1 - - NOTABLErffinVILL ICANNOT COVER SIN MAKE ADDRESSES WITH OTHER SHIS Negro Farmers' Congress At . Greensboro Will Have Fine Program Ti tee Id, tor : Th Ncsto larnert ( otiifr. ss was chose 1 for t h is erf aair ata I cause through t, it u inteuded to s'imulate stii onri'iiMf tin- un cultural, economic, ediicatiicn.-ii and social development of the Negro on the firm. Se believe one of the main reasons for the movement from tt. tartn to the ritv is that of attraction. We also believe thr solution of this problem csn W brought shout l,v set ting up counter attract, on (in tin farm mfhcitntly strong to .nverronv that which influences to arc tUc ntv In thia connection h have iln,irn M M. Minor, of Hampton Institute to da cu '"How to tWautify tie II iirounUJ. .Mr Hinu. 11 i 1 , i i one of th heat authorities in the country on thia subject. Ha usually illustrates hit lectures mth very line pamtiugi of his on production. It will lie a treat In hear thia distinguished trentlenini! We ahull also liaie .1. Ii. I'lcro special acent, of the rtepn i ! men! js-l vtasruiigton, tio has the supervision over Ml states in the Neu.ro tutrix work. We' are wry much dclrghtod to he assured of the pretence of K. H. .I t. r torn. agricultural editor of our stiit, Department .it Kali-igl'., Imt now ugn cultural editor of the .Soli Improvement Avu i'ni hoi, winch has lii'.-nliiiurtors Atlanta, iioorgin. . I :i , -iie t li rl t it will In' a great stimulus to our Negro tiirmers throuj;! out the State, to It-urn that Dr. .1. A Lvans, Chief of the Intrusion Work South, Washington, I. (.'., iiriiiiiiara t he present nnd address ua on "The Itility and Practicality of .the Kxtrn kion eWvic."' -'"Tli lat distinguished i-harnrtor to appear on our program i r. E, ('. Itrooks, .State Fuperintctidri.t if 1'ulilie Instruction. Dr. Mrouk's has ...l-.'S.onfi. Bfld i, ttuw ittusecuxju! tmaattiU one of the greatest eiliientionnl pro jrrnins ktmwn in the State of North 'aro4itia if m-t in the entire Southland He ill apeak to i on our school sys tem and its future develnptnent. This too promises to lie one of the gnat .,,1 dresses of the occasion and no one Mho can possibly gain entrance into the A. it T. College auditorium e.iu afford t, miss the address.es of these distinguish ed men. All these program will t,e n eonipnnicd iith choice.' niiime moat oi' which all will lie of an .igrnultiiral nature. There will lii,m,r .e some ' s'n'rreTr aiuj. ejiiaiti t .y the liosl Negro inlc-n' in TTfe, 'list, orn, namely: Solos h) Mrs ,na Weld., Mi-i pttic Miller, . -i.u.1 XI r. Harry Smith. , JUl- tiixcj arc I'erVntis -of titiitital ability, Wtt slml! : l'o have the Al.liey K Williams Qurir M, live I'eetmt'f (JuartiJ, Um 1'bUa ionic Openi'.o ( lull nil of Una cit. I nis will he i a're and choice musn '.tided with tin- tine addr ssei which i'l m ike tlie N'. gro Farmer' t'nngres. iii" ot the giiulest ami nioat effect ivr ,rngriiia rendered in the hit r v o" i ,i otg.iuu.al ,on. This is the last article wo ahall w it, i n the gnat meeting that i to fol'ev in a fen ilj. I w.,u! t. urge all i.lie i xpeel to attend to please not fail to send the a.cretnry, ,lao. D. Wray, A. i T. Collcgi', lireriialioro, N. ('., a tmti e of yourself and alt the ftiends you ex pect to bring not later than August K'th. It will he oiiil-.ii ra-nt to Imth vou nnd us to have hundieds of people waiting lor lionra to In- issigned who have ar rived unexpectedly. Jut a postal caid ,-iit in time will relieve liotl ymi and ns. .IK1IN WHAV. ( i reensoro, N. C. FIVE UNNATURAL DEATHS KEEP THEC0R0NER BUSY Wilmington, Aug 7. -With five deaths caneu to nis nitc-ntum ."sun, lay was no day of rett for Coroner A. S. Holdr i of New Hanover rountv. At ti:.H a. tn., the busiest day he lias ever known be " tan when a patrol: mn reported the body of a negr, , K. Wmglass, who fc". into Cape Fear river Friday, hud floated aaliore. Two hours later, Mist Louise Parks Klnnn, of StatesTtlle, N. C, and Marion Avant, of Wilming ton, were drowned in the snrf at Wrightsville Beach. At 11 o'clock the lifelest body of Charles II. Wilson, was found in his bed, death being due to natural causes At 1 0 clock the eoroner ss advised -that -WUlit . HaoJ., negro, had died in a local hospital from wounds received Friday night at th, hands i f Special Officer E. J. Hale, in the Keaboard Air Line yards, who ahii him thr?e times when the officer said. he was caught trying to rob a freight ear. An inquest on the last death will he held tomorrow. KOREA STILL HAS STRONG HOPES FOR INDEPENDENCE Honolulu, T. H. Aug. 7. Korea's hope for freedom and absolute in dependence from Japanese ruP ttronger than ever, according to Ir Hyngman Rhee, president of the Korean provisional republic, who re turned here recently from the Far Fast During a tour of six months Dr. Kheo a stid to have penetrated Korean ter ritory despite Japanese police vigilanc and to hare held conferences with his people's leaders in their home land. H goes from here to Washington. Seven divisions of the Japanese army are stationed In Korea, Dr. Hhc declared. The presence of aurh a for. refutes Tokio's claims that recent re forms hive altered? th Korean's at titude, hs asserted. , Dr. Hyngmaa Rhee, like Dr. Run Yat ten, it an old Honolulu boy. Both spent many years here before they took up their leadership. CHINESE PROTEST OVER LICENSING OF DEALERS Shanghai, Aug. 7.-Vigorous protest la voiced by Chines dealers against uieaiur taken by the municipal author ties to eheck profiteering In foodstuffs tnd particularly to pat ttop to rice aotrmsg It siat required that all tendon of riet obtain Ureases and dealer were lotlned that they must also keen aecu rat record, open to inapertion, of all toeka on hajid. . Dealers aoatead that tk Mtllll 1 ts,lt kav th effect of reducing tales, aa Mtonert are made fearful by visits f a polUe U batineea ettablithmeBta. Ait to OHrr Wendell Holme, "tka thlnf aamed Yanta' i a word ot ' for (tatlsaea, bat 'tti." . NEWS Rev. C. K. Proctor Qraws Simile Between Rock Quarry Disclosures and Persons fril ilig a ain lie t , een the ri k -1 la ras.ria h at r i in i'h otiicr I'rwctor, pastor of char h. It nigh' u. repl nlaDce ai,d ':iy way to cover sight of tio'l. The quarry dicloure tempt to co r t o in. the Kev (' K th Central M. " -.'e pointed out t.n I i.-. t rgivetiess a- tl-e nr -ngdo.rg in tt.c pe,iki r preieh' d a atrnug h-rmnft t a inrge coi.gn-gatier,. t.ikii.g hia teat from the steventh ferae of the fourth chapter of ti,, Kpi.tlc to ti,c Run.aiis : "lil -.ed are they who,, iniqmtiea are forgtvi n and whose a.na are covered" "Die town hai leen thriltrd ty k ad linei in the newspapera'that yoiuler cut if i. or l.eautiful city j an awful hole, deep and tilled with dark -ater; a hid ng place for the ma of fw of the comiiiuiiitv. Thoae who were aunoui to get ml t' sin in the darknesa of night haie atrneg to rover their am in the deep watera of the r.H k quarry. Then mi-n went to work and found it 14 tie a fact that ain hud I'oeu covered there for some tune Vow know, and I know th, s,- .l.i r k w.itera are not aufticient to ri,er sin I'mops w.-re put to aork and those waters will, he !.;id I. are and tlx sins of yesterday uneovnred te. the gale of the in it Tt 1 1 11-1 c. Thev tried to cover their aina, Imt they found the method fu'ilo and in vain. '"(Inly Cod's plan w'll cover ain. The time n coming when the dark waters of in in your hearta will !e eleared away and laid I, are to the gale of the world as at yonder qnarrr. Then nhntf Vol will n'.t longer riak tleei'its. I.ut will fol low do, I a plan of life and stand the teat of the ga?e of the multitude. Con foi and repent and nk for forgiveness that is how Jo" can lie aaved and that is how vou can cover your nitis. In beginning h' soruinh.'lfr. I'teCtor aald that the niosit popular queatlon tn the world is how to be aaveel, how the arml thflt ha jpme rontrirrr to 'the h and eoriimnii'lme nt.s of 'o,l can flncl it self cleaned up and prepared to aland 1n the presence of Cod. He iraid there were more strange viowa on religion women nnd poli'-k-'.s thyn on any other three things under (tie nun. but that there nro some things couiiuon in view i on religion, chief of which ia the fatt that every one liolda for a better life be ond. In defining in, Mr. Proctor aaid sin is the most awful thing in all the exist once of man; the moat awful disease known to the children of meo. The speaker st. . tod that i n was a disease which ale Into tint .heart and soul, that immortal part of life, anil destroys heart, joy a4 iappijMjaa -an.il snatched the life luck fram the portals. of glory t-. the blackness of everlasting death ts" dues all the evil in thia aoiU, lie added, and he cited instance of the wreck of u home and the fall of a young i.. i n and voung women and Christians. In . ause of sin. "Vou tn not face the question of what alimn the ains of your ifc. Vou can't gut rid of sin, by covering it up vrith another. Confess y, ur Bin, Tepent and ask forgiveness. That is the only way Cod's way of covering your sins and receiving everlasting life." T L Negro Thought He Would Help Out Officers, He Says, But i They Are Nix Kniston, Aug. 7. Morris Jones, who is 0110 of the most entertaining negro characters 111 .lonea county, is back of toe Volstead law, the prohibition con stituticuial amendment and the State tatutea dealing with uitoi icat ing be-.er ages, ics, huIi, he is behind the W. t 1'. I ., the Auti Saloon league and the uthorttiea in Wahtinjton, Hatetgh ani Kniston to the limit. For instance, when Moms found two gallons of corn wlnskev in a hollow tree he started straight to Kins!, oi with it to c-onsult the autho-i'ies. He ill. I have come straight to Iheui any way, according to his own account, but nl.otg the iol a strange "uigger" I ,1. bed in"h.ii path with a demand ..for liquor. "Do you know what dis is?' asked the stranger It was a tin badge under his ioat. The efticioui one said he was a prohibition enforcement of fleer, a "detective." That experience Itaatoned Morns' coming. His indigna tion had been aroused. ' He was a sus pected man and wanted his "char c ter'' cleared. Somebody here blundered. When Morris arrived and reported his ei ericnce and described the strange the authorities immediately set about apprehending the latter and getting hun sent to the roads, where he now impersonating tonu-thing else thm an officer; but tjicy did not reft with that, and took Morris into custody. Hi ia awaiting trial for having had the liquor - taken, he declared, from a hoi low tree. Yesterday when Thomas Connay, deputy sheriff, and Prohibition. Oftuci Montague visited the vicinity of Jones home they found two moonshine stills Moma appeared to be trying to av.o.l interview, but this proved riot to be the rase. When he wss finally asked to stand long enough to have some qur. tions put tu him he was manifestly de lighted to answer them. He was glstl to have the officers come of their own uitiativc, lie said, but he suscctcd even at thst that "them people" who mam tamed the stills would think ht ha I "turned 'em up." Th stills haC lout lcen a cause of concern to kim. "I have 'bout been tempted to insult them foJks,'' he ssid. "They's worn a path across my yard going ter dera stills." Too polite, whstever they thought, to question Jones' version, Conway and Montagu with Methodical, offieerly ef fieieacy, explained that the law has a way of demanding a gnat, aad that thev must scire upon Morn nimself as t!i" l.andicst one to be the Angora. Not th u they had the slightest doubt, they an id, that he eould evplain satisfactorily to the court, , Leave Fee Wrigklavtlle. Mr. R, U Ellington, Mr. Jiff T. llngtoa, ktiaset Aani LnR ,d Hel-n f.lllngton hat gone to WilgliUiills D.-ack tot aa titended trip. WIHSKEY ODGED IN PRISON AND ORJIVERRALEICH. N. C; MONDAY MORNING. AUGUST S. I92f. EGROMAH SHOT DURING AN AFFRAY Injury Not Considered Serious: Involved In Difficulty With White Men Clyde Iieut. eore.l. as sic t left thigh aad eut aUn.' t. l'luoimer Ragwril ni K. It .. ! , i -fl r i i. . the Sou All wet suffered minor cuts and , remit of a three cornorc I e- eurred lale J eater. lay i I'ark acetion of the r 'v arreate-l later and p!ae d ,n tf. tv jail on charges, of asa..'t " d- i 1 y weapons and affray. Although the police have nc ' d-fi ly established the came of th,- Inc' , it ia understood that the white n -n rlaim that the negro made some r,ii to a wl.ife woman. JK-iit was rot -i o-is!y wounded, t"lio lul',1 pnsi';jj through the flesh of the I, f' t -. t-i He suffered a slight rut in the and his clothing was riype.l in places.. Baxn-cll had a finger s!:1h at the hands of the negro and ( .dwin Suffered some minor cuts Motorevcle Deputy W. K. Matiguin arresiel Hag well and turned him out to the e.ty nut her it le. h.ile Godwin siirrenb r.-l liimself at -.eadqunrtt-rs. Se'i.-e;Vot .1. A Iilcy and Patrolman lainibi-rt nr rented Deist while the negro , ron ning rapidly i,.ut the Corner road do spite liis injurv. The necrn claims Hag well shot linn and tint Codwin Mil him. The police took the negro to St Agnes Hospital, whin lr wounils were dressed. As they iis-rr not regarded irs serious, the nern was brought back to headquarters and placed in jail. Sherwood Scott was arrested about U o'clock last night in the bunness section on charges of being drunk and cHsofderlT ariil res-isMng officer. Offi cers Pool and Harks had difficulty in handling iSeott, who struck Hanks in thf face nitd tut thu nffieer's; left nrnv. C.'rpt. Warren and Sergeant Ilaihy were summoned to aid in effecting Scott's arrest; R. ). Thomas, a traveling salesman, was lodged in jail on charge of as nn n It with a deadly weapon upon joung ninn named Heed on South S.rlis bury street late yesterday. Thomas at tacked the young man n-od inflicted a sen re knife wound in his left arm. The week end tvhb a hnsy one for the police department and was. in direct cnntrait with the prccrcljng week-end, when only four or five arrests on minor charges were made. The ritv jail last night was prarfien-lly full, over fifteen prisoners being detained, to await their appwrrastre before Judge Hurri t-Ui morning. Other arrests Saturday aiol Sunday were its 'follows r lleorge Claner, dnrnlt nnd disorderly on a street car; S. K. Faker, C. C. Smith nnd Percy Conrad, drunk; Pelvia Alovinder, colored wopi an, larcoHV; W. K. Strother, drunk; Wi'liam Birdsnll, negro. l.Trcenv, Den nis Ktell, drunk; Robert Piirnett. negro, assault, nith a deadly weapon; Vatinie Perry, negro vnnian, disorderly con duct; W, P. Stephens, earrving con cealed wefi-pon ; ; Hammond Samuel, negro, assault on wife; Dan M1770II, negro, drunk nt Rock Quarry. ATTEMPTING TO SOLVE MYSTERY OF SHOOTING Ios Angeles, Gal.. Aug. 7.-With Mrs. Madalynnn Cbenchain, of Kvanston, Ills., held here as a mnteritrl witness and Arthur C. Hurrh, also of Kvanston held at 1-ns egas, cvnl, in connec tion with the staying in Beverly Glen Friday night of John B. Kennedy, in surance broker, county sr.d city i.fli cials todav !cg;.-n gathering loc so ends of evidence which they expect to leal to an early solution of the mysterv Kennedy was shot from niubiisli, ill, iij accompanied by Mrs Obeiichain. 'e wks searching the ground in frnn. of his Beverly Glen home for a "lucky penny'' which his companion sail she bad buried there a year ago. Accord tag to Mrs. Obenrhain and a neighbor, two men were seen fleeing from the plase directly afttr tie shots were fired, FLORIDA GUARDSMEN PROTECTING PRISONER Jacksonville. Fla ., Aug. 7. -Approii-matoly IJiJ Florida national guardsmen, including- 11 nm-hiim gua 4ilati)uu, now in annual encampment af Camp Johns ton, near here, were tonight guarding the Puval county jr-il, in which Henry Hamilton, negro, ia held in eonnectian vrith the murder of Mrs J J Ie, wife of a railroad mechanic, late last night. Th troops, who are in command of Ool. Turek, were rushed to the jeil, fol lowing rcperts to Sheriff Mcrritt thar attempts were to be made to lynch the negro tonight. Mobs were forming in two sections of the ci'v, according to these reports. Hamilton was arrested tolny nf his home about nnle from the s-ene of the murder after 1 flicers snv they had followed a trail set by blood hounds. ITALY TAKES LEAD IN WORLD DISARMAMENT Cleveland, O., Aug. 7. By reducing it army corps from Twelve to nine, l'-ily hat takei the imtative in world disarmament, (i.-nera-i 1'ielio Itadoglio. chief of stuff of the Italian army, said iust before he left Cleveland today for Detroit. tieneriil Ilasloglio is on a cross continent tour which v, ill take him to th rarifie coast snd to Southern cities. In a statement todav he said he favor ed international .lisirniemcnt, but Cist theft- were many difficulties to over come before it could be put into effect. AMERICAN PRISONERS SUFFERING HARDSHIPS Atlanta, Ga Au 7,-Thc Rev. U 0. Piieker. president ef tk Charehe Priso Commission, announced here to aight that he would ask Attorney flea eral Daugherty to take step to make it possible for representative of th eomtniaa.oa to visit Americans I eivil praoa a rrsnee, who are declared to be euffsrag hardships. 0 Vacation Trie. Mr. Hunter tUlngtoa, Deputy Beg later af Deeds, baa gone to boatbport and VTrightsviUe Bejck for vacatioa trip. , s,.. pninwn mm UI1LL Hill. 1 LI CLOSELY STUDIED '.mcrican Ambassador Center Of Interest As Parts Confer ence Begins I ar.s, A. a 7. By the Associated . s - Amlassador Harvey, because rcpri sen's the Vnited States, it the - , carefully studied peraonality of those who kae come to Paris to .c part in the five jiower eonfereae ginning tomorrow. The three prime ministers of France, .rent Britain and Italy, respeetiely ! V. Hrand, Mr. LlovJ (Jeorge and Hif 1 r KnnomJ. are known men here; their ...cernmc nts have already taken their i,,s,tinn in the partition of Upper .- lesia, the principal question before ;!.e .upretr.e sfnunril. Each feprewtrtt ,11 defined policies on the other dis t irbine Broblems such as Greece and Turkey awaiting solution. American Attitude I'nknosra The attitude of Washington, howsver is. not known. Ambassador Harvey, aV- sl-jiugh he takes his sjtat at the table ostensibly merely as an observer, ia lo,.ke.l urxin by each party to the larioui controversies as a potential ally and at one who may have the deciding u.u-e as arbitrator or friend if the council divides into factions. -. It ia generally hoped that the Atneri can Ambassador bears instructions to be more than a reporter of the pro c clings, that he will as occasion arises. have constructive suggestions to offer However, in his offiieal calls today, he is understood to have given no intinia tion of any instructions beyond those of an imnassne and benevolent wit IICSS. Baron Hayashi, the Japanese am has sa lor is expected to be impassive enigmatic, but his Vote is regarded as uniformly favorable to Crent Britain. The Ajnerican ambassador has pre pared hjm'self -for Inking hi ptaee- in the council by the study of the large and various official cotrespondence con cerning the Xileema question and otliu subjects, lie has resolutely refused all requests for a statement and spent: part of thu slay in the country with the American ambassador to Prance. Myron T. llerrick. . Meeting of Council Today The meeting of the Supreme Council which is looked upon as of grave sig nificance, is drawing tn Paris many in ternational political personalities. M. Jaspar, the llelgiau Foreign Minister, and Colonel Theunys, the Belgian Min ister of Finance, will arrive from Brus sols Monday evening. Korfanty, leader of thn Polish insurgents, is" endeavor ing to be heard thus far vainly. Ker enskv. tlifl former liussinn Premier, is trying to submit plans for a sulutiun cif flu- fiutsian s'itvintiriTi, arid the Afis triau Albanian, "Greek nnV TiirkTsh governments; will have special agents hero .to assist their legations. The first session of the council will be held in the French foreign office, at 11 o'clock in the morning. PROMINENT WOMAN DIES AT HOME IN NEW BERN N'ew Bern, Aug 7. Mrs. Bettie Dadon Wright, one of the most widely known women of Eastern North Carolinn, died at the Iconic of her daughter, Mrs. If B. Smith, here tonight. She was fur many years head of a private school here ami leaves several children who stand high in educational and profes sional circles in the State. Funeral seni't'S will be held Tuesday morning at the obi family home lit, (.'ohuiio. Surviving are four sons and three daughters: W. I. Wright, of Tngolcl; Pr. Hubert II. Wright, president of the Teachers Training School at flri-enviHe; Dr. .1. B. Wright, of Ualeigti ; I. ('. Wiight, Ksq., ov Wilmington, and 1). ('. Wright, Laurel, Miss. Three daughters also survive, Mrs. L. H. Wilson, Chapel Hill; Mrs. (Jeorge B. Thomas, New York, and Mrs. H. B. Smith, New Bern. FUNERAL SERVICES FOR MRS. F. D.W0MBLE TODAY The funeral of Mrs. Frank D. Worn tilo. who died Saturday afternoon, will be held from the residence of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. John U. Watson, lo9 North (Salisbury street, this afternoon at 5 o'clock. The services will he eon ducted by Kcv. Dr. J. A. Ellis, pastor of I'ullcn Memorial Baptist church. The interment will be made in Oak wood ccnetcry. MOORISHlRIBESMEN ON OUTSKIRTS OF CITY London, Aug. 8. -The Moorish relicls are reported to hrrve arrived outsido the walls of Mclilla euusing a panic in the city, says a dispatih to the Pally Mai! from Tangier. Spanish civilian are said to be hasti ly seeking safety on board ships in tho ha rbor. Si-ithi l-cmmunlrllnti nf Wm 11 II ill l...1 No !1 1., Ihj iVLI .SI ll Ms cat Tratil Mkii.Irv afurnoirti at I II . , m fc- lh mirs,s ol coniliicttns IS ' funnral trrtlm .r nrn i I. nrotishimc, dmairij All alsim Mam tntit4 rajINKI.IM SIIIRMAN W at C T. MsS'lXNAilHAN. SaKT. FlaYorla 1 mw 5 MP II 1 in ui 1 rmoLO uui AT WEEK'S CLOSE Rise Of 128 to Ht Points From Lowest To Highest In New Orleans Market New Orleans, La, Aug. 1. The low prices of last week ia the eottoa market were made oa the opening teasioa aad the high price oa the closing session From the lowest to th highest there was a rise of 128 to It points. The close was at net gaits ef 127 to 136 points.. At the lowest levels the active months were four points under to Ave points over the close of the preceding week and at the highest they were If to 144 point ever. October traded down to 11.64. rose to 13.f, ao4 closed at 13.02- la, the spot demartment prices gained 123 points on middling, which closed at 1!.5, against 3Q.75 a year ago. The opening session of th week brought a bulge of over a cent a pound because of the bullish showing of the government's figures oa the growing crop and much more faforable annual statistics than eipecTed. The advance was kept going by the hot and dry weather in the belt, especially in the western portions, and complaints that it was causing severe deterioration. Ho? winds were complained of at times In the western belt, but during the last half of the week large areas east of the Mississippi river received showers. Ei trcrtiely hot weather continued to the end of the week in the west and the closing session brought official weather returns showing temperatures of 100 nnd above at many points Texa's re ported temperatures up to 106 degrees and Oklahoma up to 109. The foundation for the week's sd vanco- was laid m iuq (uvciuuitiii port of 64.7 per cent of normal as the condition of f tie crop on July 25th. This was f he lowest percentage of .condition ever returned 011 that dste, and was fully three, points under general etpee, tatioii. It indicated a, croja of 'ut lo.l.iNMI bales, and if these figures ure reali7.d it will mean that the South has grown the smallest crop in 26 nit sons. .. The outstanding feature of the annual statistics was the carry over of 0,lil, (KM bales, which, while the largest carrv over on record, was far under ev j c tMioiis. The trade generally locked for at least 9,500,000 bales, and there were estimates, of Wound ln.iW.OM and a few as high as 10,V0,000. Ths eo'ii men ial crop was smaller than expected H"i77JtlO bales, against 12,441,1 ' J year ago, but was offset 'y the small 'consumption. lMOO.OOO bales, ag.i:,.t 1" eiTil.OOO Inst venr Theso figures n ted to the eottou year ending "i1h AMERICAN SHIP. HITS FRYING PAN LIGHTSHIP Wilmington, Aug. 7. The American sihooner Mary Emnor, New York to Florida coast point, limped into port here today badly damaged by a collision with the Frving Pan Lightship Fnday dnring a northeasterly storm. She is of fifty tons and was traveling light tn be put into service in Florida waters. by a fertilizer company. Kepairs will be made here. CO-OPEItATIVE COAL MINING CAINS FAVOR IN Hl'NGARY New York, Aug. 7.Co operative coal mining is gaiuing favor among Hun carian miners in the Tinted States icral large enterprises in the tutu minous fields are now being operated bv them. The Foreign Language Information Service here in making public this fact said that the Himler Coal Company, of Himlerville, W. Ya., is the largest of those cooperative mining concerns, and that it is owned and controlled by its 1,100 Hungarian workers. These miners are receiving goc-d cages, if v.as stated, and are also shsr itig in the profits of the enterprise. which they financed at a cost of fSOfl, nftti. They are now planning to raise 11110iciii t,, obtain control of addi tional coal land anil workings. IEM0VE T.I0SE PIMPLESs AXD SALLCW BLOTCHES B Thf?Usi Of Black ed White B?auty Bleach Do you frown when your mirror n rlarlnfly reflects aome skin blemha slh and wish for a quick and easy way of clearing your akin. Hera's a treatment which yog cn as without fear, confident that It will maka your akin elecr, aott, wiUi a baby-Ilk unt of youth. Before retiring tonight, cleanse four akin with a, creamy lather ot Black and Whit loan, dry thoroly. snd then gently tnaasste wtlh the llpa of your fingers Black and Whit Beauty bleach. sTbe next morning rinse the skin with cold water. Con tinued application of the Beauty Bleach and th uae of Black and Whit Soap will glrxj you wonderful results. Black and mite Beauty Bleach I a delightfully perfumed, plnk-ttnted cold cream compound ot unusual merit will riot grow balr. Tour favorite drug or department store should be able to supply you with Blsck and Whit Beauty Blacs at to a jar, Blaek and White Soap at 15a a eaka, or both will be aent you postpaid on receipt of price. Clip and malt this advertisement to Blsck and White. Bos HOT, Mem phis, temv. for free literature aa samples of Black and Whit Tae Powdcr and Incens ot Rower Tal cum, u DDinre pnnnc Us MILLIONS PROVIDED TO HELP RETURNED SOLD I EH New Tori, Aug. T. Pute IrgisUtioi eeavertjwf more taaa ;r;."".,t to the aid of ori4 war viteraas kas t,r. paaaed or is wsitiag popular rvfeeen dam, the Baak of America aaecunced tonight at tkve eoacluaiea ef a aat.j'. wide wixvey ef the bonus aituVi-n. Veterans ia fourteen states alr-a !y arc iec tine csh bonuss-s tott'.lieg (oo and ia eight more states legisla tia providing for cash boaases ef tW, 40(1,1(00 aow ia pending. Only Alabama, Georgia aad M:-si, aippl ktve failed ta past leg-.slatio-i lath or. ting aid to veterans ia ese :p tions or benefits of eons kind, the re pert declared. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES aeaaaasaaaaxsaaj ' ac j 1 8 - j f.sk-- J e OAK RIDGE INSTITUTE i'l aiCe - a nl S ISSf atlHtaei Ceors-s m sxatitv kawl. Tfumtuos. an MuiIa KkM hslMnm; lstrw lirtfa, . awj" acm II awua7alrlt. rn. weaar.l.. tarn., t-oahil J J LKiS nt ssnia lomia. Hlih 1.1-loss M !.. art ll aMalbV. M'uZ'T!n. "i Witto It UhMraW Mtahsua A4oVss OAK IOSl lallTITUTI. Baa MB w. si. The Drain of Dollars The dollars ga out in a steady stream in many homes faster than they come in and the home-keeping problem grows more perplexing. You can solve the food problem by serving Wlieai the whole wheat food that is all food, nothing; wasted, nothing thrown away. Considering its nutritive value it is the cheapest food in the world today. It is ready-cooked and ready-to-eat no kitchen worry or work. Two biscuits with milk make a nourishing meal. Delicious with raisins, sliced bananas, prunes, peaches or other fruits. TRISCUIT is the Shredded Wheat cracker. A crisp, whole wheat toast eaten with butter or soft cheese. Early Fall Stetsons Have Just Come in Browns, Tans, light Grays, Taupe and Blacks in the smart new shapes. Every single Hat the latest in style. Price $7-oo CR; BOONE "Com ! SaV Is All W Ask CONVICT DETECTIVE OF ' AIDING BOOTLEGGER Atlanta.. X-i.. Aug. T.-W. U city eVtectite, was coavatted bf W ia Superior court het today ef the-ft of acceptiag knte from Nat McWhi-r-ter. cnaf. tsed aegro bootlegs". T ' cate waa aa eutgrowtk of th city coun c l cominitti- tnquirj into ' operations of alleged "Buace" snea and gjmbler. here, at which McWhorter said fc more than a year be paid the detective fiisj a week "protection tasoner 4ee. tence is to be pass'd Wediiesdy. Te ojrv wsi out 4 hours. Twenty-eight million people of a popnktioa of 4V0OO.CMO are now r? ceivtng direct pes-aniary aid in F.ng land. i-eswlns Utcralnra. "TJ:.." ,., I 1 J t

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