investigation of circumstances that hold suspicion. His investigation of the presence of insured automobiles ia the quarry give rise to the suspicion that crime has been committed and Fur. ther tha that Mr. -Norris has - made no statement of the reiult of his in quiry. Covernor Has Money. Telegrams were dispatched to the Governor at the Summer Capitol at urove rars, near Ainevme. and a reply is expected from him by tomor row. It is believed that tht Governor will acquiesce in the reqeust of the Solicitor, and that expenditures ro- The Kentuckisa made a quick plunge toward Charles A. Braun. ef Philadel- would back them against the world. Hel phia, the witness, but half a dosea knowe because he waa with the 120th I men, Including members of the eoesv North Carolina Regiment when it went Imlttee, seised him, and kept aim ia a through, the HI nilenburg line,.. GARDNER BRANDS REPORT AS FALSE corner ef th roem wnt.il Braun -eewlt be hurried away by the sergeant at arms of the House. The clash coming suddenly 1 after an, hour's fiery ero-xamintioa threw the aepetatora, many ef them wo men, into an uproar, -Expecting aeri oui trouble, there waa rusk for the loprt,, qma moa tumbling - under- the -tables. By bodily force, Mr. Johnson waa re- Never Slightest" Suggestion wkf. P !' 1! A - I W.-i.. Lt . i . .-. rrom uanieis negaramg uo alition, He States Kentuckiau's band was in his tide trousers pocket as Chairman Peters, Representative. Flood, .Democrat,- Vir ginia, and others surrounded and held him. , " Joseph G. Bodgers, sergeant at nrma' Two Prominent Business Men . r . e 1 l i. lAre Rilled INeaf rrahUinW Charlotto, July 23. O. Max Gardner, of 8he.br. while in tho city yeitordar mm loonl KtatMa-a aakn.1 KA ik. I 11 f f hfk TfnilsUl miffttis Jtw-.tl. VaVI.J upon a meeting of bank examiners. 1 1uirea in eontinumg the Investigation ,tory appearing in some of the StnU Braua, took him by tht am nd hur The exceptions are on file and willl111 be authorised from the contin- papers to the effect that Jotophus Dait-1'wo lor the door aa the voice, of tha. be considered in turn after the Com-1 s001 luna set asiae xor me ue Dy im was eontemplnt'ir making the enairman, rising above the uproar, deV itiKjcuurci buaii i face ror tne unitea mates senate e'reu tug meeting aajourned. Governor in criminal lie outside the usual nr. Linney, n4 in tht testimony ht I impressive Ceremony Features lSZ7SSnS t Formal Beginning of Ashe Biiaontr jaentDersnia iwwn The minority report .of the House Muni committee' on apportionment of membership in tht House under the ian Miiiua waa available today. It is for a membership of 433, ss at present, ville Camp By NELL BATTLE LEW 18 (Staff Correspondent) Asheville. July 23,After a rigorous ..!-.- Mt ai4inr.lttw -ttVAVwiiaUtll. illUl- m against MO, the number tl wpwen- L Unt iB.pwtion, and lectures, the tatives asked for in the majority report . v ., , fi, . Training Corps Signing this minority report art lour - f Women, fitted tut with en- Demecrata and two KepuDiicans, w tir., mmik Untf la warlik tows Democrats being Brinton, of North u.d. th f uu Mkf tte Csrolina; Bandera, of Texas 1 1 Lamn, of .wit .f . begntiful rldie wu form,uy Georgia; McSwain, of Sottth Carolina, fl tM .fter00 j. th, braa Bew the Bepublicana being Barbour, of h . Q0Ternor Cameron Morrl- Callfornia: Fairfield, of Indiana. Bep- "" "., v. v. i.u.-;M retentntlve Beedy of Maine favors 3 bri;ginf Ma with Asheville's members, as tha wU save a mpr w j band Aing aceompanlment that his State wouldotherwise lose, but -;reinony- oa the noor or we uouwi n. " Ko ,aUr thM a,, ,ppointed hour of for 435. members against 400. - , . ; h. tleuied in TieW of . .Roves Bepublicana and two uemoeraisi ,. . .... .... ... .ii.. m.,,.h re for 460 Mbm, e81"" take time to array themselves in their wne lavor -w .a . , dress parade uniforma for tht occasion, Tork; Wheeler, of Illinois; Gl U, mmeiwi b.nd struck up The Stars Coaaectieutti Towner, oi and Stripes Forever," and tht three of J-V'u,7"B'1Ktl eompanles, spick and-span In white Wyatt, of Peansylvania, whil tht IXm- niadiM, SfroeW skirts, and black straw ocrats art Tyson, of Alabama; Bnkin. looki M witttm M m womeB of Missouri, xae minoruy repor. . h te tM mat inert - -- -- M v tvftir ...oeetiTa captains, and creue, the efficieuerf f"1" really in step, marched with martial -t K aided, and increased member-1 ' ... vt- ' shifrmenni greater daisy in doing, bual-1 1 l: tMi ...J..-,.-. T--r"1 ' . -rt.1 !. V - - ralla Fr Economy - I . .. , v , , . . ... , n I inere. nivnuwa vj iwu jnipgnigi Tka minority repon scorea ouy "!. .k. -u: t.i.!n. .u. Ita comments upon the inereaaea cost mi ... ... ....vi. Aiu.t. nnv v,. the government & member, an p,8tform with Mayor Gallatin Roberts aaea, tmwng vi7 jI, master of eeremonies. Governor burdened by more than five billion dot- MorrSio WM re.eBfotee4 oa the ros- kM ia taxes. Tht report aoee not "J I k. v.tn-.t Rnu-- to, but it U such a nature at to rebuke Cocroft Commandant Blekett of the rrident Harding for hit statement! a..,.),...,.,. Tiiui.inn rtil.f f Rtaff k. h favors 460 members, while at the n Vlfli a OAlntlall (Tat la aTl OtlfTiritl. Olfml tame ttmt at it eauing ior r-uucv.uu ... termaster O. . UamUton, Adjuunt J. government expenses, and has General Ford Miss M. M. Justice, head nurse Dawes ea tht job of cutting down ex-lfrom u, Nortn Carolina Publie Health Moses, for incorporated la tne reports Servicer- Mist -Elisabeth GrimbalL dl the staUment that with talarlea, elerk I rector of dramatics; Lieut Emerson fclr. mllea-a. telecraph, ana postage I fltnne. aona leader of tht National Com- franks. sUUonery allowance, additional lmnity Service; Mr. Buekner and Mr. foret for mainUnanee oi qunnert, e. c. Greene, of tht Asbeviiie Joara oi thert would bt an Increased expense to Trade; Dr. Batemen, of tht Baptist the government in the neighborhood of church of Atheville,-and various other LWuxtt Mfh rear. - - . nromlnent wiaitort. members of the e- And the statement is made that sddl- ecutivt board of tht camp, and tlty tional clerical forces allowed member- commissioners. '' ' ahip linet beginning of tht world war Tht ceremony began with songs and coats about one Billion dollars a year, yells from the three companies, more It holds that tha matter it one that af- sureestiva of a woman's college than f eete tht whole country end that there 1 most - things to bt heard tS eamput, nurht not to ba arjent the' vast turns I and after the general singing tf Amen nmAA tn firnvlrla fn SS mora mem-1 a u a rood natrtotlc tend off. and bars and in addition tht prospect that short welcome by Mayor Roberta, his with tht Increase f memberahip there Excellency prepared to give' the camp Hurt be a now office building erected at official approval. cost of some four or flvt million dol- Freely admitting that kt had but a lars. BepresenUtivt Brinton, who is I faint idea of what tht campers were leading in tht fight for 43S members, about and declaring that thert wat eon- aayt that kt thinks tht House will vott siderablt atrvousnesa among tht ansa that num.r. It will give Nona uaro folks generally at to wnat women are lint an additional member. I doing nowadays, Governor Morrison Not Tt Abandon Fert I nevertheless assured the members of Tot can say positively that tha War! tht training corps camp that hit heart 4 Department will not abandon Fort Cas-1 was witk them. That disposed of, the well." aaid Marion uutior today. lit I Governor took occasion to aeuver has been receiving letters and telegrami I speech ia which kt advocated mort at- king him to set Secretary of warltcntioa by the State and National gov Weeks and appeal to him not to abaa-1 tramenta to tht human problems 41- don Fort CaswelL "Neither do I think," Ireetly affeelng tht livet and tht homes lis iintinued, "there will bt any order I of the people, suck at publie health ef the War Department tt reduce tie land education 1 f rct at Fort Caswell. It it trut that I '1 want ns to quit thinking about Vi ht army approprisHon bill which the negro and the tariff and tht trusts, limiu tht army to 160,000 reduces the land realist that modern Statesmanship C. D. Poole, of Clayton, Es capes Without Injuries From . ( Automobile Accident CAR EN ROUTE FROM N0RfOLK;TrAll!GH rormer President of Cumber land Sailwsvf und v Fpwer t Oompoa One of The Dead ' rraakltaton, Jaly ltH.- ' B. ' Jeaca, of Norfolk, president of the defaact Cntaberland Railway and Power Company, and 8. B. Hatch. tnson, prominent Norfolk bislaost man, were killed shortly before midnight hear when tko aatomo. klfe in which they were riding ovorturaed oa a railway treating , three mlloa north of kero. C B. Poole, of Clayton, N. C, third pas aeager in tko car, escaped uaaart DeUils of the accident are meagre. It is aaid that tho ear, driven at a high rate of tpeed, failed to. negotl ate a turn In the highway, and taraed turtle when It hit tho rail road track. Jens and Batchlaaoa were reported to have been killed outright Tha ear waa a heavy touring ear, and tho party were earoute from Norfolk to Raleigh. The first news' of the wreck was brought to Frnnklinton by Mr. Poole, who roused up people living nearby, borrowed a bicycle and rode into town for a doctor. Medical assistance was hurried to the acsne, but Jones and Hutchinson were already dead. The minion returns to the State, Representatives of neither side have acked- for -opportunity - to argue the exeeptioBs before decision is rendered, and it it regarded aa unlikely that any hearing will be held. It is gen orally forecast that the Commission will stick to its order, with tome pos siblo revision of the secondary, power schedule. After that eaeh of the ex eeptort will kavt ten days in which to perfect tat appeal to tht courts. Praetiealry every oottoa mill along tha Sua tharw Railway from HillahnM to Gaston ia it -Uciaded : in tfc-mt-rj ffnr-4o ,awnit tho actioa of axeention filfS ith tha CammU. I UOvernor, tion. Tht Gastonia, Charlotte, Con cord, Greensboro, Burlington, Graham, aad musboro mills art in with ax caption that art practically identical In the tcgregatt these eorporationi use a large proportion of the power distributed by tho . Southern Power Company, in the State, and will pay a large part of the 1750.000 increase ia rates. Rata Confiscatory. Addition of three quarters of a mil' lion dollars to ita revenues ia un reasonably low and unfair and unjust and will not afford the petitioner a just return upoa the petitioner's prop erty." Objections are made to the proeesaes of I against Senator Simmons and that I Braun, who had changed his name Mr. Gardner" and Mr. Daniels would I becaase of notoriety resulting from tht - make common cause in their respective I of his draft dodging brother, had fight -for- the governohip and senator-1 been called at a witness by Major Brueo ship. I vampbell, accused by Bergdoll't :Mrr Dafiiela snoTT are friends ofimotlier of acceptins S5.000 to -.id l. long standing, but he has nover made I the slacker's eicape. - His direct testU the slightest suggettion to me with ref-1 mony had been concluded when Mr. Johnson took him in hand. " Fiery Examination , . , Then followed a long cross-fire tear ing on an interview Joha H. Sherburne, conimuiee counsel, nan .with.. Mrs. Meanwhile the investigation that has! kept the entire city in turmoil for: a I week has slowed down. The quarry, i where thousands hart "gatherftd dally siace tut first or the drowned auto mobiles wat hauled out last Monday 1 afternoon, wot deserted, save for a fewlercnce to any such coalition' declared I of tha faithful eurious. Private en-Mrv Gardner, "And you may ssy or terprite engaged in raiting a fund for I me that thert it absolutely no basis I defraying tht expenses of tho drain-1 for tuck report' ago' delisted from" ita labors, and! " ' 'Hot. Banning For Covernor f the) - Mr. Gardner further ttatedMk&a IsiUerfdoll al Philadelphia ten days ago waa not running for Governor or any I relating to charges against Campbell. City Hat No Record. I other office now ; that he was out of Mr. Johnson tried to develop whether City authorities havt at record nor breath and many other essential re-1 Grover Bergdoll, in a letter to his recollection of tho transaction de- iqulsiteaj and was not thinking of poll-1 mother, had mentioned army officers or scribed by Secretary Grimes in-his let-1 tics at this time, that it was too far I counsel by acme. Insisting that kt on to bt even atseussing tut probabui-1 never aetrd of the, alleged payment to ues oi a uovernorsmp race to res years 1 vatspbeu. ana that ht did not remem- hence." I ber what Grever 'might have written. Of course, I do not pretend to be I the witness declared that somt of Mrs. insensible and unapprcciative of the I Bergdoll't mail had been opened by asked City At- generous tenders oi future support that government agents, finally, JJr. John- for an opinion havt voluntarily come to me from 1 son charged that Braun was not aa- ter . of Friday declaring that the quarry is tho property of tha city by gift of tht 8tate somt 13 years ago. This faet wot transmitted to tht 6Ut official in a letter by Mayor Eldridge afer ht had toraey John Hinsdalt (Contlmcd oa Page Two.) (Continued oa Page Two.) . finding! of tht Commission generally, No protest is made - against tht al lowaneo for depreciation, in which the Commiaaion took tha petitioner's fig sres as equitable. The documents filed by tht cotton mills art of greater length tad almost double tht number of items excepted to. Beginning with aa attack upon the refusal of tho Commiaaion to dis miss tho cue because of lack of juris diction, a broadside is delivered oa the power of the Commission to ad' Judicata matters that are. of inter-statc Import Concerning coatracts, upoa which bodies were left lying, where ihtjt .waJ J..?9"".1?-1 W?l?r. until tht . county coroner could bt m"ZZ? : V . 1 reached . ' I kt the Commission failed aad The wrecked automobile was lving on reiu,ett . ?a.ana aetermine that tho main lino of the Seaboard and it B3r ,' ",od .-proetediag wu aeceiaary to Hag th southbound thoi oi Broet PPnt the traia to avoid further disaster. Kua- iting contract rates. The grounds dria of MwinU want nt trm tm n tnu exception are that tne re witness the -rawMmeSrnaetai-1.1 Th. spondenU asked for this finding In ear waa a 8inrer. and a vi.tr nowarful i request for findings No. S. aad macLine. It U thought that Jones, who -h they wtT "titled to thit find wu driving, miscalculated hit tpeed " l vueuce. when he attempted to make the turn in - That tho Commission failed and re tho road. - ' 4 to find and determine that the H. B. Jonea ia well known in North Misting contract wore voluntarily Carolina, where ha fcu been engaged mti basit of interstate traffle In buaineas for manv veara. Ha ia a I ana xor tervieo in inter state com brother-in-law of Mr. Pool. Last year I meree." In the matter. - ' , I time to time," he said. A large num-lswering queitiant frankly aad wat not The Mayor does lay claim to police bcr 01 of Charlotte have stop- telling all he knew. authority over the quarry aad its en- P4 m9 09 the streets this week, mtot "You art trying to ovadt my ques- virons, since it lies within the city I M woon supporwu uovernqr oiorriso.i, nons, air. jpnnson taio, woeu tat wit limits, but further responiibility for,Bd expressed a desire to support me I nets seemed unable to say jurt how Mrs. tt u JivUin.. v. r.i,i,i.i m.tot governor three years hence. It I Braun. on her war to join ker ehil- eounti populsr demand for tho drain-1 onnecUon Mr. Oanlaer took oeea- dren at a camp in the Pennsylvania I.I. i . L . . -L .1. .1 1 . I .. . i. i . .. a . . :ou,ia do xeaaata oeioro communicate to her. Ho it opposed to spending money for " ufmf . ' best . Hot words Bwappeg luiDivp. ui uu jianj suu im weiinrv,! j. am nos irying to ovaue your qntf but for the present he wss in no bellig-1 tions," Brsum insisted. erent mood, and that he had formed I " You are not trying yon are sue- no combinations or anwACe, offensive I seeding, Mr. Johnson declared. or defensive, either for the present or I "No .X am, notL the future; and that be dil not intend I to be a party to any fratricidal fac tional warfare within . the party. Free From Alliance tho gratification of the curious. Mr. Hinsdale's Letter. "Ia accordance with your request, I hare msde an examination into the matter of the ownership of the Bock Quarry. Records ia the Wake County Court House, do not disclose any deed or lease from the ' State te the City of Raleigh in connection with the Rock Quarry. "From what I eaa learn, the State it the owner" bf "the Quarry. Some years ago the State granted permis sion to the City to take stone from the Quarry for itfeet paving purposes. Thit wag morrthtav twenty years agr Auring the period in whieh Mr. John C. Drewry wss chairman of the Street Committee. "After the City had worked the quarry under thit permisalon it was abandoned for many years. About two years ago the State granted tht City pennissioa to erect aa incinerator oa the quarry property and to dump the ashes from the incinerator into the quarry. "The City has no title to the quarry and no interest in the same further than the bare permsision to maintain an incinerator and to dump ashes. This certainly does not carry with it tht obligation to pump tht qntrry. It It tht property of the State and if it "You are. Why oan't yon torn here and tell the truth f "I am telling tho truth." . - -- "You know you are not," Mr, John- "My contention has always been." in-1 son asserted. lilted Mr. Uardner, ''that every eandi- "You are a Hit? Braum shouted, and date ought to stand on his own meri thereafter all the stenographer caught win or low, disassociated from-cliques was the chairman's shrill announcement and factions, and absolutely free from I Tht Hearing it adjourned." any entangling alliances. I shall never bold., pfflc4.uJts, ,prk-.lnTou-eji our. render of this deep-seated conviction. There is not a person or interest that eon truthfully sny I have ever promised favor or office ia exchange for support at the ballot box: Braum said something about helsg "persecuted", u... the . serguut-aWaimt . hustled him out of the room to board tho first train home", excused by the ' chairman from' further appearance. - -"I would like to get hold of your ' brother," somebody shouted ia tht eon- Snoakino- further alon- thia line Xfr I f usioa as he went out Gardner, said: ''The supreme duty of this committee going to let that every patriotic North corolinlnn at hater of the American flag get away this time is to lend every energy in from here without being psniehedt aiding the people of the State to a re- Representative Johnson demanded, pay eovcry from the depression in induttry nM1 t9 Aorta of Represents and agriculture, and to help to carry tivt Flood, Democrat, Virginia, to quiet to a successful eonsummat on the (rent I nim, tssks to which the State stands com mitted. Politics should stand adjourn ed unil the more prcssins; problem confronting the people have been suc cessfully solved." ana rower company ana tool over ainMiciun mH un HOrVd I j.. T i J7 onurnimn . . ., ' .umber tf .mallow, alectrit lighting - RPTRACTinN FROM PAPFR ifW rJS 5-2 Q0VERN0R SMALL SAYS dearly tht duty I M at. ava . a . A 1 ii. .1.1 . I . i. F.v.ttevlll.. Bankmntew an. n..i .7.. .1. ..., 11,0 u". remeuy tne evil eii-ner I eeedlnas were tUrted uoinat hit com-1 F pumping out tsen or awnoruwg ' - . . , . . .. . - - . . oii w, k. hmUui . m.i in unnrintia nnsr arajaa rn- u u. f"' . . . I r . I v ...ia !,. v. q,.,. and LibeDonl " hike the initUHivo 1b the matter for tho ressoa that there is no ohlla-atlon Mayor i. a. tidridge yesterday wrote on tho part of tho C tr in this eon 100 unariotie ubsorver uking for a I section. planU and tha abandoned street rati- ttntly bought in by tht bond koldsra ' COMBINE IS AFTER HIM Declares Moneyed Interests In .Illinois Brought Indictments -Against Him FEELING IN IRELAND THAT PEACE PROPOSALS WILL PROTE ACCEPTABLE Dahlia, Jaly SS-By th Associated Press.) The Impression tt growing hero that tho Irish peace of te made by P rentier Lloyd George to Eastern Do Valtra, tho Repabllcaa loader, Will work oat la settlement Tho term of the offer are atlll being held la tht strict coBfideaco. Gea. Batata Tt Irelaad ' Loadea, Jaly U (By the Aae. elated Pres) General Jsb C Smatt, tht Soath Africaa premier, to on acted to leave London for Ireland early next week, probably Maaday, to place hi aervke at the disposal of both Eaaaeaa Do Tatar, tho Reran, licaa leader, aad Sir Jam Craig, tha Ulster premier, daring their critical coaaideratloa .of .the .Irish peace proposal made hy Premier Lloyd George. , retraetioa of a statement In ita Raleigh correspondent under date of July 0, to tht effect that "open charges" havt been tnada that "political pressure hat Mayer Eldrldge't Letter. Chairman Feters said tonight tht in quiry would be resumed Monday, with Wlllnm B. Campbell, of Lexington, Kentucky, Major Campbel't fall ter, U the principal witness. , THUNDER SHOWERS TO"" CONTINUE DURING WEEK Washington, July 23.Weathef pre-. dictions .for tht week beginning Mob- day tret r 1 f'-'"1'-' Aliddlt Atlanue ttaiet generauy fair and temperature near - or aomawhat' above normal, but with tome probabUl-' ty of local thunder-showers first part Of the week. " '.' South AUsntis and Eut Gulf ttatet normal, temperature and local thunder- - Chicago, July. 23. Governor Lenl Small, in his first publie speech, lines I The Mayor in turn wrote Secretary ait indictment hut Wednetday for em- ef State Grimes aa follows! , bexxloment of State funds, told several . . . . . . . .. I.L J t VII i . . I WUlWUll "Aekaowledffln- vour fsvav ht tha I mouaauu ouuuuiicana aratnerea at a PIC-1 .v . mi. ... .. i-ji...t been brought tt bear fo? tht purpose of 1 22ad iaitaat tettin forth vour vlewt lfl Be' today that "sn segregation of 1 ,Vi. . . a ;.,.v. i. v. w. sbbrtvUting tho investigation" of the at to the respeetlvt rights of ths interests " hst combined to defeat iMr " discovery ef alleged ttolea automobiles state aad City in reference to tho rock I the will of tht people , I, ; - in tne itoci vpisrry sere. . quarry situated within the city limits. . ! "1B- -onsyta inierestv nt taia, civ .RIY CANTONMENTS Tht atatemeat, according to Mayor I thank yon for your interest In the -dlacovred thst they could neither buy ilA ttMi DC D AWnnWCn Eldridge, it "fain aad tibcllout" and matter. From a letter addressed to me 80r ''t.n mt and they havt joined - WILL BE ABANDONED it "tantamount to a ehsnre of official b ! cj Attnm. .nn- i.uk with their tools, tht Attorney Central. corruption oa tho part of the elty eom-h, tnelosed herewith, it snrxars that I CM"-0 Tribune, and Dally Jfcws, I - Washington, July , 83-Six army I ! ...... . .UV..I - ' I mm A a...!.. 1U.tfV.Ml.L.. I ... . I will V .li.nnnM nv ,ha nJWHlBrnb auw BMiMniviift mum wniUf TlOWt tt 10 tn ttUtUI Of tht OUtrrT I " wm-w. wyviwiw, au blu'uiiiw i ,.u,uu,.... - - ... nee. but are not necea. 1 ,0 aisgraee and destroy me by having I War uepanmtni, veorewry -eeao b- - accepted without investigation or was I . -arlaneo. recklessly mtds In total disregard ef ita I Mrily irreconcilable. truth, of raiaity.- - - -m "At It seemt that the Only right th "Ia jnttleo to wreslvet," Mayor Eld- eity k aotccQr for or is exercising la ridge ooncludet, "wo mast demand that nRard.to tht quarry premises Is the a retraxit be msdt in your paper to- .ri.iuM f maiauint.- . -.-h.H.. eording to tho Uw ipon tho eubjeet eiBerator on tho margin ef tha quarry Otherwise, tt win be deemed necessary BBd 4ipoiag of tho tshet resulting to takt tuck actioa at teemt proper to from 0pe riling the incinerator! by protect in rvpuiauoai oi law . ... . , musioaors.; , vv'int af ". mt mulcted By tbt grand , jury of I nouncea today. 1 wo or tne aix are Sangamoa county, a oouaty controlled I Cambp evtat. lsa.( and Camp Meads, by the most vicious political ring ia I MdV Tbt remaining four were - not the State of Illinois. ' I aamed. '- - 'But I believe-tho people of Illinois - Cop Jakisa, S. C, it wu toil, prob- anderstaad why Lea Small wu indicted. I ably will bo abandoned. Attorney General Brundsge and his whole gang ef character assutlns and character defamers, know thst I sro. in nocent of every charge they make." The Secretary said one big canton ment, somewhere in tho South, would be maintained permanently because ot Advantages, dus $q climatt con J.: 1 ...