NEWS 'AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. C TTJEStfXY MORNING, SEKteMBER 6, 192T. TOBACCO MARKETS 111 ill nnn mniv ILLUmi IUUMI Indications Art That There Will Be No Big "Breaks"; Outlook Good Kiatlea, Sept. S.-At tiii(bt thi aiaf tii tobacco producir.f hoiti of Eaatera Carolina etartel for tie mr net eeater throughout th belt to eratca tonorrow'i epeainf tale. Th teeeral miliioa pound being laid out npoa til varahosM Soon toaight ton etitnte .tee "tt break ef tha teuea. A myriad Itpr king upon there. Tha "offerinp" ar ef mixti quality, for tli grower' hsnan aature txac'a knowledge ef bow the ned.un and poor trade will aU; be knowe tkat tha best teeaee will tell eorresfiondlagly nlgfcer. It U tatt rather than "foreeait" tkat tomorrow'a break will b of only aomlnal ire, potted ebserter her uU tonight. Th report from tba earlier aaarket and th prediction of a thou aaad propbrta hae luSleeted to tb planter and tanaau that they need expeet oo bonania at the atart of thi eaaae. They do xpt bttr price than bar be paid ia Booth Caro Una. Tba trover ia tbia region ha a adventae by mean of a batter aalee ytem, while hia prodaet nrer age Infialwly eoperior. But th war; boo4 ef tba faraera aake it certain tkat there will ba as record break tbia opening day. There will b no "Aaw,n,na" tbia fall. ithr. unleat price pro to b cnidmmy higher than predicted, ana a long aemng ea eon appear to be in prospect. Careful fortcaatart beliee th nw crop will bring th grower a profit, kewerar. Th general lacreate ia tb aaarkett aoutk of br and tb fact tkat tb eaop w mad at tb lowed aoat in rar, with apparently iacrened demand for good grade, lead to kaeeoniat to look for an arrag price allowing a nominal margin orer at ' pan. Whatever tit happen, baiinet will b ttimuliUd in CO Eeitera Carolina town tomorrow. Million of dollar will be turned loot in th first few dare If the product bring "anything" at all. Th arerage farmer ia hopeful of retiring two year' debt, or at least materially curtailing them. The heav it trad ia eaeentlal eommoditia of tha year will follow. Dealer ia tec-end-band automobile, phonograph, family pharmacopeia in en volume, initialed tinner aeta and memorial eharta reedy for framing a not (locked up heavily a In ome other year Ht-ii.i!. h f.lnpt nf tli local firmer ia tb fight to "dig out" thi fall will .if ntiA tiominy and tha jam jar. The pork and corn crop are good in titi. kiin, vhn the average farm wife horn canning equipment hay been atcamlng overtime to til tb kitchen pantry. i'rzr Water Coaaervatioa Oxford, ftept. 8. To avoid. ir famine Oxford a reaueat kaa Vera itiuid by Mayor Stern to all eitiaen to eoaterv the tupply bx, eeating to ut wattr for unaeecttary purpo. Tb pump ba not yet been installed in the new well but by being cartful the peopl eaa avoid any danger of a water famine. BELIEVE TRIO WILL . ADMIT THEIR GUILT Official! Think Xri. Whitley and Two Others WQ TcQ Whole Story Kiaitoa, Sept. "8. Mr. Williaa Whitley, 1 17; Bay, wklt farmer, ad Wright Boo, afro farm hand, will make (Irak brtaat ef the aarder of the womia'e knebaad la tb Waldoabarg. etioa wkea tbey g to trial at Snow HID, Jrera eoonty of cla'. believa, and leave their fates in the h.nd. ef th. jury. Keport. today u ai, u doclor, u tt, mBty uted that tb prloar bd talked freely of tb crime to additional in terviewtn, thir Hptrat account cor roboratiag on another. The trio, apparently overwhelmed by the detection of th guilt they r al lecd to kav eoaftteed, bare talked with a number of official, newspaper men and other. Will Whitley fell e!e while ear- ing tobaoco at barn on hie farm on a night early la August. Bouse, a one armed neighborhood character, crept ap aad (hot him dud. Th reported coafeuloB ay fious wis ia th em ploy of Mr. Whitley and Hiyet, who deaired to get Whitley out of the way. Tha price of th murder wt 1300. Rous wu never paid, b declare. HEALTH CAMPAIGN IN LEE COUNTY LAUNCHED Dr. Rankin Opens Drive With Splendid Addren; Co-operative Effort kaalta campaign 1 e county. Free medical esamUattoa will be offered vry individual ia tb eouaty over 14 yar( ef age. Thi i2 U done in ee-eperatlon with the family pbyaieia la each case. The object of the campaign Is to re veal to eack oae any physical defect k may bava that thee aay be eer rected before it i too late. Tb But beer naif ef tb expense f the ei eauaetiea aad th eouaty wii) meet the other half. Lee ia the Jrrt coaaty in the State to try thU experiment en the present plan. Thi county wa teVcted because of lu being a rural, compact eouaty, with good road, and also hecaut of tb hearty eo-operaUoa Dr. Sunford. Bept. 8. Dr. W. B. Rankin, ef Raleigh, aecretary of the State Board of Health, va an Interesting and prac tical addrese in tb city hall her Sun day afternoon, launched a month' Waring, who i connected wita tb Sute Botrd ef Health, I in clarg of th campalga. FELLMAN SPEAKS AT BURLINGTON CHURCHES Burllnrton. Bept. B. A. C. Mlmat, a Chriatiaa Jew ef th Brooklyn Carle- t -hi Mission to th Hebrew, Brooklyn, X. Y., (poke te large erewd at tb Christian church "yetUrdey morning nl at th front Street Mthodli church in tb tvtnlng. Mr. Ftllmit' subject for th mora ing wat "Tb Evangelliatloa ef tb Hebrew. Be 1 ft good tpeaker aad hsi spoktn la many of the leading church of tb country. The . ftrat i(i of "Tb Bulletin" waa liatriboted aaaag the member ef the Tint Ckri;iaa ckarek yesurday aeraiag jkit ater tn&day ckoL Tkat a chart kniletia aad as 4m4 aad dittribate4 by member ef tb ebnick ae en i4 te the eerricea. HEALTH AHD ENERG. DulItojRIoh, Red DIooc ttch, red blood U th very lounteia aource of J1 e&erry. surtch your blood by taereaitng the rod blood corpuMlei. . C U noonUied aa the faeraliy tea builder, (ai baa been tuo waaf ully need lor over 10 yean ta the trtatmejat ot rheumatUm aad akin diaeMet artaiot iron l&OTtrtahed Wood. ImW eWM a h Me. tlnmt erfrfM w,thmt eAar Cf..ovM,ifi,-r wlla a(yMar fnfj,ie. For Rieh, Rmd Blood HOW TO GET RID OF COLDS AND CATARRH A Simple, Safe, Inexpensive Method That Cleara Out the Head, Note and Throat There must b reader iuffring from ekronl catarrh who would lik to know bow they can atop catching told after cold, for they muit realise that tooner or lattr thi may leed to deafnea and other serlou trouble. Dr. Blester, a rspoted physician, and for ytar a pailit in cttarrb, ia th duoovartr of a pleaiaat, direct method that can be utd by man, woman and child. Hi rmdy 1 mad from medicinal herb, flowr and br riot which you tmok in a dainty pip or cigarette, and Inhale the vapor into all the air paatage. It contain no eubebs, tobacco or habit-forming drug. and it not (iekening to thoft who have never tmoked. Dr. Rloiter' Remedy 1 tfftctlve in all form of (old, catarrh, asthma, catarrhal headah and ear trouble that may lead to dtafne. Ton will bratb better and Ut better after using It. BatHtactory results guaran teed. And wU ttooktd drug (tore can eurtulv Dr. Bloar'a Remadv. "ti.. . . ... . . . m inai pacaag win oe .meuea to ny aufferer for ton cent (coirt or ttampt) by Th Bloar Co, 40 DT, Atlanta, ua4 to prove it beneficial and plea ant effect. Adr. CHIROPRACTIC HEALTH HINTS BlesBed is the man with hon esty and com m6n sense, for it takes these to see that chiropractic is sound even if revolution ary. C onul tation is with out charge. Call TODAY. Phone 130 for Appointment. ML Woff 1 'aimer Graduate Splnographer Dr. Wm. J. Dana falmr School Cbiropractor Astoalat Chlfopractor LAUY ATTENDANT SIS, SIS, UT. Il, MO Commercial Bank Building Hourai ItOO a. m. to I p. m. X-Ray Laboratory Raleigh, N. C. Musical Merchandise of Quality from North Carolina's Leading Music Store. Darnell & Thomas W. S. THOMAS, Manager 118 Fayette ville St. Women of Middle Age THE critical stage o(a woman's life usually comes between the years of 45 and 55, and is often beset with annnoying symptoms such as nervousness irrita bility, melancholia, heat flashes which producehead ache and dizziness, and a sense of suffocation. Guard , your health carefully, for if this period be passed over sately.many years of perfect health may be enjoyed. pi Mr. Man, We're Ready For You! Tha new Autumn season ushers in many attractive) thing in the way of Furnishings, tor men and young men. Many novel and worth-while ideas have been developed for this season's wear. And the best of everything is to be found In Shirts, Neckwear, Hosiery, Underwear. Pajamas, etc. finer and better than we have shown in many a moon. But the best news about the Autumn display are the price decidedly lower than you expected them to be. "Comei aad t U all w ask" C. R. &OQNE Good Quality Spoil What Boon Sella Lydia E. Knkham's Vegetable Compound is especially adapted to help women through this crisis. It exercises a restorative in fluence, tones and strengthens the system, and assists nature jn the long weeks and months covering this period. It is prepared from medicinal roots and herbs, and contains no harmful drugs or narcotics. Its value is proven by many such letters as these : A Ron, Tenn.-"I want other inf. rphom , OUa.- I ftnt tuiftd Lydia y-hi to0.w hkr 4 l&iham's Vegetable Com. lydia E. Ftokham a V egeUble Com- pound ia-my eiilhood days, by the pouna nas anno lor me. Durin Chann of Life I waa In tnr 1 month and had rood care, but did not ImproTB. A friend adrWd me to taka Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegeta ttle Compound, which I did. and in a short time I felt betterTThat was fire years ago. and now when I feel Ton down and nerroui I take the Compound and Is always does me rood. I wish ail women would try it during Chanrs of life, tor I know It will do them good?-Mr. A if, Alton, Tenn. advice) fif a mend. At the am rf 47 1 was troubled with dizzine, hot taahes, and became very weak so that I wu unable to do any work. I took Lydia . Pinkham's Vegetable Compound with the result that I felt better and stronger than I have for years. I have also riven it to my three daughter, and always with good result. The Vegetable Com. pound is certainly grand for the ills of women." lira, J. Q, BWiUT, Koute li, Thomas, Okla. tetter Lk the; abora do Influencei wotaen to try TT ele, Lvdia ami Merchandise To t A Standard A :l tuattont aa warrtw : J, - -- - - - . - -r ; - Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention Introducing the Newest Blouse Fashions for the Autumn of 1921 j 4 There's a Luxurious note to the new Radiant-toned Im ported French Blouse The Beauty of these fine new blouses . enriches the Autumn Mode Vividly Effective Blouses Accent the dark-toned Costumes Cleverly designed to seem in one with the skirt, and so make of a suit, a distinctly t frock. Brilliant in color, they delightfully accent an almost severe simplicity of line. Navy Crepe de Chine .Blouses Trimmed in red' $10.50 smart Laces tinted in rich shades, fashion blouses of quite another type and for more' for mal wear, are the crisp Imported French Blouses. , New White Crepe de Chine Blouses With French necks In white and. poppy colors, trimmed in black $10.75 A J " Imported French Blouses. These wonderful Waists are devel oped from Pussy Willow and Crepe de Chins, la colors of Jade, rose, sliver and navy and mahogany combinations, metal bead trimmed. Wcedfronv- , $9.50 la $3500 . Bisque Georgette ' Blouses Trimmed in L'AIglon and ' Filet lace i $10.50 Silk Jersey " Blouses Ia colors of black, whits and whits and black combinations. Priced from - - ' -.-; : . $5.95 w , - VVV RALEIGH, N. C getable Gooiinc! - I! RALEIGH, N. C: - - ....... -mm w iiawitinft ku. . nsi. Man p-rJEf?Jzn,.in?j?f? r? -1

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