NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N. C, WEDNESDAY MORNING, JULY 27 192.. '. C " ' FARM PROPERTY iWAYNE BATTERY NEARLY DOUBLED Over Doubled In North Caro lina; Figures Given Out By Census Bureau Washington, July 2fl. The value of 111 farm property in the United Btntes oa January 1, 1920, according to the Fourteenth Census, was $77,989,071, a compared with f0,l91,4P9,O90 in 1910. The increase in the value of all farm property during the decade vat thua 36,B34,5nP,9P:i, or 90.1 per cent. Four states reported farm property valued at mora than HnflO.noO.WMi in 1920, aa follow: Iowa, WSTO.V); Illinois, 00,660.81 7,235; Tesas, 4,461, 579,497; and Nebrsska. 4,193,S23,242. The average value of all farm pro perty per farm for the United States aa a whole in 1920 wan $12,083, aa com pared with $6,444 ia 1910. Ia aiz states the average value re ported per farm in 1920 was above 23,000. These states were Iowa, with 39,942; South Dakota, with 37,?.i:i; Nebraska, with 33,707; Nevada, with 131,646; California, with $29,1,58; and - itiiBms,- wit $28,109. Valne of Farm Land the value of fnrm land alone in the Suited States ifi 19S0 win IS4.ftna.453, 92S, aa eompared with $2t.47S,fl74,169. in 1910, representing an increase of 26,427,779,756, or 82.S. per cent. This value was obtained by subtracting from the value reported for farm land and buildings together total real estate value) the value reported separately for buildings. The average va-lue nf land alone per farm in 1920 km (9,514, as compared with $4,476 in 1010. Farm Buildings Farm buildings in the I'nited States were valued at 11,4.10,85!),6;U in 1!2, aa eompared with $6,325.4.r.l,S2H in 1910. Thia represents an increase of .",1Tfy 404,109, or 80.1' per cent. Tea average value of buildings per farm in 1820 was $1,77.1, while the tverags in 1910 was ttH4. Implement and Machinery Tht value of fnrm implements and miehinerj fin 1920 was $.195.317,021. compared with IJ6,'5,14!T,7R3 in "110, representing an increnee of $2,330,167, I3S, or 184.2 er cent This largo increase is due in prt to the fact that prices of farm implements nnil ma ehinery were nnusunlly high art the beginning of the year 1920. The value of implements and ma chinery per fnrm in 1920 was (."Ji1, as "against $199 in 1910. Live Stock The value of live stock on farm in the United Slates in 1920 was $7,99, 362,496, ai rompared with $4,925,173,610 la 1910. This represents an increase of (3,071,188,836', or 62.4 per cent. Nina states reported live stock valued ft mora than $300,000,000 in 1920, as .follows: Iown, fiW,326.20H; Tcias, '(589.321.B53; Illinois', $440,154,064: Mis sonri, 3R9,819,04;.8;obraska, $328,460, vtVl; WiieBiiarA.W22iaJa.H5;. Kansas, 1318,025,292; New York, $.l13,5r.4,695; and Minnesota, (3fl5,l(i:i,82r.. The average value of live stock per farm in 1920 was $1,240, as against $774 ia 1910. Tha North Carolina figures are: Value of farm property in 1920, 3 .250,1 66,995; In 1910, $-.37.7,6.210. Land in 1920, $S57,RI.-.,0!; in 1910, 343,164.945. r.uildinirs in 1920, $218,r.77.944 ; 1910, $113,459,662. Implements and machinery in 1920, $54,621,363; 1910, $18,441,619. IJiratock in 1920, $119,152,672; 1910, $62,649,084. Value of all farm property per farm In 1920, $4,634 ; in 1910, $2.1 i9. NO PART OF BIBLE TO BE WITHHELD FROM SCHOOLS Goldsboro Argus. Before the tegntar mw tnst night Major John D. Ingston a called the platform by Mr. Ham and made public, to the vast audience a resolution pasaed by the (Iraded Hchool Hoard of Trustees, to the effect that in the future DO part of the IlihJe -either from the Old or New Tesament -would he with-ksHd- fronr being -jead . in tu . public schools. This bit of news was received by an applause lasting several minutes. During the last days of the Ham Ramsay meeting, the Kv.inge Ut hn given, to hia auJieuca lhe-hciijic: has ia the way of gaspet messngrs, using aa hjs subject Inst night. 'Repentance Toward Cod and faith in Jcxu Christ," applicable alike to the sinner end christian. A Real Hsur Saver and Beautifier Feea at l.m Skimi H.aalla at Oace ar Notalas la If your hair la thinning; out. prema turely gray, brittle, llfla. full of dandruff and your head itches Itltr mad. qutrli action mum be taken to save your hair. l)on t wait until the hair root ia 1. for then nothing can prevent baldness. Get from J. C. Hrantley or any good drwaclat today a hoiti af I'lrmm It doesn t cost much and then- nrthlns; else you could use thata so almple. safe and effective. You will surely be drllihted with the first application. Your hair will seem much mors abundant and radiant with Ufa and beauty ail Itchinac ceases and j-nur acalp feele rool and comf ortabl Parisian se la In treat demand bv aierrimiaalins; women because it la daintily perfumed, dos not color or virvaa is, nair, ana seeps It lustrous oft and fluffy. Ba aure to a-et tha e-rnulne lariin age fUlrnus's) for this is guaranteed to sTlva perfect satisfaction or nothing nODICTi , QUALITY I SelTEVlCt etc. Hewers far An Otiilsae IS iMUSTERI ;d in Sixty-nine Men and Four Offi cers Form Golds boro Unit (lolilsboro, July 26. Night before lunt in the old Company I) armory, says an article in the Goldsboro Ar gua, tha Wayne Battery was officially mustered into the Hate and feders service as a unit of the North Carolit.a National Guard. Major Itiatine, a reg ular army infantry officer now station ed at Camp (ilenn, conducted the in spection and muster. The formality marked the end of the active campaign which has been conducted to organize a National Guard iait in GolJsboro. The unit as accepted, is composed of four oflicers and sixty nine meu. While this is four more than the minimum required, there is etill room for others who may wish to enlist. The Battery can be recruited tip to a strength of 114; and an active-effort will be made to increase the present number. The Wayne Bnttery is' now officially designated as Bnttery A of the Field Artillery of the North Carolina Na- tional Uuard. It is tho first and rank ing unit of tha. artillery regiment which is to be formed in this Stat", and this gives its first members ml ditionjul,;pportunity for rapid ad vnneement. The present personnel of the uatlcrv is n follows: Captain, Ki-iiiuth liny', all. first lleutenanta. lvlwiirrl Mkhuiii ami Sam Unit; (second lieutenant, Krn est 'LashUy . members: l.nnia l . Allen Lewis Anan, Kilcar Anderson. William H Andrews, I'arl J llalilwin. William W. Harnet. Isaiah, liradshaw, Carl YV. Hrendle, Horace llrock, Lealie Iirown Walter W. Ilrown, William i Butler, .Ir.. Lannle W. Carmin k. .Sherman Cash. I'uriey Caaleen, Willie ('. i 'raw ford, Char-tea A rn, l.lnewnl H John A Kdmuridson, Marion W. Kd wanls. Kdward Kppe, Sollle N. Kpatrin, Shorkley N ilardner. lOrnest K. Core Hii.Mlen I,, liriffln. Thoniaa N. 'Jrlffin. Fred T. Itnlieen, William U,- Henley. Ailcl Tt, rrlnir, Allen N Hohbs. Ilenrv n. Holland. Itoner HolllngHn-rirth Willie It HiillinKaWorth. liob-rt V. Hollowell. ;e.,r;e K, Holt. Tommlfi J Hood, John II Hooks. Jr., Waller II Jernlsian. Dra ham II Justice Kills H. Kannan. Itav inond K. Keller, Itoy Jl Keller. Klllott W. King. I.liby V. Kill si. Nereus S. Merritt. leoriir 1' Morris, Kuah Nash, .Vie Nsvlor. Eldori tidnm Matthew I' nijt.m. Trr.T W.-Ttrtsr -WTttterm Fullimk. Willie V I'M4M k. Hunter M. Pom II Willinm M 1'rlnoe. Leslie Kovall. laal K. Wadler Krank Sanuruth, Walter T Sanders, Harry Snsser, llohert Kassi r .Ionian) N. Smith. Carl K Stanlev, Jr. Iiavid I, Sommerliri. Kd.lle 1, T"ler. .Ilmmlo I,. Weetl.rook Curl Whillev Claren J ' Whitley, Kl, hard A WooteTI BRYAN FAMILIES HAVE REUNION AT GARNER liarner, .l.ilj- 36, In Sainnlay at ti l tioiiie of Mis. Julia rciny Aryan, tic ''llrvan Keuniin was bold. Ail families wtre iireeitt with tbe eiceji- tion if only four, tliero beirg twenty' three families in all. A big barbecue .anil fried chicken dia ner was spread about 2 o'clock in f In pretty oak grove and was tilled with ill the other g oi! things that w:ik up a j'liod (linnet, everydflej Keying real gncd time. ( The net reunion j-hs to Walt'ir Bryan's (one year from tlr) at th" old "Hrvnn Homesteid. Kodak Finishing For the best work and prompt returns, send your films to Brinkley Studio OXFORn, N. c. The nous That Make All Promises Good" DETAILS OF OFFER FOR MUSCLE SHOALS PLANT Henry ford Mint Modify Pro posals Considerably Before They Are Acceptable f Washington, July 28. Details i of Ifi-nry Ford's proposals for taking over the Muscle Shoals, Ala, power projects am! nitrate plant wero given Ont at the War Department and Soerotary Wka aaid Mr. Ford's tender would have to receive considerable modifica tion before they eould be accepted. Su. Ford renuires a tiraeticnl ituarantae from tho government to develop; fWO.OOO,, horsepower at Muscle Mioals, wn'cn can not be given, tha secretary declared, though Ins tender is being studied by fir.aneis! and engineering experts. There is a possibility also, Mr. Weeka added, that un offer for the propcrtiea would bo. made from another source. The Ford proposals, carefully carried out into detail involve money payments to tho government sufficient to return to it 140.000.000 within the hundred- year period for which he asks a lease, and in addition, a rental of fl per cent on the same value. Mr. Ford asks fur ther expenditures of r.8.000,000 to earn plcto the power and nitrate plants, agreeing to make additional payments on the same basis. Proposing to use the plants for tha manufacture of B Careful What You Wash Your Hair With nitrats, be agrees to -Old it' In readi ness for turning ever to' the govern- 'ment ia ease of war. and to allow his profits to. be limited to S per cent on fertilizers produced in peace time, with the establishment of a board of repre sentatives of farmers' organizations to supervise aeeounts and see that the limitation be' made effective. It A LEIGH MINISTER TO HOLD .MEETING IN ELIZABETH CITY. Elisabeth City, July 26. Beginning Wednesday' night at 8 o'clock Dr. Weston Brtjner, pastor of the Baptist Tabernacle church in Raleigh, will as sist Bev. J6el 8. Brown in a. meeting at Shiloa Baptist ehurch. The meeting Most soaps and prepared shampoos contain too much alkali, which is very injurious, as it dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is Mulsiflcd co coamut oil shampoo, for this is pure and beats anything else all to pieces. Tou can get Mulsifird at any drug store, anil n few ouuees will last the whole family for Eion'l.s. Simply moisten the hair with water and rub it in, about a teaspoonful is all that is lrqnired. It makes an altinlc. of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thor oughly, snd rinses out easily. The ha'r dries quickly and evenly, and ia soft fresh looking, bright, '"fluffy,' wavy, Snd easy to handle. Besides it loosens and takps out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Be sure your druggist iives ynu Mulaiflod. (Adv.) ECKMAN'S ALTERATIVE For Throat and Lungs AH Druggists Every Occasion Is An Occasion Flowers Let Flowers Carry Your Message of Love and Friendship J. L. O'QUINN'S FLORISTS Phones 47 and 149 No. Exrhsnge St. OPPOSITE GILMER BLDG. HOTELS AND RESORTS liters! I tti?J .j 1 uj ri it. 'l. 3 5ntrl BntBtilliB SSKSOVit -at MM STRUT, NEW TOW CITY SaWsr Faun Suitaa h'rTfcr.": . rf .. mm "A kottl of Distictivntu nd Rtfintment:' Between Riverside Drive and Central Park. Coolest location in New York. Ten minutes by subway to 42nd Street ana U minutes to Wall Street. Attractive rooms single or en suite. jtociM Attn nnii A LA CAKTEmmd TABLE PHOTS SSKVKM I M. P. MURTHA, Manager cv I ,Tt--sr Si. 1' " "' i in Z ) Utaa-Ctae Aeraa,atUs- Battery Park Hotel , i " Ha-rtasi Travetssui C'i.-.,h VW ow"rl r W. Grave of St. Lonl ,, htT, viettU a portio. ef our eapaclty for th m f commerelaa trav.Ter whrtri fa eajog the r.flnl rvic. attrttos of . "mwu-tllZX ttSui aotal-oonv.Btentlr locate la th. bu.inMa dlstrloC Amlrtoaa s?iasl .1.1 eommerclal rate. Reeervatlona wlU rac.lrrta. .VatJuo t tk snasacar. .. wiLatn Dktkwoobip. is.,.,, . ' .". afttT ratSs SlaHat. AharUla, fL, fl SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES MEREDITH COLLEGE For Young Women Raleigh, N. C. Admits only those who have completed four years of work ia high school. ' Fseilities excellent, charges moderate. For information or cata log, write CHAS. E. BREWER, President ' RALEIGH, N. C Fassifern School Hendersonville, N. C. MISS KATE C 8HIPP, Principal Fifteenth Year Begins September 21, 121 Number of students limited. Upper School, College Preparatory and general High School (,'oursoa. Lower School for younger girls, under direction of experienced teachers and a hall mother. .... MUSIC, AET, ATIILETICS Riding lessons under trained feactief. - - A . i - - ' rlf' vs. OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE ? SSStfS rmmdrd In ISM. MtllUry. Cmnrt thnrraulilr eowrlns Wtwaliirs. mimu-s. llonk-limjin. Khorl li.i.O. TnrlUns. snd Muti.-v Kuut hellillim: leUI(, llsliu. itwra htst snrl h, li -J sum la lamput. tlhlitlt ,roundl. orctiirts. tnj lulu Besulltiil ! MslllliS limi hllli ),f"l with tlulB forMtt. Rlttiful IM lert Stx let ltl; aersHlMs ImUral nsar GrwMtmra M' ainrsl laSiieocss Costs nasnnaMs. H!S fir tho reir Fall eiiln nrtis SepumlKr S, lii. Wrlla for llhistriM raulofua Addrm OAK SIDSf INSTITUTE. 0S Rldsa. M. 0. will continue for ten days,, with serv ices at 3 p. m. and 8 p. m. daily. Alost of'BS believe ia.eterssl yaa ishment, at lesst. ft our 'enemies. V SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES TRINITY PARK SCHOOL ' Establiahed 18 Location excellent. Equipment first class. Well trained faculty of successful experience. Special care of health of the students. An JnsUtietor in each dormitory to supervise living conditions of hoys under his csre. Excellent library snd gymnasium facilities. Large athletic fields. - - For illustrated catalogue address . , ,j F. 8. ALDRIDGE, Headmaster, Daraaat, N. C " Hot Rolls and Bread Every Afternoon at Our Store Royal Baking Co. 109 S. Wilmington St NORTH CAROLINA STATE COLLEGE - OF AGRICULTURE AND ENGINEERING STATE COLLEGE STATION RALEIGH. N. C. Taehnlcal education enables young men to succeed in their chosen professions and ' vocations. Bute College Graduates nro prepared for personal success antr for loatlership In industrial progress. The college offers FOUR YEAR COURSES IN: Asrleulturs Including General Asriculture and Specialized Courses In Farm Crops, Acrliultural Enjlnesrlnr. Animsl Husbandry and Dalrlnc, Biology. Horticulture, Poul try Ucleffce. Bolls, Veterinary afodlcltis, Vocatlnnnl Education. CSssslsrry, Asrlcultural Chemistry. Textile Chemistry and Dyeing. Crtlt EaaisMrlss. Architecture, and Uljhway Kaiilaserlns. Etsetrleal Eslsrlsf. StMkanleal Caeleeartna. " - Textile Textile Engineering, Textile Manufacturing, Textile Chemistry and Dyelnj. TWO YEAR COURSES IN: AtrlcuHurs, Mechanic Arts, Textile Manufacturing. One Tsar Course in Auto Mechanics. . .Winter Course In Aerlculture for Farmers. 6umr Bastion for Teachers, (or Collets Entrance sad for College Credit. Kieellent eeulpsnnt In sll departments. , Cession ltil-21 hesins Heptemner T. Bntranca ruiutrements for Fwnhman Class, 15 units Enfllsh, S; History, 1; Mathematics, tl-Z: Science. 1; Ilecttre. 61-1. lor eatalog. Illustrated circulars, snd entrance blanks, write E. B. OWEN, Reslitrar. Straw Hats Price ' a, Manhattan Shirts Reduced All Three Piece Suits y4 off King & Holding CLOTHIERS FURNISHERS HATTERS "Just a Little Different Just a Little Better" You'll get somewhere with a pipe and P. A.! f Stin ....n i n i in n. is mill niiasj i .iiiirmw rTimiRTiiil. Tiiiiiriimiifm'i i. . . , --- 1 Vate Affcav at sale as Saawy rW a. " tia. kaaalaaaaa aasad mmA kJt m taa km- aafaeaWailsiaiaW rrrsval laa kmmUmr seat aawse - aaaastaaar taa tkmt Aure ta ra- 1 s.aaitiea, Start fresh all over again at the beginning ! Get a pipe and forget every smoke ex perience yon ever had that epilled the beans 1 For a jimmy pipe, packed brimful with Prince lbert, will trim any degree of smoke joy you ever registered! It's a revelation! You never puffed such delightful, satisfying flavor; or, such fragrance! Why you just want to eat the zephyry smoke it's so fascinatingly good! Put a pin in here! Prince Albert can't bite your tongue or parch your throat. Both are cut out by our exclusive patented process. So, just pass up any old idea you may have stored away that you can't smoke a pipe! ' We tell you that you can and just have the time of your life on every fire-up if you play Prince Albert for packing ) What P. A. hands you in a pipe it will duplicate in a home-made cigarette! Gee but youll have a lot of fun rolling'em with Prince Albert; and, it's a cinch because P. A. is crimp cut and stays put! CawrrleM tail ks JL i Hrwalaa Tafcaoaa C. Wasatsei, C. 1 .r the national joy tmoke ' L" hi V