NEWS AM) OBSERVER. RALEIGH. N. C. SATURDAY MORNING, OCTOBER 15. 1921. IMS RECOVERS FOR WATER PLANT it Receivership Proceedings Have Been Started To Give Hen derson Relief From Famine Etadtrwa, Oct 14 J. B. Briilcr, prasideat f t Headeraoa Water eons Tar, ui W. A. Heat, avsseer of 1k Board of Alderatea wera appoiate4 Wmporary rwcimi of the local water roarer by Judge Thontai H, Calvert ai fa rsa)t of a receArenhip hearing beforo aim kero TSitrrdaj. Baxelver abip proeooding were iassitutrd as a neaae af atwariag imaediato relief la tbo faa of the present Serious water 'lituatioB. Cliargrs were made by the city council, at a special meeting Wed nrsJay eight, that the Henderson Watt r Compaay bad not heeded it warning "X Aotuit 2JL jalttiLiliex-ta-4j 1kat tettrr and aiora adequate facilities for supplying Hendenoii with water ntuet be provided. It was also Ha mrl that the quality of water furnished had beea unsatisfactory and the quantity laeuBScii'ht, A tainlutioa waa panrd petitaoniag Judge Calvert, who ii am holding superior fourt in Hendemon, to grant a remrcrship for the witi r rompanr hi an immediate inrsns of relief. A hearing of the petitioa before Judge Calvert resulted in the appoint ment at temporary rereivcrt of J. II bridges, naw preeident of the 'er company, and AlJvrman W. A Hunt. Toung'a fake, about twelve hundred yard below the present water plant and a quentioable supply from a lirsltti standpoint, was discussed and lung iii tanc eommuniration with thu State Health Department ill bring a n pre entative to Henderson tndny to ptyn oa the new source. If thu supply cm not be tapped liendrrson will bt willi nut water until deep wells can bp bore I through the rock bud supporting the city which moans thirty or sixty (h according to 14 n export well diiwr, who appeared tiefore Judge Calrert during the discussion last night. At present the water pressure it only oa from 7 to 9 o'clock in the juornlng and 5 to 6 in the afternoon. COTTON CONSUMPTION SHOWS AN INCREASE Ceniui Bureau Announces Fig ures; Big Increase Shown In Exports Washington, Oct. 34. Cotton eon sumed during September amounted to 494,047 bales of lint and 56,423 bales of linters, compared with 457.WG7 of lint and 47,&85 of linturi in September Inst year, the JJflnsus Iluremi announced to day. , Cotton on hand September .10, in consuming establishments amounted to l.OlC.o.U bales of lint and 1G5.U11 of linters compared with 901,373 of lint and 293Ki of linters a year ago, and on hand in public storage and at com presses 4(30,8M bales of lint and 204, 390 of linters. compared with 2,797.18 of lint and 342,731 of linters so held year ngo. September imports were (1,1(12 bales, compared with IS.Hlfl in September last year. September exports were 622,8.19 bnlei including 9,0.r7 bale of linters, com pared with 288,093 bale including 1. 445 of linters, in September last yenr. Cotton spindles netive during Hep tember numbered 3.1.N9H.413 compared with 84,072,389 in September last year. Statistics for cotton growing states follow: Consumed during September 29.V "33 bales, compared with 281,101 in September Inst year. On hand rVptemlwr 3", in consuming establishment 533,920 compared with 100,091 a year ago, snd in public stor age and at compresses 3,972,1.10 bales, 'ompared with 2,47.'t,.'l22 a year ago. Cotton spiuilles ae tnlj during Hepteny bet numbered l3.3.".S4, compared with 15,133,728 in September last year. COL E. M. HOUSE CALLS AT THE WILSON HOME WnsVingtnn. Oct 14. -Colonel F.dwnrl M. lloii-c, who so far So known, hni not een f rim r President Wilson since t!.e reported iievelrtpment of differences .e tween them during the peace nog tit Mans "t Paris more than two yrafs ng.i, ailed at his residence here ycstord.iv and left hi card for the former I'resi dent and Mrs. Wilson. While it has been reported several times sinro thru these iifferenei s hn.l been forgotten, c.i nrl' House's relations wi'h 'he further Pre-, ident s advisor on politi- al snd international affairs during th.' first sir years of his Presidency w, r. understood never to hsve been resinned during his tenure if ..fflce. ; ffer ip. parently bfing t nniiintej following the peace eenterenee VIII NEIGHBORS Given Royal Welcome By Peo ple of Boone, Banner Elk and Other Places Lenoir, Oct. 14. A roysl welcome awaited th Lauir pilgrims at Booa., Banker E'k, and other placet visited daring the day's outing yesterday. A doua ears carrying more thaa fifty people shade the trip, and it was thor oughly enjoyed by all. The crowd left here about 8. '30 o'clock in the Burning A short atop was snaSe ai blowing Sock, and Boone was reached about U o'clock Th stop was mad i front of the Critcher Hotel, wher a crowd of Boon aniens gathered to welcome th triti terl. " TJ. K Moose, manager of -the Boon Drug Company, pssrd nroaad cigars and inntfd all the b1"et in to get drinks, and there wss a genera handshaking aU around. Shortly the crowd moved up to the Courthouse lid an address of welcome w is delivered by Captain Lorill. H K. lough(rty fol lowed Mr. lovill and assured the Tisi tvrs that it was a pleasure (or Itoonr folks tu havo had tb m make this trip Mr. Dougherty's diseussioa qiiitkly turned to the subject of a hard surfaced highway between Lenoir and Hon. This highway is necessary to th future growth and development of Boon nnd all of us must join in to secure it, Mr lugherty says. Tlio response nns made by Miyor Pritrhett, of Lenoir, ho assured these present that this trip was made tu 'him ; about closer and more friendships aid not for a it v sinister purpose. SAYS DEMOCRATS NOT FIRED FAST ENOUGH Senator Elkins Asks Harding To Speed Up The Replace ment Process Washington, ()et. 14. Speeding tip of i he replacement of Democratic federal officeholders with Nepuhliran appoint ees was urged hidny by Senator Elkins. Republican, West Virginia', who wrote a letter of complaint to every member of the Cabinet and Inter presented his views in an interview srith President Harding To the President Senator Klklns de clared that the Repulilieaas of his State were ''eipressing impatience and disap pointment thst so little progress had been maile. in the past eight month in calling to the support of the adminis tration men loyal to it snd in full sympathy with it." A large majority of the important positions in the government, the West Virginia Rejiator asserted, still ore held by "deserving Democrats,'' whose party members be charged with having laid a 'thoroughly organized and adroitly handled plan" to keep their appointee in power. 'In the campaign." said Senator El kins in a statement issued at the White House, "the Republicans charged and believed, and convinced the American people to the effect that these men were inefficient. The Hepublican party was vote. I the responsibility and to dis charge it successfully, its members should be called in to help with th job." RIDDLE AGAIN IN JAIL; FLEECED N. C. CONCERNS Annislon, Ala, Oct. 14 D. Henry Riddle, convicted with sit others in Fed eral Court here last November on d charge of having fleeced several Nort'i t'arolinn cotton concerns out of amounts approximating il.OOO.noO. was stir rendored by bondsmen today and is again in jail. Riddle tried for a second time on a charge nf conspiracy nnd using the m.ii! to defraud, was sentenced to thirty rin-ncoitl-i in t!,e Hnitentiary and (Inci ". A M. nnd A. V. Savane, V. (). Wott-n. Vk. O Hardy, Solon Graham and T "St. John', were also .-.mieie! under the same charge. Hid 11. ,., ,. :ie in li.e Federal Court of Appeals His chief bondsman, .1 Il.iscop.b Whit. . of Talladega, Aln., turned Kiddle over to officers there nnd the prisoner was ''ought here toiiii-ht. illness of n juror t interrupted Riddle's first trial. Republicans Face Deficits In Spite of Economy Plans (Continued from Psge One) tie" "h -h I, is not existed before for manv ears Moreover,' he sa l, receri' federal Irgisl itinn. especially" the W;ir Kinanee Art, makes available sbnnd ant credit to enable the cotton farm er to withhold for tw year, if neces sary, at rewsoaabl rate of interest, s saach t their ypp as y b sore. ssry u trtm tfca paymeat of reaia- sraUv prices. Ia view at the coaditivas, said Ba tor Eiaasaoaa, if eotUa firsasrs Urouh rgaaixatauas aad association aad - peratioa of Individuals will Bet pro tect Ueassslre at trait to th titcat f desxaadiag a pric which will pro- m a lair prost, It wui M utir own fault, la tala effort the ootht to ksve th heart aid aad co-opmtloa f th baaka, hseaaa It ia oh ion that it will ho not oaly to U iaterest of tk U dlvidaai faraser aad th eomasaaity bat to the iatorwt ( th baaki a wall, if th rp proda4 this year aa be markt4 st fall aad fair fine ta stead of at frop half to two-third of suh price. It will give U farasers or taoacy to deposit ia th baaks. snor money to pay their debt to th bank aad axor) money for eosiaiualty tavestnat and Telopmenl. Railway Heads To Seek Further Cut In Wages at Once "''"XCoinBM4'rrbai'Ti''0i.') gincer and P. C. Cashes, president of the Switchnens Union of North America. . Ciecsllr' Coaistllt. th railroad executives'! committee was as folio s: (.'. II. Mirkham, president of the Illinois Central; W. W. Attcrbury, rice president of the Pennsylvania; J. E. tlnrman, president of the Chicago, Rock Island and l'loitic) Carl R. to ray, presi dent of the Union 1'aeiri and Ralph lludd. president of th (ireat Northern. The executives, it was announced, wish the wage of train, scrvioe men re turned to the same basis ss previous to the increase granted in the labor board decision of July, lltL'0. This will neces utate a tea per cent reduction, it was said. Opposition To Test Rates. The decision of the executives, reach ed in a meeting of the Association of Railway Executives, followed eonsidera lion of numerous plans and proposals regarding wage and rates. Onn pro posat was for an immediate reduction in freight rates on agricultural com niodities, the reduction to be effective for sixty or ninety days ss a test. This plan init with opposition from ma jority of the ronds, " most of them maintaining that they could not exist with lower rates. The announcement, which was em bodied In a statement of some 1WO words reviewing the financial eondt tioii of the mads, made the transporta tion situation even more tense than it had been through a day in which one rumor afier another of strikes, wage and rate cuts had been prevalent. Rcator Piece Work. An announcement from the labor board that the piece rat of pay hsd been restored also added to the ex citement and brought reports of dis satisfaction from the unions. I'niou chiefs were dubious as to how their men, eighty per ccut of whom have au thorized a strike rather than accept th ttecat IS I t per cent wag reduc tion, weald tok ta Tarion aanoanco asenta f th day. Th roids declared their aetioa was bciag taken with th view of lowering freight aad passenger rate ia the future. "It wsi drterwtised by th railroad ( th Halted Bute to astek to bring aboat a reduction ia tatoa," th Itato sseat (aid, "aad at S nsans to that ad to seek a reduction la present railway wages which compelled aialatenanca of pretest rata. Waht Another Was Cat. "A a applieatioa will b aud lmm iiatoly to th United SUto lallroad Labor Board for a redaetloa ia wages of trala ess ploy e wmciat to resxov th remalader of th increas aaad by th labor board decisis at July 10, 1820, (which would iavelv a farther redac tion f approxlmstsly 10 per teat) aad for a reduction ia th wsge of all ther classes of railroad labor to th rat for ntea Hbor 1 th several territories where th carrier operate. Th foregoing aetioa 1 apoa th understanding that concurrently with uch rsductioa ia wsgca, th benefit MEDICATED SMOKE DRIVES OUT CATARRH Dr. Bloaaer'a Cigarattea Give Out a Healing and Soothing Smoke-Vapor that Cleara the Head, Noae and Throat Dr. Hlosser Is the originator of a cer tain eombiuation of medicinal herbs, dowers and berries to be smoked in a pipe or readv prepared cigarette which is meeting with unusual success in ca tarrhal troubles. As the disease is car ried into the head, nose and throat with the air you breathe, so th antiseptic healing vapor of this remedy is carried with the breath directly to the affected parts. Thu simple, practical method applies the medicine where sprays, douches, ointments, etc, cannot possibly go. Its effort in soothing nnd healing and is en tirely harmless, containing no enbebs, tobacco or habit forming drugs. It is plessant tn use, and not sickening to :hoi who have never smoked end may used bv women and children as well as luen. If von suffer from catarrh, asthma, catarrhal ileafnVss, or If subject to fre pent eol.Iii you should try this rem edy. Ki!if'i. tory results guaranteed. Arty w,H stocked drug store can sup ply Ir. lllosser's Remedy. A trl paek.see wilt be mailed to sny sufferer for ten cents (coin or stamp by The HI. -user Co, 2 Db. Mlanta, tla., to prove its benenViil nnd plcaMint effot. HELP BUILD OUR CITY By Taking Out Share in litis association. You directly help to build homes in Raleigh and get paid for doing it. Get Our New Booklet The Raleigh Building & Loan Aociation J. C. ALLISON. fVc. Trens. 107 Fayatteville Street 1). BETTS, Asst. rVc.-Tress. DR. BIOSSER'S Medicated Cigarettes For colds snd catarrh may he hsd st any drag store In a convenient pocket nine parkiir 20 "7r 35c Pimples Denote Waste Products In The Blood So Do Blackheada, Boil and Similar Skin Diaordcrt f U redaetloa thai obtained ahalL with th eoncBrreaee of th Interstate Comaiere CosaaiiasioB, b passed oa to A tublie da th reductioa of axisUng rail rates except Insofar as inch rsduc tioa stall have been aaad la th taeaa tiaa. . WUd Kt1t Iadtry. Th road hav' decided apoa this oars ia view at thsir rcaliaatioa af th faet that th wheel of Industrial activity hr boea slowed dowa to a poiat which bring depressioa aad dia trtwa t th aatira publi and that osaethlag mart bw don la (tart them arala ia apratiea." Tha aUttaseat tha glrn a lengthy mi of railroad aaae aad de clared that "it b auaifest thst tha n tent redaction of wag antaoriaed by th labor board la ao seas as eats or Curling Hair Like Thiv Promotea lU Health solves tha problem "of labor cast aad ia way make H possible for the railroad t afford a redaction ia thsir revesues. - Tha stateaeat poiaU evt that sax ay roads volantarily hae axada freight rau redaction aad add that th rate af retorw earned by tha toada la WO oa tha tsaaia of UsasUaaeat waa oaly &2i per seat. The human (ystem Is forever striving to get rid of the waste products. It Is a life work which goe on forever. Whea wast products get in the blood, they cause a towered vitality. As n result, we become subject to many painful and embarrassing ailments. When these symptoms appear, Nature is naming us. To throw off the wa,ste products, the blood must bo purified, hon't clog your blood. Just clean it out. Nature will do the rest. Ture, rich, red blood nourishes the body and fights off disease, 8. 8. R, the standard blood purifier and system builder, is the ideal remedy for skin eruptious. The effect of 8. ti. 9. is to rid Hi system of the waste prod ucts which are causing the trouble. Tor over 50 years 8. 8. K. has proven to be of unusual merit. Begin taking 8. 8. 8. today nnd write for 5fl pnge illustrated booklet, "Facts About the Blood" free. Personal medical advice, without charge, may also b had by sending a complete description of your case. Ad dress Chief Medical Director, Swift Specific Co., 741 H. fl. 8. laboratory, Atlanta, Oa. All drug stores sell 8. 8. 8. (Adv.) For tho whose hair la . straight aad lank notblnar hotter could b recommended Ihal Ike atisneetwe 1 method. TM insure a ooautirui eurllnoa Which I perfectly natural la appearance, and th health of the hair Is not affected a wher th heat ed Iron I used. A few ounce ot liquid sllraerln which of cours can be had .at any7 drug store Issts a long time,' so tl I axils economics! to use. It I pleasant to use, to, being neither tlcky nor greasy, and ta easily ap plied with a rlean tooth brush. The hair should be mostened th full length before doing It up. The prvtty wavy effect In evidence In three hours la surprising to those who try this simple method the first time. Tho liquid also serves as an excellent dressing, giving th hair a delightful gloss Adv. be tore to re that the next battery for your car ia an Eveready. But don't buy any battery till you havo first brought your old one to We may find there UiU till a lot more power in the old battery with a few simple repairs. STORAGE BATTERX Coaranteed 1H Year Eveready Battery Service Station Of Tua farm rsulssiast Ce.. Iss r0M lit; ID SallaSsrv Strut. Allals Miw an. IM Csatstfly. SUPREME COURT REPORT VOL 181st Now on Sale $3.00 pottage 15c CONSOLIDATED STATUTES 2 VOLS. $20.00 Poatage 25c Other Law Book Send For Price List School Book, School Suppliet Write ut. ALFRED WILLIAMS & CO. ' Raleigh, N. C SLEEPLESS NIGHTS Ned not be caused by financial wirries if you hsve been s persistent snd constant purchaser of shares in th Mutual Raiding and Ixian Association. The development of the' hrift hahit will be a gtiarnnte of your own ability to handle vour financial m.rtters. Veur Investments will be th bul "irk thst will prutivt you from want. New serin now open. Vr I ompwanded Quarterly On Pald l'p Jharew Non-laxsbls. Mutual Building and Loan Association J. B. ROBESON. Secretary No. 4 East Martin Street WILL YOU BUY? We are offt-rinK several nice dwellings for sale. The monthly purchase payment being less than the regu lar monthly rent. The Parker-Hunter Realty Co. Iriturance and Real Ettate. swa1 ' AT LAST WE HAVE ENOUGH TiATlONAL"? PIPE ON HAND. To supply the demand. We cany nothing but "Na tional" Pipe and will gire your ordera prompt atten- t tion. e- . Dillon Supply Co. Uickliiry-Ulll Sippllis-Uickln Skip ELECTROLIERS Are you building? Are your fixtures out of date? Have you put off buying until prices were normal? Have you seen the beau tiful fixtures in our show room ? You Are Invited Walker Electric Co. 110 W. Martin St Raleigh, N. C. SHOES ! SHOES ! Men's and Women's Shoes of good qual ity at prices that mean a saving to you. Note the items below and see for yourself. Ladies' Lace Strap Oxfords, made of genuine mahogany calf skin, with Cuban heela. A super value at $3.95 One big lot of Men's Sample Shoes as good as you will find in Raleigh. Made of high-grade calfskin and kid, in com bination lasts. These Shoes sell today for $10.00 and $12.00. While they last our price will be only $5.85 We guarantee to save you from 50 cents to $3.00 on every pair of Shoes pur chased or money will be refunded on return of goods. Wake Shoe Store East Martin St. Raleigh, N. C. IS THE CONNECTING LINK WITH THEIR CUSTOMERS By Fkank Casseu. AitUtant Stcrttary Btlknap Hardware & Jfom faeturing Company, LoudvilU, Ky. It 1 a pleasure to express our. appreciation for aatiafaatory service rendered by your company in connection with long distance aervice. Tala aerr ict la used by tha salesmen on the road and tho sales manaccra in th house, and is effective In promoting larger aales. Many of our customers desire quick Informa tion or quotation on important lines, avca aa Heating and Ventilating Plants, Furniture, Rugs, Bath RoonTSuppllea and goods not ordinarily carried In stock. Your long distance trrvlce is the connecting link to get this Information to customers quickly. IP Salesmen and Managers Use Long Distance The Belknap Hardware & Manufacturing Company of Louisville, an extensive user of the Long Distance telephone, is finding this service entirely, satisfactory for their purposes. Frank Cassell, Assistant Secretary, declares that both' salesmen on the road and sales managers in the home office, are making great use of the long distance lines to maintain personal relations with the trade. A personal contact with distant patrons, sucH as is afforded only by the Long Distance telephone, would prove helpful and profitable to your business. We will gladly suggest a plan to bring you more busi ness, build good will and reduce sales costs. Ask us to send a representative." SOUTHERN BELL TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY 1 .