J NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. C THURSDAY MORNING; SEPTEMBER 29, 192T: .i MKfl PIES 1.1 ROVE t:!:'3 Start Movement to Clean" Alleged Immoral Ccndi- , tions In Hotels ' Durham, Sept, tS. Tobtceo la how kg decMeaV improvement oa tht Dur ham market thl wtek, although breaks . fmall a it anally the eus for tht in week or two efw.KMoi. The amount of weed e tht market Jionday vii jifgllglblo tod lgrtt compiled to day combined Moadajr aai Taadayi i (ale together. , Figuring th flrst two day of the . week a at a re rage Ue average price amounted A 12150 per hundred. A total of 36,050 poods of weed wa told la th two day. Today pricea eon tinned high, although (lightly below Monday and Tuttday. 'A total of 49, 114. pound, for an average of 123.61 per hundred waa sold sere today. ,In a movement by Ue police here to clean p alleged Immoral eoaditioni in tertaU hotel of the city, Barry Chris tie, proprietor of the Church Street hotel, wii plated under arrVst laat night ' and arraigned In the Heeorders court ' thl miratng oa a charge of running a koaie of assignation and aiding and abbettinf prostitution, the hearing be ing continued until October 7th, to permit tht attendance o( a young girl arfce ft' to form an important witness - ia th eaaa. . It if (tated by the police that tho chain of evidence drawn about Christie ia sufficient to convict him of the charges. Other inmates of the houio - from time to time, are laid to hire eipresssd their willingness to testify M to condition! at the hotel 4n qum tion. Christie Ii at liberty under (200 bond. Two daye of active campaigning ia the effort to raiee S,UU0 among tho - white eitizena of Durham for tho new Lincoln (colored) hosptial hero ahow a toUt of 11,173.50 subscribed. Ac cording to tho condition! of tho 179, 000 bequest of B. N. Puk-Tid J. B. she, the whole amount must bo ruiieil by October 1. In the two daya remain ing it la hoped to raise tho required amount. I'ruiik H. Marshall com promised his suit against the Interstate Telephone Co., end the Traction Co., fcr injuries received when he cnie in contact with a live wire while norking for tho tele phone company, in the Huperlor court today. Marshall's arm us amputated The amount of the settlement was not announced today a the Judgment was not signed. MIUUUMC nCIU IU HlltWCI UN Charge of Manslaughter (Continued Krom Toge One) received by tho deceased, alt bough It was a regrettable incident.'' "Photographs of bruises on Miss Roppe's body were introduced but Dr. - Arthir Renrclslre, who ultonilcil her tun only one on the arm. l.'ndouhtedly if there had been others on the body hr Would have noticed them. 'Bcninnchcr'a testimony was entlroly Valueless and two days of inint tuuo was taken up fruitlessly h'nnng him. 'The only one whose eudence might art .connected the defendant with the commission of a crime was that of the nervous ehamhrrmuld lio heard from the corridor the cry of n woman "No, ao, Oh, my Uod end a man's reply Oh, shut up.' Although there wore Indication that the district' attorney -at a trial would try to ihow a more com plete case, there was the merest skele toa of evidence here to connect the de fendant with tho. crime of murder, the most serious offense knon Jn criminal law. . Caw't Hold, for Murdrr "The question for mo to decide Is whether tho fact adduced which the dis trict attorney admits is bnre'y enough to warrant a holding, is enough to Justify a murder charge, end I do not believe ao. "There i enough in the defendant's aetieas ia tht affair, however, to war rant a snaswlanghtcr charge, and I will hold him on this. I feci that no rspc. attempted rape, wss committed by the defendant," Assistant District Attorney Milton T. Urea Inquired what these other actions might be, and the judge replied that thort night bavt been battery, for in stants. While 'th formalities of ' bail were being, arranged, Arbucile west back to tht city prison, where he baa beea for the last IS day, ' . ' - ! Coming out of hi cell with aa Over flowing armful of clothing hi fact took on a more cheerful look. After he had piled the clothe late a suitcase atw i sixr photograher atarted to take nic- turet of him and f) froilt bega'a to creep crvre nil countenance. Al a 6lloon-like cloud of flishlight amokt.rota toward tht ceiling he gated at it with almost a grin. -.!'. "Boll a cigarette with, oat hand when wt take the neit anap, suggested one of tht photographer. "I eanV he replied, "it tht other Arbuckle that doe that" Arbuckla wa relcaaed from prisoa oa 15.000. cark baU. SYNOD WILL MEET IN TARBORO NEXT MONTH Bocky Mount, Bopt 28 ?resbyterian of northeastern Qorto Carolina are looking forward with considerable in terest to the approaching session of the North Carolina ynod which will b held la tht Howard Memorial church at Tar boro Tuesday. October 18. Th ynod embraces all territory of state east of tht Blue Ridge mountains and it is et pected that approximotely 2V delegates will attend tht Tarboro session. According to a atatoment by Rev. E. A. Lapsley, paator of the Tarboro church, which will be host to the synod, tho delegates will arrive in Tsrboro oa Tuesday, October 19, and will probably remain in the neighboring city until tht following Friday afternoon. Elab orate entertainment plans art being made for the visitors. Ot Wednesday luncheon latht rfunday school room, while on Thursday the members of tho William and Mary Hurt chapel at Leg gets will tender the delegates a barbe cue dinner in the grov at the church. It is something unusual for tht aynod to meet at a town the size of Tarboro a the entertainment problem, auch as caring for the numerous visitors, is a big one, but it is said that the ritiuns of Tarboro sre responding nobly. George Howard is chairman of tht entertain ment committee, which it now making a campaign to secure homes for the dele gates. Mr. Howard and Bev, Mr. Laps- ley art directing the work of making all preparation for the synod. WILSON FARMERS LIKE CO-OPERATIVE SELLING Wilson, Bept. . Wilson cotton and tobacco planter from every section f the county, are thinking better of the co-operative plnn of marketing their products. H is said that (10 per cent of the cotton and between 40 and 60 per cent of the tobacro planters have signed up to give the new plan try-out. While the price that are being paid fur cotton and tobacco are good, farmers PAINS IN SIDE AND BACK Caused by Woman's Ills and Cured bj Lydia LPinkhara's Vegetable Compound Grafton. Pa,-"I waa troubled with Inflammation and pain in my aide and iback. Alter doctor- l,k JlT.. lug IU1 UIUOIUIIV doctor and not let ting relief, I had 1 mott given up hope when my sister told me of Lydia E. Pink ham' Vegetable Compound, and knowing that the had really been helped by it, 1 purchased it I wa unable to do my work at that time. but after taking several bottle of the Vegetable Compound I can now do any thing about the house or farm that a woman should do. I havt a four month old baby that ia the healthiest and big gest baby for his age that I havt tver seen. I am willing for my latter to be used for a testimonial to tell other suf fering women how much your medicine has don for me, aa I give Lydia E. Pinkham'i Vegetable Compound all the praie."-Mr. BlairL FlSHER, R.D.I, Box 37, Grafton, 1'a. Working early and lata lifting, carrying, and tht heaviest of houahold duties-is it any wonder that It rttult in backache and kindred ills. But tvery woman who suffer a Mr. Fisher did should profit by htr experience and trlve Lydia E. Pinkham'a Vegetable Compound a fair trial. have com to'the conelusioa that more ytmatie Way of selling would result in (till bettef prices. ' " Th average price of tobacco is way abpvt hat was predicted around $30 per hundred pounds, and good tobacco i bringing tht high dollar at tvery warehouse. 1 It's th low grade that keep dowa the average en any market. Beemlnr'y farmers are satieficd ad many of .them art paying what they owt and tht money la circulation baa pnt a cheerful look en tht face of Wilaoa towa and county ' merchant provlnj that tvery cloud rjai a (Over i V-.-Vi.t J..;.,-jf,afe4- A Real Brain-Food There is no special food for building the brainbut food deficient in phosphates and other mineral salts will never nourish the brain. The ideal brain food is a well-balanced food containing every ele ment the human body needs. Sftredded Wheat has in it every element needed for build ins tad nourishing the perfect human body. A strong, sturdy, robust body without excess fat means a good brain. Shredded Wheat is a real pep-food. It gi ves y ou the"pu nch"f or the day's work. Two Biscuits with mQk male nourishing; satisfying meal and coat but a few cents, Delicious with raiaina, prune, sliced bananas, peaches or other fruits. ! . Our Hats Are Here - i -. W bought them for you and yea and you. Wt want yoa to com and try them en. You will Hod tht correct Hat for that sew dress or tht Bat that will makt tht old drew look aw. Sincerely your, Misses Reese & Co. Plsea W10 FayetUvUlt St. New Bulbs Armsd For , V . . . . House and Yard Culture CUT FLOWERS . ) - Eiquisltt Wedding Bouquet tad Corsages. ... Artistically arranged Floral Work. , .. All kind of pot plant. H. Steinmetz, Florist Balelgh, N. C T- VJ. Dobbin COMPANY Formerly Dobbin t Ft r rail 'aVelghw TARD GOODS Store SILKS FOR FALL Satin Crepes Canton Crepes , Cashmere Satins Taffeta Silks High grade Silks at very low prices. The best values yet offered. Wt Sell for Cask and Mark Oar Good at Cash Price 1 4 t (INIVtaSAl CAS Fords Are Getting Scarce Orders,, increased 50 the first week of the new prices Unfilled Orders for All Types Are Rapidly Accumulating. Place Your Order Now To Jnsure Early 1 Delivery. Genuine Ford Parts Rawls Motor Co. .--:" '- ' - '., .. ' y Only Authorized Fort! Dalr ia JUUtgh . Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention g1 1 " i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 , , , , , , Merchandise Up To A Standard -In- The Wool Dress Goods Section An impressive array of Wool Dress Goods that are in gteat demand this season, and in a variety so extensive as to make the occasion important at these low prices. Pure Wool Jersey In the season's leading shades; tube weaves; 66 inches wide. This material requires just one length to make a slip-on dress. Yard $2.50 Pure Wool Storm and French Serges A high-grade material for the mak ing of dresses, 36 to 54 inches wide; in black and colors. Priced from, yard $1.00 to $4.00 . "Kumfy" Coating Very desirable for the making of school coats. Colors of green, taupe, garnet, red and copen 66 inches wide. Yard $3.00 to $4.50 Sport Flannels In white and stripe patterns. Pure wool. Yard $1.75 Shepherd Plaids In combinations of black and white and blue and white; 38 inches wide. Yard $1.25 Pure Wool Tricotine In black and colors. Yard $1.98 $4.00 BroadCloth Satin finish ; 62 inches wide ; ' in black, white and colors. Yard $3.75 '"$5.00 Jersey Sport Frocks For Fall Wear Combinations of Black and White, Black and Blue, Black and Henna and Black and Jade - -" - " $21.75 ; - ; Raleigh, N. C Raleigh, N. C HERE WAITS Your SERVANT Wt r. tlway waiting for aa opportunity to enlist uur splendid facilities. iu your behalf bo matter wbe yon are. . . ' It is neither, our right nor with, to iaquirt whether, your business off jri us prospect of profit. Our tervict . 1 free; we exact bo pay for standing guard vpoa year riossOMloin,.nd though we may hart never seen yoa M befort wt ahall antwar happily when yoa call w to , your caus. . . .. . - v 1 '- ; - ' ' - .- Merchants National Bank Footballs Spalding Official ......$10.00 Other Footballs at $2.80, $3.00, $3.50, $4.50, $6.00, $7.00, $8.00. Basket and Volley Balls, Golf and Tenni Supplies. James E. Thiem .8 Bell Phone 135. Raleigh, N. C Clean And Make Your Home Healthful at the Same Time You can't sweep out germs or bad odors. The best way to make sure you are getting everything clean disinfecting and purify ing at the same time, is to use Red Seal Lye. A little Red Seal Lye sifted into the sink, toilet, bathtub or bowl will clean these fixtures quickly and also keep the pipes from becoming stopped up. A tablespoonful of Red Seal Lye in a quart of water makes a solution that cleans floors, woodwork, garbage cans, greasy utensils anything and everything except aluminum ware. It will kill insects and destroy odors that bring disease. It is an excellent water softener. Red Seal Lye protects the health of your home folks. It makes your work lighter, easier and quicker done. It gives you a clean house, for it gets into all the little cracks and crevices and cleans out the germs you cannot see, as well as the dirt you can. It does all this much better and much more thoroughly than any soap or washing powder you could buy and Red Seal Lye is cheaper, too! One large can of Red Seal Lye will make ten pounds of wonderful washing soap. Full directions for soap making and all uses for Red Seal Lye are contained in each can. Red Seal Lye is the highest quality, pure granulated lye. A little of it goes a long way. Don't be misled by imitations ask for, and be sure you get, the old reliable Red Seal Lye. P. C. TOMSON A. COMPANY Philadelphia, Perm a. . i. HIGH TEST! E GRANULATED v. jr RED SEAL LYE raV r- TT in I m . , , .

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