i V i - I i .'" j - tat f t4 s" n lil I - r sw trtt . k,aa4if. n tc f ni; FM Are car ivf--- ' la eroet la tt4 n. . , . - VCL, CXIV. NO. 80. ;JHIRTY-T'0 PACES TODAtf, RALEIGH. N. G, UNDAYIORNINCr3EPTEMBER 18. 1921. THIRTY-TWO PACES TODAY. : PRICE: SEVEN CENTS ?lftT lflfAIt 111 h i r ii iimi i?i I r,nn riiUiiiioLiiiuunii OIIGRESS BUT DO tiniEio HELP BIUFcr Relief - of Agricultural and -Uvestot interests - ' .. forced Through" ' REPUBUCANS WAITED " TO KILL MEASURE DEAD - ' - Sunt 0$ Tordney Taxation Jftaiurt Seporttd For Votej In Senate Althoufh Many toproremenU Were Prom - lied; Hew Mexico Election Tneida Worries Old Guard English For Voyage On Uncharted Seas Sir Eroeat' Shackleton Also Expeitt To. Explore" Petrified . Fr.r In Trinidad And To Locate- 'Loat" lalahd -While On Two Year Trip Through Uncharted Sections of South - . , - . -- Atlantic, .the fatifac And Antarctic aeaa . , NDICT MINERS OH 3HARGE OF HURDE IN VEST VIRGINIA f The New and Observer Bureau., .'- 803 Dietrirt National Bank Blag, '"t" By EDWARD B. BRITTON. ! (6pelal Leaed Wire.) -w..i,tnii. SftL 17. Th sser font that nme from the Republicans " f the Senat finance eommitee that 4k. . hill wnt to it from the llouae saw " - . I ini irrD TOi pubis; s v r v. a), .. feroat shspe, indeed into sucb a snap rf M.f.goyeTnil,g dominions. sWoa. Sept. 17.-Bt til Associated Prcae). The Qnest, the email (hip ea which. Sir Eraeat Shaekletoa will ex plore the charge eetlon of the Sont" Atlantic,' the Paeifi and the Antaretie aeaa. left the Thame today o the start tot her twa yar voyaga. Larg crowd gathred the deck to wish Sir Ernest and ki party a we eessful voyag. ' Ta balm FetrlBe4 For. The voyag f the Que it, the quaint little 800-to ship which ii carrying Sir Ernest Shackleton and hit party to frozen nyiteriea In the South Polar Seas, haa for ita bjeetivee sot only oeeanographie research bat the explora tion of a petrllied forest and the loca tion of a "lost" island Tnsnakl the adjacent watcra of which hare not been sailed for more than 90 yeara. In ad dition, soundings will be taken of the ocean plateau surrounding Oough's Is land in an effort to determine the Truth regarding a supposed underwater con tinental eo'inection bet .een Africa and America. Nineteen persons, representing escn that Pordney would not m ame vo .mognise .h offiK!, p ' " been of ihe same elase of myths that in U BepuWicatt .promises, unless it is the promise to the special e.rife. tf bl business and the in- are exiect-'d to be aboard whea the ttrrr trot xtairch. cTflfr,- "ttiill Tot tigtil eorners " leaves Capetown, South Africa, for two yearY of "buffeting its way throuffh the Antaretie ice. The Quest, which uses coin sau aniaj te rests that have hold of the money mJ which &yft more thJn atrings. wnn n-. . . ..a,i ii.,. f; . t th:.t there is wide' spread dutrcss in businesa throughout the country there has been a Test , bit aa.4 ln(1nltTfn(e in talk and much time .' .k in unnfereneea. but the re lief that was promised so glibly by the "t ki;... I... failed to arrive. , That there haa een help extended to agricultural aid livestock interests because the administra tion did the work. The measure that Tu,uu.d bT which the War Finance .nu.ntlon has been able to put in mo tion machinery to aid the farmers came i... Ktm k,nuu of the insistence of h. ..rrieultural "loc" and the drives 30.000 mites bffore iti return home, waa constructed iccordini? to tae per mm 1 1,1 oa. of Khackleton who, Iras made several voyages to the Antarctic. He commanded the BnUsh expedition nf 1907-09. which reached within 97 miks of the South Pole and also the expedition of 1914-15 to Weddell Sea. His present ship is 111 feet long, 25 foot beam and 13 feet in depth. She was built in Norway in 1917 of oak, pine and spruce and has been tested in heavy ice- tier sines are iwo ieei thick and her bows are or sona oaa sheathed with steel. Her steaming radius is 9,000 miles and, under sH, in a stiff hreese. the Quest can, make APPROVE PLAfl T0- r TAX ALL LIQUORS win( spread. She has a glasa enclosed bridge and a lookout that twMaablee I Boor barrel. r.rrtM AUaw AviaiM. "ifajor C. K. Carr, aangliah ooldier of fortune. th-aviatot 'of th ipedi- tioa, plana to fiy above the AaUretie fogs to teoat emt paaaaco fcotwoea the floes through which tm)4aeet snay pass. He is also the photographer and natural ist of the expedition. The biplane he will nse is one of only three that were ever built The other two wore) fiowa, respectively, by Colonel Bortosi T. C, the pioneer flyer rrom Lngiana to i.w- potnmia and by Sir Mom ejmun, ise trst man to fly from tngiano v Australia. Other members of the fihaehletan parlf, besides those already aaentionsd, nelude Frank Etild, secona in , com mand; Prank WorsUry, commander; Uaior A. H. Macklin. biologist; R. Stelihouse, lieutenant commander; Cap tain Ii. Hussey, meteorologist; J. B. n. Uarr and N. E. Mooney, cabin bevs. The petrified forest that will be ex plored waa found by 8hackleton on the island of Trinidad it a certain point where he landett l'rom Captain Robert F. Scoffs : ship," the niscovtryr "ore than 12 years ago. Oough'a Island is eight miles long and 4,000 feet high and in 1904. when viaited for the flrtt time on record hp membera of the Bruce expedition, was found to have at least four hitherto nnclaasifled jpecies of birds. Tuanaki, the "lost" island, has been mentioned in old natural records but apparently haa disappear ed. A spot in the Paeifio where it is supposed to be will be dredged for evidenee to show that it is recently ub- merired land. There is already in the South Polar reirions. another British expedition. It is led by Commander John L. Cope, who left Norfolk, Va, on Oeteber 27, 11130, for a six years' sojourn in the iM fields. The party is aboard a 7,000 ton whaler, the Thor I., and three auxiliary ships and number more thaa 100 men. One of its purposes la the Blanket- Indictment Including Over Three Hundred Names Returned By Jury FOLLOWS INVESTIGATION OF RECENT DISORDERS If amaa of Three Officers of Uai ted Mine Workers Also In eluded In Indictrnent; Two Hundred Indictments In Ad dition Charging Insurrection and 'Tistol Toting" made by the Democrat whlTwcre on he ghe'farriei wirefc,, equip-, commercial development of th.ineral alert t aid the farmers wno " 4"c?" ment and aB .irplane with a 25 foot ealth ol Anwracnea. CONTINUE PARLEY t0 hardly hit. The emergency .arm bill, the Republican paiiacea for the ilia that beset agriculture and the coun try, has proven a snare and a delusion to much so that the Republicans them selves do not care to discuss that fake ,ld to "agriculture and want to talk of something e'se. Another Gold Brick. knA h. Senate finance committee . ' . . ... . V. n r frnlfl ba Mnaea tne couvrjr ----.,.. , ... sAIINA r briflk la th action It naa vaaen a i i n cilllCI UlWJfU wwi yo oiiu s-s- monn De Valero txenange ON IRISH FREEDOM transportation taxes. iae compmni f tha country haa been that freight and waaaeager rate are- ao high that tha business ol us eonmry is M..4 itk the denresaion in agricul tural nfoduet and the maintenance of freight rate so high aa to: tie tej many aaaea almoatolilbttiva, holdtt back any hop of aa early return to prosper ity, or of th noAnalcy that President Wn.atii nromised to th eountry. That th Senate finance committee did not ,bamloI1 any principle, , and had only nut th axe to at "least the transpor-l ob:Mt i ,ecking a conference on ration taxes and give that small bit . ; 0f truth, aaid Mr. De Valera. st itW a hn fliaappoinuncEi is .th eountry. All that it has to offer is that with the coming' of 1922 the traaaportatioa taxes will bo cut in half, and that with 1923 that tax will twi entirety aboltshcl. wnai me jhw Notes On Situation Dublin, lpl 17.Bj th Ao'ated PreMEamon" 4 yalera, wplylng to IJoyd George, inf that the Sinn Fein already lias accepted the Tremiers in vitation in his own exact terms. They had not asked the Premier to SHIPPING BOARD ASKING FOR MONEY -TAKEN FROM BOND .- - RETURNED TO BRAGG? COMMANDINGlGENERAi; Senate Finance ' Committee WhMaklng No" Vote En- dorses The Principle - SENATOR SMOOTGETS NOWHERE WITH BILL r-' Utah Senator Will Take Tight Tor , Manufacturer's Sales Levy To floor of Senate, xHe Announces; Senator" Calder Toedraft Whiskey Amend ment To Taxation Measure Washington, Sept. 17. The Senate finance committee failed today to reach final recision on the Smoot tax imp!: fiention bill, embodying a manufactur er' aales levy, and on Senator Calder's proposal to impose a tax or a gal lon on all alcoholie liquors withdrawn from bond for other than rannufnetiirine The committee will meet Logan, W.iVa,Bept. . 17. Three hnn dred and twenty-five name were lndud ed in a blanket indictment, charging murder, returned by a Logan, county special grand Jury today. Theindict- ments. followed an investigation of re cent disturbances en the Logna Boone County border. Among the names are I purposes. those of C. P. Movntr, prntde-aTia"-smetgrr,"-w1 miimiiW received" fir "several See? sTjcctiveiv. of District Nomber 17, 1 ator who were represented aa desirins United Mine Workera of America, and I a less complicated tax law than in their W. H. Bliixard,' also a Unfted Mine judgment would result from enactment Worker official. Ia addition, two hun- of the amended House bill. Tlie eon dred indictments charging insurrection I sensus of opinion still seemed to be and "pistol toting were returned. I however, that the committee would re- The blanket indictment charging iect the Smoot measure thniA named with belnsr principals and 8st ta Contina Fight Reiterating tn.it lie wotiiil oner tne nearney, ana i tea .... .!,.. hill wss sni.l to have AMERICA MOURNS . N 10 PELL ' LISH SOIL l'ni by dUMtfltm War Deportment ordera yesterday di rect Brigadier tlenoral A. J. Bowley to retnrn to Camp Bragg as enmmand ing officer of the Thirteenth Field Ar tillery Brigade, which is to be stationed there permanently. , AIRI ONI EIIG Iritish, iFrench and: Brazilian Sailors Join In Paying Trl- ; toto To The Dead . r THOUSANDS SEEK TO ATTEND THE SERVICES Secretary of Nary Edwin Denby Attends Exercises As Representative of Govern ment; Downpour of Bain, Prevents. Open Air. Service; Impressive Ceremonies accessories to the killing of John Gore, deputy aherig of Loon county, was based on an alleged vialotion of the Redman act. That act classified such deaths a murder in the first degree. Gore was killed August 29 in an ex hill in the Senate, the-Ltsh Senator said: 'We will see 'what will happen there. The American Automobile Aatocia- tlon came out today in favor of the change of shots between armed men and manufacturers' tux proposal, an offic ial nonnti Kkemiff. in the eastern nirt of statement from the association head Logan county during th attempted quartM declaring; that seh a tn would march across that eountry of a number K'e to me nus.nrss men oi me eoumry of men who had announced their in- just what they themselves feel is needed tention to proceed into Mingo county et in motion the wheels of industry ISSI DOCTOR FOUND IN NEVADA Physician Who Treated Dead Motion Picture Actress Or dered To Return ; and there protest State martial law invoked several months ago. The special grand jury further held in the indictment that a "conspiracy to inflict bodily harm and punishment" had existed and thnt as the ''result of such conspiracy, Gore had come to his death." that will give employment to more than five million now idle men." Senator Calder's whinkcy amendment was discussed by the committee today and according to the author and other members, wae accepted in principle. The 'New York Senator suid he had been asked to redraft the amemlment and Mr. Be" ahn' tvply Hie mine minister's telegram was given out by the Sinn Fein publicity department. It was drafted b him nt Black Rock and brought to the niansian hoiispy whec it was made public by Arthur pi are looking for is relief in oiGriflith and Kamon J. Duggan and was present day and not the talk of w.ief I , , to the VTgM uv DeSm0nd Mlii the fntnre. The House bill, bad as it is, offered relief on transportation that the .Senate hill as outlined by the action of the Senate finance committee denies to business. In th House bill there wa9 made a repeal in their entirety to trans n.rttion taxes, with n repeal also of Fitraerald, propaganda minister, The expectation Here la tnai n win make possible a renewal of the invita tion to a peace coaferenee. De Valera Send Keply . The text of Mr. De Valera's reply fo'. lows: "In reply to your last telegram just tha taxe on express package and oil rM-oived I have onlv to say that we by pipe lines, while the benaie finance committee knocks out the repeal feature a to express package and oil pipe lines. Lively Plght I New Mcxic. And the vote getting business has tha Republicans up in the air just now for on next Tuesday there comes the election in New Mexico for a Senator from that State. Th Republican ap pointee. Senator Bnrcum, is th Repub hate already accepted your invitation in the exact wwrdasvhich you requote from vour letter of the seventh instant. We have not asked yoti to abandon any principle, even informally, but surely you must understand that we can only recognize ourselves for what we are. "If this self-recognition be made a reason for cancellation of the confer ence we regret "it, but it seems incon lican nominee, and it appears that Ac i-tcnt. ia having such rough sledding that the h. h.v. .irl.dT v.d conferences with outlook is considered flood for the you Jnd ia thp(e conferences and in success of Richard H. Hanna, a Dcm- my written communications I have oerat of the progressive type, who as .... ,aeit to. recoeniie myself for a candidate for other offices haa shown wnat j was and am. If this involves recognition on your part, then you have already recognized us ''Had it been our desire to add to the solid substance of Ireland' right 'the veneer of the technicalities of interna tional usage, which you now intro I duce we might have claimed already the advantage of all these eonseqnenres which you fear would flow from the reception of our delegates. ' Now, believe, we have but one object himself to be a vote setter. He is making such headway in the New Mexi en contest that he baa "thrown a lit into th ranks of the Republican in New Mexico, a "fit" that is reflected In the anxhjty psith which the G. Cj. P. man-nfr--r)re are waiting for the result at the ballot boxes next Tuesday. Sen tor Bursura ia in line - with the re aetionary Senators and the progres sires of th West are rather eool in their affections toward nim. Appeals at . heart-the setting up of the eon or speeches to id the BursUm cause feTen.e on gurh a basis of truth and hav bea mad in vain to Senators rpaiitT , woum make it poasibl to Borah and Johnson, ao it is said, but ,, hrnnirh the result which the aa they hare nut on to New Mexico, jW pU,s of thne two t(,iandg to ardently wiia apparently no eoncern aoout w Prime Millist(,r vjoya George, repV -fata or (Senator Bnrsuvn, the appeal ing tdav t, fhe communication of ha Tidently fallen on deaf ears. Kamonn Valera on "riday says that May Iaflaeac Senate Fight to rwfiTe the Bin Fein delegates to uingniarry enouga me run or me th, proposed conference as .Tepresenta Nw Mexico election i going to have tir,g 0f an independent and overeign a bearing upon botn tne leadersiiip Jtate woula ronstltute formal and and the policies or the Kepuplirans in official recognition of Ireland's sever , in oenate. xi oenmor oursuia in o. gn(.e from the. king'a domains. . (Metion th the rrogreasive are ex- j(r. Lloyd George say that so long peeted to assert themselre in the se-1 an Wr, p, v,era im,i4ts that the Irish -lection or a leaaer in wiccession xo delegates ehould confer as the rcpre Senator Lodge when h enters upon I ntatives of an independent and sove hU datie with the redaction or rma-lreiKll atat a conference i impossible. - menu eonrerenee, ana win aemana tnai Th text of Mr. Lloyd George s com ! a rrogreaaiT d seieciea ior rneyiau i munication follows : to e any relief to them in the pro- ""Siri I hav received the communies.. ! posed oelection of Senator WataOn, of tion which you telegraphed ms last Indiana. They hold him a too elose night It would be idle to say that" -to th reactionary force in their party conference in which we had already . bnt they are in th difficulty of hv- met your delegate a representatives ' tnfao man upon whom-they can ten- 0f an indepedent and sovereign state ter weir enon ior eonrroi. iaey nop will be a eonferenc "without pre to get wnaior poran jo lei. uem geii judiee. ucainu- urn. vu www u umm uvi in reccirfl mem i men won d inn. . give the1 word that h ia willing.- Butlstitute formal and official reeoirnitinii , Kw Mexico fall Into th. Demo-1 of Ireland' everanc from th king's Chairman" Lasker Thinks Fiye Million a' Month Will Be Sufficient Now WashingtoTt, Sept. I. The shipping boArd whieh President Ha41ijr(njly stated had entailed expenditure! frois the treasury of approximately three and half billion dollars, "is getting in sight of the end of the need for asking great sums," Chairman Lasker an nounced today. ' The board chairman made his an nouncement in connection with submis sion to Director of Budget Dawes of additional estimates amounting to 120,-1 .WO.OOO, which he said would be needed by the board to continue operations this fiscal year. Next year, .lowever. tbo chairman added, board operations should not cost the government more than 3O,0O0,0O0 one half of the amount estimated as necessary this year. The appropriations for the two years. totalling lf0,000,000 Chairman Lasker said, should if construction were left out of consideration, tide the board over until world trad conditions im proved and the provisions of the mer chant marine act came fully into effect. If world business is improved, he added, "the pperating loss sustained by the board ia expected to bo wiped out. In addition, as we collect back dchs due the board our appropriations will become smaller until we hope there will come-, timo when the receipts and expenditure? will balance." Claims outstanding against the. board were estimated by the chairman at be tween $15,000,000 and 120,000,000 but to offset these, he said, were millions of dollars due the board on back debts which the board is hopeful of collect ing. Operations during Jaly, he added entailed a loss of $5,700,000 as compared with 110,000,000 to 12,000,000 several months ago. llo predicted the board would be able to operate for the re mainder of the fiscal year at a losi of not more than IS.OOO.OOO a month. The remainder of the indictments present n sgain on .iionany m u was charged 'conspiracy to foment revolu- feared that as originally worded it tion and insurrection" and "the wry- might ne eonsiruea 10 iax inansinai ing of weapons in violation of the I alcohol. Johnson law." Wonld Tax All Liquor It was believed eenerallr that the The proposed amendment goes fur- cases will be taken up at the October 1 thef than the Hous provision, wHch term of eireuit eourt. wowa ux at tne i.u rw oniy Apart from th anion etfielals the I teTioiie liquor aivertea to neverage names of those indicted were not made I purposes. Senator Calder would ktax public QUEEN CITY WOMAN CABARRUS CONSTABLE Greensboro, 8ept. 17. X complaint of unusual interest throughout the State was Died in Superior court yesterday afternoon by Mrs. Mason Yt. Gant, wif of the clerk of the Superior court of Guilford eagnty, against w O Allen. of Cabarrus county, allesg nt the de fendnnt as a motonyi ie constable, wrongfully eolleet?d 17.90 from her on a chnrge of violating the ('nhflrrus peed law while she. together with four of her children and a, young hoy, the cess of 8 charged for double rooms. . friend of her son, was traveling from Greensboro to Forest City July 29, 1921 in addition to sunenng damages in tho said S7.50 which the complaint al leges the defendant wrongfully took. Mrs. Gant alleges that she is informed and believes and alleges that, by reason I erete a tax investigative commission tn or the reckless, malicious, nnlawful, study and report on possible means of wrongful and wilful acts of the defend- taxing- the income from tax-exempt ont, she is entitled to'recover punitive gtate ttnd municipal securities. A new damages in the sum of$l,000 and for prop0gai adopted would require the gov false arrest, etc., 11,000 damages. ernmcnt to nav interest at the rate of one half of one per cent on taxes er SHOCKED BY LIVE WIRE AsheboTO, Bept. 17. While repairing the telephone wire in front of the courthouse Joe Forrester came in con tact with a live wire and.feeeived very severe shock. For several hours he remained unconscious, but recovered from the shock and will soon be normul It was not discovered just where the current came ffm, but investigation Is being made. NEW.YORK BISHOP RULES NO EPISCOPAL CLERGYMAN CAN MARRY CHURCH RECTOR ..New York, 8ept. 174BIhop Man ning, of the Diocese o! New York, ha rated that no elersAmsn of the Protestant , Episcopal cherch may perform a msirriag ceremony for th Rev. Dr. Percy, Btickney Grant, rector of the Church of th Ascen sion, and hi fiancee, Mrs. Rita D Acost Lydig, a wealthy parishioner, who has been divorced twice, the New York Times aays it ha learned from reliable source. Mrs. Lydig .obtained a diverts from W. E. D. Stokes, whom she marred when ah wa If year old, ..and later from Major Philip M. 'Lydig. On of these oVoree waa on th grrand of Incompatibility. The cans in lntt WM " which andcr th canon of cherch doe net prevent remarriage of the Innocent ((arty. liquor withdrawn for medicinal puj poses as well, Th Calder proposal to tax 2.73 per ?"nt beer wis said to havo been less favorably received as soma committee men were of the' opinion that it would be in conflict with the prohibition amendment to the eonstitstion. The Smoot and Calder proposals Were taken up after the committee finally had completed, its revaina of the. House bill. Ist minute changes included new provision requiring hotels" to pay a tax of ten per cent on the amount in eicess of charged to transients for single rooms and on the amount in e The committee approved the house provision granting toe Treasury author ity to issue $7,500,000,000 in short term securities instead of S7,000,0(0,nKl and rejected the plan originating with tlie Honso ways and means eommittco to ban r rancisco, Wept. J7. A missing witness in th Roscoe C. (Fatty) Ar buckle case. Dr. Arthur Beardslee, tho Hotel St. Francis physician, who treat cd Miss Virginia Rappo before her ieath, was located today, according to telegram received from the sheriff of Douglas eowoty, Nevada, at Minden. Dr. Beardslee yesterday lefjt Minden for Bridgeport, Mono county, Cali fornia, mi a hunting trip, according to tho notification given District Attorney Matthew F. Brady, who telegraphed to the Mono county sheriff to order Benrdsles to proceed to San Francisco at once. His testimony is expected to throw light on tho condition of Miss Kappe the first day after the Ilior Day party in Arbuckle s suite at the St. rrancis, from which her death resulted. Dr Beardslee was wanted as a witness at tha coroner's inquest, hut could not be located. Arbuckle' brief appearance in the Superior eourt todmy to obtain a con tinuance on the Jianslaughter charge pending against him completed hi present schedule of trips outside the city ,pfiHi until next Thursday1 when his preliminary examination on the murder complaint sworn to by Mrs. Bamina Maudo Delmont, a member of the party in Arbuckle's rooms, is set before Judge 8. J Lazarus. ' Mrs., Mao Taube, another member of the party, was questioned today by I'rady, vho mh she hvF jwrshrti-d in her original statement that site called Asulftant Minager Harry J. Hovle, of the hwtel oh the telephuno fur nisiist nnce. At the inqtn-st Mrs. Delmont said sho herself did the telephoning. Brady jaid some important items .of in formation were li'.iriKcl from Mri. Tnutie and her statements might lead to taking up certain new phases of (lie v lef(,re the grmid jurv Moi'dnv night. Mniuger Tl onus .1. (Vleimiri, of tli Hotel St. Francis and other executive? nd employes, were called before Kebert il. Mct'orinick, assistant r in ted StaUt Al'orney la charge of liquor urosecu ti-B for questioning regur.ling the origin of 2 quarts of liquor sail to hrre been consuiiied at Arbtrek'i-'s irtj. Al e?..SlL2!.?AS ptti" "nd "!M t0 m "" EIGHT-HOUR DAY FOR run Uruun i tn o ulaim p""- . , Winston Salem, Sept. 17. Suit of L. P. Tyree against George C. Tudor and his son, Bynum Tudor, in which the plaintiff is asking for damages in the sum of fifty thousand dollars for the death ofTiis daughter, Miss Kuth Tyree, who was killed two years ago wlicn an automobile, owocd by George PROMINENT GATE CITY MAN CONVICTED OF RETAILING Greensboro, Sept. 17. John Winder. one of the prominent young li.isinw men of the eity, was convicted or retail ing bv Judge D. H. Collins, presiding over Greensboro city court tt is morn U iudor and driven by his son, was (ng tnd wis sentenced to pay a line of overturned at tne rnrxe or Liemraon .-,o and rPport to the court or the! ana iwisvuio roaas, wuuo oynum fRt Monday in each month sn I show i Tudor and Miss Tyree were returning g(0, behavior. I from a dance at Forsyth Country Club Winder was accused and Mund guilty ! at a late hour of the night, is being on the specific charge of hnvi'iij sl I , heard in Forsyth Superior Court. nhiskry to Judge M. O. Strjilv.-n-!i, f me accident resulted in the sudden the local bar. Accirdnig t th evi death of the young lady, while Bynum I deuce given in the cvnrt it was a. friend Tudor sustained serious injuries, be-y trade and Winder got in trouble Ing confined in a hospital for -several I by a I psiness par ner of his talking weeks. J ho son - was tried last yenrlt -o much. POSTMASTERS ORDERED Wshsinglon, Sept. 17. Poet master nf the first, second and third clans from no on must put in an eight hoar day under sn order sanounced today by Postmaster General Hav n. PoetmiHters "shall devote minimum of eight hour dally dar ing the basineea part of the day to their duties as postmasters" the order reads, and "shall give their personal stlention lo the business of their offices and shall not absent themselves therefrom for longer period than two days without writ ten authority from the I'ostofflce Department." . No explanation sccompsnied the order. for m n" laughter, but secured a verdict of not guilty. It is being hard fought, both sides being represented by a strong array of connsel. lUCAMA WOMAN KILLED BY COAST LINE TRAIN TWO CRUSHED TO DEATH BY LANDSLIDE NEAR EI.K1V. Winston-Salem, Sent. 17.- Troy I ol lins, 40, and his Is v. ar old . ..n, vver crushed to death and K l. Merphv mis tained A broken leg lata yterday by a cave ir of a large enibank.iniit of dirt and rock in the Klkin valley ii was K0HL0SS MAKES REPORT OF AUGUST CAPTURES Wilson, Sept. 17. While returning reported here Way home from a vist to her smU'r-in-law, Mrs. C. E. Ferrell was instantly killed by a northbound passenger train on the tracks of the Atlantic Coast Line railroad at Lucnma about 6 o'clock, thisi morning. Shortly after the accident a southbound train picked np the body and carried it to the next station several -miles sway before it was dis covered, it is stated. J'he deceased Is survived by a husband and several children. DESIGNATE MARSHAL TO MEET GENERAL PEP.8HING Paris, Sept. 17.-.(By the Assciated Press.) Marshal Franchet D'Esperey was designated today by. tho govern, tnent to proceed to Havre on Wednes day next to meet General John J. Pirshing, chief of staff of 'the American army, who will place on thetomb of the unknown soldier of Franc In Paris th medal of honor voted by th Uaited State Congress. The marshal will wel come General Pershing in the nam of th French government and will accom BURNING GASOLINE TANK SPREADS TERROIt IN ORANGE Hiliebero, 8eptvI7. Terror thorugh ont th eoaatry "side at Oeconcechee farm haa been spread by a burning tank car, which ia some anaccoant able way caught 6 re yesterday after noon when three cars Including the tank car of a Souther freight train were ditched at the railroad siding there. .The blase, which at time shot twenty feet into the air last night attracted many hundreds of people to the spot, bnt they were .ajck t get away whea they learn est the cam. Th two other derail ed cars, on containing Soar and th other Umber, were feraed an. The wreck occurred yeeterday afternoon and It was necessary ta traaafer all paaangr aatil 1st tai afternoon whea the track wa cleared. The vaporised gasoline escaping from tha tap at e tank car was still barn, fag taalght Salisbury, Hept. 17.--One hundred and forty nine illicit whiskey utilU, I'll gallons of liquor, l.'t.'I.XL'l gallons of beer, not including 2,:in0 gallons captured in Virginia just across the rrth t'arobna line, were seized bv Prohibition Director Koliloss' furce during August, it, was learned nt his office today. Other seizures included l,'..il fcrnif ntntnrs, n number of nuto mobiles aji(L nw boat Thirty seven alleged moonshiners were captured, eight of whom have already been prose cuted. The leisures were made by (if teen men working in this State. GENERALLY FAIR FOR THE SOUTH THIS WEEK Washington, Sept. 17 Weather pro dictions for tbo week beginning Mon day, are: , Middle Atlantic states genernllySfuir except for local showers toward the end of the week; cooler beginiiingof the week; normal temperature there after. . South Atlantic and east gulf states generally fair except for w-rdey scat tered local tliunden bowers; normal temperature. There are no indications at this time of a disturbance ia the New York, Sept. 17. (By the Asso- ' elated rressl The nation from Presi dent to humblest eitizen, today paid tribute to the mmory of 16 brave men. tc These 16 were American officers and men of the ill fated dirigible ZR 2 whoso disastrous plunge into the river lluniber put two nations in mourning. Around the caskets of 15 for one has been buried on British soil there gath ckJ in,. th? New YorlfeXavy y-atd thi ' afternoon, a great band of mourners, coming from all ranks of American society. With them, in reveront sym pathy, stood guards of honor from three foreign nations Great Britisn, France, ' and Brazil which landed parties from warships now in port. Secretary Denby Attenda Secretary of the Navy Denby, rerjre-, senting the l'residentvand the cabinet, attended the memorial service and placed on each casket a bouquet of flow era. When he had finished his and task, his hands were trembling and his eyes mo. bt. Because of rnin which became a down pour at 2 o'clock the hour set for the. ceremony, the, service was held in ;u mess hall, instead of outdoors. At one end of the white washed hall was the speaker's platform and in front f it, in a long- solemn row, the dead. Knch coftjn was shrouded in the Ameri can flag ami each was covered witii (lowers. Picked Guard of Honor TliB American guard nf honor-pick, ed seamen and men from tho Murine corps wcro the first to file in. A pla toon of Royal Marine light infantry, from the British cruiser, Dauntless which yestCTday bore the bodies home then entered and took their itand fac ing the Americans, then cam sailors from tha Brarilisn battleship, Minas Goraes and tho French cruiser, Villi) D'Ys. The doors were then thrown op en to sll. The sound of muffled drams outside tha JitlJ -the strains, of "The 8tar Spangled Banner," within and the aerv ks had started. -. ,, ,. - . Women in black, closest relative of the dead, who had pressed their hand kerchiefs to their eyes as they passed the enskets on entering tho hall, stood n little itmighter, held their beads a lit tle more proudly when they heard the anthem of a country for which thc;r inns, brothers. and husbsnds had'lHvd and died 'But there was eno gray haired moth er for whom tho strain was too muca, . tha sorrow too deep. It seemed as if she would faint nml sho was led weep ing from the building. Secretary Denby raised his handker chief to his eyes as the mother was assisted down tho aisle, moaning again and again : ''My Hal.yl" Lieutenant Commander F. K. Moyer, n.iw chaplain, conducted the final rit ual that cf the Protestant faith. A male quartette sang, "Lead Kindly Light Plsre Wreaths On Coffins Then Secretary Denby stepped for ward. Behind him were three Ameri can), seamen, bearing bouquets sent from President and enatnsvt. Rever ently he placed one on each coffin. Sir Hugh Trenchard and the commander ef tho Dauntless then laid on wreaths from tha British embassy, British air minis try aud tho crew of the British erusier, which had served as funeral ship. On the casket of Commander Louis H. M.-iifleM, who wis to have had charge ol the 7.H 2 on her trans-Atlantic flight, was a representation of the airship, in English' violets, with a card inscribed: ''A remembrance from your ship mates, whom you left behind." Then Captain M. C Gleason, Catholis chaplain, conducted the second service. Opposite him, holding lighted candles, were three bluejackets youngsters scarcely eighteen. "Nearer My God to Thee" and then three volleys, sharp and crisp they rang out. A buglo sounded taps. The serv co was ovsr. When the yard had been emptied of v isitorsfiftecn hearses drew up in front of the moss hall and the caskets were homo away to tho Naval hospital. Foar bodies will be interred In Arlington; one- that of Lieutenant Emory Coil will lie buried at soa and the. others will bo turned over to tho nearest of kin. No Formal Address Made New Vo rle, Kept. 17.-(Hy the Asso ciated Press ) America today mourned her lighting men who fell with the '.R 2. Tnto tho New lork navy yardia oi idling rain, pressed thousands of ior rowing men and women to gather roimsi the Mers of fifteen blue jackets and their officers who met death' in the Eng. '::h river Hun. bew,hen t'io giant ai-' ship'took its fatal plunge. England honored tho AinoriMn deaf, as well as her own with solemn core m.m'.is in West Minster Abbey nnd else where, but this afternoon American g;.thited to pny their own tribute to' tin heroes whoso bodies we're brought back to tho hamelafud yesterday en ;tn I r : i if r. cruiier Dauntless. Journeying, here from 'Washington to b present when the" words of parting were tittered was the aecretaVy of the navy, whilo British, French and Braxilha sailttrs whose warships were la port wer in vited to 'he ceromoily. -Secretary Denby Attenda. Secretary Denby, accompanied 1-JT at taches ofth-British embassy, ai rived (Contrnued a Pag TwO ; . 1 Ca tinned Oa Pag Twe) (Ceatleecd m Pag Tw.). pany him to 'Paris. West Indies. 1. .ti j