WS AND OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. C. THURSDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 6. 192!. V ) wmmm PLANNING FOR "Y Business Men' Have Banquet v and Discuss Ways and Means of Starting Ont Burlington, Oct 8. A banaort waa hold ia tt hall ai th Chbr of Coamerre aere thU weeh la th iiter ert a Toung Met' Chrbtlaa Asset eiation for Burlington. Thirty fir business me a of tht city participated ia th laatnet, and discussed the jossi- bilitiet of staulishlng the work of the T. M. C . A. hr. J. Wilto Smith, general secretary ef tha V. M. C. A. work in North Carolina, waa present and delivered an ajdres. of tha State organisation, was aim prea cut at the banquet I). E. Funville, cf this city, presided over' the banquet. Brief bilks were made by Truf. C. C. Hawo'rtli, superintendent f the Hur lingtoa pul'hc schools; J. U bcott, D. T- Pellcrs, and others, advocating tha establishment if the NY" ia thii com niuaity. The LeiKjuet was eerved ly the Lndii'n' Missionary Society nf front Btreet Methodist Church, under the direction ot ill president, Miss Wary Freeman. A series nf evangelistic tortirei be gan at tha First )la!iat Church here lilt Sunday morning, an 1 large congre gations have I ten ia attendance each eiouiug during the week. Kvungclist Htevrus ia delivering some nf the tlrnngest and most heart srarehing tor Minus that have been heard here in many years lie ha associated wih turn in the eervirea Mr. ljnch, a luioiat and ttiusicrtl director. I). Y. Inijle, tho stives near Glen Kuven, lust a fiii- lunv in a lire that destroyed lus ham which contained a large amount nf feed. Another horee waa burned euverely d'iring tha lire and before it could le rsni, 1 loin the burning building. The horse, the lorn and all of the feed were a total on tu Mr. Ingle. Misa fclla liniluim, a mission. irv to Korea, Mill spc.ik nt the first l'rctl.y leriaa Church in Una city Fril-iv aft ernoon at il.i"i o'clock. Inniifiliiitt'ly ' (ollowUg the address, an informal re Uptio ill be held. All women of" he varinua dctirminatinns in the citr are Invited to attend the meeting and liter tlio lecture oil thu iiiisMouarv wort in Korea At the rcgubr iiii-i-tlng of the county coni in isMoii.r of A'aiumo' cimiify this i-ck :i .!.,-,..ii u.s hi; to have an at llc Hutu lair in Raleigh, o. !,.! r 17l'J. An or,i, r waa issued providing for the payment of ail t--peiise. relative to the The eoinuiisiiiiiiira u!so ik-mlid to p:ty the r i ! r i :t l fare of C.,ii fe.irrate vrleruns of Alumance comity hIio limy go to the reunion lit h.;lUngu, in.. .1 W . Sh ut Itu n, fi'riinan at i.ii.r.i cotton mi, In. has l ei n bound ner to AUihatire eoiiiily Siiperior euurl uft a iliurge of annulling Miss II. sa Hen, an rmplorrr of the nut Is. It ia rvmrled that Mi Kos m ili, bulged from the rmplov of tin: nulls by iloiiuvh:in, inn! ibiriug an argument that cnmied, it in alleged that Moiieyhau Jut Mm lota In the fare. The u.ifiiau waa Hearing H Is and theae were broken as a re H'llt of the blo- given by M mevhan, l.lid I'.f Vlr'llll of the ;i...;U,l mltfared cuts at" lit the fuie. CIRCUS DAY IN WILSON ATTRACTS BIG CROWDS Mayor Killette Puts Kink In Hawkinj of Toys On Streets By Peddlers Wiiaou, 0,1. , Wilaoii, iii.d n, county s here siatcr or a. nte i Tltie ia circm liny in arli e v . i v i ,n in the it h hi i-.otli- r. otber tr ill ! ftlf'er Mil the, boll, lay ipirit ia urn in everv band. Tl.e 1 b.n-cu 11. ark-: i closed and ivcrytl, i.g lift l-ecn - l.-ai e-l up a! th-i warehi-LM, ft.r a mw start Thursday morn 1 n p. Thero was some friction between the town i:!li..rit,ii and the adviser of the big l,o in regard ta prnil.ges bere'r-'-re a"-. I ..- t 'altera who sell toy lai-.i.s, whips, flags, squce djrks and ether brain rrn king c-mtri vancci on the streets without a spciul license. In fonsequentft .of tim, firm stand taken by Mayor Killette that ihe Wiepeliant! nf the town, ut all hatarda, must be protected frv-m w)-o t i-a their wares n.r t! e stree's hee c-.! tra wuuld have to tike . ut a special He-ens 5 pe-r day- or funfim their ut tivities to the cir ".1 gn-unda, red;. ee l tke number of pedd'- rs v. ti e 1, :r,i( H.,., Previous to tt,c co-ning of the li..w kn advance agent uppii.d for li.-cnso privilege tu exhibit ia Wilsoij, nrA after praslng the clause in re; e.t. to strpit men, rav,r Ki lette liamled the con tract back to tl.o agr.-t, a.ivii.g: -'If T. u nish tn nj t'.e c.-i-ra' 1 . re.ids, I'm wiVinj " A'Pi rding ta the tuaynr this was the agrrt,tit. but the ntt.-ri.-y for ti e cir.- ;s h"!ds a contract without, anv erasures. MORE INJUNCTIONS TO RESTRAIN COLLECTOR Oreenl.nrn. Oct. fi In spi'o of t!,.. fact t'.at Jodg.- 1 es I'. Hov -I. I-,.- ! earlv in ti p Sairr-er ''at C- "..-.--.r ,t W'. baiipv enniiot a- -1 proiwiv in uniup. nil .-. .sri j.t n ;; -)e l y t .. biirea.ll of inf.-rn.--l revcn-ie f- r an !,g,-, v ;. Vi tion of tl.e National hil -'v.-i A t . cues havp been tiled in h's .-n-ir- tt.j, week, in which a citizen of ih- Hi.tnci naks a pcrtnanpnt in.-';n.'i .n restraining the Pollecter from se'!-ng prnj,rr,v p satisfy an assessm- nt A bill of complaint in a suit of er-uity fllH here today by f ar Wcmi! i.f Winston Salem, pravs f..r an injunction restraining the coi.ect.-r fr..m levy. rig on his property ami pi-ilieeting an as sessBient of tsjfil.jt) mit i,T tht B ternal revenue d'epartuicnt for an al leged violation of the prohibit on act in having whiskey made on his property. To defendant asserts that he has never been convicted tn any court on such a charg and that the assessment is not founded on facts and therefore he seeks an .Injunction r4maxia4itiy restraining theollecior from levying on hu prop erty. EDDIT O'DOWD WINS. Celumbos, Oct. 6 Eddie ODnwd f Columbnst, wflji th TtUltt'H decision oejiiarnweignt ehapin, it t 12-rouBd bout here tonight DUNH PREPARING H Hamctt County Town To Giv Herbert Hoover and Mrc. Vanderbiit Big Welcome ' - Daaa, fC J. lavitatloat to via:t Dwia as tialuidaj, October 1.', aad kaar Herb-.rt Hoorcr, ic rotary of vomaaeref, wha ia ta epeak ia the Dun a Fair Grcuada oa that day to SuO proatl aeat Norta CaroUaiaa will be iaaued next week, Ikeeiaioa ta iiaua tkeaa In ailatioai u made Uat night wha the eatertaiatnaat committee, beaded by former ('ongreesmaa Hannibal Ia Ood wia, ehairaiaa, auet to arrange preli minary drtaili of the big rereptloa to oi. II, nn. k "..I'll, a -...1.1 Many noted mra and wumea of the State already baa eiprceaed their de terminatioa ta atait Duua whe'a Mr. Hoover eomca. Among three la Ueaerul Julian B. t'arr, who, although unablu to accept aa luvitatioa tu apeak here at tha vpeaing of the fair oa Tueeduy, October 11, writto that ha will be heru to welcome Mr. Hoover. Henry 1'age and aeveral other proiuiurnt nien who uere aaaociatcd, mith Kir. Hoover in hia food conicrvmg Murk, alo are expect cd to be hire. A tpvutal platform, equipped with sounding boarda, ia being couitrutc fur Mr. llouier'a cuuuug. The acuos tic of the big grand (laud at the l iir groundi ara at preacilt very bad- To permit all of the tuouianda whn are upeoted to be here for h apoech to hear him (he fair Bianageaienl ia apar n g no eipeute to remedy any detVcta that riiit. It will he a glorinui reception that will be given the tecretary heu ho cornea. Four hand will greet In in wheu bo alighta from the train. These will be thu Dunn Concert Hand of thirty four pieces, the. Demon American Ugion Hand of forty pure-, iho Duke bank of twenty pieeea, and the West 'ireua band of twenty pieeea. 1'pon hi arrival Mr. Hoover mil be tfurt oil by the bands, official and marahalu, iiinler tlifl leaderxhip of ('ai;ain l i land Williama, chief marslial, to the home of t'ataiH Oranville M. Tilgl. man, wlierefhe will be entertained dur ing h:a brief May here. From thorn a !'ig p:iMide i!l j-.ct.fl" him t.. flu- fair roun-li, where he ia to ip.ak in the afternoon. Mri. (icorge V. Vanderbiit, prtaident "f t Ik- State Fair, "ill introduce Mr. Mo..-r. It i.i probable that Mri V.ii.-b-lbill il be introduced by den. eral Carr. Major (jentral Hutlcr, of Clinton, a broil er nf foriiK-r tit nod. -r Malum Hutlcr, will open the fair here on Tues day. An invilution ntcnde.l linn this week win accrptod when he called at t' c i'fli.i .1 of the fair aaio. aatiou us '' rday mi ,;s nav t() Chm,,,, f r ,lu Xaleigh. CHINESE MEETING WILL DISCUSS JJISARMAMENT All Groups and Classes In West ern Hemisphere To Be Rep resented at Meeting tr t. Mb-h., (.. 5 -D,-legate aii l re rescutativf a from eu-ry t bin-v organ;a!ion in thu l inte.l Stntej, Can -id, and South Amorna will meet hero Oct-ber , 9 and 1') (. d:,,-uss Chiuiy, .art Icipnt urn in the Disarmament Con ferencc to begin at Washington Noveni b i r 11. Hopree!it:itivei of the 8outh ern Chii.e.e gnverunont in Washing-t- 11 hiue been inaf runicntal in catling ll.e in.-.', iig here, it n anno'iueed. In all.ii.ii tu d .scusmiij the arn.a ui. tit q-iratir-n the il-Icg.i'.-j to thaj I'. troit meeting will map . ut plana f.(r asking the t inted S',i, g.-rornnient t i recognire thn g , 1 1 oinent of Dr. Sun Yut-Hrn, of tha aotith'-rn rcpub All griMit Hi the ivslcl r. present. I ii no il. ci a. Alio o .. -s, i,d III- and a I e ti ng 1 1 K-il. iss,- of 1 huifse j I, .-re nr.- to be . c i iig. it is Hll 'r'ni-'ations that arc he Clunesu Nati ..-nil ist I.eiiguc, CIiilcsc I'ree an I A cj !c I la-ioiis, Cliiiiese Mcrchan'-' Asstv-mtien. Chineee Nn Compan Hoards of Commerce), Chines,, m., icn's A'i.i-o." of N-i'th A', I li.nesfl I lielis' Amcro-au I.P;.c;ii 1 . ,eu l'rohib.Lion la'.igue, Ch.i,.-.- ' i t t : net ,.1 11 A -ut. . ci,. TV 31. C A., Chines National Welfare - .c), awl olhera wilii varuui.s a..v il.ary soi-ntiei. Special passport nr rangclio n'.s f. r ilelegalcs fr m otln r conitiri.s have t-een irv n . I by represcn'.ai.vcs ut W ashuiglun. The t i.1 re subject nf ( hiocs an I other Far Ka-tern probieius v-ill he (Ii- i-- I I ,v spoa ke r. I'reaei-t li,-al eotidi'i. -I, in C',.ti4 are-to be enipha s 1 C II. K-'ttenring. of Detlnu - e. Obi el.. ' tiilv d'loetor of pn - i :.e r. .-i T 1. 1-c ii 1 h !iiec r- lb! -I to take a prom : n. n t pi.rt in tl e These 1 11 i-'lt. i-ge of plans for tl.e gathering here sy I lu the tir-t of its k-nd 111 tV rn hcin isphcr.- CAMP BRAGG TO SELL SUPPLIES AT AUCTION . 1 P.n ctci i':, Oct. livprv tl, ag fr. 1 a rase k'.itc to 11 furiM tras lor will b.- ff- '- i tor saie at the an. t"ii s,,!--i. to lake place ut Can.p lira ; on O-t-'.cr 7y, beginning n pi o'.-bv-V Ail aeita of amppl..- 111 iciieg ciotb mg, furntt'iTrt ao-1 h-us'el, I 1 g.iods will offer, , f r :! "as 1,," which ii intcrpr-V- ns r-e'-. g .iwt orery buver nn! t,ik "hut ! - -its,,, ,,-1 nothing w: I be taken back. Purch-is-s up to i5 must be paid m cash while tri.iv per cent must be pu l for amo-m's 111 of .'.V HrNPEKSON SCHOOL CHILDREN VACCINATED AGAINST SMXH.POX Henderson, Oct. Sit hundred and tifty fc-ir school thildren have been vaccinated against smallpox since the open ng ef the fall term by Dr. R. 8. Hai'.ey, health officer, and Mis- Agnes Harris, pub lie health nurse. They will inspect the schools In th county dur ing; th month of October and vaccinate the rnr,:! found, not htyipg good acars. Many ef the parents in tlua city and county are takiug advantage cf th antitoxin tn protect their children against diphtheria, and Tl complete vaccination bave been given for this diaeas diiriag the paat month. A nnm rer of oeulations against -tv plund fever have also been g.vcn at the health de partmcut o'flSce. OTABLE FAIR mi T' ii FAIR AIHI Newton Day Observed With Special Features Including Address By Lawyer Hktkary, Oct. I. purreOj yy tke reports M aileeat ihlbita tka peo ple ai tkis aeetioa todiy ftw4 UU tke fair grenade la aufh tumbara u ta mak tkit a record. 4y fur tka aaeoai day af tke Catawba eouaty fair. Tka principal reaaoa for tka fraater aV tondatiee waa-1hat itwai knows aa New ton dya the eitiaena of that tow a and eeetioa OBilBt ia large numbera to view tka tikibiti. W. ('. Feaaiater made the addreaa of the d;y and diiplay of- flreworki tonight featured" tka eloae of the aaaeoaii dav. i-r 9wiava eunaenv inw i-niu rn year ara mora varied and better thaa rmy ia pravioui yean and viaitora are. cnthoaiaatle. It u eipeeted that the e.ittla and poultry eihibita would be good, but evea theae aurpaaaed eipcta t-ona, and tka diaplay of Held cropa, t'-nirr work aud canned gooda, tka ai hibit of aheep and iwine and tke akow ing made by Hickory manufacturing concern! were fujr above eipoctatiuua. Thuraday will be educational day and on Friday will be wind up day, with a sab- of 33 registered aheep, some fine dairy cattle and various agricultural produrta. The fair will cloae Friday night with a diaplay of fireworks. Aa a partiif the free attractions niov ing pictures of mini try life subject ara being ahovta nightly. The Hi.kory Concert band gives concerts in the grounds and variuui athletic stunts are set for Thursday, n it It contests between the Hickory aud caval troops aa a special fenture. CUMBERLAND WILL HAVE HOME FOR TUBERCULAR Favetleville, Oct. J.-Hteps leading tu the erection of special building! fur patients at, the comity home have been fa-ken by the Cumber land bounty board of couiniinaioiierii, in pursilnn.e to n mnveuient atarted by the I Vyettevill Kiwnnis club to care for persons within tha pounty nfTectcd by tubercular eontagion. Folbivving a re port from t-fte Health pommirb- of the Kinania club, In which the public win told t!it a serious condition pamteil In thij county, . in many others, tloi hoard of conim in.siniu-rs. took up the matter and after careful cmni.lenit ion requested Dr. K. W. Darkin, city and county health officer, to int.-crtiiin the .ost of a twenty and ten room building for the treatment nf tubercular pati cuts. Those buildings would be erected on the county farm on the Hope Mills road. Tlo- a tion of the conuiiUeioiiers Is not final, but llonn behind the move mcnt f..r tho adoption of this liunruii t ,1 r in 11 measure believe that the plans will be carried through to a auorcsiful ponebmon. Tn Ofticiallv Accredit Cattle. is'oii, Oct. 5. --Two of the first Ki Ijir.'i- lord: of cattle in 1 h is section tu be enaiuiued by Fclernl fiperti prior to boiiiu urtlciglly acereiliteil have been declared frcti of in feet rmi, due of the herds ia owned hv tl.o Kennedy Memorial Hume, b.istern Ilu-.tist 111 I pi image, unci inn onier ny nolo ri n. Ib-dges. Tin v enihrnro J!t nud 71" mil- in iN, respectively. Ttsli of the herd ! the Caswell Training (, St-itu institution Ii. re, lia not been com. pleted. Tho t.rpliaiiagu and llodgis lords are expected t 1. 11 fully uc credited shortly. NOTICE Kffectivp vitli first ca-r stopping nt ltaleigti t :Ufl A. M, m rrn inff of Odnlir r 1 1 1 , and lirst car s'artiug from Hal.-igh 11, glit of Octot-t r oth, (loldshnro Ashe ville I'ullinan sleeping car handled on Southern Kailvvav Trmiis Nos. Ill and II.' will be shoitelied to become the Haleigli Ashev ilk- SI, eping car l.ini) at Ralcigli I'ass. Mi.-rs may occupv aft. r ! -. 1 V. M., also until 7- A. M .1. S. ll'umdworlh, P N, C. -nt:i.crB Knilway i-'i-' the intnilti7 I1. A , Raleigh, . lv. BIGCRQWDSVIS! CKORY What Do You Know Akut Your Blood? It It Nr m.Vi? Ii It Rich? ! It How the Teat .rself and s our bvt,t . -v the 1 1 m ii at. on 1 w 1 - lin.-vs s h what .1 he cn 1 ' t.l up- a tu ! I A .-Is 1 I ! lo i aiuiple .liie- lions; " -1 )' I llrl up i-i I hi. I .1!! f.igt-il out nt f a oh pal- and draw 11 ' I 1. t In Is lu V I aurtcr With pains 111 my lilueclts J" "t " n 1 subject to any skl'i ' Have t see pjmplr-ft r-r bolls'' ii. ia la Hutu in you. if your ans t - .iiiv 1 1 1 use .niestioes is Nil'. re -.. w .i...-e) help. She has her heal hut is fallliin ten to 11st. ire's warning-. Tour I i v.-ur f. 'ii ill Monroe nf en- lli.'i-efore keep our bluo.l rich pure. ..1 gu-aiest health asset Is to) have ! which is p -. i!n. clean -h!ooC) ii is free (f u.ibi.- pro.liii-is. Pay Your Telephone Bill On or Before the 10th . SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE & VV -! 1 ' - Not Hurrying To Land Grissom In Federal Position (Continued )'roia,Fg One) tka reportaaail beiaf aaaja for aew aad original aad ;uM system f taiatlva ia place) at kygVeesaaaa iaiar af a tea bill nade la awr poaa. "Tke mart atallisg awar, Tusai aating. dsreatioa, tad aaaeadmeat af tke pMaeat rereau biw will atail otk ing" la tka formnlatioa of ft juat and reaseaahl tan kUf taya tka r port, Uat tkera ia aotking aaeroeaaet akat ar aet reveaue law, laipratia4 k asset tka eaergeaey vf ar Wwatiaf tt leagik tke earaaat reeomiaeadatioM af freaideat Hardiag t tka rMat Oa grcaa aad af Jridat Wiiao to tka Uat CVagresa, tT a tkoreugk fsxtil aatioa af tka iaequalitWs, iaeffaetuali tiea, tad eoaapleiitiea af tka FaJeral rereaa ayatesa" it ia set eat tkat tka probleia af i'adaral reveaua rvaia it la aa sease a partiaaa project, de claring, kowerwr tkat ia Ut padiag bill there is at fuifllled tka fdadgwa of tke Kepublieaa part ta tka eouatry, that "tka eouatry kaa avit bea gira (h. relUJ?, whick s eoaidaatly u peoted. ' "av- -.-x-...- Th iajustieaa of tka redactioa of the surtaxes from ii to U par aat ia pointed out that ia tkia "tka pur p.uw ef tka ktepublieaa part asMtau ta have beea eeuterssd upoa tka txasaptioa of millioaairoa from tka higher sur taxes aud tht tiemptioa of corporate interests and nionopulies from tka pay ment of proper taxes upoa inordinate profits.'' Aad the statement ia made that the toauuitte kas divided tka 1 com Ux payera of the eouatry Uto two classes, tka first witk iaoomea above $tirl,000 a year, th aeeoad uader fog, WO, that the aremge lucjwa of parsons ia the first elaaa is mure thaa tl3fl,000 a year, while iu the second elaaa it is but. 4oO a year, and that with ll.OTT millionairea in the first class and -V ' 321 ,.') people lu the second elass tka inequality ia manifest. Sutt.UOO ia .( per cent iuterost on l,Hl,0(K) for oae year, and persoa with suck aa ineoai is therefore a real millionaire, and the Kepiiblieaus have gives substantial re lief to the mitluiuairoa and no aubataa tial relief to the ordinary tax payers, a proof of tha statement that "we hare been tol l that Hi Kepubliean party ia Committed to the exemption of the great uud eoncentruted eorporata wealth of the country from the tnxoa presently laid upou excess profits." Aud drasti cally tlii report raps the pruauut capital stuck tax repeal, the disparity between corporation and individual aud partner ship income taxes, the transportation tax, and thn retention of various mil ceHaneoiu tan s of (in "Irritating, nag ging and vexatious character." I'enroae Drive Halted. It is said tluit the speech of Hcpatnf Niiiiiiioiis last Friday in wliieh as tha D1111.11 rutic leader in raveuue legisla tion he made such a atartlinir eaposure of the deep laid Kepubliean jilau to re lievo the rich uud the powerful corpora tions nf the country of a large part of their taxes at tho expense -f a great body of the people lias not halted the drive of Honator Penrose to shove thr..iiglt the tax revision bill but lias ln'oivu his forces into conf u-vion and disordered retreat. 1 mined that it has -viibntly driven the Kepubliean Na tional lenders into a state that borders on panic. Thu spech of fenator James li.-i d made yesterday in the So unto ac cent anted tti ia situation. Tlio Hepub ican lenders nre pluinly squirming un der the whito light that Uenatun Sim mons, Rued and their associates have turned on them and their nefarious schema to relieve the jieh and powerful at thu expense of tho poor, line effect of these speeches is shown in this m. -rnii.g's issue of the Washington Post, toruie.1 here tho "Court Chronicle" of the administration, in which ono of the trusted special writers of that paper isfsu.-s 11 wild eyed call for ItepuMicnns to fall into line and save the udminis tra'ion program from disaster. The nrti.-b- manifestly an attempt on the part of Kepiiblicun whips to draw party I, ins in the present situation with the Kepubliean majority in the Senate abso i lureiy uiviueu ana panic, atricaen as to the fate of their pet measure, the rovenue bill, bears the heading in big type, "Tax program in peril. Progressive Uepublkaiis take up IViuocra! ic fusion offer. Threaten to "reck bill." It is a Imwl for help, but it has it all wrong vvli.-n .! jpt-nka of a ''Democrat 10 fusion'' offer, for no such offer has been made, the fact being that Senator fciiiniuous and bis associates are engaged in a re lentles drive to give the country a It It Fre of Pure? VVirte Pfoductt? May Be Made. I-"or ov er Mi csrs, thousands and ttiousan.1s .f men unit vv men have; re.Hi. I mi S H ci to desir their blood' of vsaala i-rodu. is, S s. S. will im prove, tho quality of your blood hv relieving y.-u of the waste prorlui r which causa imyiov ertshcrl Mood anil 111 allied ti'.m l.les - k In ' .liaordei s . j rheiinintistn and a low-erect vitality I The s.iiiie qualities which (rive ft. S S. Its l.riictieial erYeets In elearina; yom hiloo.l of waste products niaWe it ex licm.-ly rlesirah.- for kerplnf your bio. d in mn'il rondiiion. ! Oct S. it. S. at your drtisrarlat. H. -ware of suhalilulei Write Chl! , Medical Plrcvtor, Switt Spciflo Co 717 S. a. I.uhoratory. Atlanlu On. for special medical alvlre (without charge) lie la helping people evsrv day. Ask him to aenil you hi Ulus' truted booklet "Facts A boat the niood" -tree S. S. S. ia Sold bv all clrUKKlat.. Adv. I TELEGRAPH CO. thorough aaderaUadiag f Ut tutrafet tad U iaaqaitkta ia tha peadiag let eaua bilL tv4atly Ut Keptiblicaa ed ern art learing iroaa aj aotatrr tt tat reault at th merciWaa aaaly w aad eipotursr ef their phana- aad ar np it tat tin. Tat esttatri, fatling her it that th present tituatioa ia th Senate, ia itaeli ttaatitutet a ry kigk Uibutt to tat aveeck t Ut aaaior Seaatar fret Noxta Carolina wiU it starting dit Cruaarr ef tka aaoanlng tad Ut effect 4 U bill tht Eepublicana ar attempV ig tt foist ta tht country. DELAY THE ELECTION OF HEAD FOR ORPHANAGE ViatUt aWtaa. Oet. I TTBstees ti tha Mtthtdiis, CkiblrtaV Boat, tt their ai44it hart Vtdtjr iier4 U ttaa tt a ttPtriattadtat to wtd Wal- tt Thwptua, aaUl tht attaraooa of utttatt iiru, waea tat uatttea wm astti ta High foiat, Uia heiag opening daw at tht taaiial tataioa tt Yt'estera Korth Carolia toafereao. A toaimit t waa aaatod ta talo Ut hest jiiaa avajUWa tor tht poaitioa. It it ftm-fo-A at V X. KorfUet. tt Ui HfV 1 Airy, tad St J. W. aloort, tt States rill. It tt learned Uat thtrt are ten r nor appUeaata fr Ut taoarintend aaey. Dr. t. F. htarr, tt HaUabury. w.i r elected ahatrataa tt Ut hoard. H. Q. ChaUaat, ot Uia ity, wa added to tho aaoeutivt eoaisaittee. Dr. st llanes. ef UU elty, and Ut. J. T, Kirk, of Saliabtiry, wer elected trust. It't easy aaoagh tor a tallow to ba whole souled wha ht tt well healed. Chiropractic For Children arttirsaiiiar RAIN EYES th5at HEAtT t-UwCS uvatt STdatACM PANCtEAt SPLEEN KIDNEYS SMAIX aowtl LARGE BOWEL CENITAL OaOANS THIGHS LICS artaa aua If your child is suffering from any abnormality, and if you will visit your local Chiropractor, he can tell you why that ab normality exists. He will give you a reasonable, logical explanation that will appeal to your reason. Consultation and analysis FREE. Lady attendant. Dr. J. Henri Brown Chiropractor Talnier Gradual X-RAY LABORATORY Suite 208-11 I.w Baldilng It Wat MarUa St. Honrs: 9-12 a. m.; 2-5 p. m. Phone 24)2 rictoreeqa Erealng Gowaa That Ar a Flaeh Of Brllllaaey w Oar Ready-to-Wear Department is Meeting the Big Qemand for Lovely, Youthful Clothes Demonstrating that oar Suits Have Quality and Style at a Remark able Low Price Serviceable new Fall Suits of Tricotine and Velour, including fur trimmed and embroid- ered effects, all silk lined in all colors J23 to 2& Other Suits $35 to $87.W Merchandite Up To A Standard FIE ST STEPS TOWARD UNIONIZING EMPLOYES AahewHle, Oct, 8 "irrt pttpt towarfl aaioakaini Ut tottoa aiiP tt Ut Asht Tillt titrit wart but Right when ratal with titty aatubtrt was farmed aaaaag rapkjt at Uf Qi MoonUt aattoa aaUli. U U, Earahardt, dutrUt rrgaaiaar, flaat aimilar itept satoai aaployat tt Ut Aahtiillt tottoa at ill Ia4 th frech Sroad anaafwutriag oaiaay, tmployiaf a agregt tt tr proai. - . SNOW PILL SCHOOL OPKS IN BRAXO WBW nLPIN0. arw QilL Oat, tV-Vh 8noj Pill tehaol tptatd U iU atw ldO,000 build ing Monday mqming. Tht people tt Baow Hil) have on of tht west mod a and apsta-data ahatj la tht aUatt. Thar rt Ii pipilt ia Ut high aebooj departnaat. Trot. Robert W. Isley, who has al ready mad a apltadld impreasioa as principal, hat Ut fallowing toachsrs: High tchtoi departmcat, stias Anm HaU Baity aad hfiat Alina Sdwards "BRANTLEY'S Whert Jhm Crpwd. Co" The cool days mean many little toilet es sentials. Brantley's collections are com plete to the smallest detail. Perfumes -Hair Nets Toilet Articles Soaps Etc. J. C. Brantley Druggist Phone 14 or 15 Coming to Aaeipk XukoF Tge ntzmaurice L-X taooucTioar W r. Experience E I v 1111 i 'v-il Richard Barthelmes a-YOUUl' ' a&ammountQkbav, rwj -Tswriw' ascjswio tra-rtw' . The Evolution of Quality and Style and a Radical Lowering in Prices Distinguish the New Creations. Particularly Emphasizing the Inex pensive Dresses for Fall and Winter Wear Charming new Fall Dresses of Tricotine, Satin, und Crepe de Chine, beautifully embroidered in lovely designs of contrasting colors, braid and novelty trimmings 16 to $20! Other Dresses $26.75 to $73.50 seventh, gride, iiaa Varjorit Btcllt; fifth and aixth grade, Via Snb Dar ner; fourth grade. Mis Eloiat Caa aady! third grad, Mist Mary ttoaemaa; tteoad grad. Mrs. Mgrk C. Lasaiteri lint grade, Mis tola Emm. Music, Mist Martha G)ft n4 Milt adief futrfJI. . 4 OPrOITCJfITT, Tiaa opperttplty for jmt tr rttr acighbor. W desir g lady (widow preferred) (a tach tow a ia N. C to sell -our tew J'ioor Oil FtUah aad Ttilat ArtUlra. W te)l avtry ta ta a ftfund rarantt; nt eapitsl pces sarr. Wt furnish tasnplet, rott'!eaa Kiaht goad saaaey aad it it rery pleaa aat work. Bpat trder r grtat, Writt ng today. Dvid CheatUaT Co, Henderson, N. C ' ad, a. a. d. EIXCTROUERS Are you building? Art your fixtures out of date? Have you put off buying until prices were normal T Have you' seen the beau tiful fixtures in our show room? You Are lariud Walker Electric Co. 110 W. Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. the ALMO prtnt A An Unprecedealeti 1 nu m r. s Trimming Marks Tke Mew San Raleigh, North Carolin til a tn i snamnaaaaBaaBBLsaaaBHaBkdBHBl rnhati M M , yR arW

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