NEWS AND OBRVTH. RALEIGH. N. C." SUNDAY MORNING, SEPTEMCER If, IV: ! ; VMGinG WARFARE I.-. Rev. Frank T. Wcoten Retire As Sliperirrtendent of Schools . .. In Columbus , ttajaadoav 8pfc 1ft, Tkt eotBty eom . relation tt Celumbus eotaty pi eat at Uwlf regular waaathly ateetLv tat fcundred.iad Ifty" dollar ' fw tkt tare of six monkey rum ou'Jts from dif- -- forest sections -el 1 hs county, Thet 1 outfits Traced Ut yablit ouar adjota ing Un ooartIota part tf tM flay A0!; " " day, sad were turrandd a.graator part of tha time by eroww, tuny er wnsm lid ivi before eees .a whiskey stM- Despite tke fact that all ks ire eon Titled of tampering ia the joy juice but iness ia this caty art kanded )t road tenteac, tkcre appear fa be much activity ia the Bmasfaetart af fulay ntL Od raasua yrotal'ly, why the business tu assumed as large pro .Deriioai as it kaa. ia because Bior out fits thna operator bare icea eaptared. Il vatrymart tht attUa kavs beta eixed aad Ue operators made tipir escape over into Boat k Carolina aad ciaewhir, bU the prohibition law be -in very unpopular witk a large Bum ber of folks, blind tiger are shielded ' '"ia tkeir operations, la fact, it ii aard ta tqueeae out enough evidence against bleekaders, la some teetioan, to cootlcl , them ia tie court. Many are is synv natliy jvilb tbs 'lawbreakers, while ether good cititen, who would like te e the illegnl traffie stopped, are afraid to tuke a stixadSjjiviust litem, as tt would eu danger Mlh their lift and property. Cotton is now opening very rapidly aad the indieationa are that the crop will all lie ready for picking by the first of October. The boll weevil has played havoc with the crop ia this section this year. Conservative esti mate place the damage at 50 per cent. After serving the county nearly 19 .years a county superintendent or schools. Bar. trunk T. Wooten, of UhiUbcmrn, retired On t lie first day of the present mouth. Mr. Woolen tea dercd his resignation aevernl months ago, to become effective ns sooa as the board of education eotrld secure the BirirM of a canablo man to take hi tilace. Prof. II. IL Bowling, wfaT'lra considerable experience in educational work, has received the appointment, and took up the work, a few dsys ainee. Orent advancement along educational lines have born wade during Mr. Woolen's trntiTT of eflieo, and Colum bus cuuufy fan tndny boast of aome as good schools nhd school buildings as ran bo found In tjw Htate; Chsdboutn aad Tnbnr both have modern brick structure! and WhjtcvUle is erecting a large brick buildin'g, All the other towns have good build ingc, eonitructrd of, wosid," and thne will ulio be found oxrelleut srbool build inet scattered nil over the rural see tions of the county. A uumber of these schools nro employing from three to six teachers, wl4o are doing excel lent work The Columbus County Rural Tetter Carriers' Association met In the court houso in W'hitevilla last Monday. Four teen of the nineteen carriers' in the rounty are members of the association. . The association in addition to tta me feprahip of r'gular enrriers, have two honorarv members In the persona of H. W. Whijiiev, of C'hadbourn, and N. L. Stephens, 'of Vinebiml, ex carriers retired under the retirement act of Congress, TRINITY CCLLECE TO OPEN TERSI yDNESDAY igr Enteriaf CUa& Ia CU- Upj ?t fetkodlrt Imtitii. . hVc:ttoV ZzpU4 . ; Darkam, r3ept.; 10. Tit Ixtje-aaiasUs aanuat seaais st Trinity. tltjqp viB open Wednesday 'niofniag.t The open lag exercise will be keif U Craraa atemorial kali at e'aloek t tke siorn. lag. It eernl tast tht eaterinf ebwa o?k;si;;i:e Mf Earning of ; Rai(ro2 Larst Srftce October; In : crease Ovtr Junt ; 10 ECDY CF HICKORY CDY t" nETlM.'.'EO. FC.1 C'JBIAL Eickory Cu IU firtt lUia for . .tnr CooU Off , Hickory, Bept JO-The reaasiM ftf ITugk 8eol, forma telegrajkj eeetaiM kra sst woill w welers. u ra paeta4 to rrU tosicnk (ton 8nrreyr, W, Vs, wksrw U u killed ly falliag U a akaft St KIM wir k WW Waxrkiatto Sept Itv-EailieaUa .f nB. a. sm. .n, ""tk eaiatxy kad a aet ineome m " ta going to ba MsausQr g, aad jt eTi.3d(0. tk. lararst sines mplo3,?. imatal will probably eaaUis 100 Bern tkaa bat October and I IT ,00100 asoea thaaf"' " f t?'t lB..ypmiiu. yWr. V: " . Aaaxtatio. .lr ixseauwea saaoun aara as u Mauir ,.".-fvr. 1" : " " -ii End .'of Camp Bra Liticiticn Befori Juc Ccwwr Tcmorrw'. TV Jsit iU 9Ml7 tea tM wr tu af tM tsal ejaaptet ta tke tasa bllisa.tiea at tb M4aaMtias sM rkM i sejaM a ns4 takes ties v tM lrrA gtraaet fut tu imiiMH srtiUery ng St nrktk..WpMro t memorial buUdiag, first anil is llp-,-.... iW.awsT T Baratnaw.lT1 - Wlt t M rJ.l .ri iuunn sate memorial buUdias. ignu ejerpe st ue eotoreas sg us l. will tlL .... W. .KL. . .mmn-lwefa HI tM sususl twts) eat 4 t-2 MtXZZl 'r?"? " ""irw ine ie mauve Taioaiwa xueui . . , tpttmt redtrad eewrt tesaestw as era- lag, kears sigwsteai is im tug r law taaas giwwist eat f tie wuekM 4 tae pvpCTTj: Ivideaee ia aamatrejtU . slabk4 cases was takes daring tM asastk. W dst. s larger su-be, ,Tkia y -a - . bsiWingr i. atom t m t tonnpaat.. were We4 a W v,) a.u. tu ... u.j. k...nid Tattsats eosafortsble last surht iW TeBV womr-TreMiWiisaAi ! J "TT. ?wrT tesserie let WriM U. artaaseak .f for eeeupaney, Alapawgh Hall ha. Meal Koad. failing M. ttolr epm- ZZtt. !"- waia i . - - . i uroer mxisa? las saiaa si i gives for lha nse of yoang saa stain. vrtywti of the Hoads ing expenses aad taaes fee tke seats I docket Order ixiag U Talse ei tM ttsda la AeUHioet tfavrtr will take ewre aum bored AT .. Compared whk 73 is "u - ZJki. Ikl.k I Kti,Ul ! iBerestedl Juna. is us eaaterar eusiriei us l l r k ' '''l jauga uenset aarug ise wees. ia Bsmber of stndenta. terating revenaaa 4esreaae4 a per ceitw ' I ewaers paid Iwr UMt'tSMx, S4 us Tk. Mnreiratiaat nf Trlaitr and! Their net operaWat" tneerns was 9-i.-.y ". I cases aaally tieaed siv of MewiorialMetkiaCbureaes eilMr-lS36.(Wi tompared wltk a deficit last l Z"7 r. b1 " I TM eases to M bears twigs freaa kam pit atuaenti soon aner me openiag. jai n i. .., . . . tv. oi.K .. w "-- telleife T. M. C. A. and T. W. C. A. expeasee deeresaed 2J per eeat. Tkeir 7 vttt Sr fcte ' et e, few teres tad will give their annual reception to sew set operating tntoms was IS.36e.Que as Jd i!n.PtM!:- 0T? katdred dattars. Appraiisiately lersuag expeaaca or neatera roaaa ae-i , - t airsaay isu mi b;hw creased 11 per eeat and tkeir ex-t fs t -1 aegotiatiea. TM eases rn eun grew Bitter Fight On Proposed Re- I peat of Profits Taxes (Coatlaaed rte Twa.) peases 17 pes eeat ia Jnly. Tbelr net eperaUag iacowa waa sjJ.TsIjBOO as leuipared-witn W,104,K3 in July, 1930. "The total operating revenues for July," the ttatenaeat said, "ssaosated il. t. Vast that Af r rvftAiWf like the word bonus, adjusted canapes sallow woald eeate aeanr axpreaaini the uroner idea" said Colonel Mm it a when aaked his yiewa po tht beans. ''It la not sontcniplated continued Col onel Rmith. "that Colonels sUall re ceiro an further ansa, se I ass Interest ed aolrlr on behalf of - the men. But 1 do not like the worJ bonus." Soldiers Wear Ne GraleUlaa. "The gratuity of lasd girea to George Wasbiugloa sad Uraystts was a gift en the part of a grateful nation to great heroes, bat the contemplated sums of money to lie given to the sol dieri of Arwrira -fa simply as adjusted compensation. 'It was manifestly P051"0" leal af diiatreeaaaat between ewaera o a a. . w s. v ii i " DUBoay bcsom taawoau iwagwt ammes I a goveiSmeat agents M tt tkt TSjt onmaaea, arraagen oyi0I ada. Origiaaily ther were a beat the yoosg mas is tkt fcops af afford-T50 UdiidBl tracts ei land 1 the ing aiveraion aunag us warm y t, I cann area. resulted la piliag sp a debt of about Judea J. Crawford Biaxa will aavear of 06,000,00, or 13 U per, eeni, as ma, Tert was kopa for the goverameat; aad tkt laadownen compared with Jury, H"sltMugk the 'ht Hickory mlgkt Joia a large league I, M represented by J. C. Smitk. tt Bea rs tes are sow os a Signer basis. Uper-1 ry' i rora, ia jnesi cases, au. anna rrpis- iv mm mwhui - i seats air, 4Jiue in tM large or ue PI..J n..u i i.a . .n B Ul TIUUU UCdlll Ulil OlcUlUS dl aasUted by Iredell Meares, special at sting expenses were 1 365, 71,000, a re duction of $151,000,000, or 29.4 per eeat. The net operating income compares tv it a deficit ef 11,878,000 for July, TO CONDUCT REHEARSALS FOR ROANOKE PAGEANT Klweblh City, Hept 10.TMrs. Elisa betli B. (Irltnball, director of charac ters and settings in the historical edu entionnl lilnia to be tnndo on Hoanoko Tlatid this moiilh, will be in Elizabeth City next week to rehearse the' charac ters fVuni Ibis fity to take part in tli huge draio.i. She will also spend a day in ihlcittoH during that week for the same purpose. A Ma ii too baly, born not f:ir from the sec i.e of the .li.lin M'hite settlement, will tnke the part of Virginia Dare, the first Kce'i'li rhild born under tho Eng Hsh ting on the American continent. Tliedii'ictiiri of the enterprise feel it ia particularly fitting that a Kicnoikc Island infant be chosen for this part, inasmuch as the island win the birth plaie i'f the child nho disapjci'rcl n ith the Li'it Colony. EXPOSITION WILL OPEN TOMORROW (Continued From Page One) Kight singers will appear during the exposition, four during each of the first tun ia ftdwIitiATi trt th haad fair to puy mechaniea ten dollaro a day I sad liis Mario Caaora, tioliniat. 8pe to listen to the rat-tat-tat of riretirij I maaWal . foaUras for the final actkinea and pay soldiers oae dollar tnut darya will iaelude twieeily an- any o mini m mo r -aeiu pearanecs of the Carolina quartet, com mm-hine guns. I posed of carefully eiroeea singers, aad i am eonnaeni max soma way win all . ,PB(i. bo found to eet, tills Jnit oUlgatlO!), biit.l esnnot say that I willi tho idea of puttini lb per seat bear in order, to raise tists and the-band in a aerie of the money. 2.75 per cent beer ia aa ma.i.. -vnta of eomnellina Interest a matter of faot an iittoxieatiug liiuor anrt we d, mit)l eoladwiee that they and a mere declaration of Congress wm m.a, a strong appeal to a wide that it is not wonld not cluing that diversity of musical preference. Tie rscu ii is simpry aw awmpi so Hiry Ttirectora bel era tliat e . hae a-jnorc tho constitution by palpable evasion. not,ble list of mnsietans than has ever Hood soldiers hellere In the eon-U,,. nffered In arrr eront ef .the kind Forty at San Antonio (Continued From Page One) the flood' crest at though tbey were paper boxes. Some of the bodies taken from the flooded waters aid swatting identifica tion in the margues vera crushed and bruised aa though beaten witk a mighty flail. Throughout the darkness. ei the night the terrified screams of - women and children echoed bow and than across tbs flood waters. Ijen and women sank to their knees in the mud and water and prayed. Others ran about in a distracted manner, seeking relatives and eplng just oblige, swg.1(,ing tb. muaical featura., David tC tMtiTil I am impressed 0n. ehairmaa of the entertainment Jrtrieking '",erenu7' we "'r.' wmrnitee, declared "we preso.t these Wh ;Uf. nUki thfl t it ut ion of their country, they ha sworn to uphold and defend it, and not even to collect honest wages honest In the rionJhcistern states. Many Notable I peak era The fxpcnition offers also almost ly due will maio tho thinking eoldier uequs4Icd opportunity fir Carolina people to hear diseussians of present day jiroblems -"art aonstruetivs doe- trine by a number cf 1-adiag men is trovernoicnUI ami cdueatpiniil sctr.ity. to rRrsFRvr hoisf as - MEMORIAL TO n.AWTUiiRXE. Houth Casco, Mo., Reiit. 10. -The house on the "slinres of 8ebifo like here in which Nathaniel H.i!horne Hve.l i. a boy and liher? h" mnde his home when he was attending Uodoin College, s ti) be prejerve. as n communi'y hmite t'itirens and summer residepts hnve just fnrnii-d a lorporation for the pur poc. Robert Manning, of Palcm, Mass Who owned thousands ef acres of land about N-bagj Iikc, ru i It the home in 1Ht for his sister, who was Haw thoFKo s ojoil.ur. Mrs. Hawthurne had lost her husband at sea and lived after ward in retirement. Hawthorne tvai ten years old "hen he came to the new ... SOUSt. mother, sndthis con tlnNd to be his home until' after Iiui graduation from Bowdoin College in 182S, when lie r. fumed to Salem. The NtMing was occupied s eSoarding Luum: for a long time after the Uawthornes left it. Seventy years ago , H bu44 v into a. churcli for hoh purpose it has since been used. It is a biz sijtiare. structure of "t)e colonial style ef architecture. At the r(uct of his uncle, the buy Hawthorns kept a diary while he lived kcre and these volumei s're now in tht . possession of Rev Wiiliam C. Norris. ' of Willimantic, Conn., no is vice . president of the new corporitnin. They wilt bs donttedj to 1h cumatuaity kousc. JCISSTO.f COTTOM MILLS TO - RESl'MC OPERATIONS SOON. Kinston, Sept. 10 The Caswell cot toa mill! kera will resume full time operation September 18, it was sn Bounced today. The mills, located In Weft Kinston, kv been running four dart a week, except one department, which has beea operating on prac tically a full-time bad. The plant emjileyi about operatives. Prae tleaHy tit -mili epcratloM ber this rail wilt be os a full time batia. It 1 predicted by the managements. The suaoa facta re of silk'as heather hose tt tkerOrioa knitting Will will ma i terially Intrew tht bstput of that factory during tse, coming soasoc. It is MUered. .. . . lend his aid to- the nullification of the wnstitrrtion for his own gain." Shlsmaa la WMhlagtea M. U Hhipinas, Commissioner of labor and I'rinting of .Nortb Carolina xDa ii,t uf tprzkvr and the dale is in noauiiiKloa iiiiiar sio nis wbti 1 . 1 r S-lMlt f i nil Dae to ittieign arter attendljig the (Vernor Morriiot session of the iniernBtlonat ssiroeia. indudea. the Bamea of fiefunir ftuit- tioa of publio improvements eerifie in ert A. Cooper fit South Carolini, on its ninth annual meeting held In Lionlli C.rolinn Dev. Hentemher 19: Buffalo. Bepresentatives were present (overnor V. H. P. Harding, of the from the United States, Canada and ,i.r,i , w- . . Hinln.ri' d.v urcai orii.ui, auu n - a uig meet Heptemher 22: Colonel Joaeih ayde ing. The British ministry of labor was Pralt. ,iire,tor of the North Carolina represented by T. W. PllUlips, head of Oooloa-ieal .and Economic Surver. on tho employment and Insurance depart September 13: Former Lieuteunnt C.av meut of the Untistt ministry ot labor, ., w n Tiim.e . sutoxlll n. P, ! Clasten, ef fdenil ennimiiLsron. for North Carolina. He says that Mr.L, pf cation and disting.ieslied son fli.llips made a wou.lerfully strong f Nortll coliBa, on Textile Day, impression ana max n gainea mucli Knmlr 16: Dr. CUrenc Po. of imormaiion irom ins onusn ana K.,ipih . nmmissBt W.' r f .rri. ranati.aa.. aeies s to empioymes niltural iatereetis, ea Farmer- Dw. """"""i "" "u c September n; Jjayot J. U. Hanes, lanu naa oeen engagea in puniic em- 0i' Winston-tialem, September, 21. work for many eat and nr.. K. C. Brooks, wperintedeut of uaa veil developed piaus. Ue round pu.blit IustrucUon in North Carolina uiav uiere was wore , unemployment la, ad Df. D. B. Johnwn. rrsidnt of u, ouu umu . me ou.u.., anu 'nawwinthrop College, Bock, Hill, South method, were being .ought with anxiety Carolina on Education Day, September ' 1' iivr ir uuireniliw 91, l, .1, .1.. 1,. 1,.., R,k Hill Day; also, it is expected than Hon bus! ness section they eame with the same rapid swirl with which they swept the residence portions. Rears Work Difficult After the first rush of water when the river and Alasan Creek left their bank. it was possible for rescuers to work st (lie edge of the flood, retreating stead ily backward like a battle line yielding inch by inch before the charge of the enemy. The water quickly swopt up and down Houston and Commerce streets for blocks, running over side wall into tiasementa snd rising stead ily ever higher aad higher. They quickly made -their way from alley, minlatar teracy for tke Attorney Oeaeral' effloe, aad by John Q. Shaw, of Fayettevitlc Col. E. P. King will Tepreeeat tke War Department, aad W. H. MeDoneJd will be here for the Federal land OSiee. Although Cams Brag may be per- manently abaadosed a aa active mili tary cantonment, tke War Department has indicated ita iatentloa to retain it fur emergency use, and for periodical artillery practice. Efforts to hare it re.ta.ined actively hav been carried oa by the Fayetteville people, and it' ll understand that rse.cretary or war Week will inspect the ctmp today. Will Reduce Pressure Monday Unless Waste of Water Stops (Continued From Page One) shown during the past week or tan days that Baleigh can get along with a mil lion and a half gallon a day, and that a sudden jump to oyer two million on the first '"experiment." day-i indl caiive bt waste and extravagant ne of water in viw of the present situation, which ha not yet lost it serious aspect. The supply in the lake cannot stand a drain daily of over two million gallon, he said, the consumption mutt be volun tarily reduced or forcibly reduced by low pressure pumping. ' Water Level Unchanged. The. water level 1b Loke Baleigh was about the am yesterday being 67 street to street, nn .'.on to the Visit Ml slanmna- aa-ainat the aide nf tht I inches bolow the toD of the SDlllway. on opening day, I buildings angrily. Now and then a I This ia 40 inciter above tk low msrk pleef wreckage was tossed here and touched on August 31, which was 97 there through the. street until it col- inches. With the water at this level lided with a shew wndowr Then, under the ctty can, noli lis twa yntU further a mower of glass, merchandise was relief by rainfall, provided conserve- soiled by the waters and carried out and away while a thick film of crude oil, muddy ooxe and gravel spread through the (tore, ... ".- v ornor w. V. turner, and Mr. Hhipiwaa attended in ktacapae. rVptemW? IS; .Dr. ity as- Federal director of employment Washington, former EIGHT PERSONS INJURED - A9 RESULT OF TORNADO Auttln, Texna, Sept. 1K Eight per son were injured, one seriously, as the remit cf a terrific downpour Of rain and the tornado at south Austin and Creedmor yesterday. Most of the injured were from Creedmore and vicinity. (1 1 to Hl'l.'lt U. ' In.' envJoynient conference called by the Vrfiident- ought to be hem quickly ta, Becretary Hoover ought to prcn the matter," said Mr. Bhipraaa. "The diatrcsvng situation in Boston, where n'o being put on the auc tion -Muck, . ttripud to the waist to show they are fit for work, sboi we are in a bad shape in the United Sial i. and juUeri men mnit be for in seme way. North Carolina is ia far better sharp "'an many other state. Esaminaiion For Tost master. The Civil Ser iea Camnitsjoa sn nounces that 'her mil be L'O examina tuus ia North Carolina on October 8 to fill vacanWs in third elan post offices under the executive order plan of President Harding. The places to oe Duei ana the salaries of the post masters are Ahoskie J.UOO; Bessemer City 1.70U; Cury 11,400 j Draper II, Klkm KJiWi tlm City ll.ftuu; Muyiviils 1,4"0; MoeksvHle glM; Osiental 1,40(1; Randbsmaa ... gijii); Rich Square tl.TUO; Bobersonville 1, !W0; Roicmary :',0(N); Saint Pauls !,- WOO; Helma HJKKi: c..iills Mills gl.Huo; fepruc f ins ll.4i.aj; Tryon 2,100; W Durham, Winterville glJWU. cuminations to nil ttieno vacat.ciei witf-he held only at Ahfbon8 Dttan Durham, Gastoma, Ureenville. Header lonvtlie, Lumbertoo, Marion, New Bern, North Wiikesboro Baleigh, Tarboro, neirion, Wilson, and Winston Halem. PRESIDENTIAL PARTY : OFF TO ATLANTIC CITY Pbi'idelphia, -4?pt. 10. Pretldent Harding ami Tarty, mwtvring ffom Washington to Atlantic City, It. J., for a few days putiug, stopped in Philadel phia tonight for dinner. The party ar rived it 7:15 ftr a five hour ride from Washington and took dinner at a promi nent hotel. The rua from Wtshiagtja was made uadrr pleasant skies snd wss without particular incident. Occasionally the parties was recognised by person ia the road and tke Presides! odially ac knowledged the greetings. At Belair, Maryland, tbs motor ear were hilled to let t tiny jet black kit ten, that was la tha middle of the roadway, cross. ' . Tk arrival ef tke Presidential party was a sexpeeted at Ue hotel her. Tk President platrnest f ptosjead e AUaa tit City immediataly' afur diaaer, J ! A. V. McLean, assistant secretary of the United State Treasury and s. di rector of the war finance corporation, will be ber on Bankers' Dsy and also di liver an address dealing with fin an rial and other matter. The opening tomorrow will be with out formality. At 3:30 o clock after th baud has rendered several selec tion, John 1 Dabbi, p"tb'rt of the expoition,;wjll deliver a brief addtevs, and introduce Mayor J. O. Valker. Governor Morrison will be prntcJ'liy Mayor Walker. In the evening, oegin niag at e'clockt as especially elab orate musical program will be rendered Tha state of the weather will determine whether Governor Morrison a ill speak from the bandstand in the airdome, id joining tke mlia building, where seats have been provided for about i',UOO peo pie, or from th bandstand withiw the main boilding. Many thousands of dollars have been evpended by the exhibitors in prepar ing-nnl -pbtcwg 4Uplsys. and. wliea ever the nature of the product lent itself to artistic, effort, the attractive powers of distinctiveness! and beauty have been ntiliied to greatest ad van tage. While every exhibitor was tt lib erty to work out hit own Ideas rela tion continue!. Figure showing the water level in Lake Baleigh from July 1 to August 31 inclusive, disclose the fneUtliaJLtls water mare: dropped from 28 1-2 inehe to 97 inches during the two months The effect of th drought wss fslt in July and en tha Suth of that, month the level had fallen from 28 12 inches to 54 inches. Rain brought the mark back up to 48 14 on July 31. During July the supply decreased approxi mately 20 Inches gauged by the .11 c" water level. Crisis Ia AagusL August began with the water line at IM rUnnDOrMCWTC 14 inches below th spillway and I tllUUIIUUIIILHI J 1 ,.. a -n. 07 4.K.. K.U- vu Auguat va aw nua "w f S fsll of 48 inch during th month The city commissioners Issued the inl tint water famine notice on August 20 when the witer line wit at 74 1-4 inches, or over six feet below tht tpill way. On August 25 the ordinance pro hibiting two of water for washing auto- biles. Sprinkling lawn, etc., wss adopted aad during the day following fwrthor " conservation measures were able to the appointing power. I taken, culminating with high pressure -Confers Endorse Shaw. - - iwamrims tmlv three houra a day. From Greensboro, Bept 10. The name of Auarurt 20 until August 21 the upply Judje Them.n J. Bhnw, superior court I ni falling about two inche day, Judge, rending in the Twelfth Juaieiail However, th last three dsyt of th district, will be presented to Governor! month aaowed th effect of the ri;id Cameroa Morrison at once at a succes I measures to savs water and tht strict sor to th late Judge w. B. Allen, as economy practiced by the people. Oa Associate Justice or me Btate eupremt I Auinift 29 the water level was US l- Court Judge Shaw was unanimously inches below the tpillway. on the 30th endorsed by the Guilford County Bar 04 inches and on the 31st 97 inches. Association at its meeting this after C0MPER3 BRAND KLAN "A 1 IkUNtt AgaOBRKNT TO It a lettet ta tkt New Xvk trii. lasNtat tosatarxv gtaajdaasi a ta Aave,kla f vaesaiWa t( Labos, as: Tsa trgaslaatsBa aadl aahiseact of sack a body aa Twa Wactd Ma sAarntt tkaKt lkalaa,. kes k 4 saaaaaa la tha ttbertiat tat tht Mat iil . l kt taJkvtiaiva It deatsw tsttht gavaxamsat tad p1"11 a taJLag akka teat ta U rlght-mindea am aasiwawitmf A BxiTsWrk Ism. BtjaaiftU xsxstm WaTaAsfaxBxlsxrjl wa swiji sxa swaBaBajsrsaj wsstjyflswwsiw ky taa hum ft aa ytlgmwaed sab- Us IkMtwtat Ikmsial gtait of valty n 4 Utsakqs sraar. tag M pakUt aalasMs TU Utlt kt k a jatl aad Mkiataatta) aW M.tanttar.. BELOVED UTtZCN DIES iAtHOKtlMJFAt-KWNP tad eaaamaaity was taaked ky the taddea dealt af toM, I Utila. Mr. Little, wke appeared tt ka ia tnleadid kesftk, waa faaad dtaA ia kit (tarn wtdaeajdar sitarataa mn ,t kaa goat ta taack tea sara, Jft kd not eeaspJalaed.ef feattag ill ai alLUviag juat taat ham apttwa wkare friend say ht wu joltf Ud ta Sat spirits. Pkjyttettaa west taabJa , ta ttatt tkt exact taaat af kit dtata, Ikaugh it tar from spoplesy or keara lairare( ; Mr. sUttlt kad Bred moat af kit life la tkia ity, wket kt was always one at Ut promiaeat figartjtv la sat by 41 fe kt waited witk tkt klttaodi pittopal charek aad, sltheagki tkera was at or- gastijatioa at ki deaoaaiaatioa ia tht- eoaaattaity, kt still tlaag t kit tarly ftitk. Ha was aisty-ent yeart of sge at tk tla af kit deals., Tkt funeral wiU be held Buadsy. . . Hit Immediate family esnaisted Of ki wife and seven children. Mrs. Clarenc Pierce, Falkland itMesarv Bay aad Botcoe little, Greeavill) Jr. , G, DuPrae. Greenville: Mis Assa Uttle, Waahing ton, D. C; Ma Lloyd Little, Birming ham, Alabama j Mr. Joha Little, Lake laad, Florida. No Severe Draaght la Tyrrell Eliaubetk Citfs Bap. 1ft. Tkera kat been no severe drosght ia Tyrrolt and crop there this year are good, accord ing to j. 4j, thietaouaa, af i'!taPt Home Farm, Columbia. There have bean a great many locaj runs, any Mr, Brlckhouse, and in aome tcction of the eosaty at eat tlma' crop suffered tUghUy. However, I be lieve that cotton at a whole, tkorjtgh. tho acreage i msller, is -ia as geod condition at it was tkia tiiae last year.! I know that my wn cotton crop U tt least at good a it wss last yotr Elected Hi Jafet-KeetirigT Cbun ty Comroissjtwri aruj Boaixt j ; . wfEducaticn At 4 4oHotla M Hot4 ft; Count CtamkMieaeia aad tkt CoaniT Basf . tt , Wua,H ft- "ft A-T waa ejcto4 yetety WHvPl ; fNissjta fvNi ytito U Wikd ; louaiyW jumjp vniig,rss. L Mr, Aadroa is aovt fkicf deputy ta . 8ac sXvVtfraosv. ku M M teadw rtalgstd electivt Beinbet. JJ r. rd?OojULvkt akbyjiM datietw 1 Mr. AneWrtoa kat ftemoMrfTeTfeJ . the county ia aa tloctiv. capacity .for rveml tui towt kt ?Wwf f letdtV ' e-rV r,T 7-,-,-x&ixxj: -xz Th tlectioa reeterdav wsa coatested tEllr, Andfratr feealwd tht sntjarity- ; ea tha ftftk ballot. Otktn ia tht rua Ing were Mrs T. M, Lyntk, Mr a K. t. Neat, tad-4. P. Dcaauik. - A CWk Slovak inventor kaa tTtiUeu' t mm ttr that walkt otr ig J tnd ta fntrsnteed ao to kid. -j--y PROTECTION. Packs knife snd abtal combined. (Calf foe every day van. H br la. wMs. A Si Ml. pUtol to even assraeMf. - Guarantead. Sent postpaid for Yaa taa par the post man on its arrival, vrvwr soaar. inousands n use. State where yoa saw this ad. N. t O. K. rOUsEslUn tttaml, Artmevs. F ' 11 Hi ADAMS LEADING (Oontieued From Page On) with .the history of the law a It has developed in rorth Carolina. "Vance-county has never had reeog nition ot the bench, and we heartily commend this appointment ia full as surance that the appointment would be helpful to our rtste and highly credit- noon aud a strong delegation of Greens boro and High Point lawyers are ex pected to call upon Governor Morn- ton early next week, present th reso lutions adopted here this afternoon and urge the appointment of the Green boro man . Judge Shaw hat been a Superior eourt I judge for the pist "ighfeCn"r?irr-sad nas established record that is knows over sll North Carolina for hi knowl edge of the law and Ms ability as a jurist. Local lawyers thitfk that ha bts BLAST ON SUBMARINE splendid chsnca of being appointed five to nit attptay, the grneml setieineltry fb Governor. ot decoratios was chosen by the diree-l locate, Ue color, being yellow backfTHREE MEN KILLED BY I council ontil cr wael with the score I of lamp shade finished In white. STORM DESTROYS SEA ISLAND COTTON CROP fit. Vincent, Windward Jtlands, Sept. 0. iliy tbs Aoctct Press.) Vin cents es ialsad cotton crop for 1!'1 was almost entirely dettroyed bv the cyclone storm which'-swept over the Windward Isltnd Thursday. The Rigar can field were laid flat snd numerous eeeoanut tree were nprooted Cr stripped. Taa economic outlook, already affect ed by the market depression, is con sidered extremely gloomy. Besides d straying the growing crop, the storm did considerable damage -to boHfiaga The publit jetty 1 Georgetown wat completely demolished, - tk sea there kavlag msd even greater laroads that it did ia the great harpicane af ISM. Victoria park Ja ttingstoa resamblea a devastated forest, all th trees hav lag J blowa-doa -f -the aleres ef denuded cf their foliage, ' ' . Liverpool. Sept. 10. (By Th Asso ciated Press.) A tremendoa explosion on the folwiW OertrrsB- bmria Dcuttchland at Birkenhead, aero the Mersey from Liverpool, killed three men and injured three other today. It is possible that many others -perished. Th lubmarine wsi being dismantled at the time cf the exploiien which oc curred ia th engine room from aa un- knows cause. The Deatschland wss on of the abmartB'es surrendered by th (itrntan nndcr tht term ef th peace treaty. Stars - Caaoes Twa Death. Port of rpaia. TriaMad, Sept. JO.- (By the Aseociated Pace.) A tropical torm of great violeaet which struck Trinidad .Thursday caused two deaths! and did damage to nipping estimated t fiiaojX0. Tk stusgt fro th storm which wss traveling west northwest, was principally coaSae ta the harbor. It wt the worst stemt wttbfa tkt mem ory of tha eldest iaaabltaata, On tit first day Cf September tha level went till. lower alm0t to the m) inch mark. The rain Friday night, Septem ber 2, raised the mark 10 inches and more rain later brought th water level up to about 50 inches, which hat been decreased to 67 inches during tho past few rainiest days. Effect ef Contervatiea. "MhTot Kidridge aid eejunmptkn, , pf i water during th past week or ten diri' wat cut is half, tht eity sting a mil lion and a half gnllene instead of 2, 000,000 gallon daily rrevit,ll to, the famine. Conservation measures and! roiuniary tMpcration on th part of! th peo4t proved affectlv and on! one uay mv nmuuu, " . ihm.ju was only 1,300,000 gallon, th myor added. Prohibition of as of water for con ttruction purpose threatened to tie up work nt heiehteninff the brtes smoke stack "of th municipal building. TS contractor desired to know if the city wonld allow enough water to mix th mortar, but he ws Informed b would hv to go out of town and bant water or suspend work until th crlsia was over, it aiiemeiea Darren on a mourn truck, hauled wttir tad preceded with th work. Tht short tmoktstack kaa been temtwhat of t tuitanc and the commlttiesert found it necessary to hire it hsightcaed to prrveat imokiaf th interior a well a th exterior of the building. LGIfTS THAT LAST Invariably School and College Openings mean the immediate need of A good substantial Fountain Pen or Pencil Every standard make is included in our vast cor rection st UPWARD $1.00 Watch, Clock aud Jewelry , Repairing. . Portrait and Commercial Photography Big BARGAINS For The Big Event Dollar Day THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15 A migljty host of big valuea will be offer ed. See our window for Bargains galore. So Glass 217 S. Wilmington Street BRIC K And Other Clay Products Brick deliversxx anytvrtara in Raltigh 3 SPOON A LEWIS Consulting Engineers- Highwaytv CritJfts, Strtrtta, Craaaaheew, V. C WakcrwcM-kav lowers. George MaNorwood Brick Co.. Capital Claa Bldg. Pkoa 2S44 Kalelgk. N. C - "KEEP SMILING" "KEEP f-MIUXO- kw tha Chiropractic tlogsa th world over. If "you want to b loved "KEEF PMILIXQ" they tre the unfailisg sign of Beatta. To "KEEP BknUNO-. is to keep hesltky. If do nt fee like smiling thert must bt omethlng wrong with year health. Let as plain how Chiropractic remove tk eaas af. disease. Consultatioa aad aaalytii free. LADY ATTENDANT DR. J. HENRI BROWN, Chiropractor Pafcaer C radiate s X-Bsy Utaeatwry Caenplet . Ls'w Bldg. 10 Weft Kartia St. Pkoaa 2411 Bourn I IS a." an. I S p. m. 7-1 p. ta.

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