Vv L. CXIV. NJ. 94. THIRTY-SIX PACES TODAY. RALEIGH. N. C. EUIOAY .:;g. ocrcmi 2. i92i. th:rty-:x PAGES TODAY. GETS OER IE 6F REPUBLICANS .Present No New Facts To Set ' Up Against The Denunciation By The Senator DEMOCRATS CONTINUE WAR AGAINST MEASURE Senator Heflia Girei Grapnlc Description Of Iniquities Of Bepubllcan Serenn B21; Senator Oferman Gets Into Fray In Eloquent Protest Against B. & L. Tax Th New and Obervr Burean, 603 DUtrlct National Bank Bldg. t By EDWARD 1. BBITTON. (By Special Leased Wirt.) , Washington. Oct 1. The Republicans Jin tha Senate today had facta to briar forth to act op egninet tha denunciation 'yesterday by Senator Bimmona of tha t.ix reviaioa bill offered by tha Repub lican majority of Senate finance1 com imittee. Thorgh It bad been expected that thero would bo aorao apechea oa I tha matter of ratification of peae treaties the were passed orer and the dar wna devoted to talk oa tha revenu Mil "Whenever tha poitlon take by the Democrat aa aet oat is tha amend ments .to the bill offered by Senator Simmon ma saauiled ly tha Bepubli- cana thera was aome Democrat ready 1 with facta to aobatantiato the attack I mads on tha Bepubliean bill by the J North Carolina Sentor. During tha day Senator Beflin, of Alabama, gave a graphic description or the Bepubliean revenue bill, one that will hardly bo forgotten when tha peo ple generally feel tha pinch that it pot on them, it tha Bepuuiieans pas u in tha hn ia which it now exists. I it la a Dili,' eaia eenator uenin, ("that tana the eramba and the rap of Laxarua and lata tha purple and fin linen of Dim to free. In vigorous I terms bo upheld tha eontentlona of J Senator Bimmona and declared that tn bill had not been understood ia tha I b-nato Until tha North Carolina Senator ( had pointed out its defects aoa aaa "showa clearly that it was a bill whose purpose wss to five everj thing possibW j to the rich and extra neb. S- Not Playing Palltke. v i-: - - i dm..vi: a V mull i wiv w wu uiiiMua nwu uhi ing tha day that tha Demoorata were playing polities with tha revenue bill that Senator Bimmona la his criticism st tha meaaure had offered nothing constructive, that aa Senator McCnmber pat It 4'ho injects partisan spleen- and partisanshln la tha debate with a deaira ' to gain partisan advantage," vera met by (Democratic Ssnntor who pointed to the t constructive program he hud offered their declaration In line w.th that of benrtor Beed who following the attack - made by Senator McCnmber aaid he thought that "any aemmtioa tnat the ' Senator from North Carolina, whote able speech it fill be difficult to ahawer, has baea playing jjlitica and intima tlon that ha has beaa indulaine: ia dema -goguery ia not only unkind but is wholly ,t njuitiflabls from any viewpoint J listened to tha speech and it was singu larly free from partisan bias. I think fBlao that tha aeeunation made that the ;is criticism without a constructive pol ity is an anjnst accusation. Ths Senator 4 from North Carolina did bring forward a plan- plan which I think while I do not agree to every part of it is vastly , superior to the plan proposed in thii r ..i.l liiO . aryuu.ino; out. - - Geta Under Ths Hide. 1 Ths tongas lashing which. Senator ... Pimmona gave ths proposed tax revision bill got under tha hids ot the Repub licans and their answer waa aimnlv to berate ths North Carolinians. Hers . J ths picture he" drew of the measure "Taking tha bill from tha beginning to the end ot it," ha aaid, "there is hardly a tax that ia touched where the little man ia not forgotten and ignored and his rights trampled upon while the rich man's slightest whisper for relief is heard and tha money of the J-eopla lavishly rebated sad remitted to these men who have grown ao mighty in this country that they can fix the price of any products when it ii oa of their raw materials, and then fix the , price that I shall pay for the finished produet after they have manipulated it Overman Geta Ia Fray Senator Overmaa got into tha fray today when the matter of ths proposed tax oa earnings of $500 and mors in building and loan "assentations Was Sd vocated by Republicans. The deelara ton from Senator 8moot waa that the rich man profited by such associations, that no would have atoek in it for him self, jut wife, his children snd his kin in various ! degrees brought i Senator Overman to his feet, and he declared ' that building nd loan aasoeiationa were - life f risada of tha poor man, that they enabled hm to bwa a home,- and that if Indeed tha rich nan put hia money into them that money went to aid the poor man who waa by tha means of such aasoeiationa enabled to borrow thai, money and build hia boms, that tha poor man, unable to give tha banks ths security they required, was able by reason of ths plans of building and loan associations to obtain money from them. Be protested in atrong termi against the imposition of a tax which would go towards shackling ths work . being dons by building snd losn asso ciations ia making it so that ths poor man could own his own home, that home owners became ths best eitiseni of ths eoantry. . Maiwell is Encouraged . Satisfaction was expressed thia after on by A.-J." Maxwell of the North Carolina Corporation with the result .'. ft the. presentation of ths i Yirginla Carolina freight rata ense the Inter . stats Commerce eommiasion today by the delegation represeing the shippers nn d tne Btater wtthrrcf eriifs toseeur ing juat rates from the railroirfs, - "It is ,my ODlnion.' ssid Mr. Max well, That we sre going to get w'lat Tre care asked la rates, from what I (Contlnaed oa pan Two.) MARINES HOLD - . 4 i " . V- as V H t4 (, -AV ' The above Illustration should recall to the memory of man veterans of the World War experiences which they weak through a. few rears acu. The photograph were made near Frederlcjtsburar, Vs., where the United Statea Marines are solns . through their fall maneuvers. Uenerkl Butler ia ia command of the . "Devil "Dog" ncamped. The photograph! show the Marines suTivtng at camp sad their little city of "pup" tenta. rested shortly afterward. Below la a field wlreleaa operator keeping tabs oa the movement of the army. Presi dent Harding Is spending the week end with the Marines. . Demented? Railroad ' Man In Florida Town Goes On Wild Shooting Escapade Arcadia, lTa, l Oct tThres well known persons of this eity are dead, two at tha hands of Claude O. Clark, who also killed htnTseelf when ha saw that escape from a band of angry citi zens who were seeking to arrest him was impossible. Ths dead are: James A. TImberlake, attorney Mrs. Doreai Blonnt, Clark's mother-in-Uw. Clands a Clark was a railroad man and Mrs. Clark 'Conducts a small hotel hsrs. They had been having matri monial difficulties and Mrs. Clark had retained Timberlake as hsr counsel to secure a divorce for her' Jnst before aooa today Clark entered Timberlake'a office and according to Lewis Bobbins, Timberlake'a law part ner, earns In with an army, automatic pistol ia his hsnd and began firing at Timbsrlaks's neck. The first two shots took offset, one in Timehrlake's neck, ths other in his breast Timberlake fell out of a window to aa' adjoining roof, dying. 1'iark ared one shot at Bobbins, missing aim, then turned aad fled. Bs ran a block to ths hotel and rushed-upstairs to his. wife's room oa the second floor. As he pointed the re volver at her she leaped with the baby, through the window. Be fired and the shot struck her left ankle. She and the baby fell to ths ground but were not badly hurt by the fall and both will recover. Bs fired at her again as she lay prone but missed. He then rushed into ths room of Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs. Blount, and shot Iter through ths hedrt From Mn. Elopnt's room Clark made his way down flu backstairs and ex changed shots with Lowndes Tresdwell, who sought to intercept him at the door. Both missed. Clark ran into the rear of an apartment bouse and mads hia way to the front door. There ho was fsced by other men. Seeing escape im possible, he turned the gun against his rikht temple and blew out his brains. Tha man is believed to have become demented through brooding ever his domestics affairs.'-" - EARTHQUAKES FELT IN . TWO WESTERN STATES ELsinore, Small Hamlet In Utah . Deserted' By People After Third Shock Bait Lake City, Oct L Abandonment of all brick and stons buildings ia Eliin ore, a smsll hamlet 190 miles south of here, earns today after three addi tional earthquake shocks this morning Increased damage wrought by tremors Thursday and Friday. . ( Barrjsburg, IB, Oet'l-Two dietinet shocks, believed to have been caused by a sliht earthquake, were felt hers early today. Bouses were shaken and steepen aroused, but no damage was reported. TO BEGIN BEARINGS OX KUKLTJXXLANOCT.il Washington, Oct 1. After rui. ferenee with attorney General DSugh erty, Chairman Camubell af the none rnUa committee, announced today that k1.I! V t . ipuu,i acarisgs uj tas committee on resolutions to investigate the activities or we iva Klux Klan will be held Tues d.iy, 'October. 1L . KILLS TWO, THEfl - DAMAGE IS SMALL BOTH SIDES JOIN SHOOTS HIfilSELF ASSERTS GILLETTE IN PROMlSiNG A! MANEUVERS NEAR FREDERICKSBURG Movement Of 5! st Field Artil lery Across'-State Hindered By Bridges y v Damage to ths migrating Blst Field Artillery, inarching over land from the recent Camp Jackson to Camp Eustis, Va., is doing leu damage to Stat roads than wag feared, according to Opt Gso. W. Gillctt, pathfinder for ths outfit, who waa in Bolelgh last night seeking a way out to Virginia. Ths regiment Is camp ing at Winston-Seles over the- week end No damnge whatever is being dons to hard surfaced roads, and very little to modemly constructed gravel roads, says captain tiuiette. The older types of sand-clay roads, poorly constructed snd maintained, are suffer ins somewhat. but are being taken ears of by mainten ance foreea that follow ia the wake of the regiment Bridges are the weakeat points la tho State's roads, many of them being de clared unfit to handle traffis that weighs ww.wv piuoui per unit. i nsaiigiaeiory Crossings may temporarily hold so ths Movement of the troops, sines there' M a weux una any way the regiment moves from the Twin city. CaDtain Gillette leaves early this morning for Virginia, to swing back around Danville-after looking tha roads over. The chances for bringing ths rest meat by Hilelgh appesued excellent to the iathfirdcr. Bad bridges north of irccnitoro, and again north of Dur ham may divert ths train.' Bad bridges over ths Nonss between Baleigh and Waka Forest may stop, ths mareh agala. If ths bridgea over ths Neuse prove truck-worthy, ths -march, will likely ivuw uui way, ALL PACKED UP AND K0 PLACE TQ WHICH TO G, Nsw York Oct 1. All packed tip and no piacs to gothis waa ths plight to- dsy of hundreds of New York families who thought to participate with some 100,000 of their fellows ia ths aaual gama of swapping apartments, t . Many gav op their home and got aa far as ths front doors of apart ments they expected to oeenpy before they found the prior occupants refused to get out. Others learned of their misfortune ia time to avoid having their belongings piled on tha sidewalk or carted to storage snd promptly elected to 'stick" thereby passing woo onto those whs. had ' counted on suc ceeding them. ; . ,i V . But this wss only ons feature of aa October I described by seasonal movers aa tha most chaotic in th history of ths city. Is ths first place cheeking ths number of fsmilie off against ths number of available apartmeats thera were just eu,797 families for whom thsra were t any homes st alt accord ing to figures Crawn up by ths ten ement houses commissioner, the build ing commissioner snd- ths health com' mission er. The 69,797 presumably are oa their way to hotels, or to ths conn try. ; ---. ' - -v ' BUTT MILLION FARM LOAN BOND ISSUB ANNOUNCED Wnshingtonf Oct: lAnnoaneement of a general offering of Federal form loan bonda totalling 60 ,000,000 wss made tonight by the Treasury Department The issue will bear five per cent from October 8. Becrctary Mellon, in making the announcement predicted that the issue won 'J be subscribed quickly, citing ths resdy sbaorption of the last isne of the bonds st a time when, ha said, ins market waa "hard. ID Capital and Labor Join Hands In Program To Relieve Uri employment Situation Washington, Oct 1. Capital and jabor joined forces here tonight to give impetus to ths carrying out through community organization of the emsrg eucy program for the immediate relief of tho nations idle wags earners adopt' ed by the National conference on oa employment -la aa. appeal, to th .busines wen and chambers of eommeres of ths country to actively support ths pro gram, Joseph H. Defrees, president of ths chamber of commerce of the United States declared that business has great responsibility in the situation it must furnish employment -Gem pets Expresses Csfcmieace. Ssmel Gompers, president of the American . Federation of Labor, in formal statement, expressed his eonfi denes test "the trade nion movement in each community will join energeti eally in the effort to assist ia ths task of providing work for ths thou lands who ire idle." Both Mr. Defrees and Mrs. Gomperi ar members of the conference and as sisted in drafting ths emergency pro gram. Mr. Defrees called upon the business men to offer the mayors in their com munities immediate assistance in order to speed Op ths establishment of em ployent committees on a national baais. American labor. Mr. Gompers de elared, would give. its ''whols-heartsd support to ths emergency program which he said provided aa opportunity for ths co-operative action' of all ths agencies snd institutions-in each com munity to bring relief to the -mem ployed. - . ' Labor,1' h ssid. 'will endorse svsry eonstruotiv f eatur of ths report which tho unemployment .eonfercne . has adopted. Beyond question, America can solve ths problem of unemployment if it undertakes ths work ia earnest mayors, communities, employers, nana facturen, dealers of sll kinds, and our people generally, will undertake to put ;nio snect in coniorcncsr reeommnaa lions with the sams earnest spirit i which thy were formulated aad adopted u seam certain thai a tremendous lm petas will be given towards eliminating Jis great and pressing problem of the unemployed." v. Diseussioa of ths emergency program waa undertaken today by ths conference member. Many of them residing in nesrby States hsvs gons to their homes until ths sub committees begin ths eon deration of permanent unemployment measure next week and are exneetei to aid in ths organization work of their committees. Others from distant States tre understood to 'be in communication with their local authorities urging tho formation of tho emergency committees end immediate initiation of relief mess urea... ---y . WELCOMING COMMITTER TO ' GREET GERMAN VESSEL ,New York, Oct 1 Evldene of res toration of friendly relations with, Ger many was given today when 'the ateamer Co rrsstionl) sarin g s wslcom ing eommlttes named by Mayor Bylan, went dowa the Bay to greet the steam ship Bayern, th first German passen ger to arrive at an American part sine leu.,..: v Tha Bayern, bearing 664 passengers from Hsmborg, arrived lste yeaterday", remained at quarantine until thia morn ing awaiting - ths welcoming commit tee, j, ,. . - I r " 1 1 t llllTAIirft . FIELD HAItEUYERS OW CORPS President Camps Under Canvas On Famous Battlefield Of .. The Civil War PARTY SHARES CHOW ' WITH MARINE OFFICERS President Plodi JLcrosi .Corn fields and Through Meadowi With Tint Line Of .Adrane- inf Soldiers On Historic Battleground Of War-Be- tween-The-States . . Wllderaess Bun, Va, Oct 1. Presi dent Herding watched field msn'envers of tha East Coast sxpsditioasry fore af tha msrins corps over ths famous Civil War battlefields of ths Wilderness today aad camped tonight nnder canvass at msrins headquarter her. ' ' Open order work by platoon aad bat talion wars witnessed by the President during ths afternoon aad later he ssw a demonstration of day and night bomb ing by marine and navy aviators aima- la ting on land a battls between modern dreadnnughts and th latest type of air craft In following ths maneuvers ths Presi dent plodded serosa cornfields and through meadows with ths first lias of th advance and inspected a machine gua in action. H will end' hi visit her tomorrow by attending .military rsligHous: services and . reviewing the trope engaged in the maneuvers. A marine motorcycle guard met tho presidential party 20 miles out aad served as escort into ramp, ths President entering between lines f Marine standing at attention while ths salqte 9f SI guns added -its din to th eon sunt rattl of distant rifis firs from th - bsttls line of the maneuvering troops. The party shsred chow with the officer at their mesa, using tin dishes. HAKDING PARTY INCLUDES MANT PROMINENT OFFICIALS. Washington, Oct l.-President Bard ing, accompanied by a small party in eluding Mrs. Harding, left Washington shortly after 9 o'clock today for Fred eticksbnrg, Virginia, where he will wit ness the fall maneuver of the East Coast expeditionary force of the Marine corps, spending tonight in a "tent White Bouse" on ths battlefields ef ths Civil war Wilderness -campaign. . . . . Tha President on arriving at th seen ot the maneuvers joined tha group of government offieisls, members af Congress and army,, navy aad marine eorps officers, who have been observing th maneuvers which entered their final phase today wfth re-enactment of the battle of Chancollorsville, Tomorrow morning he will review .the mora than 4ve thousand troops making op ths sxpeaiuonary zoree. In addition to Mrs, Bardina tha Preat dent'a party, which mads ths trio in automobiles, included Secretary of the avy vcnDy, secretary of Agriculture Wallace, Brigadier General Sawver. the President's physician, and Mrs, Bawysr, ana secretary unristiaa and Mrs. Chris MILLION AND QUARTER POUNDS SOLD IN WAYNE Over Two Thousand Bales O Cotton Sold In- Goldsboro During The Fast Week Goldsboro, Oct I Total sales oa the Goldsboro tobacco market on to and including Friday, wers 1.312,517 pounds. bringing aa avsrag of 117.09 a hua dred. Tobseee experts claim that 90 per cent of the low grades have been sold, and lei thanks per cent of the better grades placed oa tha market During the week ending October 1st, over ZJW bales of eottoa wers sold aa ths Goldsboro market at an arverags of 20 1-2 cents per pound. After having been suspended for 15 months, electric street ears wers serais placed ia operation in Goldsboro this week with a 18 minute schedule to all parts of ths city. Ths resumption of tals service is a source of gratification to Uoldiboro citizens, who ars natronit ing: the can in greater numbers than over before CHILD RUN OVER AND ' KILLED BY AUTOMOBILE Washington, N. C, Oct 1 As th little son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.' B.tden waa playing ia ths strset today about noon he was accidentally run over by a horse and cart and injured so badly that he died about an boor after ward. Medical aid wa lummoned a quickly a possible after the accident waa discovered but without svsil. . Ths driver of ths cert is at present un known. : . Boosters at Klnstoa Klnito, Oct l.81x booster parties, ombraeing f rora 40 to 60 men and wo men such, left this city st 9 o'clock this morning for Biehlnnds, Chinqua pin, Kenansville, Snow Hill, Vanceboro, and Ayden and scores of intermediate towns and villages to sing tho praises ef the local tobacco and eottoa markets. There were; ten automobiles ia each party. Ths expeditions wers organised under the joint auspices of the cham ber of commerce, tobacco board of trade and merchant! associstion, and officers af .the three organisation accompanied tho STOOPS. ' ;,-" booster" literature gave actual sta tistics concerning tha markets. The claim wss that aa a recant day Spot cotton sold five point higher here than at New York, and that the taple i reg ularly' bringing better price her thaa en any of th larger regional markets. Tobacco, it was asserted, is bringing prices in Kinston better then tho belt average for the large markets. riTE yrs wocNrro wekv 1 SHERIFF'S PflSS-E CLASHES ITU EU KLUX KLAN PARADE. Ware, Tea, Oct V Flvs ss wets wsaasVd ta a gna fitht between a aherira aad partlclpaata la a Ka Klax Klaa parade at Lerena, It miles sosth ef hers Son'sht. Ths fight Wk place at Us latersee. Men of tha Mia bsaiassa streets wkers several thsasaad neenle had gathered t witaeas ths parade when Sheriff Backaaaa, af McLsnasa ewsaty, Isadsr of the pease, stepped ia frsat af the approaching catena aad attempted to wrest the American lag from th leading white clad Star. la th frsofeevsll fightlag which aasaed. Sheriff Bathaasa waa aht twice, aaea la the Beck aad ear ta ths body, and Lewis Craw, asslstent fastball seacst at Baylor University, aero, a meaner af tha pessi, was severely eat M. Bartea, Carl Wsst aad Will Lawssa aba wsra waandsd altassgk ths extent f taa iajartss kss aet keen aseertslaesV Shsvlff Bachaaaa, wklls walUag at local keapltal ta asva his waanaa treated, said ta a newspaper mas I "Jaa tU Usm that the white caps MM "I Wggsw aad pleaded With tassn ta halt th areas,' Ka aaid, "nut Uey weald aet heat ma, : . Pressed far details a to tha af- sasatsr, tha sheriff sppsarsd taa weak from sxcltessaat aad less af bleed ta eeeilane, aad was ealy aals ta gtva vagas replies ta fsrther qnsstlons. Alabama Senator Delivers Scathing Denunciation Of In creases In Salaries ; Wuhington, Oct L A demand that ths Bepublieaa majority la ths Senate investigate increases made recently in ths salaries ot officials and othera in the New Torw Federal Beservs bank wss mads today by Beaator Beflin, Democrat, .Alabama. Beading from list showing that 11,800, (2,400 aad H.000 a ysar salaries had been raised to 112100, (13,000 aad (25,000, Beaa tor Beflin told ths Senate It waa aa "outrage" that ther should be sack a "digging into the funds of the peo ple4 when a grsat army of unemployed marched through tha lead." Senator Fletcher, Democrat Florida, interrupted to call Utteatioa to lalarirs paid by the shipping board. Be aaid thsrs was a (130300 a year board of operations . to tall aa (84,000 a year shipping board how to Operate the gov ernment merchant fleet i that there were expert at high salaries ta tell ether exprte what to da and that thro were high paid lawyers to tell other high paid lawyers how to interpret tha law. Sample af Expert Advice. Senator McKellar, Democrat. Ten nessee, told the Senate that he had received a request recently from business man in hia State as to tha pos sibility of chartering a shipping board vessel to carry a cargo of freight from Texaa to TJnitd Kingdom ports snd had referred "the request to .' B. Small, a (30X00 a year director of opera tions." Be bad been told, hs said, that ths inquirer should charter a British ship rather thaa an American vessel because tha British steamer would give a lower freiffbt rata. Beiuming his address, Senator Beflin launched into a vigorous attack oa the Republicans, asserting thst not one of them had protested against or de manded aa iavestigatioa of the ta creases in the sslarics ia ths New York Fedsrsl reserve bank. Senator Smoot Republican, Utah replied that Senators could not be hold responsible for the increases and thst there wss no law govsrnlng tha ait nation. He added that he had sailed the matter to the attention of the Fed oral reserve bosrd and thst undoubt edly nn inquiry wss being msde. Wsll Street Fsralehe Money. Declaring that the Senate would hear more oa this and other subjects later, ths Alabama Senator went on with his attack, charging that-Wall Street was "th devilish soure from which cams Bepublieaa campaign funds, "and that "money flowed like nvsrs- in wa rs cent Senatorial election in New Mexi co. ; . The speaker also charged that a seat in th Senate had been "sold the suction block in Michigan." j havept time to discus that esse m" ha said, "but (o read th testi- mony and sse if sests ia thia body cannot be .bartercd.' AUTO' RACING DRIVER KILLED IN ACClQgNT Fresno, Cal., Oct l.-altsn Bonlea. automobile race drivsr, who was injured when hi car threw a tire and shot through th fence on the Fresno, speed way here today In ths San Joaquin val ley (lassie race, died at a hospital here tonight - Bis mechanician, Harry Ear ner, it fatally injured, according to r. W. LvAdama. . . , , , Harry Barner, Boulee mschanirtan, died tonight af his injuries. PATIENT TURNS TABLES ON - PHTSICIAN AT SANITARIUM -Madison, Fls, Oct LPst fiber-, gfa a patient at Yates Sanitarians hsrs, aa iastHatien for mental de tectives, early today selied Dr. Yates, and forced a tes'csp fall af polsea dowa his threat 'Yon hsvs auds sse take a lot ef medicla aad new you've got to swsllow this, Sherlock, who Is a powerfal man, sefe r-.. : - -...-.W fie for' losing ' eoascioasneaa Dr. Tstes seraamed for help and attend aata broke down the doer to tha room, which Sherlock had locked. Dr. Yates' atemsck Waa psmped las. mediately and attending physicians several hours later preaeaaced him oat af danger. Sherlock waa placed la the ceaaty JalL HEFLIN DEMANDS PROBE BY SEMATE Lhi.iL.. . liu Li aLc L" 5 L ,1 u :i mm sun ViU First Ask For d::t.!:::1 On Greeds ,CI J WILL SHOW VALUES ' ::t NOT -DlSCRlMjNATCiiY rormer Associate Justice Brown, Judge . Bynum and Attornej General llannisj Worldns On Answer To Be Tiled In Wear future; Cite Ratio Of Increases. 'v "' Motloa , to dismiss en grounds ef Jurisdiction will be the first defensive;. tep taken by the State la answering the aetioa of : the Southern - Railway, th Atlantis Coast Una Bail way and ths Atlantic and Tsdkla Bail way In their petition for an Injunction against ' tax administrstioa officials ta restrain . the collection of taxes levied against them when the cases corns to bs heard some time later ia the month. - In the event of failure ef the motion in TtNivmll ty fltaf a. will with . f - .'""I MV " T.WW -" 1( uie aeisnao ei ns ' position - win grounds that values assessed against ' trim tSVrvA) vs awe 4 xass Wma iwm -1q ants are true values, and justify re daction ordered in soma counties aa -real property oa th ground that un der th Bevaluatioa Act these vatuss were raised from 200 ta 1,000 per cent, whereas the asssssmsat at th property of th complainant was advanced only ' iwi psr cent ' - ' ". Caafer Bers Sstardsy. ' ' ' ,Bongh draft of the plans for the de fense of th aetioa brought agaiasl -th State w worked ant at a confer ence of attorney named by th Gov. rnor, and Attorney General James 6. Manning yesterday. - Attending were George H. Brown, ' former assoelati Justice of the State Supreme courj, Jadge W. P. Byaum. . of Greensbor, aad the Attorney General. - Further details ot ths State's answer will f worked out tomorrow and Tuesday.- , - - Ertenalan of the time sat for a re turn ia the action will ba asked by tlx, State, and no answer to th complaint -served here last Wednesday will be , made oa October 4. The three cases . will be combined, and beard Jointly ia Greensbor before Judge B. G. Connor, Judge James H. Boyd, and Justice Waddill, af the VaitfABteteav.Circuit Court af Appeal some time about) the e A of the month. - v Complete confidence In tne ability af the State to secure th dismissal ot th action wa expressed by tha AUor ney General sad hia associate yester day. Judge Manning thinks that th motion to d lamias the esse will receive ths favorable aetioa ot the eourt, but will be prepared to continue the fight along the lines laid out in the com plaint in the event that the motioa to dismiss is ever ruled. Nat Avaidian Flsht' u.. To settle the questions involved In the litigation, ths State is rather inclined to willingness to have th whole issu tried out and settled one and for all, believing that the complainant will be unabl to sustain th charge thst their, properties have been placed oa the tax . books at figures in excess of their, trus value ia money. Most of the day, yesterday was spent in working out this. feature af the anawsr. . ExamiaatioB ' or tne - report - ex xne State Tax Commission submitted to ths -General Assembly ta 1920 and approved develope the fact that real property other than railroad property in the 8tate was advanced enormously during ths process ot revalustios, in some counties to the ratio at 1,000 per cent, and for a State average ef SO0 per cent or more. Brown Serves Gratis The Ge serai Assembly ia 1921 tare tutbority for revision ef values to meet . nea conditions, snd at ths same tins values in railroad and other corporate property. Ia some conn ties values were cut radically, aid i ia' others,, P-w, UIHUUHJJ, HVI " " " " values of real property been reduced to below double the values ia -existence before the Bevalustlon Act came into' being. The State will ass these fact to substantiate its claim that discrimi nation has been worked against , ths railroads. 1 ' ' Former Justice Brown who eomjs to take a mand ia the defence ot the ae--tion at the request of the Governor de elared yesterday that he ia acting en tirely without compensation from ths BUte, and feels that sines hs is an, amarireimr ttiitni tiv veaaon of his re tirement that he is in x dtyv bound to .. icrve the Ststs ia whatever eapaeity hi service can be used. He baa held several terms of court since he retired from the Supremo : Court, ' but has' not entered private Tractic. K , , WILMINGTON PROTESTS OVER 'PHONE SERVICE Wilmington, fOct 1-Declaring tht the BcU Telephone Company has had four months since it was given penuls lion to raiie its rntaa In which to earry out ether parts ef the order referring to better servies and extension, and in this there has been a eomplote failure, the Wilmington chamber of commerce through its executive committee hal . written to Morgan B. Spier, f Char lotte, division manager, informing him that nnless tiers is some improvement here within th next fifteen days a eom plaint will be lodged with the corporis tion commission, v. Ths ebsmber com mittee alleges tbat there is no 1m- nrnvamnnf in Ti aorvire here, that it is almost "uabearabie," and that it 1 next to impossibls to get a number In any reasonable time after having tiscl a telephone. It is slo slleffel t. .'t op erators do not permit oaver-fl:vni t" be completed before 4ieonne?f.g ti ephonea, .

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