NEWS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. C TUESDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 4.' 192! Oho;;er puzzled m f IIEGRO'S DEATH Inquest Over Body of Raleigh Negro Found at Wake For est PcstponedUntil Friday Tublt ta reaeJi eonduiw u o aesr Oarlie Small, a BaleA taefro who tu tomi dead ob the Seaboard railroad track aorta of ake Forest Sunday normlaf , cub to his death, the jury coatreaed by Coroner J. X. Osrrai reteidar adjouraed antil Fri day, in order to efetaia additioaal eei tlenee. Tht body m found ucdrr rircum- etaners which make it Imperii!. for the boy to hart beea ma ever br train and indieationt of font play arc n etrena that Charlie Small , father erf tht dead man, hna retained attorney Charles V. Harrit to assist in the in TraUjratioa being n.ude by the Coroner It wat established yestentay thri Small left Pnr!U20uUi en the train that reach! W.ike Vorest at :W a. m., hill it win not eetabhebed at what point he left ike train. The body ae ,dis eotrereil nt 7;4o a. in- lyine across nn ueuted track beanie the main lint pfjiuty sheriff Kdnardi and ( liief of Foliie Bbbitt of Vae forest tistl ed that a pool of Mood, a bloody thirt and wade of bloody paper, allien are eiippneeit to iuive lieen etuneil in the dead aien'a mouth, were found in the oodi about -" jurds from whrrt the body was lomUd. The only Wuihf ea the body was a blow uu t h - liai k of the skull, wliiih is supposed to have produced death. The thi'oiv of Cormier Owens, ho visited the sreno in person Sunday is tli.'il the i.iro was murdered and the body pUeed ou the raijruad trark Kith the li c.i o that in1 vsuulj lie run over by a train. Iloneer, there wus no ew denee yesterday to estiintish a motive for the killing or the identity of the murderer. The man had a hat cheek ut the kind given by railroad conduction iu his porki't vslien found.' The train crew w i I l.e pii m innneil to apiwar nt the lienrint; I'riil.iv :tiol it is timufrlit Uiat if U can be eatuliliahnl wl the dead nun left the tr.-iin, and who i-lhe got off at the same time, the rrirr.e ran be fnstrned on some ttiditnl mil. Kolilurv is Jiseountr !. us a motive as it is k'luon thut the ifvntl man whs without tumi, hat'ing been forced to tcltyruph to UiiIiikIi for money lor a tieket Inline., tuiiml ver a tsonifin is iHiured to have furnished the mo tne, Ixit tin-re tins o detimte ei di nee on tins point. Julia Me.Neill, a won an hoe trip Sn ,'i't Mrrn,l 1l,A ..... ban.,. .,f trams wis made at .orlini, will aNp I a vsin.e.M r'n.lay. The MrNrill wo i:.i,M veir.liit, stiilnl tlml li t last si. iv tiirtall lirhin n Nnrlitm and Hen di roii and Unit he told h r that l.e miKht gel "If i-t r'rui.klinton or that he might k'o to hal ij;li. DR. GEORGrSTUART TO ' RETURN TO HIS CHARGE Asheville, (VI. .1 liev. Ir. (Jeorjre li. Muurl l;u Just b ft Uike Junalusari to t h k 9 up ngii-iu Ins dntus us pastor of the- ir-f M- tk'.dt eh ii r, h, South, at IJirniiiichiiJu, ln. llr. Stuart be anitf ill in Aihi vilir l.ut Usrcli, just ot he h:nl tin. shed delivering at the 'ity Aujilorjum his c. U In ated ltetur, "Is Vu ijiiviuu, or ciliahf" Kivea iii.b r Uiitary aufiii e, and v h i.i vvok lis last j i,i !l 1 1- apKa.iuce uulil Jul ,'el dress diring the Carolina eapieitmn in Chnrlolte lat neck, nherr be as the guest ..f K. K. K)"f., k ii' rai maim gi r .Sio.ihei n r:ii-.iv, the Km.inisi.t aa I i ji' sitioii olio i i.-. hu1 uliu h in r L i . I li s riluin to o,. life su l bi t . . I XI ii iippr. hi riMoi f. lt for set erul Hi .1- i-.'T l'i Mu.irts r tndi ' ion, .-. o ,i.-- , :.., r n -,,( este.l ' ' I ' 1 . 1 (I! tl v- o.ll li re aari.i'.g i , ,:. ,.. .1 his ilin ss. Af ter in . l:i-t :.i . k r v. -red S"l' tu nt v i .. .. ,n (.. Mi.jrt to the h' tin f;-. s :.t K' m v 1 lie. ut h s i. ..ii. 1. 1 .01 gt, .. .1 tie ul and he wa reinnvcil to J du Hiipklt-s linapitai, lial: iu,,.rf, l,i o In- ilriMite-i In l i si;i?.i'..l pi .,! oi. i, l.itri g .iiiinij si'.'i::h .n,,H'. to ri-turn .n .1 : 1 1 v t.i his si.l.! . ' :.l lk. i:i W'.. 'i v 1 ' .1 .. : ,,.,,.i'v ' .. ; t s r. pn nt .t .v .- li. i1-' .. .it us f .in,. I i a I I , 'th (fi, ; n. ai d don.inate.t I . - .,, I . , frj. f Pi. ml i.l . I i..- i , it. ., i, .1,- t In ., -har:;. I : i- i i,i , f t h . mens pr..s.-h.T evan.. ! y3. form i. -i ,., r. i. ),.. -i - ' ot' a .-en l irv nud w is to i i- -;nl m iivii I' I " i f ii 1 . . ,. .i . t- iiiu,.,r ni-d p .!,... '-i-yc i 1 e: , - t'rom hvs '" tr-- ! .;r ! , i ; -i I . i lo '.r I n hr :. V. T o . p,,. ,i Kr .(. f . ae r s. v, r-il tov. j l-iiirt. I j i ., ,'!,- ti,,. vvl. : Aoini i'l 1 ' ' I ' '. I V 111' i 11 h a I' k e a lr.f t o r ' " M.i! pr .! a; of life, I' ' ' M 1 1 ' i-'i:i" ' v . in. nn i f'e-f i - o t' i 1 i . v ..." :n, ,,, r '--'' i art in t1'" .! -,;i :es of R i. ,. CARTHAGE 'WOMAN -DIES WHILE ON RAEFORD VISIT Saefori, Oct. I- Th eudden imik i Urtk AUca fieawcll at tha fcorn af ker dJOghter, lira.' J. WortLy, Johaaon. la Bseford, yesterday evenicg wae a (-teat slock la the mem ben of tie iatawdiake fknulx aad her nanyatq-isintaiioaa a ad friend. Mrs. Seawell '$ kusband, Mr. J. r. Saawell, lied ia Cart he re lagtirt 11, aad wae bsiried eiactly ana month to a day trior to hit w.dow'i dfath ken yesterday. It ii thought that this pef kapa kuuteaed ker death, ebe having suffered from heart trouble for the pa at two jean, and being in her 76th year. Mra. Kcawell. however, ate cupper and enjoyed the evening about at usual and up to abort while before iha died aha showed ne alarming eymptema at all. hhe travee four children: klra, Charley Fry, of Carthage; Mr. O. E. Seawell, of 8t. fas let kir. i. Worthy Jobnaoa, of Kacford. and Mr. WUlie Seawell, of Carthage. The interment will tale place at 11 o'clock in Carthage, Tuesday. The same six graudtet.i he tsere pallbeareri at Mr. Seawell'e funeral will act ae pall bearere tomorrow at the bunai of their grandmotjicr in the same cemetery. G0LDSB0R0 PASTOR WILL QUIT AFTER 14 YEARS Goldeboro, IX. g.-Kev. George T. Watkuu, fur 14 years pastor of the First Ilajilist Church of (ioldsboro, has resigwed from his pulptt. Yesterday nun-nine; after a powerful sermon, the minister read his reaignatioa as fol lows; "Tu my flock, 1 hereby hand yoa my reaiicxatnin to take effect the last roininy in rvecniher and request that my congregation, in conference, take action nn this neit Sunday All (Mildsboro learned with riwret of Mr. Vfatkina' resignation, which canit as a great shock, and the rntire rueui betship of ths First Baptist Church will deeply feel the lots of this iterling mm later .luring whose pastorate ii (ioldsboro he not only added hundreds to the membership of his church, hut through hia untiring efforts erected ono of the most handsome church build mgt ib this State. REPORT INDICATES FURTHER DECLINE (Continued From Page Oae) month from the eeuditioa of tko rrop on August Khirlt waa 4".t per rent of a normal, while iu August a projuc taon of X,ro.1.iHsl Labs was foructst. Imse.d on the condition of the rrop July , wliieii as M.7 per cent of a normal. lautt year the crop waa 1.1,4''.9,.r)03 i u i v :i I . n t 500 pound Iwlca and jtt ton btion on September 2o ns TO 1 per cent f a normal, ahile the U n vear arerage production is ll.'Vi-'.a.'.r) hales nnd the tinyenr average condition on (Scptein ier Jo is (H.J per cent of a normal. I'roduetion furecnati of earlier months Dili year, with the condition of the crop tlione niontu, ami 1 1. u fliinl pro lilion of ol'ier years with, the Condi rion on .-opti mner - i or those fid lo s : years. Vn- Con. Pt.fUOO e.irs..a Mun Sept. U. .i:,tm - 4tt Aai-. i. 1 V2 1 T.fcTT.nOO I July i'l. l.i.'l a.tuS.OOe 4 7 Kmml lIO H44ptSt f,s 1 Klnsl w.4-io.;a M.4 Klnst mis lI,04H.F.tS H 4 honi.1 1917 4114 Hoot 114 Il.4tl'iil U) I n s! ititi 11 li ii sn f i mat IVU 1 fi. ' 14 'ttll 7S f. K'nat 1"1S 141 ,t,4.e 4 1 I innl tali .. IS .lis.tL'l (It l-msl lull I....!lli.7l "I 1 Tin rr sversss lJ.(li8J!64 6t ! Tlic forecast of production In eipii v.ib nt .Vi poui I b.iles. baso I a , timber '',i e-t !!, -us. i'Ii ll,o prod. I. ton forma l l.?t and the lio I nnl proiluelion by rjliites, follows: Forefstt Fofvcsst I'l.'O STATU T' Am- S i r.i I .jina in iton n nno :t..;o N li . ri. 4SS.IMH 4?J..iiH y.4 ,M ' oh Csro fill ooo 744 IWW1 1 firing 'i vinia '.'iiini s.'..i!tHi J,4i;. :.s I 1 1. l.i IS tieii if, nun i 1 14 i' j.n 4ig.0ini 4.'.'. owe f i, y , -ippt .. . s:o!W tji oea s,. .'i I i' ma "4 .iHa .'Iiiiimi s- loai I.sitm0 t 'l.js, ion! 4 4j, himi r.: noo :aorni i.i'u n lnnrsKi Ht.ilOil J Si. ISO S.'i lis., V'. our .... . 4..i'..l i.S BOO .... f, l' run 4U.Si.ll 44.11.10 t.:iSf,.' V t.i'.f. li .S Ss ftfni "MWil i j Aiuois . 4VnOO 4". 900 1 04.1:1! All i .nr .stall . I ovr.r Cslifnrnis. Mexico shnut S4.fwW halm. jicluilJ in I alitomia unal, bet srlu4ei fmm t'nlied Sum total. Sum Comparative Figure. Tlo f tin- lop on Si ptem ;' : -'' 'il i'" A-..g-it tliis .ii'l on S,.,,t. mi i r i;t v.'.ir, with th.. 1 vi . iiinl'cr i.j average, by States, V i m i u is N r s r. . Si-l't t. A vie .' s. .l ;.. spt !.- tt t:i ii'ti le-rr-sv i i- .' t HI OQOSmOil FAVORS BUILDING ROADS Congressman Believes This Of fen Elective Mean, of Rc- lieving Unemployment The Keen and Obserrer Barean, ' 603 District National Bank Bldr, By IDW1ID K, BRITTOX. (By Spetlal Letted Wira.) Watahiagton, . Oct. 3. Coaffresunaa Doughton exraaaed himself this after aeera aa feeing kighly ia faror af the propoaitioB of the unemployment eon ference that tko appropriation is the Federal aid to 'feed road a lie fuadt J'50,0li0,CKX) in alaee of 73.OOO,Oi0 in the (Senate araendment to the 10, mfivO la the House bill. Mr. Dough ton aayt that they cannot make the figure too high to please him. The view f the conference ii that the larger appropriation will aid in putting to work many of the oblnes who want join to go to work. Bomething new in promotion to high er gorermnent has dereloped here in the Census bureau. A chief of the di vision of the agriculture wae to be se lected and there were three who were held as fitted for the job by promotion. The three stood an nearly equal that liireetor of the Census Stuart tent cards to the various division ehiei't aakuig them to Tote for the man they thoaght best fitted for the job. Arthur Hirsh had the majority of the votes and waa appointed. This is understood to be the first iuttunrn in which pro motion has come by ballot. buck crowds of tho euriotit throng about historic National hotel on Fenn sylvania Avenue, gutted by fire early Sunday moruiag, that the police de nurtnient had to stretch ropes about the building to keep the erowdt away. The horror of the firse was increased when it found that to people were burned to death. Mist Catherine ltaan, a telephone, operator, whose charred body win found near the ele vator, - where she was cjfught in an effort to escape from the third floor, and George U Mason, a former employe of' -the bulled .States riliipping Hoard, who died from tuffocatiou, his body untouched by the flames being found ia the bed room. Congressman 1( U I)oughton 'arrived in Washington this iininiiiii from his home at laiurel Springs. All the dele gatioa fnuu North Carolina are now here excepting Conirresainan Ward, liulwinkle, Hammer mid Kit.'hin. Aiming the North Carolinians In i today ar: J. W. Fleas, Marion ; F I Travit, llalifas; G. II. Hutaff; W JSchaefer, H. 1". Bond, J. ti. McCori, Wiijtingtoii ; J. K. Fcrrell, Ashe Mra. S. It. I'isnn, New Hern,; tieorge A. Mutton, High Foitit. Want Harding To Shove Rail road Refund Through (Continued From Page One) personality a big sssct tu the many friendMiips won by his father the late Pan Hugh MeTjean, and that in any race for the nomination that came Alt' MeTiesn would hnve to be reckoned with,. For the nominstion for Stale Treasurer against Plate Treasurer B It. Iocy, the VI. la r .in r.i' M s.iiti I ' . .. ... tt .T I'l lor'l V II. . WEAK MEN AND WOMEN NEED YEAST Best When Taken With Iron in Convenient Tablet Form; Bringing Amazing Ret-alts Everywhere. If you want to l.ut itv food solid fli-.h. if vvu want Ot itureasr vrnir airteiflti fi l.hat you run tackle haul .ok mot nj".' if yi'i want to rut eoo-t l -n'r c.'.'r in your rhisrka anit fil ' fll" all th ttme thon try livniid Ytsait, tha great new vitrf niii.a ami Hon tomr. 'f'liuvisaiiili ttl run.iiuvrn snit sukly mn anil womnn art now takitvit lronie.t Vnisv. and th resulla in mnnr esses ara nothing short of a.i.inintoiur. Thu m iM.-.iote Troiiln' Yes.t upi ties rvin 4. irn tsodirs with ths tw.. 'rli-nvenij whtrh r.nvfl l.-rii f, unit alsoitutfly t.ntiat to heeltlv nu t nlielislli V ilamin ami inn. Mn'l Pts'- 1 U'i ilue to nie.irrn living- romiitti.ns, ara sailly Im.tntr In tliisie two mrtwt.tnrifi., anit that ts tiy so many of mn ami w.-nifft ftrow ohl Wfora their time, anil bci-oma tlon, vsrak, nenroua and niniown. If ou nri weaii, jiate. .l.-kly If ..u are nervoiu. irrilal'la. anil aan't slcp niKht. if vt.iir viuiiiy i. and yon urn settinjr . .il brtiirv yuur time -lhn try lljis reniaikubli; i, vr tnnn- j nn will notlca a pod imiiro-e-n.rnt iti your cuolition avrn after tht first frw ilav'a ie Pimi.lea, hulls. Ami other skin 1 U-miiht'i i, dually iliRsiiprar entirely within two tra Kv, tv where ienp!s are ssvimr thst In.ftiseil vaat is Juat tha trniic they nai-ilfil. Iromseil l.ut will keep imleflnltely and ,-.oU n. nime ir dose than common yeaet. e'-Bi-H .arkni'e r. utaihs 1(1 la a' treatment and .!.. only tl On or jut UL' a day Hpei-ui! .11 it-. In ns f'T rlnl.'i-i n in eiirh oarkaee v.ilil ull iluiKu '.io liy the Iroiuicii Y.'ust i ' '.M i.i v . V int. 1 1, i, a. talk if of Scbert H. Edwards, of Golda bcro, former abriff af Wayne Cpunty, who doeliaed re-eleetieav, aow tha presi dent of a new bank la Goldtboro. Tor But Auditor to go ap agiiaat the preteat auditor, Baxter' Durham, there ta brought forth tha name of ShariXT C B. liarnei, of Surry, while for At- toraey General, there. i talk of boU farmer Speaker af tka koata, Walter . kloore, of Jackson, aad Demoeratic State ckairaian, Tkomaa D. Warrea, af jew iiera. ror Uwa poaitioa af Com. minioner af Africalture it if (ha ai peetatiei, ta thf talken ny, tkat Mayor A. J. ktcKinaoa, af kUxtoa, will get inta the ranaing against Major Urahant. And tkore ia figuring tkat A. J, Maxwell, now a member af tka State Corporation Cemmiaaioa, will certainly oppose the present eommiatloner, A. I). Wattt, fur (state Eerenue Commie aioaer. Tha Ulk if that Dr. E. C Brooke will in all probability be op posed by D. F. Oilee, of Marion, fur tne nominatioa for btate Superintend cut of Publie Instruction. Thus far there hat been aa one mentioned as opponent! of M. U, Shipnua for Com missioner of lavbor and Printing; of Stacy wade, for Ineuraaee Commia sioner; of Judge George P. Pell for Corporation Commutioiier. And the fvcling appeart general that there will be no one to content with Judge W. J. Adamt the nomination for ettoeiate justice of the State Supreme Court It ia not knowa that any f tha men named are candidates, or would eren be candidates, but rceyerthelesa there has been, talk of them by North Caro linians here and by visiting North Carolinians. President Harding tent to the Bon ate this afternnou the nomination of Kdgnr C. lady to be postmaster at Kannapolis, the position paying $2,400 a year. The position has been vacant since November 18, llCU, and when the examination waa held oa July 26, 1921, there were hut two applicant! Edgar E. Idy and Pkiurnoy I'. Kogert. The Pottoflice Department atated that only the name of Mr. latdy wat furnished it on the eligible lint. Prom the Postoffice Department there wai obtained today tka liet of appli cant wha took tha txamiaatioaa for poet masters at Wtlkeeboro, Priaeetaa and Hope klilla. They are: ! WkUaeabera, vacaary ttvtntl Sep tember 13, 1920, examination Anguat 13, 1921, aalary UO0. Applicant. William Z. lanaey, Jamea B. Hender iob, U. T. Bamgaraer aid Edwia BL HaU . .. Princeton, Taiaacy occurred July 1, 1920, examinatioB held September 10, 1921, aalary $1,000. Applicants, E. I. Fwara,a & Bolt aad . W. Mitchell. Bopa kflllt, Tteaary oeearred July 1, 1921, axamination keld Beptember 10, 1921 aalary lUOO. Applicaata, WU- GUbert C. White Darhaun, N. C. CONSULTING ENCINCU WATittWOIU. LIGHT AND POWKR, ITf BETS t liant Nordam, Hn. Banaak J. Fata aad E. B. Parker. Tho Poatofflea Depnrtrae&t announces B. Bay Cekaoa hat beea aomsxiaaioaved aa acting pottmarter at Columbia. It alio announeea that Willis M. Twiford, who kaa beea tka acting poitmarter, hat been appointed pottmaetei at Naahoea, Dare Conatr. ' Our HaU Are Here We bought thent for yon aad yoa aad yoa. We wast yoa to coma aad try them oa. Too will find tka oorrect Eat for that aew dreaa or tka Eat that will make tka old dreaa look aew. Sincerely you re, Mitstet Reese & Co. Pkeae IM jat rayettertlle St 'I ""- mil 1 I ILl 1. 11 mm ik ACRUISEdeIUXE TO THE MEDITERRANEAN ty Ike &1CARONU rftWONARD LINE Sailin. fresn NewrYertv JAN. 28HtU3 DURAJIOft MlWOfS Strictly Limited to 3S0 Gleets JkllintT0rf jinlmjti witf ! MADklKA, BP A IN. CIBRAtTAI. I(.IKK4, MONTE CARLO. NUB. NAPLES, KfiVPT. PALESTINE. CON. tSTANTlNOPLE. ATHENS, HOME. l EXCLUSIVE MANAGEMENT Tti0S.COOKtvS0N j 24 5 Broadway New York Taste is a matter of tobacco quality We tttte it i our honest belief that the tobaccos used in Cheater field are of finer quality (and hence of better taste) than in any other cigarette at the price. Liggett k Mfcn Tobacco Co, Chesterfield CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccmbUnded 1h r I... i, : ' trif'cl tr:iv ft .. t e In; . , st, trin f y'., jlv ef l.fe, live, in the tie.irtj the Ai' crii-nn p. nple, 'm.) ' is ;.,(iMr.,( , will be fi l' f.-e gt -trr: -. to .vi ts r.rtvt!:'i'i.T"i t:v r. t v ;. K'-r t. r.i v".,r, Mi i.,r i i . """nuM" whr !., ,-xtr.i r'n t ! :i left i .,i . -, ! v ar.1 rt. i' -irr. r.inlap ) ... .1 i.i, , p ,i ., Si ii- 1. . V . Ti , ,. N..i'.fv v. T ,,,r 3.0 I-. II, v ill str,-. !, 1: :. ! i I. N. f rho.-., N,.' r.;; r f r. ,.f pri'-li.. t i..n ; the l. p.irtn,, nt , ( A-ii. -I't Jin.-il f.irec.tst in l"i n ' r. 1 Tablets ' WCBlY COrKENTRATtO VIT.INE TONIC Tomorrow Alright Nlght'a Tonictw-freah air, a goov! Wp and aa Nt Tablet to auvke rui avtttr. . hEi tL4r " T,w " a Maeflctal lnflinn on tho dimtlv, an4 elimlnotive srsttni tho Btomooh. Llvror and Bowola. 1 I. lTjfIr, m W Tshlot-h. action S so dltSSTOflt von llll , -, i;ja$sV Slrap Oxfords for Sport Wear Maiie of dark tan skin . . $6.95 Made of ... lifrht tan $6.95 Flat Heels in Brogue and Ball Those Oxfords are sure to please you. All Rizes, Widths A A f. in i r- Merchandise Up To A Standard D 1 'UMti aateiMn carrM II Mail Orders Receive Prompt Attention few TI FT 1 1 f I ierciiaiwise for in it M Is Being Extensively Featured in the Linen and White Goods' Department $1.50 Ramie Suiting, in colors of white, pink, copen, rone, Kreen and helio; this material is very appropriate for the makintt of the new slip-on OA dresses. Yard aWC Sliosiitunji Suitings for slip-on dresses, in colors of white, navy, copen, rose, pink, apricot, tan and black. Yard School Serge in neat checks and plaids, yard 60c 35c Wash Foulards; the fabric that makes pretty diesses, can be washed without harm. rn Yar d OtJC Lace Scarfs, sizes 18x36 and 18x45 inches, beauti ful new designs. (ff aa Each aPl.UU Cluney Lace Scarfs with linen centers, size 18x54 $2.50, $2 75 and $3.00 Venetian Lace Scarfs with linen centers, size 18x50 inches Japanese Drawn Work Scarfs and Squares $1.19 &.PrirtedSc"r,8."nd. 89cand$1.19 100 Dil Cloth Lunch Sets, printed in a veriety of colors, 13 pieces to a set, eight designs. Set Real Mad eira Linen, 36 inches wide; yard 45 inches wide, yard , Children's Oil Cloth Bibs and Tray Cloths, decorated in juvenile designs; each $2.00 $1.25 and $1.50 $2.00 50c r r Bed Spread Sale , Children's White and Colored Crib Spreads $1.25, $2.25 and $3.00 Crochet and Satin Double Bed Spreads In colors of white, pink and blue 32.25 to $10.00 SAMPLE SHOE STORE 218 S. Wilmington St RALEIGH, N. C. RALEIGH, N. G